Notting Hill & Holland Park October 2015

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Family Fortunes

Art & Soul

Brothers and founders of Wolf & Badger tell us what it’s like to share an office and discover their spirit animals

Murray Macaulay celebrates the sixth year of Multiplied and encourages people to buy for love, not just investment



Practically Perfect

Tanks for Nothing

Hannah Lemon speaks to Alison Lloyd, the woman behind the bags and accessories company Ally Capellino

Volvo’s new XC90 SUV is bigger and bolder than ever. Matthew Carter takes cover from the Cross Country Mums



Indian Summer

A Winter’s Tale

To celebrate 25 years of the V&A’s Nehru Gallery, Jack Watkins heads to its latest exhibition The Fabric of India

Jennifer Mason holes up in a luxury Swiss mountain retreat to enjoy skiing in style – the Gstaad way

The Notting Hill & Holland Park Magazine is distributed in W8, W11, W14 and parts of W2, W9 and W10

On the Cover... British model Amber Le Bon and fashion vlogger Jim Chapman are the faces of Tunnel of Love, the British Heart Foundation’s fundraising evening, which aims to raise money for its Mending Broken Hearts Appeal. The illustrious event is taking over the V&A on 11 November and will bring together the biggest names in fashion and art for a night of fabulous entertainment. Find out more about this extravagant soirée on p. 49; you definitely won’t want to miss out.

Notting hill & Holland Park OCTOBER 2015 s issue 033 Acting Editor Hannah Lemon Contributing Editors Olivia Sharpe Richard Brown Lauren Romano Editorial Assistants Gabriella Dyson Meena Ameen Senior Designer Grace Linn

Cover image: Amber Le Bon for the British Heart Foundation; Photography: Nick Haddow

16 Serena Morton II

24 The Spirit of Spirio

62 Writing on the Wall

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From the EDITOR Oscar Wilde once opined in an essay entitled The Decay of Lying that “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life”. So often this seems true. How many times have you thought a song might suit a scene in your life (Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 for a day in the office perhaps) or looked at a sunset and likened it to a Monet masterpiece? Reading through this month’s features, it seems that the two are so finely interwoven, it’s difficult to separate them. Take curator Serena Morton’s exhibition of Billy Name’s photography as a prime example; his black-and-white shots perfectly reflect the surreal, silver setting of Andy Warhol’s Factory. Warhol himself commented that the camera stills were the “only things that ever came close to conveying the look and feel” of his studio (p.16). The images also provide a fascinating insight into the parties and love affairs of the notorious group of famous ‘60s models and popstars who resided there; don’t miss the launch on 30 September at the Serena Morton II gallery. The Royal Borough is awash with art fairs this month. Rebecca Wallersteiner follows the transformation of city graffiti into collectable street art at Walton Fine Arts (p.62); and we receive some top tips from Murray Macaulay, the director of Christie’s Multiplied (p.56). He tells us what to look out for when purchasing contemporary editions during Frieze London, but assures all collectors that they “will almost certainly find something [they] love”. Others in the area use creativity as a business model; we speak to Alison Lloyd, the founder of the bag and accessories label Ally Capellino, on p.30, and brothers Henry and George Graham, co-owners of Wolf & Badger, on p.20. The latter offer up an interesting account of how they select exciting new brands for their Notting Hill and Mayfair boutiques. It’s not been without a few learning curves, though. George admits: “If we’d known how hard it was going to be, we probably wouldn’t have done it!” But challenges are all part and parcel of success, and as Dolly would say, you just need to start the day with a cup of ambition.

Acting Editor

Hannah Lemon

Follow us on Twitter @KandCMagazine or email with any comments

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of Silver

Serena Morton launches her second gallery in Ladbroke Grove with an exhibition of monochrome fly-on-the-wall images by Billy Name that document the infamous Warhol Factory. Hannah Lemon reports




ow many times have we all looked at art and thought: ‘Are you kidding me? That is such rubbish! I could do that! It’s nonsense!’” Serena Morton is explaining her curating process. I am surprised at this statement, as she is renowned for exhibiting contemporary artwork at her selfnamed gallery, but I am inclined to agree. Most modern art spaces, though interesting, showcase (naming no names) unmade beds, cigarette boxes, ashtrays and even human faeces. Sometimes it seems this is all just for shock value and five minutes of fame. But Morton relies on emotion as the key factor in her selection process. The curator shows a distinct irreverence towards famous names, even in reference to her time working at Ronnie Wood’s Scream gallery in 2006. “It was pretty amazing,” Morton says, “because the Rolling Stones were still on tour and there were lots of different people coming

“I always felt that it was important to keep focused on the art and not the celebrity” in and out. It was like being at the core of rock’n’roll. But I always felt that it was important to keep focused on the art and not on the celebrity.” Artists on her books include established painter Paul Benney, the rebellious Rupert Shrive and vibrant newcomer Adam Pobiak. Perhaps because of this nouveau focus, Morton’s gallery attracts a different sort of buyer; not the City boy types trying to invest their bucks in the latest art craze, but strong career women. “Female collectors have just gone nuts!” smiles Morton. “They are confident; it’s their money and they have risen through the ranks. They are career women, but what’s wonderful about them is that they don’t haggle and they don’t talk about the investment value of a piece – they think about their homes. It’s much more emotional. It’s not just about buying something and sticking it in a container to never be seen. It’s about decorating a home and appreciating it now. It makes for joyous conversation.” Morton reckons that around 80 per cent of the business comes from this attentive clientele.


Morton lives above and works in a small, bright white gallery on Ladbroke Grove – the edgier end of the borough. “I came here for the life and the music,” she admits. “Up here reminds me of what Notting Hill used to be like; as you walk down the road, it gets edgier and edgier. The artists and musicians are gradually moving up the hill as the property prices are pushing everyone out.” Her mission is to make art a strong presence in the area; to try and encourage creativity for those who may not be fortunate enough to have the opportunities to do so. “I’m lobbying to make an exhibition space like Battersea Arts Centre and Camden Arts Centre, with commercial galleries at the front. I want to turn this parade into an arts hub.” This may be an ambitious plan, but it is one that’s already in progress; Morton is launching a second eponymous gallery in Ladbroke Grove with photography mastermind David Hill at the end of September. Serena Morton II, which will be dedicated entirely to photography, will open with an exclusive exhibition of images by Billy Name, Andy Warhol’s Factory photographer. “We’re starting with something punchy and hard-hitting because we want to get the space nailed down and people interested. Then we will start promoting newer names,” Morton explains. The intimate portraits focus not on the stars in the Factory but the scenes and atmosphere of an iconic time in history at Warhol’s studio. The photographs are taken from the book Billy Name: The Silver Age, which was published in collaboration with Name and provides a narrative of the Silver Factory between 1964 and 1968. Warhol had visited Name’s house in late 1963 and was spellbound by the property’s silver interiors. Having been under the influence of amphetamine, Name had covered everything in tin foil and silver paint, right down to the silverware. Warhol was so enamoured with this style that he invited Name to decorate his new studio on the fifth floor of 231 East 47th Street in Manhattan. After striking up a brief relationship with Warhol, Name moved into a storage cupboard at the studio, which was Warhol’s production facility for screen prints and films. It soon became renowned for its silver appearance and Warhol renamed it the Silver Factory. It was also home to parties, orgies and excessive drug use and many famous faces were known to have paid a visit, including Tennessee

Williams, Judy Garland, Jim Morrison, David Bowie, Mick Jagger and Salvador Dali. To document this time, Warhol gifted Name with a 35mm single-lens reflex Honeywell Pentax camera, with which Name taught himself the technical aspects of photography, including processing and developing film in a darkroom, which was a converted bathroom of the Factory. The combination of these skills, alongside his talent as a lighting designer, meant that Name was able to document the Factory’s escapades in an experimental style that perfectly captured the silver space. Warhol commented in POPism: “The only things that ever came close to conveying the look and feel of the Factory then, aside from the movies we shot there, were the still photographs Billy took.” One image shows Andy carrying a freshly painted Brillo box against a backdrop of dancing light reflecting off tin-foiled walls. Others show the troubled Edie Sedgwick filming scenes for Warhol’s films and chatting to other Factory Superstars, as they were known, such as Bibbe Hansen. There are also a collection of group shots of Warhol and members of the rock group The Velvet Underground and other designers, artists and singers. In 1968, Warhol and Name left the building, which was due to be torn down to make way for a block of flats. Partly because of this move and partly due to an incident Warhol had with one of the ‘superstars’ who shot him in the chest, the Factory’s colourful and experimental lifestyle soon dissipated. Name distanced himself from the group and moved out of their new premises, leaving only a note that said: ‘Dear Andy, I am not here anymore but I am fine. Love, Billy.’ However, there will always be his photographs, which act as pieces of a broken jigsaw that, when put together, showcase the extraordinary lives of this eccentric crowd of creatives.

“I came here for the life and the music. Up here reminds me of what Notting Hill used to be like”

Previous page: Andy Warhol in a phone booth This page: Susan Bottomley

Billy Name: The Silver Age, 30 September–23 October Serena Morton II, 345 Ladbroke Grove, W10 Billy Name: The Silver Age, £60, published by Reel Art Press;


Five Minutes with Billy Name What is your fondest memory of the Silver Factory? It made me feel good to see Andy content with his work, when it was really happening the way he wanted it to. When we first saw the movies like Empire and Kiss, he was so excited to see how they turned out. I could see his exuberance inside; he didn’t really show his happiness on the outside. He would get a little bubbly and smile, and I could see what he was feeling. Andy would say: “Oh Billy, this is so great.” It was so wonderful to hear him express satisfaction with his work, which he didn’t do that often. I remember him being especially satisfied with some of the car crash paintings from the Death and Disaster series and especially with his Jackie and Marilyn paintings.

What memories do you have of the parties? One night that comes to mind was when Judy Garland came to the Factory with Tennessee Williams. Montgomery Clift, Allen Midgette and Rudolf Nureyev were also in attendance, along with some other people. I watched the scene – people dancing and reacting to one another – and I got lost in the whole milieu. I would focus on one person at a time and the special-ness of that character, and then it would sort of fade away and I would focus on another. I think I might have taken some LSD or smoked grass that night and I played dance records while Andy was being a busy butterfly moving around the room. I just observed each moment unfold and it was great.

What goes through your mind when you revisit your black-and-white photographs? Looking through my recent book The Silver Age, I feel a strong sense of history. I feel for my friends and everything we all experienced together and how I captured all those scenes on film. It was my reality but seeing so many of my photos presented together really made me appreciate my work in a way that I didn’t before. My work has never been surveyed like that until now.

Do you often think back to the era of the Silver Factory and your friendship with Andy Warhol? I don’t really reminisce about my time with Warhol, except for when I give interviews. That’s when I review the past and get fuzzy feelings. Otherwise I don’t ever think about Warhol or the Factory.

This page: Andy Warhol in the Factory All images © Billy Name / Reel Art Press


Henry and George Graham Photography: Emily Cuthbert



Hannah Lemon meets the founders of luxury boutique Wolf & Badger to find out what it’s like to share an office with a sibling, work in Montenegro and discover your spirit animal


here is a Vietnamese proverb that says: “Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” And while I couldn’t think of anything worse than having either of my brothers at arm’s length for eternity, I understand the truth in this sentiment. Most siblings have an innate understanding of each other’s character – they can make you laugh uncontrollably with a single look or sulk for a week with one deft comment. As I sit opposite brothers George and Henry Graham, I can tell that they are each other’s yin and yang. They approach my table in the Raw Press café, underneath the Mayfair Wolf & Badger store, like schoolboys to a teacher. Henry settles, arms crossed,

looking off into the distance, while George prepares for my rounds of questions with an air of earnestness. “So,” I begin, “can you tell me a bit about how you started the business?” This gets a sigh from Henry, but George dutifully steps in with a smile and delivers a perfect round-up of the business. “We were both working on our separate careers and wanted to bring something different to the high streets, essentially,” he says. “We had the idea to create a collective of brands from emerging designers who previously only had the option of taking their luxury brands to Camden Market, or something similar, or waiting around for years and years for Harrods, Selfridges or another department store to


Mauve Elena shirt by Raishma, ÂŁ199 Photography by: Ian Hooton


find them.” And so Wolf & Badger was born, a luxury boutique that showcases new talent through a shop in Notting Hill, which launched on Ledbury Road in 2010, and the Mayfair branch, which opened in 2012. “Was it daunting to start out together?”I say, glancing first at Henry, then George. The latter replies with a wry chuckle, “If we’d known how hard it was going to be, we probably wouldn’t have done it!” However, I think this arched comment underplays their finely balanced skill sets. Although neither was from the fashion world, both had an interest in it; Henry designed jewellery and is now the creative director, whereas George, who used to work as a strategy consultant for PwC, heads up the business end of the company. Perfect opposites. Each Wolf & Badger store showcases 70 brands, while 300 others are exhibited online.

Designers stay for an average of one year, during which time the company helps launch them into the fashion industry. “We have a great team that helps and advises brands and clients on collections, price points and what customers are saying about the pieces when they find them in store,” explains George. “It’s that advice and feedback that helps them develop and grow their own businesses.” The brothers have had over 5,000 applicants and turn away more than 90 per cent of those. “They are all very much handselected by Henry. We meet with every brand and try to seek out the best, the highest in quality and the most creatively innovative.” I chirpily (maybe too chirpily) take this as an opportunity to eke some information out of Henry. “So Henry, how do you choose the ones you like the most?” He replies: “I think George has answered it quite well. You’ll have to forgive me, I’m not feeling very well.” Ah. “I’m Henry’s spokesperson today,” George laughs. I laugh too. Henry doesn’t. I try a different tack. As the creative designer, does he have any favourite brands? “I like these guys,” Henry murmurs pointing at the T-shirt he is wearing by London Athletics. By this point, I gather that Henry is the actions-speak-louder-than-words part of this duo. I move onto the reason I’m here. The brothers (but mostly George) want to talk about the acquisition of Boticca, an online market place for accessories and jewellery. “We are bringing some designers from that platform to Wolf & Badger,

This page, clockwise from top: Talia Naomi Fly Me To The Moon hand harness gold, £220; Wolf & Badger in Notting Hill; Talia Naomi Golden Eclipse Pavé Earrings Yellow Gold, £240; dress and shirt, both Raishma; Ivan Gold Cage, £350


which has been, as you can imagine, taking up a lot of our energy,” explains George. They are also looking to open a store in New York in the not-too-distant future. “We want to start working with more US-based designers, but also start introducing UK brands into the US,” he adds. Exciting times for the brand, I smile. This adds to a CV that lists many novel projects, including two summer expeditions to the Balkans. The management team of the Porto Montenegro marina wanted to bring some young, fresh labels to the area and not just the usual designer suspects, so, naturally, they approached Wolf & Badger. “They came into our store in Notting Hill. I wasn’t too familiar with Montenegro if I’m going to be honest,” George laughs. “I had to look it up on a map, but it didn’t take much convincing!” Both brothers grew up in Holland Park, and George now lives near Wolf & Badger in Notting Hill. I ask if they fall out much. “Most weeks,” says George, “but we can argue and it doesn’t really affect things.” Although their parents don’t work in artistic circles, they enjoy creative hobbies; their mother paints and their father writes. Were they supportive when you told them about your venture? “I think they thought we were mad! Dad thought it was a great idea and he is usually quite sceptical about things, so that was a good sign. He’s been right so far!” They also have a brother Jack and a cousin Toby with whom they co-founded Raw Press, a cold-pressed juice café, which operates under the Mayfair store and through the Notting Hill shop.

Finally, as I wrap up the interview I ask what the name Wolf & Badger refers to. I had read in a previous interview with the pair that it was the name of a pub owned by their great uncle, and in another that it was a reference to the murderers of a pet rabbit. I am intrigued as to what answer George is going to give me, but, Henry, suddenly roused into action, mutters: “They’re our spirit animals.” George laughs and then nods in agreement. While I sit, slightly baffled by what a ‘spirit animal’ actually is, Henry chimes in again with: “I think yours would be an otter.” George, perhaps on seeing my affronted face, takes the opportunity to list the exemplarity attributes of this mammal, while Henry’s face finally breaks into a smile. Wolf & Badger, 46 Ledbury Road, W11

“We meet with every brand and try to seek out the highest in quality and the most creatively innovative”

This page, from left: Chupi Strong Mind Tender Heart Snake Ring Gold, £81; Rogues Sherbet, £150; Raishma



The Steinway Spirio system is available in three existing grand piano models. All images 024courtesy of: Steinway & Sons


Off the


Tickling the ivories from your iPad is not as farfetched as it sounds, as Lauren Romano discovers at Steinway & Sons, where craftsmanship and technological innovation have been harmonised in the maker’s latest offering – the Steinway Spirio


hen Tom Hanks hopscotched over the keys of FAO Schwarz’s giant floor piano in the ‘80s blockbuster Big, the keyboardcum-dance mat got more than its 15 minutes of fame, as waves of tourists flocked to the Fifth Avenue toy shop. Back then my childhood self would have given anything to join them on their musical pilgrimages and stamp out the notes of Chopsticks to an adoring crowd, but the nearest I got to my musical moment of fame was thudding out a syncopated rendition of Greensleeves on dusty Yamaha decks to my classmates. My piano skills might not have improved since then, but the technology behind the instrument has. Making a noise with its latest model, Steinway & Sons has long been at the woodwind vanguard, this year reaching what is arguably the final frontier in music innovation: the Steinway Spirio – a piano that can play itself and replicate pitch-perfect performances of virtuosos the world over. Amid its fleet of the grandest grand pianos money can buy, the company has referred to the recent release as its most significant product innovation in 70 years. The drumroll isn’t for nothing; an engineering masterpiece, the Spirio system is available exclusively on a select number of Steinway grand piano models and enables live performances that are, in a further stroke of ingenuity, controlled at the touch of an iPad.



The company has preserved its specialist skills, handing them down through the generations It’s a feat that might have made founder Henry Engelhard Steinway turn in his grave if it wasn’t for the company’s staunch refusal to sideline traditional handcrafting techniques. There are no robots or machines operating ten to the dozen on this production line. In fact, the factory set up at the Steinway & Sons’ Hamburg and New York ateliers wouldn’t be all that alien to the original craftsmen who joined the team when the business began in New York in 1853. The company has preserved the specialist skills honed by Steinway ever since he pieced together his first piano in his kitchen in Germany. “Steinway wanted to build the best piano possible and this remains the motto of every employee today. Making a Steinway piano is a perfect art that can only be achieved by hand,” explains communications manager Sabine Höpermann. “Each piano – a work of art in its own right – is the result of a three-year journey that begins with the selection and seasoning of the woods, and concludes with a handcrafting process of up to a year.” At the factory in New York, slow and steady wins the race. The whole process took four years to perfect, working in close partnership with Wayne Stahnke, a pioneer of the modern player piano system. The 20-point production schedule allocates two years for drying the wood, 100 days’ rest for the rim and a lengthy pre-adjustment period that involves the installation and calibration of clavier and mechanics, with 7,000 components painstakingly fitted together. The first tuning is followed by three more and then the techy part follows. A high-resolution software system, along with solenoids (a current-carrying coil of wire) that actuate each note on the piano, are seamlessly integrated during the manufacturing process. Tucked away from view, the components do not affect the touch or sound of the instrument. It’s a laborious process and all in all, one Steinway Spirio passes through the hands of 50 craftsmen. The fact that piano concertos are no longer reserved for concert halls, but Tuesday evenings after dinner in the living room is cause for celebration for CEO Michael Sweeney. At the official UK presentation of the Steinway Spirio at the Serpentine Sackler Gallery in May, he enthused: “For the first time a customer can enjoy the beautiful playing of Olga Kern, Lang Lang, Stephen Hough and so many other Steinway artists from around the world, including Jazz and Rock masters, in their homes.” The makers insist that the ability to summon these artists to the keys via the app (Steinway & Sons provides a complimentary iPad to wirelessly connect with each Steinway Spirio), does not detract from the

The production process

Chief voicer Wiebke Wunstorf putting the Spirio through its paces

experience of listening to a performance live. “Steinway & Sons is renowned for connecting the listener and the artist as only the world’s best piano can, and the Steinway Spirio is another example of that,” Höpermann explains. “Therefore, we can afford to introduce a player piano system as the technology meets with Steinway’s highest standards; producing uncompromised sound quality and an exact facsimile of a live performance.” This facsimile is a crescendo-and-all interpretation of an original score, where “delicate pedalling, subtle phrasing, soft trills and thundering fortissimos” are reproduced faultlessly. A specially recorded catalogue of music has also been released, featuring performances from a pool of more than 1,700 Steinway Artists, playing everything from classical to jazz to contemporary, all recorded live on Steinway & Sons’ master recording pianos. As new tracks become available, they will be automatically added to the app listings, to create a library of world-class performances. Meanwhile, the musical maestros at the company’s HQ will be curating and cataloguing tunes by genre to create playlists to suit any occasion. It’s not just the level of technological ingenuity



that gives an indication of the Steinway Spirio’s special qualities; the price tag might hint at them too. That is to be expected of course, when you consider how the highest levels of craftsmanship have long been the reserve of the luxury market. Earlier this year, the chairman of Crafted Showcase Guy Salter masterminded the first ever London Craft Week to celebrate the creative forces reviving traditional crafts relevant for a modern day audience. “It has become de rigueur for brands to extol their craft virtues; telling that story with beautifully shot print ads depicting craftsman at work,” he comments in his welcome note on events website, conceding with regret that only a handful of luxury companies have preserved their crafting skills. Certainly, in the age of the mighty Silicon Valley when no industry, the music one included, can avoid the touch of technology, the debate about the future of high-tech interference continues. In the music industry, technology has undoubtedly been instrumental in pushing things forward. It has given emerging artists a voice to establish themselves and spread their music to a wider audience; it has arguably democratised classical music, in particular, and advanced other genres, such as electronic music, making the DJs behind the decks global megastars in the process. But when it comes to the instruments themselves, the bread and butter of a traditional orchestra, isn’t it time to celebrate those brave enough to revere and honour craftsmanship as much as reinvention? “Since the founding of Steinway & Sons more than 160 years ago, innovation and craftsmanship have served as the core tenets of the company,” Sweeney says in agreement. “In today’s marketplace, brands like ours must continue to innovate in order to remain

“Steinway wanted to build the best piano possible and this remains the motto of every employee today” relevant to the world around us, but that doesn’t mean that quality and craftsmanship can suffer,” he adds. “The Steinway Artists who have recorded on the instrument agree that the Spirio captures the true essence, nuance and soulfulness of a live performance, allowing us to bring artists and their audiences closer than ever before.” Evidently the Steinway & Sons’ ethos places emphasis on the fact that it is the ultimately the skill invested in the hands of the creators and the performers that is where the true power of a musical performance lies; in the ability to move, engage and educate an audience on such an emotional level, in a way that no computer or high-tech gizmo – not even Tom Hanks’ dance mat – could ever hope to achieve. Steinway Spirio, POA,

The production process


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Ally Capellino has transformed itself from a rebellious ‘80s fashion label into a modest, modern boutique. Hannah Lemon speaks to Alison Lloyd, the woman behind this impressive evolution Catwalks and runways are a platform for the most eccentric and wildly impractical clothes. They provide designers with the chance to construct some of the most innovative outfits. But let’s be honest, who is really going to don Guo Pei’s bright, furry, yellow cape the length of a tennis court, other than superstar Rihanna? Similarly, as exciting as a meat dress is (looking at you, Lady Gaga) or a piece of sheer, blue fabric pinned only at the navel (yes, J Lo, we remember), none of us can actually wear these creations to a friendly dinner party with the neighbours. We mere mortals need practical clothing. “Boring!” I hear you say, but if you look closely through the history of fashion, much of what we wear has been brought about by necessity – and that’s not a bad thing. Skinny jeans, stripey culottes and denim dungarees may all be popular now, but for women in the 1940s, trousers were a novelty. Slacks were only available to those working in ammunition factories or labouring on farms, but they soon became a wardrobe staple. There are countless examples of this evolution of utilitarian design. Timberland-style work boots and sturdy jeans, for instance, were originally favoured by men undertaking hard labour, but became iconic fashion items of the ‘90s. Similarly, the handbag (as we now know it) originated as a pocket tied under layers of petticoats, however, as hemlines rose and hoops disappeared at the end of the 18th century, these ‘indispensables’ had to be worn on the arm. One woman who has embraced this ethos wholeheartedly is Alison Lloyd (aka Ally), the designer and founder of Ally Capellino. The bags and accessories company has spanned more than three decades, which must, in part, be down to the timeless design that Ally describes as “relaxed and functional”.




I would say ‘relaxed’ is also a suitable description for Ally’s headquarters in Shoreditch. I paid the place a visit after I was told to meet Ally there for our interview. After a slight mishap in communication, Ally didn’t appear, but I took it as an opportunity to look around. To get to the office, you have to pass through a large gate into a light and airy atrium decorated by lush green plants and sofas. In a small enclave to the right, a hub of Apple computers is manned by a collective of laid-back employees, a few of which, when I was there, were taking lunch on a set of chairs underneath some vegetation. I was tempted to fall asleep on one of the sofas next to them, but was kindly guided by a director to the shop next door for a browse. ‘Relaxed’ is also a fitting word for Ally’s phone voice, which flows at such a glacial pace I keep filling the long hiatuses with my own chatter. But she doesn’t seem to mind, as she thoughtfully pauses between sentences to explain how her brand has managed to survive more than three decades. Ally and her partner at the time, Jonathan Platt, first launched the label in 1980 with a debut collection of T-shirts that referenced the Moscow Olympics scandal. Despite the successful few years that followed, the couple parted ways in 1999 and the company dissolved. “I had consultancy work after we split up, but it didn’t really keep me very busy,” Ally explains. “It was quite well paid but I didn’t have enough to do and I was going a bit crazy. So I made some bags because I had some scraps of leather and then I thought: ‘Hmm, maybe I could sell these.’ They had a bit of a different look to them at the time – they probably wouldn’t stand out so much now, possibly. Back then, bags were made with lots of glue and cardboard and were much thicker, but we made these really soft ones and they took off.” In 2000, Ally Capellino relaunched with a new collection. Now the brand has three boutiques situated in Shoreditch, Marylebone and Portobello. “They are quite different,” Ally explains. “Portobello is home to more of the arty crowd.” Is she familiar with the area? “I love Golborne Road – I think it’s really nice. It’s always busy with lots of food and furniture. The designs sit quite nicely there. I’d like there to be a few more shops, but they’re coming.” The bags in question are produced in a simple palette of beiges, browns, blues and blacks, and are labelled separately for men and women, although the majority look unisex. However, Ally doesn’t always implement this modest format for her own style. “I love dressing up and I don’t believe in emptying your wardrobe.” She relies on a full sock drawer to liven up an outfit. “You need [to keep] all the pairs of socks you’ve ever had. You should play with colours in the small detail,” she

advises. This might be why a few yellows, oranges and corals have sneaked their way into the collections. Ally has collaborated with an eclectic mix of brands in the past, Apple and the Tate among them. It seems that the efficient aesthetic of the bags adapts easily to different projects. For London Design Week later this month, Ally is working with artist Dillon Howling. “He had uploaded a drawing of one of our bags to Instagram,” she explains to me. “So you know how you can stalk people these days? I looked up his other work and got in touch with him.” Howling will be creating quirky coat stands for the shop windows. I ask if her children, Hamish and Agnes Lloyd-Platt, are considering joining the company? “I don’t think they’re interested! My daughter is a photographer and she’s doing very well – she shot our latest campaign – but she’s not in the company. My son’s a graphic designer, but I don’t think he’s interested in running a business. It would be too much work!” Ally lives in Hackney, so spends most of her time in East London and cycles two miles to work every day. The area appeals to her creative side. “I like the mix – it’s quite an arty community. I’ve got a market that’s all organic on one side and on the other it’s very international.” I imagine her home to be littered with an array of pictures by established artists, interesting state-of-the-art gadgets and kooky furniture. “I have tons of junk because I collect stuff,” she explains. “I have a collection of painted eggs. I’ve got quite a lot of art – mostly from people that I know.” Not quite the answer I was expecting, but the eggs were painted by her children so I can understand their sentimental nature. Anything else? “I have a thing for chairs. I have an Instagram dedicated to plastic chairs because I kept putting them on [the Ally Capellino] account.” Does she have a favourite? “I have a fibreglass chair that someone gave me, which we used in the lookbook. It’s a beige-coloured chair. I never sit on it; it’s really uncomfortable, but very photogenic.” By the end of our conversation, I think I have unearthed the recipe that has kept Ally Capellino so successful over the years. The ingredients ‘relaxed’ and ‘functional’ are the basis, but it has been updated and rejuvenated each decade with a handful of ‘quirky’. Just like the history of design that has gone before, the brand has evolved to ensure that practical is most certainly not boring. Plus, if there are ever any worries, Ally can always look to her colourful sock collection for inspiration.

“I love Golborne Road. It’s always busy with lots of food and furniture”

Ally Capellino, 312 Portobello Road, W10 All photography: Agnes Lloyd-Platt




World’s thinnest (3,4 mm) automatic flying tourbillon Platinum micro-rotor World’s lightest titanium cage (0,255 g) Hand finished movement, case and dial Hermès alligator strap 100% engineered and made by Parmigiani Manufacture Switzerland




Stroke of Genius You might be more than a little surprised to learn that timepieces and eroticism have often gone hand in hand in watchmaking history. Designers in the past would sometimes play with the theme of libertinism by mechanically recreating suggestive scenes. Richard Mille’s new RM 69 Erotic Tourbillon recalls these controversial timepieces, not just through its evocative name, but through a series of passionate declarations written proudly across the models’ faces. In order for these to be seen clearly at all times, a mechanism has been developed that makes the hands disappear at 8 o’clock, when the push-piece is activated. Designed in collaboration with Audemars Piguet Renaud & Papi, the movement features 505 components and 41 jewels, and the 69-hour power reserve is displayed in a new aperture at 4 o’clock. 30-piece limited edition collection, £591,500 each, available in Richard Mille boutiques;




High Flyer Only a year after the brand began remaking its own movements, Oris presents its second in-house calibre. The Calibre 111 is a hand-wound movement that offers an industry-leading, 10-day power reserve and a patented, non-linear power reserve indicator (designed to look like an airplane’s fuel gauge). Introducing it into the Big Crown ProPilot collection, Oris has added a date function and small seconds subdial at 9 o’clock to create a trio of complications that have not been seen in a watch before. Big Crown ProPilot Calibre 111, from £3,430,

The Butterfly Effect One of a Kind The watches that will be up for sale at the 2015 Only Watch charity auction have been announced. Among 44 pieces from the likes of Boucheron, Breguet, Richard Mille and Patek Philippe, there is a beautiful, enamelled Petite Heure Minute Paillonnée from Jaquet Droz and the striking Tourbillon Souverain Bleu from F.P.Journe. Now in its sixth edition, the biennial Only Watch event raises money to support scientific research into neuromuscular diseases. Discover more about the watches at Phillips London, 30 Berkeley Square, between 24 and 27 October. If you like what you see, be in Geneva for the auction on 7 November.

