The Kensington & Chelsea Magazine November 2012

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Right / Keira Knightley wearing Chanel Fine Jewellery in Anna Karenina (2012) © Focus Features © 2012 Universal Pictures International All Rights Reserved



Playing the Dame

Romancing the Stone

In the midst of hype surrounding the release of Skyfall, Dame Judi ‘M’ Dench is showing no signs of slowing down

Olivia Sharpe examines the role of fine jewellery in Hollywood; precious pieces have become much more than embellishments



Lingo in London

Ethical Passion

Adam Jacot de Boinod explores London’s unique dialect and how some of our most unusual turns of phrase came about

Annabel Harrison meets Lady Natasha Rufus-Isaacs and Lavinia Brennan, founders of ethical label Beulah London



Built to Last

Young at Heart

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea boasts some of London’s finest architecture, with fascinating historical legacies

Finding a destination that suits the whole family is no mean feat; we explore the best child-friendly options for a family holiday

110 The Picasso of Pastry Kathryn Gordon’s visit to Pierre Hermé’s flagship store in Paris reveals a breathtaking array of elegant, enticing cakes and chocolates, truly the stuff of Roald Dahl’s imagination



NOVEMBER 2012 s issue 009 Editor Annabel Harrison

Editor-in-Chief Lesley Ellwood

Contributing Editors Richard Brown, Gemma Taylor

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Belgravia Resident’s Journal

October 2012

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Local Profile Photography: Justin Barton Leighton House Museum, 12 Holland Park Road, W14 8LZ See p. 38

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From the


“To visit Lord Leighton’s house is to step into the world of a successful Victorian artist. His house is an anthology of his interests, from the Hellenistic and Byzantine, through the Ottoman and Renaissance, up until Eugène Delacroix. It is also a perfect statement about who he was: a bachelor who was the leading figure of the art establishment.” Quotation taken from Great Houses of London by James Stourton Located on the edge of Holland Park in Kensington, Leighton House is one of the most remarkable buildings of the 19th century. The former home and studio of Lord Leighton (1830-1896), it was built to designs by George Aitchison, then extended and embellished over a period of 30 years to create a private palace of art. Rebecca Wallersteiner speaks to current Artist-in-Residence Charlie Cobb (p. 38) about his work and in a similar vein, house historian Melanie Backe-Hansen explains why five other iconic buildings and structures in Kensington and Chelsea have left the area with an extraordinary architectural and historic legacy (p. 20). Expert craftsmanship, as we also discover in this issue, can be found just as easily on a much smaller scale. Olivia Sharpe explores the history of jewellery in film, via a daisy chain of exquisite, iconic pieces (p. 52) and Kathryn Gordon travels to Paris to meet the ‘Picasso of Pastry’ Pierre Hermé, famed for his delectable macaroons (p. 110). Adam Jacot de Boinod explains the origin of some of the more unusual words born in our capital city (p. 16); Dame Judi Dench, legendary for her work in both Bond films and British theatre, tells us about her decades-long acting career (p. 14); and I met Liza Klaussmann to find out about the process of crafting a first novel (p. 24).



I would like to end with the Ode of Remembrance by Laurence Binyon in honour of Remembrance Day on Sunday 11 November. “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”


Annabel Harrison Follow us on Twitter @KandCMagazine or email with any comments

ind tes omi tabilis duo fratres curren 010



Playing the


A national treasure, a stalwart of British theatre, a movie star and, of course, a Dame. Despite this mass of acolades, as Dan Bowman discovers, Dame Judi Dench is as gloriously humble as she’s always been Judi Dench wryly smirks at the behest of a rather delicate question, fortunately taking it in good humour. “I shout a lot at the radio; I know that’s being old,” she smiles. “My family goes, ‘Oh for goodness sake, ma. Shut up!’ And then the strange things my grandson says, like, ‘It’s well good.’ I could just fly across the room and throttle him. I know that’s a sign of being old. I know it is. So I try to stop doing it. And I’m really bad at that.” The Dame is in cheery humour, playfully poking fun at herself, her appearance, her advancing age. If the truth be told, there’s something remarkably ageless about this empress of British performance, most likely because she only came into the wider public prominence, reversing gender as Bond boss M in Goldeneye, 17 years ago. But Dench has been a doyenne of the British stage for nearly four decades, a stalwart of the Old Vic Company, brandishing praise for portrayals of Ophelia, Juliet and Lady Macbeth. The National Theatre Company, the Old Shakespearean Company… she was, and remains, a key part of them all, while sporadically punctuating her career with BAFTA-winning performances in A Room with a View and 84 Charing Cross Road.

Her recruitment as the head of MI6 changed all that. Suddenly Dench was a movie star, a Hollywood newcomer in her late 50s. Surely a status envied by a universe of peers? “‘Movie star’ is certainly not a way I would describe myself,” she laughs heartily. “Someone who got lucky, maybe? Bond has given me so many opportunities; I’m incredibly grateful and enjoying the doors it has opened. It’s been a lovely journey.” Rumours suggest Bond 23, or Skyfall to give the film its official title, will be the end of the road for M, following leaked reports from heavily guarded Sony set locations – within their number several spots across the capital including Whitehall and Southwark, Cadogan Square, St Bartholomew’s Hospital and the Old Royal Naval College at Greenwich. There are rumours – and, at the moment, just that – that M’s kidnapping and subsequent murder provides the impetus for Bond’s latest mission. Predictably, the lady herself is giving nothing away. And we really mean nothing. “You’ll just have to watch the film. It will be in cinemas shortly; can’t you wait until then?” Regardless of her fate, M will always remain a shining beacon in the Dench legacy. “It feels like an honour, really,” she says of the role that was made famous by the late Bernard

Dench has been a doyenne of the British stage for nearly four decades, a stalwart of the Old Vic Company



Olivia Wilde and Michelle Monaghan. So, how does a war-torn vet feel about working with Hollywood rookies? Is it a good way to keep the work interesting? “Oh, absolutely,” says Dench. “As much as it’s a wonderful treat working with old friends, making new friends is just as important. You have to keep putting yourself in new environments and challenging yourself – and one of the best ways to do that is to work with people who are just finding their way. “There’s a freshness, an excitement that you can only get with a first-time filmmaker. And I guess you do feel an obligation to make them feel comfortable in this strange world… if you think they need a hand, that is. Some of them are so clued into what they want and how they’re going to get it, you only have to do your job but, either way, it’s

“You have to keep putting yourself in new environments and challenging yourself”

Featureflash /

Lee. “You can sense that some people just feel very, very precious about Bond and all those around him so you want to keep those diehard fans happy. But you also want to bring something of your own to the table, and the simple fact that I’m a woman has helped, I think, to move the Bond franchise forward a little.” It’s nothing short of a miracle that Dame Judi, appointed as an Order of the British Empire in the late 1980s, can afford the time to grant an interview, such is the behemoth scale of her shoot schedule. After a frantic global criss-cross for Skyfall, taking in Shanghai, Istanbul and the Scottish Highlands, the 77-year-old Oscar winner, famously awarded for a 12-minute appearance as Queen Elizabeth in John Madden’s Shakespeare in Love, will jet out to the Swedish fjords for Italian Shoes with close confidante Sir Anthony Hopkins. She follows this with a three-month shoot in Louisiana for Geoff Moore and David Posamentier’s debut feature Better Living Through Chemistry alongside spritely newcomers

always exciting. Otherwise, I wouldn’t still be doing this.” Living with daughter Finty and teenage grandson Sam in the Surrey countryside since her husband died – renowned actor Michael Williams who passed away from lung cancer in 2001 – Dench has arrived at a different stage in life. Coping with loss, while riding a wave of surging success, the actress found herself identifying more than ever with her character for this year’s sleeper hit The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, who struggles to deal with the death of her partner and the fight to go on, in this case on to retirement in the Indian province of Jaipur. “The fact that she is a widow and she’s missing her husband, I can sympathise with. And I can understand. I mean, the only way I think you can function as an actor, is everything that happens to you is in a kind of storage place. And you’re not aware of it.” With age sometimes comes regret. Is this a notion ever played in the back of her mind? “Children,” she says, “I thought I would have more. I’ve said this before; I thought I would have six children. But, you know, life isn’t like that. It doesn’t work out like that. And so all you have to do is to learn to somehow accept it. We had the most wonderful friend who was a judge in Germany. And he said to us – it became a maxim in our family – ‘Always look for the plusses’. “And somehow, it’s a very, very good piece of advice. Because even if it’s a very small plus, you get something out of it. Instead of an erosion of always


thinking your cup is half empty.” Duly frank and honest, Dench’s open nature was burned by a rather sensationalised account of an ocular disorder she currently suffers from, macular degeneration, where she admitted failing sight was resulting in scripts being read to her. “Oh yes, that was rather overblown. This condition is something that thousands of people all over the world are having to contend with and it’s something I have learned to cope with and adapt to – and it will not lead to blindness. The press had me with dark glasses and a white cane by the end of the week!” But with newspaper intrusion, the hectic scheduling and the constant globe-trotting, doesn’t retirement ever look like an attractive prospect? “As long as there is a possibility of working, I’m not going to retire. I’m very conscious that I’m in the minority in that I love what I do. How big is the number of people who are running to work to do a job that they like? And how lucky to be employed at it – how incredibly lucky.” Skyfall is released in UK cinemas on 26 October




Lingo in

London Have you ever wondered what tosher, bilker, reefing or rifling means? Adam Jacot de Boinod, a former researcher for the BBC series QI and author of The Meaning of Tingo, has the answers as he explores some of the more unusual words born in our capital city

The Meaning of Tingo was born from a fortuitous discovery, when I noticed that an Albanian dictionary contained 27 different words each for eyebrows and moustache. This developed into an obsessive 18-month journey through hundreds of foreign dictionaries and resulted in an amusing and informative guide to the world’s strangest, and most useful, words. What The Meaning of Tingo shows is that, like natural cures waiting to be found in the plants of the rainforest, many of the words already exist, in the languages of the world’s other cultures. Who couldn’t find a use for neko-neko, an Indonesian word for ‘one who has a creative idea which only makes things worse’? Some are bizarre – koro is the ‘hysterical belief that one’s penis


is shrinking into one’s body’ in Japanese – while others are surprisingly affecting, like the Inuit word iktsuarpok, which means ‘to go outside often to see if someone is coming’. And then there’s tingo itself, from the Pascuense language of Easter Island, meaning ‘to take all the objects one desires from the house of a friend, one at a time, by borrowing them’. For a city as diverse and historic as London it’s no surprise that it has coined its own fair share of vocabulary, some of which describes strictly local concepts such as pannier (1823), a robed waiter at table in the Inner Temple; tosher (b.1859), one who steals copper from the bottoms of ships moored in the Thames; and bilker, a person who gives a cabman less than his fare and, when remonstrated with, gives a false name and address. Place names even conjure up specific references with Kilburn being police jargon for the official police notebook that is produced in court (the rhyming slang ‘Kilburn Priory’ denotes diary) and ‘Paddington spectacles’ (early 19th century) the cap drawn over a criminal’s eyes at his hanging before the final act.



The world of English painter, engraver and satirist Hogarth is well depicted, with stand pad (Cockney dialect) meaning to beg in crowded streets with a written statement round one’s neck (such as “Wife and five kids to support”), rifling (underworld slang, 1885) for plundering dead bodies in the Thames and turning them adrift again, and shore-man (Cockney dialect) for one who searches sewers for rats. Dickensian life is also recalled with a highly specialised vocabulary for the following Artful Dodgers: maltooling (b.1861) is the picking of pockets in omnibuses; reefing (c.1860) is drawing up a dress-pocket until a purse is within reach of the fingers; the bulk and file (1698) alludes to two pickpockets operating together (the bulk jostles the party that is to be robbed and the file steals the treasure); an autem-diver (1725) is a pickpocket specialising in the robbery of church congregations; and a pappy (underworld slang, 1910) is an elderly man whose clothes are baggy and whose pockets have become sagged (the ideal victim for a pickpocket). Much of the well-known Cockney rhyming slang, quite simply, rhymes but some expressions take it a step further, with the meaning itself carried across. Examples include Borrow and Beg for an egg (as the term enjoyed a fresh lease of life during the Second World War foodrationing period); Army and Navy for gravy (which was plentiful at meal times in both services) and Didn’t Ought for port (based on the simpering of ladies who, when asked to “have another”, replied that they “didn’t ought”). In good times and bad, the highly-paid practitioners of the City of London have couched their dubious activities in their own specialised jargon with poop and scoop (to drive down a share price by spreading malicious rumours) and barefoot pilgrim, someone who has lost everything on the stock market, but might still be persuaded to invest again and to catch a falling knife, buying a stock as its price is going down, in hopes that it will go back up, only to have it continue to fall. In these days of the credit crunch a whole host of new words, much more comprehensible than the famed quantitative easing, have sprung up to describe its consequences such as Mancession – the maledomination of the industries hardest hit by the crunch, such as the financial sector and the media – and the Lipstick Indicator – the use of lipstick sales as an economic indicator (when times are tough, women buy more low-cost comfort items such as lipstick). Alongside them are our new ways of coping

with tough economic times: abs-tinence denotes the dropping of costly and rarely used gym memberships to save money (daily workouts now often take place on living room rugs or jogging around local parks); slashflow is the brutal pruning of household budgets to bring outgoings into closer alignment with reduced incomes and al desko is the practice of eating lunch (typically home-made) at one’s desk rather than on the terrace of a local restaurant. London’s renowned cultural life at least can be sought in libraries by the grille-peerer (1940s), one of a group of clergymen who used to haunt the stacks of the London Library to look up the skirts of women browsing above or those with a face-ticket (British Museum Reading Room, 1909), so well known to the janitors that one is not asked to present one’s ticket. More famously, the theatre has developed a fine range to describe the reactions of the audience, with ventilator (a play so appallingly bad that the audience leaves well before the final curtain, their seats are filled only with fresh air); exsibilation (1640), the collective hisses of a disapproving audience; handcuffed, an actor’s description of an audience who will not applaud; stiff (1930s), a terrible joke, rewarded only by silence; soso (1930s), a joke rewarded by a smile, but not a laugh; gravy, easy laughs from a friendly audience and more happy to crack the monica (music hall jargon c.1860), to ring the bell to summon a performer to reappear. London has indeed played its part in the development of our gloriously rich, ever-evolving language.

Dickensian life is recalled with a highly specialised vocabulary for Artful Dodgers


Adam is the author of The Meaning of Tingo and Other Extraordinary Words From Around the World, published by Penguin Books, and of iPhone app Tingo


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Photography: Issy Croker Illustrations: Mai Osawa

Built ToLast

The iconic buildings and structures of Kensington and Chelsea have, in the past, been threatened with demolition, lambasted for their appearance or, at the very least, highly criticised for their expense. However, in overcoming these obstacles, past monarchs, visionary architects and pioneers have left the area with an extraordinary architectural and historic legacy, as house historian Melanie Backe-Hansen explains


Kensington Palace The history of Kensington Palace begins in the early 1600s when it was first built for Sir George Coppin. It became known as Nottingham House when it was the home of the 1st Earl of Nottingham, but in 1689, William III and Mary II chose it as their new home and commissioned Sir Christopher Wren to transform it into a royal palace. They moved in during December 1689, but after a fire in 1691 it was altered further, including the addition of the familiar southern façade in 1695 by Nicholas Hawksmoor. It then became the home of Queen Anne and when George I came to the throne in 1714 he instigated improvements, including the grand state rooms and the great staircase, decorated with the famous painted gallery by William Kent. George III chose to live in Buckingham House so from that time it became home to members of the royal family, including Edward, Duke of Kent, and the father of Queen Victoria. Victoria was born at the palace in 1819 and it was here on 20 June 1837 she was told that William IV had died and she was now Queen. Later royals to live in Kensington Palace included Queen Victoria’s daughters, Princesses Louise, Beatrice and Alice, as well as Mary of Teck, later Queen Mary, wife of George V. The Palace was first opened to the public for Queen Victoria’s 80th birthday in 1899. In 1911 to 1914 and 1950 to 1975 rooms were used for the London Museum. More recently it has been home to Princess Margaret, Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and is often remembered as the former home of the Princess of Wales.



Royal Hospital Chelsea For many walking the streets of Chelsea, the red-coated Chelsea pensioners are a familiar sight, instilling pride and admiration, and their home, the Royal Hospital, is arguably Chelsea’s greatest and most iconic building. It was founded in 1682 by Charles II, with the help of Sir Stephen Fox, and completed in 1692 when 476 retired soldiers moved in. It was designed by celebrated architect Sir Christopher Wren and much of his work remains today, including the central section with the Great Hall and Chapel separated by the octagon vestibule with cupola, which looks out to Figure Court (named for the central statue of Charles II by Grinling Gibbons). Light Horse and College Courts were added to the east and west, and additional buildings were added by other renowned architects; Robert Adam in the late 18th century and Sir John Soane in the early 19th century.

Natural History Museum Henry Cole was involved with the development of the Natural History Museum, which had first been proposed by Sir Richard Owen in 1858. It was built to house the natural sciences collection of the British Museum, which had originally been created by Sir Hans Sloane in the 18th century. Francis Fowke won the competition to design the new museum, but after he died the job passed to Alfred Waterhouse, who designed the now iconic blue and beige building in a Romanesque style. Construction began in 1873 and was officially opened in 1881. It is built with the striking patterned terracotta and has many architectural features, including carved depictions of animals and plants, as well as the grand cathedral-like main hall. References to the purpose of the building appear around every corner, with details of plants and animals on pillars, ceilings, and staircases. Today, the Natural History Museum holds more than 70 million specimens, including 55 million animals and nine million fossils, and is the largest natural history collection in the world.


Royal Albert Hall After the Great Exhibition of 1851 the area between Hyde Park and Cromwell Road was chosen as the site for a centre for culture and learning for the arts and sciences. The grand vision succeeded due to a handful of pioneers, one of whom was Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s consort, who first proposed a hall for arts and sciences in 1853. However, it did not eventuate before he died in 1861 and the project passed to Henry Cole, who played a key role in the development of the area, nicknamed Albertopolis. The foundation stone for the Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences was laid by Queen Victoria in 1867. It was designed by Francis Fowke, but he died before it was finished so it was completed by Henry Darracott Scott. It is constructed with red brick and terracotta and opened by the Queen on 29 March 1871 and since that time has been host to an array of events and performances. It is most often associated with the BBC Proms but has also hosted Wagner, Elgar and Rachmaninov, as well as The Beatles, ABBA, Frank Sinatra, Jimi Hendrix and Adele.

Peter Jones Lastly, a completely different kind of iconic building is the Peter Jones department store. Peter Jones first came to Chelsea during the 1860s when he opened a drapery store in Draycott Avenue. He moved to the King’s Road in 1877 and by the 1880s had taken over a number of shops and had 200 employees. He built a new store in 1884 which allowed him to display goods in “a grand fashion”. When Peter Jones died the store was purchased by John Lewis in 1906 and by the 1930s the decision was taken to rebuild the old-fashioned Victorian store. The design by architects Slater and Moberly, with William Crabtree and consulting architect C.H. Reilly was a dramatic departure for Chelsea. It was built in 1932-6 and provoked many comments, including being called a “glass cage” by the Chelsea Society. However, it was largely accepted, with the new architectural style giving the impression of an ocean liner with a continuous “curtain wall”. In 1939 it was voted the most popular modern building in a poll for The Architects’ Journal.




Red weather

ANNABEL HARRISON meets former New York Times journalist Liza Klaussmann to find out more about her first novel, the forensic level of research involved and why she thinks London is better than New York and Paris

I have always been fascinated by how authors decide upon a name for their novels. To me, choosing just a handful of words with which to ensnare in a split-second the passing customer, who has (hopefully) been attracted to the book cover like a bee to a bright flower, seems a much more impossible task than the writing of the novel, which allows for hundreds of thousands of carefully constructed, and sometimes painstakingly deconstructed, sentences. Liza Klaussmann decided to bestow the final line of Disillusionment of Ten O’Clock by Wallace Stevens upon her first novel, set in Martha’s Vineyard in the two

decades after the end of World War Two and told from the perspectives of five family members over the course of five sections. Having read the book (and thus able to recommend it highly from personal experience), the title certainly seems to suit the story, given the characters’ oppressively hot environment and predatory natures. We meet in a London pub of Liza’s choosing and she is dressed casually, relaxed, open and eloquent as she ponders my first question over a glass of red. “I’m a huge fan of Wallace Stevens, so the title came first. But it was part and parcel of the kind of the story that I wanted to write. The poem talks about the claustrophobia of homogeneity; everyone’s the same and everything’s the same. In the poem the one little tiny spark of imagination comes from a drunken sailor, not from people who live in the houses. So for me, it was that concept of this one group of people who, in the midst of everyone wanting everything to be the same, wanted it all to be different.” Having spent more than a decade working for the New York Times, Liza secured her first book deal after writing Tigers In Red Weather as part of her Creative Writing Masters, undertaken in London. Why this move into fiction? “I woke up one morning thinking, if I really want to do this, then I have to give it a serious try and London seemed like an obvious choice.” Liza has spent long periods of her life living in New York, Paris and now London, which she finds a green, cosmopolitan and beautiful city: “I think of New York as the city of my youth, Paris as where I became an adult and London is now the place that I live. It’s my favourite city of the three – it has the best of both worlds. Whereas New York and Paris can be very parochial, London has this great mix of people and cultures.”


I am sure that, as an author, being surrounded by a mix of people and cultures provides an essential wealth of inspiration, if not at least protection from an overwhelming monotony as one sets off on the rather isolated path of an author. Inspiration also came from Liza’s own grandparents who grew up in the same era as her characters, and although the “waspy East Coast enclave” of the book is fictional, “it was personal in the sense that I had memories from spending summers in our house there, but for me it was more like working from imagination than from reality.” From this imagination sprang Nick, Daisy, Helena, Hughes and Ed, all part of a family struggling to maintain the composed façade expected by their contemporaries. Research is critical; “you end up doing tons and only using one little bit but you have to control the material before you begin.” Particularly troublesome details to nail down included the logistics of a trans-Atlantic phone call, the sleeper train Nick takes to visit Helena, exactly what drugs Helena could have been taking and if a doctor would have paid her a house visit. Ed’s section ends the novel and is the only one that is written in first person, for reasons pragmatic and emotional: “Ed is the most violent and vile character – it’s sad but he’s also the weirdest – so I wanted the reader to be able to relate to him; when you use the first person it’s the easiest way to get close to the character. Also he doesn’t talk a lot so you need to get into his head to let the narrative move forward.” Indeed, after hundreds of pages in the third person, writing in Ed’s voice came as a relief to Liza: “He’s quite psychotic so he’s really fun to write!” I would wager that you are bound to identify with at least one characteristic of one of Tigers’ players and, uncomfortably, these are often negative as the characters’ desires are thwarted and the paths that their lives are taking veer further and further from their anticipated routes. Liza explains that desire is indeed the motivating theme, twinned with ambition: “All of them want something and they might figure out, in the end, that it’s not what they wanted at all. These people have these intense, carnivorous desires and as they move forward they don’t have empathy for the other people; they just run them over as they go along but there are repercussions to living like that.” So I must ask. Is there another top-secret novel in the pipeline? “I’m working on the second novel now; it’s not top secret at all,” Liza laughs. “It’s a fictional re-telling of the lives of Sara and Gerald Murphy, these Americans at the centre of literary and artistic expatriate group in Paris and Antibes in the 20s and who had a tragic life. I just felt very drawn to them and it’s fascinating to explore the mystique surrounding them.” It’s out in 2014 and I, for one, can’t wait.


Disillusionment of Ten O’Clock by Wallace Stevens

The houses are haunted By white night-gowns. None are green, Or purple with green rings, Or green with yellow rings, Or yellow with blue rings. None of them are strange, With socks of lace And beaded ceintures. People are not going To dream of baboons and periwinkles. Only, here and there, an old sailor, Drunk and asleep in his boots, Catches tigers In red weather.


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Royal Borough

NEWS Covering the whole Royal Borough: Kensington, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, Notting Hill and Holland Park

Illustration: Mai Osawa



Royal Borough News The latest news, best events and areas of interest for residents of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea

Moving Mountains Royal Borough residents are being encouraged to dig deep and support local girl Sinead Nammock as she climbs Mount Kilimanjaro in a bid to raise money for research into one of the rarest and most disabling genetic conditions known to modern medicine; Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP). The disease affects 700 people worldwide and just 40 in the UK. The 21-year-old from Ladbroke Grove is pulling together a team of climbers to tackle the ascent, her first ever expedition, in a laudable attempt to raise as much as possible towards the £120,000 needed for another year’s research by Oxford University. Due to its rarity, FOP research is not funded by the Government and, as such, the university’s current funding is due to run out this December, a major setback to finding a cure. If you wish to donate, please visit climbingforacure or find out more about FOP at

We Will Remember Them Although War Horse is undoubtedly his most celebrated work, Michael Morpurgo has made many other noteworthy contributions to WW1 literature, including the classic children’s book Private Peaceful, which tells the tale of Private “Tommo” Peaceful, a character based upon Thomas Samuel Henry Peacefull who served with 4th Battalion, The Royal Fusiliers until his death on 4 June 1915. The National Army Museum has uncovered the wartime documents which record his death and last effects and, although Morpugo was in many ways faithful to true events in his book, visitors to the exhibition will learn how, unlike the fictional character, Private Peacefull died of wounds sustained in action, and not from a firing squad, during WW1. Visit the museum for a fascinating, instructive afternoon with the family. On Sunday 11 November, a Remembrance Service will be held at the Cenotaph to commemorate British and Commonwealth servicemen and women who died in the two World Wars and later conflicts. The day before, the Commando 999 Speedmarch is taking place, aiming to raise £1 million for the Royal Marines Association, so that it can look after any member of the Royal Marines family that needs help “at the point of greatest need”. Starting in Downing Street the run will take in many London sights and on completion the Royal Marines Band will accompany the marchers along The Mall to the Royal Marines National Memorial where they will be able to pay their respects. National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road 020 7730 0717;

Photography: Pawel Kowalczyk /


Collars and Coats In a star-studded event, the home of the most glamorous of pets will play host to an evening of entertainment and decadence as the annual Collars and Coats Gala Ball returns for its fourth year at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home. TV personalities Amanda Holden and Paul O’Grady MBE (the evening’s official hosts) will be joined by attendees David Gandy, Joanna Page and James Thornton. The ball is a celebration of the organisation’s work in the field of animal welfare and of the fact that it is one of the UK’s most loved charities. As such, it is unsurprising that the event is also supported by the fashion world elite, including Stella McCartney, Philip Treacy and Hilary Alexander. The evening’s line-up includes a memorable welcome by the Home’s legendary Guard of Honour, formed by a parade of blue-coated Battersea dogs and their handlers, followed by an exclusive champagne reception and banquet interspersed with top billing entertainment. Finally, guests will be able to bid in the exclusive auction with luxury prizes donated by supporters. Collars and Coats Gala Ball,Thursday 8 November Battersea Evolution, Chelsea Bridge Entrance Battersea Park, SW11 4NJ

Waving the Flag Following this year’s Green Flag awards, it was unearthed that the Royal Borough currently boasts nine parks that are recognised as among the best green spaces in England and Wales. Avondale Park and Tavistock Gardens gained their first Green Flags this July, joining Little Wormwood Scrubs and Westfield Park, which both received flags for the second year. Successful for a third year were Cremorne Gardens and Gunnersbury Cemetery, St. Luke’s Gardens reached four years, and Kensington Memorial Park celebrated an impressive six years. However, Holland Park (pictured below) remains streaks ahead of its local competitors, having flown the flag now for an incredible 12 years. The Green Flag Awards, launched in 1996, have become recognised as the benchmark national standard for parks and green spaces in the UK.

Chelsea Academy Theatre “Drink, dancing and devilry” was how the Cremorne Pleasure Gardens (1846-1877) was described in its final years. But hundreds of thousands of Londoners flocked to the beautifully landscaped grounds for innocent fun – from music hall entertainment, ballet, fortune telling, floral exhibitions, dinner, dancing, fireworks and audacious acts of derring-do to tightrope walking across the Thames and spectacular hot air ballooning. An hour-long DVD, to mark our Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the founding of the Cremorne Residents’ Association (Lots Village), traces much of this colourful history including Cremorne’s sad demise. It has been produced by the CRA and is a genuine community production involving the Council, Mayor, local Councillors and residents who all actively contributed to the project. The premiere will be held in the Chelsea Academy Theatre, Lots Road, SW10 0AB on Monday 12 November at 7pm for 7.30pm. All are welcome. For more information:




Royal Borough News Covering the whole Royal Borough: Kensington, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, Notting Hill and Holland Park

The Age of Enlightenment As brilliantly depicted in British comedy series, Blackadder the Third, the Regency period was a time of great excess. Although the aristocracy’s lavish lifestyle (represented by Hugh Laurie as the Prince Regent) is seen as one of the direct causes of the period’s social, economic and political turbulence, it is often forgotten that we have them largely to thank for the era’s achievements in the fine arts and the architecture which emerged from it. George IV was one of the greatest patrons of both of these fields and, as a result of this (and the wealth generated by the Industrial Revolution), upper class society experienced a revival of culture and refinement. At a free talk given by the Victoria and Albert Museum at the end of October, you may discover the architecture of the early 19th century, and see material by major London architects such as Sir John Soane and Charles Barry, as well as the lesser-known, regionally-based architects including George Wightwick, Charles Fowler and John Dobson. 30 October Closer Look Architecture Talk V&A Museum, Cromwell Road, SW7 2RL 020 7942 2000;

The Trojan Women A radical, intense interpretation of Euripides’ Greek tragedy The Trojan Women will arrive at the Gate Theatre in Notting Hill this November, running until the middle of December. In this gripping new version by talented UK poet Caroline Bird and directed by the Gate’s own artistic director Christopher Haydon, the play explores what happens when the world collapses through the tale of Troy, following the end of the epic war, and through the eyes of the fallen Trojan queen Hecuba. Euripides is widely praised as one of the greatest three tragedians of classical Athens, together with Aeschylus and Sophocles. 8 November – 15 December Gate Theatre, 11 Pembridge Road, W11 3HQ 020 7229 0706; © Martin Stranka (



Floris is delighted to announce the opening of a new Bespoke Perfumery Boutique at 147 Ebury Street, Belgravia, 282 years since Mr and Mrs Floris opened the doors to their first Perfumery at 89 Jermyn Street.

