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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - June 10, 2019

Members Present: Norm Champ, Rochelle Christensen, David Daubert, Tom Goudreault, Steve Hennessy, Jill Jewell, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Rick Recker, Jenny Scobie, Sarah Stangl


Members Absent: Chad Austin, Dennis Barker, Damon Rothstein, Chris Turoski

Guests: Sarah McInerney

Secretary’s Report

Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for May 13, 2019 were approved and accepted by Jill Jewell, and seconded by Sarah Stangl.

Treasurer’s Report

• 2019 YTD advertising is ahead of budget at 69% at 5/12 of the way through the year. • 2019 YTD membership dues are ahead of budget at 50% at 5/12 of the way through the year. • 2019 YTD Fred Kurz 10 mile ended up taking in only 60% of budgeted revenue; expenses were above budget. • 2019 Mississippi 10 mile was almost exactly at budgeted revenue amount (only $31 short); expenses look low. • 2019 promotion costs are at 49% at 5/12 of the way through the year.

Tom Goudreault reviewed a financial presentation with charts and visuals to review the treasurer’s data more visibly over time.

The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Dave Marek, and seconded by Steve Hennessey.

Office Manager’s Report (As of May 31)

Membership: 2019 2018 Membership Total 2,427 2,455 (last month 2,440)

The following donations were received in May 2019: $60 to MDRA General Fund and $20 to the MDRA Foundation.


As of May 31 Last Month Current Facebook 7,000 7,034 Twitter 1,949 1,959 Pinterest 480 479 Instagram 835 863 the previous year moving forward and would like to include a list of priorities from each committee to review with the budgets.

Foundation: The 2019 grant recipient has accepted and will be announced soon with a description of the award. The MDRA Foundation is currently applying for a running grant. There is a fundraising meeting coming up that Kathy will be attending.

Programs: We have reached out to some selected members letting them know we were looking for more people to get certified as a running coach and have received interest from these people. There is interest in a couch to 5k class and a suggestion for a Boston Marathon training class which is being reviewed by this committee. We will have two new coaches in the Fall Marathon training class as well as one experience MDRA coach.

Promotions/Advocacy: MDRA got mentioned in the City Pages sports and recreation list and best summer guide. The new exit survey is live. The Keg and Case social turnout in May was a good turnout for poor weather conditions. MDRA will be at the Grandma’s expo booth with swag for people who sign up as a member or who provide an email address. Approximately 150-200 people came to the MDRA sponsored water stop at Calhoun outside of the training class. MDRA sent a letter to Rochester Park board and City Council regarding the petition for Soldiers Memorial Field Track.

Publications: Ad revenue for 2019 was covered with the board, including ad value for MDRA. We are looking into getting a style guide for MDRA.

Race: The 46th Annual Como Park Relays are coming up in August. In 2019, we have had 7 rentals for MDRA equipment. This committee is working on getting a finsh line arch and are working on putting together a Black Friday 5k race.

USATF: No update New Business: No new business. Old Business: No new business.

The meeting was adjourned by Dave Marek, and seconded by Kathy Larsen. The next MDRA Board meeting will be July 8, 2019.



Admin/Governance: We are working with a third party reviewer to establish some new policies. Rochelle has appointed a new pro-bono general council for MDRA and MDRA Foundation.

Finance: Tax documents have been completed for 2018. This committee is recommending we approve next year’s budget by December of

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - July 8, 2019 Minnesota Distance Running Association Foundation (MDRA Foundation) Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - July 8, 2019

Members Present: (”Majority” Quorum met for each of MDRA and MDRA Foundation) Chad Austin, Dennis Barker, Norm Champ, Rochelle Christensen, David Daubert, Tom Goudreault, Steve Hennessy, Jill Jewell, Rick Recker, Damon Rothstein, Jenny Scobie, Sarah Stangl, Chris Turoski

Members Absent: Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek Guests: Sarah McInerney

Secretary’s Report

Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for June 10, 2019 were approved and accepted by Rick Recker, and seconded by Tom Goudreault.

Treasurer’s Report

• 2019 YTD advertising is ahead of budget at 75% half way through the year. • 2019 YTD membership dues are ahead of budget at 57% half way through the year. • 2019 spring marathon training class was above average: 113% of budgeted revenue and expenses were below budget at ~65%.

The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Damon Rothstein, and seconded by Jill Jewell.

Office Manager’s Report As of June 30, 2019

Membership: 2019 2018 Membership Total 2,419 2,470 (prior month: 2,427)


As of June 30 Last Month Current Facebook 7,034 7,124 Twitter 1,959 1,976 Instagram 863 920 a pro bono digital marketing professional and a social media volunteer to help this committee. The last social event was the Wednesday after Grandma’s and there were about 25 people who came to run and about five who came just for dinner – most people saw the event through Facebook. The next event will be planned along with the Track Thursdays group on July 18.

Publications: eNews continues to get good click rates. There is a meeting next week with the writers group to plan the next magazine. The ad revenue has been coming in higher than projected.

Race: No update. USATF: No update.

New Business: Sarah M. is researching different CRMs to see if there is a better platform for MDRA. We will collect functional requirements and review at a later date.

Old Business: No update.

The meeting was adjourned by Rick Recker, and seconded by Norm Champ.

The next MDRA and MDRA Foundation Board meeting will be August 12, 2019.

In 1961, the Minnesota Distance Running Association was established as a 501(c)(4) entity. The mission of the MDRA 501(c)(4) entity is: The Minnesota Distance Running Association connects the Minnesota running community and supports runners of all ages and abilities through education, programs and advocacy. Whether you run socially, recreationally, or competitively, MDRA can help you achieve your running goals.