Harry Winston reopened its Harrods salon last month, providing us with the perfect excuse to revisit the brand’s Premier Collection, which it updated at Baselworld earlier this year. The extraordinary colours on the dials of Precious Butterfly watches, as shown above, are created from the fragile yet extremely iridescent powder found on the wings of butterflies, which Harry Winston harvested through a technique that took three years to develop. The pigments create a kaleidoscope of colours rarely seen on watches, so fascinating that you may barely notice the 57 brilliant-cut diamonds on the bezel. Premier Precious Butterfly collection, POA, Harry Winston;

Retro-Grade The world’s most celebrated calibre lends both its name and its high-frequency performance to Zenith’s supremely sophisticated El Primero Chronograph Classic. It debuted earlier this year, but has only recently arrived in UK stores. Anyone with a penchant for classic watch design will appreciate the piece’s clean lines and understated elegance. It features a case that’s completely new for Zenith, is 42mm in diameter and less than 12mm thick – the perfect companion for any black tie occasion. El Primero Chronograph Classic, £6,100 (stainless steel), £14,700 (rose gold),


Inspired by the

Silver Screen

This month, IWC is headline sponsor of the British Film Institute’s fundraising gala, Luminous; a celebration of British film talent that raises vital funds for the BFI National Archive. In celebration of this, the brand has unveiled a limited-edition timepiece with The Watch Gallery

Photography Š Stuart Wilson


The Cause The BFI National Archive is the UK’s national collection of film and TV and one of the greatest heritage collections in the world. Works in the BFI National Archive include those by all-time great British directors Alfred Hitchcock, David Lean and Emeric Pressburger, by modern masters including Mike Leigh, Stephen Frears, Lynne Ramsay and Steve McQueen, and the earliest examples of silent film and documentary-making in Britain. Keeping the archive alive, which the BFI has done for more than 80 years, relies on a time-consuming, expensive and expert-led process of film preservation and digitisation. Dedicated to the cause is Luminous; its fundraising strategy hopes to ensure the UK’s rich heritage of film and television is protected and made available for the enjoyment of audiences everywhere.

The Event On Tuesday 6 October, some of Britain’s top film stars and industry elite will be raising vital funds at the Luminous gala in partnership with IWC Schaffhausen. Taking place in the gothic splendour of the City’s Guildhall, the evening will be hosted by Jonathan Ross, with the live auction led by renowned auctioneer Lord Dalmeny. This year, the auction will be opened up online, in advance of the night, offering bidders the opportunity to secure a once-in-a-lifetime film experience or extraordinary movie artefact, donated by the BFI’s many supporters and filmmakers. To place a bid for yourself, please visit from 21 September.

The Watches Last month, IWC unveiled the Portugieser Hand-Wound Eight Days Edition ‘BFI London Film Festival 2015’. It is limited to 59 pieces in stainless steel and features an engraved nod to the festival on its case back. The timepiece will be available at The Watch Gallery, IWC’s sole retail partner for the launch. The Swiss watchmaker is also donating a unique ‘1/1’ timepiece for auction at the Luminous gala: the platinum Portugieser Annual Calendar Edition ‘BFI London Film Festival 2015’.

Where to buy The Portugieser Hand-Wound Eight Days Edition ‘BFI London Film Festival 2015’ is available at The Watch

IWC Schaffhausen is the Official Time Partner for the 59th BFI London Film Festival in partnership with American Express, which runs 7-18 October

Gallery stores (Chelsea, Selfridges, Westfield London),, for £8,250




Following the release of the newest Clé de Cartier, first previewed at SIHH this year, Louise Rose takes a closer look at the maison’s most ergonomic model to date


golden key can open any door, as the saying goes and, while Parisian joaillerie and horology house Cartier (which dates back to 1847) has a clientele that includes some of the world’s most affluent and discerning individuals, its heritage has been underpinned, from the start, by an unrivalled attention to design. Indeed, when it comes to its iconic watches, the company has always been keen, and able, to straddle two camps. Its timepieces appeal both to those classicists who appreciate a concise selection of watches that have stood the test of time and to those with an eye for innovation, who may lean towards the wackier models (we’re looking at you, Cartier Crash – although true enthusiasts may describe this venture as more an aesthetic exercise in savoir-faire than a full product departure). The creation of a Cartier timepiece is always a quasi-architectural exercise; every model is characterised by strong lines and a distinctive form. Now joining the rectangular Tank, the square Santos and the perfectly round Ballon Bleu is the curved, ergonomic Clé (meaning key). Available in three diameters – 40, 35 and 31mm – there are 22 models within the new line but they all sit flush against the wrist and boast the same fluid silhouette. As Laurent Feniou, managing director of Cartier UK, explains, the Clé is “both timeless and versatile. Intrinsic to Cartier’s history as a creative watchmaker is our spirit of innovation. A pioneering ethos that is reflected in this new shape.” The tactile,

David Gandy © Cartier


Clé de Cartier watch, 40mm in 18-karat white gold, Eric Maillet © Cartier


Ballon Bleu de Cartier 42mm, Laziz Hamani Š Cartier


Crash skeleton watch, Laziz Hamani © Cartier

Tank Louis Cartier Skeleton Sapphire watch, Laziz Hamani © Cartier

smooth case design is inspired by the simple circle, but what instantly stands out is the winding crown, or key, one of the most distinctive features of the Clé de Cartier, where the sparkling sapphire is being ‘crown guarded’ by the long and sleek case band. Although the use of this precious blue stone is also a feature of many of Cartier’s classic watches, this is the only point of similarity with the Clé. This redesigned approach to setting the time and date, in the form of this pivoting, meticulouslydesigned key, is a standout feature, so much so that it has inspired its product name. Operating the key is easy: simply pull the crown and turn it to set the time and date, and you’ll hear a very satisfying ‘click’ when it is returned to its original position. This is something Cartier passionately describes as “a reassuring sound that enhances the sensorial experience… a sound with echoes of congeniality, quality and the complex inner workings of the finest timepieces”. While for some it may take getting used to, turning something rectangular as opposed to round, it is aesthetically, practically and acoustically pleasing. In its resting state, the pivoting key sits astride the case and its unique construction negates the possibility of accidentally moving the hands once set. When looking at all 22 models within the new watch line, the dial remains a constant feature (although, in true Cartier style, the women’s models mostly have diamond accents). Hands are blue steel to complement the signature jewel in the crown, while dials are all fairly classic in their design, boasting an

Rotonde de Cartier Grande Complication Skeleton watch, Laziz Hamani © Cartier

The winding crown, or key, is aesthetically, practically and acoustically pleasing opalescent guilloché centre, surrounded by a pearlwhite outer rim. Roman numerals are painted in a rich, traditional shade of blue, again nodding to the signature sapphire, while the six o’clock marker is replaced by a subtle aperture for the date. The guilloché centre extends here, bordering the date in a wave motif. As well as the dial, case and key, the Clé de Cartier also boasts a new in-house, self-winding movement developed by Cartier, which has a 42-hour power reserve and effectively takes the place of the ébauche ETA movements, on which the maison formerly relied. Both a technological and design triumph for one of the most established watchmaking houses in the world, we’re pretty sure that we are just getting a taste for the shape of things to come, if you’ll pardon the pun.

Clé de Cartier watch, 31mm in 18-karat pink gold with diamonds, Eric Maillet © Cartier Clé de Cartier watch, 40mm in 18-karat pink gold, Eric Maillet © Cartier





Trade Secret Secrets by Harry Winston, the jeweller’s latest high jewellery collection, pays tribute to its enigmatic founder who, due to an unusual clause in his insurance policy, was forbidden to show his face to the public and was therefore often pictured as a silhouette. Each piece subsequently has its own secret element, such as the Winston Cluster bracelet, which features an emerald discreetly hidden behind the house’s iconic motif. Many of the 29 pieces have also been cleverly designed to be worn in more ways than one. The Secret Wonder revolving medallion necklace, for instance, has been set with round and pear-shaped diamonds on one side but when spun round, it reveals sapphires, aquamarines and diamonds. Secrets by Harry Winston, POA, Harry Winston, 171 New Bond Street, W1S;

Fine Feather Winged, bejewelled creatures set the scene in Lalique’s A/W15 fine jewellery collection, which has been influenced by the Art Nouveau period and its preoccupation with natural motifs. The menagerieinspired line includes the Perroquet collection; inspired by founder René Lalique’s love of parrots, it captures the exotic bird in a number of brightly-coloured forms, including a pendant made of yellow gold, blue, orange and pink sapphires, Paraiba tourmalines and emeralds, matching earrings and a ring.

A New Leaf Cutting Edge Mayfair jeweller Glenn Spiro has spread his wings with his latest collection of unique butterfly pieces, created exclusively for his boutique in Harrods:

“I wanted to create a jewel quite unlike what has been done before… something light and animated that reflects the true spirit of butterflies. We developed a mechanism that makes the butterfly wings flutter while being worn – creating something truly playful and surprising.” – Glenn Spiro

Butterfly natural Burma ruby ring mounted in titanium with 431 brilliant cut Burma rubies and 253 brilliant-cut white diamonds; Butterfly ring made in titanium and white gold, and set with 332 sapphires and 334 diamonds POA, exclusive to Harrods;

This month, jewellery designer Aurélie Bidermann has created an exclusive capsule collection for luxury fashion e-tailer Matches Fashion. Encompassing just seven pieces, the familiar designs take their cues from the jeweller’s Gingko collection, but have been updated in rose gold and navy blue enamel. Aurélie Bidermann explains: “I wanted to play with the DNA of the brand. Nature has always been a great source of inspiration for me, especially the ginkgo leafs… The navy blue enamel was the perfect combination and always suggests travels and serenity to me.” Available from 1 October, prices from £165




2 4 7 1 3 5


10 6 18


Into the Woods From skulls to deadly spiders, take your pick of the most nightmarish fine jewels this Halloween



14 13



1 Magnipheasant necklace, £2,750, Stephen Webster, 2 Thorn earrings, £3,850, Stephen Webster, as before 3 Le Bouquet ring, £4,621, Gaelle Khouri, 4 Pigne gold-tone quartz earrings, £150, Rosantica, 5 Bianca gold-plated onyx necklace, £485, Aurélie Bidermann, 6 Twig gold-plated necklace, £88, Diane von Furstenberg, 7 Dagger Rosary silver necklace, £155, Pamela Love, 8 Lock-up pendant, £1,862, Gaelle Khouri, as before 9 Diamond, agate and rose gold ring, £4,250, Monique Péan, 10 Lucia gold-tone, onyx and volcanic lava necklace, £505, Rosantica, as before 11 Owl ring, £2,759, Gaelle Khouri, as before 12 Diamond, agate, spectrolite and gold earrings, £7,438, Monique Péan, 13 Spider’s Web ring, POA, Buccellati, 14 White diamond bar ring, £918.09, Diane Kordas, available at Dover Street Market, W1S 15 Fly by Night ring, £2,550, Stephen Webster, as before 16 Diamond feather earrings, £5,275, Rosa de la Cruz, 17 Eclipse diamond and moonstone ring, £7,250, Noor Fares, 18 Vanitas ring, £3,400, Solange Azagury-Partridge,



Baroque ‘n’ Roll This November, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) will once again host its star-studded fundraiser Tunnel of Love. The illustrious event will take place in the V&A, a beautiful venue, for what promises to be an extravagant evening of fun games, luxurious prizes and an unmissable after-party. Hugh Edmeades – Christie’s international director of auctioneering – will be on-hand to conduct a once-in-a-lifetime auction of couture fashion, bespoke artwork and unique experiences, with all proceeds going toward the BHF’s Mending Broken Hearts Appeal to help fund ground-breaking research. Tickets are priced at £375 each and can be purchased from the BHF website. 11 November, Tunnel of Love at the V&A, SW7

Jim Chapman and Amber Le Bon for the British Heart Foundation’s Tunnel of Love Photography: Nick Haddow


Illustration: Mai Osawa


& chelsea

Sartorial Elegance

Alexei Leonov, Over the Black Sea, 1973 © The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics

This month the Saatchi Gallery invites you on a journey through the origins of one of the world’s most revered fashion houses in a captivating new exhibition Mademoiselle Privé. Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld will come together to celebrate the brand’s dazzling history in an exclusive event that honours its inspirations and innovations. Installed over three floors of the gallery, the display will highlight Coco Chanel’s famous designs as well as the brand’s more recent developments under Lagerfeld. Showcasing haute couture – including a number of never-before-seen pieces – together with the re-edition of the high jewellery Bijoux de Diamants collection and Chanel’s iconic No.5 fragrance, the exhibition promises to be a must for fashion devotes everywhere.

Standard tickets £14,

spotlight on the royal borough of Kensington & Chelsea: news, events, reviews & local interest stories

© Scienc n poster, ts exhibitio

Discover how Russia kick-started the space age in the Science Museum’s new interactive exhibition Cosmonauts. Showcasing the most significant collection of Russian spacecraft and artefacts ever to be shown within the UK, highlights include the Vostok 6 – the capsule flown by the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova – and the world’s first crewed spacecraft Voskhod 1. Explore the historical and cultural context of Russian space travel against the turbulent backdrop of the 20th century and hear poignant first-hand testimonies from some of the biggest names in spaceflight. Book your tickets now for an exhibition that promises to be out of this world.

e Museum

Lift Off!


Yuri Gagarin before the first space flight, April 12 1961 © RIA Novosti


13 October–1 November, Saatchi Gallery, King’s Road, SW3

A Landmark for Liberty When it comes to great British brands, Liberty is about as iconic Cocktail dress by Ame rican designer Arnold as it gets. Having Scaasi, 1961 using ‘Eus tacia’ Liberty fabric. © Ernestine Carter Arch ive, Fashion Museum been at the cutting , Bath and North East Som erset Council edge of design and decoration since 1875, it should come as no surprise that on its 140th anniversary this year, its trademark colourful designs remain as popular as ever. Head to the Fashion and Textile ‘Bengal’ Bernard Nevill for Liberty and Co. on silk, Museum to witness the hype for 1969 © Copyright of Liberty Fabric Limited yourself, through the museum’s highly-anticipated Liberty in Fashion exhibition. There will be more than 150 garments and textiles on display demonstrating the brand’s strong affiliation with top designers such as Arthur Silver, Yves Saint Laurent and Vivienne Westwood, as well as an inspirational talk on 22 October from Liberty’s current managing director Ed Burstell, who will discuss his meteoric rise to the top of the retail and fashion world. Art Nouveau fashion using ‘Constantia’, 1961 © Liberty London

Anthony Garratt, New Growth, Symonds Yat

Layers in the Landscape

9 October–28 February, Fashion and Textile Museum, 83 Bermondsey Street, SE1;

Anthony Garratt, Bruised Sky, Herefordshire

Anthony Garratt may be a young artist, but he’s already attracting critical acclaim within all the right circles. Anthony Garratt, Clear, Cold, Using the great outdoors Majesty, Snowdonia as his studio, Garratt incorporates sand, rain, wax and flowers among other natural materials in order to create textured, contemporary paintings that capture the hearts and minds of their viewers. His third solo show at the Thackeray Gallery will display more than 30 previously unseen artworks created over the past two years, depicting subject matter inspired by the land and sea. Pieces to be sold range from £650 to £10,000, so grab the chance to purchase one of his works while you can, because this emerging artist promises to be one to watch. Anthony Garratt Exhibition, 18 Thackeray Street, W8

covering kensington, chelsea, knightsbridge, holland park & notting hill


Art Attack

Cause and Effect

For more than 100 years, UK Youth has supported young people by providing them with the tools they need for a brighter future. This year’s Art for Youth London, a highly popular exhibition in aid of the charity, will take place on 5–8 October and will showcase more than 1,000 original pieces by both new and established artists. Among those on show will be last year’s Diana Brooks Prize winner Kate Morgan, as well as other celebrated names such as Afshin Naghouni, Alice Shirley and Louise McNaught. The event, supported by Strutt & Parker, offers guests the rare opportunity to purchase high-quality artwork at affordable prices, from £200 to £5,000, and will be made all the more special thanks to the confirmed attendance of the Princess Royal – one of the charity’s most prominent patrons. 5–8 October, The Mall Galleries, SW1

Few would doubt what an important role the Kensington & Chelsea Foundation plays within our borough, so we caught up with Susan Dolton to discuss her new role as the charity’s director.

Tropicana by Kate Morgan

What attracted you to the K&C Foundation? I am inspired and impressed by the incredible work the foundation has achieved. Since its inception in 2008, it has grown to become an integral part of the local landscape, raising more than £310,000 last year alone. As a non-resident, but someone who visits the borough regularly, I’ve always been struck by how fantastically vibrant and diverse the area is. It’s a flagship for everything that’s special about London. But I quickly discovered that it’s a borough of great contrasts too. Rich and poor live literally side by side, so I was attracted to the idea of addressing these and other key issues. What difference do you hope to make in your new position as director? I am extremely fortunate that the foundation is already in such good shape. With the support of the board and our team, I want to grow our connections in order to help more people. We’d like to become the ‘go to’ place for local giving and community engagement, helping residents, schools and businesses alike.

Hot Wheels VIP Travel puts you in touch with some of the most stunning chauffeur and self-drive vehicles in the UK, and booking your limousine or a fleet of Starline party buses takes just a click of a button. Choose from a variety of impressive vehicles online from vintage wedding cars to polished Bentleys, kid-friendly rides or glamorous limousines, complete with well-stocked bars. Take the pressure off long journeys and put your feet up safe in the knowledge that, whichever ride you opt for, you’re guaranteed to arrive in style. POA,; 0800 888 6969

What are the most pressing issues affecting the area? There are four key areas of concern: housing, health inequalities, educational attainment and the need to enhance employment opportunities for the young and older residents. There’s also a high potential for social isolation, with 62 per cent of over-65s living alone. Can you tell us about the foundation’s initiatives? November sees the launch of our fifth Winter Warmth campaign. For many of the older residents we support, it is literally life-changing and in some cases life-saving. As many as 40 elderly people in the borough die of cold-related illnesses each year, so if you qualify for the Government’s winter fuel allowance, we ask you to consider donating all or part of it to someone who desperately needs it. Is the foundation hosting any events this month? Our autumn celebration is taking place on 28 October at 6.30pm at the V&A. The MP Alan Johnson will be talking about his best-selling book This Boy: A Memoir of a Childhood with BBC Radio 4’s Kirsty Lang. I am sure it will prove fascinating to hear Alan’s personal experience of growing up in the borough. Why not join us?; 020 7229 5499

spotlight on the royal borough of Kensington & Chelsea: news, events, reviews & local interest stories

John Hoyland, Scando 2.10.80 © The John Hoyland Estate Photo: Prudence Cuming Associates

Out of the Borough: A Thirst for Hirst From sharks suspended in formaldehyde to crystal-encrusted skulls, the name Damien Hirst has long been associated with shock value and outlandish art. So imagine our delight when we discovered that the legendary British artist will realise a long-term ambition this October by opening the doors to his very own Newport Street Gallery. Showcasing his unique artwork alongside the creations of those he admires, the gallery will be within short walking distance from Tate Britain and will display more than 3,000 pieces from Hirst’s own private collection. Varying between single artist exhibitions and group shows, entry to the gallery will be free to the public and promises to be a unique artistic experience not to be missed. Newport Street Gallery, Newport Street, SE11 yar Ltd NPSG facade © Kio ing Associates Photo: Prudence Cum

John Hoyland, 9.11.68 © The John Hoyland Estate; Photo: Prudence Cuming Associates

NPSG stairwell © Kioyar Ltd

Celebrations in the Square You are cordially invited to celebrate 25 years of Trotters childrenswear at the end of September with a fun-filled party in Duke of York Square. Entry is free for all and little ones can look forward to a variety of acts, including Gabriella & Octavia’s Fairytale Entertainment and live music by The Dixie Ticklers. Sweet treats come courtesy of Manicomio and Maya Bakery and hours of fun can be had riding the vintage carousel or partaking in a range of exciting arts and craft classes. There’s even a special pampering corner sponsored by Liz Earle, providing the opportunity for parents to put their feet up while their children’s weekend festivities are taken care of. 11am–5pm, 26 September, Duke of York Square, SW3 4LY;

Spel-binding Since opening the doors to its first standalone retail space in Redchurch Street in 2010, authentic English heritage brand Sunspel has launched stores in Old Compton Street, Chiltern Street, Jermyn Street and now in Notting Hill. The new store on Kensington Park Road will be an excellent addition to the neighbouring stylish clothing boutiques, cafés and restaurants. Fitting right into the local scene, the space will house the brand’s men’s and women’s collections, as well as exclusive brand collaborations and projects.

Jemima Cord Pinafore, £40 Little Arabella Smocked Dress, £40

Little Elizabeth Dress, £40

Sunspel, 23 Kensington Park Road, W11;

covering kensington, chelsea, knightsbridge, holland park & notting hill




Hanging, Gujarat, c. 1700, embroidered cotton, IS.155-1953

As the V&A prepares to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its Nehru Gallery dedicated to South Asian art, Jack Watkins heads to its latest exhibition, The Fabric of India In 2003, the Bollywood blockbuster Devdas picked up

Manish Arora ensemble, S/S15 © Manish Arora

Tipu’s Tent © National Trust Images

Woman's jacket designed by Rajesh Pratap Singh, Delhi, A/W10/11 © Victoria & Albert Museum

the BAFTA award for Best Foreign Language Film. The most expensive Bollywood movie ever made, it merely added to a string of earlier gongs, both national and international, that the celebrated production had racked up in its trophy cabinet. Among several acclaimed performances was that of actress Madhuri Dixit. Dressed in traditional Indian costume, swathed in layers of vibrant silk, brocades and sarees, her photo was everywhere, from posters to billboards. One of her dresses, decorated by hand with sequins and mirrors, was so heavy (weighing in at 30kg) that Dixit could only wear it for publicity stills and a lighter version was designed for her to wear while filming scenes. The original dress, the creation of designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla, will be on show in the V&A’s new exhibition – The Fabric of India – placed on a seated mannequin which had to be specially designed to bear the full weight of the costume. But while the dress is shown as an emblem of the pride the country has always taken over the centuries in its traditional handmade costume skills, the early decades of the 20th century in which Devdas was set were actually a period when the Indian textile industry was under severe pressure from cheaper foreign imports. In former times, the beauty of Indian textiles, from chintz-patterned robes and dresses to wall hangings and bed covers, had been much valued through large parts of the world. The show will display three items that show that Indians were exporting fabrics as early as the third century AD. But European industrialisation killed demand, as Jacket and petticoat, dyed cotton lined with linen, Coromandel Coast cheap imitation versions of India’s cloth could be for export to Europe, c.1750 made at a lower cost by machine in the mills of © Victoria & Albert Museum northern England. This cloth was then exported back to India, where it flooded the market and blew a hole in a once thriving national textile economy. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


and Indian craftsmen refused to roll over. Textiles suddenly is inscribed with verses from the Quran in ink and gold became a symbol of national pride and identity as locals paint. A Mughal hunting jacket dating back to the 1620s is grew increasingly restless with British colonial rule. In the densely decorated with silk embroidery against a silk satin 1930s, Gandhi stepped up the calls for Indians to stop background with a repeating pattern of animal and plant life. buying foreign goods and support homemade products, Incredibly, when the garment was first offered to the V&A in urging people to spin and weave their own yarn and fabric by 1929, it was rejected as “an interesting piece, but hardly the hand, producing a cloth known as khadi. Even today some kind of thing we should care to recommend for purchase”. contemporary clothing designs in India still use khadi cloth, On a more modest scale, there are also bandanas; tie-dyed reflecting its retained symbolic potency. silk handkerchiefs from Madras and Bengal, which were Garments made from khadi will be on show in the sold in thousands as neck cloths for sailors, agricultural exhibition, which will also demonstrate the way the saree – labourers and other workers throughout the world in the the traditional dress of India – has been embraced in recent 18th and 19th centuries. years by contemporary designers seeking to incorporate The Fabric of India will be Madhuri Dixit in costume for the film tradition into something fresh and fashionable. Pieces by the first major exhibition to explore Devdas, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 2002 several key designers still using handmade techniques can the processes, history and politics be spotted among the line-up. Among these will be the associated with handmade Indian works of Rahul Mishra and Manish Arora, the New Delhitextiles through the centuries, based designer who often incorporates traditional Indian and it has been a long time in the craft methods like embroidery and beading in his riotously making. The exhibits go far beyond colourful catwalk concoctions. Mishra was the first clothing – one of the centrepieces Indian designer to win the International Woolmark is a huge floral-patterned tent Prize, awarded at Milan’s annual Fashion Week used by the notorious Tipu in 2014. Handmade artisanship has become one Sultan, ruler of the kingdom of the keystones of his approach to design. of Mysore. On loan from Rajesh Pratap Singh is another contemporary Indian fashion designer with an international profile who has also involved himself in domestic initiatives to encourage and perpetuate traditional design methods. One of the exhibits, a woman’s jacket from 2010 that fuses ancient techniques with a modern aesthetic, reflects the fact that this approach isn’t always plain sailing. The design used a traditional technique that involved applying multiple layers of dye with specially carved blocks to create a repeat pattern. But Singh’s design, which incorporated a skull motif, raised issues. Mughal hunting coat, c. 1620-30, embroidered satin with silk, IS.18-1947 He struggled to find a craftsman willing to carve the blocks, owing to the fact that many Powis Castle, having fallen into British hands Muslim artisans had a prohibition against when Tipu Sultan was defeated at the Siege creating representational figures and were of Seringapatam in 1799, it is one of many concerned by the skull’s association with eye-catching artifacts in an intriguing show. death. The solution lay in using digital printing to create a pattern that still retained The Fabric of India, supported by Good Earth the reference to traditional block printing. India, with thanks to Experion and Nirav Modi, For those wanting to trace the heritage is at the V&A from 3 October – 10 January. of Indian fabric, the show tracks back to It is part of the V&A’s autumn India Festival, earlier days when wealth, power and featuring exhibitions, displays, events and religious devotion were expressed digital initiatives. through the lavish display of textiles. A Manish Arora, Butterfly Dress, 2008 © Manish Arora 16th century Islamic talismanic shirt




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1. Peter Monaghan, WINGWONG, intaglio, 2015. Courtesy of Stoney Road Press; 2. Emily Allchurch, Babel London (after Bruegel), Archival c-type print mounted onto aluminium, 2015. Courtesy of GBS Fine Art; 3. Henrik Simonsen, Magenta, 7 colour screen print on Somerset 410gsm paper, 2015. Courtesy of Eyestorm; 4. Annalaura Masciavè, Catherine and the Leave, 2015; 5. Bruce McLean, Tree Fern Shadow, 2015. Courtesy of CCA Galleries; 6. John Stezaker, Untitled, 2009. Cubritt - Gallery Education & Studios; 7. Jacky Tsai, Save Empress Wu, 13 colour screen print with hand-torn edges on Somerset satin 410 GSM paper, 2015. Courtesy of Eyestorm; 8. Georg Baselitz Hon RA, Farewell Bill, line-etching with sugarlift-aquatint, 2014. © Courtesy of RA Editions; 9. Catherine Owens, Mallows Edge, intaglio and emboss, 2015. Courtesy of Stoney Road Press


Prints of the


Murray Macaulay, director of Multiplied and a senior prints specialist at Christie’s, celebrates the sixth year of the UK’s only fair dedicated to contemporary art by encouraging people to buy for love not just investment


ultiplied focuses on editions – prints, artist’s books, photographs and multiples – by prominent contemporary artists and new talent. The word ‘edition’ is a catch-all phrase for any art object made in multiple impressions, using anything from ancient methods to the latest cutting-edge technology. As a prints and multiples specialist at Christie’s, I spend much of my time looking at great works of art from the past. It has always been a courageous endeavour making and publishing prints and part of the fair’s raison d’être is to bring that story firmly into the present.

“In my experience, the best collectors are characterised by their curiosity about the world and other people” Now in its sixth year, Multiplied is the UK’s only fair dedicated to contemporary editions and it is a vibrant place to see art and meet the artists and galleries that make it all happen. Taking place during the Frieze Art Fair, we are welcoming 40 exhibitors from Europe and the UK. This includes leading institutions, such as the Whitechapel Gallery and Nottingham Contemporary; established publishers, such as Flowers Graphics and TAG Fine Arts; and some of the hottest fresh talent, making and promoting editions. Around a third of exhibitors are new to the fair and many will be launching original editions.

Looking at art requires an open mind and, in my experience, the best collectors are characterised by their curiosity about the world and other people. At Multiplied, you can pick up outstanding pieces by artists with international reputations, such as Sir Peter Blake and Grayson Perry. But you can also see and acquire works by artists who are not as widely known, from the UK’s most dynamic graduate institutions, the Royal College of Art, the Royal Academy of Arts and the University of the Arts London, as well as from exciting start-up spaces. There is a chance you might spot the next Damien Hirst, but then again, you might not. Having an eye only on the potential investment return of a work of art is one reason for buying it, but this is very limiting. You will almost certainly find something you love, and in doing so, you’ll be contributing to the cultural economy and helping to sustain the next generation of artists. As well as great editions, there will be a stimulating programme of events, tours and talks by leading artists and specialists to plug into, with opportunities to learn about printmaking and how to start a collection. Additionally, visitors will be able to enjoy breakfast, lunch and tea at the pop-up café Norris, whipped up by leading London caterer William Norris. Even for those who are familiar with Christie’s in South Kensington, Multiplied is a unique experience. Whether a seasoned collector or someone acquiring a work of art for the first time, there is something for everyone. Multiplied, 16–18 October, Christie’s South Kensington, 85 Old Brompton Road, SW7 3LD


It’s never too late...



ART ANTIQUES BY Rebecca Wallersteiner

Caught on Camera Flemish street photographer Herman Selleslags snapped numerous celebrities and rockstars in the ‘60s and ‘70s, including the Rolling Stones, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles. He was also the only photographer allowed on the Fab Four’s Magical Mystery Tour in 1967. The 88-Gallery is showing 35 black-and-white images from his archive, previously unseen outside of Belgium. The gallery’s director, Erik Müllendorff, said, “Selleslags photos were my introduction to rock music when I was 15, so these images form an integral part of my youth. I’m delighted to be the first gallery to bring them to the UK.” Herman Selleslags: The Archive, 9–17 October 88-Gallery, 86–88 Pimlico Road, SW1W;

Photography: Steve Winwood & Traffic © Herman Selleslags Courtesy of 88-Gallery

with artist Daniela Raytchev about her first solo exhibition at Debut Contemporary Q. What inspired this exhibition? A. Inspiration came from my personal experience of an eating disorder and knowing a lot of people who suffered with addiction. I felt it was important to share their stories and show that recovery was possible. Addiction is such a common problem in our society and people often underestimate it and the stigma associated with it. It is an illness and should be treated as one. Q. How did painting help with your recovery? A. Painting in general is very therapeutic and can help anyone. A lot of my work has been introspective with a personal narrative, but I have now moved on; I can be an observer and use art to communicate and share my vision, rather than use it for personal therapy. Q. Your palette is very striking. Is this affected by your emotions? A. I like to work with primary colours, which are bold and simple, yet there is a lot of energy in

them. People find primary colours easier to relate to.

