Runner's World - Inside August 2012

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QUICK WAYS TO ✓ Get in Shape ✓ Train Smarter ✓ Stay Motivated PLUS HAVE MORE FUN CROSS-TRAINING

Secrets from the World's Best Athletes

(And How They Can Work For You!)


WINTER POWER FOODS Eat Yourself Healthy

Your Trickiest Nutrition +Questions – Answered

STRENGTH FOR RUNNERS Exercises to Improve Stability and Flexibility (Page 38)



How To Beat Race-Day Jitters Love On The Run The Myth of Pre-Race Sex ❤ The Trials of A Running Marriage


Get Over It

9 Quick Fixes For Common Fears

Take Our Survey

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inside 30 THE ULTIMATE FATBURNING WORKOUT Train on an empty tank to boost your fuel efficiency. 32

EAT PRE-RACE JITTERS B Simple ways to prepare your body – and ease your mind – for race-day success.


LOVE ON THE RUN Proving there’s room for two runners in a healthy relationship, these couples train together (sometimes), share their triumphs and help each other outrun the tough times. PLUS: The myth of pre-race sex.


ELLIPTI-WHAT? At first, I felt silly, then tired – then ecstatic. Finally, a device that’s taught me to love cross-training. By Benjamin H. Cheever


SECRET SERVICE Use RW’s dossier of secrets from athletes on their way to the London Games to upgrade your running with Olympian nutrition, recovery, injuryprevention, training, race and motivation knowhow.

SPY GAMES: RW accesses the secret vaults of elite training knowledge.


inside REGULARS 8 10 12



HUMAN RACE Young mums go from unfit to unstoppable. P LUS: The Intersection (16) Ask Miles (18) Back Story: Tegan Pigram (18) What it Takes To… (20) 98 I’M A RUNNER Professional soccer and cricket player Ellyse Perry.

36 22






P.70 P.65 P.41 P.38

✓ Get in Shape ✓ Train Smarter ✓ Stay Motivated PLUS HAVE MORE FUN CROSS-TRAINING

Secrets from the World's Best Athletes

(And How They Can Work For You!)

WINTER 10 POWER FOODS Eat Yourself Healthy Your Trickiest Nutrition +Questions – Answered

STRENGTH FOR RUNNERS Exercises to Improve Stability and Flexibility (Page 38)


Love On The Run The Myth of Pre-Race Sex ❤ The Trials of A Running Marriage


Get Over It

9 Quick Fixes For Common Fears

Take Our Survey

WIN!OF $2000

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incl. GST ISSN 1440-5229 incl. GST NZ

P.32 P.50 P.30 P.36 P.82

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74 NO MORE EXCUSES Debunking five common fears that keep runners off the trails. W SURVEY 82 R Tell us what you think for your chance to win an Asics prize pack worth $500.

48 R OAD SCHOLAR Altering your form might change more than your stride. By Chris Solomon


How To Beat Race-Day Jitters

22 O N THE RUN Here’s how you can rule the great indoors this season. 27 TRAINING Fun ways to stoke your winter treadmill workouts. PLUS: How to lower your halfmarathon PB. 36 MIND & BODY Fear not: You can conquer common running doubts. 38 THE BODY SHOP Exercises for improved stability – especially off-road. 41 FUEL Unsung fruits and vegetables can be stars in a runner’s diet. PLUS: Answers to your most pressing pre-, midand post-run nutrition questions. PLUS: Warm up with a hearty minestrone and vegetable soup.




AUGUST 2012 Volume 15 Number 2


87 GEAR Six rain jackets that shine. 92 RACES & PLACES A 42.2K run around San Francisco proves an excellent, if extreme, sightseeing tour. By David Haines

RAVE RUN PHOTOGRAPHY BY Nicola Mildren RUNNERS Luke and John Mildren THE LOCATION Uluru–Kata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory

➔ THE EXPERIENCE In dawn air, with a hint of desert chill, a run around the iconic Uluru is a perfect start to the day. Runners follow the well-marked Uluru Base Trail, a 10km loop around the monolith that offers magnificent views as the first rays bring the sandstone formation to life. “Arriving back at the car park just as the masses start emerging from their campervans and buses, you can’t help thinking how special it is to enjoy the magic of Uluru all to yourself for that short window of time,” says Mildren.

TRAINING by picking up and putting down your feet rather than pushing off as you would outdoors. To encourage proper push-off and compensate for the lack of wind resistance, raise the incline to two or three per cent and lean slightly forward from the ankles, says Barbosa. With that as your starting point, here’s how to translate your regular workouts to the great indoors.

