Residents' Journal (BBCW) APRIL13

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This Residents’ Journal represents a fresh, innovative approach to local media, whilst retaining a traditional feel. We will deliver intelligent editorial with integrity and depth on subjects that matter to the residents and business community within Battersea, Balham, Clapham and Wandsworth. Published on a monthly basis with the kind support of a select handful of relevant advertisers, we will present regular editorial contributions from prominent local residents and members of the independant local business community, as well as seasoned journalists who live locally. If you live or work in these areas and have a particular interest in contributing to the Residents’ Journal, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please email us at; or telephone us on 020 7987 4320

Giles Ellwood Publisher

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Dear Resident, When perusing the content for this edition, it became apparent that a strong buzzword emerges. That word or theme is undeniably one of development. South west London is at the beginning of a regeneration process that will see it become a new London district – this in itself deserves celebration. However, many of the plans are going to take time, so we have focused on some of the slightly more tangible projects in the area, equally as exciting and happening right now, in front of our eyes. Lulu Rumsey charts the Battersea Arts Centre’s Capital Project (p. 7), a grand plan that will see the creative hub transformed over the next two years. Meanwhile, I meet with Helen Evans, Director of Business Development and Support at the Covent Garden Market Authority to discuss plans for renovation of the wholesale market and the creation of a public-facing retail market to rival any of central London’s finest (p. 29). I shall rely on the erudite words of Pablo Picasso to illustrate my final point: ‘art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life,’ and with this statement firmly in mind, I went down to the Lavender Hill Studios (p. 16). The artistic collective here are certainly shaking the dust from everyday life with their vibrant art works, community events and monthly supper clubs. Do not hesitate to get in contact, email: We would love to hear from you.

Left: All items from Circa Battersea (

Managing Editor Katie Randall

Managing Director Eren Ellwood

Publishing Director Giles Ellwood

Editorial Assistants Lauren Romano, Lulu Rumsey Henry Hopwood-Phillips

General Manager Fiona Fenwick

Associate Publisher Sophie Roberts

Senior Designer Grace Linn

Client Relationship Director Felicity Morgan-Harvey

Editorial Contributors Lucie Elven Editor-in-Chief Lesley Ellwood

Brand Consistency Laddawan Juhong Production Hugo Wheatley, Alex Powell

Advertising Manager Hywel Kennedy

Residents’ Journal

NOTEBOOK Keep your finger on the pulse with our round-up of local news


Learning hubs announced Storm, the family centre on Battersea Park Road, will soon house a community endeavour hoping to promote greater educational opportunities and support into employment. April brings the arrival of a learning hub at the centre, as part of an exciting 15 week pilot project proposed by Wandsworth Council, which aims to provide work experience and employability skills to attendees.


BACK from the brink? Following the news that Northcote Road’s favourite family-owned bookshop faces closure, owner Michael Gibbs is considering a plan of action to keep the shop open. Concerned regulars have met with Mr Gibbs to discuss the possibility of a community bookshop in the hope that the co-operative route may offer a much deserved respite to the Bolingbroke Bookshop’s woes. Watch this space.

147 Northcote Road, SW11 6QB, 020 7223 9344

New shared ownership homes become available

A rumble underground The results are in: following the third public consultation on proposals to extend the Northern line to Battersea and Nine Elms, organisers have found the public response to be a positive one. News of the potential Northern line extension has been warmly received by residents keen to enjoy the much anticipated regeneration that would follow the tube installation. Should planning permission from the government be received, we can look forward to work on the underground transport beginning in 2015, with the stations set to open five years later.

The latest addition to the Battersea Reach development saw the unveiling of 27 new shared ownership homes last month. Located in Flotilla House, Juniper Drive, the affordable flats will give more Londoners the opportunity to take their first steps onto the capital’s housing ladder. Councillor Paul Ellis has applauded the latest development, reiterating the council’s commitment to helping Wandsworthians achieve certain goals, such as owning their own home.

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Silver Screen club The popular Silver Screen shows for the over 60’s held at Clapham Picturehouse are set to form the basis of a new members’ club. From April, film aficionados looking to enjoy reduced priced cinema tickets and free tea and coffee are urged to sign up for membership. Non-members visiting the cinema will remain welcome to view Silver Screen shows, albeit without discounted ticket prices.

Free annual membership, from 12 April 76 Venn Street, SW4 0AT (

Into the deep Swimmers are invited to dip their toes in the waters of Clapham Leisure Centre this month by taking part in the annual Swimathon challenge. Organised in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care, this excellent cause should attract a strong turnout, from the virtual frogmen, to the less adept paddlers among us. Held in tandem with over 600 other similar events across the country, swimmers can opt to take part individually or partake in team efforts.

Register by 24 April at 26-28 April, 141 Clapham Manor Street SW4 6DB

Open day An open day will be held at Clapham Community Project this April. Now 35 years into its tenure, the Project offers free and confidential advice on welfare and housing and can also arrange appointments for visitors with a local solicitor service.