It’s easy to know what makes you feel secure once you know what doesn’t (2015) Kirsty F, 165 x 135cm

Q. How has your project been received? A. The support for my project has been tremendous – from friends and family to celebrities, including Jeff Leach, Gok Wan and Gail Porter, who is herself a recovering addict. But most importantly I am grateful for all the participants who shared their personal stories. Gok Wan, who has suffered from anorexia, said, “I love this project, as it breaks down the myths of addiction.” Q. Your pictures are so full of dynamic energy. What is your background? A. After a foundation course at Saint Martin’s

As You Are... (2015) Self-portrait, 165 x 205cm

School of Art, I achieved a degree at the London College of Fashion. The energy comes from pure joy that painting gives me – I can just let go. Progress Not Perfection, 15–21 October, in support of Beat ( at Debut Contemporary, 82 Westbourne Grove, W2;



Sections vs Intersections by Lina Pigadioti Curated by CM Projects


ATC Pencil Series A3-2. 2014. Pencil on paper ©Renata Fernandez,

Artists Open Weekend This month, meet more than 30 artists and visit their studios in Kensal Green. The fifth Art West Open Studios will take place in six studio buildings located in the Old Oak Common development area, which has become a hive of artistic creativity; catch a glimpse of some painting, print making, ceramics, sculpture, glass, jewellery, photography and more. 17-19 Hythe Road will host Postcards, a sale of anonymous postcards by ArtWest and celebrity artists. Artists Open Studios 2015, 3–4 October;

Fit for a Tsar For centuries Europe’s emperors and royals have collected opulent furniture, tapestries and silver. Christie’s October sales offer you the chance to introduce aristocratic decadence into your own home. Paul van den Biesen, head of sales at Christie’s South Kensington, comments, “Auctions, such as the European Noble and Private Collections, are a great place to find distinctive and eclectic pieces. Among the collections is a selection of furniture and objects from the private home of the esteemed dealer Antoine Chenevière. A leading world authority in 18th century Russian furniture, Chenevière has recently restored his Georgian terraced house and decorated it with a seamless mix of exquisite antiques and contemporary art.” Christie’s South Kensington, 85 Old Brompton Road, SW7 Clockwise, from top: An Italian clear and polychrome-beaded gueridon, first half 20th century, possibly Murano; Estimate: £8,000-12,000; A pair of Russian armchairs, first half 19th century; Estimate: £3,000-5,000; An Italian ormolu-mounted walnut commode, late 18th / early 19th century; Estimate: £6,000-10,000

Falling Leaves New work by internationally-renowned Greek artist Lina Pigadioti, shown at the Lacey Gallery, explores the theme of time and decay. Sections vs Intersections is the artist’s debut solo exhibition of paintings, etchings and collages, curated by Christina Mitrentse. Drawing inspiration from her family history, religion, iconography and bones collected on her travels, Pigadioti has created painted panels and collages imbued with the mystical feeling of Greek religious figures. Her modern take on iconic art has a timeless beauty and offers a powerful exploration of her personal spiritual journey. Sections vs Intersections; 27 October–2 November Lacey Contemporary Gallery, 8 Clarendon Cross, W11


Power by Michel Ajerstejn. Photosculpture on wood, 98 x 92 x 10cm, £3,200 at Envie d’Art Gallery

Battersea will be buzzing this October as the Affordable Art Fair celebrates its 50th edition. Working in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, photography and prints, 1,100 artists from around the globe will be presenting their work. The artists and their 112 dealers will be happy to talk to you about their art and techniques. Artwork is priced from an affordable £100 to £5,000 – so there will be original art to suit every pocket. Visitors can develop their own artistic skills by taking part in a series of fun workshops and tours during the fair. Affordable Art Fair, Battersea Park, 22–25 October Tickets £10–20;

with French artist Aude Grasset about her life and work in Notting Hill

Still from A Minute Ago, 2014, Rachel Rose Courtesy of the artist and Pilar Corrias, London

Q. Your have work has been exhibited on the Saatchi website and at the Royal Academy of Arts, but how did you discover your love for painting? A. My mother was an artist, so I always painted with her; she’s the one who trained me. But that was her patch, so I rebelled – instead of art school, I went to study economics. Q. What are your inspirations? A. For my portraits, first, I was inspired by my children and by day-to-day life. After that, I moved into stolen moments, such as people in cafés. Then I lost my brother, so that changed my approach. My figurative work became more surrealistic and abstract. Suddenly, it was more internal, it was more about my feelings, transformation and the transience of life. Q. What is your creative process? A. I do some initial sketches and then enlarge the concept and paint it in colour. It’s more of an intuitive approach from there; I just see where it leads me. To finish, I use a special resin, which takes 24 hours to dry, and then blow torch it, like crème brûlée. Q. What brought you to Notting Hill? A. I’ve been living here for 20 years, and there’s still such a community. It’s like a village; we have summer parties where the long-timers get together.

Challenging Conceptions This autumn the Serpentine Galleries welcomes American video artist Rachel Rose. Julia PeytonJones, the Serpentine’s director said, “The Serpentine Sackler Gallery serves as a perfect setting for Rose’s beautifully poetic, multi-layered works.” Her most recent videos tackle the issue of humanity’s changing relationship with the natural world and our growing use of technology. Interweaving two of her most recent videos – A Minute Ago and Palisades in Palisades – Rose creates an immersive environment through movement, sound and colour. A Minute Ago begins with a video of a sudden and apocalyptic-like hailstorm in Siberia, over which Rose layers a sound recording of Pink Floyd’s Echoes playing to an empty amphitheatre in Pompeii. Palisades by Rachel Rose, 1 October–8 November, Serpentine Sackler Gallery

Draw Me Close by Dia Batal

Q. Can you tell us about Open Art Spaces? A. The open studios started a few years ago with the support of the Kensington and Fulham councils. It enables more people to show their work, get discovered, and also to give a sense of community. I transformed one part of my home into a gallery with two other artists, and it worked really well. Look out for me again this year! Q&A by Elizabeth Finney Aude Grasset with Open Art Spaces, 10–11 October;

Art of Arabia A new exhibition by Lebanese artist Dia Batal at The Mosaic Rooms seeks to engage audiences in contemporary issues of identity and belonging. Batal uses the art of Arabic calligraphy to transform text into beautiful objects, many of which explore her own Palestinian heritage. Playing on the Beach is a Dangerous Course features embroidered panels using traditional Palestinian cross-stitch to commemorate four boys killed by an Israeli missile strike on a beach in Gaza; a timely piece considering this year marks the anniversary of the 50-day Israeli-Gaza war.

Asteroid Belt

Aude Grasset holding Colonisation

Down Memory Lane From 27 October, the Museum of Brands will be opening its doors at its new premises on Lancaster Road. It will be twice as large as before and with a separate exhibition space. Founded by consumer historian Robert Opie, the museum displays 12,000 eclectic objects. History fans can enjoy the museum’s nostalgic ‘time-tunnel’ trail, taking visitors back 100 years to 1915, and beyond. Museum of Brands, 111–117 Lancaster Road, W11;

Tracing Landscapes, 9–27 September; The Mosaic Rooms, 226 Cromwell Road, SW5;


The Writing

on theWall

From Banksy to Bambi and Plastic Jesus, REBECCA WALLERSTEINER looks at the evolution of street art and the gallery that has stuck by it


T Opposite page, from left: You Make Me Snarl; Marilyn; and Angelina Superhero by Bambi This page, clockwise from top: Stop Making Stupid People Famous; Warchild, both by Plastic Jesus; Big Girls Need Big Diamonds (Liz Taylor) by Bambi

his year heralds the 25th birthday of Walton Fine Arts in its Knightsbridge location, a milestone which is being celebrated by the gallery throughout October, as well as Frieze London from 14 October, with special art exhibitions, talks and events. As one of London’s most exclusive and buzzing galleries, specialising in emerging and blue-chip pop and street art, it has recently doubled in size making it one of the world’s largest street art specialists with over 7,000 sq ft of exhibition space. “After opening its doors in 1990, Walton Fine Arts began by dealing with high-profile artists including Picasso, Chagall, Miró, Matisse and Bacon. A few years later it became one of the first galleries in the UK to deal in street art by names such as Banksy and Nick Walker before they were wellestablished,” said Michael Sakhai, the gallery’s director. Some people may question what separates graffiti from vandalism; it is an ongoing point of discussion. Forty years ago, writer Norman Mailer published an essay in which he declared the graffiti of the New York subway to be “The Great Art of the ‘70s”. Critics of this art form might be surprised to learn that it’s not a recent development; 30,000 years ago when early man wasn’t hunting mammoths, he drew on cave walls using similar stencil methods to today’s street artists. In the caves of Grottes d’Arcy-sur-Cure in France, there is a Palaeolithic imprint of a human hand created by a cave artist holding their hand against the wall, while someone else (most probably a Neanderthal equivalent to Banksy) blew pigment at it. Graffiti has also been found in 13,000-yearold caves in Patagonia and in ancient Orkney tombs. The desire to leave a mark seems to be a primordial human instinct that unites people across time. When anonymous street artist Banksy’s revolutionary and politically inspired graffiti first began cropping up in Bristol in the 1990s, it caused waves of excitement in his hometown. “Although his witty and thought-provoking work has changed the face of contemporary art, Banksy’s identity remains completely unknown. That is why he is so fascinating,” Sakhai commented. Now street art is experiencing a golden age, appearing in the West End, Chelsea and Knightsbridge galleries, and its creators are recognised as very skilled artists. More recently, the gallery has brought the mysterious London Street artist ‘Bambi’ to the public. Dubbed ‘the female Banksy’, for nearly eight years Bambi has been brightening up London, daubing outside walls and spaces with playful pop culture images and portraits of timeless celebrity icons such as Her Majesty The Queen. In 2012, Walton Fine Arts hosted Bambi’s premiere world solo show to great acclaim. Collected

Now street art is experiencing a golden age, and its creators are recognised as skilled artists



by Angelina Jolie, Adele, Robbie Williams, Rihanna and Harry Styles, Bambi’s identity remains a closely guarded secret. No one knows whether she is a classically trained painter, a pop star or even a rebellious member of the Royal Family looking for a creative outlet. Her playful stencil work has featured Prince William and Kate, as well as Amy Winehouse. Rumour has it that actor Brad Pitt bought one of Bambi’s original re-interpretations of Prince William and Kate’s official engagement photo as a gift for Angelina Jolie. Other street artists, like Plastic Jesus, use their art to make political statements. “We became aware of the work of Plastic Jesus when he approached us, as artists do by their dozens every day,” said Sakhai. “We were struck by the sincerity and originality. People immediately reacted to his work and it snowballed from there.” Even Banksy admired Plastic Jesus’s work and paid him the ultimate compliment by copying one of his pieces Graffiti is a Crime in his recent Better Out Than In exhibition. “For the emerging artist it was important to be referenced

Clockwise from top: Amy (Street Piece in Camden), Bambi; Yeezus (Kanye West), Plastic Jesus; Walton Fine Arts

“We were struck by the sincerity and originality of Plastic Jesus’s work” and endorsed by Banksy, who placed his work on his Instagram page where it received more likes than any Banksy images!” Sakhai explained. Apart from his hero Banksy, Plastic Jesus’s thousands of worldwide fans include celebrities Charlize Theron, Miley Cyrus and Juliette Lewis. Last year, Plastic Jesus’s Stop Making Stupid People Famous went viral and was shared and commented on by thousands of people. This caught the world’s attention and achieved an international following. VIPs bought the original artworks and posted photos of themselves with the pictures. It’s not the only time Plastic Jesus has hit the headlines; earlier this year, three days before the Academy Awards, a life-sized Oscar statuette doing lines of cocaine

mysteriously appeared on Hollywood Boulevard. Hollywood’s Best Party, anonymously created by Plastic Jesus, challenged Los Angeles’ acceptance and use of illicit drugs and drew attention to the pressures that Hollywood’s actors are under and the ease with which cocaine can be obtained in any major city. The golden statue was made from fibre glass and the cocaine from crushed aspirin, which sat alongside a genuine rolled-up bank note and a specially-created Plastic Jesus black ‘American Excess’ card – a far cry from the Neanderthal hand prints of old. Walton Fine Arts Gallery,152–154 Walton Street, SW3 2JJ 020 7581 2332;


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10.09.15 11:37


A Passage to India Anthropologist Dr Phyllida Jay has woven her extensive knowledge of India’s rich fashion history into her new tome. Presenting 350 illustrations and exclusive designer profiles, Fashion India examines the relationship between Eastern and Western fashion, and challenges outdated notions about conventional Indian dress, as designers continue to reinvent traditional garments such as the sari. The book showcases established names in the industry, including JJ Valaya, Manish Arora and Tarun Tahiliani, alongside up-and-coming labels, such as Aneeth Arora and Little Shilpa. Divided into six thematic chapters, Jay covers different areas of fashion, from ready-to-wear to bridal and Bollywood, in order to highlight the diversity of contemporary Indian style. Fashion India, £18.95, available from 21 September, Thames & Hudson;

White cotton kehdia by Pero, Aneeth Arora. Photography: Tarun Khiwal for Elle India, August 2013 (p.103)


Photography: Pop Wife #1 (model in front of fridge), 2007; chromogenic print, medium 40 x 33in, edition of 10 and 2 APs All images courtesy of: Miles Aldridge




Personal Portrait, 2011

Dinner Date

Best known for his technicolour, Valley of the Dolls-esque fashion photography, Miles Aldridge will be hosting a one-night-only dinner at restaurant M, in honour of Frieze London. He talks to Lauren Romano about borrowing his dad’s camera, getting his big break at Vogue and inviting Federico Fellini to his fantasy dinner party


he first camera Miles Aldridge started out with was of the video, not film, variety and his photographic portrayals of modern day life still lean heavily on cinematic influences. So much so that when tasked with creating a fantasy dinner party guest list, the first name that sprung to mind was the late, great Italian film director Federico Fellini. I mention seating plans, fantasy or otherwise, as this month Aldridge will be toasting the art calendar’s autumnal highlight, Frieze London, by throwing a special dinner party at restaurant M in the City. Named Art On A Plate And In A Frame, Aldridge will regale diners with the stories behind some of his most celebrated pieces, some of which hang in the restaurant itself. Although he’ll be staying out of the kitchen (executive chef Michael Reid will be in charge of the food), several of his most well-known works are no stranger to an appliance or two; a woman whisking up a cake mix here; another stocking the fridge with colourful bottles of fizz there. In fact, many of Aldridge’s

dazed but captivating domestic goddesses radiate a fine line between beauty and unease. Having had his work published everywhere from Vogue to The New York Times, as well as included as part of the permanent collection at the National Portrait Gallery and the V&A, Aldridge is at the epicentre of an industry that is often tarnished with the consumerist brush. But his vivid, subversive compositions provide a counterpoint – one that recognises that you can’t buy happiness at any price. For his acclaimed 2013 collection I Only Want You to Love Me, Aldridge doesn’t disguise the fact that at the root of a number of his unsettling images lies his mother, who died suddenly when he was in his 20s, leaving him questioning who she really was. The woman who bought him up was something of an enigma, a glamorous presence who continually cooked and cleaned, but who on reflection, he decides, probably felt trapped by it all. Here he shares some more memories of a life lived behind the lens…


“There haven’t been too many disasters, unless you count the time that I was drunk without any trousers on” Photography: Trunk Food #4 (model with ice-cream), 2007; chromogenic print, medium - 40 x 33in; edition of 10 and 2 APs. Large - 60 x 50in

I didn’t necessarily make a decision to choose fashion as my subject; it was simply that it was Vogue who encouraged me and gave me my break. When I first started out my sister was one of my early subjects. She was also a model and pregnant at the time with my future nephew. The Guardian asked me to shoot her for a story entitled ‘pregnant brides’. There are really too many memorable shoots to list. I always have a clear vision of what I want before starting out on set. There haven’t been too many disasters, unless you count the time that I was drunk without any trousers on, but that was just at the beginning of my career and actually the pictures surprisingly weren’t that bad. There are some that accuse the fashion world of being guilty of glamorising reality, but I am not. My images oppose the idea that glamour and riches will make you happy. My female subjects evoke a feeling of unease, but life is about unease and my work is about life not fantasy. The industry is what it is, but I love that it supports my vision. The relationship between artist and patron is often antagonistic. Just imagine what the Pope expected from Michelangelo when he commissioned him to paint the Sistine Chapel. It was almost certainly not the orgy of flesh and sensuality that he got. I think social media will have zero effect on the future of photography. Instagram on the whole is not about photography, but about telling the world that you are having a ‘great’ time with multiple dubious hashtags. Swiping images on a phone is the exact opposite of looking at photographs in a book or at an exhibition.

My father, an art director at Penguin Books, bought a Nikon F camera to photograph The Beatles. When I was about 10 years old he taught me how to use it. I remember he told me always to focus on the eyelashes and I still do. I actually wanted to be a film director. Back when I was working as a (really bad) video director, my girlfriend decided that she wanted to give modelling a go, so I took some pictures of her with my father’s Nikon F. She got an agent and during a ‘go-see’, as they say in the industry, at Vogue, they asked her who took the pictures, to which she replied “my boyfriend”. “He’s good!” they said, “Tell him to come and see us.” So I did and it went from there.

Art collectors and the public are taking photography much more seriously as an art form than they used to. Practically every important artist – from Picasso to Bacon, Warhol to Richter – has exploited the photographic image. The very idea that the camera is not capable of making art, whereas a paint brush is, just doesn’t stand up. Richard Avedon, Irving Penn and Helmut Newton have all influenced me. At home I have a display of black-and-white 10”x 8” prints of past movie stars that I took from a cinema bookshop when it was closing down. It reminds me that fame passes, and that if my photography career had never taken off, I would have made the movie I set out to. Art On A Plate And In A Frame takes place on 17 October at 8pm, with tickets at £95 per person M, 2-3 Threadneedle Walk, EC2,


Photography: Home Works #1 (model in kitchen), 2008, chromogenic print, small - 20 x 15in - edition of 10 and 2 APs; medium - 40 x 30in - edition of 10 and 2 APs


Fall in Line Geometry was the buzzword at Salvatore Ferragamo’s A/W15 catwalk show, as creative director Massimiliano Giornetti explored the possibilities of high waistlines, structured silhouettes, clean-cut necks and asymmetric cloaks. The collection includes elegant below-the-knee tweed skirts, which elongate one’s frame with vertical pleats and can be contrasted with woolly capes and ponchos knitted horizontally for the perfect autumnal outfit.

Image courtesy of: Baron & Baron (art director), and Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot (photography)

HER STYLE By olivia sharpe

Walk the Line

Five classic Aspinal of London bags have been revamped in playful new styles, courtesy of contemporary fashion-forward brand être cécile. Departing from the traditional, English aesthetic for which Aspinal is known, the collaborative collection of rucksacks, totes, trunk bags and wallets features bright neon colours, plaid prints and bold 1990s-inspired graphics. Our personal favourite is the Mayfair handbag, arriving in plaid or cobalt blue and pink with a neon finish.

Amanda Wakeley was inspired by the nomadic tribespeople from Mongolia’s remote subarctic Taiga for her Winter 2015 collection, but there was certainly nothing directionless about what arose. Incorporating their use of textured layering and architect Tadao Ando’s sensitive treatment of light, items include mohair jackets, cashmere jumpers and tartan trousers. The piece that particularly stood out for us, however, is the graphic black lace jumpsuit; a showstopping alternative to a classic evening gown.

Aspinal x être cécile Mayfair handbag in navy plaid, £695;

Graphic black lace jumpsuit, £795

Check Mate

Tie the Knot

Team America When you hear stories of people travelling around countries in search of something, the quest is usually about self-fulfilment and not, as was the case for Coach’s creative director Stuart Vevers, about finding inspiration for his latest clothing collection. Then again, after seeing what he has created for the brand’s Fall 2015 range, we are very glad he did. The result of five summers spent roaming the US, it is made up of quintessentially American wardrobe staples, with key pieces including a ‘70s-inspired shearling pea coat, a ‘Wanted’ leather biker jacket, and pocket dresses in prairie prints, all now available to buy at Selfridges.

M’s the Word Ahead of the brand’s 40th anniversary next year, Escada has released a new handbag in celebration of this milestone. Dedicated to the brand’s founder Margaretha Ley, the ML40 satchel marks an exciting new direction for Escada with its sleek and simple aesthetic, featuring a single handle with a flap closure, and detachable shoulder strap. It comes in three sizes - Maxi, Midi and Mini - and several colours, such as cobalt blue, burgundy and black, all of which have been hand-finished in nappa leather. ML40 handbag, prices from £1,050 Available from 1 October

With the burgeoning trend for bespoke reaching an all-time high, Burberry has taken this one step further with its newly launched Scarf Bar service. Now available at all stores, it offers customers an extended range of the house’s iconic scarves, with new shades, prints and a variety of thread colours for monogramming. Made from 100 per cent cashmere in two distinguished mills in the towns of Elgin and Ayr in Scotland, we predict the scarves will be on many people’s wishlist this Christmas. The Burberry Scarf Bar, 2 Brompton Road, SW1X

£575 for dress, £1,900 for Shearling Pea coat, and £475 for Wanted Surrey satchel. Available at Selfridges London;

Knickers Forever Singer Paloma Faith stars in Agent Provocateur’s new A/W15 campaign, ‘Knickers Forever’. Faith has been shot by photographer Alice Hawkins playing dress up in the backrooms and cleaning the windows of the original Soho store (which first opened in 1994), all the while sporting the brand’s latest range of lingerie and hosiery. The iconic ‘Knickers Forever’ neon signs that continue to emblazon the boutique have become the driving concept behind the accompanying social media campaign, which offers fans a real insight into what goes on behind those debauched doors. Peek if you dare.

Paloma Faith for Agent Provocateur, shot by Alice Hawkins



Carmine red floral patchwork quilted cotton trench coat, £2,295, Burberry Prorsum, Gold and pearl earrings, £1,735, Diego Percossi Papi Diamond Butterfly ring, £14,700, NOA, both at Talisman Gallery, 020 7201 8582


Smoke & Mirrors

Reflect the glamorous mood of the season and get into the party spirit with shimmering gowns, jacquard prints, metallic embellishments and sequined accessories Photographer:

Phillip Waterman


Jess Stebbings

Metallic brocade Jackie dress, £1,470, Stella McCartney, 30 Bruton Street, W1J Gold clutch bag, £550, Butler & Wilson, Gold and pearl earrings, Talisman Gallery, as before Double Angel Skinny bracelet, Messika, £23,700, Harrods, 87-135 Brompton Rd, SW1X

Darcy sequinned silk gown, £8,850, Ralph Lauren collection, Diamond earrings, £12,890, Amrapali, 55 Beauchamp Place, SW3

Jacquard jacket, £830, shirt, £230, and jacquard trousers, £520, all Carven, 85 Pelham Street, SW7 Earrings, £169, Amishi, Candice sandals, £470, Pedro Garcia,

Rose dress, POA, DVF, Diamond earrings, ÂŁ14,500, Amrapali, as before Diamond ring, ÂŁ3,525, Bee Goddess, Harrods, as before

Embellished dress, POA, Philipp Plein, Earrings, ÂŁ279, Amishi, as before

Jacquard coat, £1,900, Erdem, 70 South Audley Street, W1K Diamond earrings, £14,500, Amrapali, as before Diamond ring, Bee Goddess, Harrods, as before

stylist's assistant: Jas Reif hair & make-up: Celia Guiney using Kevin Murphy and Cosmetics à La Carte photographer's assistant: Kevin Baker MODEL: Jhenyfy @ Nevs Models Shot on location at the Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London in the Deluxe Park Suite

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I Spy…

50 Shades of Grey It’s time to update your wardrobe this month with a range of smart tailored pieces courtesy of Jaeger. Remaining true to the British fashion house’s rich 130-year heritage, the A/W15 range plays on the many facets of grey, while also introducing standout colours, such as mustard yellow and deep azures. Traditional tailoring is reinvented with contemporary new cuts, premium fabric constructions and bespoke-style details. With blazers, trousers and overcoats crafted from British heritage tweed and a classic monochrome palette running throughout, these timeless pieces are sure to tick all the right boxes for the discerning modern man.

...the perfect turtleneck for the aspiring secret agent. Donned by Daniel Craig in the official teaser poster for the highly-anticipated film Spectre, N.Peal’s mock turtleneck sweater is the perfect addition to your autumn wardrobe. Crafted from a blend of cashmere and silk-worsted yarn, the sweater is comfortable and lightweight enough for officewear, casualwear and even for abseiling down buildings (if you should so wish). Available in sizes XS to XXL, whether you opt for charcoal grey or lapis blue, you can’t go wrong with this classic cut, which is a welcome addition to any man’s wardrobe (whether or not he has Craig’s toned physique). £199, available from

Jaeger, 145 King’s Road, SW3

HIS STYLE By gabriella dyson

Tinker Tailored Enter the mysterious and exciting world of espionage with Turnbull & Asser’s bold new winter collection. Playing homage to the golden age of spy films, the dapper new range will explore both formal and informal modes of dressing, as well as introducing a new range of eveningwear, dubbed ‘The Nocturnalist’. Tailored shirts come in a simple and fresh colour palette to cleverly disguise the complex ‘code’ within their weaving. As a nod to the flamboyant master criminal, a number of woven silk smoking jackets will also be on offer, available in a choice of vintage micro repeats (taken from original 1950s archives) or updated spy motifs. Each piece will be strictly limited edition so make sure you act fast if you want to suit up in style.

Perfect Stranger Belstaff has truly outdone itself with its new short film, Outlaws, due for release on 22 September. Directed by Geremy Jasper and with Liv Tyler as executive producer, the surreal film features a star-studded cast, including Cathy Moriarty, Harvey Keitel, Katherine Waterston and David Beckham, who plays ‘The Stranger’; a mysterious motorcycle stuntsman haunted by memories of a beautiful Trapeze Artist, all the while being hunted by a maniacal director seeing revenge. Buy the Outlaws wardrobe and win tickets to the exclusive premiere on 21 September by visiting the website now.




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I T.

In craftsmanship and technology, Wolf stands alone. Its professional performance helps you make the most of every meal. 251 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, London SW3 2EP 0845 250 0010

lifestyle Baroque Bubbles Bathrooms are rarely so glamorous as those created by Portuguese design house Maison Valentina. Known for its signature opulence and attention to detail, each element of the studio’s exclusive bathroom range is handcrafted by the in-house team of artisans to ensure that only the finest quality finish is achieved. The futuristic Newton design brings new meaning to your standard ‘bubble bath’, composed of space-age black lacquer and gold-plated spheres, and finished with a high-gloss varnish. Likewise the Eden freestanding sink adds the perfect Midas touch to your bathroom, crafted from highly polished casted brass. Enquire today to find out how to bring this unique bathroom experience into your own home. Newton bathtub, POA,


EAT – SLEEP –WALK – PLAY Stylish products and accessories which fuse effortlessly with your home For the dog less ordinary



BY Gabriella Dyson

The Twilight Zone The Palmetto collection by Harlequin owes its conception to early morning strolls through dewy woods and twilight walks around scented gardens. The collection of wall coverings presents six prints capturing these landscapes, all of which have been presented on both silks and natural linens, and embellished with luxurious textured threads and foiling. Depicting a wealth of blooms along with delicately drawn ostrich feathers and dragonflies, the range is ideal for those transitional months between autumn and winter. Each print comes in a variety of intense colour combinations, such as ink and chartreuse and seaglass and willow, and can be complemented by three matching weaves and Belvedere velvets. Palmetto collection,

Fully Charged Silver Lining Last month saw renowned silversmith Georg Jensen open the doors of its new and exclusive silver room in Harrods. Showcasing design classics from the likes of Henning Koppel and Sigvard Bernadotte, you’ll be spoilt for choice thanks to its wide array of candelabras, picture frames, christening gifts and cutlery on offer, as well as no doubt a little dazzled by the sheer beauty of the craftsmanship on display. To celebrate the launch in true Jensen style, the studio has also created an exclusive silver bonbonnière based on an original 1908 design, which has been elegantly adorned with green agate in homage to the iconic Harrods colours. Luxury Home 4, 2nd Floor, 87-135 Brompton Road, SW1X;

Above: Georg Jensen bonbonnière in sterling silver and green agate, £6,640, exclusive to Harrods Left: Allan Scharff sterling silver vase, £1,300

While the Strut LaunchPort is still a strong contender for the world’s most advanced charger, there can be no dispute that it has already won the prize for the world’s most attractive. Cheap plastic cables are a thing of the past thanks to this miracle pedestal, which can charge your personal devices through magnetic induction alone. Power is transferred through the LaunchPort and into your phone or iPad via special matching cases, which can be purchased in a variety of luxurious finishes. Whether you opt for a classic walnut burl, a stylish stainless steel coating or even a daring leopard print, this state-of-the-art machine is sure to make a stylish statement in your home. From £320,




Showcasing Style In celebration of its 30th anniversary, David Collins Studio will showcase design at its very best over the course of two days at Phillips on Berkeley Square this October. The exhibition, which is open to the public, aims to give an insightful and intelligent look at the studio’s body of work since its inception in 1985 and will preview some of its most recent and future projects. On the evening of 22 October, a private panel will be held in association with Walpole to explore its remarkable work across the residential, hospitality and retail sectors. The event will also see the launch of The David Collins Foundation, which will provide support for young designers and artists in their budding careers in honour of the late design maestro David Collins himself. 22-23 October, Phillips, Berkeley Square, W1J

Atelier showroom in Rome

The Flagship has Landed Achille Salvagni Atelier’s new flagship store arrives in the heart of Mayfair this month, providing the district’s bourgeoning arts scene with luxury interiors and designs of the finest quality. The Atelier has fast become synonymous with timeless furniture, utilising the finest quality materials such as mahogany, rosewood, Royal Oak and laurel in its designs, as well as luxurious durables such as onyx, bronze and gold. Having made cabinets for the Quirinal Palace and collaborated with artisans from the Vatican City, it is fair to say Atelier is no stranger to grandeur and excellence. No doubt this scrupulous attention to detail and impressive resumé will be reflected in the specially curated Mayfair display, which is set to change its interior layout entirely on a six-week rotational basis. Opens 1 October, 12 Grafton Street W1S;

Jonathan Adler Giant Sputnik chandelier, £1,995

Switched On Adding a dose of glamour to your room is as simple as flicking a switch thanks to Jonathan Adler’s new A/W15 lighting collection. Self-described as “part Palm Beach and part Upper East Side chic”, Adler’s trademark aesthetic of ‘Modern American glamour’ is highlighted in an interlocking Puzzle table lamp and chic Maxime column floor lamp. But for a truly standout fixture, look no further than the Giant Sputnik chandelier – an impressive modern reimagining of a retro design classic. Giant Sputnik chandelier, £1,995;

Jonathan Adler A/W15 collection

Maximinus vases by Toscari

Tailored Talents In line with The London Design Festival 2015, architectural studio and online gallery Matter of Stuff will present its own exhibition celebrating its roster of European talents. The event will showcase the conceptual elements of the designers’ artwork, as well as providing thoughtful insights into the processes and methodologies involved in creating such masterful pieces. Artists to look out for include Sacha Walckhoff and her exquisite glasswork, and Carolina Melis and her Mio Karo range of rugs and textiles. Matter of Stuff will also host a programme of talks, video presentations and live performances. From 23-25 September, The Hospital Club, 24 Endell Street, WC2H;

Verreum Reverso by Sacha Walckhoff




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Ahead of the Bonhams London to Brighton Veteran Car Run, Gabriella Dyson finds out from Abels what it takes to handle the mountain of luggage involved in the world’s longest-running motoring celebrations

If you happen to be in Hyde Park in the early hours of Sunday 1 November, you’ll no doubt run into hundreds of veteran car enthusiasts and their cherished vehicles. Braving the anticipated showers and crisp winter air, these seasoned aficionados are united in their passion for one of the biggest and longest-running motoring events in the world. “The annual London to Brighton Veteran Car Run is the biggest veteran car event in the calendar,” John Watson, managing director for Abel’s UK residential sector, tells me. “Several thousand people gather together to see the drivers off and to soak up the sights and sounds of yesteryear.” Hundreds of beautifully maintained automobiles line up at the starting point, while thousands of eager spectators gather along the run’s 60-mile route. However, Watson explains that many of these pre-1905 vehicles, of which there are more than 500, were not built with luggage in mind. “Our role is to make life easier for everyone involved,” he says. “We collect their baggage in London and transport it down to Brighton where participants can collect it from us at the sea front or choose to have it delivered directly to their hotel.” It’s no mean feat, but Abels has always risen to the occasion. As experts in logistics and moving services, collating all that luggage at the start of the run is something of a walk in the park. Its signature cornflower blue lorries work like clockwork from sunrise to sunset in order to provide the sort of quality service its clients have come to expect over the years. Having been a proud sponsor of the Veteran Car Run since 2010, it was only natural that Abels would gradually come to play a more significant role in the organisation of the event. Each year, the Royal Automobile Club hosts an upscale cocktail party on the Saturday at its headquarters on Pall Mall,


prior to the main event, providing the perfect opportunity for participants to celebrate their mutual passion in a relaxed, yet formal, setting. Abels has been quick to adapt to its new organisational role by getting this venue primed and ready to go, proving its worth not only as a skilled moving service but as a master of the art of event management as well. The whole affair promises to be a roaring good time, but for a busy moving company such as Abels, November offers not one, but two, highlights in the motoring calendar. While the company won’t be entering any automobiles into the Bonhams Run itself, the annual Regent Street Motor Show provides the ideal opportunity to show off its own veteran vehicles. Taking over one of London’s busiest shopping streets for an entire day, this year you can expect to find an authentic horse-drawn pantechnicon dating back to 1896 (the same year as the Emancipation Run for London to Brighton) alongside some of Abels’ other unique and exciting motors.;



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Catch Me if You Can It has been exactly a year since Harrods’ Shoe Heaven opened – the celestial footwear emporium built for devout shoe lovers everywhere – and in celebration of its anniversary, it has launched a new limited edition collection; Catch Me if You Can. The department store called upon 20 luxury brands – including Charlotte Olympia, Christian Louboutin, Prada, Giuseppe Zanotti and Balenciaga – to let their imaginations run wild and create their own unique pair of trainers. Fusing fashion and function, designs range from Dolce & Gabbana and Casadei’s opulent bejewelled creations to Givenchy’s more pared down monochrome skater shoes. Catch Me if You Can, available at Shoe Heaven, Fifth Floor, Harrods 87-135 Brompton Road, SW1X;

Silver Lining After working for five years at Chanel, make-up artist Peter Philips understands what it takes to make a good cosmetics range. Capturing the playfulness and seductiveness of the Dior woman, his debut Fall 2015 colour collection for the French brand includes bold and dramatic eyes as seen at the A/W15 catwalk show, with graphic metallic shades making a strong appearance. The new long-wearing fluid shadow comes in six hues and revolutionises the art of applying make-up, requiring only one stroke to bathe eyes in radiant light. The avant-garde metallic silver is our personal favourite. Dior Addict Fluid Shadow in metallic silver, £25

Ride of your Life For those of us with busy lives, it is good to know that when we actually get round to doing a workout, we are getting the most out of it. This is where Ride Republic comes in. Newly opened this year, the cycling studio, founded by Katie O’Connor, is built on the philosophy that “strong is the new skinny” so each high-intensity session has been created to give you the optimum workout. She comments: “Our studio is designed to be a place where you enjoy spending time, take ownership of your goals and leave in a better state of mind than when you arrived.” If you really want to work up a good sweat, opt for the Burn 45 class; ideal for the competitive among you, the leaderboard allows riders to compare their performance with everyone else. Ride Republic, 709 Fulham Road, SW6;

Pei Tribute One would have thought that Chinese haute couture designer Guo Pei – who spent two years creating Rihanna’s headlining-breaking Met Gala 2015 gown – wouldn’t have had time to collaborate on a make-up collection, but turns out we were wrong. The designer has channelled her creative talents into MAC Cosmetics’ new Fall 2015 range, which took a total of three years to develop and comprises 16 items, including eyeshadows, lipsticks, eyeliner, blusher, powder and lip gloss. The decadent floral packaging not only reflects Pei’s exotic roots, but also the range’s colour palette, encompassing rich jewelled and graphite hues. MAC Guo Pei collection, available from 1 October

The Beauty Concierge

The Sports Edit – the new multichannel retailer offering a curated collection of premium activewear and accessories for men and women – has opened its first flagship store in Chelsea. With many of us now partaking in a host of different exercise regimes, from the gym and running to yoga and pilates, the Sports Edit caters to this with its vast range of sportswear brands. Well-known labels such as Lucas Hugh will be stocked alongside emerging brands, including Beyond Yoga, Salt and Every Second Counts.

