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Members Present: Dennis Barker, Sheila Becker, Cindy Campbell, Nathan Campeau, Rochelle Christensen, Randy Fulton, Jenny Harrington, Nate Klema, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Sarah Stangl
Members Absent: Mike Cofrin, Lisa Richardson, Rick Recker
Guests: Sarah McInerney
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for March 13, 2017 were approved and accepted by Randy Fulton, seconded by Kathy Larsen.
Treasurer’s Report
• March Revenue was unfavorable to plan by $3.2K and YTD revenue was unfavorable to plan by $1.4K. MTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by training class revenue of $3.2K and memberships $1.8K which was offset by ad revenue of $2.7K. YTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by memberships of $2.8K & training receipts of $3.6K, offset by stadium receipts of $4.4K. • 2017 YTD revenue is unfavorable to 2016 YTD revenue by $1.7K. The un-favorability is driven by the timing race receipts $1.8K. • March expenses were unfavorable by $4.8K to plan and YTD expenses were unfavorable by $8.8K. MTD’s un-favorability is primarily driven by higher program expense of 4.8K. YTD’s un-favorability is primarily driven by higher program expense of $5.2K, promotions $2.1K and annual expense $1.4K. • 2017 YTD expenses are favorable to 2016 YTD expenses by $5.8K and net income by $4.1K.
The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Randy Fulton and seconded by Dennis Barker.
Office Manager’s Report
Membership: 2016 2017 New Members 52 53 Renewals 174 137 (includes two-year renewals) Membership Total 2,128 2,011 (prior month: 2,006)
As of November 30 Last Month Current Facebook 5979 6022 Twitter 1605 1611 Pinterest 443 457 Instagram 159 183
Advocacy: No new update.
Club Administration: Looking into CRM software vs. building our own. Sarah is continuing to look at options for member profile page options. We will add age group winner from Ron Dawes to magazine. We are looking for volunteer archivist to archive past MDRA magazines.
Programs: Open grant cycle has 2 applications in, due date is April 30, will send another announcement out. Trail Running Class is open for registration, 2 registrants signed up to date. Track Club has St Paul Academy reserved starting in June. Women’s Running Camp has 27 registrants, Kathy’s last year as coach. We would like to have TEAM MDRA merchandise at GIG. Singlet cost is $15.
Promotions: MDRA will have a table at Get in Gear and will sell merchandise with 10% going to the Park Board. New banner approved.
Publications: May/June RunMinnesota is in progress. The April eNews features upcoming events. Updating website with race reports and cross posting. We are working on a new website for Victory.
Race: Over 100 racers came for Fred Kurtz. Next year, we will look into getting optional shirts for one or two extra races. Spring races all went well. Sponsor update for COLH – 50/50 with the Running Room and Marathon Sports. Next race committee meeting will be in May. Volunteer needs will be posted on http://signup.com/go/9VWMmz
USATF: No update.
New Business: No update.
Old Business: Board Work Plan.
The meeting was adjourned by Rochelle Christensen, seconded by Randy Fulton.
The next MDRA Board meeting will be May 8, 2017.
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Members Present: Sheila Becker, Cindy Campbell, Nathan Campeau, Rochelle Christensen, Randy Fulton, Jenny Harrington, Nate Klema, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Lisa Richardson, Rick Recker, Sarah Stangl
Members Absent: Dennis Barker, Mike Cofrin
Guests: Sarah McInerney
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for April 10, 2017 were approved and accepted by Kathy Larson, seconded by Rick Recker.
Treasurer’s Report
• April revenues were unfavorable to plan by $10.7K and YTD revenues were unfavorable to plan by $12.1K. MTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by ad revenue of $8.3K and training receipts of $1.5K. YTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by ad revenue of $6.8K and training receipts of $4.1K. • 2017 YTD revenues are unfavorable to 2016 YTD revenues by $12.6K. The un-favorability was driven by ad revenue of $6.7 and training receipts of $3.1K. • April expenses were unfavorable by $1.9K to plan and YTD expenses were unfavorable by $10.6K. MTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by the timing of a contribution payment and professional services. YTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by timing of program expense of $5.7K, promotions $1.7K and annual expense $1.4K. • 2017 YTD expenses are favorable to 2016 YTD expenses by $2.6K and net income was unfavorable by $10.0K.
The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Jenny Harrington and seconded by Lisa Richardson.
Office Manager’s Report
Membership: 2016 2017 New Members 64 78 Renewals 92 86 (includes two-year renewals) Membership Total 2,100 2,014 (prior month: 2,015)
As of November 30 Last Month Current
Facebook 6022 6074
Twitter 1611 1620
Pinterest 457 462
Instagram 183 189
Advocacy: No new update.
Club Administration: Researching Customer Relationship Management software continues. Looking at fee structures and what functionality is.
Programs: Grant committee approved Washington Technology Magnet as the community giving grant winner which was also approved by the board. Trail Running Class has 3 registrants to date. Track Club has a new coach. Women’s Running Camp is going well. TEAM MDRA had a good showing at Get in Gear – more members are welcome. Fall Training Program info session for 2017 is scheduled. Half marathon training will be geared for City of Lakes. Planning is starting for next year’s stadium running.
Promotions: MDRA had a table at Get in Gear and had 7 new members sign up. We are looking at options for setting up a tent at Brian Kraft. We are looking for more Grandmas’ booth volunteers. Next summer we should look into a summer meet of the miles.
Publications: May/June RunMinnesota was mailed on May 5. May eNews is coming out soon. Updating website with race reports and cross posting. Website for Victory is complete. Web stats for runmdra.org look good.
Race: Race committee met today. We have received $206.70 on race equipment which is down from last year. All races are open for registration. Volunteer positions posted for all races at http://signup.com/ go/9VWMmz. Next race committee meeting will be August 14 where we will select Grand Prix for next year (look at aligning with USATF).
USATF: There are less certified officials this year (officials need to be recertified every 4 years). A new Athlete of the Month Chair was elected at USATF meeting.
New Business: No update.
Old Business: Board Work Plan: Increase membership to 2500 or more – Discussed 2017 goals.
The meeting was adjourned by Rick Recker, seconded by Randy Fulton. The next MDRA Board meeting will be June 12, 2017.
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