Royal Borough News Covering the whole Royal Borough: Kensington, Chelsea, Knightsbridge, Notting Hill and Holland Park

By Accident or Design September saw the ground-breaking ceremony of the new Design Museum at the former Commonwealth Institute. Founder of London’s leading international contemporary design museums, Sir Terence Conran, plus Director Deyan Sudjic OBE and Chairman of the Trustees Luqman Arnold, were joined by leaders in the fields of architecture and design at the building’s foundations to celebrate the occasion. To signify this historic moment in the museum’s development, a time capsule was buried in the grounds after the elected designers and architects had each nominated an object to be included inside it. The Design Museum is set to open in 2015 and the move will provide the museum with three times more space and free access to its unique collection, as well as bringing it into Kensington’s cultural quarter, joining the V&A, Science Museum, Natural History Museum and Royal College of Art. Design Museum, Kensington High Street, W8 6NW

Photography: Dominic French

Ideal Home Show at Christmas Panicking about the imminent arrival of Christmas and the accompanying present shopping? If so, never fear as help is close at hand. Back for 2012, the annual shopping event extravaganza at Earl’s Court promises to prepare you for the festive season, from how to trim your turkey to the best stocking fillers. With more than 600 expert exhibitors across six sections including interiors and furnishings, fashion and beauty, food and drink, gifts and decorations, home improvements and outdoor living, and technology and gadgets, you can be sure that questions you had never even considered will be answered. Also present at the Christmas Ideal Home Show this year is the first ever pop-up Dancing on Ice rink. The rink will feature daily performances by Dancing on Ice’s pro-skaters and their celebrity partners from previous series, enabling fans of the TV show and visitors to experience world class skating live.

Photography: Theo Cohen

14-18 November


Carnival Clear-Up

Dance Off

Although perhaps not the view of local residents, it is surely a tribute to its success that almost 200 tonnes of rubbish was cleared from Notting Hill following this year’s Carnival, as more than a million revellers descended on the streets this August. The overnight operation altogether took 164 staff from contractors, SITA, 19 refuse trucks and nine mechanical sweepers, together with a large motorway vehicle which washed down the roads. The Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for the Environment, Cllr Nick Paget- Brown, commented: “Our contractor, SITA, and the Council officers deserve a gold medal. They ensured the streets were cleaned and returned to normal before anyone got up for work. Our priority is always to clear the streets as swiftly as possible to ensure minimum disruption for residents.” In 2011, it was recorded that the Council collected 180 tonnes of waste after Carnival, evidence to suggest that the festival only continues to grow in popularity each year.

In true British spirit, people did not let the dismal rain spoil their afternoon as a crowd of more than 200 turned out to watch the Big Dance bus parade (part of The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s inTRANSIT Festival) as it descended upon the streets of Chelsea this July. Swing dancers from the Big Dance resident dance company entertained the audience, and there was a varied mix of performances from American pom-poms through to belly dancers, Irish and Scottish dances, and fun workshops in Flamenco, Swing and Roma for participants of all ages, making it a spectacular day for residents and non-residents alike.

Remember, Remember There is an almost unlimited option of fireworks displays in parks and public spaces across the Capital, from the spectacular Alexandra Palace fireworks to the astonishing display at Crystal Palace, but our personal favourite would have to be Battersea Park’s contribution to Bonfire Night, just a stone’s throw away from the Royal Borough. The date has been confirmed by Wandsworth Council as Saturday 3 November; with sprinklers, hot food, drink stands and, not forgetting the main attraction of the evening, the outstanding fireworks spectacle for the finale, this year’s event is sure not to disappoint.

Saturday 3 November Battersea Park, SW11 4NJ

Leader of the Pack Described by Maestro Leonid Grin as “a sensitive and dynamic conductor”, Rachel Young has certainly made the transition from cellist to conductor swiftly and successfully. A talented musician, working for several years as a cellist in the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, it was always Young’s dream to lead the orchestra rather than just play in one. Since 2007, Young has pursued numerous conducting masterclasses with the likes of Neeme Järvi, Paavo Järvi and Leonid Grin, and this November, Young will make her Cadogan Hall debut conducting the Russian Virtuosi of Europe, featuring music by Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky and Schnittke. Having already proven her worth in London last season at St. John’s Smith Square, Young hopes her forthcoming debut at Cadogan Hall will be “an inspirational and memorable performance” for all.

Photography: Bikeworldtravel /

23 November Cadogan Hall, 5 Sloane Terrace, SW1X 9DQ 020 7730 4500;

Walk on the Wild Side Every year, Walkabout Foundation, the US and UK based charity that focuses on funding paralysis research, makes a journey of support, “walking for those who cannot walk,” and this year is no different. This October, the charity is taking to Regent’s Park for a Hallowe’en-themed five kilometre walk. Thanks to headline sponsor, local Chelsea KX Life, all the money raised will go to donating wheelchairs (the majority directed towards the charity’s most recent commitment to donate 10,000 wheelchairs to Haiti over the next five years). The walk is free to join and, if you dress your kids up for the occasion in Hallowe’en costumes, you will automatically be entered into the competition to win a weekend stay at Hotel Cipriani in Venice. The first 600 participants will also receive a complimentary goody bag with gifts from the likes of Net-A-Porter, Lola’s Cupcakes and Jax Coco. Saturday 27 October. Email to register




+44 (0)20 7736 2917

Antiques &

AR T Carol Cordrey finds works of art both old and new to inspire and enrich our lives

South Kensington Goes Wild As the temperature drops, our minds prepare us for frosty, snowy landscapes peppered with wild animals such as foxes, rabbits, squirrels, the fantastical unicorn and the noble deer. Walt Disney brought such scenes to life through his films and, before him, Sir Edwin Landseer (1802-73) painted the most famous deer of them all, Monarch of the Glen (and he sculpted the lions in Trafalgar Square too). Two Parisian artists, Frédérique Morrel and Aaron Levin, have teamed up under Morrel’s name to lend a new twist to our love of wild animals, the latest of which are about to take us by surprise as they sneak, hop, charge and leap into South Kensington. These creatures are furnished with the most naturalistic poses and expressions; some are free-standing whilst others are wall-mounted but, surprisingly, they are all sculpted from lightweight fiberglass. This ensures that anybody can have an animal in their home even if they work 24/7 and suffer from a floorplan of modest square footage and vulnerable MDF walls. Even more surprising is the fact that these animals have colourful skins of vintage tapestry or other textiles, often reflecting the flora and fauna of the animals’ natural habitats. In some cases, the skins make reference to hunting which makes the sculptures even stronger conversation pieces. Frédérique Morrel 14 November – 17 December

Q&A with Stephen Mangan about his Chelsea exhibition at Flying Colours Gallery Q: Your origins are Scottish but you have had successful exhibitions in New York, Hong Kong and Holland; do you attribute that to the universal appeal of your enigmatic subjects? A: I must admit to not feeling particularly Scottish while I’m painting, though I guess that a Scottish art education did tend to focus on the European tradition. As to my “enigmatic subjects”, to me they seem obvious and clear and I’m just glad they appeal to so many people.

Q: The powerful gazes and haunting shadows in your compositions convey a sense of solitude and unfolding drama, reminiscent of the late and great


Edward Hopper. Has he influenced your work? A: I would gladly say that Hopper has been a direct influence and I love his work more as time goes on but I can’t say that my work is consciously because of Hopper. If anything, I would feel flattered if my work came anywhere near to conveying what he managed to convey.

Q: Your highly accomplished oil painting technique results in refined, sleek surfaces; does each painting take weeks to complete? A: Yes and they all take longer than I would want! I have always loved the ‘craft’ within art. I think that for me there is a direct relationship

between the craft and how much you believe in the ‘reality’ of the world you’re creating in paint.

Q: Will there be a particular theme to these new London paintings? A: I think any kind of theme comes down to what I feel preoccupied with at any given time when I’m painting. I do look for the show to have cohesion and there does seem to be a number of racecourse paintings in this exhibition. Stephen Mangan 1-23 November


Auctions &

AR T Carol Cordrey recommends local exhibitions worth attending and auctions with prize lots on offer

The Borough’s New Art Wall Necessity being the mother of invention, the owner of restaurant and bar Kensington Place decided that the essential, temporary removal of its iconic mural called for something new and so The Art Wall was created. This large space forms part of the landmark 25 year celebrations of Kensington Place and it will be devoted to an exciting exhibition of artworks that will change every two months. The art is being sourced from both local galleries and artists and it is guaranteed to provide customers with stimulating delights beyond those usually enjoyed from the china and glassware of this very popular venue. First in line for this great opportunity is young artist Jelly Green whose

richly textured and very sensitive oil paintings of animals reveal great talent for a mere 18 year old. Even more impressive is the fact that in 2009, at the age of just 15, Jelly was chosen to be a Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) Scholar, resulting in an exhibition of her work at the prestigious Mall Galleries’ RBA Annual Show in 2010. For anybody wanting to snap up art by emerging talent, I recommend a speedy visit. Jelly Green, The Art Wall Until the end of November

Art’s Most Wanted The Joys of Travel Item: 1930s lithograph travel poster promoting visits to the Cote D’Azur Artist: Jean-Gabriel Domergue (1889-1962) Estimated Value: £4,000 – £6,000 Date: 1 November Location: Christie’s, 85 Old Brompton Road South Kensington, SW7 3LD

Revival of a Great British Artist An exhibition at the gallery Piano Nobile sees the welcome return to prominence of work by the late Mark Gertler (18911939) who was described in 1922 as “one of three or four best young painters in England”. Gertler was born to Polish parents in London’s East End and his highly individual style of portraits, still lifes and nudes were painted in strong colours with clear influences of Post-Impressionism and Expressionism. He is best known for his vibrant, infamous painting Merry-Go-Round that satirized WWI (currently displayed at Tate Britain) and two drawings of this iconic work will be included in the exhibition. A lavishly illustrated catalogue will be for sale at the gallery at the pre-publication price of £25 (P&P extra).

Magnificent Miniature Item: Miniature of a Lady, possibly Frances Abington (1737-1815) as the comic muse holding a pipe and the mask of Comedy, wearing white classical robes adorned with pearls Artist: Richard Cosway RA (1742-1821) Estimated Value: £6,000 – £8,000 Date: 21 November Location: Bonhams, Montpelier Street Knightsbridge, SW7 1HH


Lot 61: Jean-Gabriel Domergue, Cote D’Azur lithograph in colours, c.1930 © Christie’s Images Limited 2012

Mark Gertler: Works 1912-28 12 October – 16 November

Above from top / Garden at Thame, 1925 The Artist’s Brother Harry Holding an Apple, 1913


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Photography: Laili Kwok



Rebecca Wallersteiner speaks to Charlie Cobb, the charming, talented Artist-in-Residence at Leighton House in Holland Park When I arrive at Leighton House, one of the most remarkable historic buildings in Kensington, to interview Charlie Cobb, Artist-In-Residence, I don’t need any introduction, as he is the embodiment of any casting director’s dream of how an artist should look. Charlie is tall and dark with brooding eyes, which would have done Byron credit. However handsome he is, it has done nothing to dent his charm as he is friendly, natural and immediately offers to make us tea. In early December, Leighton House, built in the 1860s, by leading Victorian ‘classical’ painter Lord Leighton, will be holding an exhibition of Charlie’s work in post, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. This also made possible the purchase of Clytie, Leighton’s painting of a sea nymph, with arms outstretched, bidding farewell to the sun god Apollo. Charlie takes me up to Leighton’s studio and we sit in front of large glass windows that flood the room with light; a vital element for an artist. “This is definitely my favourite room, as it was designed for painting and its light changes subtly throughout the day. This studio provides peace and a sanctuary for me to paint as my two small, playful children make it difficult to concentrate at home. I’ve spent the last couple of months moving my easel around the house and garden seeking inspiration from the collection and reinterpreting Clytie and other works in my own art. Unfortunately Leighton died before he could finish this picture but even in its unfinished state Clytie had an important role in his last public appearance, as it was placed above his coffin at his funeral.” “What’s it like working here at night?” I wonder. “You become conscious of the emptiness of the building and can hear echoes of how it was,” Charlie replies. “Leighton loved this house and cocooned himself against the criticism of the art world within these walls.” In its heyday, Leighton House was a gathering place for artists, writers and politicians who formed the Holland Park Circle. The painter George Frederic Watts, a friend of Leighton’s, lived in the studio at the bottom of the garden and they would meet for breakfast before embarking on their day’s work. Watts’s excellent portrait of Leighton now hangs beside the staircase and hand-painted, colourful tiles and India wallpaper by William Morris, another friend, decorate the walls. “I admire Lord Leighton’s doggedness and generosity, even though I find some of his work academic and theatrical,” says Charlie. President of the Royal Academy in 1878, Leighton is the only artist ever to have been ennobled. Charlie’s drawing of the opulent Arab Hall, with its collection of more

than 1,000 Islamic and William de Morgan tiles and delicate Egyptian lattice windows, will be included in his exhibition. His favourite picture in Leighton’s collection is Venetian painter Tintoretto’s exquisite Portrait of an Elderly Gentleman, who smiles sardonically at us. Charlie also admires Leighton’s landscapes of the Middle East, painted during his extensive travels. However it seems incongruous that his bedroom is monastic in simplicity, when compared to the rest of the house. Leighton is the only person to have lived in the house; it was turned into a museum in 1900, soon after his death, and remains his private palace of art, but open for all to enjoy its magic. A bomb narrowly missed the house in 1944 but demolished the front gates and left a gaping hole where the front steps into the house had been. Leighton House is now seeking to raise £25,000 to restore the front porch and gates to how they were 100 years ago – using photographs of that time. Embrace the change of season by enjoying seasonal food, holding a concert or throwing a cocktail party; the sumptuous spaces of the Leighton House Museum are all available to hire. Contact the Museums letting manager, Sally Dobinson, on 020 7603 1123 or email for more information

Photography: Justin Barton


Photography: Justin Barton





The days will darken but there is nothing dull about the month of November. When the Bonfire Night fireworks have fizzled out, yet another sparkling event – Kensington’s Winter Fine Art & Antiques Fair – bursts into action with beautiful items that will leave you gasping with excitement, says Carol Cordrey

This will be the 22nd of these high calibre fairs, which always lift spirits at the onset of winter by presenting fine art, furniture, glassware, jewellery, silver, clocks and a host of other collectable pieces that have been carefully vetted by a panel of experts. Such is the overall quality of the event that it attracts around 24,000 visitors, among them prestigious collectors, dealers, interior designers such as Nicky Haslam, fashion designers (Sir Paul Smith), celebrities (such as Jemima Khan and Jools Holland), artists (Sir Peter Blake RA) and global entrepreneurs (Sir David Tang KBE). It is the perfect destination for novices or those who simply want to revel in exposure to the best of fine and applied arts, a selection of which are shown here. There will be excellent furniture, shining examples being an early 18th century English walnut bureau presented by Wakelin and Linfield, and an early 19th century burr elm card table by the distinguished furniture designer, William Trotter (1772-1833) which can be found on the Millington Adams stand. Lovers of fine art will be delighted by the range of artists, medium and subject matter that will include two sets of prints produced by Marc Chagall and Joan Miro being sold by

specialists Dinan and Chigne. Georges Braque, along with Picasso, revolutionised art by inventing Cubism which overturned conventional methods of representing space on a two-dimensional surface. One of Braque’s first fish bowl series L’Aquarium au Verre is in characteristically muted oils painted on card and laid on canvas, brought to the Fair by Court Gallery. A striking portrait of Major Henry Frederick Elliott Lewin by the internationally acclaimed society portraitist, Philip Alexius de László (18691937) will take pride of place with Nicholas Bagshawe. Oriental art will be represented too, particularly through the selection of Japanese ivories, bronzes and other items on the Laura Bordignon Antiques stand. Clocks and barometers have timeless appeal (couldn’t resist the pun!), possibly because of their functionality, and a star piece is likely to be the Louis XVI white marble, bronze and ormolu mantel clock being exhibited by Richard Price & Associates. Equally exciting for those passionate about barometers and maritime memorabilia is the aneroid, 1915 barometer by Negretti & Zambra on the Alan Walker Barometers stand; its mahogany case was created from the timber of the WWI seaplane, HMS Empress, during her refit. Visitors will be taken by surprise by Paul Bennett’s very distinctive, silver-mounted, carved coconut cup (circa 1680), together with his William and Mary flagon (dated 1694) created by the renowned Frances Garthorne whose work is in collections such as the V&A. Ceramics and glass may be more vulnerable than silver but they have equal appeal, especially if the name Wedgwood is attached to them. Expert Sue Norman will be displaying a stunning

The event’s 24,000 visitors include collectors, dealers and interior designers

Above / Gallé aquatics coupe bowl, decorated with pond plants, signed. French, c.1900 (Solo Antiques)


series of 8” tiles by Wedgwood (circa 1870) depicting the characters of Oberon, Bottom, Demetrius and Puck from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. From Alexandra Alfandary there will be a 36cm high Meissen vase (circa 1880) of unusual shape with a pâte-sur-pâte decoration showing a mythological centaur and a female on horseback, whilst captivating realism will be seen in the beautifully modelled Staffordshire creamware squirrel for sale through ceramics expert John Howard. Although generally considered simple objects, walking canes offered by Geoffrey Breeze Antique Canes are anything but, exemplified by the one inspired by Darwin’s historic Origin of Species. It consists of a palm wood shaft, silver collar and handle appropriately carved in the shape of an ape holding a human skull. The fascination with this item continues if you press its small button to make the ape turn its head and open its mouth. For motoring buffs Hampton Antiques is the place to see a highly desirable Bugatti glass spirit decanter encased in chrome in the shape of the marque’s famous grill, complete with requisite red enamelled Bugatti badge. Surely these last two make perfect gifts for the man who claims to have everything. Best of all, they will be on display just in time for essential Christmas shopping that can be done in the extremely comfortable surroundings of this Fair, needing no tinsel, men in red suits or flashing lights to make it a truly exciting winter wonderland. Winter Fine Art & Antiques Fair, Olympia 12-18 November Entry and lectures by purchased tickets Visit for more information

Clockwise from top / Georges Braque (1882-1963), L’aquarium au verre. Signed, 1944 (The Court Gallery) Exceptional Martin Brothers jardinière, decorated with lizards against foliage. Incised marks, c.1880 (Philip Carrol) Early 18th century marble lion (Hansford) Diamond, ruby and 18-karat gold snake bracelet, 1950s (Anthea A G Antiques Ltd) A Staffordshire creamware model of a seated squirrel eating a nut (John Howard) © The Winter Fine Art & Antiques Fair, Olympia



Exhibition Spotlight JONATHAN MILLER Chelsea resident Jonathan Miller finds that inspiration for his paintings often emerges from his local butcher, nurse and restaurateur, reports CAROL CORDREY

Discovering Jonathan Miller in a very quiet enclave off the King’s Road was the first of many pleasant surprises that emerged from our interview. In fact, he lives with his wife in two, two-storey studios that he knocked into one lovely home and studio some 13 years ago. His very accomplished oil paintings and drawings pepper every wall and span a wide range of scales, styles and subject matter so I was not expecting to hear that he is entirely self-taught. Even more surprising was the news that he has only ever painted in his spare time during a long career as an accountant. What made you turn to painting? When I was in my mid-30s, my wife decided to include a box of oil paints in my Christmas stocking and it more or less began from there. I found I loved the actual art of making art – the alchemy of creating realism through paint – and the opportunity to express my deep feelings about something, so I painted whenever I could find the time. Now that I am retired, I like, ideally, to devote a day to it, sometimes painting for six or more hours, for as long as the concentration can keep going, or until it’s time to eat. What subjects interest you? I tend to like variety and to use complementary colours but my interest in painting different subjects has evolved over many years. I’ve done numerous flower paintings but they take a long time, especially the one which has 120 varieties of flower on a five foot square canvas! I often give my paintings different formats and borders and I also paint nudes and portraits. The first portrait I did was of my daughter; then I asked local people, who knew that I painted, if I could photograph them and get them to do one or two quick sittings for me. The environmental health officer came to the house several times to catch mice for us and as he was very complimentary about my paintings, I did two portraits of him, one for him to keep and one for me. I did the same with the window cleaner, the butcher, the nurse who was caring for my wife and Bucci at the excellent, local Italian restaurant. Which artists have influenced your work? I particularly like Surrealism and Symbolism so Dali and Magritte have influenced me but I love experimenting. My work is often very precise and sometimes naturalistic but other times I like to use the Pointillist technique associated with Seurat. I have lots of painting ideas and subjects in my head; I just need more time to create them!

Above from left / Colin the window cleaner, Gurnetta the nurse, Jose the Butcher, Bather, Rose & Owl, Lillies. All Jonathan Miller


Why have you decided to hold your exhibition as a silent auction? Although I have had work in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition this will be my second exhibition in my whole life and it will be shared with Sandra Treagus who is showing her figurative, stone sculpture. I thought I would let people decide what price they want to pay for my paintings so there will be bidding sheets for visitors to the exhibition and telephone and email bids will be accepted during and after the exhibition, up to midnight on Wednesday 7 November. Oil & Stone 29 October – 3 November The Gallery in Cork Street



Honouring a Master:

Tradition of Time All eyes are on Sotheby’s this month as the auction house sells the late, and greatest, watchmaker George Daniel’s personal watch and clock collection

His death last October triggered widespread mourning within the watch world. This month, as Sotheby’s auctions the George Daniels Horological Collection, the same industry braces itself for the sale of one of the most important watch collections ever assembled. Considered by many to be the greatest watchmaker since Abraham-Louis Breguet, Daniels was one of the few modern watchmakers who could create a complete watch by hand. Famous for creating the co-axial escapement, a mechanism described as the most important horological development for 250 years, Daniels is the only watchmaker ever to have received a CBE and a MBE for his services to horology.

The 130-something-piece lot will comprise Daniel’s entire personal collection, in addition to clocks and watches by some of the 17th, 18th and 19th century’s most famous makers. Featuring a Benjamin Hill 1650 astronomical watch, a Joseph Knibb 1677 silver-mounted table clock and both Daniel’s Grand Complication and Space Travellers’ watches, the auction is expected to realise in excess of £5 million. All proceeds from the sale of the collection will go to the George Daniels Educational Trust. The George Daniels Horological Collection 6 November, Sotheby’s;

Image courtesy of Sotheby’s




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watches For treasured timepieces, horological heirlooms and modern masterpieces, watch this space...

Exquisite Artisanship Three years ago, A. Lange & Söhne presented the Lange Zeitwerk, the first mechanical watch that featured a constant-force escapement. Inspired by the success of the timepiece, which has been the winner of multiple industry awards, the company last month unveiled a special edition Handwerkskunst Lange Zeitwerk. Featuring a lever and escape wheel made of hardened 18-karat gold, and decorated with elaborate tremblage engraving, the 30 limited edition watches cast a traditional glance at A. Lange & Söhne’s most advanced creation.

Montblanc Online The company may have 450 boutiques around the world but you no longer have to visit one to purchase one of its products. Having recently launched its UK online shop, Montblanc’s historic chronographs and iconic writing instruments are just a click away – dangerous perhaps for lovers of the company’s Meisterstück pens and Rieussec timepieces. The online ‘shop’ comes complete with bespoke services, complementary engraving, gift wrapping and a ‘last minute shopping’ section.

One to watch Each month we select our timepiece of the moment from the watch world’s most exciting pieces

While possessing the characteristic Luminor features, this aged-looking watch has a new, rounded case and cuspshaped caseband: as apt in the bar as it is in the boardroom

Going Global Anyone sceptical of the flourishing state of the mechanical watch industry need only look to IWC for proof of the industry’s recession-proof nature. Within the last three months alone, the company has opened boutiques everywhere from Paris to New York and from Miami to the Middle East. Of the IWC watches released this year, the Portofino Chronograph Edition Laureus Sport for Good Foundation remains our favourite.

372, £6,300 RRP, Panerai Available at Harrods, Selfridges and Watches of Switzerland





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Pit yourself against nature’s elements with high performance precision accessories




1 GW4000-1A, £215, Casio G-Shock, 2 Ribbed cashmere-blend socks, £65, J. Crew, 3 Cotton-canvas belt, £65, Jean Shop, 4 Movember leather bracelet, £65, Links of London, 16 Sloane Square 5 C11 Makaira Pro 500, £499, Christopher Ward, 6 X-Mach Chronograph, POA, Hamilton, 7 Challenge gym bag, £110, Lacoste, 8 Fire opal soft cashmere hat, £87.50, Bottega Veneta, 33 Sloane Street 9 Swarovski CL Companion Binoculars 10 x 30, £830, Swarovski Optik, 10 Steamer trolley case, £545, Paul Smith, 84-86 Sloane Avenue 11 Murdoch square-frame acetate sunglasses, £175, Illesteva,



RUN WILDbracelet london_UK 13/04/12 09.37 Pagina 2

From the Honeycomb Eternelle Ring Collection




BOX Jewels, gems, pearls and diamonds; the essential components of any lady’s jewellery collection

Mighty Aphrodite

Out of Africa

Susan Caplan was responsible for providing an added wow factor at Issa London’s S/S13 London Fashion Week show with her well-chosen selection of timeless and luxurious vintage jewellery. Daniella Helayel’s exotic prints, hot colours and billowing fabrics were complemented by Grecian-inspired, chunky, gold embellishments and touches of turquoise. Caplan comments: “Issa approached me to help its looks come to life. The designs this season had a beautifully glamorous ‘goddess’ feel so we looked to Elizabeth Taylor holidaying in the early 70s for inspiration. It was soon easy to find the right pieces and once we did, they really completed the look. Issa designs are timeless and worn by all types of women. These values are ones that I also try to uphold at Susan Caplan Vintage Collection so it felt like a great fit.”

With the summer came the arrival of new kid on the London jewellery scene, Joubi. Its unusual name, a reworking of the French word bijou, typifies the oneof-a-kind pieces which the brand creates; from quirky gold lacquer cat-ear rings to red carpet classics, it is a collection that has catered for all. Joubi’s first season collection was inspired by Creative Director Joanna Bourne’s travels to Africa and Asia, where she was drawn to the vibrant colour, form and geometric patterns of the exotic plants and animals. Joanna comments: “From a purely aesthetic viewpoint, there is no end to the variations you can derive from animals: from their fabulous colourings and markings to the way that they move and take different forms.”