LOOK UP: Raise the incline to compensate for the lack of wind resistance.

ROLLING-HILLS RUN Since most (read: affordable) treadmills don’t come with a decline setting, mimicking the stress of running downhill requires an additional move or two off the treadmill. Like downhill running, both lunges and squats cause the tissue damage that ultimately creates stronger quad muscles, says Carwyn Sharp, Ph.D., assistant professor of exercise science and nutrition at the College of Charleston. TAKE IT INSIDE Ú Warm up for twoto four-kilometres, then raise the incline to three or four per cent and run for two minutes at 15 seconds slower than your 10K pace (or a pace that feels moderately hard). Raise the machine’s incline to four to six per cent for two minutes, then six to 10 per cent for two minutes. Run at two per cent for two minutes. Repeat the sequence two to six times, increasing your speed by five to 10 seconds each time. Immediately after your run, do two to four sets of 10 to 15 lunges (per leg) and squats.


Inside Job

Survive winter treadmill running by doing interval, hill and tempo workouts BY LAUREL LEICHT


HEN IT COMES to icy temps, even the toughest runners head for the ’mills. But running inside doesn’t have to compromise your workout – you can still accomplish the purpose of your run with a few 26


tweaks. First off, be aware that your form changes on a treadmill, says Matt Barbosa, coach for Endurance Sports and Fleet Feet. The confined area alters your proprioception, or the sense of your body in space. You tense up, shorten your stride, and react to the belt’s movement

“Unless you have a treadmill that allows for advanced programming of time, speed and incline, it’s very difficult and even dangerous to try to change the speed for short intervals,” says Barbosa. Avoid repeats shorter than 30 seconds, he says, as a good chunk will be lost in the time it takes to accelerate and decelerate. TAKE IT INSIDE Ú Reduce the incline to zero. Warm up, then run at 5K pace (it should feel hard) for 45 seconds to two minutes, depending on your experience level. Easy running for up to a minute. Repeat four to eight times. Cool down. “To match the interval time exactly, add to the end of the repeat the amount of time

WARM UPS IN A FLASH: Use the machine’s digital track to visualise the end of repeats.

lap) to 1600m (four laps) at 10K pace. For the final 200 to 400m of your effort, increase your speed by five to 10 seconds to practise finishing strong. Walk or jog for one minute to recover. Repeat two to eight times, depending on the distance and your fitness.

LONG INTERVALS Outdoors, we tend to rely on visual cues – like the end of the track or road – to keep us going. But when you’re on a treadmill, “your mind can’t visualise the finish, so it becomes difficult to concentrate when the pace gets hard and you need to start pushing yourself,” says Melanie Schorr, M.D., a running coach at RunnersConnect. Most treadmills show your progress on a 400m digital track – use it to envision the end of your repeat, says Morris. TAKE IT INSIDE Ú Warm up for three to five kilometres, then run 400m (one

TEMPO RUN This workout is made for the treadmill. “You just dial in your goal pace, and the machine keeps you at that speed,” says Sharp. Plus, “you can make incremental changes, like picking up the pace by five or 10 seconds – it’s hard to make such small adjustments outside.” TAKE IT INSIDE Ú Starting the tempo run slow and then getting faster toward the end teaches your body how to run at different paces and finish fast – not just hang on. Warm up for two to four kilometres, then run 1.5km at 15 to 20 seconds slower than half-marathon pace (talking should take some effort). For the duration of the run, pick up the pace every kilometre by five to 15 seconds until you’re running the final kilometre 15 to 20 seconds faster than your halfmarathon pace.

Boredom Busters

Going easy on a treadmill can be torture – here's how to stay sane THE WORKOUT

Advice from Australia and New Zealand's best athletes


Easy Run

Engage your brain: Mentally rehearse a presentation for work, repeat vocab words of a language you’re learning, or listen to a podcast. “Learning is boosted with the timing and rhythms of treadmill running,” says coach Matt Barbosa.

Long Run

Every three to five kilometres, raise the incline for one kilometre. Vary the height each time. “Adding changes in incline is a good way to mimic outside conditions – and save your muscles (and mind) a little bit,” says author Rick Morris.

LAUREN BODEN, 23, of Canberra, is the 2010 and 2011 Australian 400m hurdles champion (PB 55.25). 1 SPEED IT UP “I do one speed session a week consisting of 40- to 120-metre repeats. Covering these distances helps to improve my flat speed so I can be faster and stronger between the hurdles.” 2 KEEP IT REAL “When I begin my warm-up I focus on what I’m about to do. It helps to settle the nerves, leaving me to concentrate on the race ahead.”


it takes the treadmill to speed up,” says Rick Morris, author of Treadmill Training for Runners. So if it takes five seconds to get to speed, run that fast pace for five seconds longer. Ditto for rest intervals.