Launched this year, luxury beauty concierge app Ruuby is already making waves in the industry. Its hasslefree approach to booking appointments at the city’s most exclusive spas and salons, along with at-home therapists, has made it an instant hit with busy London women. Founder Venetia Archer comments: “All salons and at-home therapists are thoroughly vetted according to strict quality standards and most of the professionals are introduced to Ruuby via personal recommendations.” Download for free from the Apple store now.

172 Fulham Road, SW10

#loveruuby, @ruubyapp;

The Sports Edit

By the Book Many people avoid pumping iron in the gym for fear of looking like Johnny Bravo or seeing groups of men flashing their flawless abs in the mirror. Well, with a visit to The Library, all your worries will be dispelled. The boutique gym in Ladbroke Grove offers personalised weight training sessions to improve fat loss and body tone. Owner Zana Morris and her friendly team of personal trainers combine science and nutrition to help you achieve calculated fitness goals. This all happens in the unusual but comforting environment of a library-themed gym, which includes a small garden, sparkling bathrooms and stacks of bookshelves. It’s sure to be the most you’ll ever use a library card. The Library, 206-208 Kensington Park Road, Notting Hill, W11;


Kids KINGDOM BY Gabriella Dyson

Forest Friends Years of having to endure uninspiring childish designs was what led the founders of Hibou Home to put an end to this and create sophisticated and elegant children’s wallpapers that could be seamlessly integrated into homes. The brand’s two latest collections are sure to fire up children’s imaginations thanks to charming hand-illustrated characters and soft colour palettes of pinks, lilacs and blues. Invite the fairies into your nursery with the Enchanted Wood collection or inject a little fun into your space with the quirky Into the Wild range. £70 per roll,

Barbie Girl Sophia Webster’s latest collaboration sees her partner with the world’s most famous doll; Barbie. Her newest range of girls’ shoes comes in a plethora of pink designs with sweet added touches, such as butterflies and bows. The collection marks a departure from Barbie’s signature stilettos with a selection of stylish flats – from pop-art-inspired sandals to stylish high tops. Webster herself described the collaboration as ‘a dream project’ and we’re sure that little girls everywhere will share her enthusiasm. From £80,

Singing the Blues The Amsterdams Blauw collection by Dutch brand Scotch & Soda is an ambitious denim project that draws its inspiration from Japanese and American aesthetics. The A/W15 range takes its cue from the high seas with a variety of pieces available in a spectrum of blue shades, from bold cobalt to deep indigo. Boys and girls clothes are given a nautical twist, while remaining distinctly urban at heart, and denim pieces are so well constructed that they could even be worn inside out.

A Stitch in Time Short Stitch is a brand new tailored shopping experience designed to deliver beautiful, high-quality clothes directly to your door to allow you to make the most of precious family time. Get the season’s sharpest styles delivered at a time and place convenient to you, choose which items you want to keep, and then let Short Stitch take the rest off your hands. The service dresses fashion-forward kids aged between four and 10, and can even provide a personal stylist to discuss your children’s needs whenever you like. Signing up to the service is absolutely free and brands include I dig denim, Emile et Eda and Scotch R’Belle/Scotch Shrunk. T-shirts, £20-60; knitwear, £40-120; jackets, £375

Fresh as a Daisy It’s not hard to see why luxury childrenswear brand Smalls has developed something of a celebrity following, with the likes of Claudia Winkleman and Sarah Doukas singing its praises. After its launch last autumn, the brand has gone from strength to strength as a leader in the UK market, having garnered the support of the Campaign for Wool and expanding its collection to include everyday lounge and activewear for kids aged between two and 12. Pieces made from Merino wool dominate the new A/W15 collection, with highlights including a revolutionary 24-hour trouser, which mums will no doubt be relieved to hear can be worn all day, every day without ever developing an odour. The key to this miracle formula is Merino’s natural resilience to smell and moisture-wicking properties, which have long made it the fabric of choice for sportspeople. Available from

One in a Million

Scared Silly

Your baby can expect the royal treatment in the Silver Cross Bespoke Balmoral service, one of the most exclusive carriages on the market recently launched at Harrods following the christening of Princess Charlotte. The limited edition service allows you to customise your pram in a variety of ways with a choice of five hood colours, individually engraved silver plaques and customisable handles in a choice of two solid wood finishes. Only 50 prams are set to be produced, so if you want to get your hands on this one-of-a-kind item, then visit Harrods today.

Giant spiders may be the thing of nightmares for most, but there’s no need to be scared of the limited edition huggable arachnid by Steiff. The classic toy brand’s October additions are set to take the scare factor out of Halloween once and for all. However, if creepy crawlies aren’t your cup of tea, then you could always cuddle up to a beautifullycrafted Snow Wolf on the next full moon or unleash your inner witch or wizard with a sweet little Wittie Owl.

From £5,000,

From £25,

Fun on the Farm For some good old-fashioned fun, why not take a trip over to Ferry Farm and soak up the last of the early autumn sun in the great outdoors? Budding young riders hoping to take to the reins can let off some steam at the Heritage Coast Stud which has more than 50 horses both of racing and competition stock. With 500 acres of marshland and stunning coastal views to soak up, there’s plenty to explore for all the family. Ferry Farm Suffolk,



Tanks for Nothing Volvo’s new XC90 SUV – the school run favourite – is bigger and bolder than ever. Matthew Carter takes cover from the Cross Country Mums


his is in no way a scientific study, largely because it’s based on a sample of just one, but I reckon the typical school run has more Volvo XC90s blocking the road between 8 and 8.30am every morning than any other type of car. It’s been that way for some time – Volvo’s largest estate-cum-SUV has been the yummy mummy’s choice of wheels since it was launched in 2002. Why? Well, being a Volvo, it’s safe as houses and clearly shows Mum is a responsible parent. More significantly, it’s big enough to bully its way down narrow side roads, forcing oncoming traffic to scatter – Volvo Mum reverses for no one. And that state of affairs is about to get worse, for there’s a new XC90 (XC for Cross Country) on the block and it’s bigger than ever. Taller, longer and wider than before, the all-new XC90 is massive and frankly intimidating for other road users. It’s going to be a huge success. Perhaps the most impressive thing about the car, though, is the fact that it’s here at all. Six or so years ago, Volvo’s future looked distinctly precarious. Then-owner Ford wanted to sell up and bidders were few and far between. For a while it looked as if Volvo, like fellow Swedish carmaker Saab, might go under. But then along came Chinese firm Geely to the rescue, and this is the first visible fruit of the new partnership.

Although it is available elsewhere in the world with twoor four-wheel drive, manual or automatic transmission and five or seven seats, for the time being every XC90 sold here will have seven seats, a slick eight-speed auto, four-wheel drive and a genuinely luxurious interior as standard. Despite looking every inch a Volvo, the latest XC90 is totally new in every respect. It uses a new platform that Volvo claims is safer, lighter, longer and better balanced than before. It certainly allows better use of interior space, with plenty of room for those seven seats – the third row is spacious enough for an average-sized adult, rather than only being suitable for the kids. In fact, it’s the interior that really lifts the XC90 above its competitors. Simple and elegant, the XC90 is a thoroughly modern place to be. The dashboard is dominated by a large nine-inch tablet upon which can be found virtually all the car’s


controls. Some are hidden away in computer-style menus and sub menus, and are accessed by swiping and prodding the screen as you would an iPad. But once your preferred settings are saved it works like a dream. Best of all, it means that the car’s minor switchgear is noticeable by its absence: there are just eight buttons on the dashboard. Intuitive in use and great to look at, the only odd thing about this highly intelligent piece of equipment is the name Volvo has elected to give it: Driver Information Module, or DIM for short. It’s far from dim. Clean, uncluttered, practical and comfortable, the Volvo could only be Swedish: Geely has done well to leave the Volvo designers to get on with it. It performs pretty well, too. Unlike the outgoing XC90, which had five-, six- and even V8 cylinder engine options, every new XC90 is powered by a 2.0-litre fourcylinder engine. There are petrol and diesel versions with turbocharging, supercharging and electric hybrid technology to offer a full range of options. The most popular will probably be the D5 diesel, which has a punchy 225bhp on tap, enough for a 7.4 seconds time for the 0-60mph sprint. That’s coupled with low (149g/km) CO2 emissions and strong economy figures, too. Not bad for a ‘humble’ four-pot 2.0-litre diesel, though the performance is undoubtedly helped by the car’s low overall weight. This lack of avoirdupois is obvious from behind the wheel, as the car feels lively and eager while the automatic box is also up to the task, being unobtrusive in use yet quick to change gear when needed. The brakes are powerful and the car remarkably refined when it comes to wind noise: this is a very quiet car. If there is an elephant in the room, though, it’s the ride comfort, which is over firm most of the time and frankly fidgety on broken surfaces. Volvo’s chassis engineers have obviously looked at rivals such as the BMW X5 and Porsche Cayenne and, unfortunately, decided that the chassis should be tuned more for sporty handling than ride comfort. Don’t be taken in by the appearance in the option lists of air suspension, though. In terms of comfort, it’s even worse than the standard set up, despite the appearance of driving modes that can be set by the driver – ‘dynamic’ is just that, but Volvo needs to check the dictionary if it thinks the alternative is ‘comfort’. Frankly, it would

do well to remember that this is not a two-seater sports car but a seven seat family estate, with full-time four-wheel drive to boot. That said – and the Cross Country name notwithstanding – the XC90 is not a full-blown off-road machine. But with short overhangs front and rear, it does mean a certain off-road competence is guaranteed (and a bonus of the air suspension is the ability to raise the car by 40mm to help clear rocks). Nor does it want for much when it comes to equipment. Among the standard features is automatic opening of the tailgate: all you need to do is waggle your foot under the rear bumper and the tailgate will rise majestically. And, of course, it is laden with advanced safety equipment, the latest of which is ‘Run off road protection’. The new XC90 automatically detects if the car has left the highway, ready to instantly tighten seat belts and keep the occupants securely in place. There is also a mini shock absorber in the seat frame, which reduces vertical forces (and therefore spinal injuries) by up to a third, while the system also uses all manner of sensors and detectors to try to prevent the car leaving the road in the first place. Bigger, safer and (ride comfort aside) undoubtedly better, the new XC90 is an impressive piece of kit, so good that Auto Express has declared it the car of the year. God help the rest of us on the school run.

VEHICLE SPECS Car: Volvo XC90 D5 Inscription Price: £50,185 Engine: Front-mounted, 1,969cc, four-cylinder diesel Power: 225 PS Performance: 137mph max, 0-60mph in 7.4 seconds Drive: Four-wheel drive, eight-speed automatic transmission


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high life

From Jamaica with Love Celebrate the release of Spectre in true Bond style by jetting off to Ian Fleming’s former Caribbean retreat GoldenEye. With 11 beach cottages and six lagoon suites on offer, get ready to experience the glamorous side of being a spy and follow in the famous novelist’s footsteps with a range of exciting Fleming-inspired packages. If relaxation is your mission, then learn to mix the perfect martini or take a guided snorkelling tour of the author’s beloved coral reef. Alternatively, you can channel your inner secret agent with a spot of jet-skiing or a ride in a speedboat over the resort’s beautiful turquoise waters. Don’t forget to round off the day’s activities with a private bonfire and movie screening on the beach in order to make the most of this truly immersive experience.

The Fleming Villa



THE WORLD by Gabriella Dyson

An Inspired Retreat

The Sky’s the Limit Get your bucket list at the ready, because it’s time to experience Africa as you’ve never seen it before. An eight-day flying safari through Uganda has been tailor-made to meet the needs of discerning travellers on a tight schedule by packing double the adventure into half the time. For £13,695 per person, guests will stay in three Volcanoes Safaris luxury lodges, travelling between accommodation via scenic helicopter routes to take in the country’s spectacular landscapes. Hike up the Mount Sabinyo volcano and stand on the borders of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda to track elusive golden monkeys; take a game drive through the Kasenyi plains to spy lions; and experience the traditions of the endangered Batwa tribe first-hand in an exciting one-to-one encounter.; 0843 778 9926

This summer marked 125 years since the death of legendry Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890) and to honour his life and work, the city of Amsterdam has launched a series of exciting exhibitions and cultural events. Never one to miss out on a celebration, The Conservatorium Hotel has partnered with its neighbour the Van Gogh Museum to offer guests a special package inspired by the Starry Night painter. Until the end of the year, you can take advantage of a two-night stay, which will include breakfast, a tour of the museum and a book of Van Gogh masterpieces. Alternatively, you can opt for something extra special and arrange a private after-hours visit to the museum to enjoy the painter’s many artworks at your leisure.

Go Green Introducing Sri Lanka’s first ever sustainablydesigned hotel: Tri Lanka. Built to honour nature and co-exist with the landscape around it, the eco-friendly site contains 11 luxury suites spiralling down a six-acre hill. Opt for a special seven-night package (available only between 1–30 November), which includes flights from the UK, transfers, a privately-guided sightseeing trip, and a stay in a stunning water tower room with dramatic views of the Koggala Lake. At £1,533 per person, this is the perfect opportunity to go green in style., 020 7819 9770

A Taste of Tradition Delve deep into the heart of Tuscany and acquire some local know-how with a stay at the picturesque Il Borro estate. Guests can witness the winemaking process with a tour of the cellars and sample some of the best bottles that the region has to offer. The area is also home to many artisan workshops; experiment with embroidery, create your own bespoke jewellery or dabble in a painting class, all within the confines of this beautiful medieval village.



If you think being a secret agent is about sipping cocktails on a private island all day, you’d be right.

It’s really no secret that we’re all about impeccable service at Small Luxury Hotels of the World. That’s why we’re looking for a further 20 mystery inspectors to embark on free undercover missions at our 520 luxury hotels around the world. It’s not a tough job, but someone’s got to do it. Apply now at

A Winter’s Tale Jennifer Mason holes up in a luxury Swiss mountain retreat, complete with fine dining, spa facilities and stylish decor, to enjoy skiing in style – the Gstaad way



f your idea of a perfect skiing holiday is one that focuses just as much on the pre or après as the activity itself, then Gstaad is the place for you. Nestled amid the Swiss Alps, just a few hours’ train ride from Geneva, the quiet village remains a haven for those who prefer winter getaways of the relaxing, rather than the rowdy, variety. After a short flight from London to Geneva, most who journey to Gstaad will do so on the super-efficient rail network, whizzing along the banks of Lac Léman to Montreux, where the savvy traveller will then sink into the first-class comfort of the Golden Pass train. Featuring enormous windows that offer a panoramic view as you travel at pace through the countryside, this is a fantastic way to enjoy some of Switzerland’s most breathtaking scenery. Those with access to a private jet can skip all the platform-switching by taking advantage of the ad-hoc runway on the outskirts of the village; but there’s something to be said for the more leisurely railway experience – particularly when you’re met on the train by a very polite chap from your hotel with a hamper of champers (try saying that fast three times after you’ve quaffed your way through the final stops). Mere moments from the station is the newlyrefurbished and revamped Le Grand Bellevue hotel, my home for the next few days. It’s a building that, from the outside, looks like what you’d get if you crossed the mansion from The Sound of Music with the castle from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It’s very Swiss, but the turrets, towers and cheerful yellow exterior belie the traditional chalet feel. Nor are the interiors what you’d expect from a mountain refuge; envisaged by talented interior designer Davia Koetser (one half of the husband-and-wife team that owns and runs the hotel), the shared spaces are chic and contemporary, managing to preserve a



Gstaad is home to some of the most stylish skiers around, courtesy of its luxury boutiques traditional, comfortable feel despite the quirky and eclectic update. Think roaring open fires modernised with minimalist glass frontages, a grand piano alongside hanging birdcage chairs and a collection of differing vibrant prints on the walls and soft furnishings that, anywhere else, would clash horrifically but somehow merge seamlessly to form spaces that feel homely and inviting, as well as stylish and elegant. As I settle in, I browse the options for my evening meal. The hotel has something to offer every type of epicurean skier; from the simple, delicious bar menu, to the unexpected sushi café in the basement, to refined bistro-style dining at the signature restaurant Leonard’s. The latter is watched over by both a tweed-clad ninefoot camel of the same name – the hotel mascot – and Michelin-starred head chef Urs Gschwend. Speciality dishes like bouillabaisse Marseillaise and fillet of sole with Noilly Prat sauce, along with classic favourites like creamed pea soup and tagliata of beef do an excellent job of warming the cockles after a day on the slopes. But if you’re looking for something more down to earth, the hotel has a delightful surprise up its sleeve. Set in the grounds just metres from the entrance, Le Petit Chalet is a traditional, fairy-lit hut that seats 18 guests and serves up a menu of hearty Swiss dishes, including fondue and, my personal favourite, raclette. At odds with the sophisticated feel of the main hotel, this magical hideaway is an opportunity to let your hair down,

enjoy the house vino and consume your bodyweight in deliciously gooey cheese. After such an indulgent night, it’s time to hit the slopes the next morning, but before I venture to the lifts I head out for a spot of shopping. Well, I have to look the part! Gstaad is home to some of the most stylish skiers around, courtesy of the village’s collection of upmarket luxury boutiques selling Ralph Lauren, Hermès and Louis Vuitton. Properly attired and with my expert guide in tow, I’m chauffeured directly to the base of the slopes, which promise the best conditions today. The view from the top is, quite simply, stunning. I’ve picked a beautiful day for it – the skies are clear blue, I can see miles of the dramatic alpine landscape and the sunlight is reflecting trillions of sparkling diamonds in the snow. Although I’m a little rusty on my skis, my instructor is patient and starts me off on the easier runs until I’ve got the hang of things. I’d forgotten the sheer, unadulterated pleasure of whizzing down the slopes, performing (in my mind) perfect parallel turns and reaching the bottom breathless and full of cheer. This beats the gym any day. Finally, after a full day carving my way through the alpine passes alongside celebrities, royals and politicians rendered anonymous by their ski gear, I’m more than ready to head back to the hotel and assuage my aches and pains with a luxurious afternoon tea in front of a roaring fire, followed by a visit to the extensive spa. It’s one of the best hotel spas I’ve yet to encounter – though I’m not entirely sure they shouldn’t offer maps; there are so many rooms that I occasionally find myself looking for breadcrumbs to mark my trail home again. After soaking up the refreshing scents and the relaxing atmosphere for an hour or two, I can barely remember my own name, let alone the twinges from my overexerted muscles. Skiing might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the experience in Gstaad is like a delicate oolong – heady and luxurious. Whether you’re happiest making the most of the outdoors or putting your feet up beside the sunlit indoor pool at Le Grand Bellevue, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. As for me, I’m tempted to hide away somewhere in my suite in the hope that I can stay another day.

More information Flights from London to Geneva with SWISS from £63 one-way (0845 601 0956 / Winter rates at Le Grand Bellevue start from 650  CHF per room based on double occupancy and a half-board basis (


The Spice of


Olivia Sharpe unearths the riches of the Spice Islands when she stays at luxury five-star resort, The Residence Zanzibar


anzibar has, up until recently, been overlooked as a go-to tourist destination, with many Westerners favouring the nearby Seychelles, a destination which has been voted one of the best tropical islands in the world. However, in the last 15 years or so, Zanzibar has gradually been garnering interest from holidaymakers and is now home to approximately 300 hotels, up from three back in the early 1990s. And this, in many ways, is what makes it so appealing, being one of the few remaining places that is still unspoiled by tourists. However, this is undoubtedly a double-edged sword, as this vital lack of commerce has meant that much of the island still remains largely undeveloped, with the majority of inhabitants living below the poverty line. On my visit this year, I stayed at The Residence, situated just 55km away from the airport and capital Stone Town. Located off the beaten track down a long, winding drive, the impressive resort is set across 32 hectares and is made up of 66 private villas, giving guests a feeling of almost total seclusion during their stay (which is no doubt why George and Amal Clooney are rumoured to have stayed here

on one of their flying visits). Not only this, but it possesses every luxury facility one’s heart could desire, from spa and fitness centre to tennis court and two restaurants. Our villa – slightly more modest than the Clooneys’, but nevertheless palatial – is one of The Residence’s 24 one-bedroom ocean front villas (the rest are garden-pool or two-bedroom villas) and these have again been subdivided into luxury or prestige ocean categories, depending on your proximity to the water. Equipped with lounge, butler service, outdoor shower, private sun terrace and even one’s own infinity pool, each property has been designed so that guests barely have to leave the vicinity if they so wish. This is just as well, given that many are positioned far away from the hotel’s main lobby and restaurants (hence the complimentary bikes left outside each villa or, alternatively, the golf buggies that are driven around by staff daily). The hotel prides itself on its ila spa, which launched its exclusive treatment menu earlier this year. Incorporating local ingredients and rituals, these are very much unique to the island and allow those guests who do not fancy venturing into the great outdoors to sample Zanzibar’s rich spice culture in a more tranquil and comfortable setting. Cycling



up to my appointment one morning, passing lush tropical gardens as I went, I was welcomed by the smiling staff with a refreshing glass of ginger iced tea, which I sat and drank in the open-air pavilion before my treatment; the Elite Zanzibar Spice Journey. This indulgent two-hour, full-body massage is guaranteed to leave you feeling completely relaxed and rejuvenated, and skin thoroughly nourished. While the spa treatments are excellent, the food at The Residence is, in my opinion, the real highlight. Although the main dining room offers a daily buffet, it would seem that the hotel is more interested in promoting the room service when it comes to breakfast. The extensive menu, which you complete the night before and leave outside your door for staff to collect, offers everything from fresh pastries to the full works, and this is made all the more enjoyable when paired with the stunning view of white sand, coconut palms and azure-coloured waters outside on your terrace. The Pavilion restaurant was sadly closed during our stay due to it being low season, but fortunately the main dining room offers an excellent à la carte menu, with fresh catches from the grill presented alongside European favourites, including pizza, pasta and sandwiches (so those of you with fussy children may breathe a sigh of relief). For dinner, experience authentic and locally-sourced dishes such as baked zucchini and goat’s cheese, and fresh Dorado complemented by pumpkin purée and Tanzanian coffeeflavoured sabayon. The dining room is located next door to The Residence’s infinity pool, which has unsurprisingly been voted one of the best swimming pools in the world. The

All images courtesy of: The Residence Zanzibar


innovative glass-walled design makes you feel as though you are swimming out into the ocean and also provides excellent Instagramming opportunities, as my guest and I took it in turns to pose underwater. Indeed, one shouldn’t stay at The Residence without experiencing the watersports on offer. The hotel’s pontoon acts as a boathouse during the day, where you can take your pick from the many complimentary watersports on offer (tide permitting, of course) – from kayaking and pedal-boating to Hobie Cats and snorkeling. Zanzibar has proven a popular place for divers, which is no surprise considering how the remnants of the island’s fascinating history can be unearthed under the crystal blue waters on unforgettable wreck-diving expeditions; this is where you’ll discover ships that met their peril journeying the spice route now part of the natural landscape. For those of you who prefer drier land, you can alternatively learn all about Zanzibar’s past by visiting Stone Town, a city of significant historical importance in East Africa. Driving from The Residence to Stone Town is when the stark discrepancy between the island’s poor inhabitants and wealthy visitors immediately comes into view; the manicured buildings and grounds are suddenly and somewhat unsettlingly replaced with a never-ending succession of broken-down buildings and lonely wooden shacks selling football t-shirts and other such memorabilia. Stone Town has received some bad press due to recent, unpleasant tourist incidents and as a result, its safety has been called into question. However, speaking for myself and for my companion, we felt completely safe as two young women strolling around, naturally ensuring that we were appropriately and modestly dressed at all times in respect to the local customs. I would therefore not forgo the chance to see this fascinating UNESCO World Heritage Site. Amidst the winding, maze-like alleyways, where children play happily and the bustling stall owners shout “jambo” (meaning ‘hello’ in Swahili) as you pass by, are some of the surviving relics of the island’s troubled past, including the old Arab slave market. The haunted spot has been commemorated with statues of shackled prisoners and the old cellars that have been kept open so visitors are reminded of the horrific treatment of these people during the rule of the Omani Sultan from the 17th-19th centuries. Here is where also lies a tribute to Dr David Livingstone, the medical missionary who was a pioneering figure in the abolition of slavery in Zanzibar. The Arab influences are prevalent throughout Stone Town, especially in the beautiful carved wooden doors with brass detailing that punctuate the streets. Zanzibar’s cultural diversity is also strongly highlighted, with the Anglican cathedral Christ Church standing tall among mosques and a Hindu temple. Another trip I would recommend is to one of the local plantations. Although the on-site toilet facilities are far from ideal (essentially a hole in the ground, this is not for the faint-

The remnants of the island’s fascinating history can be unearthed under the crystal blue waters hearted), what this experience lacks in terms of proper sanitation it more than makes up for with its abundant display of wildlife. Here you will fully appreciate why the Indian Ocean archipelago is also known as the Spice Islands, producing everything from nutmeg and cloves to cardamom and cumin (to name a few), which we were shown by our experienced guide as we wandered around the vast forest. While Zanzibar still has some way to go before it is on the same luxury par as the Seychelles and Mauritius, it is well on its way, with the likes of The Residence being part of the new wave of luxury resorts sweeping over the island. And unlike your typical beach holiday spent drinking cocktails and soaking up the sun, I have no doubt that you will feel culturally enriched after a visit to this extraordinary Tanzanian escape.

More information Rainbow Tours (; 020 7666 1266) offers eight nights in a Luxury Garden Villa at The Residence Zanzibar on a half-board basis from £1,599pp sharing. Price includes scheduled flights with Kenya Airways via Nairobi, meet and greet, private transfers, dinner and breakfast included. Also includes ‘stay for 8 nights, pay for 6’ offer. Price based on travel in April 2016, bookings must be confirmed by 20 December 2015.


