Ashley Membership Packet

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2024 ME MB ERSHIP P ACK ET As hl ey Pl an tat ion C oun try C lu b 919 G reen f ield St., Dale v ille , VA (540)600-465 3 in f o@ As hley P lan tat ion .c om P LAN TA TIO N


202 4 As hl ey Pl an tat ion Mem b ers hip Cate go ries

Golf Membership

Golf members enjoy unlimited golf with waived green fees, discounted range balls ($1 off), access to membership tournaments, 10% off Golf Shop merchandise (excludes golf balls), 20% discount on pool membership purchase, discounted lesson fees, pool access at daily guest rate, access to social events & activities, and club account charging privileges


• Individual - one person

• Family - shared address

• Junior - individual 18 & under

• Senior - individual age 60+

• Senior Couple - married, ages 60+

• Weekday-only Individual - one person (Monday-Friday)

• Weekday-only Couple - married couple (Monday-Friday)

• Young Pro/Active Military Individual - one person under 35

• Young Pro/Active Military Family - primary member under 35

• Introductory Individual - See below for details.


Tee Time Limitations:

• March-October - Tee times after 12pm only. On weekends & holidays, after 1pm only

• November-February - Tee times after 11am only.

Pool Membership (separate form required)

Pool members enjoy unlimited seasonal pool access, access to social events and club activities, the ability to bring guests at a set daily rate, and club account charging privileges


• Individual - one person

• Family - shared address, up to 5 people; additional family members $50 per person ($40 per person for golf members)

• Couple - two people, same household

• Swim Team


ANNUAL CART PASS: Full access to and unlimited use of the golf carts when playing. Golf membership is required. Cart pass pricing is based on dual occupancy. Additional fee is required per use request for individual cart.

• Individual - one person

• Family - shared address

UNLIMITED RANGE PASS: Full access to and unlimited use of the driving range

• Individual - one person

• Family - people living in the same household

Member Information: Full Name:

2024 Ashley Plantation Golf Membership Application: Payment Agreement

Home Phone #: (_____)______________ Cell Phone #: (_____)______________ Date of Birth: / /

Referred by: Member: Facebook Website Other:

Family Membership - Full Names:

Please check type(s) of membership you wish to purchase: Monthly Rate* Annual Rate**

I ndi v idual G ol f Member s hi p

F amil y G ol f Member s hi p

S enior G ol f (60 +) Member s hi p

S enior Couple G ol f (60 +) Member s hi p

Wee k da y -onl y I ndi v idual G ol f Member s hi p

Wee k da y -onl y Couple G ol f Member s hi p

Young P ro /Act ive Mili t ary I ndi v idual G ol f (35 & under )

Young P ro /Act ive Mili t ary F amil y G ol f (35 & under )

J unior G ol f (18 & under) Member s hi p

Int rodu ct or y I ndi v idual Membershi p



otherwise been submitted (Monthly rates subject to change during agreement period.)

The golf membership dues are non-refundable and non-transferable. The golf membership will be effective from the date of the membership application acceptance and will remain in effect until the following March 31 (unless otherwise noted on this agreement). Golf memberships may be suspended or revoked for non-payment or for failure to abide by any of the rules, regulations, and policies of the club. Member contracts are legally binding for a period of 12 months (April 1 - March 31). Early termination of membership requires payment of all prior charges and 50% of outstanding membership balance at the time of cancellation. Member account must be current at the time of cancellation.

ndi v idual A nnual Car t P as s F amil y A nnual Car t P ass I ndi v idual Unlimi t ed Range P as s
amil y Unlimi t ed Range P ass
$40/month $55/month $130/month $190/month $45/month $65/month $1,299 $1,799 $1,199 $1,699 $995 $1,299 $800 $1,099 $449 $599 $1,560 $2,280 $540 $780 EXT RA S GOLF ME MB ERSH IP S BY SIG NIN G BE LOW, YO U I ND ICATE A F UL L UND ERSTA ND ING A ND A CC EP TA NC E OF TH ESE PO LIC IE S
$165/month $110/month $155/month $90/month $120/month $75/month $100/month
______________________________________ ________________________________ ______________ S igna t ure of A ppli c an t P rin ted Name of A ppli c an t Da te
mail Address:
Home Address: City:
payment has otherwise been submitted *Pool memberships are available on a separate form*



For Corporate Memberships, the Company Representative receives one (1) Individual Golf Membership included with their annual fee


