Ivy Hill Ladies League
2019 Membership
Name_______________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ E-mail _____________________ Home Phone _______________ Cell Phone __________________ Birthday (month/day)____________ New League Member Yes ___ or No ____
Check the group(s) in which you plan to play: ____Monday evening (9 hole)-------------------------------------------$45 ____Thursday morning (9 hole or 18 holes)---------------------------$45 ____Monday evening and Thursday morning-------------------------$60 Are you a member of Ivy Hill Golf Club? _____Yes ____No If no, club where you maintain a handicap ______________________ Make checks payable to Ivy Hill Ladies Golf League (IHLGL). Your check, along with this completed form, should be mailed to Anne French, Treasurer, 1405 Walkers Crossing Dr., Forest, VA 24551. If you do not currently maintain a handicap, you need to establish one in order to be eligible for League competition. Our Pro Shop staff will be glad to help you and to answer any questions you may have. The handicap fee is $25 for Ivy Hill Golf Club members and $35 for non-members. This fee is due March 1st. Please pay this fee directly to the Pro Shop. Checks should be written to Ivy Hill Golf Club.