Cutting Edge Man of the moment Stephen Webster has struck (white) gold once again with his latest fine jewellery collection, quirkily entitled Forget Me Knot

Forget Me Knot embodies the spirit of dangerous beauty that is ubiquitous with Stephen Webster designs. It has been created with the alluring perception of danger in mind, punctuated by fine barbed diamonds and refined cascades of diamond razor ribbons

Clockwise from above / Mini Shield Pendant set in 18-carat white gold with white diamonds and hematite, £3,950 Ceramic Bracelet set in 18-carat white gold with white diamonds and black ceramic, £6,000 Large Bow Ring set in 18-carat white gold with white diamonds and blue sapphires, £9,300 All from the Forget Me Knot Collection by Stephen Webster;


Around the World Cartier certainly caused breaths to be drawn at this year’s Biennale des Antiquaires with its newlylaunched Dépaysement collection. The 150 aweinspiring jewels making up the globe-spanning collection have been interpreted into different landscapes: Temporal, Luxiariant, Solar, Boreal and Urban. Although slightly more diverse than previous years, it was still unmistakeably Cartier, with the muchloved panther showing its face in the form of a stunning sapphire and diamond ring and a striking colour palette of emeralds, sapphires and briolette aquamarines. 143-144 Sloane Street Knightsbridge, SW1X 9AY 020 7312 6930,


Keira Knightley wearing Chanel Fine Jewellery in Anna Karenina (2012) © Focus Features © 2012 Universal Pictures International All Rights Reserved


Romancing the Stone

As Hollywood prepares for the most highly-anticipated film of 2013, Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby featuring Tiffany & Co., Olivia Sharpe examines the role of fine jewellery in cinema history Throughout film history, costume has always been considered a vital component in character building and storytelling. Following the arrival of Hollywood, production companies started to create visionary masterpieces through their actors’ apparel, igniting worldwide fashion trends and influencing global culture – so much so that the Victoria & Albert Museum recently gathered together some of the most iconic costumes from more than 100 years of cinematic history in a groundbreaking exhibition. But what of jewellery? Although playing a small role in the grand scheme of costume design, jewellery has always performed a substantial part in character development and “setting the scene”, as well as being pivotal in the creation of lasting icons. In 1938, during the Golden Age of Hollywood, director George Cukor contacted ‘jewellery designer to the stars’ Paul Flato to ask him to design the jewels for his upcoming movie Holiday. Starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant, the romantic comedy tells the story of a man who has risen from lowly beginnings, only to be torn between his free-thinking lifestyle and the conventions of his fiancé’s family. The character of Linda (Hepburn) is loosely based on American socialite Gertrude Sanford Legendre who, during her lifetime, doubled up as a WWII spy, explorer, big-game hunter and environmentalist. It was necessary to portray the character’s inward independence and individuality but also her outward persona as a member of an elite American family. This was illustrated not just through the storyline but through the use of jewellery; the Flato diamond necklace and matching brooch worn by Hepburn in the scene where she sings Camptown Races portrays the character’s wealth but at the same time underlines her free-spirited nature through its flamboyant design. During the years 1939-1942, Flato’s pieces would be credited in no less than six Hollywood films until the last movie featuring his jewellery in 1942, The Lady Is Willing with Marlene Dietrich. Flato’s name was subsequently in more movie credits than any other jeweller of his time. Another of Flato’s contemporaries to be making a dramatic impact on the cinematic scene was Harry Winston. The American jeweller and watchmaker first opened his doors in 1932 and began a rapid process of transformation, revolutionising modern jewellery design and nurturing the most famous jewels in the world. It is therefore unsurprising that, for more than six decades, Winston diamonds have been an integral part of Hollywood’s glamorous history. Renowned for being the first jeweller to loan diamonds to a celebrity on the red carpet (to 1944 Academy Award winner, Jennifer Jones), he was



(and remains) the jeweller of choice when it comes to the silver screen. In the classic picture Gentleman Prefer Blondes, Winston was immortalised on the silver screen by starlet Marilyn Monroe as she whispered the words, “Talk to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it”, in the song Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend. His cinematic jewels have since also starred in Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious (1946) and Mike Nichol’s The Graduate (1967). In the 2002 romantic comedy Maid in Manhattan, the Harry Winston signature wreath design adorns the neck of Jennifer Lopez. Although only a brief cameo appearance, the necklace symbolises one of the film’s main themes: appearance versus reality. Marisa’s (Lopez) outward façade as a rich, successful woman is juxtaposed with her true persona as a maid and it eventually takes her counterpart, Caroline Lane (Natasha Richardson) to expose her true identity after recognising the wreath’s origin. In How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003), the character Andie wears a similar diamond wreath necklace, this time with an attached 84-carat yellow diamond pendant (the Isadora) and a pair of 5-carat radiant-cut yellow diamond stud earrings. The matching dress was designed around the yellow diamond pendant and we see how jewellery once again plays a significant part in the plot as it is the necklace that leads to the exposure of the wearer’s true identity. This, and the estimated $14,200,000 worth of jewels reportedly

Cartier’s first recorded appearance was in The Son of the Sheik: the Tank watch shines on the wrist of Rudolph Valentino lent to the film, indicates the importance that had been placed on jewellery, and not costume design, by the film production company. Matching Winston in both prestige and notoriety, legendary French jeweller Cartier was no stranger to the big screen (its name likewise hummed by Monroe in Gentleman Prefer Blondes). Cartier’s first recorded appearance was in the 1926 silent film The Son of the Sheik in which the Tank watch shines on the wrist of Rudolph Valentino. As the timepiece mismatched the Bedouin costumes in both style and era, it can only be presumed that it was owned by the actor himself. Fortunately, silent films at the time paid no heed to historical accuracy and it is thus indicative of Cartier’s public persona and influence that the watch was given such distinction; the jeweller provided a guarantee as well as artistic support. This was shown notably during the filming of Jack Clayton’s The Great Gatsby, when the newspapers had somehow got hold of the fantastic sums the producers had spent on Cartier jewellery for the film: “The 58 gems worn by Mia Farrow and Lois Chiles aren’t fakes but absolutely genuine. And signed Cartier, no less! They are rumoured to have cost the trifling sum of five million francs (in old money, of course)”. Like his competitors, Cartier understood Hollywood’s influence over the public consciousness. For Clayton’s latest feature, it was essential to bring across the excess, wealth and superficiality characteristic of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s American Dream classic. The marquis-cut engagement ring created by Cartier and worn by Daisy (Mia Farrow) reproduces the glamour and free-spirited 1920s. It also serves as a constant reminder that Daisy is no longer the single woman Gatsby once knew and loved, and he is From Top / Rome, 1962. Elizabeth Taylor on the set of the film Cleopatra at Cinecittà Studio, wearing a Bulgari ‘snake’ braceletwatch in gold with diamonds and two emeralds. Circa 1961 Image courtesy of La Presse A yellow gold watch of foliate design set with white and yellow diamonds by Paul Flato. Circa 1939-1943 Lucas Rarities,


Right / Keira Knightley wearing Chanel Fine Jewellery in Anna Karenina (2012) © Focus Features © 2012 Universal Pictures International All Rights Reserved

therefore tragically holding on to a false ideal. Following the film’s release, the ring became as iconic as the actors themselves, inspiring many women thenceforth to walk into Cartier and exclaim, “I want the Daisy ring”. As well as on-screen, actresses off-screen provided jewellery brands with a powerful source of publicity, caught on camera at red carpet events wearing their preferred designers. For Cartier, one of these actresses was Dame Elizabeth Taylor, who famously attended the Scorpio Ball in Monte Carlo wearing a Cartier necklace featuring a diamond which has henceforth gone down in history under the name of the Burton-Taylor diamond. Similarly, Bulgari would find the same influential endorsement in the Hollywood actress following the release of the motion picture, Cleopatra. It was during filming in 1962 that the actress first discovered Bulgari; she is quoted in her book, My Love Affair with Jewellery: “Undeniably, one of the biggest advantages to working on Cleopatra in Rome was Bulgari’s... shop.” From then on, the actress was pictured on numerous occasions sporting Bulgari jewels; for example the emerald parure necklace which she wore to meet HM Queen Elizabeth II in 1965. Following her death, the necklace sold for an impressive $6,130,500. Contemporary Hollywood continues to use notable jewellery designers and brands for its costume design and character development as well as for its promotion. In the latest film adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s classic novel, Anna Karenina, directed by Joe Wright, it stars British actors Keira Knightley and Jude Law as well as Chanel Fine Jewellery, used to convey the extravagance, luxuriousness and wealth of 19th century Russian society. Close up camera shots of Knightley staring at herself in mirrors wearing the sensational threestrand diamond Camelia Poudre necklace or the opulent Pearl Sautoir necklace with matching earrings, also serves to depict the vanity and superficiality of the heroine. Although the jewellery used is not historically accurate, the anachronism was purposefully done by

the director in order to “set the character (Anna Karenina) apart from her entourage”, making her the audience’s focal point. This was by no means the French Joaillerie’s first film debut, having been wellreceived in Gosford Park, Vanity Fair and Atonement. This October sees the release of the latest James Bond instalment, Skyfall, and it was no doubt more than coincidental that an established British jeweller, Stephen Webster, was chosen to design the pieces for the latest 007 spy epic in collaboration with Swarovski. The designer states: “Without question, collaborating with Swarovski on the jewellery for Skyfall has been exciting from the word go. The themes in the film seem to fit perfectly with the design aesthetic of the jewellery I create and the many creative meetings at Pinewood Studios between Swarovski, ourselves and the Bond team have only added to our enthusiasm for the project. We can’t wait to see the jewels, shaken not stirred within the movie.” On screen, it fell to French actress, Berenice Marlohe, who plays the character of Severine, to create the all-important link to the fascinating and mysterious world of Bond as interpreted by the designer in his charismatic and edgy designs. In 2013, the releases of Baz Luhrmann’s remake of The Great Gatsby (jewellery by Tiffany & Co.) and Oliver Hirschbiegel’s Diana (jewels courtesy of Chopard) are sure to set Hollywood ablaze. Thus in film, jewellery has always played its own role. We may consider Vivien Leigh’s opening dress in Gone With the Wind as one of the film’s most memorable images or Keira Knightley’s provocative emerald green dress in Atonement truly iconic, but, in the same vein, we cannot think of Breakfast at Tiffany’s without remembering Audrey Hepburn’s diamond tiara and stunning string of pearls, offsetting her fabulous Givenchy black dress. It is the jewellery that balances the costume and, without it, something essential would be missing (in some cases, the plot). In this way, the film industry has looked to the likes of Tiffany & Co. and other gifted jewellery designers to inspire them and their audiences throughout Hollywood history. “What I’ve found does the most good,” said Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, “is just to get into a taxi and go to Tiffany’s. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there.” Above / Cartier’s marquis-cut engagement ‘Daisy’ ring, as worn by Mia Farrow in The Great Gatsby

Naomi Watts in Diana, wearing Chopard




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Opulent, romantic and ornate, accessorise the latest A/W12 Baroque trend with tiara-style headbands, chokers, pendants and chandelier earrings featuring gold, pearls, diamanté and crystals



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1 Black zodiac necklace, £1,689, Salvatore Ferragamo, 2 Swarovski crystal necklace, £1,125, Lanvin, 3 Splashout painted Swarovski crystal earrings, £290, Tom Binns, 4 Black jade and galuchat bracelet, POA, Bina Goenka, 5 Swarovski crystal and faux pearl-embellished hair slide, £465, Dolce & Gabbana, 6 Floral choker, £479, Salvatore Ferragamo, as before 7 Secrecy faux pearl and crystal ring, £315, Yves Saint Laurent, 8 Filigree gold-plated earrings with Swarovski crystals, resin and glass pearls, £805, Dolce & Gabbana, 9 Demeter braided 18-karat gold-plated ring, £110, Aurélie Bidermann,



Swiss movement, English heart

Swiss made / ETA 2671-2 self winding automatic / 38 hour power reserve / 36 x 25.4mm / Hand-finished 316L stainless steel case / 36 Top Wesselton VVS1 diamonds / Crown with blue cabouchon stone / Transparent case back / Galvanic guillochĂŠ sun-ray dial / Alligator deployment strap

ChristopherWard_Kensington.indd 1

02/10/2012 16:02

shaken, not stirred:

The Fantastic Mr. Ford Having once again been chosen as Daniel Craig’s official dresser for the latest Bond film, Skyfall, it seems as though British designerTom Ford cannot put a foot wrong

the fashion world’s international man of mystery has launched his first ever womenswear accessories boutique in Harrods. Located in the newly-renovated Rooms of Luxury, the 320-square foot shop-in-shop houses a selection of handbags, jewellery, small leather goods and accessories from the latest A/W12 collection. The space was conceived by Bill Sofield, who has collaborated with Ford for many years, having designed a staggering 400 boutiques for Gucci. Featuring a mixture of ebony, polished chrome, glass and antique bronze vitrines, the contemporary yet classic design perfectly matches the signature Tom Ford aesthetic. Chairman of Tom Ford International, Domenico De Sole, was thrilled with the prospect of the label being branded in


another section of the iconic store. “Both our men’s and women’s collections have done exceptionally well at Harrods in the past few years and we are delighted to be opening our first ever accessories shop-in-shop in this world-renowned department store.” Tom Ford gained international fame for turning around the fortunes of Gucci during the years 1994 to 2004. Since then, the designer has not only set up his own celebrated label but he has also achieved recognition in the film industry with his own directorial debut of A Single Man, released in 2009. Harrods, 87-135 Brompton Road, SW1X 7XL 020 7730 1234;




Annabel Harrison meets co-founders of Beulah London, Lady Natasha Rufus-Isaacs and Lavinia Brennan, to find out more about the motivation behind starting their own stylish, ethical fashion label These girls are the epitome of casual chic. Natasha, long dark hair tied back, is wearing black skinny jeans, ballet pumps and a black jacket over a patterned top (which is Beulah, of course). Lavinia is also sporting skinny jeans with trainers, a grey cashmere jumper and a simple gold necklace. We are sitting in the brand new Beulah showroom, which is a work in progress – rails filled with colourful dresses and Ikea items in various stages of construction – and ‘Nats’ and ‘Lav’, as they cheerily refer to each other, settle down to speak to me in the middle of an afternoon hard at work. At 29 and 25 respectively, Natasha and Lavinia have been kept rather busy; their Beulah London brand,

founded just two years ago, has blossomed and seems to take up an enormous amount of their time. Natasha, softly spoken and polite, explains that the Beulah story began when she and Lavinia had the opportunity to work in Atulya, an aftercare home in the slums of Delhi: “Previously I had been working for an art auction house, then a big charity and Lav had finished uni. Having witnessed the harrowing effects of human trafficking and sex trade, we felt moved to raise awareness of this important issue.” The pair decided to launch an ethical fashion label, helping to provide a sustainable livelihood for women who had come out of sex trafficking. What impresses me most is the pair’s ongoing


“Dance as though no-one is watching you, Love as though you’ve never been hurt before, Sing as though no-one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on earth”.

commitment to positive social change and to their business’ efforts to do so, demonstrated in charmingly personal, thoughtful ways; the A/W12 collection was entitled Butterfly Effect, and each piece named after a butterfly, because, “for each beautiful garment that we make, there is an equally beautiful change happening somewhere else in the world”. S/S13 is named Ephesians 6, indicative of their strong religious beliefs. Embroidered inside of most of the dresses, and written on the fridge in the aftercare home in Delhi, are these words: “Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you’ve never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on earth”. When I ask if they have a motto they live and work by, Natasha, looking to Lavinia for confirmation, quotes Gandhi: “There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness.” Each ‘Beulah’ garment purchase comes with a canvas bag that has been produced by the victims of trafficking in India through a project based in Kolkata, Freeset. Certain items in the main collections have been produced through a project in Delhi, Open Hand, by women who have escaped trafficking and the sex trade, including some who are HIV positive and widowed. As the website declares, “the Beulah effect comes alive through every small purchase you make, helping break the chains of poverty in some of the world’s most marginalised communities.” Natasha confirms this; “We produce timeless, elegant pieces – ethical fashion with a conscience”. So with no formal training in fashion, or business in fact, what was the biggest industry shock? “Fashion is not as glamorous as you’d think!” replies Lavinia. “It’s more admin and business orientated than we first imagined.” Lavinia and Natasha were already family friends “but we’ve become closer as we’ve grown the business. We both love the creative side but when you’re running a business, you don’t get much time to do that.” Natasha chips in, explaining that production, for example, “is such a headache. We’ve changed factories four or five times – that’s been a big hurdle to get right”. Inspiration comes from all sorts of places; normally there is “a lot of research – the next collection is based on pre-Raphaelite, romance and floral print”, says Natasha. “We love vintage shops too, in London and Paris, and we both did history of art at uni so art is also

a natural inspiration,” adds Lavinia. Favourite designers include a mix of old-school and contemporary; Erdem, Valentino and Dior (Natasha) and Ossie Clarke (Lavinia). The Beulah customer has grown up with the brand: “We started the label with a slightly younger customer in mind”, Lavinia explains, “but the more we’ve grown, the wider our customer base – anywhere between 30 to late 50s. We produce mainly occasion wear so it’s the kind of lady who’s going to weddings, Ascot, that kind of event”. Natasha cites women who aren’t trend led but “prefer classical pieces that can stay in your wardrobe for ages”. Sleeved dresses have proved particularly popular. In answer to my question about who would be their dream customer, looking at each other in agreement, both name a supermodel of the moment, she of the endless legs, pillow lips and Burberry body tag, chorusing “Rosie [Huntington-Whiteley]!” Miranda Kerr and Kate Winslet are also favoured options. As we talk, I feel more and more convinced that the girls before me are in fact businesswomen, learning as they go but businesswomen nonetheless; being well-spoken and well-educated cannot make up for grafting and determination but Natasha and Lavinia clearly work very hard and with a good dose of ambition. They have found that they are more ethically conscious when they shop, yes, but “we haven’t paid ourselves for the last two years, so we don’t really shop!” Lavinia points out. “I’ve learnt to appreciate the value of things. Not everyone can afford designer so it’s good to have a mixture of high street and designer of all those key investment pieces.” What next? On cue and perfectly on brand, Lavinia tells me about Beulah’s collaboration for the Hennessy Gold Cup in December – a 100 per cent cashmere, limited edition, unisex scarf which, adds Natasha, just as on brand, “is purple with horses on it – a good Christmas present!” Natasha is getting married in June; “Yes, I’ll be wearing Beulah”. Beulah London Showroom 14 Grosvenor Crescent, SW1X 7EE To book an appointment, call 020 7235 3818 Collection is also available in Harvey Nichols stores or online; Photography: Katrina More-Molyneux



Mary Katrantzou

Temperley London

London Fashion Week S/S13: Show Round-up Like London 2012, this year’s S/S13 London Fashion Week did not fail to demonstrate the wonders of British ingenuity and design talent, this time as one of the leaders in fashion. With internationally renowned names, stunning locations and effortless style, it was a fashion week not easily forgotten. For the upcoming season, signature floral prints were out in full force. At Erdem, these had a slightly more subdued feel than previous collections as the designer opted for cool colours and delicate lace. The romantic floral theme was similarly prominent at Temperley London with a palette of pale blues, creams and burnt reds. This time, however,

Maria Grachvogel

Maria Grachvogel

Temperley London

accessories were a key feature as models sported cat-eye sunglasses, lace gloves and wide-brimmed hats, harking back to the timeless elegance of the 1950s. Over at Mary Katrantzou, the designer inspired us with her modernised take on traditional S/S prints. Gone were the predictably pretty flowers and pastel colours, instead replaced by money and stamps as the season’s prints, emboldened by a white backdrop and metallic iridescent pastels. Maria Grachvogel’s statement prints had a watercolour theme with splashes of white, black and lemon, and the translucent, billowing fabrics further enhanced the line’s fluidity.

Mary Katrantzou


New Arrival: Lalage Beaumont

Geometric-heel printed silk-covered leather ankle boots, £895, Nicholas Kirkwood for Erdem,

We are pleased to announce that Lalage Beaumont has now arrived in the Royal Borough after a seven year stint in Mayfair. The English designer has chosen to locate her second boutique on the fashionable Beauchamp Place, just minutes away from Harrods and the legendary Sloane Street, no doubt in order to affirm her position as a leading figure on the contemporary fashion scene. Her exquisite collections of quality business and special occasionwear, once solely showcased on Avery Row, are now housed at the Knightsbridge boutique, along with her most recent A/W12 collection. Remaining true to her aesthetic, her latest line embodies classical elegance, style and femininity with a sense of timelessness.

Suede platform ankle boots £520, Proenza Schouler

Studded suede ankle boots £725, Miu Miu 185 Sloane Street, SW1X 9NW

Shoe In Whether studded, floral or lace-up, designers have taken ankle boots to new heights this season… quite literally. Kick out in the most flamboyant styles by the likes of Nicholas Kirkwood for Erdem, Miu Miu and Proenza Schouler.

Lalage Beaumont 58 Beauchamp Place, SW3 1NZ


Living Legend From Naomi Campbell to Dame Helen Mirren and the Princess of Wales, she has commanded the attention of some of the most celebrated women of the 21st century. Illustrious British womenswear designer Caroline Charles, on the fashion scene since the 60s, has won accolades including an OBE for services to the British Fashion Industry, which she received on her 40th birthday, followed by another award from the British Fashion Council. Charles’s A/W12 collection is themed around the concept of Legacy, not surprising when one considers that this year marks her 50th anniversary. As a tribute to having been one of the original designers to join what has now become British Fashion Week, the range delves into the sophistication of the British Isles traditions, varying from grand textures, classic tartans and sharp tailoring to comfortable cardigans, skirts and crêpe trousers. Caroline Charles, 56-57 Beauchamp Place, SW3 1NZ 020 7589 5850;

The One and Only… Claudia Luxury Chelsea boutique Claudia Sebire celebrates its silver anniversary this October and to mark this impressive 25 year milestone, a limited edition handbag designed by contemporary German label Strenesse has been born. Made from patent leather with a pony cavallino skin detailing, the Claudia bag is a timeless edition to your wardrobe that can be pressed into action at any time of the year. Claudia Sebire, 136 Fulham Road, SW10 9PY 020 7835 1327;

Website of the month We Love… Jones Loves For the virtual Trinny and Susannah wardrobe makeover, look no further than JonesLoves Styling. For those of us with hectic lifestyles, the online personalised Styling Guide removes the hassle and stress, providing you either with a complete capsule wardrobe for the new season, clothing for a holiday or a business trip, or even an outfit for a special event if you just can’t make it to the shops in time.



Cropped jacket, £339, MSGM Grey trousers, £245, Sophie Hulme Both Fenwick Bond Street, Silver grey trilby, £395, Noel Stewart Black court shoes, £100, Ted Baker



It’s that time again; embrace chic coats, long sleeves and tartan trousers in autumnal colours as the cold sets in and the festive party season begins Fashion Director:


Elaine Deed

Darren Paul

This page: Stretch metallic dress, £4,610 Hervé Léger, 29 Lowndes Street, 020 7201 2590 Ring, £2,950, Joubi, Patent court shoes, £100, Ted Baker, as before Opposite: Alpaca coat, £814, stretch gabardine dress, £305 Both Philosophy di Alberta Ferretti, 020 7235 2349 Pearl earrings, £177, Coleman Douglas, 020 7373 3369 Coat, belt, POA, shoes, £1,400 Black and£3,063, gold sandals, POA,and by Aigner All Calvin Klein Collection at Harvey Nichols

Embroidered leather jacket, £5,990, white shirt, £985 green tartan trousers, £1,290, black and gold shoes, £950 All Ralph Lauren Collection, 020 7535 4600

Cropped jacket, £129, pleated skirt, £139 and leather boots, £150 All Ted Baker, as before Angora and diamante trilby, £55 James Lakeland, Hair: Ivana Juric at Orao Hair Studio MAKE-UP: Rosie Kor using Chanel A/W 2012 and Rouge Allure 2012 Model: Caroline Ranicar at Bookings Models LOCATION: Shot on location at Morton's in Mayfair in the newly opened 2&8 Club, a decadent and intimate late night venue. The Art Deco inspired space is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10pm and boasts a series of iconic and original photographs by Norman Parkinson Morton's, 28 Berkeley Square, W1J 6EN 020 7499 0363;


A Certain Vintage The summer season of 2012 certainly kindled a renewed passion for all things sporty, fashion included. A collaboration between knitwear king John Smedley and Umbro, a name synonymous with British sport, is bringing back to life a pair of vintage Umbro pieces, discovered in the archives from 1948. John Smedley’s expertise has been applied to the Field Sweater and the Tangeru shirt, bringing these vintage athletics pieces into the modern age, as well as symbolising a piece of Britain’s athletic legacy. 1948 Tangeru Shirt, £125 1948 Field Sweater, £175;

His S T Y L E By Matilda long

At the Click of a Button

Finishing Touches

New York designer Alexander Wang has found a new home online, with his A/W 2012 designs now stocked at mrporter. com. Wang has long been the go-to designer for daywear pieces that are casual and understated, while simultaneously evoking an unmistakable sense of luxury. The current collection displays Wang’s signature aesthetic of subtle colour palettes and employs leather, merino wool and jersey as the fabrics of choice. The overall result is a luxe-sportswear feel which is ideal for winter, especially seeing as the latest collection can now be delivered straight to your door, courtesy of Striped cotton jersey t-shirt, £77

All items available at

Grenson shoemakers, who have made their top quality footwear in the same factory since 1895, are branching out from their customary pursuits and launching a line of bags. The collection features four different bag styles: the five day, two day, one day and the tote, as well as a wallet and card carrier. The heritage shoe brand has incorporated design features one would expect from a luxury shoemaker, such as brogue punching and gimped edges, and the bags similarly observe the Grenson philosophy of traditional style combined with the highest possible quality. Twill-trimmed wool-blend coat, £690

Available from December

Tradition with a Twist Bootmaker John Lobb, renowned for creating top quality traditional shoes, has joined forces with quirky designer Paul Smith to craft an exclusive footwear range. While the shape and form of the shoes are in the customary John Lobb style, the eye-catching colour palette adheres to the playful, eclectic designs for which Smith is well-known. The collection consists of three styles: the Westbourne, an Oxford shoe with a punched toe, available in deep and rich shades; the Willoughby, a highly coloured, cashmere suede Derby; and the Lucca, a suede loafer available in cheerful, bright hues. Paul Smith, 120 Kensington Park Road




Unlock the VALUE Suttons and Robertsons is emerging as the high street lender of choice for the middle classes Stepping through the doors of Suttons and Robertsons’ Old Brompton Road store, you could be forgiven for thinking that you were walking into Graff, Tiffany & Co. or any number of the world’s most revered jewellers. Suttons and Robertsons, however, is a pawnbroker – with a difference. Unlike some forms of borrowing, pawnbroking loans are secured against belongings – traditionally high-value watches and jewellery – so they can be more straightforward and more convenient than applying for bank loans or credit cards. High-end pawnbroker Suttons and Robertsons, which began trading in 1770, can offer loans of up to £1 million against assets from fine art to cars and jewellery. Its team of experienced valuers use their expertise to assess an item’s worth. The loan offered to the customer is then generally calculated at 60 per cent of the item’s value. The item is redeemed by repaying the loan and interest within an agreed time frame – usually six months. Jim Tannahill, managing director at Suttons and Robertsons, comments: “With banks clamping down


on lending we are seeing an ever growing demand for our services with more and more people realising that they own valuable items that they can use as collateral. We offer people the opportunity to release money locked into their own possessions to help them manage their finances, providing an efficient way to borrow cash. Common reasons for pawning include paying school fees and utility bills or to fund urgent property maintenance work. “We also get many business customers using our services – everything from entrepreneurs needing access to cash for a start-up venture, to business owners freeing up cash to pay suppliers and cover overheads.” Suttons and Robertsons currently has eight stores, four across London and in St Albans, Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. In addition to pawnbroking Suttons and Robertsons’ valuers – registered with the National Association of Goldsmiths – can provide valuations in both the home and workplace. For more information please visit



MOST WANTED thursday 29 november FAShiON ShOWS

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bars & restaurants • fashion & style • arts & events *in Jubilee Place from 5pm, terms and conditions apply. see website for details.


SHOPPING Jubilee Beaded Box Clutch, £225, L.K. Bennett, Jubilee Place Effervescence Cuff £220.00 Links of London, Jubilee Place

Metallic Sequin Dress, £265, Karen Millen, Jubilee Place Corin Mixed Stud Court, £100, French Connection, Jubilee Place

Spiegal Sequins Tunic Dress, £275.00, French Connection, Jubilee Place

Scalloped Lace Dress, £199, Jaeger London Womenswear, Cabot Place


Karina Flower Leather Cuff Grey, £39, Reiss Womenswear, Cabot Place

With store discounts of up to 20%* available in many of Canary Wharf’s stores, Winter’s Most Wanted is the perfect opportunity to pick up your Christmas gifts. Fashion shows in Canada Place and Jubilee Place will also provide style inspiration for the festivities ahead.

Bell Flower Woven Tie, £65, Thomas Pink, Cabot Place

Abanga, Cable knit scarf, £55, Ted Baker, Canada Place

Knowling Classic Single Breasted Overcoat Blue, £249, Reiss, Jubilee Place

The coveted Canary Wharf Goodie Bag will be distributed on a first come, first served basis in Jubilee Place from 5pm to those customers who produce a receipt showing a minimum spend of £10 in a participating store on the day*. *Terms and conditions apply. See website for details.

Oblong Onyx Cufflinks, £69.95, Charles Tyrwhitt, Canada Place

Lambswool V Neck Jumper, £100, Hackett, Cabot Place

TAG Heuer Carrera Calibre 1887 Gents Watch, £3695, Tag Heuer, Charles Fish, Cabot Place

Connor, £195, Kurt Geiger, Cabot Place

Mayfair Saffiano Business Foli, £460, Hackett, Cabot Place



kingdom Entertain your children during half-term and beyond, with wintery activities and childrenswear

All Aboard! The Polar Express Experience This November, discover the magic of Christmas early courtesy of UK rural heritage railways, County Durham’s Weardale Railway in the North and Devon’s Dartmoor Railway in the South. Inspired by the hit Warner Bros. film The Polar Express and book by Chris Van Allsburg, the officially licensed train rides take you on a magical round trip to the North Pole. During the journey, the Conductor will punch tickets and chefs will serve hot chocolate while passengers partake in a sing-song and a reading of the Van Allsburg classic. On arrival at the North Pole, Santa will board the train to greet the children and give them each a special sleigh bell (but only to those who truly believe). In order to fully relive the film’s enchanting story, the motion picture’s soundtrack will be played in the background and passengers will be expected to be pyjama-clad. Passengers are advised to make their reservations early as these trains are expected to sell out quickly. 16 November – 30 December for Weardale Railway in North 19 December – 30 December for Dartmoor Railway in South 08000 23 23 83;

Skaters’ Paradise Venture to Ice Rink Canary Wharf this winter; we can assure you that the visit is well worth the train ride, with the area’s soaring skyscraper buildings and festive lighting providing an idyllic backdrop. Returning this year for the festive season, the ice rink will offer London’s first skate path which allows skaters the chance to leave the main rink and skate under the sparkling trees that line the perimeter of Canada Square Park. After the exertion of skating, you can rest your aching limbs at the neighbouring rink-side bar, offering an array of festive treats for kids and adults alike. If you’ve just come along as a spectator, the bar is fortunately situated right next to the rink and features a viewing terrace, allowing parents to watch their children have fun on the ice while sipping festive mulled wine. 3 November – 13 January Ice Rink Canary Wharf, Canada Square Park 0844 847 1546;

Laugh Out Loud

Season’s Greetings Like the weather, we have seen various changes occur in the world of children’s fashion this autumn. Only two months ago, we greeted Cordelia de Castellane as she moved her luxury children’s boutique label into its second home in Notting Hill, a welcome addition to the area and to the already existing Fulham Road establishment. With its boho designer boutiques, bridge brands, antique shops and art galleries, Notting Hill has always been the designer’s dream location for her brand, encompassing Cordelia’s own lifestyle as well as being an accurate representation for her “boho-chic” fashion label. The A/W12 collection follows the dainty elegance which we have found in the designer’s previous collections, with delicate fabrics in pretty hues, cosy materials and classic lines all key features. On the same note, this autumn saw the London debut launch of kids brand, That’s Not Fair. The range is known for reinventing modern classics and, as such, many pieces have been given a contemporary twist, including jackets with detachable sleeves. You should also expect to find traditional gabardine trench coats and hand-knitted pure wool jumpers among the collection. Finally, established luxury children’s label Bonpoint recently launched a range of bowties, as well as ties by Maison F for Bonpoint; now your children can look their best this Thanksgiving and be prepared for upcoming Christmas parties.

The Roald Dahl Funny Prize winners were recently announced at the fourth annual ceremony which rewards humorous children’s books in two age groups. If your children are aged six or under, make their half-term fun but still educational with The Baby That Roared by Simon Puttock or the enchanting tale of The Pirates Next Door by Jonny Duddle. For children between the ages of seven and 14, keep them quiet with the sequel to children’s classic Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Frank Cottrell Boyce, who was recently lauded for having written the script for the London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony. The event was judged by Mel Giedroyc, journalist Lucy Mangan, 2011 prize-winner Liz Pichon and picture book author Ed Vere.

CdeC by Cordelia de Castellane 38B Ledbury Road W11 2AB 020 7229 4910;

Brendan Howard /

Happy Birthday Rupert! Our beloved preppy red jumper and yellowchecked trouser-wearing friend Rupert the Bear is celebrating his 92nd birthday this month. In honour of this, Rupert invites you and your family to join him at Canterbury Heritage Museum for a day of celebrations, involving songs, stories, craft activities and a special treasure hunt. You will also have the opportunity to step inside the bear’s house to see his humble abode. Exclusive Rupert Bear party packages are available for a limited number, including a birthday lunch and goody bag, making it a wonderful and memorable day out for the whole family to enjoy. Saturday 10 November




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int eriors Home is where the heart is, so adorn it with the finest fabrics, furnishings, accessories and art

Shine a Light Ralph Lauren Home has extended its lighting collection, adding more than 100 new styles. Each piece demonstrates the modern elegance for which Ralph Lauren Home is renowned and each is finished to the highest level of quality. Designs range from subtle and elegant floor lamps to the most lavish of chandeliers. This Adrianna Chandelier is a prettily dramatic piece, perfect for bringing a touch of opulence to any drawing room.

When East Meets West This season sees Rubelli launch the new Armani/Casa textiles collection, inspired by the interaction between Oriental and Western influences. Rubelli’s Venetian roots are represented by the use of rich damask patterns, reinterpreted in a geometric style. The opulence of the Orient is present too, in the rich gold and silver metallic shades that run throughout the collection. The signature piece of the collection is Fenice, an exquisitely detailed design woven on a silk loom, perfect for use on cushions, lampshades and screens and ideal for adding an exotic detail to the home. Rubelli/ Donghia, Ground Floor Design Centre East 020 7349 1590;

Textile Touches North Kensington is now home to a new luxury showroom, showcasing the beautiful designs of Violet & George. Established by British textile expert Nicky Mudie in 2009, Violet & George offers a bespoke interior design service, as well as a range of handcrafted goods for anyone refreshing their interior decor. October also sees the launch of the A/W 2012 collection, featuring limited edition cushions, lighting and furniture, all eccentric yet luxurious. From the collection, we particularly like the Hanging Fuchsia pendant shade: a striking silk organza piece boasting a Victorian-style lace and crochet ruff, which demonstrates the designer’s ability to merge vintage and contemporary styles.