For a $2,500 annual fee, any company may purchase a Business Membership at the club that affords the business a number of discounts and advantages, listed below. This membership belongs to the company as a whole, and not any one individual. Contact the club to set up a Corporate Membership

Discounts & Advantages:

• Tournament Discount - $5 off greens fee tournament rate

• League Discount - $5 off greens fee for non-members and guests

• Venue Rental Discount - 25% off venue rental fee

• Golf Passes - 20 free rounds of golf including cart fees for guests

• Pool Passes - 50 free day passes for guests

• Group Lessons - 2 group lessons with our PGA golf instructors


Individual Employee Membership is available to all employees of any company that holds a Business Membership Alternatively, the company may purchase individual memberships for their employees. These memberships belong to the

Discounts & Advantages:

• Membership Discount - 25% off of any club golf or pool membership

• Guest Golf Passes - 5 free rounds of golf including cart fees for guests

• Guest Pool Passes (w/ Pool Membership) - 5 free day passes for guests


• Club services not included in purchased memberships are offered at regular price

• Corporate Membership Discounts cannot be combined with other discounts or offers.

hl ey Pl an tat ion Cor po rate
hi p
Mem b ers


2024 Runk & Pratt Golf Membership Agreement

We in v i t e y ou t o make an appli c a t ion f or membership f or As hle y P lan t a t io n Coun t ry Club and in conne ct ion t herewi t h , agree t o t he f ollowing :

1. You agree to abide by any and all of the rules, regulations, and policies promulgated by the Runk & Pratt Golf Companies. Runk & Pratt Golf Company reserves the right, on occasion and at any time, with or without notice, to change, modify, amend or vacate its fees, rules and regulations and policies.

2. You agree that you shall always register at the golf shop before teeing off or making use of the practice facilities.

3. Golf Members are entitled to play as many rounds of golf at the club of their membership as the member desires, subject to the provisions of the Runk & Pratt Golf Companies rules and regulations. Tournament bookings and club-sponsored events take precedence over a Golf Member ’s right to play a round of golf at the club.

4. Entry fees for special events such as member-guest or any other club event as well as outside events are not included in the membership fee.

5. Cart fees are not included in your golf membership fees unless you have purchased an annual cart fee pass, otherwise, when riding, the prevailing rates of all cart fees must be paid for each round of golf played. Cart fees are per person.

6. Golf Members shall be entitled to make tee times 7 days in advance

7. The golf membership dues are non-refundable and nontransferable. The golf membership will be effective from the date of the membership application acceptance and will remain in effect until the following March 31st (unless otherwise noted on this agreement). Golf memberships may be suspended or revoked for non-payment or for failure to abide by any of the rules, regulations, and policies of the club. The golf membership may be recalled at any time at the discretion of The Runk and Pratt Golf Companies Management. In such case, if annual dues were paid they would be refunded on a prorata basis for the remaining months of the membership.

precludes the utilization of your Membership for a period of four (4) months or greater, you may request in writing a hold be placed on your account. Approval for holds will be granted on a case-by-case basis.

9. The Golf Member will have full charging privileges (with completed charging agreement) at the Club and will be responsible for full

payment of Club charges by date listed on the bill from the Club. Failure to make said payments in full will result in loss of charging privileges and a suspension of membership privileges.

10. The Club is not responsible for any loss or damage to any of the Golf Member ’s or Guest’s property used or stored at the club or brought upon club property and the Golf Member shall look solely to the Golf Member ’s insurance policies for any claim for loss or damage. The Golf Member / Guest hereby releases the Club from any and all causes of action, claims, and liability with respect to any loss or damage to any of the Golf Member ’s / Guest’s property used or stored at the Club or brought upon the property of the club.

11. Golf members are not permitted on Resident’s property at any time while playing golf.

12. All damage to Resident or Club property by golf members / guests are the responsibility of the golfer, and must be reported to the Golf Pro Shop immediately

13. Member contracts are legally binding for a period of 12 months (April 1 - March 31). Early termination of membership requires payment of all prior charges and 50% of outstanding membership balance at the time of cancellation. Member account must be current at the time of cancellation.

14. If a member ’s account is more than 60 days past due, that membership will be suspended until the issue has been resolved. Accounts that are more than 90 days past due can be sent to collections. It is the member ’s responsibility to ensure that their credit

15. Membership dues will be paid in monthly installments unless other arrangements have been made.

16. Memberships will automatically renew each April 1st unless the company receives written notice of cancellation/resignation at least 60 days prior to the renewal date.

