MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - June 10, 2019
Members Present: Norm Champ, Rochelle Christensen, David Daubert, Tom Goudreault, Steve Hennessy, Jill Jewell, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Rick Recker, Jenny Scobie, Sarah Stangl Members Absent: Chad Austin, Dennis Barker, Damon Rothstein, Chris Turoski Guests: Sarah McInerney Secretary’s Report Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for May 13, 2019 were approved and accepted by Jill Jewell, and seconded by Sarah Stangl. Treasurer’s Report • 2019 YTD advertising is ahead of budget at 69% at 5/12 of the way through the year. • 2019 YTD membership dues are ahead of budget at 50% at 5/12 of the way through the year. • 2019 YTD Fred Kurz 10 mile ended up taking in only 60% of budgeted revenue; expenses were above budget. • 2019 Mississippi 10 mile was almost exactly at budgeted revenue amount (only $31 short); expenses look low. • 2019 promotion costs are at 49% at 5/12 of the way through the year. Tom Goudreault reviewed a financial presentation with charts and visuals to review the treasurer’s data more visibly over time. The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Dave Marek, and seconded by Steve Hennessey. Office Manager’s Report (As of May 31) Membership: 2019 2018 Membership Total 2 ,427 2,455 (last month 2,440) The following donations were received in May 2019: $60 to MDRA General Fund and $20 to the MDRA Foundation. Web/Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest As of May 31 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram
Last Month 7,000 1,949 480 835
Current 7,034 1,959 479 863
Admin/Governance: We are working with a third party reviewer to
establish some new policies. Rochelle has appointed a new pro-bono general council for MDRA and MDRA Foundation. Finance: Tax documents have been completed for 2018. This committee is recommending we approve next year’s budget by December of
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the previous year moving forward and would like to include a list of priorities from each committee to review with the budgets. Foundation: The 2019 grant recipient has accepted and will be announced soon with a description of the award. The MDRA Foundation is currently applying for a running grant. There is a fundraising meeting coming up that Kathy will be attending. Programs: We have reached out to some selected members letting them know we were looking for more people to get certified as a running coach and have received interest from these people. There is interest in a couch to 5k class and a suggestion for a Boston Marathon training class which is being reviewed by this committee. We will have two new coaches in the Fall Marathon training class as well as one experience MDRA coach. Promotions/Advocacy: MDRA got mentioned in the City Pages sports and recreation list and best summer guide. The new exit survey is live. The Keg and Case social turnout in May was a good turnout for poor weather conditions. MDRA will be at the Grandma’s expo booth with swag for people who sign up as a member or who provide an email address. Approximately 150-200 people came to the MDRA sponsored water stop at Calhoun outside of the training class. MDRA sent a letter to Rochester Park board and City Council regarding the petition for Soldiers Memorial Field Track. Publications: Ad revenue for 2019 was covered with the board, including ad value for MDRA. We are looking into getting a style guide for MDRA. Race: The 46th Annual Como Park Relays are coming up in August. In 2019, we have had 7 rentals for MDRA equipment. This committee is working on getting a finsh line arch and are working on putting together a Black Friday 5k race. USATF: No update New Business: No new business. Old Business: No new business. The meeting was adjourned by Dave Marek, and seconded by Kathy Larsen. The next MDRA Board meeting will be July 8, 2019.
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