Ralph Lauren Home, 105-109 Fulham Road, SW3 6RL 020 7590 7990;

Louise Bradley at Decorex The 2012 Decorex luxury interior design show was the perfect platform for Louise Bradley to launch her new 2013 collection, unashamedly glamorous, with rich fabrics and burnished metallic detailing used throughout. Our stand-out piece from the collection is the Winnington chair, finished in a rich bamboo fabric. The striking shape of the piece, with its traditional scroll arm and dramatic lines, reflects Bradley’s signature style of combining classic influences with a distinctly modern spin. Finishing touches are provided by a beautiful range of handcrafted silk cushions and blown glasses accessories. Louise Bradley, 15 Walton Street, SW3 2HX 020 7589 1442;

Hanging Fuchsia Pendant Shade, £800 Violet & George, 57 St Helens Gardens, W10 6LN 020 8969 0654;




Suzy Says

OLIVIA SHARPE speaks to international design consultant and local resident Suzy Hoodless and finds, like her bold and expressive interiors, she is just as outspoken in person



Suzy Hoodless’ rise to success was not via a laborious climb up the career ladder but rather an express lift to the top, entering into the design industry working for Designers Guild founder Tricia Guild. This was followed by a five year stint as Interiors Editor of Wallpaper* magazine, established by Tyler Brûlé. During this time, Suzy travelled the world reporting on design trends and picked up the tools she would need to set up her own design consultancy which she did in 2000. Since starting in the industry, Britain’s leading design trend-setter has filled more Rolodexes than most of us could hope for in a lifetime, with commercial clients listing from Candy & Candy and Colefax & Fowler to Gucci and Italian Vogue, not to mention her directory of residential customers. Suzy’s designs have become an extension of her personality. Refusing to follow trends, she mixes contrasting styles, periods and colours, challenging previous conceptions of traditional design practice to create visionary statements with true artistic panache.

Company, a large cabinet from Barber Osgerby and my Flamingo wall hanging also from The Rug Company. I love it and just hope she does too. How would you describe the overall style of your home? It’s a family home, user friendly, comfortable and classic. I want people to enjoy it and feel welcome and at home. I mix Scandinavian furniture with 20th and 21st century classics. I am lucky enough to own a Bridget Riley, a Gerald Laing and a Julian Opie, amongst others. What’s next for Suzy Hoodless? I am fortunate in that I love what I do and I want to continue doing more of the same. We have a wallpaper collection with Osborne and Little and a rug collection with The Rug Company. We are continuing to develop products as well as our interiors.

What first attracted you to the industry? Working for Tricia Guild at Designers Guild first attracted me. She is dynamic, devoted and it is in her genetic make-up. It just seemed to be the only industry I wanted to be in after working for her. How would you define your trademark? I am known for mixing periods and styles. I don’t believe in following a look or a trend but I am instinctive. I am often asked how I make interiors work with pieces that shouldn’t really go together but in my mind they do go together. I like juxtaposition and I see combinations of styles, textures and pattern as an essential rhythm. Who is your typical customer? My clients are discerning and come to me with a level of understanding about design. They often know the big name designers and manufacturers but don’t necessarily have the resources or the time. They also look to me for confidence and the fun of collaborating. What changes have you noted on the London interior design scene from when you initially began? It’s grown exponentially. When I first started, 100% Design was just opening at the Chelsea Barracks and only a few small designers showed; it’s now an international festival. The industry is far bigger and far more commercial. What do you like about living in Ladbroke Grove? I love the diversity. Rather like my interiors, I love the eclectic mix, vibrancy and energy of West London. The majority of my clients live in Kensington and Chelsea so it makes sense for me to be here. Have you noticed any particular design trends in your area? It would have to be the need for quality and an understanding of provenance. Clients want value with backbone. What is your favourite room in the house and why? My eldest daughter’s bedroom. It was a challenge when designing it as I am not into cutesy interiors. The walls are the pink from the fashion label Acne’s carrier bags and there is Black Vitsoe shelving, a bespoke rug from The Rug Above / Suzy Hoodless Flamingo tapestry wall hanging, The Rug Company


Photography: Charlotte Wood




Paws for

Thought Despite the recession, the pet industry is currently enjoying a booming trade across the globe. Olivia Sharpe speaks to luxury pet store owners, Nicola and Michael Sacher

Charles and Deirdre have been married for almost four years now and they are already expecting their fifth. Deirdre cannot quite believe how much their little family has grown in such a short space of time; it feels like just yesterday when they brought back their first, Porter Kensington, from the pet shop. And now their pup is all grown up and having pups of his own (shame it was with that mutt from next door rather than a pedigree though). Porter was destined for far greater things. Deirdre and Charles had him written down as a show dog from birth, like his father, Porter Notting Hill (may he rest in peace). Oh well, I suppose you can’t have everything you wish for in life. At least the children have all inherited their father’s indisputable charm, although Deirdre still hasn’t quite got used to calling herself a grandmother. Last year, the U.S. Pet Market Outlook 2011-2012 reported that “sales of all pet products and services rose 4.3 per cent in 2010 to $55 billion” and predicted the annual sales rate to recover to 6 per cent in 2012, reaching $61.4 billion. Following this survey, Mintel Market Intelligence estimated that, by 2016, this figure will reach an astounding $67.7 billion, having risen by 33 per cent in the next five years. Despite the everchallenging economy, this pet industry growth sees no signs of waning, increasing in resilience and importance more so it seems than any other business. Nicola and Michael Sacher, owners of Mungo & Maud in Belgravia,

believe this is due to the fact that “the majority of dogs and cats are now embraced as part of the family. Homes and lifestyles have changed over the years as more interesting products have become available.” In addition to this, Nicola remarks how, due to the recession, clients are increasingly looking towards “investment pieces” rather than “quick fix fashion”. With the life expectancy of animals having risen dramatically due to human medical technologies now being used, owners wish to capitalize on products which are longer lasting, as well as buying into the world of human-style luxury and medical pet products which have recently come onto the market, from clothing and organic foods to teeth whitening, spa treatments, and even (if you can believe it) antidepressants. In the same way, owners with contemporary townhouses or apartments are, more than ever, looking for pet accessories to accompany their home and lifestyle. What motivated Michael and Nicola to set up their business seven years ago was the purchase of their first dog George; they were unable to “find dog accessories that were not of the traditional pet shop style.” The couple found the pet market in 2005 to be an entirely different place from what it is today, there being “a clear gap in the market and no-one in Europe was making high-end accessories for dogs or cats”. As a result of this, the couple were unable to locate accessories which fitted in with their “aesthetic”,

“The majority of dogs and cats are now embraced as part of the family”, says Nicola




desiring, in vain, to find those which looked good in their home but which were also practical. Therefore, they decided to set up a new creative project which had not been done before, establishing a pet brand that was “unique, stylish and understated, but that also had a soul.” Mungo & Maud currently stocks a range of bowls, blankets and bags for your dog or cat, as well as fine quality beds which come in a variety of colours, styles and materials to ensure that owners can choose the one that best complements their home’s décor. As well as supplying luxury products for your pet and your home, Mungo & Maud also produces clothing for dogs. Products range from the finest quality Merino wool pullovers to cashmere cable knits and, in preparation for the unpredictable English weather, lightweight and water-repellent quilted coats so that, even in bad weather, your dog never stops looking fabulous. Following on from this, you can also match your pooch’s style with Mungo & Maud’s latest human clothing line. The recent phenomenon whereby owners view their pet as an extension of their own style can be directly linked to the world of celebrity culture as the likes of Paris Hilton have famously been pictured strutting around with their furry friends dressed in matching outfits. Michael and Nicola recently collaborated with model Yasmin le Bon who designed a collection of dog clothing pieces for Mungo & Maud. Nicola comments: “I had wanted to collaborate for a while with someone who could bring an element of style from a fashion perspective, and who also had a love of dogs. Yasmin, with three dogs of her own, was a long-time customer, so we asked if she would be interested and were so flattered when she said yes.” The latest range has since been well received by both the press and the public. Although London still enjoys a wagging trade in pet products, Michael, the brand’s CEO, recognises how Mungo & Maud’s international presence is on the rise, with the company’s recently launched US webstore owing to the large number of orders from North America. This comes as no surprise when one considers that 62 per cent of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 72.9 million homes. In Hong Kong, where the couple hope one day they might open up a store, it has been reported how even those suffering from economic deprivation choose to spend almost all of their income on their beloved pooches. Who can say what is next on the horizon in the pet industry? If the latest line of prosthetic testicles for dogs is anything to go by, we can be sure that it won’t be dull.


Cable cashmere pullover in nutmeg, £129-£135 From a selection at Mungo & Maud

Paw poster metal frame bed From £185, Hugo and Hennie

Peaches and cream pet perfume, £52.95 Pepper & Tanky at Harrods Brompton Road, SW1X 7XL

Classic feeder, £40 Hugo and Hennie, as before

Mungo & Maud, 79 Elizabeth Street, SW1W 9PJ Mungo & Maud, 51 Ledbury Road, W11 2AA (opening at the end of October);



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Put this at the top of your To Do list 1 in 8 women in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Many cases show no symptoms and have no family history of the disease. With The Wellington Hospital’s digital mammogram technology, abnormalities can be highlighted earlier, allowing for a greater chance of a full recovery. Now it is even easier to get peace of mind. The Wellington Hospital is offering a 30% discount off the cost of a screening mammogram, until the 31st December 2012.


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11/10/2012 15:41

Health &

beau ty “You can be gorgeous at 30, charming at 40 and irresistible for the rest of your life” – Coco Chanel

THE TREND Tainted Love There can be no escaping the seasonal red lipstick trend this autumn and we have seen the classic look adapted for a bolder finish at this year’s A/W12 fashion shows. For the men – Rick Owens, Jonathan Saunders, Marc by Marc Jacobs and Zac Posen – it was all about bright red lips paired with minimal make-up for maximum impact. Gucci took the androgynous look to a seductive new level with scarlet lips adding Gothic glamour and this vermilion trend was matched at Donna Karan and Jenny Packham. Finally, rich autumnal browns were in full earthy effect at Givenchy and Badgley Mischka. For us, the darker and more seductive the better: let your lips do the talking with YSL’s rouge lipstick. Rouge Pur Couture lipstick in 205, £23.50,

Beauty Address Book Blink Brow Bar at Bluebird With bars scattered across the Capital, it came as a pleasant surprise when we learnt that Blink Brow Bar could also be found at one of our favourite lifestyle boutiques in the borough, The Shop at Bluebird. Although doubling up as a nail bar, Blink (as you can presume from the name) is famous for its long-established service to eyebrows, threading more than a quarter of a million brows a year. The threading treatment lasts roughly 20 minutes and, although slightly eye-watering, is worth the mild discomfort as the end result is perfectly neat and well-matched brows. Make sure to book your appointment at least a few hours before going out to avoid embarrassment over your reddened forehead and, for those of you with extremely sensitive skin, we would recommend not applying any products after treatment as this may cause irritation. Bluebird, King’s Road, SW3 5UU 020 7349 5090;


Latest Launches Miracle Worker Just shake, paint, peal and reveal. That’s all that’s required for Sarah Chapman’s latest treatment: the Skinesis Instant Miracle Mask. Promising to rejuvenate lacklustre skin, it involves a professional-strength rubberised texture mask mixed in a shaker which gently peels off, revealing lifted, firmer and plumper skin. 77 Walton Street, SW3 2HT 020 7589 9094

SKIN TECHNOLOGY In celebration of its tenth anniversary, New York-based skincare brand RéVive has collaborated with painter Pat Steir for its annual one-off Artbox. The coffret has been given three different identities this year depending on its dedicated retail home: Harrods, Space NK Apothecary or Liberty London. At Space NK, the Valentine design has been divided into three zones, and enclosed inside are a selection of RéVive’s signature products. Available at Space NK Apothecary 27 Duke of York Square, SW3 4LY 020 7730 9841;

Science of Skincare Harrods now houses one of the most cutting-edge innovations in skin technology; IOMA. Located in the White Hall, the device uses high resolution photographs to measure the condition of the skin. An instant “photograph” analysis of the skin is taken in 15 seconds, with five different images revealing imperfections otherwise invisible to the naked eye. The expert beauticians will then offer you a range of recommended IOMA Bespoke Youth Rituals, tailor-made to treat your own skin needs as specified by the diagnostic devices. IOMA at Harrods 87-135 Brompton Road SW1X 7XL 020 7730 1234;




to TOE

The onset of the winter season is no excuse to neglect your beauty regime. ANNABEL HARRISON, RAJDEEP SANDHU and GEMMA TAYLOR test out the borough’s best beauty offerings

haute hair: paul edmonds salon I get very nervous about trying a new hair salon; a woman’s hair is her armour, her crowning glory and sometimes the most important part of an ensemble, so having a few inches chopped off can be nerve-wracking. Off I went to test out the Paul Edmonds salon in Knightsbridge, which, happily, felt much more relaxed than a usual salon; square, brown leather chairs and mirrored walls lend the space a very smart look and the chairs where your hair is washed provide an unexpected body massage. My stylist Zack was flamboyantly French, efficiently removing my split ends and finishing with an expert blow-dry. I shall return. Cleanse, Condition, Cut & Finish, from £45 to £135 Paul Edmonds Salon, 217 Brompton Road, SW3 2EJ 020 7589 5958;

body beautiful: ushvani spa Ushvani is an unexpected Malaysian oasis in the heart of Chelsea. Its new Kaffir Lime Reinvigorating Ritual provides the perfect excuse for 90 minutes of escape. Starting with a kaffir lime body scrub, the zesty smell appeals to the senses. Wash away the scrub under the rain shower to reveal luxuriously silky skin and ladle over coconut milk. Return to the massage table as the therapist works coconut and hibiscus oil into your back, kneading out the tension. Moving on to your stomach, circular motions reduce bloating and aid digestion and further down your feet are revitalised with gorgeous lime and coconut butter. Ushvani Kaffir Lime Reinvigorating Ritual, 90 minutes, £180 USHVANI, 1 Cadogan Gardens, SW3 2RJ 020 7730 2888;

face it: fiona keane @ milestone spa When Milestone Hotel Spa Director Fiona Keane embarks on one of her famous facials don’t be alarmed if you hear the words ‘chemical peel’. This dramatic description is merely a phrase for one of the most effective, tried-and-tested ways to rejuvenate your skin. You will emerge from the 60-minute treatment with the skin of a newborn and, after a course of four or five, will see significant improvements in problems such as thickened or shiny skin and dilated pores. Fiona’s deft hands, after 35 years of dermatological experience, expertly apply the chemical exfoliate. The prickly sensation is fleeting and after a deep, moisturising massage, your body will be relaxed, your soul lifted and your face glowing. Milestone Spa Peeling and Resurfacing SOTHYS Facial by Fiona Keane, £105 The Milestone Hotel, 1 Kensington Court, W8 5DL;




Hope for the Future October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness as well as celebrate the increases in survival rates which spell signs of hope for the future In the last ten years, the number of people beating breast cancer has soared. Thanks to better treatment, early detection through breast screening and greater awareness of the disease, figures for survival are now better than ever. In the 70s, the ten year survival rate for women was just over 40 per cent; now latest figures stand at almost 80 per cent and these figures keep rising every year. Breast cancers can be found through changes in the breast, such as a new lump or swelling, but around a third of breast cancers are now diagnosed through screening. Breast screening is offered to all women between 50 and 70, as 81 per cent of all breast cancer is prevalent in post-menopausal women. Mammography (an X-ray used specifically for breast imaging) is now so advanced that it can detect even the smallest abnormalities, which are too small to be felt by either yourself or a doctor. This means that the illness can be treated in its early stages more often, leading to higher survival rates. There are now an estimated 550,000 people in the UK who are living full lives after breast cancer, and a big part of this is because doctors are seeing patients earlier, thanks to breast screening. Finding a lump can be very distressing and many women assume that the lump they have found is cancerous. In fact, nine out of ten lumps are benign (non-cancerous) and are caused by factors such as cysts. It is however still important to explain to patients how these cysts develop and why, and how to properly check your breasts for further lumps. Nurses and doctors cite breast awareness, early detection, attending breast screening and having a healthy diet and lifestyle as the essential factors which help women to beat breast cancer. Although breast cancer can be genetic, this only occurs in just under five per cent of all breast cancers; increasing age and lifestyle choices are by far the greatest risks. Lifestyle choices that increase the risk of breast cancer include: • Not having children or having your first child later in life • Starting your periods early or going through the menopause late • Using certain types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) over a prolonged period • Being overweight • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol In recent years there have been many developments in the area of breast cancer: the latest research has shown that breast cancer should be thought of as ten different diseases, which means treatment can now be much more targeted and precise. This gives hope that the treatment of breast cancer will only improve in the future.


Breast Care Advice: Be breast aware, understand the principle behind it and check your breasts regularly.

When you are invited, make sure you attend your routine screening.

If you find a problem with your breast, visit your GP, although many symptoms may be benign – breast cancer caught early has a much better chance of being cured.

screening: 30% discount Are you over 40? Is it more than 12 months since your last mammogram? Are you looking for peace of mind? If you answered ‘Yes’ to all of the above, it’s time you booked a mammogram. The Breast Care Unit at The Wellington Hospital is offering a 30% discount off the cost of a screening mammogram until 31 December 2012. To book an appointment please call 020 7483 5009 or visit







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the sport of kings:

Polo at the Palace Although the British polo season has come to an end, fans need not despair; combine playing (or watching) your favourite sport with a holiday to the warmer climes of Abu Dhabi

Taking place on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 November, for up to 1,000 guests each day, the beautiful 100-acre private gardens of the Emirates Palace will provide the spectacular backdrop for the Polo at the Palace tournament, inspired by London’s Polo in the Park event, which has pioneered the City Polo Series by bringing this classic sport to a contemporary cosmopolitan audience. A custom-built polo field on the West Lawn will allow the audience to watch the players close up, as Team Abu Dhabi (sponsored by Coutts), Team London (sponsored by Van Cleef & Arpels), Team Milan (sponsored by Maserati) and Team Buenos Aires battle it out for the Coutts Polo Cup over two days. Guests can take a more leisurely approach, enjoying a


gastronomic offering from the Emirates Palace’s culinary team in the pitch-side VIP hospitality tent or in one of the five private chalets. Emirates Palace will be showcasing a cultural display by the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority, a pop-up La Martina boutique for those inspired by sporty polo style and a Maserati showroom; don’t miss the chance to test drive the new Gran Turismo. British designer of the moment Stella McCartney will also unveil her newest collection in a one-off fashion show. Tickets for Polo at the Palace are priced from 1,600 AED per person per day. To book tickets or for more information email Rachel Roullier ( or visit


Quality STREET

Matthew Carter is thoroughly impressed by the new Audi A3 but finds it hard to fall in love with this is embarrassing. Gazing out of a window at the two Audi A3s parked up on display, I turn to the PR girl and ask why car companies instantly dismiss the outgoing car when a new one comes along. This would be the perfect opportunity, I tell her, to put the old and the new A3 side by side so we could see the differences. Why just display the new one? She turns to see if I am joking, and realises I’m deadly serious. “But Matthew, that’s just what we’ve done. The one on the left is the new one and the one on the right is the old.” Ooops. It either goes to show that a trip to the opticians is needed or Audi’s design team have run out of ideas. The answer is probably a bit of both, but

don’t get me wrong: the A3 is a truly classic piece of design. This is only the third generation in 16 years and replaces the A3 ‘Mk II’ that’s been here for nine; that’s an exceptionally long time in car-years. And now I look at the two cars in front of me with a tad more care I can see there are differences. There’s a dynamic crease along either side on the new one and the head and taillights are thinner but more assertive. Oh, and the fuel filler flap on the generation three version is rectangular rather than circular. Small wonder I got confused. Thing is, this is a totally new-from-the-ground-up car and while it would obviously make no sense to throw away hard-won heritage by producing something




radically different, you’ve got to ask if the new A3 is just a little too conservative in the looks department. In fact, the new A3 is far more sophisticated than before. Although having virtually identical overall dimensions, the new one’s wheelbase is longer which creates more interior space and also pushes the wheels closer to the extremities of the car. These shorter overhangs make the car look more dynamic while the entire structure is far lighter than before. Weight is the enemy of performance, fuel economy and emissions: the lighter the car, the easier it is to drag and that means the engine doesn’t have to work so hard to provide the same performance as before. So the new A3 has been on a serious diet with extensive use of lightweight materials, such as aluminium – the bonnet and doors are alloy, saving nearly ten kilograms, for example. Safety and strength haven’t been compromised, though, with a quarter of the metal used in the car’s construction being made from form-hardened steel, which is both stronger and lighter than conventional steel. The engines, too, are lighter than before while even greater attention has been paid to aerodynamic performance. And, as the adverts say, Audi has even thrown the handbrake away to reduce weight; don’t worry, there’s an electronically controlled parking brake,

Audi has even thrown the handbrake away to reduce weight now, operated by a switch. Model for model, then, the new A3 is around 90 kilograms lighter than its predecessor despite being better equipped than before. That’s like losing a passenger. From a technical standpoint, then, the new A3 is streets ahead of the old one (as it should be, given that it’s nearly a decade younger). It is also a deeply significant car for Volkswagen as it’s the first model to use the Group’s new MQB platform, which will also underpin the forthcoming Golf Mk 7 amongst others. And before you ask, MQB stands for Modularer Querbaukasten, or Modular Transverse Matrix. ‘Course it does. By using the same underpinnings for a whole raft of cars, economies of scale help keep costs down, while the modular construction means a number of different models can all be built on the same production line. It also means the forthcoming A3 Sportsback (the five door version) can easily be built on a slightly longer version of the platform to provide more, much needed, rear leg room. In other words, it needs to work. And it does, with


In brief Car: Audi A3 2.0 TDI SE Price: £21,505 Engine: 1,968cc, four-cylinder diesel Power: 150 hp Performance: 134 mph max 0-60 mph in 8.6 seconds Drive: Front-wheel drive Six-speed manual

ride comfort levels expected from a much larger car. Audi, like all the German makers, have tended to think that ‘schporty’ driving means you have to have rock hard suspension that rattles fillings. You can still get an A3 in Sport trim with lowered sports suspension, big wheels and attendant dentist bills but Audi UK has started listening to the complaints and will now allow buyers to opt for Sports trim (sports seats,


bigger wheels and the Audi Drive Select system which allows the driver to alter the steering weight, throttle response and so on) but – and here’s the killer difference – you can ‘deselect’ the sports suspension bit, returning the chassis to normal settings. Given that German cars tend to be firm anyway, this is the perfect solution. So, at last we have a small Audi that rides well, that comfort being matched by fail-safe handling with ample grip on offer: this car is not going to turn round and bite you. Undoubtedly the biggest selling version will be powered by VW’s 2.0-litre diesel engine. Not only does this give a fair punch of performance, it is exceptionally economical: you’d have to be a real lead foot to get less than 50mpg in day-to-day life. Couple that with a sub-110g/km of CO2 and it’s easy to see why the baby Audi is such a strong player in the company car market as 100 per cent of its value can be written down against corporation tax in the first year of ownership. Add in strong second-hand values and it’s a compelling offer. That’s matched by a premium quality interior. Audi interiors really are the benchmark target for every other carmaker. Even in entry-level SE versions, the quality of the materials, the fit and finish of the panels and the sophistication of the MMI driver interface is beyond reproach. A knurled knob in the centre console controls everything on the in-built full colour monitor – the sound system, the driving dynamic settings, mobile phone integration and, when fitted, sat nav. Ah yes, as ever, you’ll need to tick the boxes on the options lists if you want the equipment other cars have as standard. On paper, then, the new A3 is exceptionally good. It rides and handles better than before, it’s more comfortable with higher quality levels, more generously equipped and better looking (though you do need old and new together to prove that last point). It is beautifully made and will hold its value well. It’s comfortable, exact and classy to the point that looking at anything else in this sector of the market is almost pointless. Unless you want a little excitement in your life, that is. Perhaps the best phrase to describe the A3 is coldly efficient. If only it was prepared to let its hair down occasionally.


Captivate Your Senses The first internationally-acclaimed Chuan Spa in Europe is now open at The Langham, London. Rediscover your source with luxurious treatments inspired by the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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White Shores Are Calling:

Nature at its Finest Playa Koralia on the Caribbean coast of Columbia is a tropical paradise, completely in harmony with the stunning natural habitat that surrounds it

Playa Koralia describes itself as a “nature hotel” and when confronted with the surrounding, breathtaking scenery, it is easy to see why the hotel drew inspiration from its environment. The beaches that flank the hotel are flawless, with the white sands stretching out as far as the eye can see and the snow-capped Sierra Nevada Mountain, which looms dramatically above, is not only an astonishing spectacle but also provides shelter for the coast, as well as guaranteeing a year-round pleasant climate. The colourful cabañas have been designed using local art and materials, meaning that the buildings blend seamlessly into


their environment. The hammocks outside provide the perfect place to while away a few lazy hours. For ultimate relaxation, a visit to the Koralia Spa for a traditional healing treatment is an absolute must. Those who get a little restless can enjoy a number of guided excursions to destinations including the nearby waterfalls or Tayrona National Park. After drinking in the incredible surroundings, the perfect way to finish the day is by enjoying a cocktail at the beach bar as the sun slowly sets.










Travel the

world “Not all those who wander are lost” – J.R.R. Tolkien

Living the Highland Life

Winter Warmer For anyone driven to online searches for sunshine in an environment of total luxury as the cold starts to bite, it is difficult to beat Mustique, the Caribbean’s finest private-island retreat. The island is a sanctuary miles off the usual tourist track, and boasting some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean. The ethos of the island is one of complete discretion, where guests can indulge their every whim while enjoying total privacy. All of the 74 villas available to rent are exquisite and have every facility you could ask for.

While some seek winter sunshine as the cold weather closes in, others are more than happy to stay closer to home and embrace the British winter. The Highlands of Scotland are imbued with rugged beauty, providing the perfect place either to brave a winter walk or to curl up by the fire in front of a beautiful view. Ackergill Tower, a stone’s throw from John O’Groats, is a wonderfully secluded luxury hotel, surrounded by some of Scotland’s most incredible scenery. The architecture alone of this 15th century Scottish castle merits a visit but it is the enchanting atmosphere and feeling of totally getting away from it all that will ensure that guests want to return again and again.

Polar Adventure A trip only for the adventurous, Carrier Holidays is now offering a unique opportunity to see Canada’s polar bears in their natural habitat. The sevenday tour begins in Fairmont, Winnipeg, before travelling by private charter to Churchill, known as the polar bear capital of the world. Here visitors can experience the thrill of watching polar bears in their natural environment, with expert guides on hand to answer any questions. Only after an exhilarating ride in a dog sled and a visit to the Eskimo Museum, will a private charter fly you back to Winnipeg in order to journey home.

A Taste for Travel For intrepid foodies who want to learn the gastronomic secrets of the places they visit, boutique cruise company Aqua Expeditions is now offering the chance to do so. The luxury boat trips along the Amazon can include Peruvian cooking classes, devised by top Peruvian chef Pedro Miguel Schiaffino. Budding culinary masters will learn how to craft traditional delicacies and beverages such as ceviche and pisco sours, adding an enjoyable interactive dimension to the culinary side of the trip. After experiencing the other exciting activities, such as piranha fishing and pink river dolphin spotting, guests will certainly have worked up an appetite for these tasty dishes.





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Young At Heart Luxury resorts are devising increasingly innovative offerings for children, meaning you can banish “I’m bored” and an inspiring time can be had by all the family, says Angelina Villa-Clarke, wishing she was young again Not so long ago five-star hotels would shudder at the thought of sticky-fingered children running riot through their receptions and disturbing their carefullycomposed calm. Nowadays, though, savvy hoteliers have cottoned on to the fact that happy children mean happy parents and, crucially, those who are more likely to return year after year. But forget the average kids’ clubs; we’re talking about sophisticated activities to make sure the little ones have a truly inspiring time. Here’s our top ten.



Circus Skills Jnane Tamsna, Marrakech While Mummy and Daddy kick back in the serene gardens belonging to the magical Jnane Tamsna in Marrakech’s Palm Grove, the kids can conjure up magic of a different kind. The exquisite 24-roomed country villa actively welcomes children and keeps them entertained by teaching magic skills, juggling, gardening and crafts while parents can laze by the pool or treat themselves in the traditional hammam.

Reggae Reggae Round Hill Hotel, J amaica Renowned for its warm hospitality in a jaw-dropping setting in Montego Bay, Round Hill Hotel truly incorporates the kids into local culture with its reggae lessons. While you tuck into jam and scones at the relaxed afternoon tea in the Ralph Lauren cocktail bar, your aspiring musician will be jamming away in the kids club. What’s more, children are encouraged to stage talent shows so you can see if you’ll be taking home the next Bob Marley. Plus you can tell them you’re visiting the hometown of the legendary Usain Bolt.

Little Chef Daios Cove, Crete As perfect for fussy eaters as for little foodies are the new globe-trotting foodie adventures at the acclaimed Explorers Children’s Club at Daios Cove. Overseen by children’s food expert and writer Fiona Faulkner, in partnership with Scott Dunn, the package offers delicious menus featuring dishes such as Slumdog Soup, the French Platter Picnic and the Cowboy Chow-down. Known as the Harry Potter of Vegetables, Faulkner has devised workshops, cookie-making and bread-baking sessions for all the family, as well as introducing children to fruits and vegetable indigenous to Greece. Located on a hillside overlooking its own private beach near Aghios Nikolaos, the five-star Daios Cove is now even more family-friendly, having launched brand new two and three-bedroom family villas.


Strike a Pose Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay, Turkey Sometimes it’s not just the mums and dads who need to unwind. If school has got too much for the little darlings then take a trip to Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay. Its award-winning Six Senses spa has introduced Mini-Yoga for children aged six and above. Led by trained yogis, children can learn the basics of yoga, such as breathing techniques and elementary poses, through the use of imagination and storytelling. While they’re mastering the art of the downward dog, parents, meanwhile, can relax on the pristine beach or around the glistening infinity pool.