In 2017, the MDRA Foundation was established as a 501(c)(3) entity. The mission of the MDRA 501(c)(3) entity is: To promote youth participation; provide training and education to runners; and support the running community.


Admin/Governance: The committee has been working on a number of policies that they will present to the board when ready in preparation for Charities Review Council. This committee will also be working on an annual report over the next year and has been in discussion about the 501(c)4 and 501(c)3 entities (MDRA and MDRA Foundation).

Finance: The committee met this month and worked on different reporting ideas. The committee is working on reporting for both MDRA and the MDRA Foundation. The CRM that we use and Quickbooks do not work in sync.

Foundation: The Foundation Committee submitted a grant request from RunSignUp for $2,500. MDRA Foundation is completing registration for Give to the Max Day. Members of this committee are researching different corporate foundations and other organizations where we can apply for additional grants. This committee will also be leading a gift of giving campaign during the holidays.

Programs: Program registrations are all on track in comparison to previous years. The after party for the fall class at Mayas had very low attendance this year. The fall training class has 90+ members. MDRA will be starting a couch to 5k program.

Promotions/Advocacy:We received a high number of renewals at Grandma’s expo this year and a high amount in merchandise sales. A number of people asked about the MDRA Foundation grants and running in northern suburbs at the expo as well. We are in communications with

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - August 12, 2019 Minnesota Distance Running Association Foundation (MDRA Foundation) Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - August 12, 2019

Members Present: (”Majority” Quorum met for each of MDRA and MDRA Foundation) Norm Champ, Rochelle Christensen, David Daubert, Tom Goudreault, Steve Hennessy, Jill Jewell, Kathy Larsen, Rick Recker, Jenny Scobie, Sarah Stangl, Chris Turoski

Members Absent: Chad Austin, Dennis Barker, Dave Marek, Damon Rothstein

Guests: Sarah McInerney

Secretary’s Report

Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for July 8, 2019 were approved and accepted by Rick Recker, and seconded by Steve Hennessy.

Treasurer’s Report

• 2019 YTD advertising is ahead of budget- at 86% (7/12ths (58.3%) through the year). • 2019 YTD membership dues are just above predicted pace- at 61% (at 58.3% of budget year) through the year. • 2019 Mississippi 10 mile costs were very close to budget (98%); expenses look to be less than expected (~45%) per budget

The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Jenny Scobie, and seconded by Tom Goudreault.

Office Manager’s Report As of July 31, 2019

Membership: Aug. 2019 July 2019 June 2019 Membership Total 2,423 2378 2384

The following donations were received in April 2019: $265 to MDRA General Fund, $150 to the MDRA Foundation, and $36 to the Steven Ojalvo Fund.


As of July 31 Last Month Current Facebook 7,124 7,166 Twitter 1,976 1,986 Instagram 920 984 Track Thursdays group. The September social event will coincide with the Fall training class.

Publications: This committee met to discuss ideas for the next magazine issue coming out beginning of October. We discussed sending the magazine to all school track coaches, however postage is expensive and keeping a current list of coaches is difficult to manage. We also discussed how to “push” and e-magazine to the same group.

Race: Victory Race numbers are up from last year. City of Lakes is expected to fill again this year. The race committee reviewed income allocation reports showing profit and losses for all spring races. The MDRA 15k went well despite the flooding. Alternative routes will be looked at. The race committee will meet again in September.

USATF: New Business: The board reviewed year to date reporting on financials, website traffic demographics, social media followers and membership totals. Rochelle, Rick and Sarah will be attending a Nonprofit Essentials meeting and will provide a recap to the board in September.

New Business: TThe board reviewed year to date reporting on financials, website traffic demographics, social media followers and membership totals. Rochelle, Rick and Sarah will be attending a Nonprofit Essentials meeting and will provide a recap to the board in September.

Old Business: Sarah will be requesting the board members to review the possible new CRM over the next few weeks.

The meeting was adjourned by Rick Recker, and seconded by Tom Goudreault.

The next MDRA and MDRA Foundation Board meeting will be September 9, 2019.


Admin/Governance: New policies are drafted and under review by various stakeholders. Skills and competencies of board members are being assessed to plan for future vacancies. An email will be going out to all upcoming board positions that will be open for 2020.

Finance: Reviewed financials to date.

Foundation: This committee did not meet this month. MDRA Foundation did not receive the grant that was applied for. We will be starting to compile a list of grants that we may apply for in 2020.

Programs: Surveys will be going out to some of our coaches and programs participants to help improve our programs. Trail running class numbers are down this year, however this could be due to other Wednesday events taking place during same dates.

Promotions/Advocacy: This committee met with a marketing firm that is suggesting ideas on where MDRA could spend more time and effort in marketing. The August social event will be in conjunction with the

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27 FALL 2019 runmdra.org runmdra.org runmdra.org runmdra.org join MDRA Register online, it’s easy! No fees! Login and get instant access to printable membership cards, race discounts and class and program registration!

MDRA Member Connection

The Member Connection is the members only portion of runmdra.org. It will keep you up to date with your membership benefits, streamline member dues and support class registration as well as host all our training program class information pages. If you need assistance with your login in please contact runminnesota@gmail.com. Don’t worry, we will continue with paper renewals for those of you who prefer to renew through the mail. INDIVIDUAL FAMILY STUDENT 1 year $ 25 1 year $ 40 1 year (Under 25) $ 20 2 year 45 2 year 75 2 year 35 Sustaining 125 Sustaining 150 FAMILY Membership: includes 2 people Minnesota Distance Running Association living in the same household. P.O. Box 6419 Minneapolis, MN 55406-0419 runmdra.org

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