Follow the Leader

3 EAT TO WIN “On tough training days I consume food that is high in protein, like salmon, tuna or chicken. I also eat yoghurt or an Up & Go straight after a track or gym session. It helps with recovery.”



FUEL Alternate Sides These unsung vegetables fortify your workouts – without boring your taste buds BY MATTHEW KADEY


ANY RUNNERS think that when the calendar turns, they need to settle for canned corn or asparagus. Not true. “Uncommon winter vegetables, like parsnips and fennel, are a best-kept secret when it comes to fuel for runners,” says Anthony Meade, a marathoner and dietitian based in Adelaide. Replace your usual standbys with these options to help tide you over until tomato season. IF YOU LIKE CAULIFLOWER, TRY


ROOTED IN TASTE: Unsung fruits and vegetables can be stars in a runner's diet.



This large root vegetable, with a purple skin that fades to cream on the bottom, has a sweet flavour with a hint of a peppery bite. A mere cup of cubed swede contains more than half the daily requirement for vitamin C and four grams of dietary fibre, which may improve heart health. Stored in a plastic bag, it will keep in your refrigerator for three weeks. PREP TIP Ú For a side dish, boil or steam 900g of peeled and cubed swede until tender, about 10 minutes. Mash with 2 tablespoons butter, ¹/³ cup low-fat milk, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh sage, 1 tablespoon grainy or Dijon mustard, and salt and pepper to taste.



Nutty and slightly sweet-tasting, parsnips look a lot like Bugs Bunny’s favourite vegetable, save their ivory complexion. Yet they provide 60 per cent more dietary fibre to keep you feeling full longer. Often overlooked parsnips also provide potassium, an important electrolyte for brain and nerve function, as well as proper muscle contraction and fluid balance, says Meade. Raw parsnips have a woody texture, so they’re best enjoyed cooked. “Roasting in particular brings out their sweetness,” he says. PREP TIP Ú Peel and slice 450g parsnips into thick matchsticks. Toss with 1 tablespoon oil, 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary or thyme, and season to taste; roast at 200°C until tender, 30 minutes. IF YOU LIKE ONION, TRY


Extra-terrestrial looking fennel is crisp and crunchy with a pleasant licorice flavour and aroma. Cooked fennel has a mellower taste and softer texture. All parts, including the white bulb, green stalks and wispy dill-like foliage, are edible. Compared with common onion, fennel boasts more fibre and vitamin C. PREP TIP Ú If serving fennel raw in a salad, first slice the bulb as thin as possible and soak in ice water with a splash of lemon juice for 20 minutes to make it crisp. Toss sliced fennel with orange sections, baby spinach, sliced red capsicum, and 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil. Top with chopped fennel leaves. IF YOU LIKE CELERY, TRY


This ugly dumpling of the vegetable world has molted skin but a tender flesh that tastes like a blend of celery and parsley. What it lacks in aesthetics, celeriac (which is also called celery root) makes up for with stellar amounts of vitamin K – 80 per cent of the daily quota in a single-cup serving. “Vitamin K plays a role in bone development and

maintaining flexible blood vessels, which are important for runners,” says Meade. PREP TIP Ú Small- to medium-size roots have the best flavour and texture. Peel off about ½ inch of the vegetable’s thick skin to get to the roots. In a large pot, combine 4 cups low-sodium vegetable stock, 2 peeled and sliced potatoes, 1 peeled and sliced celeriac, 2 sliced leeks, 2 chopped garlic cloves, and pepper to taste. Simmer for 15 minutes; puree soup in a blender. IF YOU LIKE RADISH, TRY

Ú WATER CHESTNUTS Ù The crispy flesh of the water chestnut tastes like a cross between cucumber and pear. Half a cup (100 grams) of water chestnuts contains only 150 kilojoules but is a good source of fibre – three grams – and vitamin C. “Vitamin C is essential for the body to make healthy collagen, which is found in tendons and ligaments,” says Meade. Fresh water chestnuts can be found in good produce stores and Asian markets, while frozen and canned varieties are available in supermarkets. PREP TIP Ú Add a touch of Asian to your favourite fish with an easy water

chestnut salsa. Combine 200g of sliced water chestnuts, a diced small red capsicum, ½ cup finely chopped fresh coriander leaves and 1 tablespoon soy sauce in a bowl. Season with pepper. Serve atop pan-fried Atlantic salmon or tuna steak. IF YOU LIKE POTATOES, TRY


Also called Jerusalem artichokes, these gnarled starchy tubers have a crunchy white flesh and a flavour reminiscent of arrowroot, water chestnuts and apple. A one-cup serving provides 28 per cent of your daily iron quota. “Runners need iron to help deliver oxygen to working muscles,” says Meade. Artichokes are also well-endowed with the soluble fibre inulin, which has been shown to help improve digestive health, he says. Unlike potatoes, artichokes are sometimes eaten raw. PREP TIP Ú Artichokes have a very thin, edible skin. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a non-stick frypan over medium heat. Cook 450g chopped artichokes until tender, about 8 minutes. Toss with 2 tablespoons homemade or jar pesto.