11am-3pm, 20 April, St. Anne’s Hall 31-33 Bromells Road SW4 0BN (

Balham: a work of art His works are described as ‘abstract meets reality,’ the results of a paintbrush that can deliver both sweeping exotic landscapes and streetwise city spectacles. Recently, artist and local gallery owner Johny Midnight has turned his artistic eye from the ski slopes of the French Alps to the highways of Balham, with works depicting the hustle and bustle of Ritherdon Road against a backdrop of independent shops, and the crossroads at Balham tube station. Johny’s Gallery Midnight seeks to inspire talent, as well as exhibit it; life drawing classes are held on Wednesday nights and private tuition is also available. Friday and Saturday evenings are reserved for the younger art enthusiasts, when a kids club is held. Johny’s gallery is an inclusive place that is based around his apt conclusion that the thrill of art lies in the simple, yet often underachieved act, of making people stop and stare.

Limited edition prints are available. 12 Ritherdon Road, SW17 8QD ( Artworks by Johny Midnight (


Residents’ Journal


Asalache’s House, images by David Clarke

Through the keyhole The outwardly innocuous 575 Wandsworth Road, the former home of Kenyan-born poet, novelist and philosopher Khadambi Asalache bequeathed following his death to the National Trust, is at last open to the public after an extensive conservation period. Visitors are now able to step over the threshold of this superficially uninspiring Georgian terraced house into an enthralling inner sanctum that blurs the lines between art and interior design. Over a 20-year period, Asalache meticulously applied hand-carved fretwork to each and every inch of the building’s walls, depicting artistic interpretations of the African wilderness. Interspersed are personal touches, such as the initials of Asalache and his partner, impressed into the framework of the main bedroom’s shutters.

575 Wandsworth Road, SW8 3JD (

Arts festival funding announced Fans of the annual Wandsworth Arts Festival can up their anticipation for its imminent return this summer, following the news that the artistic celebration has received a £40,000 funding boost from the Arts Council. The contribution will fortify a variety of new commissions, which organisers are preparing to add to this year’s line-up, including the Fringe, which will host a number of community-based events and act as a testing ground for new work by emerging artists. The Wandsworth Arts Festival takes place from 3-19 May

Image by Robert Piwko


Council reward for direct debit bills To encourage the efficient payment of council tax via direct debit, Wandsworth Council is supporting an initiative by Bacs Payment Schemes Ltd., which offers direct debit payers the chance to win £25,000. Those already using the system will automatically be entered and new converts are urged to sign up before 13 July for a chance to win.

riverbus service to double from april Following the appointment of Thames Clippers as operators of the river’s Putney to Blackfriars route, residents can look forward to a doubled river transport service from April. Utilising high-speed catamarans, the new service hopes to cut journey times and will be accompanied by a convenient real time boat information service, making river boat transport a realistic alternative to train travel. Wandsworthians may also soon welcome a further two passenger piers in the borough, one at Plantation Wharf and another at Battersea Power Station.

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Residents’ Journal

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Centre Stage Lulu Rumsey goes behind the scenes of the Battersea Arts Centre’s rebirth, the Capital Project


Residents’ Journal


here are some buildings you can fall in love with. Concrete structures whose walls are somehow inundated with more meaning and emotion than their cemented origins could ever inspire. These are buildings you can get lost in; spaces in which to completely immerse yourself. Lavender Hill’s Battersea Arts Centre is one of those rare architectural finds. It creaks with character and a historic enduring spirit, epitomised by the building’s in-house artistes, who prowl its domains day and night, and for whom the Centre provides residence while they perform there. It’s a dilapidated maze of beckoning corners, endless corridors and oddly-levelled flights of stairs, every region hurling full force an unapologetic aura of creativity at the unaccustomed visitor. Dilapidated is misleading; it suggests this composition is on its last legs, reluctantly approaching an oncoming but inevitable retirement with bated breath, which is far from the truth. The breath is bated, but for other reasons entirely. The Battersea Arts Centre is in the throes of a reawakening, one that is so vigorous and all-encompassing that it will surely ascertain its position atop Lavender Hill for at least a century to come. Endowed with financial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Arts Council and the Big Lottery Fund, the Centre is undergoing what will amount to a £13.5 million Capital Project, the biggest refurbishment since its inception. The plan is centred around a simple, central strand: to create a 21st century theatre in a 19th century town hall. April is poised to mark a watershed in the building’s regeneration calendar, with organisers hoping to unveil the new front of house area. It’s a place people already automatically gravitate to when they come to the building, Head of Strategic Development Jo Hunter tells me, but they want to make it a comfy and warm place for visitors. Its early renovation will mean the Centre can remain open while it embarks on the next stages of the programme. Jo talks me through the five integral areas of the improvement process: performance (every inch of the vast building will be dedicated to this creative purpose), access (work will be done to make these precincts more