A Flight of

French Fancy

Rooksana Hossenally is pleasantly surprised by Les Airelles and loses herself in the surrounding slopes of Courchevel, its fine-dining restaurants and plush private jets


The sun beat down on the tree-lined runway that pulled into sight between fleecy white clouds – practically vertical, it looked alarmingly steep. Our six-seater private jet was headed right for the slope of the French Alps’ Chambéry airport, also featured in the opening scene of Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies, precisely for its drop. My (effortless) mission was to spend the weekend at the multi-award winning palace-hotel Les Airelles, a name on everyone’s lips whenever there is a mention of Courchevel, the world’s glitziest ski resort. Panic took over me and my fellow passengers, interrupting daydreams, as we soared above the Alpine

expanse of varying hues of whites and icy blues. The plane rattled as it descended, and I closed my eyes and waited to feel the first bump of the runway. When I reopened my eyes, the plane was taxying towards the terminal, the other passengers clapping with relief. We had made it. I looked out of the window at the pocket-sized airport, which nestled right in the middle of the hostile mountainous territory. Mesmerised by the jagged outline of the snow-capped peaks covered with scenic fir trees and glistening against sapphire skies, I was nudged politely by a tall, dark and handsome stranger, dressed in full traditional Austrian


hunting attire. He waved me to a white car with black tinted windows, emblazoned with the legendary Les Airelles logo on either side. Courchevel is a veritable phenomenon. Non-skiers come here to play rather than ski; there are 15 five-star hotels, three of which have been awarded the prestigious French palace-hotel distinction; fine-dining restaurants (including six with Michelin stars) litter the resort; and there is an array of exclusive boutiques such as Chanel and Bulgari. Dotted with VIPs from William and Kate to George Clooney and Vladimir Putin, the resort takes over for the winter from the exclusive summer resort of Saint Tropez on the French Riviera. It has become a brand in its own right, leading to a hike in property prices. This has made Courchevel 1850 (where ‘1850’ denotes the altitude in metres) one of the most expensive places to buy a home. Located in Savoie, the resort is part of the Three Valleys domain, the largest skiable territory in the world. Inaugurated in 1946, Courchevel was built to be the first ‘super ski resort’ that was not based around an existing

village. However, despite its man-made beginnings, it holds all the charm of a typical Alpine setting. I’d been told a great many times of the gaudily bejewelled fur-clad ladies of Courchevel at lunch in town or at nooks atop the slopes, but despite its flashy reputation, the resort is also an undisputed haven for top skiers due to its size, well-connected slopes and black runs, regarded as among the most difficult in the world. It also hosts the Ladies’ Alpine Audi FIS World Cup every December. My car pulled up at a 19th century style AustroHungarian forest mountain lodge, where I was met with an animated Christmas scene of full-size reindeer and bears with twinkling lights in the lobby. I longed to find out more about the hotel that was voted Best Mountain Hotel this year by Russian Condé Nast Traveller, and Best Mountain Hotel in France by the World Ski Awards last year. An icon of French savoir faire, the hotel’s history goes back to the ‘60s. It started out as a rather drab affair that entrepreneur Madame Raymonde Fenestraz, who, inspired by the life of the Empress ‘Sissi’ of Austria, as well as her time among the high society of England, turned into a mountainside palace. Les Airelles is now part of the Lov Hotel Collection and has a Disneyland quality to it, paving the way for a fairytale winter wonderland experience that begins with a private jet transfer. I soon learned, at this resort, arriving by private jet or helicopter isn’t about impressing the neighbours, it’s the norm. “I come here every year with or without my family,” a guest tells me. “It’s been ten years now. You can’t find quality, service and food like you can here.” Indeed, upon closer inspection, there was nothing slap-dash about the hotel. And while it’s true that Les Airelles isn’t testament to cutting-edge design, it’s not what guests come here for. They come for the high-end facilities (the hotel also has its own ice rink), location, laid-back comfort and service.


The ground-floor fireside, open-plan lounge, which also serves as La Table du Jardin Alpin restaurant, leads into the signature Cala di Volpe restaurant in the evenings. The exclusive two-Michelin-star Pierre Gagnaire restaurant, which I was to experience that night, is in a separate salon. The wood-panelled lounge, complete with frescoes, chairs upholstered in velvet holly-bush greens and reds, views of smooth white slopes, a log fire, and the sound of ski boots shuffling across the thick lavish carpets, evoked all the mountainside magic of the winter season. I sat down to lunch in the lounge, which opens onto a sun-drenched outdoor terrace. Never a fan of buffets, my scepticism vanished as I lay eyes on the glorious spread of fresh seafood, local hams, Savoyard cheeses, salads, cooked meats served right off the bone, and a multitude of homemade desserts. Upstairs, the snug 37 rooms and 14 suites – and giant 550m2 apartment with 100m2 terrace – are all decorated similarly with varying layouts. Mine was composed of open-plan living, dining, office and bedroom areas complete with a walk-in wardrobe. A large bathroom came with a private steam room and the signature Hermès amenities. Even the tissues had a sparkly sheen to them. The time had come for a sumptuous meal at Pierre Gagnaire’s restaurant. Served with Pommery Brut Champagne, the delectable defilé of dishes included blue lobster corolla coated with crustacean jelly, roasted turbot on a bed of leek, sea urchins with scallops and caviar, homemade pasta filled with white truffle, and violet artichoke with burrata. It could only be described as otherworldly. The experience was capped off by a glass of century-old Louis XIII cognac in the lounge by the log fire, served true to tradition, out of a handsome T.T. leather trunk and by a white-gloved young man in a three-piece suit wielding a long glass pipette. The next morning, resisting the temptation to spend the day lounging in the dream-inducing king-size bed, I was out on the slopes first thing. I made a quick pit-stop at the well-known La Folie Douce on the slopes in neighbouring Méribel for a bite to eat, a bout of uplifting electronic music and 360° views of les Trois Vallées. While badly executed cabaret acts accompany average Savoyard dishes inside, the day-club ambiance and sunbathing outside is the real draw. For skiers, the hotel has a fully equipped boot room and a host of recommended ski instructors, but for those who would prefer to avoid the slopes, the sumptuous Cellcosmet spa has a large pool, Jacuzzis, steam room and a sauna. Upon my return, I sank into the moodily lit pool, and had a holistic treatment with practitioner Marilyn Pellier, who believes that a mix of approaches, from hypnotism to Reiki, can work on body,

mind and soul to cure all matters of ills. Before slipping off to my room, I popped into the hotel hair salon for a miracle capillary cure for my lacklustre locks. Hairdresser Cyril, who swears only by luxurious Philip B hair care, primped and pampered my hair with divine smelling products called things like ‘scent of Santa Fe’ shampoo and ‘Russian Amber’ conditioning cream, giving it an invigorating boost. Spending the day out on the slopes, and the late afternoon exploring my inner psyche with Marilyn, left me as hungry as a mountain wolf, and the hearty homecooked traditional cuisine at Cala di Volpe that evening was ideal. Manned only by Sardinians, the Cala is an outpost of the glamorous hotel of the same name on Sardinia’s Costa Smeralda. It’s the best place to come for fresh cannelloni stuffed with minced beef, melt-in-themouth gnocchi or the signature ‘Fregola’ durum wheat pasta with vegetarian seafood sauce, alongside bold Mediterranean wine. Feeling as content as could be after dinner, I relished in the cosiness of the delightfully kitsch theme of Les Airelles and I understood the appeal of this unusual hotel, despite slicker rivals. The warm wood surroundings are top of the range in comfort, the service seamless, the cuisine of the highest standard and the location striking. I found myself taken over by a small wave of regret at having to return to my urban Parisian base the next day, worlds apart from the magical snowy peaks of the French Alps and its fine enchanting chateau. This year Courchevel will open on 5 December 2015 until 24 April 2016. Rooms at Les Airelles start from £791 per night for a standard valley-side room. +33 (0)4 79 00 38 38;


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BY gabriella dyson

Perfect Catch It’s easy to feel at ease in the Tom’s Kitchen Chelsea restaurant, which features a rustic fireplace with a selection of culinary books from the manager’s home. Seasonal variety is the theme of the menu, and attentive staff expertly match wines for each course. The spicy crab cake atop a delicate salsa bed is perfect for those after a light starter, though the macaroni cheese with truffle takes the top prize for indulgence. We couldn’t put our forks down when presented with the succulent slowcooked rabbit with squid, chorizo and turrets of creamy mashed potato, and the finale of chocolate parfait with salted caramel ice cream had us stunned into silence.

Lost in Paradise “Everyone is very trendy here.” In one fell swoop, my dining companion manages to single us out as the least cool people in town. Perched north of the Westway is the unassuming, but quirky, Paradise by Way of Kensal Green, which looks, from the outside at least, like an old man’s drinking pub. However, a quick scoot past the open bar and through to the restaurant, we are transported to a lavish banquet hall, decorated with peacocks (I inwardly gasp at this design faux pas, which allegedly brings bad luck), panelled walls, thick drapes and oil paintings. Candlelit tables of differing sizes are laid out pleasantly across wooden floor boards. I have a small niggle about the placement of the lavatories, though, which jut out of the walls, acting as feature pieces to the dining area. We are sat next to the men’s room and see all and sundry wandering in to relieve themselves from too many glasses of vino. However, my mind is quickly diverted by the menu and a Paradise Mule, a syrupy cocktail of elderflower and gin. A sweet and savoury mix of peach and prosciutto is a welcome appetiser, as is the gorgeously tender duck breast with baby beetroot. For the main, I opt for the Morroccan-inspired poussin (slightly too spicy for my palette), with slaw, chickpeas and aioli, while my companion chooses the impressively tender steak, with chips and kale – all of which are cooked to perfection. I am advised by the delightfully obliging and vibrantly-dressed manager that everything is made in-house, including the melon and raspberry sorbet, which just about steals the glory from the thick, sticky

Tom’s Kitchen, 27 Cale Street, SW3

toffee pudding and the indulgently creamy panacotta for dessert. Safe to say, I needn’t have worried about those peacock feathers. You don’t need luck when you’ve already found success. Hannah Lemon Paradise by Way of Kensal Green, 19 Kilburn Lane, W10,



DRINKING Fish Out of Water

Opened this year, Salmontini Le Resto in Belgravia is the London outpost of the Dubai, Beirut and Jeddah restaurants founded by the Bassili family, all of whom are passionate about spreading their love of salmon to the world. Its name – supposedly a hybrid of the restaurant’s cocktail-like blend of Japanese and French influences – is just as confused as the menu, which has made no attempt at blending Western and Eastern cuisine. Therefore, in order not to send your palette into confusion too, opt for either the Japanese or the French side, both of which feature some exceptional dishes courtesy of head chef Alan Derus. Highlights include the fresh and light seaweed salad to start, the crab tortellini and the signature roasted salmon. Simply prepared with a fresh herb sauce, this turns out to be all the dish needs to bring out the fish’s wonderful and delicate flavour. While we are less than convinced about the concept behind Salmontini, we cannot deny the food’s excellence. Salmontini, 1 Pont Street, SW1X;

Memoirs of a Geisha It’s rare you find a restaurant that gets it spot on when it comes to its food and the ambience, but Ramusake in South Kensington manages to tick both boxes. After experiencing an unforgettable evening last year shortly after its opening, we decided it was time we returned to see if it’s still living up to the high standards originally set, and we weren’t disappointed. The low-lit, stylish underground setting lends itself perfectly to the New York speakeasy vibe owner Piers Adam (Bodo’s Schloss and Whisky Mist) set out to create. Ex-Nobu chef Scott Hallsworth’s menu – purposefully designed to be washed down with cocktails – continues to be exceptional, with memorable dishes including the beautifully prepared bed of beef fillet tataki topped with crispy garlic chips and onion ponzu, tuna sashimi pizza and the irresistible sweet potato fries. For the ultimate night out on the town, we recommend visiting Ramusake on Friday or Saturday, when Geisha – its newly-launched dining experience where guests eat while enjoying DJ sets and live performances – is on. Ramusake, 92B Old Brompton Road, SW7

Spectacular, Spectacular The Yashin Ocean House is decked out in a well-balanced mismatch of styles; checkerboard tiles circle the central bar, while bare bone walls and a sombre-looking horse sculptureturned-lamp set the scene. However, the intriguing surroundings are nothing compared to the staggering array of tasting dishes. Highlights of the show include the creamy Miso Cappuccino, the Sashimi Island, which billows dry ice, and the swinging Prawn Tempura. These crunchy morsels, part of Yashin Ocean House’s renowned ‘head to tail’ concept, are placed on wires that jut skywards, giving the impression that they are still swimming. The dishes are as inventive in flavour as they are in arrangement; fried mackerel bones, truffleinfused ponzu jelly, and sliced Wagyu beef with candy floss melt over the table. Yashin Ocean House, 117–119 Old Brompton Road, SW7; 020 7373 3990

Best of the Bubbles What better way is there to honour the close of Champagne Week than with an exclusive tasting evening of the world’s rarest and most highly acclaimed bubbly? The Finest Bubble invites guests to experience 13 prestige cuvée Champagnes and learn how each unique glass has developed its unrivalled reputation. Internationally renowned wine critic Jancis Robinson will host the event, talking guests through each sip of the rare vintages and expanding your oenological knowledge. Places are limited to 48 people, so be sure to order tickets early to avoid disappointment. The Finest Bubble, 8 October, 67 Pall Mall, SW1Y

Pink Fizz Theo Fennell is well-known for his jewellery but it appears his talents, and passions, stray a little further than that; the Chelsea resident has been dabbling in cocktail-making at Mayfair’s Sketch. Unsurprisingly perhaps, the cocktail, named Theo’s Pink Fizz, comes in a shocking shade of pink (the jewellery brand’s signature colour) and consists of Beefeater 24, a floral rose liqueur, and orange and blossom water, complete with a smidgen of rosé Champagne. Created by Sketch’s very own Joseph Arowolo, it is a guaranteed distinctive yet delicious taste of summer. Available from June Sketch, 9 Conduit Street, W1S

Lebanon Meets London

Food Glorious Food October spells the return of the annual London Restaurant Festival and this year its offerings promise to be bigger and better than ever. From Michelin-starred restaurants to humble neighbourhood bistros, the highly-anticipated festival offers participants the opportunity to discover the best quality cooking in the capital. Grab your festival ‘passport’ and take part in any number of the exciting restaurant-hopping experiences on offer – from tapas tours to an exploration in eastern food courtesy of eateries such as Yashin, Bo Drake and Tonkotsu East. A few of London’s finest restaurants have also curated special festival menus in honour of the occasion. 1–31 October,

Like every member of the Maroush Group family, Randa offers an elegant yet relaxed dining experience and an extensive menu of authentic Lebanese food. Fresh grills and mezze are served throughout the day, allowing you to sample the very best culinary delights that Lebanon has to offer. From delicious homemade hummus to spicy soujok and delicate wara Inab (stuffed vine leaves), you’ll be spoilt for choice while safe in the knowledge that much of the food on offer is healthy and nutritious. The newlyopened Kensington spot is already proving to be a hit with discerning locals, so if you’re hoping to pop by in the evening, then we recommend booking in advance. Randa, 23 Kensington Church Street, W8

Teetotally Delicious

Everyone has a local haunt that they are particularly fond of and Salt & Honey may soon be yours. Staff are known by first name; the co-owner Joseph greets everyone with a smile, while his business partner and head chef Tyler is downstairs concocting beautifully-presented modern European flavours. The setting is small but comfortable, and there is no need for airs and graces as the focus is all on the food. Fennel cured beef with burrata and aged balsamic or heirloom carrots with a tangy ash goat’s cheese are perfect for a light starter. For main, opt for the market fish with truffle mash, clams and oyster mushrooms – it’s simply divine. Round the evening off with devilishly dark bitter chocolate and Mãnuka honey truffles. We’ll certainly be back.

If you’re still feeling a little worse for wear after Notting Hill Carnival, then the newly opened Redemption Bar is on hand to provide the perfect post-party detox. It proudly boasts about being the only restaurant in London with a menu designed by nutritional therapists, with alcohol-free cocktails and wholesome dishes. While plates are free from sugar, wheat, dairy and meat, one thing they aren’t free from is a serious flavour punch. The Elderflower & Lemon Fizz mocktail is sure to blast away the cobwebs and the Japanese-inspired Lettuce Spray will no doubt leave you feeling smug about your virtuous choices.

Salt & Honey, 28 Sussex Place, W2;

Redemption Bar, 6 Chepstow Road, W2;

Salt & Honey


All photography this page and opposite: David M Benett

A Fond Farewell

Elizabeth McGovern and Lily James

What: Downton Abbey Wrap Party When: 17 August Where: The Ivy, 9 West St, West End Who: Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, Lily James and Elizabeth McGovern Why: The cast of Downton Abbey and in-the-know fans unitedly mourned and celebrated the final season of the great British period drama with a steady flow of drinks to ease their sorrow. To avoid questions on whether Lady Mary will find love and if the rumours are true of Tom Branson’s return, the actors feasted on butternut squash, smoked arancini, mini club burgers, and fish and chips. The popular show was not let down by glamorous catering staff on the night, dressed in velvet pink ensembles to pinafore dresses – all accessorised with a glass of Champagne, of course. We wonder if Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes were taking notes during the evening for their upcoming nuptials.

Laura Carmichael, Michelle Dockery, Allen Leech, Elizabeth McGovern and Lily James

Samantha Bond, Laura Carmichael, Michelle Dockery and Allen Leech

Hugh Bonneville and Elizabeth McGovern

Queen of Hearts

Madeline Shaw Nic Chapman, Jim Chapman, and Sam Chapman

Millie Mackintosh and Tanya Burr Sam Chapman

Guest, Fleur Bell, Suzie Bonaldi, Lily Pebbles, Tanya Burr, Niomi Smart, Victoria Magrath, Katie Snook

What: McQueen Press Night After-party When: 28 August Where: Café Royal, Haymarket Who: Dame Kelly Holmes, Stephen Wight, Gary James McQueen and Tracy-Ann Oberman Why: The roar of a standing ovation was sure to still be ringing in their ears as the cast celebrated the press night performance of McQueen at Café Royal. The play transferred to the Theatre Royale in Haymarket from St James Theatre, where it broke box office records. It tells the story of a chance encounter between the fashion phenomenon Alexander McQueen and an American fan. Written by James Phillips and directed by John Caird, the production stars award-winning actor Stephen Wight in the title role, who bares an uncanny resemblance to the late designer. Guests were served drinks and miniburgers in a nod to National Burger Day.

Tanya Burr with guests at the launch of her new beauty collection

Pimm’s O’Clock! What: Tanya Burr’s Garden Party When: 20 August Where: Kensington Roof Gardens, 99 Kensington High Street Who: Millie Mackintosh, Madeline Shaw, Zoe Hardman and Suzie Bonaldi Why: YouTubers, bloggers and leading names in the beauty industry joined make-up genius Tanya Burr for a picnic party at the distinguished Kensington Roof Gardens to rejoice in her ever-growing beauty enterprise. Guests tested the latest additions to Burr’s beauty collection and enjoyed complimentary treatments at the nail and lash bar, while indulging in ice creams and cocktails. Others tested the new palettes, glosses, lashes and polishes on picnic rugs surrounded by bunting hanging from the trees – a great way to make the most of the last few days of summer.


Dame Kelly Holmes

Amy Molyneaux

Gary James McQueen

Angela Rippon

Bruno Tonioli

Gok Wan

Grace Chatto

Carly Bawden

Karim Al Fayed

Kathy Lette

Kelly Hoppen

Nick Moran

Olivia Inge

Pam Hogg

Jennifer Saunders


Photography: Stuart C Wilson & David M Benett

Jack Dyson and Jade Parfitt

Betty Bachz, Diana Vickers and Anne Huang

Nat Weller

Ellie Bamber

Mrs Mariza Koutsolioutsos, Mr George Koutsolioutsos and Diana Vickers

Lady Kitty Spencer and Lady Alice Manners

Anson Chen (GQ China), Isabelle Wang, Gu Quian, Mrs Mariza Koutsolioutsos, Stephanie Zhang, Jie Tang, Mr George Koutsolioutsos

Maya Williams, Diana Vickers and Kara Marshall

Merlin Ferry, Otis Ferry, Tara Ferry and Isaac Ferry

Poppy Delevingne, Mr George Koutsoloiutsos CEO of FF Group and owner of Links of London, and Donna Air

Antonia O’Brien

Sophia Hesketh and Poppy Delevingne

The Timeless Collection by Links Of London in rose gold

Megan Hutchings, Somto Chukwu, Sunita Grant, Anne Huang and Charlotte Crawford all from TRACE Publicity.

LONDON LIVING Photography: David M Benett

Improve Your Image What: Ashley Williams X Red or Dead Collaboration Launch Party When: 2 September Where: Lights of Soho, 35 Brewer Street Who: Pixie Geldof, Billie JD Porter, Tigerlily Taylor and Susie Lau Why: The respected British label Red or Dead unveiled its second collaborative footwear collection #ImproveYourImage, launching on 17 September, with critically-acclaimed newcomer and NewGen designer Ashley Williams. The leading names in fashion sipped on bespoke vodka and gin cocktails in the members’ lounge of the exclusive Lights of Soho. Each drink was named after a specific shoe from the collection, including The Ellie, a Grey Goose and Finlandia grapefruit vodka cocktail, and The Eve, a classic Hendricks gin and elderflower fizz. Guests also dined on freshly-prepared sushi during the night as they browsed the latest pieces amidst the beautiful interior of London’s first light art gallery and members’ lounge.

Ashley Williams and Claudia Sinclair

Ashley Williams, Jaime Perlman and guest

Ashley Williams and Pixie Geldof

Ashley Williams and Sarah Mower

Billie JD Porter

Charlie Timms, George Barnett and Karl Morrall

Eve Henderson

Henry Pedro Wight and Tigerlily Taylor

A Timeless 25 Years What: Links of London 25th Anniversary Celebration When: 7 September Where: Loulou’s, 5 Hertford Street Who: Poppy Delevingne, Lady Kitty Spencer, Diana Vickers, Donna Air and Jimmy Carr. Why: One would think Monday evening would be the worst time for a party, but Links of London proved that every night can feel like a Friday night, especially if you’re celebrating a milestone. The fashion elite turned up with only their best Links of London accessories to mark its 25th birthday and fuelled up on Champagne cocktails, mini Yorkshire puddings, and gin and tonic jelly. With the help of some old school tunes from Otis and Isaac Ferry’s DJ set, everyone danced away the weekday blues well into the evening.

Katie Greenyer and Susan Bubble

Daniela Agnelli, Laurent Feniou and Caragh Mckay

Joanna Hardy and Laurent Feniou

Cartier’s Cat What: Cartier Panthère Book Launch Party When: 7 September Where: Maison Assouline Bookshop, 196A Piccadilly Who: Laurent Feniou, Vivienne Becker, Joanna Hardy, Elizabeth Saltzman and Sasha Wilkins. Why: Industry experts and jewellery admirers came together for the launch of the missing piece to everyone’s coffee table this season: Cartier Panthère. The distinguished watch and jewellery brand joined forces with publishing house Assouline to tell the story of its emblematic panther. The book was written by in-house experts in the field and acclaimed authors Joanna Hardy, Vivienne Becker, André Léon Talley and Berenice Geoffroy-Schneiter, who provide a unique visual telling of this elegant spotted cat as a cultural icon. Guests enjoyed a generous flow of Champagne and cocktails throughout the event, while acquainting themselves with the glamour and history of Cartier jewels.

Laurent Feniou, Melinda Stevens and Jessica Diamond

Laurent Feniou and Prosper Assouline

Joanna Hardy, Prosper Assouline, Vivienne Becker, Laurent Feniou, Martine Assouline and Michel Aliaga

Guest, Prosper Assouline and Elizabeth Saltzman Walker

Vivienne Becker

Lisa Armstrong, Anna Murphy, Laurent Feniou and Belinda White


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Ligne Roset

Hydrohealing Spa


Repairs & Cleaning

23/25 Mortimer Street, W1T 3JE 020 7323 1248

216a Kensington Park Rd, W11 1NR 020 7727 2570

81 Fulham Road, SW3 6RD 020 7581 5817

Jeeves of Belgravia 123 Fulham Road, SW3 6RT 020 7589 9229

Sloane Tailors & Dry Cleaners 69 Lower Sloane Street SW1W 8DA 020 7824 8644

Precious Pieces

April Russell Design

Strip Wax Bar

Le Café Anglais

13 Cheyne Court, SW3 5TP 020 3055 0090

112 Talbot Road, W11 1JR 020 7727 2754

8 Porchester Gardens, W2 4DB 020 7221 1415

Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic Couture 202 Kensington Park Road W11 1NR, 020 7792 9022

Urban Retreat at Harrods

Chelsea Brasserie

87-135 Brompton Road, SW1X 7XL 020 7893 8333

7-12 Sloane Square, SW1W 8EG 020 7881 5999

Medical & Dental Services

The Cow

251 Brompton Rd, SW3 2EP 0845 250 0010

Cadogan Street Dental Office

89 Westbourne Park Road, W2 5QH 020 7221 0021

Nina’s House

Chelsea Consulting Rooms


281 King’s Road, SW3 5EW 020 7751 5827

2 Lower Sloane Street, SW1W 8BJ 020 7763 9100

143-144 Sloane Street, SW1X 9BL 020 7312 6930

Pampering & Wellbeing

Medicare Français

Jewellery Valuation & repair

Sub-Zero & Wolf Hawkes and Son 50-52 Walton Street, SW3 1RB 020 7589 2523 Watch Repair

Electric House


The Watch Gallery 129 Fulham Road, SW3 6RT 020 7952 2731

47 Cadogan Street, SW3 2QJ 020 7581 0811

191 Portobello Road, W11 2ED 020 7908 9696

Gaucho 3 Harrington Gardens, SW7 4JJ 020 7370 4999


89 Sloane Avenue, SW3 3DX 020 7584 9901

The Ledbury Restaurant Smile Style Dental Care

Vintage Watch Sellers

305 Brompton Road SW3 2DY 020 7581 5211

146 Holland Park Avenue, W11 4UE 020 7727 5810

Watches of Knightsbridge

Light Hair Studio

42 The Dental Practice

64 Knightsbridge, SW1X 7JF 020 7590 3034

293 Westbourne Grove W11 2QA 020 7792 0100

42 Pembridge Road, W11 3HN 020 7229 5542

127 Ledbury Road, W11 2AQ 020 7792 9090

The Lonsdale

For the Home

Richard Ward


82 Duke of York Square SW3 4LY 020 7730 1222

Hutch Interiors

The Mitre The Portobello Clinic

FurniturE, SOFT furnishings

61 Golborne Road, W10 5NR 020 3659 4320

Beauty Salons & Spas

Katharine Pooley

The Chelsea Day Spa

160 Walton Street, SW3 2JL 020 7584 3223

69a King’s Road, SW3 4NX 020 7351 0911

48 Lonsdale Road, W11 2DE 020 7727 4080

12 Raddington Road, W10 5TG 020 8962 0635

Haute Cuisine Dining

40 Holland Park Avenue, W11 3QY 020 7727 6332

One Kensington 1 Kensington High Street, W8 5NP 020 7795 6533

Bar Boulud Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park 66 Knightsbridge, SW1X 7LA 020 7201 3899

Restaurant Gordon Ramsay 68 Royal Hospital Road, SW3 4HP 020 7352 4441


Scalini 1-3 Walton Street, SW3 2JD 020 7225 2301

Umami 100 Cromwell Road, SW7 4ER 020 7341 2320

Members Clubs


Chelsea Arts Club

Hillside Clothes Care

Abels Moving Services

143 Old Church Street, SW3 6EB 020 7376 3311

118 Kensington Park Road W11 2PW 020 7243 6900

UK Residential, European and International Removals & Storage 020 3773 5796

The Sloane Club Infusion Haberdashery and Dry Cleaners


Lower Sloane Street, SW1W 8BS 020 7730 9131

La Bottega

Business Affairs

14 Gloucester Road SW7 4RB 020 7581 6980

computer & technology help

3 Chepstow Road W2 5BL 020 7243 8735

Richard Darsa


78 Cadogan Place, SW1X 9RP 07768 200 551

St. Anne’s Housekeeping

Ottolenghi Delicatessen 63 Ledbury Road W11 2AD 020 7727 1121

Partridges 2-5 Duke of York Square SW3 4LY 020 7730 7102


Runners 4 U Couriers


15 Elgin Mews, W11 1PU 020 6305 8941

Purple Bone

Selena Courier Service


Melt Chocolates

Luxury Car Services

59 Ledbury Road, W11 2AA 020 7727 5030

Avolus Luxury Transport

95 Notting Hill Gate W11 3JZ 020 7985 0903

Little Luxuries

Suzanne Thomas 07770 378791

Westminster Security Ltd 34 Buckingham Palace Road SW1W 0RH 020 7123 4544 / 0755 4000 300 SHORT-LET RENTAL MANAGEMENT

Nikki Tibbles Wild at Heart

Easy Rental Services

222 Westbourne Grove, W11 2RH 020 7727 3095 +44 7817 722073

specialist services

198 Ebury Street, SW1W 8UN 020 7730 5522

lifestyle services


White Circle Collection

The Botanist

71 Walton Street, SW3 2HT 020 7989 9890

Basement, Loft & Extension Specialist 28 Imperial Square 020 7078 8874


dog training


Kensington Nannies

M.A. Dog Training and Services

43 Thurloe Street, SW7 2LQ 020 7584 2000

3 Horton Place, Kensington High Street, W8 4LZ

07547 716076


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William Gaze Ltd

7 Sloane Square, SW1W 8EE 020 7730 0077

Frame Set & Match 111 Old Brompton Road, SW7 3LE 020 7589 7635

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38 Lombard Road, SW11 3RP 020 7978 6506



19 Bolsover Street, W1W 5NA 020 3397 7495

27 Eardley Crescent, SW5 9JS 020 7912 0062

William Curley

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HOMES showcasing the

finest HOMES & PROPERTY from the best estate agents

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Image courtesy of Domus Nova

Beyond your expectations

Pembroke Square, W8 Located on Pembroke Square and Earls Walk in the heart of Kensington, the property encompasses both tradition and modernity. A newly developed, five bedroom, Grade II Listed Kensington townhouse and newly built, two bedroom mews house with garage for two cars. EPC: C

£9,500,000 Freehold • • • • •

Marsh & Parsons 020 7368 4197

Hamptons Kensington Office Sales. 020 7717 5461 | Lettings. 020 7717 5459

Five bedrooms Mews house comprising open plan living Two further bedrooms Garage for two cars Garden Communal Gardens with tennis court

Stanley Crescent, W11 A fabulously bright, spacious and modern lateral three bedroom apartment (1,319sqft) offered to the market having undergone comprehensive renovations by the current owners. Occupying the second floor (with lift) of an impressive corner white-stucco building with triple aspect windows. Access to communal gardens. EPC: C

£2,850,000 Share of Freehold • • • • • •

Hamptons Nottinghill Office Lettings. 020 7584 2014 | Sales. 020 7717 5461

Reception room Kitchen Dining room Three bedrooms Two bathrooms Lift

Beyond your expectations

Eaton Terrace, SW1W This beautifully presented townhouse has been recently refurbished and interior designed to a very high standard and specification. It benefits from a fully fitted kitchen leading onto a 40ft landscaped garden. Eaton Terrace is conveniently located close to fashionable Elizabeth Street and the international amenities of Knightsbridge, Sloane Square and Belgravia. Sloane Square underground station is within easy walking distance. EPC: D

£7,500,000 Freehold • • • • • •

Hamptons Sloane Square Office Sales. 0203 2817220 | Lettings. 020 7717 5459

Four Bedroom house Generous and flexible entertaining space Fully fitted kitchen/dining room Landscaped garden Interior designed Moments from Sloane Square

Beyond your expectations

Harrington Gardens, SW7 A beautifully presented two bedroom second floor apartment, forming part of an attractive period building. This fantastic flat has a 16’10 x 14’10 south facing reception room with a feature fireplace and large bay window. This property offers a 16’4 x 13’6 master bedroom with en-suite bath and shower room, smart fully fitted kitchen and great natural light. EPC: D

£1,900,000 Leasehold • • • • • •

Hamptons Chelsea Office Sales. 020 7717 5431 | Lettings. 0207 3700 774

Two bedrooms Two bathrooms Refurbished to a high standard High ceilings Original period features 870 sq. ft

Beyond your expectations

Queen’s Gate Place Mews, SW7 An immaculately presented four bedroom mews house which has been meticulously refurbished and interior designed to exacting contemporary standards. This stunning property offers generous accommodation and superb natural light, combining sympathetic materials with exceptional audio visual equipment and lighting. The property includes a cinema room, gym and steam room and also an American oak wine storage space. EPC: C

Hamptons Knightsbridge Office Lettings. 020 7584 2044 | Sales. 020 7717 5461

£6,950,000 Freehold • • • • •

Four bedrooms Five bathrooms Two reception rooms Comfort cooling and heating by Mitsubishi Rot Punkt kitchen with Siemens appliances