Little Royals Princess Yaiza Suite Hotel, Lanzarote & Duke’s Hotel, London At Lanzarote’s Princess Yaiza Suite Hotel in Playa Blanca, little princesses can be pampered alongside Mummy with a child-friendly chocolate massage and volcanic stone facial. The beachside resort has opened its 50 treatment room spa to children over seven years old and has designed each of the treatments with younger guests in mind. Meanwhile, at Duke’s Hotel in London, children are treated like royalty from the minute they check-in: the Mini Dukes and Duchesses package includes homebaked cookies and Belgian chocolate milk on tap while a concierge lays out a brand new duke or duchess outfit for them to wear. They can enjoy a special mini afternoon tea in the drawing room and choose their supper from a Juniors’ menu in the restaurant Thirty Six.;



High Flyers The Oberoi Hotels, India If you’re staying at an Oberoi signature property in India any time soon, you can shape your offspring’s career path with the group’s Oberoi Experiences, especially for children. Among the offerings is the Young Hoteliers Programme in which children are taken on a behind the scenes tour of their hotel, including various ‘back office’ departments to garner an understanding of how hotels operate. Other offerings include a Junior Chef Programme and kite-making workshops, in which children are taught to make traditional Rajasthan kites.

Safaris & Sweeties Kwandwe Private Game Reserve, South Africa At South Africa’s malaria-free Eastern Cape, the Kwandwe Private Game Reserve offers the ultimate adventure for younger guests. While parents will be more than happy with the family-friendly lodges, featuring vast bedrooms, a dedicated play area, arts and crafts kits, sweetie jars, pretzel pots and an interactive kitchen, the children will no doubt be in awe of the activities on offer. From treasure hunts to spotting giraffe and zebra on safety-conscious safari drives (for even the smallest guests), poo safaris to minnow fishing, it’s the stuff that little ones dream about.


Hidden Treasure Villa San Michele, Florence It’s VIP all the way at Villa San Michele with younger guests taking part in private treasure hunts in some of the city’s most famous museums. Designed to immerse them in the rich culture of Florence, the hotel has enlisted the services of a private guide to lead youngsters around the Uffizi Museum, the Boboli Gardens and the Palazzo Vecchio Museum looking for hidden treasures. If that’s not enough to keep them entertained, they can also visit chocolate workshops and try their hand at ice-cream making at the famous Vivoli ice cream factory. Plenty of food (and culture) for thought.

Finding Nemo Conrad Maldives, Rangali Island Perfect for water babies are the unique diving experiences on offer for children at the luxury Conrad Maldives Rangali Island. Normally an activity just for the adults, the chic six-star hotel has gone the extra mile in offering children, from the age of five, their first underwater breaths alongside the reefs of its lagoon. Beginning with a SAS (Supplied Air Snorkelling) course for five-year-olds, near the coral gardens of Ithaa, the world’s first all-glass undersea restaurant. Once confident, children can then graduate to diving the amazing reef alongside the resort’s island, known as one of the world’s best diving spots. If that’s too much excitement for younger guests, they can head instead to the Ice Cream Spa, a dedicated children’s spa fashioned like an ice cream parlour and offering six ice cream flavoured spa treatments.

Eco Warriors PG Cruises, French Pol ynesia Inspiring your young ones doesn’t have to be confined to hotels; teach them to act responsibly by signing them up to a mind-boggling marine adventure while onboard an exotic cruise. Created by Jean-Michel Cousteau (son of legendary Jacques Cousteau), the Ambassadors of the Environment Youth Programme takes place on selected Paul Gaugain cruises around French Polynesia. Under the guidance of expert Ocean Future Society naturalists, children aged nine to 17 will get the chance to explore coral reefs, learn about volcanic islands and forest ecology, experience Polynesian culture, hike rainforest trails and visit marae (ancient Polynesian temples). Parents, meanwhile, can relax onboard or join in with their children if they wish, smug in the knowledge that their holiday is educational too.





Coworth Park in Ascot, just 45 minutes from the borough, is the epitome of British countryside chic, complete with spacious spa, stables, polo lessons and quintessentially British food. Lana Jordan escapes to the country in style A MODERN MARVEL with a truly classic history, Coworth Park blends the best of everything that contemporary dining and cutting edge technology have to offer. With a modern take on tradition and heritage, I can safely say it’s the perfect place to go for a Christmas the whole family will remember forever. The long drive sweeps up through the park’s considerable acres of land where undulating hassocks meet beautifully manicured gardens, while the exclusive eco-luxury spa sinks subtly

into the grounds. Arriving at the lobby in torrential rain last year, we were swept inside to be greeted by all the cosy trappings of Christmas and a drawing room bustling with afternoon tea traffic and other guests checking in. The junior suite, a divinely comforting space, with high ceilings, huge windows and soft grey and white furnishings, was decked with tinsel and elaborately wrapped presents and the huge bed was one of the most comfortable I’ve ever slept in. Little touches


included playful wooden hangers with instructions such as Counting Sheep, which indicate guests’ movements to the housekeeping staff, while the warm bathroom effortlessly blended modern style with classic touches; a wall-to-wall black and white photographic frieze flanked a generous copper bathtub, complete with vintage novels and bath oils – perfect for zoning out. Relaxed after an easy drive from London, we ventured out of our restful room for dinner and drinks. All the public spaces were inviting and beautifully decked out with twinkling fairy lights, holly and ivy. The bar and lounge offered more muted and classic spaces in which to relax with a drink in front of the fire and we enjoyed some excellently mixed mulled wine, while the children settled down for Coworth story time. Restaurant Coworth Park’s

The children returned elated with tales of meeting Father Christmas theme was festive, complete with a gigantic copper leaf motif sculpture across the ceiling. The food at Coworth Park was impressively good and the tasting selection took us through a menu of composite skill, as diverse and unique flavours were matched with considerable skill and complemented by a diverse wine list. We enjoyed Christmas lunch at The Barn, a cleverly converted space, with a welcoming bar upstairs and the small, friendly restaurant downstairs, leading out to a terrace with views across the park; it’s a great spot for lunch in both winter and summer. The children ran off to listen to carol singers and returned elated with tales of meeting Father Christmas. Don’t worry; no matter what the weather, the Kids Club and Teen Den will keep the children busy until bedtime. That afternoon I took myself for some serious pampering at the spa, a calm haven of long white corridors and softly spoken therapists; I was half asleep before my treatment even started. A signature prescription facial with Kerstin Florian products completely relaxed me and left my skin sparkling and rejuvenated. Later on that day we headed to the on-site stables, open for all hotel and local residents regardless of their level. The Equestrian Centre offers a variety of beautiful horses to hire for classes or hacks around the 240 acre private estate. Still hopeful for snow, we pottered around the stunning countryside for more than an hour, enjoying the fresh air and the new perspective; an added bonus of staying somewhere like this. Coworth Park is a really great place to get away from it all and, at just a 45-minute drive from London, it’s the place for a Christmassy weekend break – classy, quiet, unique and simply luxurious.


CHRISTMAS AT COWORTH A three night stay features a full festive programme, including: • Christmas champagne • Afternoon tea with carols • Christmas lunch in either Restaurant Coworth Park or The Barn • Masterclasses with Chef Brian Hughson and activities and parties in Coworth Park Kids



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1 Kensington Court, London W8 5DL T: +44 (0)20 7917 1000 E: For ‘Best Available Rates’ quote Kensington and Chelsea Magazine when booking.


Taking Afternoon Tea This autumn, visitors who flock to Richmond’s Petersham Hotel to take in its world-famous view can also be treated to a unique version of the classic English afternoon tea, in aid of the Poppy Factory

Situated in the heart of Richmond and just a stone’s throw from the River Thames, the Poppy Factory will celebrate its 90th anniversary this year. Ever since its creation nine decades ago, the charity has produced poppies, crosses and wreathes for the Royal British Legion’s annual appeal and for Remembrance Day, as well as wreathes for the Royal Family. In addition to this, it also strives to provide jobs and employment for injured or sick ex-military personnel. In order to support the charity’s inspiring work, the Petersham Hotel has created the Poppy Afternoon Tea, a delicious spread of tasty bites, all inspired by the beauty and symbolism of the poppy flower. A percentage of the proceeds from each afternoon tea will be donated to the Poppy Factory.


The menu has been carefully crafted by Alison Dabbs, the Petersham’s head pastry chef, and comprises various tantalising titbits, including poppy seed scones, raspberry and cream meringues, strawberry fondant fancies and poppy seed shortbread biscuits. Due to the hotel’s proud location upon the side of Richmond Hill, this delicious fare can be enjoyed whilst taking in the renowned view of the River Thames and Petersham Meadows. The combination of a beautiful location, delicious treats and an excellent cause means that this teatime tastes extra sweet. The Petersham Hotel, Nightingale Lane, TW10 6UZ 020 8940 7471;



Picasso of Pastry

Kathryn Gordon’s visit to Pierre Hermé’s flagship store in Paris revealed a breathtaking array of elegant, enticing cakes, pastries, tarts and chocolates, truly the stuff of Roald Dahl’s imagination (and also available here in the borough for the sweet-toothed among you to enjoy)




Perhaps Pierre’s secret lies in his philosophy: nothing is mere “decoration”


“When we started out, there was no concept of the ‘high-end pastry’”, points out Charles Znaty, co-founder of Pierre Hermé Paris. “Especially with macarons, which used to be thought of as just part of the cookie family.” Luckily for the sweet-toothed among us, Charles and his business partner, Pierre Hermé himself, recognised the gap in the market, and set about filling it, creamy centre by delicious creamy centre. In London, it is their macarons which have caught the public’s imagination most, infatuated as we seem to have become with that delicate confectionery – the bright pop of colour, the crispy, eggshell-thin meringue on top and bottom, and velvety, rich ganache or buttercream in the middle. Pierre Hermé’s are something special, though. Throughout 2012, the celebrated chef has been presenting a collection of macarons along a garden theme, with each month yielding a different flavour and evoking a new aromatic landscape. “For this collection, I approached my work in the same manner as a perfumer,” Pierre explains. The result is a wildly unusual and fragrant treat, from the sweet, seashorelike scent of Green Tea, Chanterelle Mushrooms & Lemon in March to the ultra-feminine Rose & Jasmine in May, and the exotic Orange Blossom, Rose & Ginger (with just the right hint of Oriental spice) this month. November will introduce the seductive, grown-up combination of Violet & Aniseed, available to buy in the Lowndes Street boutique or from the Pierre Hermé Paris counter in Selfridges. As deservedly popular as the macarons are, that is not to say Pierre’s other creations should be overlooked. On a visit to the flagship store in Paris on Rue Bonaparte, we found a breathtaking array of cakes, pastries, tarts and chocolates on display, admired by a steady stream of shoppers. Special mention must go to the Infiniment Vanille, a gorgeously buttery shortbread crust topped with dense white chocolate, vanilla and mascarpone cream ganache. The vanilla flavouring is a house blend, developed by Pierre from three different pods – Tahitian (“exuberant”), Mexican (“flowery”) and Madagascan (“woody”) – and tastes even more luxurious than it sounds. In addition to the Gardens collection, Pierre Hermé boutiques also periodically offer what the chef has named the Fetish collections. The Fetishes apply a series of iconic or signature Pierre Hermé flavours across the entire range of Pierre Hermé products for a limited time only; the most recent Fetish (until 21 October) is the


Infiniment Citron, which brings a zesty tartness to baba cakes, cheesecakes, pound cakes, millefeuille, chou, ice-cream, waffles and more. Past Fetishes have included the Ispahan (rose, raspberry and lychee) and Plenitude (bittersweet chocolate and crunchy caramel), while November promises the irresistible-sounding Mogador (milk chocolate and passionfruit). Given this dedication to reinterpretation and innovation, it is no surprise Hermé has been dubbed the Picasso of Pastry. Hermé also offers an haute-couture service, fashioning various flavours and combinations to order. There have been unusual requests; he has produced ketchup and cornichon macarons for the birthday of the boutique Collette (Rue Saint Honoré), while an English client recently requested a tobacco flavour to his minimeringues. Although Hermé himself is not a smoker, the cream filling was infused to great success: perhaps the secret lies in his philosophy, that nothing is “decoration”. “Every component is part of the taste”, he agrees. In other words, each ingredient is working hard and exactly as it should with every other element, whether it’s the bitterness of dark chocolate setting off the sweetness of banana and slightly nutty flavour of avocado, or the fruitiness of Vache Rosse parmesan perfectly complemented by raspberries and red peppers. Pierre Hermé is clearly not a man who is afraid to experiment or to spend time on his recipes; his sumptuous chocolate spread, Pâte À Tartiner Pietra, was more than three years in the making. And as if the collections and the made-to-order cakes and confectionery weren’t enough, Hermé has also been collaborating on a book with Jean-Michel Duriez, master perfumer at fashion, beauty and perfume house Rochas. Both men are masters in their fields, recognising the importance of the perfect blend. It was Duriez who helped Hermé when he took up the challenge of recreating Femme, the 1944 classic Rochas scent, in edible form. The Peach, Rose & Cumin Tart to come out of this experimentation is nothing short of a triumph – sweet, filling and the perfect intermingling of fruit, flower and spice. If there was no concept of high-end pastry when Hermé started, he has certainly made sure there is now. Macarons & Chocolats Pierre Hermé Paris 13 Lowndes Street, SW1X 9EX Deliveries are available in London from the Lowndes Street boutique; please call 020 7245 0317



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Drinking &

dining “There is no love sincerer than the love of food” – George Bernard Shaw

Cinema in the Snow This winter, the Berkeley Hotel’s famous roof terrace will be transformed into a luxury open-air cinema, screening a range of festive classics. Surrounded by a thicket of pine trees, guests can avoid the seasonal chill by curling up with cosy Moncler blankets and hot water bottles (and heating lamps when the cold really starts to bite). Cinematic favourites such as It’s a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street will be complemented by suitably wintery treats of indulgent mince pies and hot chocolate. The stunning setting and delicious fare cannot fail to transport guests away from the bustle of Knightsbridge and into the ultimate winter wonderland. The Berkeley Hotel, Wilton Place Knightsbridge, SW1X 7RL 020 7235 6000;

Review Apero Spritz

All in Great Taste The Cadogan Hotel has teamed up with the Great Taste Awards to serve up the best of independent UK producers. As part of this celebration, food critic Fay Maschler has joined forces with her sister, chef Beth Coventry, to design a tantalising menu centred on ingredients that have been awarded the top accolades at the Great Taste Awards. Maschler and Coventry’s extensive experience, coupled with the expertise of Oliver Lesnik, the Cadogan’s head chef, yields impressive results, with a menu that combines traditional flavour combinations with contemporary cooking style. With a guarantee that top quality artisan products are at the centre of each dish, it is difficult to turn down the option of three delicious courses. Great Taste at The Cadogan, 21 Pont Street, SW1X 9SG For reservations, please call 0800 023 5445


The smart, chic Ampersand Hotel (we particularly like the grey colour used for its branding) is in the heart of South Kensington and Apero, its Mediterranean restaurant offering, is nestled beneath stone Victorian arches in the hotel’s basement. Quirkily, the cocktails celebrate “the creative dexterity of the cream of mankind”, inspired by the nearby V&A, although my guest and I settled for the fittingly named Aperol Spritz, the Prosecco-based house cocktail. The restaurant was pleasantly buzzing but not too noisy (it’s the kind of place that would be far too crowded if located in Soho) and our waiter helped us to narrow down our initially lengthy wishlist of dishes. We highly recommend the stand-out dish of stone bass, sumac and the unbelievably good beetroot risotto, as well as the burrata and beetroot offering, also delicious. We were much keener on the saffron pudding option than the melting coffee-chocolate bomb and you’ll leave happily sated and stuffed. Apero, The Ampersand Hotel, 10 Harrington Road South Kensington, SW7 3ER 020 7589 5895;


(More)Drinking &

Dining Cassis Bistro On the corner of Brompton Road, where Thurloe Place meets bustling Knightsbridge, lies the heart of provincial southern France in the form of Cassis Bistro. The menu has been carefully put together to incorporate the bold and diverse flavours of this region. If you are feeling hungry, definitely ask the waiter for the tasting menu; a selection of fish dishes, ranging from sea bass tartare and seared tuna salad to start, is followed by white truffle risotto and beautifullyprepared beef. The only criticism to be made? There was one too many dishes! The risotto was followed by another pasta dish and there was a pre-dessert before the final dessert, so we were exceptionally full. Overall, food, service and wine could not be faulted. Cassis Bistro, 232-236 Brompton Road, SW3 2BB 020 7581 1101;

The Art of Sushi Following the success of its first venture in Marbella, Sushi Des Artistes has brought its distinctive dining concept to London and opened its doors on Sloane Avenue. The menu fuses Japanese classics with Mediterranean elements, which results in eclectic dishes such as Chateaubriand sashimi with fresh wasabi. As the name suggests, there is more to this restaurant than flavour alone: here the visual elements of one’s dining experience are considered no less important. Dishes are presented with intricate precision and feature unusual elements including tropical flowers and fruits. For indecisive diners who want to experience the pinnacle of what Sushi Des Artistes has to offer, the multi-course Chef’s Choice tasting menu ticks every taste box. Sushi Des Artistes, 85 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX 020 3583 3797;

Festivities at The Roof Gardens Babylon Restaurant at The Roof Gardens in Kensington is on hand this year to make your winter festivities run as smoothly as possible. The revelry kicks off in November with a sumptuous celebration for Thanksgiving, complete with plenty of American delicacies. Diners can choose to enjoy either lunch or dinner, with the option of the usual top quality menu, with some extra USA-style dishes thrown in. Pre-dinner tipples will come in the form of American-inspired cocktails, such as the Pumpkin Pie punch, a warming blend of rum, cinnamon and winter-spiced syrup. As soon as the cold weather kicks in, this is a sure sign that it’s time to start planning for Christmas. Remove some of the hassle of the holidays by booking in for a Christmas feast at Babylon, available from 19 November to 23 December. Roast turkey with all the trimmings will be served, along with Christmas crackers and a decent serving of festive atmosphere. In addition to these culinary delights, The Roof Gardens will host its renowned live music parties through the party season, with a fantastic line-up of artists set to perform each week. From up and coming artists to British Soul bands, there is something to please any music taste. Book before it’s too late. The Roof Gardens, 6th Floor, 99 Kensington High Street, W8 5SA 020 7368 3993 (Babylon) / 020 7368 3960 (Club);

Birthday Cake England’s favourite, and most authentic, French boulangerie and pâtisserie, Maison Blanc, is celebrating its 30th birthday this year. Since the opening of its first shop in Oxford in the 1980s, Maison Blanc has provided a delicious alternative to mundane high street bakeries, offering customers sophisticated French style in the heart of England (as well as the most tempting of window displays). Patisserie Chef Alex Gresset has created a range of limited edition macarons in a range of delectable flavours, including our personal favourite, pink Champagne. As the 30th anniversary is signified by the pearl, the macaroons boast a pearlised finished, making them a treat for the eyes as well as the tastebuds. Maison Blanc 303 Fulham Road, SW10 9QH 020 7795 2663;

Explosive Cocktails November is the month of fireworks so make sure everything, including your cocktails, goes off with a bang. For the ultimate fiery mixology, Nam Long Le Shaker on Old Brompton Road has some innovative and exciting concoctions. The notorious Flaming Ferrari cocktail, a potent mixture of Grand Marnier, green Chartreuse and Navy Rum, is served only after it has been set alight, and is recommended to be downed in one (as upbeat, countdown music accompanies your experience). For something a little less volatile, the tropical flavour of the White Panther, combining coconut, Malibu, rum, amaretto and crème de banana is heavenly, if not quite as exhilarating. Nam Long Le Shaker 159 Old Brompton Road, SW5 0LJ 020 7373 1926

Time for tricks and treats this Hallowe’en (and not just for the children) Bloodshot Brompton Brunch Hallowe’en scares usually occur after dark, but this year the Brompton Bar & Grill is starting early, hosting a gory brunch in association with Bloodshot Vodka. Each table will have a ‘bloodbath’, allowing guests to mix their own Bloody Mary cocktails using the deliciously spicy Bloodshot Vodka. The food will be as delicious but as horrifying as possible, with treats including bloodshot eyeball eggs and bloody butchers chopped steak tartare. The terrifyingly tasty fare will make this the only way to start your Hallowe’en. Brompton Bar & Grill, 243 Brompton Road, SW3 2EP 020 7589 8005;


Hallowe’en at Harvey Nichols Foodmarkets

Hallowe’en weekend will see Notting Hill’s Supperclub transformed into Slaughterclub, a seriously spooky venue designed to excite and terrify its visitors. The frights begin as soon as you enter because guests are greeted by a bathtub filled with blood, a taste of the gore that awaits those who dare to venture further. Those who choose to sample the four course corpse-themed menu will not be left to eat in peace. Instead, spooky performers will be on hand to keep everyone on the edge of their seats. This is a performance best accompanied by nerve-fortifying, strong beverages.

Hallowe’en is the perfect chance to indulge your sweet tooth and Harvey Nichols’ Food Markets have a fantastic range of spooky delicacies for all ages, as well as fun baking kits to keep the kids entertained. The Eyeball Cake Pop Kit contains all the ingredients you need to whip up some gory looking but delicious tasting red velvet cake pops which children will love. For grown-ups, Edible’s Tequilax worm lollipop is an ideal naughty-but-nice treat. Visit well ahead of Hallowe’en weekend to ensure you can provide for the eager Trick & Treaters.

Supperclub, 12 Acklam Road, W10 5QZ 020 8964 6600;

Harvey Nichols, Knightsbridge, SW1X 7RJ 020 7235 5000;

Photography: Simon Lim Beng Keong /




Book Booka atable tableforfor1010orormore moreatatour ourShared Shared Parties Partiesand andyou youget getallallofofthe thefollowing: following:

Hire Hirea aprivate privatespace spaceand andorganise organisea aPre-Club Pre-Club Reception Receptionforforupuptoto400 400and andweweinclude: include:

• •Glass Glassofofchampagne champagneononarrival arrival • •3-course 3-coursemeal mealininthe themarquee marquee • •Selected Selectedwines, wines,beers beersand andsoft softdrinks drinks during duringthe themeal meal • •Live Liveentertainment entertainmentbyby The TheMighty Mighty Troubadours Troubadours • •Entry Entrytotothe theClub Clubfrom from10pm 10pmtoto3am 3am

• •Glass Glassofofchampagne champagneononarrival arrival • •Selection Selectionofofcanapés canapés • •Selected Selectedwines, wines,beers beersand andsoft softdrinks drinks from from7pm 7pmuntil until10pm 10pm • •Live Liveentertainment entertainmentbyby The TheMighty Mighty Troubadours Troubadours • •Entry Entrytoto The TheClub Clubfrom from10pm 10pmtoto3am 3am

from from £90 £90 - £115 - £115 per per person person

from from £90 £90 per per person person


The The Roof Roof Gardens Gardens9999Kensington KensingtonHigh HighStreet, Street, London London W8 W85SA 5SA T: T: 0845 0845680 6800783

Photography: Marcus Dawes Luke Robbins and guests

Amy Guy and Zoe Williams

Edward Rudd and Thomas H Kato

polo fever

Nicholas Colquhoun-Denvers

Otis Ferry and Luke Tomlinson

Where: Bar Galante What: End of 2012 polo season party Who: England team's polo captain Luke Tomlinson, Zahra Kassim-Lakha of Jaeger-LeCoultre, Alex Bilmes, editor of Esquire, David Wood (CEO HPA), Nicholas Colquhuon-Denvers (Chairman) Jamie Morrison, Clare Milford Haven, Patrick Ballady and Otis Ferry Why: Esquire magazine and luxury watch brand Jaeger-LeCoultre joined forces at Gaucho's Bar Galante on Sloane Avenue in South Kensington to celebrate the 2012 polo season in style. Guests sipped champagne and Chivas Regal cocktails as they marvelled at Reverso timepieces and enjoyed Argentinian canapĂŠs.

Jamie Morrison and Luke Tomlinson

Liz Higgins, Charlie Rotherham and Victoria Higgins

Martin Williams and Louisa Dawnay


Photography: Marcus Dawes Matt and Marissa Hermer

Rosie Fortescue and Millie Mackintosh

Otis Ferry and Edie Campbell

boujis BASH

Professor Green and Mason Smillie

Sophie Ellis-Bextor

Where: Boujis South Kensington What: Boujis' 10th Anniversary Party Who: Edie Campbell, Professor Green,

Poppy Delevingne

Noelle Reno and Scott Young


Isaac Ferry

Millie Mackintosh, Guy Pelly, Poppy Delevingne and Noelle Reno Why: To commemorate the tenth anniversary of one of London's most prestigious nightclubs, here in the heart of the borough, guests enjoyed live performances by Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Broken Hearts. Celebratory bottles of Dom Pérignon Rosé Luminous Shield Champagne and Grey Goose Le Fizz cocktails were enjoyed throughout the night.

Guy Pelly and Shirley Leigh-Wood Oakes

Edie Campbell


ring stack Where: Marsh & Parsons, 2-6 Kensington Park Road WhaT: Unveiling of the Ring Stack sculpture Why: The 7.5 metre high sculpture on the roof of the Tim Harrison

Marsh & Parsons' Notting Hill office building, designed by Adam Barker Mill, was commissioned by the Notting Hill Gate Improvements Group to reflect the importance of Notting Hill as one of London's cultural hubs and to commemorate the Jubilee and Olympic year. Peter Rollings, Chief Executive of Marsh & Parsons, said: “Notting Hill has long had an inventive and arty community and the Ring Stack is a fitting celebration of this creative identity... We are delighted to support the NHIG’s efforts to highlight Notting Hill’s cultural character. ”

The Mayor of Kensington & Chelsea and his wife and Keith Gorny (Marsh & Parsons)

Tim Burke, Project Manager, Notting Hill Improvements Group

Ray and Paul

Liza-Jane Kelly (Marsh & Parsons)

Marsh & Parsons, Notting Hill

On the river Where: Oyster Pier, Lombard Road, SW11 3RP WhaT: The Oyster Pier launch party, in partnership with Bective Leslie Marsh

Richard Tracey (London Assembly Member) and Chris Atherton from Oyster Pier

Why: This party took place on the outdoor terrace of the nearby Hotel Rafayel Battersea to celebrate the launch of the luxury residential barges in the heart of London; Oyster Pier gives buyers a unique opportunity to create a bespoke floating home in a community of ten barges. Guests arrived by chauffeured boat service from Chelsea Harbour and Cadogan Pier.

Jeremy Walsh and Celine Brill from BLM

Guests arriving by chauffeured boat service Laurent Lakatos from Lonres and Benson Beard from Bective Leslie Marsh


Photography: Nick Smith

CORDON rouge Where: The Lookout in Hyde Park What: Champagne G.H. Mumm Cordon Rouge Club's fifth annual meeting

Who: Club Chairman David Hempleman-Adams, Chef Adam Byatt, Ben Fogle, Leo Houlding and Dee Caffari

Why: Exceptional members of the club came together for their fifth annual meeting. Founded in 2008, it was established to recognise outstanding individuals within the realms of exploration, sailing, adventure and discovery. Members are acknowledged for showing immense courage and dedication in their particular fields of expertise.



Olivia Palermo

Niall Horan

Kate Nash and Annette Felder Alexa Chung, Daisy Lowe and Kelly Brook

Iggy Azalea

Dita Von Teese and Mary Charteris

LONDON FASHION WEEK What: London Fashion Week Parties WHERE: London’s top after-dark hotspots Who: Olivia Palermo, Manolo Blahnik, Henry Henry Holland

Holland, Dita Von Teese and fashion’s finest Why: Fashion’s top names all descended on the capital for London Fashion Week. As well as taking in as many shows as possible, the fashion elite were also eager to let their (perfectly coiffed) hair down. The Felder Felder, Issa, Moschino and Philip Treacy afterparties, and the Manolo Blahnik at Harrods launch, were just a few of the week’s top events. Grace Jones and models

Laura Whitmore Daniella Helayel

Katherine McMenemy

LONDON LIVING Marigay McKee, Heather Kerzner and Saffron Aldridge

Alek Wek

Boris and Lilly Becker

Eduardo Rosso and Charlotte Dellal

Manolo Blahnik

Sagra Maceira de Rosen and Amanda Wakeley

Thom Evans and Kelly Brook

Harley Viera-Newton

Guests Olivia Palermo and Kim Henson Chiara Ferragni

Eleonora Carrisi



Guest, Gemma Chan and Jack Whitehall


The Concierge What is it you require, sir? How may I help, madam? The Concierge is here to help with every need, whim or wish, however great or small Apparel

Knightsbridge Watches

Bespoke Dressmaker

88 Brompton Road, SW3 1ER 08000 337 333

Mary Treacy 12 Rickett Street, Fulham SW6 1RU 020 7385 3398

Repairs and Cleaning Jeeves of Belgravia 271 Kensington High Street 020 7603 0484

69 Lower Sloane Street SW1W 8DA 020 7824 8644

Babylon at Kensington Roof Gardens

Spa at Bluebird

99 Kensington High Street, W8 5SA 020 7368 3993

Vintage Watch Sellers

350 King’s Road, SW3 5UU 020 7351 3873

Watches of Knightsbridge

The Chelsea Day Spa

64 Knightsbridge, SW1X 7JF 020 7590 3034

69a King’s Road, SW3 4NX 020 7351 0911

For the Home

Urban Retreat at Harrods

Furniture and soft furnishings

87-135 Brompton Road SW1X 7XL 020 7893 8333


Katherine Pooley Sloane Tailors & Dry Cleaners

Beauty Salons and Spas

160 Walton Street, SW3 2JL 020 7584 3223

Chelsea Brasserie

Chelsea Consulting Rooms 2 Lower Sloane Street, SW1W 8BJ 020 7763 9100

Chelsea Green Shoe Repairs

Kimbolton Court 117b Fulham Road, SW3 6RL 020 7589 1442

31 Elystan Street, SW3 3NT 020 7584 0776

Nina Campbell

3 Harrington Gardens, SW7 4JJ 020 7370 4999

Daphne’s 110-112 Draycott Avenue SW3 3AE 020 7589 4257

Gaucho 89 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX 020 7584 9901

Medicare Français

Jewellery Valuation

9 Walton Street, SW3 2JD 020 7225 1011

Bourbon Hanby


151 Sydney Street, SW3 6NT 020 7352 2106

103 Lancaster Road, W11 1QN 020 7792 1425

Precious Pieces

7-12 Sloane Square, SW1W 8EG 020 7881 5999

Medical and Dental Services

Louise Bradley

Shoes Reheeled

81 Fulham Road, SW3 6RD 020 7581 5817

Julie’s Restaurant 135 Portland Road, W11 4LW 020 7229 8331

The Lister Hospital Chelsea Bridge Road SW1W 8RH 020 7730 7733

Tiffany & Co.