17. Photographic Permission: The member agrees that their photograph(s) may be used in various Runk & Pratt communications

18. This membership agreement supersedes any and all prior membership agreement terms. Automatic renewal will be viewed by the club as acceptance of terms of this agreement.

T H IS AG R EE M E N T A ND R EFE R E NC E D RUL ES, R EG UL ATIO N S A ND PO L I C IES C O N STIT U TES T H E E N TI R E AG R EE M E N T BETWEE N T H E PA R TIES. A N Y C A U SE OF A C TIO N B Y A N Y PA R T Y T O T H IS AG R EE M E N T WI L L BE GOVE RN E D B Y T H E L A WS OF T H E C O MM O N WEA LT H OF VI R GI N IA . A greed t o on t his_________ da y o f , 20_____ b y: (prin t name ) S igna t ure o f A ppli c an t Da t e A u t hori z ed Club S igna t ure Da t e

Pool members enjoy unlimited seasonal pool access, access to social events and club activities, the ability to bring guests at a set daily rate, and club account charging privileges

hl ey Pl an tat ion Pool Mem b ers hip Fo rm Individual Pool Membership
Pool Membership
Pool Membership Swim Team Membership MEMBERSHIP TYPE# PEOPLE PUBLIC RATEASHLEY GOLF MEMBER RATE One person Up to 5 people Additional Family Members Two people, same household Use limited to team practice and competition times only $300 $625 $50/person $425 $175 $240 $500 $40/person $340 N/A Payment in full or a completed credit card authorization form must accompany the pool membership application Member Information: Full Name: E mail Address: _ Home Address: City: State: Zip: _ Home Phone #: (_____)______________ Cell Phone #: (_____)______________ Date of Birth: / / Referred by: Member: Facebook Website Other: POOL MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS
202 4 As


202 4 As hl ey Pl an tat ion Pool Mem b ers hip Fo rm

Primary Member’s Name:

Current Ashley Plantation Golf Member? Yes No

Spouse’s Name:

For Family or Couple Memberships Only:

Children’s Names and Birth Dates:

Additional Family Members: $50/person fee ($40 for golf members) will apply

Pool Memberships are effective for the entire pool season, defined as Memorial day weekend to Labor day weekend. Memberships will automatically renew each April 1st unless the company receives written notice 60 days prior to the renewal date

I understand that all guest must pay a daily guest fee of $10/person and that the pickleball member is responsible for their guests. I understand that if I charge on my member account that I must pay this balance off each month and that the balance must be paid in full by the last day the pool is open





Please read and follow all rules posted at the pool


· No outside coolers or alcohol permitted

· All beverages must be purchased from the Snack Shack

· We are happy to offer free water and ice for your convenience

· Any sort of reusable beverage container must be brought to the pool empty



· beverage containers, unless empty (except for infant/toddler)

· pre-packaged food (bags of chips, etc.)

prepared food from a vendor other than Ashley Plantation Golf Course Cafe (eg., fast food, restaurant take-out, pizza, etc.)


infant/baby formula and food

· standard sandwich-size bags containing fresh fruit or vegetables such as apple slices, carrots, raisins, etc

Thank you for your cooperation with these rules, and we appreciate all the input we have received.


By signing below, you indicate a full understanding and acceptance of these policies:



202 4 As hl ey Pl an tat ion Pool R ul es a nd Re gul at ion s


202 4 Auto mat ic P ayme nt Aut ho r iz at ion Fo rm

Please select your desired membership(s): (select all that apply)

Ashley Plantation Golf Membership

Member’s Name:

Credit Card Number:

Expiration Date:

CVV Code:

Billing ZIP Code:

Ashley Plantation Pool Membership

I authorize R&P Golf Companies, Inc. to process my credit card listed above for my monthly membership dues and any charges on my member account from the previous month Cards will be processed on/ around the 15th of each month. If my credit card is unable to be processed on the due date, I understand that I must provide an updated credit card or submit payment within 5 business days, using another payment method


Printed name on the credit card:

Authorized signature for credit card:



Please indicate your shirt and shoe size so we can better serve you at the Pro Shop as well as during tournament and league play

Member ’s Name:

Shoe Size

Men’s Women’s

Shirt Size

Men’s Women’s

Men’s Women’s Pants Size

Merc h
ndi se
e s
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