Queen’s Gate, SW7 Situated on the second and third floors, this super bright duplex apartment boasts a wealth of natural light and offers a selection of period features including high ceilings. (1,755 sq.ft/ 163 sq.m). EPC: C

£1,350 per week Unfurnished • • • • •

*Tenant Charges Tenants should note that as well as rent, an administration charge of £216 (Inc. VAT) per property and a referencing charge of £54 (Inc. VAT) per person will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit

Hamptons Knightsbridge Office Lettings. 020 7584 2014 | Sales. 020 7717 5461

(charges apply)*

Four bedrooms Two bathrooms A wealth of natural light High ceilings Hardwood floors Central location

Beyond your expectations

Abingdon Villas, W8 A truly fabulous five bedroom family home set over four floors on this highly sought after street in central Kensington. Offered in beautiful condition the house features three bathrooms, off street parking, a private terrace and secluded garden. The house is offered unfurnished. EPC: E

£3,750 per week • • • • •

*Tenant Charges Tenants should note that as well as rent, an administration charge of £216 (Inc. VAT) per property and a referencing charge of £54 (Inc. VAT) per person will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit

Hamptons Kensington Office Sales. 020 7717 5461 | Lettings. 020 7717 5459

(charges apply)*

Highly sought after street Five Bedrooms Secluded Garden Private Terrace Off Street Parking 2639 sq ft/ 245 sq m

Harrington Gardens, SW3 A fantastic and newly re decorated one bedroom split level apartment in this period building on Harrington gardens. With a 17’2 Reception room, high ceilings and two large windows. As well as the private balcony and terrace the apartment has access to the communal gardens to the rear of the building. EPC: D *Tenant Charges Tenants should note that as well as rent, an administration charge of £216 (Inc. VAT) per property and a referencing charge of £54 (Inc. VAT) per person will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit

Hamptons Chelsea Office Sales. 020 7717 5431 | Lettings. 0207 3700 774

£635 per week • • • • •

(charges apply)*

Two Bedrooms Two Bathrooms Communal Garden Roof Terrace Balcony

Ladbroke Square House, Notting Hill W11 Four bedroom penthouse flat A rare opportunity to acquire a penthouse flat located in this prime location overlooking the stunning and highly sought after Ladbroke Square communal gardens. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen, balcony, right to apply for access to Ladbroke Square communal gardens. EPC: G. Approximately 121 sq m (1,300 sq ft). Share of freehold

Guide price: £2,200,000 020 8166 5449


K&C October - Ladbroke Sq house

09/09/2015 11:30:50



Palace Court, Notting Hill W2 Stunning three bedroom portered flat An opportunity to acquire a lateral apartment arranged over the second floor (with lift) of an elegant red brick portered mansion block in this prime address in W2. 2 bedrooms, study/bedroom 3, bathroom, shower room, reception room, kitchen, dining room, utility room. EPC: D. Approximately 130 sq m (1,399 sq ft). Share of freehold

Guide price: £2,500,000 020 8166 5449


K&C October - 64 palace Court

09/09/2015 11:29:51

Prince Edward Mansions, Notting Hill W2 Fantastic four bedroom lateral apartment A very well presented lateral apartment of almost 3,700 sq ft over one floor. Located in this popular portered block close to Pembridge Square. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (en suite), 2 shower rooms (en suite), 3 reception rooms, Study, kitchen, 2 terraces, storage units. EPC: D. Approximately 340 sq m (3,660 sq ft). Share of freehold

Guide price: £7,450,000 020 8166 5449


K&C October - 18 prince edward mansions

09/09/2015 11:28:25



Viscount Court, Notting Hill W2 Stunning two bedroom flat An immaculately presented two bedroom flat situated on the second floor (with lift) of this popular mansion block in the heart of Notting Hill. 2 bedrooms, bathroom, shower room, reception room, kitchen. EPC: E. Approximately 89 sq m (960 sq ft). Leasehold

Guide price: £1,799,999 020 8166 5449


K&C October - Viscount Court

09/09/2015 10:17:41

Gallery House, Pembridge Crescent, Notting Hill W11 Unmodernised warehouse for sale in the heart of Notting Hill A fantastic opportunity to purchase an unmodernised warehouse with planning permission to create an incredible home. Planning permission has been achieved to join two individual freehold properties and extend from their current 508 sq m (5,471 sq ft), to create a new spectacular house of approximately 761 sq m (8,200 sq ft). Please note: all images are Computer Generated Images for illustrative purposes only Freehold

Guide price: £11,500,000 020 8166 5449


K&C October - Gallery House

09/09/2015 12:00:56



Gloucester Walk, Kensington W8 An eight bedroom house with communal garden access A fantastic family house arranged laterally over two buildings on the lower floors backing directly onto one of Kensington’s only communal gardens. This superb house has good ceiling heights and is in excellent condition throughout. 8 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen/breakfast room, study, playroom, cloakroom, communal gardens. EPC: E. Approximately 572 sq m (6,159 sq ft). Freehold

Guide price: £9,500,000 020 3551 5156 020 7535 3300


York House - k and c - new

08/09/2015 16:53:42

Kensington Palace Gardens, Kensington W8 Lateral duplex apartment situated on this exclusive private road A rare opportunity to acquire a substantial duplex apartment situated on one of the most prestigious roads' in the world, with a generous terrace overlooking communal gardens and onto Kensington Gardens. 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, double volume drawing room, reception room, dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, guest cloakroom, terrace, communal gardens, staff accomadation. EPC: C. Approximately 467 sq m (5,026 sq ft). Leasehold 020 3551 5156


York House - k and c - new

08/09/2015 16:53:42



Brunswick Gardens, Kensington W8 An exceptional six bedroom family house with a pretty garden A beautifully designed and immaculate family home ideally located on Brunswick Gardens. The house has been recently refurbished with much flair and imagination using high quality, natural materials to an extremely high standard. 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms (3 en suite), drawing room, study area, kitchen/dining/family room, gym, cinema room, wine cellar, bar, 2 guest cloakrooms, garden. EPC: C. Approximately 472 sq m (5,072 sq ft). Freehold

Guide price: £12,500,000 020 3551 5156 020 3151 6268


York House - k and c - new

08/09/2015 16:53:42

Inkerman Terrace, Kensington W8 A five bedroom family house with garden This superb five bedroom family house has excellent proportions and living space and is situated moments from both Stratford village and High Street Kensington, conveniently located for local transport, amenities and schools. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, reception room, kitchen/breakfast room, dining, area, study, entrance hall, utility room, terrace, garden. EPC: F. Approximately 223 sq m (2,404 sq ft). Leasehold

Guide price: £4,650,000 020 3551 5156


York House - k and c - new

08/09/2015 16:53:42




This unique, low built, freehold house has an exceptional lateral footprint set behind a 47 ft wide faรงade and enjoys south facing views over the gardens to the rear of Brompton Square.

The accommodation offers the flexibility to provide either 4 or 5 bedroom suites, study, media room, swimming pool, stunning bespoke wine cellar and private garaging. EPC: C. Approximately 437 sq m (4,704 sq ft). FREEHOLD GUIDE PRICE ยฃ14,950,000


020 3641 5913

328617_KF_Ken&ChelseaMag_September15.indd 1

27/08/2015 16:50

Paultons Square, Chelsea SW3 Freehold house for sale on fabulous garden square This is a well presented freehold Grade II listed house situated on the southern terrace of this highly regarded Chelsea garden square. The house has excellent open plan entertaining space over the ground and lower ground floors, both areas have access to a pretty south facing garden. 3 - 4 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, 3 bathrooms, garden. Approximately 210 sq m (2,266 sq ft). Please note: photographs as previously furnished. Freehold

Guide price: £5,250,000 020 3641 5903


K&C October - Chelsea 2

08/09/2015 12:19:47



Justice Walk, Chelsea SW3 Stunning low built house on a quiet street A beautifully presented and incredibly rare wide and low built house situated in the heart of Old Chelsea. The house is arranged over three floors with a south facing patio garden. 5 bedrooms, 3 reception rooms, 3 bathrooms, patio. EPC: C. Approximately 236 sq m (2,546 sq ft). Freehold

Guide price: £5,500,000 020 3641 5903


K&C October - Chelsea

08/09/2015 10:46:32

WHAT'S YOUR NEXT MOVE? To find out how we can help you or to arrange your complimentary market appraisal please contact us: 020 7751 2400

Guide price: £2,550,000

Chesilton Road, Fulham SW6 This house has been extended and refurbished in a modern but classical style and offers generous proportions and high ceilings throughout. Master bedroom with en suite bathroom, 4 further bedrooms, family bathroom, reception room, kitchen/dining room, guest WC, cellar, balcony, garden. EPC: C. Approximately 197.3 sq m (2,124 sq ft). Office: 020 7751 2400


Guide price: £4,950,000

Parsons Green, Fulham SW6 One of the substantial and imposing houses overlooking Parsons Green. This superb house has been fully extended and refurbished and has a west facing garden. Part of the lower ground floor is organised as a separate nanny flat. EPC: F. Approximately 394.8 sq m (4,250 sq ft). Office: 020 7751 2400

K&C Mag - Oct

09/09/2015 09:02:37



Bolton Gardens, London SW5 Stunning first floor apartment in South Kensington with three bedrooms A beautifully presented, triple aspect, first floor apartment with a sensational reception room and 3.3m high ceilings. 3 bedroom suites, guest WC, reception room, kitchen, utility room, lift. EPC: C. Approximately 142 sq m (1,531 sq ft). Share of freehold with leasehold: approximately 983 years remaining

Guide price: £4,350,000 020 3641 6122


K&C October - SK

08/09/2015 11:27:22


Super Prime Lettings

Left to right – Georgina Rusling, Clare Foster, Tacita Rolls, Stevie Walmesley, Tom Smith, Emily Englander, Louise Sergeant, John Humphris, Rahim Najak, Isobel Pickering, Sophie Woolfenden (absent)

Q: How have you put the team together?

Knight Frank launches their new look Super Prime Lettings Team Knight Frank has unveiled the line-up of their new, dedicated Super Prime Lettings Team led by Tom Smith. After a detailed review of both their existing business model and those of their competitors they have launched what they believe will provide the optimum level of service to both their clients and applicants alike. We spoke to Tom to try and understand more about their new initiative and the wider team.

CT432_Spread_London_Mag_RUNWILD.indd All Pages

A: Whilst this is a “new team” we haven’t needed to externally recruit. It’s more a re-structuring of what we already have. “The right people in the right seats” to quote from Good to Great. We have understood the importance of local knowledge; so the team consists of one designated super prime expert from the 11 offices and then myself overseeing the initiative. Combined, this team has the ability to draw upon 130 years’ worth of experience. We have identified the key offices that are most regularly involved in super prime searches (what we mean by super prime internally is transactions at or property listings of £5,000 per week or above). Typically those offices located around the Parks namely Belgravia, Knightsbridge, South Kensington, Chelsea, Kensington, Notting Hill, Hyde Park, Marylebone, Mayfair, St John’s Wood and Hampstead, although of course some searches will take us to areas outside this remit where Knight Frank still has excellent coverage and market share.

Property Lettings Q: And what will your role be within the team? A: My role will be to oversee this team and most importantly to combine the local knowledge with the wider mechanics of the overall super prime market. This is a market that is essentially product led so it is important when giving advice to both clients and applicants to be in a position to offer this combination. It is this combination that will differentiate us from other agencies in the market. Alongside this I will be acting as a single point of contact and conducting all searches for applicants with rents of £500,000 per annum and above. We recognise that a single point of contact is vitally important both externally in the market for applicants or their retained search agents but also internally bringing together the extensive Knight Frank service lines, for example, our International Desks (Russian, Chinese, Indian, Middle Eastern), Luxury residential developments, Prime Central London Sales and those involved in our wider Global wealth strategy.


Grosvenor Crescent, Belgravia SW1 Guide price: £5,000 per week

Q: Why the new initiative? A: We have seen a 182% increase in applicant registrations over £5,000 per week in the second quarter of this year compared to the same quarter last year. With the right team and the right initiative we feel we are well placed to take advantage of this increase in activity for the benefit of our clients. This builds on the work that we have already been doing at super prime level. Last year was our best yet but we are always looking at ways we can improve.


Holland Villas Road, Kensington W14 Guide price: £12,000 per week

Q: Have you seen any changes in the Super Prime Lettings market over the last 12 months? A: There has always been demand from tenants for properties at this level of rent but the biggest hurdle has previously been finding properties on the rental market of the right calibre matching these tenants’ uncompromising expectations. Over the last 12 – 18 months, in what has been perceived to be a slower sales market, some sellers have changed direction and have looked at the possibility of becoming a Landlord. This has greatly improved the supply of quality super prime properties available to rent. This shows that if the product is there and more akin to a sale finish then there are super prime applicants more than happy to rent as a lifestyle choice. Over the last five years or so we have certainly seen the profile of a super prime tenant moving away from the Corporate in favour of the International high net worth individual. Tom Smith Head of Super Prime Lettings 020 7881 7730


Avenue Road, St John’s Wood NW8 Guide price: £20,000 per week


Mulberry Walk, Chelsea SW3 Guide price: £9,500 per week @KnightFrank

10/09/2015 12:11

Artesian Road, Notting Hill W2 Architect designed family house in the Artesian Grid off Westbourne Grove A fantastic architect designed five bedroom end of terrace period house with an open view down Sunderland Terrace, Westbourne Grove. There is a terrace off the reception room and a south facing landscaped garden. The house has off street parking. EPC: D. Approximately 217 sq m (2,336 sq ft). Available unfurnished

Guide price: £2,950 per week 020 7985 9990


All potential tenants should be advised that, as well as rent, an administration fee of £276 will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit

K&C October 2015

07/09/2015 14:38:22



Fordham Court, Kensington W8 A high specification three bedroom apartment A fabulous three bedroom apartment that has been refurbished to the highest standards with bespoke fixtures and fittings throughout. The property boasts fabulous celling heights in the reception room, three double bedrooms with good storage and three en suite bathrooms. 3 bedrooms, 1 reception room, 3 bathrooms. EPC: D. Approximately 172 sq m (1,850 sq ft). Available furnished or unfurnished

Guide price: £3,950 per week 020 3641 7308


All potential tenants should be advised that, as well as rent, an administration fee of £276 will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit

KC September amend

09/09/2015 13:24:14

Pelham Place, Knightsbridge SW7 Beautifully presented house on one of the area's most exclusive streets Fully modernised and beautifully furnished, this house features high ceilings and benefits from attractive front and rear gardens. 3 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, dining room, study, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, gardens. EPC: E. Approximately 263 sq m (2,830 sq ft). Available furnished

Guide price: £4,250 per week 020 3641 6019


All potential tenants should be advised that, as well as rent, an administration fee of £276 will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit

K&C - October 2015

08/09/2015 16:26:35


Pitch in on the Piano In aid of five chosen charities, Knight Frank Notting Hill is raising funds through an auction and raffle to be enjoyed by all the community. The office tells us more On Thursday 15 October, Knight Frank will be orchestrating its biennial Day of Giving,

le giving Knight Frank is holding a day of charitab some across all our UK offices in support of this through raised money All fantastic causes. charities. event will be shared between the below @KnightFrank

which will see all Knight Frank offices and departments in the UK raising money for five chosen charities. The charities, which will share equally in the total sums raised, are Land Aid, Mary’s Meals, Crohn’s & Colitis UK, Guide Dogs and Bumblebee Conservation Trust. The Day of Giving in 2013 produced an exceptional fundraising effort, generating well over £100,000. This year we are aiming to exceed this, in as many different ways as possible, challenging each department and office with new and innovative fundraising ideas. This year, Knight Frank Notting Hill will be installing an upright piano on the shopfront all day, very much along the lines of the street pianos at St Pancras station. So please don’t be shy – stop by, play and pay. We’d love to hear anything from Chopsticks to Chopin, Mozart to Madonna and everything in-between. Let’s fill Westbourne Grove with the sound of music! All we ask is for a donation for our charities to help us achieve our target for some fantastic causes. The piano will be signed by a raft of well-known locals and celebrities, and will then be auctioned off after the Day of Giving. There will also be a raffle on the day with some fantastic prizes from our local community. All money raised through the event will be shared between the charities mentioned above. “Our commitment to the area and community has never been stronger,” commented Caroline Foord, partner of the Notting Hill office. “Along with our Day of Giving, we are also hugely proud that it’s our 13th consecutive year sponsoring the W11 Opera for Young People. Since it was founded in 1971, W11 Opera for Young People has commissioned and produced 34 new operas. The charity day on 15 October also coincides with the 15th anniversary of the first office on Westbourne Grove. There is lots to celebrate, so please come and join us!” W11 Opera for Young People box office opens in October for this year’s commission Eliza & the Swans, which is showing on 12–13 December Knight Frank Notting Hill, 294 & 298 Westbourne Grove, W11 2PS; 020 7229 0229; @KFNotting_Hill

The Big Five


Crohn’s & Colitis UK

Mary’s Meals

Guide Dogs

A UK property industry charity, which helps to improve the lives of children and young people in the UK who are disadvantaged by their economic or social circumstances.

A national charity leading the battle against Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and other forms of inflammatory bowel disease.

A global movement that sets up school feeding projects in some of the world’s poorest communities.

Aims to help people who are blind or partially sighted enjoy the same freedom of movement as everyone else.

Bumble Bee Conservation Trust Supports the conservation of all bumblebees and raises awareness and understanding about the social, economic, environmental and cultural benefits that they and other pollinators provide.


1 BEAUTIFULLY REFURBISHED COMMUNAL GARDEN APARTMENT ladbroke gardens, w11 Reception room ø kitchen ø master bedroom suite ø access to communal garden ø 67 sq m (713 sq ft) ø EPC=C

Savills Notting Hill Abigail Frankish

020 7727 5750 Guide £1.35 million Leasehold, approximately 967 years remaining plus Share of Freehold

1 MAGNIFICENT END OF TERRACE GRADE II LISTED HOUSE WITH LIFT ennismore gardens, sw7 Drawing room ø dining room ø 5 further reception rooms ø 8 bedrooms (4 en suite) ø 3 further bath/shower rooms ø swimming pool/sauna ø roof terrace and balcony ø lift ø 669 sq m (7,206 sq ft) Guide £22 million Freehold

Savills Sloane Street

Savills Knightsbridge

Richard Gutteridge

Barbara Allen

020 7730 0822

020 7581 5234

1 2



Drawing room ø kitchen ø master bedroom suite ø 2 further double bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø terrace ø 97 sq m (1,044 sq ft) ø EPC=D

Reception room ø dining room ø kitchen ø master bedroom suite ø further bedroom suite ø 3 terraces ø 132 sq m (1,445 sq ft) ø EPC=D

Guide £1.625 million Leasehold

Guide £2.75 million Leasehold

Savills Chelsea 020 7578 9004

Savills Chelsea 020 7578 9003



Entrance hall ø reception room/dining room ø kitchen ø master bedroom ø bedroom 2/study ø bathroom ø terrace ø access to communal gardens ø 71 sq m (765 sq ft) ø EPC=C

Reception room ø kitchen ø 2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø balcony ø 93 sq m (995 sq ft) ø EPC=D

Guide £1.375 million Share of Freehold

Guide £1.695 million Leasehold

Savills Chelsea 020 7578 9002

Savills Notting Hill 020 7727 5750

3 4

1 2



Reception room ø kitchen ø 2 bedrooms ø bathroom ø 81 sq m (874 sq ft) ø EPC=D

Double reception room ø open plan kitchen/dining room/ family room ø 2/3 bedrooms ø 3 bath/shower rooms ø cloakroom ø landscaped front garden ø rear patio garden ø 127 sq m (1,366 sq ft) ø EPC=D

Guide £1.75 million Leasehold

Guide £2.695 million Freehold

Savills Notting Hill 020 7727 5750

Savills Kensington 020 7535 3300



Reception room/dining room ø kitchen ø 2 double bedrooms ø bathroom ø porter ø 65 sq m (700 sq ft) ø EPC=D

Reception room ø kitchen ø 2 bedrooms ø bathroom ø communal gardens ø 81 sq m (873 sq ft) ø EPC=D

Asking £1.365 million Leasehold

Guide £1.5 million Leasehold

Savills Kensington 020 7535 2980

Savills Kensington 020 7535 2980

3 4

1 2




7 bedrooms ø 6 bathrooms ø 3 reception rooms ø study ø kitchen/breakfast room ø south-facing garden ø 435 sq m (4,682 sq ft) ø Council Tax=H ø EPC=E

3 double bedrooms ø bedroom 4/study ø 3 bathrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø lift ø porter ø 226 sq m (2,440 sq ft) ø Council Tax=H ø EPC=D

Unfurnished £6,950 per week

Unfurnished £1,800 per week

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Kensington 020 7535 3333

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Kensington 020 7535 3333



4 bedrooms ø 3 bathrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø patio garden ø roof terrace ø 217 sq m (2,331 sq ft) ø Council Tax=C ø EPC=C

3 bedrooms ø 3 bathrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø study ø kitchen ø 158 sq m (1,698 sq ft) ø Council Tax=G ø EPC=D

Unfurnished £2,950 per week

Flexible furnishings £1,300 per week

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Notting Hill 020 7727 5751

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Notting Hill 020 7727 5751

3 4

*£36 additional tenant/occupant/guarantor referencereference where required. check out fee -check charged at the of or early *£36inc incVAT VATfor foreach each additional tenant/occupant/guarantor whereInventory required. Inventory out fee end – charged at termination the end of or early termination ofofthe andand the amount is dependent on the property and whether furnished/unfurnished. For more details For including fee, visit thetenancy tenancy the amount is dependent on the size property size and whether furnished/unfurnished. moreexample details,inventory visit



STUNNING APARTMENT IN NEW SOUTH KENSINGTON DEVELOPMENT cranley gardens, sw7 3 bedrooms ø 3 bathrooms ø reception room ø dining room ø kitchen ø guest cloakroom ø patio ø terrace ø 195.50 sq m (2,104 sq ft) ø Council Tax=H ø EPC=D

Savills Chelsea Sophie Tiarks

020 7578 9011

Unfurnished £2,500 per week + £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* *£36inc incVAT VATfor foreach each additional tenant/occupant/guarantor whereInventory required. Inventory out fee end – charged at termination the end of or early termination *£36 additional tenant/occupant/guarantor referencereference where required. check out fee -check charged at the of or early of the tenancy and the amount is dependent on the property size and whether furnished/unfurnished. For more details, visit of the tenancy and the amount is dependent on the property size and whether furnished/unfurnished. For more details including example inventory fee, visit

1 2




2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø reception room ø guest w.c ø garage ø 118 sq m (1,280 sq ft) ø Council Tax=G ø EPC=E

4 bedrooms ø 3 bathrooms ø reception room ø dining room ø kitchen ø terrace ø 172 sq m (1,855 sq ft) ø Council Tax=H ø EPC=C

Furnished £795 per week

Unfurnished £1,800 per week

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Kensington 020 7535 3333

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Kensington 020 7535 3333



2 bedroom suites ø reception room ø separate kitchen ø duplex apartment ø direct lift access ø 91 sq m (978 sq ft) ø Council Tax=F ø EPC=D

2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø reception room ø kitchen ø communal gardens ø garage ø 132 sq m (1,418 sq ft) ø Council Tax=G ø EPC=D

Flexible furnishings £950 per week

Unfurnished £950 per week

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Notting Hill 020 7727 5751

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Notting Hill 020 7727 5751

3 4

*£36 additional tenant/occupant/guarantor referencereference where required. check out fee -check charged at the of or early *£36inc incVAT VATfor foreach each additional tenant/occupant/guarantor whereInventory required. Inventory out fee end – charged at termination the end of or early termination ofofthe andand the amount is dependent on the property and whether furnished/unfurnished. For more details For including fee, visit thetenancy tenancy the amount is dependent on the size property size and whether furnished/unfurnished. moreexample details,inventory visit


1 2




2 bedrooms (1 en suite) ø 2 bathrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø underfloor heating ø CCTV ø 162.8 sq m (1,752 sq ft) ø Council Tax=H ø EPC=D

7 bedrooms (2 en suite) ø 3 bathrooms ø 2 reception rooms ø conservatory ø 2 kitchens ø balcony ø patio ø lift ø 455 sq m (4,904 sq ft) ø Council Tax=H

Unfurnished £1,700 per week

Unfurnished £4,500 per week

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Knightsbridge 020 7584 8585

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Knightsbridge 020 7584 8585



4 bedrooms (1 en suite) ø bathroom ø 3 reception rooms ø kitchen ø garden ø garden square access ø 248 sq m (2,672 sq ft) ø Council Tax=H ø EPC=E

2 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø reception room ø open plan kitchen ø roof terrace ø communal garden ø 88.5 sq m (953 sq ft) ø Council Tax=F ø EPC=C

Unfurnished £3,750 per week

Flexible furnishings £1,250 per week

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Chelsea 020 7578 9011

+ £276 inc VAT tenancy paperwork fee and other charges may apply* Savills Chelsea 020 7578 9011

3 4

*£36 additional tenant/occupant/guarantor referencereference where required. check out fee -check charged at the of or early *£36inc incVAT VATfor foreach each additional tenant/occupant/guarantor whereInventory required. Inventory out fee end – charged at termination the end of or early termination ofofthe andand the amount is dependent on the property and whether furnished/unfurnished. For more details For including fee, visit thetenancy tenancy the amount is dependent on the size property size and whether furnished/unfurnished. moreexample details,inventory visit


a Unique perspective on...


An opportunity to acquire a well presented three bedroom First floor mansion flat in the ever popular Beaufort Mansions. This charming flat boasting excellent natural light extends to 976 sq ft/ 91 sq m and could be moved into with little or no expense to the incoming purchaser.

Three Bedrooms | Reception Room | Kitchen | Two Bathrooms | Kitchen | Balcony | Approx 976 Sq ft

SOUTH KENSINGTON | 020 7373 5052 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.

buying renting and selling homes.

Collingham Place, SW5 ÂŁ900 Per week A well presented two bedroom, two bathroom flat located on the third and fourth floors (access on the second floor) of this period building.

2 Bedrooms | 1 Reception room | 2 Bathrooms | Upper Floor Period Flat | Roof Terrace | 1094 Approx Sq ft

SOUTH KENSINGTON | 020 7370 6767 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.

Offices in London, the country and overseas. See things differently

a Unique perspective on...

Lennox Gardens, SW1X ÂŁ895 per week An exceptional modern one bedroom apartment on the first floor of a handsome building located in one of the most desirable streets of Knightsbridge. One Bedroom Period Flat | First Floor | Furnished | 646 Approx Sq ft | EPC E

Tedworth Square, SW3 ÂŁ1,250 per week A contemporary redevelopment of this exquisite two double bedroom two bathroom split level apartment ideal for entertaining with access to communal gardens. Two Bedroom Modern Flat | Two Reception Rooms | Two Bathrooms | Ground and First Floor | Communal Gardens | Resident Parking | Furnished | 1339 Approx Sq ft | EPC C

Knightsbridge & Chelsea | 020 7589 6616 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.

buying renting and selling homes.

Egerton Gardens £1,645,000 STC Located on the top floor of this former Queen Anne style red-brick terraced house, this bright conversion flat is presented in good condition and benefits from an attractive reception room with dining area. 2 Bedroom period flat | Share of Freehold | Top Floor | Lift, Balcony | 2 Bathrooms | Communal Gardens | Resident Parking | Service charge £4,000 pa | Ground rent Peppercorn | approx. 815 fq ft | EPC D

Dovehouse Street £2,400,000 stc Unique opportunity to acquire a pair of Artist’s studios, enjoying their own communal entrance, moments from Kings Road. Located in this quiet enclave of Chelsea, these attractive artist’s studio’s provide light and airy accommodation with superb front and rear aspects. Two Period Studio Flats | Leasehold | First Floor | Resident Parking | 925 Total Approx Sq ft | Service charge Self Repairing | Ground rent £20 pa

Knightsbridge & Chelsea | 020 7589 6616 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.

a Unique perspective on...

Kensington Place, W8 ÂŁ2,525,000 Freehold A spacious modern three bedroom house on four floors with a south facing patio garden, roof terrace and designated parking space. The property has the kitchen, dining room, utility room and storage room on the lower ground floor. The bright reception room, with access to the patio garden, is situated on the ground floor. There are two double bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor with the principal bedroom, en suite bathroom and roof terrace situated on the top floor. Kensington Place is a sought after street located between Kensington Church Street and Campden Hill Road and is close to the many excellent shops, restaurants and transport facilities of both Kensington High Street and Notting Hill Gate. The green open spaces of Kensington Gardens and Holland Park are also within easy walking distance. Drawing room | Kitchen/Dining room | Master bedroom with en suite bathroom | Two double bedrooms | Further bathroom | Cloakroom | Storage room/Pantry and Utility room | Garden and roof terrace | Designated parking space | EPC E

KENSINGTON | 020 7727 1500 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.

buying renting and selling homes.

Blithfield Street, W8 £2,800,000 freehold An attractive four bedroom Victorian house situated quietly at the end of a charming cherry tree lined cul-de-sac. The ground floor has a 26’ reception room with square arch through to a kitchen/dining room which leads to the patio garden. The principal bedroom suite occupies the first floor. There are three further bedrooms and two further bath/shower rooms. Blithfield Street is located off Stratford Road with its charming parade of local shops and is also within easy walking distance to High Street Kensington and Gloucester Road. Reception room | Kitchen/Dining room | Principal bedroom with en suite bathroom | Three further bedrooms | Further bathroom | Shower room | Patio | Quiet and charming location | EPC E

KENSINGTON | 020 7727 1500 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.

a Unique perspective on...

arundel gardens, W11 ÂŁ3,500,000 A simply stunning three bedroom maisonette in this sought after spot with beautiful private garden opening to wonderful communal gardens. This fabulous apartment is arranged with elegantly proportioned living space over the whole raised ground floor - a large south facing reception to the front with magnificent bay window, and a contemporary kitchen with dining area to the rear, opening out to balcony with steps down to the gardens below. On the lower ground are three spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms.

3 Bedrooms | 1 Reception Room | 2 Bathrooms | Garden & Communal Gardens | Terraced | First Floor | 948 sq ft

notting hill | 020 7727 3227 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.

Offices in London, the country and overseas. See things differently

buying renting and selling homes.

Lansdowne Crescent, W11 ÂŁ8,500,000 A spectacular penthouse apartment of breath-taking design, with glass external walls taking full advantage of the sensational views offered by such an elevated position. The apartment is accessed through a discreet private courtyard and lift and features expansive living and entertaining space, both inside and out, a fabulous master bedroom suite and up to four additional bedrooms.

6 Bedrooms | Reception room/Bar | Reception/Dining area | Kitchen | 4 Bathrooms | Penthouse | Private Lift | Roof Terrace | 4056 Approx Sq ft

notting hill | 020 7727 3227 on the go... No matter where you are, our properties are only a tap away.


A bright and well-presented upper maisonette with views towards stunning communal gardens. The flat also has a roof terrace and balcony and has a large reception/dining room along with two double bedroom suites and a smaller box room. The entrance is on the first floor. 2 reception rooms • 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms • Kitchen • Roof terrace Communal gardens • EPC rating D

Guide price £2,150,000

Holland Park & Notting Hill 020 7471 9833


This charming ground floor flat is situated in a fabulous location close to the river and south of the Kings Road. The property has recently been refurbished offering well-proportioned rooms and is situated in a portered Victorian mansion block with its own street entrance. Reception room • 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms • EPC rating E

Guide price £1,650,000

Knightsbridge & Chelsea 020 7584 7020


A bright and well-proportioned apartment with access to communal gardens in a period building located just moments from Sloane Square. Reception room • 3 bedrooms Bathroom • Balcony • Communal garden EPC rating D

Guide price £1,500,000

Knightsbridge & Chelsea 020 7584 7020



Holland Park W11

Hyde Park W2

A fantastic refurbished house tucked away in this charming cobbled mews in Holland Park.