The Beresford Clinic

145 Sloane Street, SW1X 9BL 020 7409 2790

274 King’s Road, SW3 5AW 020 7376 7574

2 Lower Grosvenor Place SW1W 0EJ 020 7821 9411

Jewellery Repair

Pampering & Wellbeing

Hawkes and Son


50-52 Walton Street, SW3 1RB 020 7589 2523


Maroush 38 Beauchamp Place, SW3 1NU 020 7581 5434

Scalini 1-3 Walton Street, SW3 2JD 020 7225 2301

Cadogan Street Dental Office


47 Cadogan Street, SW3 2QJ 020 7581 0811

5 Raphael Street, SW7 1DL 020 7584 1010

Haute Cuisine

Watch Repair

305 Brompton Road, SW3 2DY 020 7581 5211

Bar Boulud


The Watch Gallery

Richard Ward

129 Fulham Road, SW3 6RT 020 7581 3239

82 Duke of York Square, SW3 4LY 020 7730 1222

Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park 66 Knightsbridge, SW1X 7LA 020 7201 3899

2-5 Duke of York Square SW3 4LY 020 7730 7102




The Grocer on Elgin

Electric House


6 Elgin Crescent, W11 2HX 020 7221 3844

191 Portobello Road, W11 2ED 020 7908 9696

Executive Cars

Mungo & Maud

020 3170 5838

79 Elizabeth Street, SW1W 9PJ 020 7022 1207

Wholefoods Market

The Sloane Club

63-97 Kensington High Street W8 5SE 020 7368 4500

Lower Sloane Street SW1W 8BS 020 7730 9131


air, land & sea

Crown Security Chauffeurs 0845 901 1471

Business Affairs

89 Lower Sloane Street SW1W 8DA 0845 270 6996

Avolus Ltd 38 Lombard Road SW11 3RP 020 7978 6506

William Curley 198 Ebury Street 020 7730 5522

Drinking Boujis

Luxury Car Services

43 Thurloe Street, SW7 2LQ 020 7584 2000

Belgravia Garage

298 King’s Road, SW3 5UG 020 7352 6500

Juju 316-318 King’s Road, SW3 5UH 020 7351 5998

Sending Parcels

Little Luxuries

272 Kensington High Street W8 6ND 0844 257 0668

Private Chef The Personal Chef


59 Ritherton Road, SW17 8QE 020 7871 1080

Aplomb Translations

Premium Coffee and Cigars

London Battersea Heliport Bridges Wharf, Battersea SW11 3BE 0844 884 8660

The Cadogan Arms

Pet Pavilion 60 Gloucester Road, SW7 4QT 020 7584 8848


Helicopter Charter L’Artisan Du Chocolat


74 Chancery Lane WC2A 1AD 020 7831 9444

Tomtom Cigars and Coffee 63 Elizabeth Street, SW1W 9PP 020 7730 1790

Central Translations 1 Eaton Mews West Belgravia, SW1W 9ET 020 7235 9900

VIP Car Hire Queen Elizabeth Street SE1 2JE 0870 200 4949

21 Woodstock Street W1C 2AP 020 7493 5511

Housekeeping & Family Housekeeping

Fine Wine Handford Fine Wines 105 Old Brompton Road, SW7 3LE 020 7589 6113 Florists


St. Anne’s Housekeeping

Gilding the Lily

Yacht Charter/ Sale

58 Kenway Road, SW5 0RA 020 7370 1359

Old Brompton Road, SW7 2NB 020 7584 1950

Princess Yachts


Only Roses

Imperial Nannies

257 Old Brompton Road, SW5 9HP 020 7373 9595

Members Clubs Beaufort House 354 Kings Road, SW3 5UZ 020 7352 2828

64 Grosvenor Street W1K 3JH 020 7499 5050

Chelsea Arts Club


143 Old Church Street SW3 6EB 020 7376 3311

36 Davies Street W1K 4NF 020 7355 0980


17 Radley Mews, W8 6JP 020 7795 6220

Leather Goods and Accessories

Kensington Nannies


3 Hornton Place, W8 4LZ 020 7937 3299

149 Sloane Street, SW1X 9BZ 020 7823 5638





Six3Nine Advert.indd 1

10/10/2012 10:37


& Chelsea P R O P E RT Y

showcasing the

finest HOMES & PROPERTY from the best estate agents

Mews Life

Full of charm & character

Market Insight Property rental update in the aftermath of the Games Image courtesy of Lurot Brand


Estate Agents Beauchamp Estates

Chesterton Humberts

Farleys Residential

MAYFAIR 24 Curzon Street W1J 7TF 020 7499 7722

Bective Leslie Marsh

Chelsea & South Kensington 60 Sloane Avenue SW3 3DD 020 7594 4740 Kensington Church Street 62 Kensington Church Street, W8 4BU 020 3040 8445

SOUTH KENSINGTON 44-48 Old Brompton Road SW7 3DY 020 7589 1234

Harpers & Harrison

John Taylor

KENSINGTON 53 Abingdon Road W8 6AN 020 7938 2311

MAYFAIR 53 Davies Street W1K 5JH 020 3284 1888


Henry & James

Kaye & Carey

CHELSEA 134 Fulham Road SW10 9PY 020 7717 5291

BELGRAVIA 1 Motcomb Street SW1X 8JX 020 7235 8861

KNIGHTSBRIDGE 4 Yeoman’s Row Brompton Road SW3 2AH 020 7590 0066


CHELSEA 2 Cale Street SW3 3QU 020 7581 5011 Chelsea 1 Cadogan Street SW3 2PP 020 7589 6677 Kensington 10 Hornton Street W8 4NW 020 7795 4288 Notting Hill 205 Westbourne Grove W11 2SB 020 7221 4805 Ladbroke Grove 126 Ladbroke Grove W10 5NE 020 7221 0330

Kensington & Notting Hill 116 Kensington High Street W8 7RW 020 7937 7244 Knightsbridge & Belgravia 31 Lowndes Street SW1X 9HX 020 7235 8090

Crayson NOTTING HILL 10 Lambton Place W11 2SH 020 7221 1117

Chelsea International KNIGHTSBRIDGE 14 Basil Street SW3 1AJ 020 7349 9094

Domus Nova BAYSWATER 37 Alexander Street W2 5NU 020 7727 1717 NOTTING HILL 17 Kensington Park Road W11 2EU 020 7727 1717

8 Chertsey Street, Surrey GU1 4HD 01483 339740 KENSINGTON 8 Hornton Street W8 4NW 020 7937 9371

Knight Frank John D Wood & Co.

KNIGHTSBRIDGE 168 Brompton Road SW3 1HW 020 7584 2044

CHELSEA 9 Cale Street SW3 3QS 020 7352 1484

NOTTING HILL 301 Westbourne Grove W11 2QA 020 7717 5311

HOLLAND PARK 10 Portland Road W11 4LA 020 7727 2233

PADDINGTON 4c Praed Street W2 1JX 020 7717 5313

KENSINGTON 162 Kensington Church Street, W8 4BN 020 7908 1100

PIMLICO & WESTMINSTER 50 Belgrave Road SW1V 1RQ 020 7717 5315

SOUTH KENSINGTON 125 Gloucester Road SW7 4TE 020 7835 0000

SLOANE SQUARE 7 Lower Sloane Street SW1W 8AH 020 7717 5317 BELGRAVIA 82-83 Chester Square SW1W 9JH 020 7881 7722 CHELSEA 352a King’s Road SW3 5UU 020 7349 4300 FULHAM 203 New King’s Road SW6 4SR 020 7751 2400 KENSINGTON 54-56 Kensington Church Street W8 4DB 020 7938 4311 KNIGHTSBRIDGE 60 Sloane Avenue SW3 3DD 020 7591 8600


NOTTING HILL 298 Westbourne Grove W11 2PS 020 7229 0229

Holland Park 57 Norland Square W11 4QJ 020 7605 6890

Russell Simpson

SOUTH KENSINGTON 157 Gloucester Road SW7 4TH 020 7871 4111

London Sotheby’s International Realty CHELSEA 62-64 Fulham Road SW3 6HH 020 7808 8540 MAYFAIR 26A Conduit Street W1S 2XY 020 7495 9580

Kensington 9 Kensington Church Street W8 4LF 020 7368 4450 North Kensington 136 Lancaster Road W11 1QU 020 7313 8350 Notting Hill 2-6 Kensington Park Road W11 3BU 020 7313 2890

Messila Residential Knightsbridge 20 Montpelier Street SW7 1HD 0 20 7589 4452

HYDE PARK 37-41 Sussex Place W2 2TH 020 7479 1999 SOUTH KENSINGTON 5 Kynance Place SW7 4QS 020 7590 9955

Marsh & Parsons

Plaza Estates Knightsbridge 51 Beauchamp Place SW3 1NY 020 7581 7646 Marble Arch 29-31 Edgware Road W2 2JE 020 7724 3100 CHELSEA 43 Cadogan Street SW3 2PR 020 7225 3866

Savills CHELSEA 196-200 Fulham Road SW10 9PN 020 7578 9000 KENSINGTON 145 Kensington Church Street W8 7LP 020 7535 3300 KNIGHTSBRIDGE 188 Brompton Road SW3 1HQ 020 7581 5234

KENSINGTON 103 Kensington Church Street W8 7LN 020 7938 3666 KNIGHTSBRIDGE 66 Sloane Street SW1X 9SH 020 7235 9959 Kensington 118 Kensington Church Street, W8 4BH 020 7727 1500 Knightsbridge 289 Brompton Road SW3 2DY 020 7589 6616 Notting Hill 178 Westbourne Grove W11 2RH 020 7727 3227 South Kensington 123a Gloucester Road SW7 4TE 020 7373 5052

NOTTING HILL 303 Westbourne Grove W11 2QA 020 7221 1111

Notting Hill 168 Westbourne Grove W11 2RW 020 7727 5750

SLOANE STREET 139 Sloane Street SW1X 9AY 020 7730 0822

WEST KENSINGTON 135 Hammersmith Road W14 0QL 020 7602 6022

Tates Agents


Chelsea Rawlings House 2a Milner Street SW3 2PU 020 7591 5570

Strutt & Parker

WEST CHELSEA 140 Fulham Road SW10 9PY 020 7373 1010

Lurot Brand

CHELSEA 5 Anderson Street SW3 3LU 020 7225 0277


SLOANE STREET 149 Sloane Street SW1X 9BZ 020 7589 6298


W.A. Ellis KNIGHTSBRIDGE 174 Brompton Road SW3 1HP 020 7306 1610


Hamptons Kensington

Sales. 020 77175457

Abingdon Road, W8 A stylish 3 bedroom (2322 sqft approx) modern town house located in the heart of Kensington. The house is in excellent condition throughout providing flexible family living accommodation over 4 floors and is fully integrated with modern technology. The final touches include beautifully finished bathrooms, 360° roof terrace and off street parking. Hamptons Kensington 020 77175457

ÂŁ4,375,000 Freehold 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 3 Reception rooms Patio Garden Roof Terrace Parking

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to

Hamptons Knightsbridge

Sales. 020 7717 5461

Grosvenor Crescent Mews, SW1X Offering superb natural light and a large private roof terrace this stunning two bedroomed lateral apartment has been completely refurbished and interior designed to exacting standards. Grosvenor Crescent Mews is a highly desirable private gated mews in the heart of Belgravia. Hamptons Knightsbridge 020 7717 5461

ÂŁ3,250,000 Leasehold Reception Room/ Kitchen 2 Bedrooms 2 En Suite Bathrooms Roof Terrace Private Lift Parking Space

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to

Hamptons Notting Hill

Sales. 020 7717 5649

Stanley Gardens, W11 An exceptional raised ground floor apartment with fantastic views over beautiful communal gardens, high ceilings and refurbished to exacting details.

Hamptons Notting Hill 020 7717 5649

ÂŁ2,250,000 Share of Freehold Reception room Bedroom Kitchen En suite bathroom Communal gardens Restored detailed cornicing

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to

Hamptons Paddington

Sales. 020 7717 5473

Cleveland Square, W2 A unique opportunity to acquire this wonderful three bedroom raised ground floor apartment located opposite a private residents garden square. The apartment benefits from a private entrance and grand rooms throughout with wonderful proportions and fantastic ceiling heights. This apartment has been refurbished to the highest specification. Hamptons Paddington 020 7717 5473

ÂŁ3,250,000 Share of Freehold Attractive Period Building, Raised Ground Floor Apartment, Private Entrance, Three Double Bedrooms, Access to Residents Garden Square, Moments to Hyde Park and Lancaster Gate.

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to

Hamptons Sloane Square

Sales. 020 7717 5481

Sloane Avenue, SW3 Comprehensively refurbished to exacting standards and arranged over four floors, this stylish four bedroom property offers bright, well proportioned and extensive accommodation throughout. Adding to the impressive specification, the house also benefits from a private gym, ample storage and a secluded south west facing patio garden to the rear. Hamptons Sloane Square 020 7717 5481

Auctions have a lot to offer Next auction: Thursday 29th November 2012

ÂŁ5,450,000 Freehold Reception room Kitchen Dining room 4 Bedrooms 4 En suite bathrooms Patio

Hamptons Chelsea

Lettings. 020 7370 0774

Stanley Mansions, SW10 On the raised ground floor of this popular late Victorian mansion block quietly situated just off Fulham Road. The newly refurbished and superbly presented two double bedroom apartment extends to almost 1100 square feet and accommodates beautiful light living space and communal courtyard. Hamptons Chelsea 020 7370 0774

ÂŁ1,195 per week Furnished/ Unfurnished Just under 1100 sq ft of accommodation Stunning location Lots of natural light Communal courtyard Open plan kitchen and dining room Two double bedrooms

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to

Hamptons Kensington

Lettings. 020 7937 9372

Phillimore Gardens , W8 A stunning five bedroom apartment situated moments from Kensington High Street. The apartment is split over two levels featuring a spacious open plan modern kitchen with large living area and access to a terrace, three bathrooms and further patio.

Hamptons Kensington 020 7937 9372

ÂŁ1,850 per week Furnished/Unfurnished Five Bedrooms Three Bathrooms Contemporary finish Terrace Patio Central Location

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to

Hamptons Knightsbridge

Lettings. 020 7717 5461

Walton Street, SW3 Benefiting from a great location to enjoy vibrant Knightsbridge, this house is a real gem. Interior designed to an exceptional standard throughout with quality in abundance.

ÂŁ2,250 per week Unfurnished Double reception room Separate dining 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Convenient location

Hamptons Knightsbridge 020 7717 5461

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to

Hamptons Sloane Square

Lettings.0207 717 5483

D’oyley Street, SW1X A large penthouse covering three floors of this smart portered mansion block moments away from Sloane Square. The property benefits from an abundance of natural light, a substantial roof terrace offering 360 degree views of London, direct lift access and a stunning double reception/dining area. Hamptons Sloane Square 0207 717 5483

ÂŁ3,000 per week Unfurnished 4 Bedroom 4 Bathroom Lift Portered Roof Terrace Double Reception

The right buyers and tenants delivered fast since 1869. For more information go to


Market Insight Giles Barrett, head of lettings at Knight Frank’s Kensington office, gives The Kensington & Chelsea Magazine an update on the property rental market

properties in recent months, mirroring the downturn in employment in the financial sector in the City.

How did the Olympics and Paralympics affect the market over the summer? Landlords and tenants were concerned that the Games were going to have a huge impact but the reality was that while there were some short-term lets for visitors, the wider rental market, aimed at longer-term lets, continued as normal.

Who is looking for rental properties? We deal with a huge variety of tenants and 65 per cent are international, many relocating for the best work or study opportunities. This could be a Masters student, a young professional or a family looking to combine their careers with the excellent British schooling system for their children.

What’s the market like now that it’s ‘back to school’ time? Activity levels are typically at their best throughout September and October and this year is no exception; however, there has definitely been less activity in general this year. Since the start of this year, the total number of new lets has fallen across the board in W8. There is still good demand but tenants are generally being more cautious, taking more time to view increasing numbers of available properties and negotiating harder to get a good price. Consequently prices have dipped slightly over the last six months. Our view is that this current weakness in headline rents is not evidence of a wider downturn in demand from tenants; rather, affordability constraints are limiting the scope for rental growth.

Why are they drawn to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea? Tenants are attracted to Kensington and Chelsea for a huge variety of reasons. The first that spring to mind are the green spaces of Hyde Park and Holland Park, excellent shopping, top-class schools and the ease of travelling in and out of London, via Heathrow if needs be. Drivers especially like the widereaching K&C parking permit on offer to residents. But perhaps, above all, the borough is home to a friendly and stylish cosmopolitan community. Do you have any advice for prospective landlords? The public are tightening their belts across the board so do not expect rocketing rents. Instead, focus on the presentation, price and marketing of your property to make it stand out from the crowd. Although this rule applies in any market it is especially important at the moment with more properties to choose from and a real incentive for tenants to shop around. On a positive note, recent UK data suggests that average tenancy lengths are now at a high of 19 months.

Which types of properties are most popular? The most popular tend to be studios or apartments priced at between £400 and £1,000 per week. The popularity at this end of the market has only been highlighted by a slight decline of activity in the mid to high-end range of

Prime Central London Rental Index: How rents have performed Source: Knight Frank Residential Research

120.0 115.0 110.0 105.0 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0


Jul - 12

Mar - 12

Nov - 11

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Nov - 10

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Nov - 09

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Knight Frank

South Terrace, Knightsbridge SW7 Four bedroom Knightsbridge house

A charming family house situated in this highly desirable Knightsbridge street with the benefit of a private rear garden. Master bedroom suite, 3 further bedrooms, 2 further bath/shower rooms, kitchen, dining room, 3 further reception rooms, laundry, first floor balcony, rear garden. Approximately 264 sq m (2,842 sq ft) Freehold Guide price: ÂŁ4,500,000 (SLA120242) 020 7591 8600

Knight Frank

Drayton Gardens, Chelsea SW10 Beautifully refurbished Chelsea home

A wonderfully spacious family house refurbished to a very high specification. Master bedroom suite, 4 further bedrooms, 4 further bath/shower rooms, first floor double drawing room, kitchen/breakfast room, dining room, family room, study/gym, utility room, west facing garden, Japanese garden. Approximately 336 sq m (3,617 sq ft) Freehold Guide price: ÂŁ6,225,000 (SLA120342) 020 7591 8600 020 7349 4300

Knight Frank

Westbourne Grove, Notting Hill W11 Exceptional lateral space in prime location

Within this elegant period building two stunning apartments of exceptional quality. Penthouse - 4 bedroom suites, 2 reception rooms, 2 roof terraces, direct lift access. Approximately 320.1 sq m (3,446 sq ft). First floor apartment - 3 bedroom suites, large open plan reception room, roof terraces, direct lift access. Approximately 240.1 sq m (2,584 sq ft) Leasehold Guide prices: Penthouse ÂŁ7,950,000 and First floor apartment ÂŁ6,000,000 (NGH120094 & NGH120095) 020 7229 0229

Knight Frank

Lansdowne Road, Notting Hill W11 Stunning communal garden apartment

Rare opportunity to acquire this completely refurbished four/five bedroom maisonette offering lateral space, off-street parking and direct access to garden square. 4/5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen and dining room, utility room, guest cloakroom, patio garden, direct access to garden square. Approximately 359.5 sq m (3,870 sq ft) Share of freehold Guide price: ÂŁ8,950,000 (NGH120090) 020 7229 0229

Knight Frank

Zetland House, Kensington W8

A spacious lateral apartment in prime Kensington A superb four bedroom apartment, presented in excellent condtion throughtout. The flat has an abundance of natural light and excellent entertaining space with great westerly views. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, reception room, open plan kitchen, reception/dining room, utility room, first floor with lift. Approximately 201 sq m (2,166 sq ft) Freehold Guide price: ÂŁ3,250,000

(KEN120160) 020 7938 4311

Knight Frank

Earls Terrace, Kensington W8

Wonderful family house with parking, pool and garden A stunning Grade II listed family house with an large south facing garden and use of Edwardes Square Gardens. 5/6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, drawing room, library, kitchen/ breakfast room, dining room, family room/bedroom 6, swimming pool, garden, terrace, 2 underground parking spaces, 24 hour security. Approximately 464 sq m (5,000 sq ft) Freehold Guide price: ÂŁ9,500,000

(KEN100251) 020 7938 4311

Knight Frank

Morton Mews, Earls Court SW5 Exceptional four bedroom mews house

This well presented house offers a great balance of accommodation and an enormous roof terrace. Master bedroom with en suite bathroom and dressing room, guest bedroom suite, 2 further bedrooms, 2 shower rooms, reception room, kitchen/diner, study, garage, roof terrace. Approximately 262 sq m (2,821 sq ft) Freehold Guide price: ÂŁ3,500,000 (STK120112) 020 7871 4111

Knight Frank

Queen’s Gate Gardens, South Kensington SW7 Spacious ground floor flat with communal garden

A superb apartment presented in fabulous order throughout and located on the ground floor of a well maintained period building. Master bedroom with en suite shower room, second bedroom with en suite shower room, bedroom 3, bathroom, double reception room, kitchen, utility room, communal garden. Approximately 184 sq m (1,987 sq ft) Share of freehold Guide price: ÂŁ3,850,000 (CHL120054) 020 7871 4111

Knight Frank

Pont Street, Knightsbridge SW1

Exquisite three bedroom duplex apartment A beautiful, fully refurbished turn key apartment situated in the heart of Knightsbridge. Master bedroom suite with dressing area, second bedroom suite, bedroom 3, shower room, Bulthaup kitchen, double reception room, laundry, terrace, air conditioning to main rooms, Sonos sound system. Approximately 196 sq m (2,111 sq ft) Share of Freehold, New 999 year Lease Guide price: ÂŁ4,350,000 (SLA120315) 020 7591 8600

Knight Frank

The Little Boltons, Chelsea SW10

Garden maisonette with parking on prime street An excellent maisonette that has a stunning west facing garden as well as a private off street parking space. Master bedroom with en suite shower room, 3 further bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, drawing room, dining room, kitchen , study, entrance hall, conservatory, terrace, front and rear gardens, off street parking. Approximately 239 sq m (2,575 sq ft) Leasehold Guide price: ÂŁ3,950,000

(CHL120123) 020 7349 4300 Joint Agent: Russell Simpson 020 7225 0277

Knight Frank

Montpelier Square, Knightsbridge SW7

Newly refurbished house in prime Knightsbridge Square The house has bespoke fixtures and fittings throughout and provides excellent entertaining space. 5 double bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen/dining room, family room, study, conservatory, utility room, cloakroom, storage room, bar, patio garden and lift. Approximately 393 sq m (4,232 sq ft) Available furnished ÂŁ7,000 per week

(SLA120315) 020 7591 8601

Knight Frank

Knight Frank Wallingford Avenue, North Kensington W10 A beautiful family home

A charming Edwardian corner house with five double bedrooms in the heart of North Kensington. The house benefits from a private garden with a summer house in the patio garden. 5 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double reception room, kitchen, cloakroom, cellar. Approximately 233 sq m (2508 sq ft) Available unfurnished Guide price: ÂŁ1,925 per week 020 7985 9990 (NHQ121663)

Holland Park, Kensington W11

A stunning penthouse This beautiful apartment is of a standard rarely seen on the lettings market, and is ideally situated on Holland Park. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, dining area, media room, study, private roof terrace, lift, 3 floors. Approximately 355 sq m (3,826 sq ft) Available furnished Guide price: ÂŁ6,500 per week 020 7937 8203 (KENS169611)

Knight Frank Onslow Gardens, South Kensington SW7 Three bedroom apartment Located in a period building, this property benefits from two stunning terraces. Master bedroom, 2 further double bedrooms with en suite bathroom, guest cloakroom, reception room and adjoining dining room, study area and a fully fitted, kitchen. Approximately 212 sq m (1,053 sq ft) Available furnished or unfurnished Guide price: ÂŁ4,500 per week 0207 871 4111 (SKQ167260)

The Vale, Chelsea SW3

A stunning family home This incredibly well balanced family house offers a magnificent drawing room overlooking a landscaped garden. Master bedroom with en suite bathroom, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, dining room, study, utility room, garden. Approximately 403 sq m (4336 sq ft) Available furnished Guide price: ÂŁ9,000 per week 020 7349 4300 (CHQ117284)

1 BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED FAMILY HOUSE WITH SOUTH-FACING GARDEN artesian road, w2 First floor double reception room ø family room ø dining room ø kitchen ø master bedroom suite ø 2 further bedrooms ø 2 further bath/shower rooms ø 2 cloakrooms ø 2 terraces ø front garden ø south-facing rear garden ø 191 sq m (2,064 sq ft) Guide £3.75 million Freehold

Savills Notting Hill Oliver Lurot

020 7727 5750

There are so many sides to Notting Hill. Elegant, bohemian, cosmopolitan and deliciously eclectic, it has a personality utterly its own. This Autumn, we’re opening a brand spanking new office in Westbourne Grove, with a team that know their Ladbroke Arms from their Lonsdale. See you in Westbourne Grove shortly.

NEW OFFICE NOW OPEN. Savills Notting Hill 168 Westbourne Grove London W11 2RW

Oliver Lurot Head of Sales 020 7727 5750

Nik Dennis Head of Lettings 020 7727 5751

1 BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED FAMILY HOUSE stanford road, w8 Double reception room ø kitchen/breakfast room with family living area ø master bedroom suite ø 3 further double bedrooms ø further bathroom ø paved garden to the rear ø 205 sq m (2,202 sq ft)

Asking £3.8 million Freehold

Savills Kensington Sarah Birch

020 7535 3300

1 IMPRESSIVE TOWNHOUSE IN THIS IMMACULATE GATED DEVELOPMENT wycombe square, w8 5 reception rooms ø kitchen ø master bedroom with dressing room and 2 en suite bathrooms ø 5 further bedrooms ø 4 further bathrooms ø utility room ø double garage ø roof terrace ø patio garden ø 24hr security ø porters on site ø 493 sq m (5,306 sq ft) Guide £9.95 million Freehold

Savills Kensington Sarah Birch

020 7535 3300

1 SOUTH-FACING APARTMENT WITH PORTERAGE, PARKING AND OUTSIDE SPACE tasker lodge, w8 Entrance hall ø reception room ø kitchen ø master bedroom suite ø guest bedroom suite ø guest cloakroom ø underground parking space ø 2 patios ø 24hr porterage ø 125 sq m (1,349 sq ft)

Guide £2.95 million Leasehold, approximately 994 years remaining

Savills Kensington Thomas Holcroft

020 7535 3300

1 A BEAUTIFUL FLAT WITH EXCELLENT PROPORTIONS onslow gardens, sw7 Entrance hall ø drawing room ø dining room ø kitchen/breakfast room ø master bedroom suite ø 3 further bedrooms ø 2 further bathrooms ø guest cloakroom ø lift ø resident caretaker ø access to communal gardens ø 177 sq m (1,908 sq ft)

Guide £2.95 million Leasehold, approximately 36 years remaining

Savills Chelsea Charlie Bubear

020 7578 9000

1 AN IMMACULATE MAISONETTE WITH SUPERB SOUTH-FACING GARDEN callow street, sw3 Reception room ø dining room ø kitchen ø master bedroom suite ø further bedroom suite ø guest cloakroom ø terrace ø south-facing garden ø 135 sq m (1,453 sq ft)

Guide £2.5 million Leasehold, approximately 140 years remaining

Savills Chelsea Charlie Bubear

020 7578 9000

1 NATURALLY LIGHT FLAT WITH SUPERB ROOF TERRACE rossetti garden mansions, sw3 Reception room ø dining area ø mezzanine study/TV area ø kitchen ø master bedroom suite ø further bedroom suite ø guest cloakroom ø roof terrace ø lift ø porter ø 103 sq m (1,108 sq ft)

Guide £1.85 million Leasehold, approximately 109 years remaining plus Share of Freehold

Savills Chelsea Henry Reid

020 7578 9000

1 MANSION FLAT WITH PARKING AND PORTERAGE IN NEED OF UPDATING campden hill gate, w8 Entrance hall ø 2 interconnecting reception rooms ø kitchen ø 4 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø utility room ø lock-up garage ø off-street parking ø 168 sq m (1,804 sq ft)

Asking £3.75 million Leasehold, approximately 987 years remaining plus Share of Freehold

Savills Kensington Thomas Holcroft

020 7535 3300

1 A BEAUTIFUL DUPLEX APARTMENT WITH SECLUDED TERRACE observatory gardens, w8 3 bedrooms suites ø 2 reception rooms ø open plan kitchen ø guest cloakroom ø study area ø terrace and patio garden ø porter ø underground parking ø 227 sq m (2,443 sq ft) £2,950 per week Unfurnished

Savills Kensington Monika Scott

020 7535 3333

1 A LIGHT AND BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED HOUSE IN THE HEART OF CHELSEA smith terrace, sw3 Master bedroom suite ø 2 further double bedrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø drawing room ø dining room ø kitchen ø 2 bathrooms ø patio garden ø 187 sq m (2,012 sq ft)

£1,950 per week Unfurnished

Savills Chelsea Oliver Mellotte

020 7578 9000

1 A SUPERB APARTMENT WITH EXCELLENT ENTERTAINING SPACE hornton court east, w8 3 double bedrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø fitted kitchen ø 3 bathrooms ø guest cloakroom ø southfacing private roof terrace ø lift ø porter ø Phillimore Estate property ø Managed by Savills ø 200 sq m (2,155 sq ft) £1,895 per week Unfurnished

Savills Kensington Isabel Lacey

020 7535 3333

1 STYLISH FAMILY HOUSE ARRANGED OVER FIVE FLOORS st charles square, w10 5 bedrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø kitchen/family room ø 5 bathrooms ø wine cellar ø south-facing garden ø staff flat with private access ø 423 sq m (4,548 sq ft)

£2,950 per week Unfurnished

Savills Notting Hill Nik Dennis

020 7727 5751

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Savills In Notting Hill Savills has opened a new office in Notting Hill on Westbourne Grove, headed up by Oliver Lurot. The Kensington & Chelsea Magazine reports