Winter's Wonders

These deliciously different fruits are tasty and delicious PLANTAINS Banana’s big brother is a great source of vitamin B6, to aid metabolism and immune function. TRY THIS Ú Toss slices with melted butter, honey and cinnamon. Bake at 200°C until browned, about 15 minutes.

CUMQUATS The tiny fruit (with an edible skin) is brimming with vitamin C. TRY THIS Ú Chop cumquats, red capsicum and jalapeno, spring onion and fresh coriander. Combine and toss with salt, pepper and lime juice. Use this salsa on grilled chicken breast.

PAPAYA Slice and scoop out the flesh for a hefty dose of vitamin C and immune- boosting vitamin A. TRY THIS Ú Sprinkle papaya slices with sugar, salt, chilli powder and lime zest for a snack with a refreshing kick.

KIWI Under the fuzzy skin is a juicy flesh stocked with vitamin C, fibre and bone- building vitamin K. TRY THIS Ú Whirl together kiwi, ripe avocado, banana, plain yoghur, and honey for a deliciously thick smoothie.



Together for the Long Run

Heidi Hunt, 36 Jeff Hunt, 29 Randwick, NSW Married 2010 Heidi is a chiropractic assistant and massage therapist; Jeffrey is a computer engineer




T WASN’T QUITE LOVE at first run, but it didn’t take long. Five years ago, Jeffrey and Heidi Hunt started running for the same athletic club, the Randwick Botany Harriers while training for the 2007 Sydney Marathon. “We were doing laps of Centennial Park, going in opposite directions, and used to say “Hi” to each other,” says Heidi. It took a couple of meetings, though, before they really clicked but eventually they did and the couple married on 31 October, 2010. Running remains central to their life with Jeff securing a spot on the 2012 Olympic team and Heidi focusing on rebuilding her base fitness after having to take time off from running. After several successful 10Ks and half-marathons, Heidi was focused on her training before illness and injury (plantar fasciitis and a bone spur) took her off the

track. “It’s been three years now where I haven’t really been pain free,” she says. “I’ve stayed active by cycling and swimming, and running when I can, but it’s been very hard. I stay positive both for my sake and for Jeff’s, because I know he needs my support, but there are times when it’s hard not to feel resentful when he heads out for a run.” Jeff understands her frustration but is very clear that he can’t let it get to him. “To compete at an elite level, you have to be a little bit self-absorbed. I have to try to block out everything that’s happening around me and focus on my training.”

Do they run together? “Sometimes,” says Jeff. “We have pretty different paces and goals for each run, so we don’t run together all the time. I don’t do well in the mornings, so Heidi’s pace in the early hours is a bit faster than mine.


PRO PLAN: Organising each week ahead is key for Jeff and Heidi Hunt.

Sweat Etiquette

Saturday afternoons we sometimes run together because that run happens at a pace that feels good for both of us.” Their running philosophies also differ slightly. “I run because I’m good at it but it’s not life or death to me. I’m pretty relaxed, but I do take it seriously” says Jeff, while Heidi “runs because I always have”, and admits that she tends to “get stressed over small races and things”. When asked how he copes with her anxiety, they both laugh. “I ignore it,” says Jeff. “I just give her the space to do what she needs to do.”

Impress the shorts off any runner Dinner and a movie is one thing – but a running date has its own rules. Nancy Pina, a relationship expert and runner, provides some ground rules. DO dress comfortably. Just as you wouldn’t wear brand-new clothes on race day, you should stick to apparel and shoes that you know fit well and won’t ride up or cause chafing or blisters. Also, Pina recommends keeping it simple and modest – don’t run shirtless or in just a sports bra.