A unique newly refurbished apartment set in a quiet cobbled mews in the heart of the prestigious Hyde Park Estate.

Reception room • 2 bedrooms • Bathroom • Kitchen Private parking • EPC rating E

£675 per week*/£2,925 per month*

Reception room/dining room • 2 bedrooms • Bathroom Kitchen • EPC rating D

£515 per week*/£2,231.67 per month*

Holland Park & Notting Hill

Holland Park & Notting Hill



Bayswater W2

Holland Park W11

A fantastic apartment set in a white stucco fronted building on a prestigious garden square in Bayswater.

An immaculately refurbished house comprising 3,344 sq ft and offering stylish family accommodation in a prime Notting Hill location.

Reception room/dining room • Bedroom • Bathroom Kitchen • Access to communal gardens • EPC rating C

2 reception rooms • 4 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • Kitchen Patio garden • Off-street parking • EPC rating F

£450 per week*/£1,950 per month*

£4,500 per week*/£19,500 per month*

Holland Park & Notting Hill

Holland Park & Notting Hill

020 7371 3377 |

020 7371 3377 |

020 7371 3377 |

020 7371 3377 |

*Rent excludes administration fees. Please contact our branch who can provide this information.



Knightsbridge SW3

Westminster SW1

A recently refurbished split level maisonette with high ceilings and plenty of natural light with wooden floors to the living areas and a lovely private west-facing terrace.

A smartly presented fourth floor flat within this superb development, situated moments from Sloane Square and Victoria with excellent transport links into both the West End and the City.

Reception room • 2 bedrooms • Bathroom • Private terrace • EPC rating D

£995 per week*/£4,311.66 per month*

Reception room • Bedroom • Bathroom • EPC rating B

Knightsbridge & Chelsea

£475 per week*/£2,058 per month* Knightsbridge & Chelsea

020 7584 7020 |

020 7584 7020 |



Pimlico SW1

Chelsea SW1

A simply gorgeous Pimlico family house with a delightful garden and two further terraces.

A charming house in a quiet Chelsea street with a lovely patio.

4 reception rooms • 5 bedrooms • 3 bathrooms • 2 terraces Garden • EPC rating D

2 reception rooms • 3 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • Patio EPC rating D

£2,400 per week*/£10,400 per month*

£1,400 per week*/£6,066.66 per month*

Knightsbridge & Chelsea

Knightsbridge & Chelsea

020 7584 7020 |

020 7584 7020 |

Planning permission has been granted by RBK&C to join this pair of semi-detached houses into one substantial property measuring 9,895.5 sq. ft./ 919.3 sq m. Potential to create 4 floors of lateral space and a sweeping carriage driveway for 5 cars. Pembridge Villas, W11 Guide Price ÂŁ15.5 million


10 Lambton Place, London W11 2SH

A Victorian Italianate villa set back from the road in its own wrap around garden, sheltered from prying eyes and London life Reception room, family room, dining room, kitchen, master bedroom suite, four further bedrooms, three further bathrooms, utility room, cloakroom, study/bedroom 5 Wine cellar and media room Front and back gardens with access to communal gardens with a tennis court 5,144 sq ft/ 477.9 sq m City of Westminster EPC rating band E Warwick Avenue, Little Venice W9 Guide Price ÂŁ11 million Sole Agent

020 7221 1117

10 Lambton Place, London W11 2SH

Halsey Street SW3 ÂŁ6,500,000 A wonderful, five-bedroom family house finished to the highest standard and located on a prime street just moments from Sloane Square and Knightsbridge. Freehold. EPC=C

Prime Sales: 020 7368 4197

Gloucester Walk W8 ÂŁ4,195,000 A fabulous six-bedroom house with a south facing garden presently divided in to two fantastic flats with high ceilings, which is now in need of modernisation. Freehold. EPC=E

Kensington: 020 7368 4450

Woodsford Square W14 ÂŁ3,650,000 A charming and well-maintained, five-bedroom family home with a large private garden in this sought after Holland Park enclave set in secure private grounds. Freehold. EPC=E

Holland Park: 020 7605 6890

Lennox Gardens SW1X ÂŁ2,500,000 A fabulous two-bedroom first floor apartment in this prestigious building situated in the highly desirable building and a short walk to Knightsbridge, Sloane Street and Hyde Park. Share of Freehold. EPC=D

Chelsea: 020 7591 5570

Paultons Street SW3 ÂŁ3,500 per week A beautifully refurbished and rarely available four-bedroom family house ideally located for the local shopping, transport and restaurant facilities of the Kings Road. EPC=E

Chelsea: 020 7591 5570

Highlever Road W10 ÂŁ1,100 per week A stunning three-bedroom house which has been extensively refurbished boasting a large lawned garden and positioned in the heart of North Kensington. EPC=D

North Kensington: 020 7313 8350

Nevern Square


London SW5

share of freehold

A newly refurbished 2 bedroom apartment situated within an attractive period building. The accommodation comprises an open plan reception/dining room & fully fitted kitchen, 2 double bedrooms with built-in storage & 2 large bathrooms (1 en-suite). The property has been completed to the highest of standards, merging modern style while complementing the building’s Victorian structure. Nevern Square is a highly regarded private garden square superbly located to the west of Earl’s Court Road. EPC rating C


020 7937 7244

CHN1861 Kensington & Chelsea mag Oct v9.indd 1

10/09/2015 20:04


Kensington Gore

London SW7

ÂŁ5,950,000 share of freehold

An impressive 4 bedroom apartment in Albert Hall Mansions, a prestigious Grade II listed mansion block adjacent to the Royal Albert Hall. Extending to 2,573 sq ft, the accommodation comprises an imposing entrance hall adjoining a spacious double reception room, a modern fully fitted kitchen/breakfast room, guest cloakroom, 4 double bedrooms (all of which are en-suite), a utility room & a further 5th bedroom/family room. The building also benefits from 24 hour porterage & a lift. EPC rating E


020 7937 7244


CHN1861 Kensington & Chelsea mag Oct v9.indd 2

10/09/2015 20:05

Sydney Mews


Chelsea SW3


A 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom triplex apartment with a separate self-contained apartment on the lower ground floor, ideal for a live-in nanny or guest space. Sydney Mews is a within close proximity to South Kensington underground station. EPC rating D

Your property can help you get away with Chestertons To find out more talk to us today or visit

Applies to sellers and landlords. Terms and conditions apply see for details. Avios are issued and redeemed in accordance with Avios terms and conditions.


020 7594 4740

CHN1861 Kensington & Chelsea mag Oct v9.indd 3

10/09/2015 20:05


Burton Court, Franklins Row

Chelsea SW3

ÂŁ2,750,000 share of freehold

An extremely rare & beautifully presented 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom lateral apartment, situated in this incredibly sought-after period purpose built mansion block which overlooks Burton Court. The property benefits from unusually high ceilings, period features & a west facing patio. Further benefits include a lift and resident porter. Burton Court lies to the south of the King’s Road, within close proximity to Sloane Square & all the fantastic amenities of the area. EPC rating E


020 7594 4740


CHN1861 Kensington & Chelsea mag Oct v9.indd 4

10/09/2015 20:05

Princedale Road


Notting Hill W11


A beautifully presented 4 bedroom mid terrace period house on Princedale Road, in the heart of Holland Park. Arranged over only 3 floors the property offers good lateral living in a central location. EPC rating E

Notting Hill & Holland Park

020 3040 8585

CHN1861 Kensington & Chelsea mag Oct v9.indd 5

10/09/2015 20:06


Ledbury Road

Notting Hill W11

ÂŁ3,700,000 leasehold

A beautifully refurbished split level apartment on Ledbury Road, benefitting from 3 bedrooms, its own front door & extensive refurbishment. This property has the feel of a whole house & is ready to move into. EPC rating D

Notting Hill & Holland Park

020 3040 8585


CHN1861 Kensington & Chelsea mag Oct v9.indd 6

10/09/2015 20:07

POWIS MEWS, W11 £12,000,000 Freehold

Highly unique and incredibly rare. The home and work space of global design pioneer, Ross Lovegrove. This sensational home offers four floors of phenomenal architect-designed space within this quiet and authentic cobbled mews. –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

Two outstanding open-plan living areas Ground floor and basement work spaces Modern kitchen Master bedroom suite Two further bedrooms Family bathroom and utility room Private roof garden Architect: Miska Miller-Lovegrove Approx. 5,442 sq ft / 506 sq m. EPC=C

Domus Nova Notting Hill 17 Kensington Park Road W11 2EU 020 7727 1717

w Oakwood Court, W14 £4,250,000 Leasehold

A sensational Holland Park mansion apartment with beautiful interiors by Caroline Legrand Design. Offering exceptional lateral space and superb family accommodation, including a large patio garden, this home is unique. –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

Magnificent double reception room Boffi kitchen Luxurious master bedroom suite Three double bedrooms Four bathrooms Marble-tiled hallway Large patio garden Access to communal gardens Designer: Caroline Legrand Design Approx. 2,695 sq ft / 250.4 sq m. EPC=E

WESTBOURNE PARK VILLAS, W2 £3,500,000 Leasehold

Designed by Claire Lloyd, an all-white home featuring phenomenal space, proportions and natural light. Benefiting from an unrivalled location and with incredible rooftop views this stunning triplex occupies the majority of a wide period building in Notting Hill. –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

Spectacular 33ft reception space Contemporary kitchen Master bedroom suite Further double bedroom and bathroom Utility room and study South-facing roof garden Approx. 2,288 sq ft / 213 sq m. EPC=E

Domus Nova Notting Hill

17 Kensington Park Road W11 2EU 020 7727 1717


£2,750 per week – admin fees apply* Long Let Follow the rainbow up the stairs and past the forest, then slide back down into your living room... Envisaged by Ab Rogers Designs with floor art by Richard Woods, The Rainbow House is an incredible showcase of cool, contemporary design. –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

Vibrant living space featuring a slide Contemporary kitchen Three double bedrooms and bathrooms Media room Private decked terrace and roof garden Architect: Ab Rogers Design Approx. 3,123 sq ft / 290.01 sq m. EPC=F *


£850 per week – admin fees apply* Long Let Offering truly exceptional warehouse-  style living, a wonderfully bright split-level apartment with a private terrace. Combining a contemporary and stylish finish with an industrial twist, this property features an impressive 42” open-plan living area and a luxurious bedroom with access onto the terrace. –– –– –– –– –– –– ––

First and second-floor apartment Sensational open-plan living space Modern kitchen One bedroom with walk-in wardrobe Roof terrace Approx. 1,380 sq ft / 128.3 sq m. EPC=E *

Domus Nova Bayswater 78 Westbourne Grove W2 5RT 020 7221 7817

w Randolph Crescent, W9

£1,100 per week – admin fees apply* Short Let With a minimalist Scandi style, this unique and recently refurbished apartment is set on the first floor of a period property in Little Venice. Ideally located for Clifton Gardens and Maida Vale, the property has a fantastic west London position. –– –– –– –– –– ––

Open-plan reception / kitchen Master bedroom Guest bedroom / study Two bathrooms Architect: Henning Stummel Architects Approx. 862 sq ft / 80.09 sq m. EPC=D *

The Power of Positivity Tasty coffee, satisfied clients, happy teams and a high turnover; Hannah Lemon finds out what rewards Lucy Morton and Andrew Frost are reaping from the merger of W.A.Ellis with JLL one year on

Andrew Frost

Lucy Morton

Nothing helps a project go better than positive thinking and it’s hard not to feel good about the merger when speaking to Lucy Morton, former senior partner at W.A.Ellis and now head of residential agency at JLL and W.A.Ellis, and Andrew Frost, head of residential at JLL. Twelve months on and I am attempting to poke holes in their venture to see if either property camp has crumbled during this time, but both of them flick my questions away like a hand casually shooing a drowsy fly. “We took such a long time to ensure that the decision was right for both businesses and, of course, the clients, that it has really paid dividends over the last year – much more than we anticipated,” Andrew explains. “It has exceeded our expectations,” agrees Lucy. “The integration from day one was seamless.” Surely there must have been a few challenges, a few creases that needed ironing out? “The main challenge was with the IT platform,” admits Lucy. “We needed to bring the two IT systems together, so that business wasn’t affected at any stage. Over one weekend, the W.A.Ellis platform was moved onto the JLL platform. But it’s been fine – all the excitement and business opportunities have outweighed any IT problems.”

Chantrey House, offering stunning period apartments available through both JLL and W.A.Ellis


Cleveland Square, a modern appartment available through both JLL and W.A.Ellis

Were there any compromises to be made? At this point, Andrew jumps in to divulge one serious modification that rocked the foundations of W.A.Ellis. I listen with bated breath and anticipation as he explains: “The valuation team had to trade their magnificent desks overlooking Harrods for an open-plan arrangement in our head office in Warwick Street with a thousand other people.” I pause waiting to see if anything else is to follow. “That’s the biggest compromise.” It really has been a smooth ride if that’s the worst of it and even for this Andrew finds a silver lining. “The coffee is brilliant in our office,” he chuckles. Looking back to their comments last year, both companies were looking for support from the other; W.A.Ellis for a global platform and JLL for a bigger reach into prime central London. Has this been achieved? “JLL has 57,000 people globally. I think that has helped W.A.Ellis significantly,” explains Andrew. “Lucy has worked closely with teams in the Far East, while other members of the W.A.Ellis team have been over in the Middle East; we are already seeing direct results from this in deals done and new instructions.” The General Election and the rise in Stamp Duty has been widely reported to have affected local markets in prime central London. Was this the case for JLL and W.A.Ellis? “The market is tougher,” replies Andrew, “but when it’s more difficult, there is a flight to quality and it gives us the opportunity to prevail over other estate agents.” The top end of the residential market, around £3-10 million, has slowed down, but the super prime market above this has seen some significant sales. What has changed in the Royal Borough? “There is more competition in prime central London now,” answers Lucy. “The

emerging areas, such as Marylebone and Shoreditch, and the markets around there have expanded the enquiry level.” But Andrew counters: “The area will always be aspirational; it just gets better and better. You would be mad to bet against the borough and against prime central London.” Andrew begins to explain that because of the global reach of the business and the different services it offers, it has a stability that many other estate agents are not able to provide. “We can make decisions on a strategic basis, rather than responding to one quarter or one year,” he says. “In the context of the scale of JLL, for example, the whole business had a record year over the last 12 months – turnover is up 18 per cent ($4.7 billlion). If there is a little bit of local disruption in one part of the business, it really doesn’t impact on overall decision-making.” The downstream business, in particular, has had a notable influence on instructions. Lucy explains what this means in layman’s terms: “For all the properties that the development and investment team sell, both here in the UK and globally, we have put systems in place to capture what we call ‘downstream business’. The client databases are filtered down to the whole of the JLL lettings agency – it is exciting to be letting such a substantial amount of prime property. We have managed to exceed clients’ expectations. Additionally, on the sales side, the cross-referral business has been huge. We have done some fantastic joint deals, which, I can safely say, we wouldn’t have done had we remained at W.A.Ellis.”

“The whole business had a record year over the last 12 months – turnover is up 18 per cent” Notable projects since the merger include joint deals at Battersea Power Station, Chantrey House and Cleveland Square, as well as renting stock on the Merchant Square development and two Neo Bankside penthouse apartments for a Hong Kong client. “We have achieved record rents for them,” says Lucy. They have launched a client services department to manage clients’ expectations and ensure the very best service. “It’s really to keep in touch with past, present and future clients on the JLL and W.A.Ellis agency side,” says Lucy. They have also opened their first office since the merger in Nine Elms and are opening another in Stratford at the end of the year. Most importantly, I ask, have they enjoyed working together? “Yes, it’s been great for both of us to build a business with the strength of the power house that is JLL. We are fitter as well; Lucy and I regularly walk between our offices on Brompton Road and Warwick Street,” jokes Andrew. “It feels completely natural and something we should have done ...” He pauses for a millisecond, then completes the sentence in unison with Lucy: “... years ago.”,, 020 7306 1600



1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Open plan kitchen & living room Superb investment opportunity

● ● ● ●

24 Hour concierge Resident only leisure facilities Approx. 641 sq ft (59.6 sq m) EPC: B

Guide price £995,000 LEASEHOLD For more information, call Jessica Conway 020 7087 5696 or email

387 Kensington High Street London W14 8QH


2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms and separate WC Duplex apartment Private patio

● ● ● ●

Courtyard views 24 Hour concierge Approx. 1,234 sq ft (114.6 sq m) EPC: B

Guide price £1,890,000 LEASEHOLD For more information, call Jessica Conway 020 7087 5696 or email

387 Kensington High Street London W14 8QH


1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom and separate WC Open plan kitchen & living room Private balcony

● ● ● ●

24 Hour concierge Resident only leisure facilities Approx. 720 sq ft (66.91 sq m) EPC: B

Price £695 per week FURNISHED For more information, call Kyle Best 020 7087 5696 or email

Potential tenants are advised that administration fees may be payable when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

387 Kensington High Street London W14 8QH


2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Open plan kitchen & living room Private balcony

● ● ● ●

High specification interior Resident only leisure facilities Approx. 895 sq ft (83.2 sq m) EPC: B

Price £1,000 per week FURNISHED For more information, call Kyle Best 020 7087 5696 or email

Potential tenants are advised that administration fees may be payable when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

387 Kensington High Street London W14 8QH


2 Double bedrooms Bathroom (en suite) Shower room (en suite) Reception room / kitchen

● ● ● ●

Bedroom 3 / study Porter and lift Comfort cooling Approx. 1,337 sq ft (124 sq m)

Guide price £3,350,000 Leasehold with 124 years remaining For more information, call Simon Godson 020 7306 1610 or email

174 Brompton Road London SW3 1HP


5 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 Reception rooms Dining room

● ● ● ●

Breakfast room Study Garden Approx. 2,498 sq ft (232 sq m)

Guide price £5,950,000 Freehold For more information, call Richard Barber 020 7306 1620 or email

174 Brompton Road London SW3 1HP


3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom 1 Shower room Guest cloakroom

● ● ● ●

2 Reception rooms Fully fitted kitchen Approx. 1,152 sq ft (107 sq m) EPC: current (D) potential (C)

Price £1,395 per week Furnished For more information, call Kerry Morley 020 7306 1630 or email

Potential tenants are advised that administration fees may be payable when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

174 Brompton Road London SW3 1HP


4/5 Double bedrooms 4 Bathrooms (3 en suite) Guest cloakroom 1/2 Reception rooms

● ● ● ●

Open plan kitchen Paved garden Approx. 2,329 sq ft (216 sq m) EPC: current (E) potential (C)

Price £3,250 per week Unfurnished For more information, call Charlie Woods 020 7306 1630 or email

Potential tenants are advised that administration fees may be payable when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

174 Brompton Road London SW3 1HP

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18 Savile Row, London, W1S 3PW


An opportunity to purchase four individual flats, on newly granted leases, and/or the freehold interest of the building. A Grade II* Listed handsome building comprising four flats on the raised ground, first, second and third floors. Raised Ground Floor: First Floor: Second Floor: Third Floor:

2 Bedroom 1 Bedroom Bedroom 2 bedroom

– – – –

1,094 sq.ft 577 sq.ft 632 sq.ft 743 sq.ft

– – – –

£1,600,000 £920,000 £850,000 £890,000


Leasehold for Sale – £3,250,000

A beautifully presented family house with a lovely rear patio garden. The house is deceptively deep giving extra space and excellent proportions throughout. It also benefits from a fantastic studio room occupying the entire top floor with a wonderful roof terrace. The owners also have access to both Cambridge Square and Norfolk Square gardens. 2 receptions, kitchen/breakfast room, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2,770 sq.ft.) .


Freehold for Sale – £4,250,000

An architect designed house redeveloped to a high standard. A fantastic 4/5 bedroom family house with 3 reception rooms, a 58ft west facing rear garden and off-street parking for up to four cars. The house also benefits from a new lower ground floor which leads out to the garden. At the northern end of the road, conveniently situated for the open spaces of Holland Park – there is an entrance almost opposite. (2,459 sq.ft.)


The aspect from this apartment is almost completely over it’s own private 60’ garden. A newly modernised apartment which has been cleverly designed around a digital home management system. You can monitor the apartment and change settings from almost anywhere in the World! High ceilinged double reception room, kitchen/breakfast room, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom, en suite shower room, cloakroom, decked sun terrace and lawned garden.

Leasehold for Sale – £1,850,000


To Let – £1,850 per week

Hidden away in a lovely cul-de-sac. A family mews house with wooden floors throughout. Modern and very large open plan reception room with dining and kitchen areas, 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, shower room, study/bedroom 4, separate utility cupboards and glass door to balcony.


To Let – £525 per week

Recently refurbished, a first floor flat with a leafy aspect facing west at the rear of this 1930’s block. Large reception room with dining area, fitted kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom. Close to the first class local shopping and transport facilities.


To Let – £900 per week

A spacious garden flat with it’s own entrance and 36’ garden, in this prestigious tree lined road, close to the open spaces of Holland Park. Large reception room, fully fitted kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, both with en suite bathrooms, guest’s cloakroom and off street parking.


To Let – £800 per week

A fantastic apartment situated on the second floor of this sought after portered block in Holland Park. The newly decorated accommodation comprises large reception room with balcony, well presented kitchen, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom and shower room.

Haute couture prĂŞt-Ă -porter We tailor our service to suit your most demanding requirements. Just one of the reasons we're an award-winning Prestige Lettings Agency of the year.* Get the level of service your most important asset deserves.

If you are looking to buy, sell or rent a property, please get in touch T 020 7014 3800 * Category: Prestige Letting Agent of the Year, Lettings Agency of the Year Awards in conjunction with the Times and Sunday Times.

Established 1897

HYDE PARK GATE, Kensington SW7 A stunning apartment (approximately 1,249sq. ft. / 116 sq. m.) set on the raised ground floor of a period conversion. The apartment has been meticulously refurbished to extremely high standards and comprises of two double bedrooms, both ensuite, and a spacious reception room with large sash windows and views across Kensington Gardens. The building is well located opposite Hyde Park & Kensington Palace Gardens and is ideal for Kensington High Street and the world class amenities that Kensington has to offer. EPC rating C.

Leasehold approximately 972 years remaining Guide Price ÂŁ2,850,000 020 3650 4603


HARRODSESTATES.COM @harrodsestates

Established 1897

Sloane Avenue, Chelsea SW3 A beautifully presented apartment situated on the eighth floor (with lift) of a popular portered building in Chelsea. The accommodation includes a bright reception room with fantastic views of the London skyline, a modern kitchen, two bedrooms, and a family bathroom. The apartment is well located for the shops and restaurants of Chelsea and Knightsbridge and is within easy walking distance of Sloane Square and South Kensington tube stations. EPC rating C.

Leasehold approximately 98 years remaining Guide Price ÂŁ899,950 020 7225 5752


HARRODSESTATES.COM @harrodsestates

Established 1897

Bolton Gardens, Chelsea SW5 An incredible duplex apartment which is immaculately presented throughout and offers modern and contemporary living space, whilst retaining many of the period features. The property comprises a grand reception room with high ceilings and wood flooring, a beautiful kitchen with top of the range appliances, and an additional mezzanine area which can be used as a further reception room or study. There is a master bedroom with dressing area and ensuite bathroom, a double bedroom with an ensuite bathroom, a further double bedroom on the half landing and an additional shower room. The property further benefits from access to the communal gardens. EPC rating D.

Price per week: £1,795 Property Fees: £180 Admin, Checkout £145 References: £42 per person* * 020 7225 5881


HARRODSESTATES.COM @harrodsestates

Established 1897

Hyde Park Gate, Kensington SW7 A beautiful two double bedroom apartment situated on the fourth floor of this mansion block in Hyde Park Gate. The property comprises master bedroom with ensuite bathroom, a second double bedroom with an ensuite shower room, two reception rooms and a separate kitchen. There are balconies off the kitchen and second bedroom, wood flooring throughout and plenty of storage the property also benefits from a 24-hour concierge service and a lift. Located opposite Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens this property is perfectly located for the shops and restaurants of High Street Kensington, Gloucester Road and Knightsbridge. EPC rating D. Price per week: £1,350 Property Fees: 180 Admin, Checkout £162 References: £42 per person* *

020 3650 4604


HARRODSESTATES.COM @harrodsestates

Property News PRIME RESI provides us with a comprehensive monthly round-up of key news about the local luxury property market

Pont Street. Image by: Spudgun67, CC by SA 4-0

Market Comment Principles of Economics Lily Terrell at Carter Jonas studies the change in international trade and the incoming investment of foreign finance as a result

Worth A Pont Planners mull Knightsbridge/Holland Park ‘land use swap’: The owner of three Knightsbridge apartments has come up with an inventive sweetener for his ambitious amalgamation plans – offering to divvy up a house in Holland Park to balance out the resulting loss of housing stock. The idea has been put forward to RBKC via Savills in one of the most interesting applications we’ve seen in some time. In the heart of the Hans Street Conservation Area, Pont Street is described as “a showcase of the Queen Anne revival exuberant architecture”, and getting anything past the planners along here is – quite rightly – no picnic. But what really goes down like a lead balloon is loss of units. The council has taken the position that the loss of housing “should be resisted unless it is replaced at existing or higher densities with at least equivalent floor space”. There has been a number of refusals on this basis of late (notably on Palace Gardens Terrace). To comply with the Core Strategy, these proposals float the idea of a “land use swap” with an un-listed, rundown house on Holland Road – bought a few months ago for £2.4m – which would be converted from a fairly grotty single dwelling into four flats (three one-beds and a two-bed) . The result, says the application, would be a “net uplift between the two properties of one residential unit”. “As such”, it continues, “the proposals to convert 12 Holland Road not only offsets the loss of two units at 34-38 Pont Street, but in fact results in the overall addition of one residential unit which is considered a key benefit of the proposals”. The applicant also offers to enter into a Section 106 agreement to ensure that both projects are carried out in parallel. Set across a Grade II listed redbrick terrace, the Pont Street apartments would be joined up at third- and fourth-floor level, creating a stonking six-bedder worth upwards of £10m. The designs have been put together by Nicholas Zervoglos Architects.

With A financial crisis looming due to the collapse in the Chinese market, we are hopeful and likewise predicting that there will be a great amount of demand from the Asian market in an attempt to invest their money in a more financially stable country. For the past three decades, the Chinese market has on average grown by 10% a year, which is the fastest economic development in world history. However, China’s economy has abruptly declined. Since June, the value of Chinese stocks has dropped by 40%, which should be enough for the Chinese to think about investing in the next best places. Furthermore, since $1 trillion disappeared from the value of shares in one day between Shanghai and New York, the inevitable thought is that the UK currently holds the strongest position in the market.

We are predicting a great demand from the Asian market That said, Beijing could be in a better position to survive the crisis than the rest of us, thanks to the level of growth the country has been seeing in previous years and its hybrid economy led by state banks and publicly owned corporations. With the recent uplift in the development of new homes in the UK, there has been an elevation in opportunity in the construction business. Soon the industry should reach a level where the gap between supply and demand is bridged. The backlog in London property, due to the vast rise in prices, is slowly but surely diminishing. This is thanks to the high level of affordable homes coming to market as a result of the growth in development and new constructions. Hopefully, now we can stand strong against the effects of the Chinese financial crisis by allowing the Chinese to invest in the English property market and subsequently gain profit from China’s private finance. Carter Jonas LLP, One Chapel Place, W1G 0BG


PrimeQResi Journal of Prime Property

Sales Strategy London’s property prices will be “around 80% ahead of the peak of the market prior to the financial crisis” by 2020, says BNP Paribas: Although, the top-end – above £5m – is “still set to decline in values with slower demand and more supply”. There’s also a risk of overstretched overseas investors offloading off-plan units as the “ferocity of overseas investor demand” tempers. Despite a marked slowdown since the first half of 2014, property values in real terms across the country have “maintained their pace of growth buoyed by near-zero inflation,” says the French finance house, resulting in recent real house price growth close to the long-term trend of 3%. Looking ahead, the economy seems to be pretty robust and healthy, but interest rates will be rising soon – which will inevitably dampen affordability and limit the pace of future house price growth. The firm is predicting that average house prices across the country will rise by 7.6% per year for the next four years (+5.7% this year). Across London, BNP Paribas is forecasting residential values to rise by 10% this year on the back of a “stable and expanding” financial and business services sector, but the pace of growth is likely to chill over the medium term, reaching an average of +6.2% per year for the period 2016-19. “We anticipate a tempering in the ferocity of overseas investor demand in the capital over the coming year,” warns the research team. “Maturing market understanding and caution on the part of such investors will play a role, but deteriorating domestic economic circumstances will be the primary driver.” China – obviously – is the big one to watch right now: the slowdown in the Chinese economy and the sharp devaluation of the Yuan has “marked implications for potential investors and more so for those committed off-plan”. As a result, the off-plan sales strategy employed by many of the capital’s resi developers, which is dominated by investors, is “likely to give way to a growing proportion of owner-occupier buyers drawn from London’s workforce”.

Market Comment Managing Money Elena Dimova, managing director of CENTURY 21 Sophia Elena, looks at the effects of the recent Chinese stock market volatility on London house prices

The last few weeks have been dominated by stock market and currency volatility. China stunned the markets by devaluing its currency in a reaction to weaker economic data. This had immediate impact on the Chinese stock market, regional and international stock markets and currencies. The next move was to cut interests rates in order to add liquidity, give the economy a boost and attempt to restore confidence. What do these dramatic developments in the world’s second largest economy mean for the London property market? The implications are much bigger than simply: “What percentage of buyers in London come from China?” Incidentally, only a small percentage of Chinese wealth is in the Chinese stock market. A slowdown in the growth rate of China, and undermined confidence in the system to keep delivering at the same pace, will continue to

In times of turbulence in financial assets, real estate is a safe haven impact stock markets, as well as commodity and currency prices around the world. If people have less wealth, they have less money to invest. Further, if the British pound is stronger, it makes it more expensive for overseas buyers whose currencies have weakened to buy a property in London. On the flip side, in times of turbulence in financial assets, real estate is a safe haven. Having part of their wealth in London property helps international buyers from the region diversify their risk exposure outside of their home country. Even though the British pound is not cheap, it is resilient and the UK feels like a comfortable place to be in a time of financial and currency market volatility. A by-product of the recent events in the markets may be that the Bank of England keeps interest rates lower for longer. The net result for London property prices will depend on which of these two forces is more powerful.

UK real house price growth and forecast, 1977 = 100 Source: BNP Paribas Real Estate; Nationwide

CENTURY 21 Sophia Elena, 10 Clarendon Road, W11 3AA 020 7229 1414;


Cornwall Gardens SW7 ÂŁ1,995,000 Leasehold approx. 980 years remaining Gloucester Road Sales 020 7581 1152 |







Battersea Park

A light and spacious two double bedroom property within this popular portered building, close to Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. The flat is situated on the fourth floor (with lift) and benefits from south and westerly views.