With 14 years of experience in the sale of Prime Central London houses, Oliver Lurot will be supported by excellent sales and lettings teams with an in-depth knowledge of W11 and the surrounding areas. Oliver previously worked at a familyrun company for 14 years which specialises in mews houses in Prime Central London. There, he set up two new offices so has a wealth of experience in opening new sites for agents. Although born and educated in England, before starting in estate agency, Oliver served in the French paratroopers in Mont de Marsan in the Aquitaine region of South West France and then continued to live and work there for a couple of years. Married with three sons and fluent in French, Oliver is a keen skier and motorcyclist and has a love for rugby, having played for Harlequin amateurs. He is also a member of Guards Polo Club. According to Oliver, Notting Hill and Kensington are some of the most exciting areas in London to work in the property industry. It is an “incredibly diverse area situated in one of the most convenient locations in Prime Central London. Whilst retaining the hustle and bustle of central London, some parts of the area have a remarkably intimate feel and no other area in London has so much access onto communal squares and parks.” Additionally, there is “fantastic and easy access out to the West Country and the Cotswolds from this part of London and the streets are filled with unique, exciting boutiques and cafés rather than typical high-street stores and chain restaurants, all of which adds to the area’s charm.” According to Oliver, “no single day in Notting Hill is the same. Each day I meet a wonderful mix of people, experience interesting situations and I am lucky enough to be dealing with some of the most fascinating and beautiful top-end properties on the market.” Oliver and the team are “delighted to move” into the Notting Hill office, after having worked from the Kensington office since earlier this year. “We already have a great track record at the top-end of the market in W11 and are lucky to be starting off with a number of good instructions on our books. We’re expecting a busy few months ahead and by having this new office, we will be able to provide a closer service to our clients and hope to increase footfall from buyers visiting the area.” Using the huge success of the Savills Kensington office as a springboard, Oliver and his team expect to shake up the top-end of the market in the area. The new Savills site is located with the likes of Granger, Diptyque, Whistles and Brora on its doorstep, in a part of Westbourne Grove which has come into its own in the past few years. Oliver agrees: “Here we are in the best spot for passing public. The office looks fantastic and we believe people will soon be drawn in by the friendly and cosy atmosphere.” Oliver will be supported by Nik Dennis as Head of Lettings, who has worked in the area for the past six years and has a wealth of experience valuing property in the W11, W10 and W2 areas. Nik has been involved in a variety of transactions ranging from smaller executive apartments through to large Victorian family homes and has successfully managed teams within the area during buoyant times as well as the challenging markets of previous years. With the Jubilee and the Olympics, London has been at the centre

of global attention. Long term, this is brilliant for the UK but it has had a stalling effect on the property market which compounded the problems raised by the budget earlier this year. Oliver points out that “while we do need to approach this autumn with realistic caution because of the wider global economic problems, I do feel that the pent up demand from the earlier parts of this year may well mean that we have quite a busy time this autumn. Notting Hill is one of the most popular parts of one of the most popular cities on earth so I am still confident that apart from the odd hiccup, the future of London property is very bright.” Savills Notting Hill, 168 Westbourne Grove, W11 2RW, 020 7727 5750


New Developments September saw the exciting launch of two new developments; The Chelsea Townhouses on Pond Place and Fitzroy Place in Fitzrovia. Pandora Jones finds out more

The Chelsea Townhouses, SW3 Luxury property developer and specialist development manager Morpheus has already delivered more than 50 of London’s highest quality residential property developments, primarily in Knightsbridge, Kensington, Chelsea, Mayfair and Belgravia. Morpheus’ newest development takes the form of The Chelsea Townhouses, a collection of three spacious, convenient and secure new build properties. Anderson House, Beau House and Chapman House take their names from three eminent British personalities: bespoke Savile Row tailors Anderson & Sheppard, the original Dandy and arbiter of men’s fashion Beau Brummell and the charismatic founder of Lotus Cars, Colin Chapman. Beau House, the central fully furnished four bedroom property, is a classically ‘tailored’ property with a number of bespoke pieces by leading British craftsman, including a private cinema (with 100” screen and digital surround sound), bespoke wine wall, Atlantic Lava stone fireplace, opulent bar and an entire floor for the master suite. The four-bedroom Anderson House and Chapman House are available unfurnished, offering the opportunity to furnish to a client’s exact needs and requirements. With each of the properties, Morpheus provides a year’s Residence Management service, overseeing the complete planning and management of the property and providing a full range of bespoke services. Andrew Murray, Chairman of Morpheus comments: “The Chelsea Townhouses are a rare find: three unique spacious new build properties that deliver classic design and detailing to the highest quality. A bastion of British craftsmanship, these residences are iconic yet subtle; opulent yet understated. We are delighted to have already enjoyed a high level of interest in all three properties.” Sales for The Chelsea Townhouses are being handled by Savills and Beauchamp Estates Savills, Richard Gutteridge:; 020 7824 9020 Beauchamp Estates, Penelope Court:; 020 7499 7722

Fitzroy Place, W1 Exemplar, the privately-owned property development company, launched Fitzroy Place on 26 September with funding from Aviva Investors. This collection of private residences is one of the most eagerly anticipated developments in central London, centered around the first new square in London’s West End for more than a century. Located in Fitzrovia W1, the development is five minutes’ walk from Oxford Circus and Regent Street, providing international investors the opportunity to acquire a luxury residence in the very heart of London. Combining more than 230 private residences with a restaurant, shops and office space, Fitzroy Place is set to become a new landmark in this vibrant neighbourhood. Homes include generously appointed suites, duplexes and a select number of prestigious penthouses. Residents are automatically made members of The Fitzroy Club, of which extensive facilities and amenities include a five-star 24/7 concierge service, 20-seat private cinema, the Club Room residents’ lounge, private dining room, personal training room and fully equipped gym, business lounge, children’s play area and secure underground parking. Development Director at Exemplar Richard Shaw comments: “We felt it was appropriate to enable the UK audience who have carefully followed the development and its progress over a number of years, the first opportunity to show their interest in Fitzroy Place. We are delighted by the current level of interest that has been shown with a number of apartments being reserved to date.” Sales for Fitzroy Place are being handled by Savills and CBRE Savills, Louise Turner:; 020 7323 1077 CBRE, Emma King:; 020 7323 1077



We give the same energy and passion to selling or letting property regardless of value and never forget that houses and flats are homes first and foremost. WE KNOW WHO’S BUYING, WHO’S SELLING AND WHO’S MOVING IN YOUR AREA. It is this intimate market knowledge and knowing how to use it that gives our clients the advantage.




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Local know-how. Better results. Our OfďŹ ces: Balham Barnes

Battersea Brook Green Chelsea

Clapham Earls Court Fulham

Hammersmith Holland Park Kensington

Little Venice Mayfair North Kensington

Notting Hill Pimlico & Westminster South Kensington

Gloucester Road SW7 ÂŁ3,500,000 A unique opportunity to acquire this striking and beautifully refurbished Victorian terraced house with a large west facing garden. Occupying over 2000 sqft, this generously proportioned grade II listed home has recently been completely refurbished and now comprises two reception rooms, a separate kitchen, a superb patio garden, four double bedrooms, two bathrooms and a roof terrace. The property is situated at the northern end of Gloucester Road, opposite Kensington Gate. Freehold. Joint Sole Agents.

KENSINGTON: 020 7368 4450

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Morton Mews SW5 £3,500,000 This beautiful mews house is arranged over four oors and comprises a large galleried reception room overlooking the kitchen/ dining area below, an integral garage, a large study/cinema room and plenty of storage. The bedroom accommodation includes a spacious master suite with walk-in wardrobe and a modern en suite bathroom, three further double bedrooms, three shower rooms (one en suite) and a south facing 37ft roof terrace. Freehold. Joint Sole Agent.

EARLS COURT: 020 7835 0620

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Campden Hill Court W8 £3,400,000 This fabulous apartment is situated on the ground floor on one of Kensington’s premier portered mansion buildings. lLocated moments form the amenities on Notting Hill Gate and within easy reach of Holland Park and Kensington High Street, the flat comprises a bright reception room, a separate kitchen, a superb dining room, a master bedroom, three further large bedrooms (one en suite) and a shower room. Freehold. Sole Agents.

KENSINGTON: 020 7368 4450

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Dawson Place W2 £3,300,000 A magnificent apartment occupying the raised ground floor of a detached double fronted house on this sought after road. Offering grand proportions and benefiting from beautiful aspects, this bright apartment provides fantastic space for entertaining with three, large interconnecting receptions rooms that lead out to a private terrace. The bedroom accommodation includes an elegant master suite with a beautiful en suite, two further bedrooms and a bathroom. Sole Agents.

NOTTING HILL: 020 7313 2890

Local know-how. Better results. Our Offices: Balham Barnes

Battersea Brook Green Chelsea

Clapham Earls Court Fulham

Hammersmith Holland Park Kensington

Little Venice Mayfair North Kensington

Notting Hill Pimlico & Westminster South Kensington

Ladbroke Walk W11 £2,950,000 Having been extensively refurbished, this charming property now offers superb accommodation over three floors. The fabulous kitchen/dining room leads directly onto a south facing courtyard/garden, a further ground floor room with garden access is currently an informal reception room. The first floor offers a large formal reception room and a bright, double bedroom. The top floor provides two further double bedrooms and additional single bedroom served by a family bathroom. Freehold.

NOTTING HILL: 020 7313 2890

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Holland Park W11 £1,500,000 Located in a sought after Holland Park Villas, this stunning 916 sqft raised ground floor apartment boasts a spacious reception room, a modern and fully fitted kitchen, a bathroom and a wonderful master bedroom with access to the shared garden to the rear. Located moments from fantastic local amenities on Holland Park Avenue and in Notting Hill. Share of Freehold. Sole Agents.

HOLLAND PARK: 020 7605 6890

Local know-how. Better results. Our Offices: Balham Barnes

Battersea Brook Green Chelsea

Clapham Earls Court Fulham

Hammersmith Holland Park Kensington

Little Venice Mayfair North Kensington

Notting Hill Pimlico & Westminster South Kensington

Woodsford Square W14 £2,250 per week This exceptional family home is situated in a sought after development a short walk from Holland Park. This lovely house has been refurbished to an excellent standard and offers contemporary accommodation flooded with natural light. The property boasts a ‘Garden room’ with access to a patio, an incredible open plan kitchen and reception room with wooden floors, a master bedroom with modern en suite family bathroom, four additional well proportioned bedrooms with excellent storage facilities and two contemporary bathrooms.

HOLLAND PARK: 020 7605 6890

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Cornwall Gardens SW7 £1,950 per week This exceptional apartment is located in a magnificent period building on the highly sought after Cornwall Gardens. Arranged over two floors the apartment offers superb reception space, a modern kitchen and three double bedroom suites. The property has been refurbishment to a high standard incorporating solid walnut flooring and under floor heating.

KENSINGTON: 020 7368 4450

r at i n g c e l e b2012

Wilton Place Belgravia SW1X

A stunning & beautifully presented Grade II listed home which has been meticulously refurbished by the current owner to a standard rarely seen. The house features an elegant 1st floor reception room opening onto a west facing terrace. The accommodation comprises 3 superb reception rooms, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, roof terrace & an elegant kitchen/dining/family room leading onto a tranquil patio. Joint Sole Agents with Faron Sutaria: 020 7730 8762

ÂŁ13,950,000 freehold

Knightsbridge & Belgravia

020 7235 8090

Eaton Place Belgravia SW1X

A beautifully presented top floor maisonette (with lift access) set in a grand white stucco fronted building. The accommodation comprises 3 en-suite bedrooms, a study, reception/dining room, kitchen & balcony. Eaton Place is located in the heart of Belgravia close to the transport links & the shopping facilities of Sloane Square & Knightsbridge.

ÂŁ5,900,000 long lease

Knightsbridge & Belgravia

020 7235 8090

r at i n g c e l e b2012

Palace Gate Kensington W8

A stunning 3 bedroom apartment over the 1st & 2nd floors of this impressive period building. The property has excellent entertaining space, including a lovely kitchen/breakfast room, as well as a magnificent 1st floor drawing room with French doors leading onto a balcony. Palace Gate is on the south side of the park & conveniently placed for access to Knightsbridge & Kensington for a fantastic range of shops & restaurants. Gloucester Road & High Street Kensington stations are also nearby.

ÂŁ4,600,000 share of freehold

Kensington Church Street

020 7937 7244

First Street Chelsea SW3

A beautifully presented 4 bedroom Chelsea house, in a quiet & much sought-after location. Incorporating a patio garden, 2 additional balconies, a study (or 4th bedroom) & utility room. Three of the most beautiful areas of London are within close proximity, with the shops in Knightsbridge, Chelsea’s cafe culture & the bars & boutiques of Kensington. South Kensington (Piccadilly, District and Circle lines) & Sloane Square (District & Circle lines) underground stations are also conveniently located nearby.

ÂŁ3,650,000 freehold

Chelsea & South Kensington

020 7594 4740

r at i n g c e l e b2012

Warwick Gardens Kensington W14

A rarely available 5 bedroom Georgian family house with an array of original features, high ceilings & excellent proportions. Located in the cherry tree lined street of Warwick Gardens, the property boasts 2 large reception rooms, a private patio garden & an open plan kitchen/breakfast room to the rear. A perfect opportunity to acquire & update this truly magnificent home & bring it into the 21st century. Only moments from the buzz & vibrant ambience of Kensington High Street & the pristine grounds of Holland Park.

ÂŁ2,950,000 freehold

Kensington Church Street

020 7937 7244

Wetherby Mews Earl’s Court SW5

A superb Mews house, in good decorative order throughout, tucked away in a pretty cobbled Mews behind Bolton Gardens. This exceptionally bright property benefits from a large double fronted reception room, separate kitchen & utility room, 3 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2 ensuite) & a 4th bedroom/study leading on to a south facing terrace. The master bedroom is particularly special, with a luxurious bathroom & walk in wardrobe.

ÂŁ2,750,000 freehold

Kensington High Street

020 7937 7244

r at i n g c e l e b2012

Phillimore Court Kensington W8

A beautifully presented 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment situated on the 2nd floor (with lift) of this well maintained portered block. The flat benefits from fabulous entertaining space which includes a double reception room & a dining room, separate modern kitchen, 2 double bedrooms & a single bedroom/study and access to the communal roof gardens. The property is ideally located for the amenities of Kensington High Street.

ÂŁ1,750,000 leasehold

Kensington High Street

020 7937 7244

Elm Park Road Chelsea SW3

A superbly refurbished 2 bedroom 3rd floor apartment set within a period building close to the popular Fulham Road & Kings Road. The property offers fabulous living space & comprises open plan kitchen/ reception room, 2 double bedrooms & 2 bathrooms. Elm Park Road is situated between Chelsea’s Kings Road & Fulham Road & is within easy walking distance of both Gloucester Road & South Kensington underground stations.

ÂŁ1,350,000 leasehold

Chelsea & South Kensington

020 7594 4740

r at i n g c e l e b2012

St Barnabas Mews SW1W

Cundy Street SW1W

An extremely spacious low build house of approx. 1,500 sq ft over 3 floors, offering flexible living in this gated development of 8 houses. The accommodation comprises a reception/dining room, kitchen, family room/ bedroom, 2 further double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, guest cloakroom & underground parking. Ideally located for Sloane Square underground station.

A recently refurbished, interior designed apartment of approx. 757 sq ft on the raised ground floor of this portered art deco building in Belgravia. The property is exceptionally bright & conveniently located for Sloane Square underground station. Comprising a reception, dining room, kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, patio & balcony.

Knightsbridge & Belgravia

Knightsbridge & Belgravia

£1,450 per week

020 7235 3530

£695 per week

020 7235 3530

Queens Gate Gardens SW7

Courtfield Gardens SW5

A newly refurbished split level apartment on a sought-after square in South Kensington. Comprising 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a reception room with a mezzanine level & a kitchen. The property also benefits from high ceilings, ample storage & a charming patio.

A beautiful 2 bedroom apartment with modern accommodation including a large L-shaped reception/dining room, fully fitted kitchen, 2 double bedrooms & 2 modern bathrooms. Situated in a block with a smart communal area, lift & access to communal gardens. Gloucester Road & South Kensington are also nearby.

£1,650 per week

£925 per week

Kensington Church Street

Kensington Church Street

020 3040 8446

020 3040 8446

Onslow Gardens SW7

Danvers Street SW3

£1,950 per week

£1,295 per week

Chelsea & South Kensington

Chelsea & South Kensington

A 4th floor newly refurbished 3 bedroom period conversion offering 3 double bedrooms, an elegant reception room, fabulous modern kitchen/breakfast room & brand new bathrooms. The master bedroom has an en-suite & there is a large family bathroom & a guest cloakroom. The apartment also benefits from access to communal gardens & a lift.

020 7589 4585

A fabulous bright & spacious interior designed 2 bedroom lateral apartment in this quiet & well located position in Chelsea. The accommodation comprises a large & beautifully appointed reception room opening onto a dining area & kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathroom & a decked terrace.

020 7589 4585

Wetherby Mews SW5

Duchess of Bedford House W8

A fabulous 4 bedroom Mews house that has been recently refurbished to a high standard. Comprising a spacious reception/dining room with high ceilings, separate fully fitted kitchen, a master bedroom, 2 doubles bedrooms & a further single/study room with a balcony. Further benefits include wood flooring & an abundance of storage throughout.

A spacious bright 3 double bedroom mansion flat in a well run portered block situated in this exclusive street in Kensington. The apartment is tastefully decorated to a corporate standard & comprises a double reception room, separate eat-in fully integrated kitchen, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, further 2 double bedrooms & a family bathroom.

Kensington High Street

Kensington High Street

£1,550 per week

020 7937 7260

£1,500 per week

020 7937 7260


...AND WALKS OUT WITH A HOUSE IN NOTTING HILL Not very funny. But then it’s not a joke. Winkworth agents work in collaboration with their neighbouring Winkworth offices. So, whether you’re in Kensington, Knightsbridge, Notting Hill or South Kensington, if you register your home with one of our agents, the others will market it too. Winkworth agents know their areas like no one else. They are immersed in them, work in them, and they’re part of them. And it’s this local knowledge and insight that’s crucial to selling your home. If you’re thinking about selling or letting your home, contact one of our central London offices today and start a conversation with your local team. Winkworth. See things differently.

Winkworth Kensington

Winkworth Knightsbridge & Chelsea

020 7727 1500 |

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Winkworth Notting Hill

Winkworth South Kensington

020 7727 3227 |

020 7373 5052 |

Eccleston Mews, SW1X ÂŁ3,150,000 Freehold A recently refurbished two bedroom period mews house in this stunning location in the heart of Belgravia. The property is ready for immediate occupation.

One Reception | Two Bedrooms | Kitchen | Two Bathrooms | Garage

The whole winkworTh neTwork, now in your pockeT Promo area, staff photos etc

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020 7589 7727 6616 3227| || |

Malvern Court, SW7 ÂŁ2,500 per week A fourth floor (lift) flat situated in a pre-war mansion block in the heart of South Kensington. Malvern Court has recently benefitted from the comprehensive refurbishment of the common areas, including a deco style lift car, and is ideally located for the amenities and facilities of the surrounding area. One Reception | Three Bedrooms | Kitchen | Three Bathrooms | Communal Garden Access

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0207589 77276616 3227| || | 020

Roland Way, SW7 ÂŁ5,450,000 Leasehold An exceptional three bedroom house in a private gated Mews with a wealth of entertaining space arranged over four floors with the benefit of a West facing patio garden. This deceptively spacious house extends to 2,906 sq/ft (270 sq/m) of accommodation and although generally well presented would benefit from updating in order to create an ideal London home with the benefit of a double garage as well as additional parking for two further cars. Large Entrance Hall | Kitchen/Breakfast Room | Sitting Room | Drawing Room | Master Bedroom With En-suite Bathroom | Two Further Bedrooms | En-suite Bathroom | Two Shower Rooms | Study/Television Room | Utility Room | Double Garage | Two Additional Parking Spaces | Guest W.C

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020 7373 7727 5052 3227| | | | JSA Hamptons 0207 835 1444

Evelyn Gardens, SW7 ÂŁ3,150,000 Leasehold An exceptional apartment arranged over the upper floors of this recently refurbished red brick period conversion on the western terrace of this sought after address with the rare benefit of garden views front and back. This stunning property is entered at first floor level boasting 2,415 sq/ft (224.4 sq/m) of flexible accommodation and offers exceptional entertaining space over the entire third and fourth floors. First Floor Entrance | Study | Master Bedroom With an En-suite Bath/Shower Room and Dressing Room | Three Further Bedrooms | Bath/Shower Room | Shower Room | Double Reception Room | Kitchen/Dining Room | Roof Terrace | Two Cloakrooms | Access To Communal Gardens (STTUC)

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0207373 77275052 3227| | | | JSA Strutt and Parker 020 7373 1010 020

Courtfield Gardens, SW5 ÂŁ1,495 per week Furnished An elegant two bedroom flat with a private street entrance on the ground floor of this impressive period conversion. Immaculate order throughout, well planned and proportioned accommodation. Reception room with parquet flooring, ornate ceiling cornice and an original fireplace, good sized kitchen/ breakfast room complementing the already generous entertaining space. Also has access to communal gardens. Large Entrance Hall | Two Bedrooms | Two Bathrooms | Large Kitchen / Breakfast Room | Sitting Room with Original Fireplace | Master Bedroom with En-suite Shower Room | Ground Floor | Private Entrance | Access to Communal Gardens | Furnished

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020 7370 7727 6767 3227| | | |

Palace Gardens Terrace, W8 Price On Application Leasehold A gorgeous two bedroom upper maisonette, with a west facing roof terrace, situated on the second and third floors of a broad Victorian, stucco fronted, terraced house. The property has a ground floor entrance with a grand staircase up to the main accommodation.

Ground Floor Entrance | Drawing Room | Kitchen/Dining Room | Conservatory | Principal Bedroom With En-suite Bathroom | Further Double Bedroom | Shower Room | Utility Room | Guest Cloakroom | Roof Terrace

The whole winkworTh neTwork, now in your pockeT Promo area, staff photos etc

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0207727 77271500 3227| | 020 | |

Hereford Road, W2 ÂŁ7,500,000 or ÂŁ3,750,000 each Freehold Two adjoining, unmodernised buildings measuring some 5646sqft (524sqm) in total. They may be sold as one, providing the rare opportunity to create magnificent lateral space, or individually, each providing the blank canvas from which to create a wonderful five storey family house with large garden in this impressive residential street. Previously used as a hotel, planning permission is currently lodged for change of use to residential, the successful outcome of which any sale would be subject to. Two Adjoining Houses | Five Storeys | Large Garden | Grade II Listed | Unmodernised | Sale Subject to Change of Use to Residential

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020 7727 7727 3227 3227| | | |

Sutherland Place, W2 £3,100,000 freehold A fabulous five storey house brimming with period charm which, whilst requiring some updating, offers the chance to easily create a wonderful family home. Measuring almost 2500sqft, the house provides excellent space and is currently arranged with four/five bedrooms on the upper floors of the house and the whole of the lower ground floor given over to an artist’s workspace. First Floor Reception | Kitchen | Dining Room | Five Bedrooms | Two Bathrooms | Two Studio Rooms on the Lower Ground Floor | Storage Room | Garden

The whole winkworTh neTwork, now in your pockeT Promo area, staff photos etc

Scan this code to download the Winkworth iPhone app

0207727 77273227 3227| | | 020 |


not quantity

Operating independently from his Mayfair base – and never actively acting for more than four or five clients at one time – Simon Barnes is able to provide a personal level of service far beyond the average buying agent or property consultant. His service will be committed, impartial and utterly discreet

work smarter, not harder. T: 020 7499 3434 M: 078 3146 5414 E:


Doing Things Differently Amanda maccaw tells us about how Nick Crayson has spent the last 18 months building the Crayson brand in Notting Hill and the reason why he pressed an old Route Master bus into service

Nick Crayson has proved that you don’t need a high street presence to sell houses, preferring to operate from a contemporary office hidden away in Lambton Place. His marketing is visionary and somewhat eccentric, and neither he nor his staff fit the stereotypical estate agent template in either looks or attitude. Nick explains that his belief is that there’s no point replicating what everyone else is doing and he accepts that not everyone will like his way. But plenty do seem to like this approach; from January 2012 to the end of September, Crayson was responsible for 27 per cent of all house sales between £2 million and £6 million in W11 and the Notting Hill part of W2 (Source: Lonres) – “more than any other agent” and more than a fair achievement for the new kid on the block. So it came as no great surprise, when Crayson took on a seriously impressive house on the Thames, a little outside the company’s usual territory, that Nick’s marketing machine shifted into overdrive. He explains that “true enough, most of the properties we take on are within a three or four mile radius of Crayson HQ in Lambton Place, but as with everything it is the exception that proves the rule. And in the case of Zachary House, the exception is very exciting. This spectacular Grade II Listed property has over 8,500 square feet of wonderful floor space that combines Georgian elegance with dramatic light-


filled lateral space, and sits beautifully on the banks of the Thames at Chiswick. On top of its considerable physical attributes, it has a fascinating musical history, its major claim to fame being that Midge Ure, who owned the property, and Bob Geldof, co-wrote Do They Know It’s Christmas?, and put down the backing track used as the base for the lyrics, under its very roof.” Nick explains that, because “we needed to get our key contacts down to Strand on the Green pronto”, Crayson came up with an unusual solution: “What better way to tempt them down to the river than to arrange a little mobile party? We commissioned a lovely old Route Master bus, added some music on a wind-up gramophone, threw in some liquid refreshment and a few nibbles for good measure, and off we went! “The turnout was admirable. The house is getting fantastic publicity through a concentrated advertising and PR campaign. We truly believe one size doesn’t fit all – we really will do anything we can to bring our properties to the right people’s attention, even if that means doing things a little unconventionally.” The freehold of Zachary House is available at a guide price of £6.95 million 020 7221 1117;


This is a picture of a couple buying their house. Selling or buying a property, like getting married, is a major event in our lives. For the union to be a success, who you team up with is crucial. Our heart is in only one place. Kensington and the surrounds. We know the perfect buyers and how to get the best price. And because we have an intimate knowledge of the best properties on the street in our specialist area, we can make the perfect match. For insider information and highly-informed answers to how best to sell, or find that ideal property, come round and see us – and pop the question. T 020 7221 1117 10 Lambton Place London W11 2SH

Scarsdale Villas, Kensington W8 A classic stucco-fronted Kensington house, with a wide garden, in one of the best positions on this pretty Victorian street This big family house has enough room to give everyone their own space, both inside and out, and is a short walk from the some of London’s best amenities – parks, schools, shops, and transport.

Three receptions rooms / study Kitchen / dining room Master bedroom suite & dressing room Four further bedrooms / bathroom & two shower rooms Cloakroom / utility room Off-street parking / rear garden / terrace Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea 3,165 sq ft / 294 sq m Guide Price ÂŁ6.25 million Freehold

Sole Agent T 020 7221 1117 10 Lambton Place London W11 2SH

Westbourne Park Road, Notting Hill W2 A large, wide and voluminous low built semi-detached period house spread over just three floors. Moments from the glamorous Westbourne Grove and Notting Hill’s myriad temptations Owned and thoroughly enjoyed by the same family for over three decades, this is the quintessential family town house.

Two reception rooms/ study Kitchen / dining area / utility room Master bedroom & four further bedrooms Two bathrooms, two cloakrooms Front and rear gardens City of Westminster 2,939 sq ft / 273 sq m Guide Price ÂŁ4.95 million Freehold

Sole Agent T 020 7221 1117 10 Lambton Place London W11 2SH

Penthouse, Ennismore Gardens SW7 • 4 Bedrooms

• Lift

• 2 Bathrooms (en suite)

• Independent heating and hot water

• 1 Reception room

• Use of communal gardens

• Kitchen / dining room

• Approx. 1,984 sq ft (184.3 sq m)

• Roof terrace

Guide price £4,950,000 Leasehold with 104 years remaining

“ A particularly charming penthouse maisonette with a west-facing roof terrace”

more than ever Create a bespoke map on our brand new website, and make your search even simpler. We know how discerning you are about your property search, you’ve no doubt earmarked just a handful of streets. So that’s why we have created a map where you can personalise your search area, right down to your favourite mews. W.A.Ellis – tailoring your search as part of our bespoke service.

Try our property search at

W.A.Ellis LLP 020 7306 1600

To see where we’ve helped other discerning clients simply turn the page...

Just some of our successes in 2012 At W.A.Ellis people are our priority, and we are delighted to share with you some of our recent success stories. Visit our brand new website,, to read more from our happy buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants alike. See all of our available property and make your move our priority too.