How they make it work: PLANNING With Jeff clocking between 16 and 18 hours of training per week, with a weekly mileage of up to 180 kilometres and Heidi training eight to 10 hours, things can get a little hectic. The answer? “Being super organised,” they both respond emphatically. “We have to stay on top of everything. All the details of the week ahead – food, clothes, shopping, bills, car – get sorted ahead of time along with who’s doing what and by when.” Nutrition is critical and meal prep is done ahead of time so that there are always healthy meal options ready when they get home late. “We are both very committed to this lifestyle, so it makes it easier. We spend the weekend catching up with each other, doing the shopping, organising our week. We don’t go out a lot, but we’re both okay with that,” says Jeff. Heidi agrees, “The fact that we are both runners means that we understand the commitment required.”























How running heightens sexual attraction “The physical energy and mental well-being you experience from running make you more likely to feel sexual,” says Helen Fisher, Ph.D., an anthropologist specialising in sexuality. But feeling good about yourself isn’t the only reason that running can be a turn-on. It also drives up dopamine, a pleasure-triggering chemical that elevates testosterone, the hormone of desire. The novelty of running with someone new may raise those levels even further. Of course, running also reveals your assets and puts others’ on display. “You see, hear and smell the other person,” says Fisher. “You observe personality traits, such as persistence, grace and stamina. In the world of courtship, running is like the peacock displaying his tail.” – KELLY BASTONE

DON’T sweat perspiration. Runners understand that it’s part of the deal. “Worrying about whether you’re sweating too much might be misinterpreted as displeasure with your date, so relax,” says Pina. Stash scented baby wipes in your car or gym bag so you can freshen up before heading for a coffee post-run.

DO wear deodorant – but skip the colognes and perfumes. Warm skin and perspiration can amplify scents, which could overpower your date.

Secret Service Upgrade your running with RW's dossier of SECRETS from the ATHLETES on their way to the LONDON GAMES

Make training work for you “When I was working full-time, I would run to and from work while listening to podcasts. This was a good way to combine my commute, training and entertainment while also freeing me up in the evenings.” Ben St Lawrence, AUS, 10,000m

 Balance your fuel “A typical main meal for me consists of ugali [a thick cornmeal porridge made from water and maize], cooked with a vegetable stew made from green leafy vegetables such as kale or cabbage, and sometimes with a few pieces of roasted meat. This way I get plenty of carbs, some protein to repair my muscles and just a small amount of fat.” Wilson Kipsang, Kenya, marathon

 If it works, stick with it “I haven’t changed my training for London. I’m replicating what I did before the Australian season where I ran my Olympic qualifier (55.45s). I know it worked!” Lauren Boden, AUS, 400m hurdles

 Pick the right partner “Running should be about enjoying it, not training by yourself and never seeing anyone else. You’re alone in the race, but I’ve always enjoyed training with people. If I didn’t train with my regular partner Galen Rupp, I’d be out with the Kenyan guys. You have to be picky about who you train with, though – you must to be at a similar level, get on well, and both know when to chat and when to shut up!” Mo Farah, GB, 5000m/10,000m

 Repeat a mantra “I have a lot of different words that I say to myself. One is ‘fighter’. I think that, and all of a sudden things come into focus. Even if I don’t speed up, in my mind I calm down. I use my workouts to practise responding to these one-word cues.” Kara Goucher, USA, marathon

 Make tough days protein days “I make sure I eat protein on my hard workout days to ensure I’m recovering properly. I’ll have a carne asada burrito, or my wife will make eggs or fajitas. I have carbs on the easy days and before long runs.” Meb Keflezighi, USA, marathon

 Don’t stress

 Pool your resources “Aqua running is a fantastic way to keep fit when you’re injured. I tore a muscle a couple of months before the Athens Olympics, but I aqua jogged like crazy and although I only returned to the track three weeks before the Games, I ended up getting my best Olympic result [fifth in the 5000m]. It means you can do a hard cardio session every day without worrying about the impact on your body. Keep your recoveries shorter than you would in an interval session on land to keep the intensity up. Try 10 x 2-3 minutes with 30 seconds recovery, or two or three sets of 10 x 45 seconds with 15 seconds recovery, and a minute between sets.” Jo Pavey, GB, 5000m

“Worrying gets you nowhere. If you turn up worrying about how you’re going to perform, you’ve already lost. Train hard, turn up, run your best and the rest will take care of itself.” Usain Bolt, Jamaica, 100m

 Stick to your menu “Before the Athens and Beijing Olympics, after a long training session, I would eat a few slices of toast, a can of baked beans and mix in a few boiled eggs. There was certainly nothing glamorous about it, but it was full of the kilojoules, energy and the protein I needed.” Kurt Fearnley, AUS, wheelchair marathon

Get pumped up “Find a method to get your adrenaline pumping before a race. I talk to myself to help get pumped up for an explosive start.” Sally Pearson, AUS, 100m hurdles

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