East Putney

Hammersmith & Shepherd’s Bush


2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en suite), Reception room, Kitchen, Utility room, Balcony, Access to communal gardens, Porter, EPC: D

Southfields & Earlsfield

West Putney

Kensington Gate

South Kensington

Notting Hill

Pimlico & Westminster

Draycott Place SW3 ÂŁ1,050,000 Leasehold Chelsea Sales 020 7225 1225 |

This beautifully presented, contemporary, flat has been recently fully refurbished. Accessed by its own front door there is excellent space throughout and an array of striking design features.

Master bedroom with en suite bathroom, Second bedroom, Shower room, Reception room, Kitchen, Patio, Vaults, EPC: E

Godfrey Street SW3 ÂŁ1,950 per week + admin fees* Unfurnished Chelsea Lettings 020 7581 6666 |







Battersea Park

A recently refurbished house set on this quiet, residential street. The property offers fantastic living space and is located just off Chelsea Green, close to the King's Road and Sloane Square.


East Putney

Hammersmith & Shepherd’s Bush


3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Reception room, Kitchen/breakfast room, Utility room, Roof terrace, EPC: C

Southfields & Earlsfield

West Putney

Kensington Gate

South Kensington

Notting Hill

Pimlico & Westminster

Avondale Park Gardens W11 £995 per week + admin fees* Furnished/Unfurnished Notting Hill Lettings 020 7727 8000 |

A beautiful and unique cottage on a pretty garden square in Holland Park. The property is presented in excellent condition and offers superb entertaining space and a great deal of charm and character throughout.

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en suite), Reception room, Kitchen/breakfast room, Study/4th bedroom, Garden, EPC: D

Good to know... *An initial one-off tenancy agreement fee of £240 (inc VAT) per property and a £45 (inc VAT) referencing charge per person will apply. At the end of the tenancy an inventory check-out fee will be charged, this amount will depend on the size of the property and whether it is furnished/unfurnished. For more details visit

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09.15_KFH_Brand Advert.indd 1

24/08/2015 10:56


Kensington High Street, Kensington, W14 Guide price £1,750,000 South Kensington 020 3040 6370


10.15 KFH Runwild Kensington & Chelsea.indd 2

An impressive duplex apartment comprising two double bedrooms with bespoke fitted wardrobes, two en suite bathrooms and a parking space within the secure underground car park.

• • • • • • • •

Two double bedrooms Two en suite bathrooms Outside space Car parking space Separate utility room Close to the tube Long lease Leasehold

02/09/2015 10:53

Oakwood Court, Holland Park, W14 £5,000,000

A four bedroom lateral apartment with lift access, elegant interiors, 35ft reception room with large windows, high ceilings, beautiful communal gardens and 24 hour porter.

Holland Park 020 3542 2111

Oakwood Court is a prestigious Edwardian mansion building conveniently situated for Holland Park, a number of excellent independent schools and a great selection of shops and restaurants on Kensington High Street.

10.15 KFH Runwild Kensington & Chelsea.indd 3

• • • • • • • • •

35ft reception room Four double bedrooms Three modern bathrooms High ceilings Large windows Lift and porter Communal gardens Leasehold EPC rating D

24/08/2015 10:58


Portobello Road, Holland Park, W11 £595pw Holland Park 020 3542 2120

A bright and newly refurbished first floor contemporary flat situated in a fantastic location in the heart of Portobello Road. With wooden floors throughout, the property comprises an open plan kitchen/reception room with a balcony, double bedroom, modern bathroom and a large terrace. The flat is a short walk to Notting Hill Gate tube station and the amenities of Westbourne Grove.


10.15 KFH Runwild Kensington & Chelsea.indd 4

• • • • • •

Newly refurbished One bedroom Wooden floors throughout Large terrace Great storage Furnished or unfurnished

£210 tenancy agreement fee per property. Other fees apply, visit

24/08/2015 10:59

020 7373 5222


Kinnerton Street ÂŁ2,650 Per Week furnished Fabulous & Modern Three Storey Mews House Reception with remote-controlled Gas Fireplace | Fully Fitted Open-Plan Kitchen/2nd Reception | Master Bedroom with Ensuite Bathroom, Walk-in Shower and Dressing Room|

First Street, SW3 ÂŁ1,850 Per Week unfurnished

2nd Double Bedroom with Ensuite Bathroom and Walk in Wardrobe | 3rd Bedroom/Study | Shower Room | Large Garage | Utility Room with Separate Washing Machine & Tumble Drier | EPC D

020 7225 0433

3 Further Bedrooms | 2nd Ensuite Shower Room | Bathroom | Patio | Terrace | EPC E

Immaculately Presented Terraced House Double Reception Room | Open Plan Kitchen with Dining Area | Master Bedroom with Ensuite Shower Room |

020 7225 0433

102 Draycott Avenue Chelsea SW3 4AD


Clareville Street, SW7 £6,500,000 FREEHOLD South Kensington Freehold House Newly Refurbished | 3 Reception Rooms | Kitchen | 4 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms | Shower Room | Terrace | Patio | Garage | EPC B

Crompton Court, SW3 £2,275,000 leasEHOLD

Room | Utility Cupboard | Lift | Resident Porter | Communal Heating & Hot Water | EPC C

020 7589 2000

A Bright and Elegant Chelsea Apartment Reception Room | Fitted Kitchen | Master Bedroom | En Suite Bathroom | Two Further Bedrooms | Shower Room | Store

020 7589 2000



20/08/2015 19:43



LEW0911 MAL K&C OCT_OL.indd 1

02/09/2015 20:54

Royal Crescent, Holland Park, W11 A spacious stucco fronted Grade II* Listed, recently refurbished one bedroom apartment within the landmark Royal Crescent, Holland Park. Being on the coveted first floor, the apartment offers an open plan reception room/kitchen with French doors leading onto a balcony with views over the private gardens, and a double bedroom with en-suite bathroom. Exclusive access to the gardens is available to the residents of the Royal Crescent (for an annual fee). EPC Rating D.


Queen’s Gate, Kensington, SW7 A spacious and well presented two bedroom duplex apartment of approx. 1245 sq.ft, arranged over the ground & lower floors of this attractive Grade II stucco fronted period conversion. The living areas open onto an outdoor terrace with retractable roof cover for summer/winter entertaining. The apartment is quietly situated to the rear of the building. EPC Rating C.

John Taylor UK 48 Berkeley Square, London W1J 5AX Tel: 020 3284 1888 Email:

£1,750,000 Share of Freehold




CHELSEA OFFICE 2 Cale Street, London SW3 3QU +44 (0)20 7581 5011



CHELSEA OFFICE 2 Cale Street, London SW3 3QU +44 (0)20 7581 5011



£1,750,000 share of freehold

2 bedrooms | reception | kitchen | 2 bathrooms | high ceilings | fireplace | communal gardens | Epc F


ÂŁ1,795,000 share of freehold

2 bedrooms | reception | dining room | kitchen | 2 bathrooms | high ceilings | communal gardens | Epc C

10 Clarendon Road London W11 3AA

020 7229 1414


Entering a classical London façade you discover modern, state of the art finishes, designs, architecture and art. The light throughout is outstanding and every room is an incredible experience as well as a fantastic living space for a multitude of different buyers. The house benefits from a unique double height living room leading directly onto the 32ft (9.7m) West facing garden. There is a separate kitchen, dining room, cinema room and study all with their own individual and original style that cannot fail to impress and amaze. The master bedroom suite is situated on the first floor with the bedroom positioned to the rear with lovely views over the garden. The contemporary design is continued throughout the house and the master bathroom exemplifies this fantastic creativity with petrified moss being used as a wonderful texture and colour dividing the bath and shower. There are a further five bedroom suites. Entrance Hall/Study Double Height Drawing Room Dining Room Cinema Room Large, Bright Kitchen Master Bedroom Suite Five Further Bedroom Suits Staff Accommodation Laundry Room/Service Kitchen Cloakroom Front Garden 32 ft West Facing Rear Garden

Freehold ÂŁ14,000,000

5 Dorset Street, London W1U 6QJ

Joint Sole Agents JSA Russell Simpson 020 7225 0277

020 7580 2030



Property News

Journal of Prime Property

PRIME RESI provides us with a comprehensive monthly round-up of key news about the local luxury property market

One Chester Square Image courtesy of: Residence One

A Bargain in Belgravia Top-end developer Residence One has picked up an absolute snip on one of London’s finest garden squares: The firm, run by brothers Ben and Nick Wilson, managed to bag a Grade II listed townhouse on the best side of Chester Square at £1,406 per sq ft just before the General Election, the lowest price paid on the square in years and pretty much half the rate achieved by similar properties during 2013/2014. What’s more, it came with an adjacent mews house and planning in place to transform the whole shebang into a 7,467 sq ft super-home. The team stumped up £10.5m – funded by Topland Group and The Bank of London and the Middle East – to buy the leasehold of No. 70 from Grosvenor Britain & Ireland. London Projects, owned by ex-Candy & Candy man Steve Howat, has been appointed as main contractor. The project will eventually deliver a “turn-key” luxury residence complete with leisure complex, five bedrooms, lift, staff quarters and some seriously grand entertaining space. The interiors are being put together by design studio Laura Hammett, which is co-owned by Residence One.


Invest in the Best Investors now account for 42% of prime central London property purchases: Prime London property prices ticked up by 0.8% in Q2 – the first rise since September 2014, and quite the change from Q1’s 0.6% – as “investors strengthen their hold” on the prime central London market. According to Marsh & Parsons, 42% of prime central property purchases were made by investors in the second three months of the year; that’s an 8% year-on-year increase, and means that investors are now the most common type of buyer in the area. This is “encouraging,” argues the estate agency’s CEO Peter Rollings: “Investors are a good gauge of the overall health of the London market. If there was any cause for concern about the future property market, investors would be upping sticks and moving elsewhere. But that fact they are still putting down roots in the capital shows how fertile current conditions are.”

Above: London property price changes. Data via Marsh & Parsons


Game Changer The Royal Borough is witnessing one of the largest regenerations in its extensive history. Hannah Lemon speaks to Ed Gormley, director of Hogarth Estates, about the development of SW5 Why did you choose property? Originally, I was working in the City as an accountant for PwC, then I went on to be an investment banker. After a while, I felt I wanted to get some hands-on experience in business. In the banking profession, I worked with the ethos that clients come first. This kind of service wasn’t apparent among the chain estate agents and the servicing of the lettings market, in particular, was seriously undervalued. I felt that improving service and building good lasting relationships with clients was fundamental to building a business and a brand that our clients could trust.

How is the market at the moment? Earls Court is the most promising market in central London. With existing stock consisting of garden squares, grand Victorian red-brick mansion flats and large white stucco-fronted houses, investment is flourishing. The average sale price in the past year has been about £1–2 million for apartments around Earls Court and slightly less towards the west part of SW5, which indicates that there is still potential for significant growth. However, we have been achieving record prices above this level in the garden squares in particular, with prices creeping up and up towards the £2,000 per sq ft level and above. We have witnessed some impressive transactions in the last year. A beautiful ground floor property on Nevern Square, which had recently been refurbished, achieved a record price. As did a first-floor flat on the square, which had been with two other agents before us. The average price in lettings is about £650 per week for a two-bed property, £2,000 for a four-bed and £5,000 for a family house – but we cover everything from the middle to the upper-middle price bracket.

How did you get started? My father owned a property portfolio and was looking to retire so I took over PG Estates in 2005, which deals entirely with lettings. I bought other property businesses along the way and the company soon expanded. I chose ones that worked with good landlords who cared about property.

What can people expect from SW5 in the future? West Brompton is going to witness extensive development; more than 7,500 properties will be coming to the market and prices are starting to achieve those found in the more expensive postcodes of Chelsea and Kensington. The Royal Borough has never seen a regeneration of this size. Super prime in this area is going to be a game changer.

When did your relationship with Hogarth Estates start? We bought Hogarth Estates in March 2014. A co-investor (and one of our clients) put me in contact with the company. We both agreed that the estate agency sector was missing good quality advice and hands-on service, and we thought that by acquiring a well-regarded, local independent business we could service that demand. Hogarth Estates seemed an attractive option as an established boutique agency in the thriving SW5 area. Why should people invest in the Earls Court area? Traditionally, the area has traded below the average price of Kensington and Chelsea, but there has been an impressive regeneration taking place over the last few years. For example, SW5 is better connected in terms of transportation than central Chelsea; it takes 10 minutes to get into central London by train. And the period buildings in Nevern Square, Earls Court Square and Lexham Gardens are so desirable; they are reminiscent of the architecture found in Notting Hill and Chelsea. What makes the service you provide at Hogarth Estates so unique? We want to be the ones holding your hand throughout the process and not just doing the marketing. There is so much information out there that can confuse clients; we provide focused advice on what will benefit them. For example, knowing why certain streets demand a premium and why others don’t. Similarly, some vendors will spy properties in the windows of chain estate agents and think that the inflated price on display is the right one, when, in fact, it’s just a marketing ploy. We provide a grounded and informed approach and can draw on our deep knowledge of how to market a property to get the best results.


Hogarth Estates, 16B Hogarth Road, Earls Court, SW5 0QT; 020 7373 5222

69 Lexham Gardens


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A development by


Hot Property: Sheffield Terrace A grand refurbished six-bedroom house with stunning period features

This prime central London property has been under construction since January 2015. The owner has excavated the lower ground floor as part of a comprehensive programme to rebuild and refurbish the house to the highest of specifications. The end result is astounding; the designers, Montgomery & Charles, have blended the stunning period features with contemporary raw materials to create approximately 3,500 sq ft of luxury family accommodation. The spacious master bedroom suite is complete with extensive built-in storage and walk-in shower, and a further five double bedrooms and five bathrooms provide plenty of room for all the family. The living areas offer ample space to relax and entertain in equal measure, with a spacious reception room leading to a fully-fitted open-plan kitchen and dining room. The property also includes a study room with double-height feature ceilings, which leads to a landscaped patio garden. The utility and cloakroom also provide extra storage.


Sheffield Terrace, Kensington, W8 Sales: £7,950,000, subject to contract Lettings: £5,750 per week, unfurnished

Sheffield Terrace is one of the most sought after addresses in Kensington. The affluent road is ideally placed between Holland Park, Notting Hill Gate and High Street Kensington tube stations for easy access to the Central, Circle and District lines. This postcode is also home to some of the best restaurants, cafés and designer boutique shops in London, as well as cultural and leisure events that take place at the neighbouring parks, Kensington Gardens and Holland Park.

102 Draycott Avenue, SW3 3AD 020 7225 0433;

Cheyne Place, SW3 A wide seven bedroom freehold family house with breathtaking south facing views over the Physic Gardens and the River Thames beyond. The property is well presented and benefits from fabulous entertainment space, a 58ft rear garden and a 33ft roof terrace. Cheyne Place forms part of the Royal Hospital Road in the heart of Old Chelsea, close to the River Thames and the amenities of King’s Road and Sloane Square. Entrance hall • first floor double reception room • kitchen/breakfast room • conservatory • dining hall • master bedroom with dressing room and bathroom en suite • six further bedrooms • two en suite bathrooms • three further bathrooms • staff accommodation (studio room, kitchenette, shower/ wet room) • cloakroom • swimming pool • gym • sauna • utility room • rear garden • roof terrace • passenger lift Approximate gross internal area 620 sqm (6,671 sq ft)

£16,000,000 Subject to Contract

Sales: +44 (0)20 7835 2888 Lettings: +44 (0)20 7835 2889

L a u r e L G r o v e i s a s t u n n i n G n e w b u i L d h o m e o f 1 2 , 0 0 0 s q f t L o c at e d o n t h e p r i vat e c o o m b e h i L L e s tat e , j u s t e i G h t m i L e s f r o m L o n d o n ’ s w e s t e n d • 6 bedrooms

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QDE0091_Mayfair Advert_Opt2.indd 1

19/8/15 15:06:21

Queen’s Gate Terrace, SW7 1,012 SQ.FT/94.0 SQ.M

A spectacular two bedroom raised ground and lower ground floor maisonette which has been refurbished and interior designed to an impeccable standard. The impressive reception room has solid Oak parquet flooring and two sets of French doors leading to a private south facing patio. Both bedroom have en-suite facility.

Price: £2,150,000


020 7590 9339

Elvaston Place, SW7 691 SQ.FT / 64.2 SQ.M

A wonderfully light and well planned two bedroom flat situated on the third floor of a period building in this most sought after street. The reception room has a ceiling and opens onto a bespoke fully fitted kitchen. Both bedrooms are located at the rear of the building.

Price: £1,225,000

Share of Freehold

020 7590 9339 38 Gloucester Road, SW7

20 Montpelier Street Knightsbridge London SW7 1HD

Markham Square SW3 Leasehold | EPC - D | 792 Sqft | 1 bedroom In an award winning garden square predominantly consisting of houses, this is a rare and bright southwest facing large one bedroom flat. The flat is in very good condition and boasts its own private garden. The flat has been refurbished to a high standard and benefits from having access to the garden square. The flat has also been a good rental investment for the vendor over the last year few years. Markham Square is a prime residential location in the heart of Chelsea just off the King’s Road.

£1,350,000 Pond Place Unfurnished | 815 sqft | EPC - D

A well presented 2 double bedroom Chelsea house with a lovely roof terrace. The property comprises of a spacious living room with wooden floors and a bright open plan kitchen. There are two double bedrooms one of which is ensuite, one family bathroom and a roof terrace. The property is ideally situated near South Kensington tube station and the restaurants and bars of King’s road and South Kensington.

£925 per week T: +44 (0)20 3770 3474


Choice of three houses For Sale PRICE GUIDE FROM £100M

Tel: 020 7581 2222


k t: 020 7629 9966

T he






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Featured Estate Agents NOTTING HILL 301 Westbourne Grove W11 2QA 020 7717 5311 CHELSEA 7–9 Tryon Street SW3 3LG 020 7014 3800

CHELSEA 60 Sloane Avenue SW3 3DD 020 7594 4740 KENSINGTON 116 Kensington High Street W8 7RW 020 7937 7244 NOTTING HILL 30 Ledbury Mews North W11 2AB 020 3040 8585

CHELSEA 102 Draycott Avenue SW3 3AD 020 7589 2000 HOLLAND PARK & NOTTING HILL 8 Addison Avenue W11 4QR 020 7371 1111 KNIGHTSBRIDGE & CHELSEA 47 Beauchamp Place SW3 1NX 020 7584 7020

NOTTING HILL 10 Lambton Place W11 2SH 020 7221 1117

CHELSEA 45 Sloane Avenue SW3 3DH 020 7225 1225 KENSINGTON 172 Kensington Church Street W8 4BN 020 7792 1881 KENSINGTON GATE 22 Gloucester Road SW7 4RB 020 7581 1152 NOTTING HILL 299 Westbourne Grove W11 2QA 020 7727 7777 SOUTH KENSINGTON 25-27 Harrington Road SW7 3EU 020 7581 8888 NOTTING HILL 10 Clarendon Road W11 3AA 020 7229 1414

BAYSWATER 78 Westbourne Grove W2 5RT 020 7221 7817 NOTTING HILL 17 Kensington Park Road W11 2EU 020 7727 1717 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 37 Alexander Street W2 5NU 020 7908 9338

SLOANE SQUARE 7 Lower Sloane Street SW1W 8AH 020 7717 5317 CHELSEA 5 Hester Road SW11 4AN 020 7350 5640 CHELSEA 58 Fulham Road SW3 6HH 020 7225 6700 MAYFAIR 48 Berkeley Square W1J 5AX 020 3284 1888 CHELSEA 134 Fulham Road SW10 9PY 020 7717 5291 HAMPTONS COUNTRY HOUSE

CHELSEA 117 Sydney Street SW3 6NR 020 7351 7822

PIMLICO & WESTMINSTER 50 Belgrave Road SW1V 1RQ 020 7717 5315

KNIGHTSBRIDGE 82 Brompton Road SW3 1ER 020 7225 6506 KENSINGTON 38 Gloucester Road SW7 4QT 020 7581 0154

PADDINGTON 4c Praed Street, W2 1JX 020 7717 5313

8 Chertsey Street, Surrey GU1 4HD 01483 339740

KENSINGTON 8 Hornton Street W8 4NW 020 7937 9371 KNIGHTSBRIDGE 168 Brompton Road SW3 1HW 020 7584 2044 BELGRAVIA 1 Motcomb Street SW1X 8JX 020 7235 8861 CHELSEA 2 Cale Street SW3 3QU 020 7581 5011

KENSINGTON 375 Kensington High St W14 8QH 020 7087 5696 WEST END 30 Warwick Street W1B 5NH 020 7201 6699


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NOTTING HILL 298 Westbourne Grove W11 2PS 020 7229 0229

Kensington 9 Kensington Church Street W8 4LF 020 7368 4450

BAYSWATER 23 Leinster Terrace W2 3ET 020 3280 3504

SOUTH KENSINGTON 157 Gloucester Road SW7 4TH 020 7871 4111

North Kensington 136 Lancaster Road W11 1QU 020 7313 8350

FULHAM 29 Effie Road SW6 1EN 020 3280 3528 HOLLAND PARK 128 Holland Park Avenue W11 4UE 020 3282 1550 CHELSEA 62-64 Fulham Road SW3 6HH 020 7808 8540

Notting Hill 2-6 Kensington Park Road W11 3BU 020 7313 2890 South Kensington 29 Harrington Road SW7 3HD 020 7590 0800

MAYFAIR 26a Conduit Street W1S 2XY 020 7495 9580

CHELSEA 352a King’s Road SW3 5UU 020 7349 4300

KENSINGTON Malvern Court Onslow Square SW7 3HU 020 7589 8122

KENSINGTON 18 Astwood Mews SW7 4DE 020 7835 2888

FULHAM 203 New King’s Road SW6 4SR 020 7751 2400 Hyde Park 1 Craven Terrace W2 3QD 020 7871 5060 KENSINGTON 54-56 Kensington Church Street W8 4DB 020 7938 4311 KNIGHTSBRIDGE 60 Sloane Avenue SW3 3DD 020 7591 8600 CHELSEA 196-200 Fulham Road SW10 9PN 020 7578 9000 KENSINGTON 145 Kensington Church Street W8 7LP 020 7535 3300 KNIGHTSBRIDGE 188 Brompton Road SW3 1HQ 020 7581 5234 Notting Hill 168 Westbourne Grove W11 2RW 020 7727 5750 BELGRAVIA 82-83 Chester Square SW1W 9JH 020 7881 7722

KNIGHTSBRIDGE 66 Sloane Street SW1X 9SH 020 7235 9959

SLOANE STREET 139 Sloane Street SW1X 9AY 020 7730 0822

Chelsea Rawlings House 2a Milner Street, SW3 2PU 020 7591 5570 Earls Court 246 Old Brompton Road SW5 ODE 020 7835 0620 Holland Park 57 Norland Square W11 4QJ 020 7605 6890

KNIGHTSBRIDGE 20 Montpelier Mews SW7 1HD 020 3770 3474 Chelsea 5 Anderson Street SW3 3LU 020 7225 0277 KNIGHTSBRIDGE 174 Brompton Road SW3 1HP 020 7306 1610 Kensington 118 Kensington Church Street, W8 4BH 020 7727 1500 Knightsbridge & Chelsea 289 Brompton Road SW3 2DY 020 7589 6616

Notting Hill 178 Westbourne Grove W11 2RH 020 7727 3227

CHELSEA 43 Cadogan Street SW3 2PR 020 7225 3866

South Kensington 123a Gloucester Road SW7 4TE 020 7373 5052

NOTTING HILL 303 Westbourne Grove W11 2QA 020 7221 1111

WEST CHELSEA 140 Fulham Road SW10 9PY 020 7373 1010 KENSINGTON 103 Kensington Church Street W8 7LN 020 7938 3666


Coming Up Roses They say never to mix business with pleasure, but husband and wife Simon and ZoĂŤ Rose are able to talk about their work at Strutt & Parker without an argument. Hannah Lemon finds out how they strike the balance between marital bliss and negotiating prime property

Photography by: Sarel Jansen


I often wonder what property experts’ homes are like, partly out of nosiness and partly to see if they practice what they preach. The Roses’ beautiful Victorian terraced house in Wandsworth is lovingly decorated with calming beiges and browns, offset with bright-coloured cushions and vibrant art work. A patio at the back is similarly and expertly designed to offer privacy and space. This leads me to one conclusion: they know their stuff. Working with a partner must be difficult but working against a partner must be even worse; Zoë is the head of London lettings, while Simon is head of the SW10 Chelsea office, both for Strutt & Parker. But Zoë insists they work as a team. “It really comes down to our relationship. I think, because we are married, people don’t feel that either one of us is trying to gain; people feel they are getting an objective input. There are numerous examples where Simon’s client base, which goes back years, is referred to me and it starts from there. People relate to us as humans rather than agents trying to sell something.” Understanding people is a hugely important part of the sales and lettings process; as Zoë puts it: “You have to use your emotional intelligence to find out what their drivers are.” Working together, the Roses are able to satisfy every client’s need. “We co-list things quite often,” continues Zoë. “We did this with Clareville Street quite recently. It was on for sales and lettings. We actually got an offer for lettings but I found out the other day that somebody had put an offer in for sales!” Despite previous protestations, I do sense a healthy dose of rivalry. “We played a bit of cat and mouse on that one!” There is a good-humoured air between the couple, but it’s obvious that their knowledge of the property sector is extensive. “We are selling, in most cases, people’s biggest asset,” says Simon. “It’s incredibly important to take it seriously. It’s easy for less-experienced people in the trade to take if for granted, but we know the process is about partnership and about gauging what people want to achieve. That’s why our clients continue to come back to us. Strutt & Parker has the most loyal client base I’ve ever experienced.” It’s interesting to note that there has been a growing demand in London for buy-to-let properties. “This has had a massive influence on quality – in the old days you could get away with doing the minimum,” explains Zoë. “I think it’s really improved the offering for tenants and they are demanding more as a consequence. It’s been a good thing for the industry because it has improved standards.” The typical age of a Strutt & Parker tenant is between 20 and 40 and average tenancy is just shy of three years, which has made quite a difference to the type of property on the market as people want to make it their home. Strutt & Parker sent out a questionnaire to see what this niche customer base was wanting from the service. “We found that people

were willing to pay for additional services, such as specialist advice on tax and interior furnishings,” says Zoë. Typically the rental properties go from £400–5,000 per week. “We are also quite well known for family houses and something a little bit different: the elegant, classic Kensington or Chelsea home at £5,000–10,000 a week,” explains Zoë. “I think £18,000 was the most – that was last year. In fact, we quite often do large off-market lets as we’re known for our total discretion.” Simon adds: “That’s the hard thing – we do deals that we just can’t tell you about.” Although he does divulge that in the last quarter, SW10 Chelsea saw some good trades around £10–15 million. “It is sporadic,” he says. “We will see more properties come on in September and October.” This ‘sporadic’ nature in sales had largely been down to the unexpected changes in policies and the economy, which has impacted both markets. “Typically the relationship between sales and lettings is like a see-saw,” Simon reiterates. “When one’s up, the other’s down, but over the summer we’ve been experiencing similar market conditions.” However, the sub £2 million sales and buyto-let has evened out the market. “There are a lot of people down-sizing, buying for their children or for their pension. The transition to buy-to-let seems like a good option because the landlord can use it afterwards or let younger family members use it.” Zoë cuts in to say, that despite this, there is still a lack of stock on the market. “We definitely need more properties in lettings,” she comments. “We always have too much demand for the amount on the market. With what’s going on in sales, you would think there would be more stock, but there isn’t really. Due to this, there have been a few feisty antics between agents. We aim to keep cool and prioritise what is in the landlord’s best interest at all times.” She adds that with people renting for longer as they get married and start a family, there is higher demand for lateral threebedroom properties in particular. I muse that with this busy work life, it must be difficult to switch off at the end of the day. Do they always talk about property at home? “Yes,” Simon laughs, as I inwardly think this might put a strain on things, but he continues with: “It’s really enjoyable because we love what we do.” And it’s catching; their young daughter has even popped into the office a few times during the school holidays. “I’m thrilled. It means I can retire soon,” chuckles Simon. Although Zoë highlights that with their daughter’s determination to be a budding property expert comes tactical negotiation skills. I expect they hold their own – after all they have enough experience between them – but Zoë replies with fond laughter: “We lose every time.”


Clabon Mews, Knightsbridge, SW1X

An outstanding newly built house in this most sought after Knightsbridge mews. The property has been refurbished to the highest specification and no expense has been spared to create a truly exceptional home.

ÂŁ3,750 per week* Furnished

2,654 sq ft (246 sq m) Reception room | Dining hall | Drawing room | Media room/bedroom three | Library | Kitchen | Master bedroom with en suite bathroom | Double bedroom with en suite bathroom | Shower room | Garage | Garden room

Knightsbridge Lettings 020 7589 9996

Hurlingham Road, Fulham, SW6

An immaculately presented three bedroom terraced house moments from Hurlingham Park.

£595 per week* Furnished

722 sq ft (67.1 sq m) Open plan reception room/kitchen | Master bedroom with en suite bathroom | Two further bedrooms | Shower room | EPC Rating D

Fulham Lettings 020 7731 7100

* The following Tenant charges may apply prior to tenancy commencement: Tenancy Agreement £210 (inv VAT) Credit Reference per application £54 (inc VAT). All advertised prices are excluded and other associated services.

Campden Hill Road, Kensington, W8

An impressive and beautifully presented four bedroom family house, situated on the Phillimore Estate, occupying 2,378 sq ft over four floors only, with a wonderful 52 ft long west-facing garden.

2,378 sq ft (220.9 sq m) Drawing room | Kitchen/breakfast room | Dining room | Family area | Study | Four bedrooms | Two bathrooms | Cloakroom | Utility room | West-facing garden | EPC rating D

Kensington 020 7938 3666 JSA: Alex Stroud 07584 038 000

ÂŁ4,850,000 Freehold

Queen’s Gate Place Mews, South Kensington, SW7

Meticulously refurbished to exacting contemporary standards, this property incorporates design which reflects various architectural features and key materials reminiscent of its history and heritage.

3,718 sq ft (345.4 sq m) Reception room | Kitchen/dining room | Master bedroom suite | Three further en suite bedrooms | Cinema room | Gym | Steam room | Wine storage | Plant room | Patio | Terrace | Garage | EPC rating B

Chelsea 020 7225 3866

Chelsea SW10 - 020 7373 1010

ÂŁ6,950,000 Freehold

Courtfield Gardens, South Kensington, SW5

Prices from £2,350,000 - £4,650,000 Share of Freehold

‘A collection of exceptional new two and three bedroom apartments offering sumptuous contempory living, set behind this elegant period façade.’

With a vision to create modern and warm interiors while incorporating a range of original features, the apartments encapsulate the best of classic design.

Apartment 1: 1,241 sq ft (115.29 sq m) Apartment 2: SOLD Apartment 3: 1,853 sq ft (172.14 sq m) Penthouse: 1,935 sq ft (179.76 sq m) Access to communal gardens

Chelsea SW10 - 020 7373 1010 JSA: Brooks Marshall 020 7183 9502

Senneville, Quebec, Canada

‘A spectacular one of a kind stone chateau built by European Artisans located on golden mile.’

CAD $ 5,500,000 (approx. ÂŁ2,870,000)

This tremendous chateau is set in artfully landscaped grounds at the end of a long gated driveway. The gardens have been meticulously groomed, boasting a large lawn, terrace, outdoor tiered pool and a pool house. Throughout the four levels of the chateau, the mix of formal and family areas make this a perfect home for family living and entertaining. The luxurious master suite has a fireplace, spacious ensuite bathroom and a walk-in closet.

Lulu Egerton 020 7225 3866

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