Thurloe Lodge, South Kensington SW7 Freehold Guide price £17,500,000


Walton Place, Knightsbridge SW3 Leasehold – 23 years Guide price £4,500,000


Cadogan Square, Knightsbridge SW1 Leasehold – 100 years Guide price £4,750,000


Brompton Square, Knightsbridge SW3 Freehold Guide price £11,950,000


Moore Street, Chelsea SW3 Freehold Guide price £3,950,000


Queen’s Gate Gardens, South Kensington SW7 Share of freehold Guide price £3,750,000

Call us on 020 7306 1600 or email

I was very positively surprised by W.A.Ellis and I’ve since heard about the excellent reputation you have. Client, Brompton Square SW3


Stafford Terrace, Kensington W8 Furnished Guide price £4,000 per week


Buckingham Gate, St James’s Park SW1 Furnished Guide price £675 per week


Pont Street, Knightsbridge SW1 Furnished Guide price £2,500 per week


Stokenchurch Street, Fulham SW6 Unfurnished Guide price £3,850 per week


Portland Place, Marylebone W1 Unfurnished Guide price £1,650 per week


Ovington Gardens, Knightsbridge SW3 Unfurnished Guide price £2,950 per week

All facts correct at time of going to press October 2012

Cadogan Court, Draycott Avenue SW3 • 3 Double bedrooms

• Fully fitted kitchen

• 3 Bathrooms (en suite)

• Balcony

• Guest cloakroom

• Porter

• Double reception room

• Approx. 2,337 sq ft (217 sq m)

£3,250 per week Furnished For more information call Lucy Morton on 020 7306 1630 or email

“ A stylish and well proportioned apartment in this portered building on the Chelsea and Knightsbridge border” W.A.Ellis LLP 174 Brompton Road London SW3 1HP

Douro Place, Kensington W8 • 2 Bedrooms

• Open-plan kitchen / reception room

• 1 Bathroom

• Independent heating and hot water

• 1 Shower room

• Approx. 891 sq ft (82.8 sq m)

“ A wonderful second floor flat with real character and charm throughout”

Guide price £1,300,000 Leasehold with approximately 52 years remaining

For more information call Tim des Forges on 020 7306 1610 or email

W.A.Ellis LLP 174 Brompton Road London SW3 1HP

Mount Street, Mayfair W1 The ultimate Mayfair pied-à-terre situated in one of the finest Grade II listed buildings in Mayfair. Reception room • Kitchen and dining room • Master bedroom suite Dressing room/bedroom two • Cloakroom • Integrated AV (Bang & Olufsen) Approximately 1,087 sq ft / 101 sq m

020 7808 8540

Price on application Leasehold with approximately 115 years remaining

Over 600 Offices in 46 Countries

DPS1 LHP_279872_Sothebys_KenChelMag_Nov12.indd 2

10/10/2012 17:25



1st - 3rd February

Going the extra mile… UK Sotheby’s International Realty will be travelling to New Delhi to showcase our property portfolio at the India Art Fair 2013 between the 1st and 3rd February. This is one of the world’s most attended art fairs showcasing modern and contemporary art in the Asian region, attracting visitors from across India and worldwide. By promoting our portfolio at the heart of this emerging market we will be specifically targeting those looking to invest in real estate within the UK. If you are considering selling your property and would like it to travel 4,170 miles to New Delhi, we would be delighted to hear from you. +44 (0)20 7808 8540

RHP_280293_Sothebys_KenandCHelMag_NOV12.indd 1

10/10/2012 17:19

Shafto Mews, Knightsbridge SW1 A beautifully proportioned mews house with the rare benefit of a south facing garden. Two reception rooms • Kitchen • Four bedrooms • Four bathrooms • Double garage • Garden • Terrace • Approximately 3,170 sq ft / 295 sq m

020 7808 8540

Price upon application Freehold

Over 600 Offices in 46 Countries

DPS2 LHP_279872_Sothebys_KenChelMag_Nov12.indd 1

10/10/2012 17:29



West Eaton Place, Belgravia SW1 An elegant London pied-à-terre in a premier location. Entrance hall • Double reception room • Kitchen/dining room • Private terrace • Cloakroom • Study • Master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, dressing room and private courtyard • Second bedroom with en-suite bathroom • Third bedroom • Utility • Storage vault

020 7808 8540

Guide Price: £2,550,000 Leasehold

Over 600 Offices in 46 Countries

DPS2 RHP_279888_Sothebys_KenChelMag_Nov12.indd 1

10/10/2012 17:27

QUEEN’S GATE PLACE MEWS, SW7 A substantial mews house with excellent living space on the first floor, bedrooms on the second floor and garage and self-contained studio or nanny flat occupying the ground floor. Reception room, kitchen and dining room; master bedroom with en-suite bathroom and steam room, 2 further bedrooms, shower room, self-contained studio/office, patio, terrace, garage.

Freehold £3,900,000 STC South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

QUEEN’S GATE MEWS, SW7 A charming two floor house with a westerly aspect in the quieter culde-sac section of this stunning South Kensington mews. Currently arranged as a two bedroom house with a study, the accommodation could easily be arranged to provide three bedrooms. Reception room, kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite), study/ bedroom 3, cloakroom, garage and patio.

Freehold £2,450,000 STC South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

@Lurotbrand @LurotbrandSales @LurotBrandLets

CORNWALL MEWS SOUTH, SW7 A stunning three floor mews house in this charming South Kensington Mews. Completely rebuilt in 2008, the house now has a large atrium providing daylight throughout the house. Reception room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms each with en-suite shower or bathroom, cloakroom, utility room, roof terrace.

Freehold ÂŁ2,150,000 STC South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

LEXHAM GARDENS MEWS, SW7 A well presented and bright, south facing three bedroom mews house on only two floors. Reception room with dining area, kitchen, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, 2 further bedrooms, 2nd bathroom, study/ bedroom 4, cloakroom, garage.

Freehold ÂŁ2,000,000 STC South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

MANSON MEWS, SW7 A brand newly rebuilt and refurbished mews house – very light and bright with wooden floors throughout. Top floor reception with balcony/double bedroom 4, ground floor reception/ dining room with fully fitted open-plan kitchen, 3 double bedrooms, family bathroom with separate shower, shower room, cloakroom, integral single garage. Wooden floors throughout.

£1,650 per week Unfurnished South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

PONT STREET, SW1 A magnificent raised ground floor apartment of palatial proportions in the heart of Knightsbridge. Brand newly refurbished and furnished to an exceptional standard, this would make a home to be proud of. Double reception with gas fire, fully fitted separate kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, shower room. Wooden floors throughout. Communal heating & hot water.

£1,450 per week Furnished South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

@Lurotbrand @LurotbrandSales @LurotBrandLets

REECE MEWS, SW7 A fabulous, three storey house that has been finished to a very high standard. Reception room with gas fire and decked west-facing roof terrace, ground floor fully-fitted open-plan kitchen/dining room & breakfast bar, master bedroom with en-suite shower room and walkin wardrobe, 2nd double bedroom, bathroom, garage.

£1,600 per week Furnished South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

QUEEN’S GATE PLACE MEWS, SW7 A spacious, bright and wellpresented mews house that would be a lovely family home. L-shaped 1st floor reception room leading to conservatory-style study, fully fitted open-plan kitchen/diner, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, 2 further double bedrooms, 2nd bathroom, cloakroom, garage.

£1,450 per week Unfurnished South Kensington Office 020 7590 9955

Woodstock studios, W12 ÂŁ2,600,000 Leasehold

An extraordinary three bedroom penthouse in the former Shepherds Bush BBC studios. Measuring more than 3,000 sq ft over three floors, the lower floor contains a vast reception room with an open-plan kitchen and dining area. Also on this level is the master bedroom suite and dressing room, alongside a second bedroom with a bath and cloakroom. The middle floor offers another large reception room/studio with steps up to a sitting room. From here glass doors lead to a beautiful terrace. The top floor houses a third bedroom and a second terrace. The property benefits from lift access and parking for one car.

17 Kensington Park Road, London W11 2EU

Email: Tel: 0207 727 1717 Fax: 0207 727 2030 Web: Domus loves: Sunday lunch at Julie’s, Portland Road W11

POTTERY LANE, W11 ÂŁ3,250,000 Freehold

Beautifully interior designed throughout, this superb family home offers five double bedrooms in a much sought after location. The ground floor houses a large living space incorporating relaxed and formal seating areas and a contemporary kitchen dining area. From here glass doors lead directly onto an enclosed rear garden. The floor below encompasses a fantastic bedroom suite plus a useful laundry/utility room. The two upper floors consist of four double bedrooms with bespoke fitted wardrobes, two gorgeous bathrooms and a spectacular roof terrace with commanding views.

Courtnell Street, W2 ÂŁ2950 per week long let ÂŁ3750 per week short let

Offering phenomenal open-plan living space, fantastic proportions and encompassing five floors of an impressive stucco-fronted property. There is a vast formal reception space with crisp white walls, wood floors, huge floor to ceiling windows and a floating staircase to the upper floors. The lower level is dedicated to a contemporary kitchen and dining space, which opens out onto a private patio garden. There is a master bedroom suite with an indulgent en suite bathroom with blue resin floors and dressing area. In addition to this there are two spacious double bedrooms and two modern bathrooms.

17 Kensington Park Road, London W11 2EU

Email: Tel: 0207 727 1717 Fax: 0207 727 2030 Web: Domus loves: The ledbury on Ledbury Road, W11

CAMPDEN HILL GARDENS, W8 £2500 per week long let £3000 per week short let

A spectacular former artist’s studio with extraordinary space and an abundance of natural light. Lovingly arranged over three floors, the property features tremendous vaulted ceilings and large skylights within the open plan reception and kitchen. The master bedroom suite encompasses the lower ground floor with a fabulous dressing area and luxurious bathroom, whilst the second bedroom and guest cloakroom occupies the raised ground floor. The house is beautifully presented throughout and features a private south facing patio garden.


£1,750,000 stc Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, large reception room, kitchen / breakfast room, unalloctaed off street parking. A fantastic, light and spacious three bedroom flat on the second floor of this property. The flat boasts a superb reception room, a large kitchen and breakfast room and a well proportioned master bedroom. The apartment benefits from good ceiling height with a splendid domed ceiling in the reception room. The flat is well located at the preferred

east-end of Cathcart Road at the junction of Redcliffe Road within easy walking distance of the fashionable shops and restaurants of the “Beach” area of the Fulham Road. The property is well served by local bus routes on the Fulham Road and Earls Court underground Station is within easy reach.

CHELSEA OFFICE 2 Cale Street, London SW3 3QU +44 (0)20 7581 5011


ÂŁ2,975,000 stc Four bedrooms, four bathrooms, kitchen, large reception, playroom, terrace, conservatory, two parking spaces. Well presented and spacious four bedroom modern house on three floors. The house is approached through electronic gates into a courtyard area and benefits from two large reception rooms, a family kitchen / breakfast room and a conservatory. The four bedrooms are all on one floor and have two en suite bathrooms and a shower room.

There is the added benefit of air conditioning and a carport for two cars. It would be ideal as a pied a terre or for a family with young children. Halsey Mews is a gated courtyard mews shared with only one other house and is ideally located for the extensive facilities of both Sloane Square, South Kensington and Knightsbridge.

CHELSEA OFFICE 2 Cale Street, London SW3 3QU +44 (0)20 7581 5011



PER WEEK stc Reception room, Eat- in kitchen, Three double bedrooms, Two bathrooms, Communal gardens, Housekeeper. A fabulous three double bedroom apartment located in Cadogan Square. This elegant, quiet apartment located in a well-maintained red brick period building on one of London’s premier garden squares has been finished to a very high standard, with contemporary decor and excellent reception space. Accomodation comprises three double bedrooms, two

bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, semi open-plan reception room, access to Cadogan Square communal gardens (by separate negotiation) and a housekeeper. Situated within a short walking distance to Knightsbridge and Sloane Square tube stations and moments from boutiques and restaurants on picturesque Motcomb street and Walton Street.

CHELSEA OFFICE 2 Cale Street, London SW3 3QU +44 (0)20 7581 5011



PER WEEK stc Two double bedrooms, Two bathrooms, Reception room, Kitchen, Professionally managed. A fantastic two double bedroom period property located on this residential street opposite Hyde Park and just five minutes from Kensington High Street. The apartment, which has been stylishly decorated throughout with contemporary furnishings and fittings, has a large reception room to the front, and bedrooms both with excellent storage, quietly situated at

the rear. Prince of Wales Terrace offers an unrivaled selection of fashionable amenities on nearby Kensington High Street while acres of recreational space can be close by in Hyde Park. High Street Kensington tube station and bus routes are within easy walking distance. Available immediately for a long term let.

CHELSEA OFFICE 2 Cale Street, London SW3 3QU +44 (0)20 7581 5011


An Everyday Necessity Simon Barnes explains why buying agents have become essential aides when purchasing a property in central London Times have changed; over the past 15 years, buying agents have gone from being a luxury for the cash-rich, time-poor buyer to a regular (dare I say, everyday?) necessity in order to secure your desired property in central London. Such is the scarcity of supply and the uptake in demand that the cut and thrust involved in doing the deal requires a full-time advisor and negotiator, experienced in uncovering the right property and navigating through the choppy waters of negotiation, requiring nerves of steel and an element of emotional detachment. However, with this emerging trend, every week seems to see a new firm of buying agents setting up. It’s important, with so much choice, to choose your buying agent carefully and how one does this is key. A buying agent does as the name suggests, acting for the buyer, so it is not so much quantity as quality you should be looking for. Ask yourself whether an agent with too many clients is going to be able to dedicate enough time to help you? The answer is no, if all their clients are looking for the same thing; for example, a good family house in Notting Hill, or a lateral flat in Knightsbridge. Register with any estate agent in London and they are likely to tell you: “We have hundreds of buyers looking for the same thing”. A buying agent with a few serious clients can give you the time needed to understand your requirements in detail and advise you properly. From the outset, the agent will steer you in the right direction, understanding your wants and needs. Their knowledge of London property will tell you if what you are looking for is realistic, and assuming it is, they will know where to find it. It will be their job to do the running around,


looking at everything for you and chasing the agents on a regular basis to ensure they hear about the right property first. Drawing on their established contacts, experienced buying agents will often approach private owners directly to investigate ‘off-market’ property opportunities. If you’re not available when the estate agent calls to offer you a new property, they will call their next buyer. If an agent can sell a property making one phone call, they won’t always bother making two calls. It’s not always about shaving money off the price by skilful negotiations; your buying agent will be able to quote comparable sales and give an idea of the value of the property once identified. On the flip side, should you lose that property, they will also be in a position to give you an idea of how easy it is to find it again. So often it is not just a matter of negotiation; you may have to pay the asking price, or more if there is other interest and supply is short. Your buying agent will advise you on every step and ensure you are the preferred bidder if there are other buyers. There is no point trying to be clever and save a few pounds, if at the end it costs you the property. Dealing directly with an estate agent may save you the commission you are paying a buying agent, but is it worth the cost of missing your perfect home? A good buying agent should save you time and money in the long term and certainly alleviate some of the problems encountered when buying property; but as with everything, do your homework before choosing your agent. 020 7499 3434;



Expert Comment Duncan Petrie, Sales Manager at Lurot Brand, explains why, as Bond Street is to jewellery and Savile Row is to bespoke tailoring, for those who appreciate character and individuality, mews houses are a popular and desirable “must have” for the many chasing this limited commodity

the number of Mews houses is limited only by the fact that, in central London, opportunities to increase their number are virtually non-existent. Even the ability to unite a pretty mews flat with a commercial workspace beneath and form a single dwelling house is made seemingly impossible, contrary to recent government press releases about the relaxation in this particular planning area. With a constrained segment of the market place and strong demand, of course, come robust prices. As expected in inflationary times, records are toppled yearly. Nonetheless Lurot Brand’s 2007 record in Ennismore Gardens Mews stood for four and half years. At Lurot Brand, specialists in all things mews and other hidden gems since 1971, we help people to fall in love with a house they didn’t know existed until we introduced them to it. There are numerous mews we can tell you about, where friendly and sociable street life is an everyday fact, not neighbours just meeting one another for a Diamond Jubilee get-together. Cynics might question the community spirit in what is a non-stop city, where most find it hard enough to stop for someone they know, but whatever they say it is a joy. By design mews don’t have gardens so the mewsophiles have created them in the street.


One element about the home that is crucial for so many of our clients and buyers is that they want to be master of their destiny, not slave to a service charge. They want a freehold. Even if leasehold, these mews houses are in the same category as freehold as they are free of the collective service charge and maintenance nightmares attached to flats. The average mews is 1,200 square feet with a range extending from around 500 to approximately 4,000 square feet; there are always exceptions and therefore plenty of variety. Ask us which are the most desirable mews streets in London and we will happily impart our hard-earned information. “Where do I need to look to be amongst other artists?” “Where can I buy a house for my cars, as they are worth a great deal more than the bricks and mortar?” “I love riding in Hyde Park so which mews can I live in with horses next door?” Answers to these and more obscure queries are our bread and butter. Perhaps the most valuable piece of advice we can give is how we know how to sell mews properties, in a timely manner and for the best price the market will bear. Lurot Brand, 4-5 Kynance Place, SW7 4QS 020 7590 9955;


Combining the services of a five-star hotel with the discretion, comfort and security of a private Mayfair residence, Grosvenor House Apartments by Jumeirah Living offer unparalleled luxury and a highly personalised service to make residents feel instantly at home.

Arranged over seven floors and available for long or short let, the apartments range in size from state of the art studios to four breathtaking penthouses over looking Hyde Park. Price on Application

The “Jumeirah Living” logo, trademark and trade name and the Beacon device (“Jumeirah Marks”) are owned by or licensed to Jumeirah International LLC or its affiliates (collectively referred to as “Jumeirah”). The use of the Jumeirah Marks by Grosvenor House Apartments Limited has been authorised by Jumeirah under licence, solely in relation to Jumeirah’s management and operation of the Grosvenor House Apartments by Jumeirah Living development.

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Where all the best properties in London reside‌

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04/09/2012 13:40


…but not for long.


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Eaton Place An opportunity to combine 2 apartments on Eaton Place on the first and second floors, with a duplex on the third and fourth floors. Elegant reception rooms with three windows in the drawing room, a potential seven bedrooms and a fabulous roof terrace. The three apartments and communal areas, and lift,cover approximately 5285 square feet gross internal space.



Residence close to Hyde Park

Hyde park street In a very desirable location, with a great street address, this is a house for entertaining on a large scale, with a Master bedroom suite, five others bedrooms. Additionally, a drawing room, a dining room, music room, a sitting room, a library/office, a combined billiard room and panelled bar with wine cellar, plus sauna and utility room.

ÂŁ7,300,000 guide price Freehold T: 0203 2841 888 M: +44 787 654 59 86 E: twitter@davidadamsEA

David Adams Managing Director John Taylor - UK

Montpelier Street, SW7 Stunning recently refurbished interior designed two double bedroom maisonette with it’s own entrance and high ceilings, extending to 958 sq ft over first and second floors, with high ceilings and westerly aspect. The property is located moments from Harrods with the amenities of Knightsbridge immediately at hand. Reception Room - Two Bedrooms - Bathroom - En-suite Shower Room - Bespoke Fitted Kitchen

Leasehold 121 Years


Rutland Gate, SW7 Excellent 2 bedroom apartment on lower ground floor of period conversion with access to rear patio. Rutland Gate is a prestigious and quiet garden square, opposite Hyde Park and within an easy walk of the excellent amenities of Knightsbridge. Reception Room - 2 Bedrooms - Bathroom - Fitted Kitchen - Lift - Rear Patio - Access to Communal Gardens

Leasehold 135 Years KNIGHTSBRIDGE: 51 BEAUCHAMP PLACE LONDON SW3 1NY 020 7581 7646






KNIGHTSBRIDGE +44 20 7589 4452

HIGH CEILINGS & ORIGINAL PERIOD FEATURES Montpelier Street, Knightsbridge, SW7

ÂŁ1,999,950 Leasehold Approx 119 years

A Grade II Listed first and second floor upper maisonette which has been beautifully modernised whilst retaining many original features. Located in the very heart of Knightsbridge just moments from Harrods and Hyde Park, this two double bedroom, two bathroom apartment is ready to occupy and benefits from a long leasehold, private entrance and unusually, has no service charge liability.









KNIGHTSBRIDGE +44 20 7589 4452


£2,900 Per Week

A luxurious two bedroom house located in arguably one of Knightsbridge’s most exclusive and secluded private mews’ only seconds from Harrods. The house is meticulously refurbished with the very highest quality luxury fittings and furnishings, including two bedrooms, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen/living room, study, media room, bar and private parking to the front of the property. Offering comprehensive audio-visual systems, air-conditioning, good storage and guest cloakroom.






ÂŁ1,000 Per week

A newly refurbished two double bedroom fourth floor flat, with direct lift access, in a desirable location. The property further comprises a bright spacious open plan reception room, dining area and contemporary kitchen, stylish family bathroom and en suite bathroom. Conveniently located within easy walking distance of Harrods and all the amenities and travel links of Knightsbridge. The property overlooks the immaculate communal gardens to the north and south to which the tenants have access. The property is offered furnished and is available now.

135 Hammersmith Road, London W14 0QL


ÂŁ2,500,000 Leasehold

A simply stunning, five bedroom, four bathroom house with a garage, located in a gated, award winning development in Windsor Way, just off Brook Green. The house has been fully refurbished to exacting standards and benefits from a beautiful conservatory and terrace. With underfloor heating on the ground floor and walnut flooring throughout, contemporary decor and spacious rooms, this property oozes style and elegance. The garage has the added benefit of having direct access into and from the basement of the house. The development has CCTV, security and on site porters. Transport links include the tubes at Barons Court, West Kensington and Kensington Olympia. Kensington High Street is close by and access to the A4. Heathrow Airport is easily accessible.

LANCELOT PLACE, Knightsbridge, SW7 An exceptional lateral apartment that has recently been developed and refurbished to the highest standard, offering approx. 2,700 sq. ft. with full concierge and front of house services, underground parking, swimming pool and gym, and excellent security. Accommodation comprises three double bedrooms (all en-suite), double reception room, kitchen, utility room and guest cloakroom. Available immediately for long term let on a furnished basis. ÂŁ4,800 pw 020 7225 6602



Hans Road, Knightsbridge, SW3 A beautifully presented apartment in this well run building directly opposite Harrods. The spacious accommodation comprises eat in kitchen, reception / dining room, master bedroom with ensuite bathroom, two further double bedrooms both with ensuite bathrooms, and a beautifully planted south westerly facing decked roof terrace. Share of Freehold ÂŁ2,795,000 020 7893 8343



[TOUCH] We’ve got our senses in tune with garden square properties Our unique specialism in garden square properties means we really understand the needs of buyers and sellers alike. ■

Garden square specialists.

Our niche market ensures our buyers are interested in your type of property.

Efficiency and professionalism at every stage.

Talk to the founders.

If you would like experienced, specialist advice on a property please call Matthew Kaye or Adam Carey.

Lennox Gardens, Knightsbridge SW1 Two flats for sale in one of Knightsbridge’s most prestigious locations. A fabulous first floor flat featuring a beautiful drawing room overlooking the communal gardens Drawing room ■ Kitchen ■ Bedroom, en suite bathroom & study ■ Guest cloaks ■ Terrace ■ Balcony

Lease: approx. 93 years Guide Price: £3,250,000

A bright, well presented lower ground floor flat entered through an immaculate ground floor hall Drawing room ■ Dining hall ■ Kitchen ■ Two double bedrooms ■ Bathroom ■ Shower room

Share of Freehold Guide Price: £1,350,000

Call or visit: 4 Yeoman’s Row Brompton Road London SW3 2AH 020 7590 0066 Matthew Kaye

Adam Carey

Chelsea Fulham & Parsons Green Kensington & Holland Park Knightsbridge, Belgravia & Mayfair Notting Hill & Bayswater West Chelsea & South Kensington

Sales 020 7225 3866 Sales 020 7731 7100 Sales 020 7938 3666 Sales 020 7235 9959 Sales 020 7221 1111 Sales 020 7373 1010

Lettings 020 7589 9966 Lettings 020 7731 7100 Lettings 020 7938 3866 Lettings 020 7235 9959 Lettings 020 7221 1111 Lettings 020 7373 1010

City Office Professional Valuations UK Commercial & Residential Residential Investment Property Management

Margaretta Terrace | Chelsea | SW3 1,966 sq ft (182.64 sq m)

A wonderfully characterful Grade Two listed house arranged over three floors and offering flexible accommodation. Entrance hall | Double drawing room | Kitchen | Conservatory/Dining room | Study | Master bedroom | Two further double bedrooms | Bathroom | Shower room | Front patio | Roof terrace Asking price ÂŁ3,500,000 Freehold

Chelsea 020 7225 3866

Sheffield Terrace | Kensington | W8 2,566 sq ft (238.4 sq m)

An outstanding three bedroom maisonette occupying 2566 sq ft` over three floors with direct access to the beautifully maintained communal gardens. Entrance hall | Drawing room | Kitchen/breakfast room | Library | Sitting room | Three bedrooms | Three bath/shower rooms | Utility area | Cloakroom | Balcony | Patio | Direct access to communal gardens Asking price ÂŁ4,850,000 Leasehold

Kensington 020 7938 3666

020 7600 3456 020 7318 5039 020 7629 7282 020 7318 5196 020 7052 9417

Bury Walk | Chelsea | SW3 1,106 sq ft (102.7 sq m)

This south/west facing freehold period house is located in the heart of Chelsea. Entrance hall | Drawing room | Kitchen/dining room | Master bedroom | Second double bedroom | Third bedroom/study | Two full bathrooms | Patio | Outdoor storage Asking price ÂŁ2,150,000 Freehold

Chelsea 020 7225 3866

Queens Gate | South Kensington | SW3 1,851 sq ft (171.9 sq m)

This extremely spacious and generous flat offers wonderfully proportioned rooms which flow together to create a stylish home. Entrance Hall | Dining hall | Drawing room | Atrium | Kitchen | Study/bedroom 3 | Master bedroom with ensuite bathroom | Second double bedroom suite | Guest cloakroom | Garden Asking price ÂŁ2,850,000 Leasehold

Chelsea 020 7225 3866

Chelsea Fulham & Parsons Green Kensington & Holland Park Knightsbridge, Belgravia & Mayfair Notting Hill & Bayswater West Chelsea & South Kensington

Sales 020 7225 3866 Sales 020 7731 7100 Sales 020 7938 3666 Sales 020 7235 9959 Sales 020 7221 1111 Sales 020 7373 1010

Lettings 020 7589 9966 Lettings 020 7731 7100 Lettings 020 7938 3866 Lettings 020 7235 9959 Lettings 020 7221 1111 Lettings 020 7373 1010

City Office Professional Valuations UK Commercial & Residential Residential Investment Property Management

The Vale | Chelsea | SW3 4,324 sq ft (401 sq m)

A magnificent house in the heart of Chelsea which has been refurbished to a high specification and offers superb entertaining space, and a secluded rear west facing garden. Drawing room | Cinema room | Family room | Kitchen/breakfast room | Master bedroom with en suite bathroom | Five further double bedrooms | Five bath/shower rooms Utility room | Cloakroom | Garden ÂŁ7,500 Per week Furnished/unfurnished

Chelsea 020 7589 9966

Porchester Terrace | Notting Hill | W2 3,245 sq ft (301.5 sq m)

This fantastic seven bedroom family home is arranged over four floors and benefits from a large private garden at the rear as well as off street parking for two cars. Entrance hall | Two reception rooms | Study/library room | Kitchen | Master bedroom with en suite bathroom | Six further bedrooms | Two further bathrooms | Garden | Private parking ÂŁ2,500 per week Furnished

Notting Hill Lettings 020 7221 1111

020 7600 3456 020 7318 5039 020 7629 7282 020 7318 5196 020 7052 9417

Wilton Place | Knightsbridge | SW1 3233 sq ft / 300.35 sq m

Stunning and beautifully presented Grade II listed townhouse in this wonderful location, quietly situated at the southern end of Wilton Place. Kitchen | Dining room | Drawing room | Four bedrooms | Four bathrooms | Terrace | Gym | Garage £6,450 per week Unfurnished

Knightsbridge Lettings 020 7225 3866

Ormonde Gate | Chelsea | SW3 5,701 sq ft (530 sq m)

An exceptional nine bedroom family house with impressive views over Burton’s Court and direct access to the gardens behind. Entrance hall | Drawing room | Dining room | Family room | Nine bedrooms | Five bath/shower rooms | Study | Cloakroom | Utility room | Kitchenette | Wine cellar | Roof terrace | Garden £7,500 per week Unfurnished

Chelsea Lettings 020 7589 9966

Chelsea Fulham & Parsons Green Kensington & Holland Park Knightsbridge, Belgravia & Mayfair Notting Hill & Bayswater West Chelsea & South Kensington

Sales 020 7225 3866 Sales 020 7731 7100 Sales 020 7938 3666 Sales 020 7235 9959 Sales 020 7221 1111 Sales 020 7373 1010

Lettings 020 7589 9966 Lettings 020 7731 7100 Lettings 020 7938 3866 Lettings 020 7235 9959 Lettings 020 7221 1111 Lettings 020 7373 1010

Astell Street | Chelsea | SW3 4,352 sq ft (404.3 sq m)

This wonderful wide and low built double fronted house occupies a commanding position on the corner of Astell Street and Britten Street. Entrance hall | Drawing room | Dining room | Kitchen dining room | Study | Family/media room | Four bedrooms | Four bathrooms | Utility room | Storage room | Guest cloakroom | Gym Asking price ÂŁ9,500,000 Freehold

Knightsbridge 020 7235 9959

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Where will we find your perfect buyer? At Strutt & Parker, we’ve always gone to great lengths to bring the right buyer to your door, using our knowledge, contacts and total commitment to achieve the sale you want. But now we go further than ever. As members of the Christie’s International Real Estate network, we can reach quality buyers in 42 countries via 1,049 offices and a website visited 135,600 times a month. There’s no better way to open your door to the world.

Chelsea Fulham & Parsons Green Kensington & Holland Park Knightsbridge, Belgravia & Mayfair Notting Hill & Bayswater West Chelsea & South Kensington

Sales 020 7225 3866 Sales 020 7731 7100 Sales 020 7938 3666 Sales 020 7235 9959 Sales 020 7221 1111 Sales 020 7373 1010

Lettings 020 7589 9966 Lettings 020 7731 7100 Lettings 020 7938 3866 Lettings 020 7235 9959 Lettings 020 7221 1111 Lettings 020 7373 1010

Drayton Gardens | Chelsea | SW10 3,403 sq ft (316.1 sq m)

Set back from the road, this substantial house, with double garage, is situated on one of Chelsea’s most sought after residential streets. Double drawing room | Reception/study | Dining room | Kitchen | Conservatory | Four bedrooms | Four bath/shower rooms | Dressing room | Utility room | West facing garden | Double garage Asking price £6,250,000 Freehold

West Chelsea 020 7373 1010

Scan this QR code with your camera phone to read more about this property. Free QR code readers are available for download from our website at

Where will we find your perfect buyer? At Strutt & Parker, we’ve always gone to great lengths to bring the right buyer to your door, using our knowledge, contacts and total commitment to achieve the sale you want. But now we go further than ever. As members of the Christie’s International Real Estate network, we can reach quality buyers in 42 countries via 1,049 offices and a website visited 135,600 times a month. There’s no better way to open your door to the world.

Chelsea Fulham & Parsons Green Kensington & Holland Park Knightsbridge, Belgravia & Mayfair Notting Hill & Bayswater West Chelsea & South Kensington

Sales 020 7225 3866 Sales 020 7731 7100 Sales 020 7938 3666 Sales 020 7235 9959 Sales 020 7221 1111 Sales 020 7373 1010

Lettings 020 7589 9966 Lettings 020 7731 7100 Lettings 020 7938 3866 Lettings 020 7235 9959 Lettings 020 7221 1111 Lettings 020 7373 1010

Cornwall Gardens | South Kensington | SW7 2,410 sq ft (224 sq m)

A stunning newly refurbished three bedroom maisonette located on this sought after garden square with access to communal gardens. Reception room | Open plan kitchen | Family room | Three double bedrooms with en suite bathrooms | Cloakroom | Utility room | Vault/storage | Communal gardens ÂŁ1,950 per week Furnished

Kensington Lettings 020 7938 3866

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Where will we find your perfect buyer? At Strutt & Parker, we’ve always gone to great lengths to bring the right buyer to your door, using our knowledge, contacts and total commitment to achieve the sale you want. But now we go further than ever. As members of the Christie’s International Real Estate network, we can reach quality buyers in 42 countries via 1,049 offices and a website visited 135,600 times a month. There’s no better way to open your door to the world.

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