Regeneration must be second nature to this building, the home of freethinking politics and pioneering drama for over a hundred years navigable, especially for disabled visitors), home (the number of performers the building can house will double), resilience (efforts will be made to make the site more environmentally friendly) and lastly, heritage (the rich historical value of many of the building’s attributes, will be maintained). It’s a daunting task, one which Jo succinctly sums up as governed by the ethos of ‘bigger and better.’ All 75 rooms, ranging from dusty little ante-chambers to the glorious Grand Hall, will be linked, a step that puts the protection and encouragement of creativity at the forefront of the regeneration process. ‘Essentially, we want to equip the entire building for either huge performances that run across the whole place, or for small intimate productions that are held in a single room. We want to facilitate performances that range from one audience member to a thousand.’

Sketches by Haworth Tompkins



Residents’ Journal

Where was the seed sown for such a vast overhaul? Rio de Janeiro, it transpires. Joint CEO and Artistic Directors David Jubb and David Micklem, along with architect Steve Tompkins, travelled there in 2008, where they came across the city’s Teatro Oficina, a theatre whose phenomenal building used to be a public space, much the same as the Battersea Arts Centre’s past form. ‘Seeing Teatro Oficina spurred on a fundamental reimagining of the theatre and what the building could be used for,’ says Jo. They didn’t look back: Haworth Tompkins architectural practice formally joined the Capital Project in 2011. Continuity lies in the Centre’s commitment to prioritising its community links. ‘The motto of the building throughout its time as a town hall was “not for you, not for me, but for us”,’ Jo tells me. ‘That spirit is something we still feel really passionate about.’ The Battersea Arts Centre is home to a hive of community groups, including Homegrown, a creative skills group for 12 to 25-year-olds that this year will take on Agency, a programme developed in Brazil that seeks to give young people a sense of control over both their future and that of their area. ‘It’s a civic building after all – it’s everyone else’s as much as it is ours. The voices of everyone who uses this building are important to us.’ It’s because of this priority that the project has been characterised by its ‘playgrounding’ technique, a process whereby the Arts Centre and its architects have sought opinion and advice about the project from users of the building, where possible testing ideas before committing fully. Regeneration must be second nature to this building, the home of freethinking politics and pioneering drama for over a hundred years. Built in 1893 under the Baroque-enthused auspices of Edward William Mountford (the building shares the same architectural parental influences as Mountford’s other notable projects, including the Old Bailey), the Arts Centre’s original

appellation was of Battersea’s Town Hall, a function it would retain until 1979. It was a period which saw the building play host to speeches by Suffragette leaders Christabel and Emmeline Pankhurst and the election of London’s first black Mayor John Archer, among other prized moments. The building’s spiritual transformation into the Battersea Arts Centre saw it smoothly exchange political radicalism for innovation of the theatrical variety, with a powerful dedication to showcasing new and emerging practices in contemporary theatre. The rest, as they say, is history. n

The Battersea Arts Centre welcomes public donations towards the continuation of the Capital Project (

All images courtesy of Battersea Arts Centre

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Residents’ Journal

The Calendar A selection of the very best events happening in the area

11 April

From 12 April

13 April

Grand Spring Wine Tasting Event

The Place Beyond the Pines

Energizer Night Run

Following the merriment of its popular Grand Christmas tasting occasion, Balham’s Wine Tasting Shop is creating a springtime re-enactment for customers to enjoy. A varied and exhaustive selection of 60 red, white and dessert wines will be present, alongside an array of cheese, charcuterie and Taleggio and thyme tarts which will offer sustenance to wine imbued palates. Fans can look forward to a future littered with similar celebrations as the occasion is set to become a quarterly event.

Ryan Gosling reunites with Blue Valentine director Derek Cianfrance in his latest endeavour, The Place Beyond the Pines, a moving and intuitive interpretation on the classic thriller model. Gosling plays ‘Handsome Luke’, a winsome motorcycle driver who toys with the law in a bid to fund the family life he craves with girlfriend Ro (played by Eva Mendes) and their son. Playing with fire sets him in the sights of police cop Avery (Bradley Cooper) and an epic screenplay of high-speed chases, jaded humanity and dreamlike visuals ensues.

7.30pm-9pm, 18 Hildreth Street, SW12 9RQ (

Clapham Picturehouse, 76 Venn Street SW4 0AT (

Exercise takes on a new perspective this month, as Battersea Park hosts the Energizer Night Run. Shirking our tendencies to relegate running as little of our time as possible, the race takes place after sundown as opposed to the unappealing early hours of dawn, and makes exercise an event to be celebrated. The 5 or 10 kilometre routes feature a red carpet finish line to reward your after hours’ exertions (every runner will also be bestowed with a medal) as well as a flamboyant after-party. Our motivation to run is renewed.

£30 entry; run starts at 8.30pm and after party ends at 12am. Entry closes on 5 April (

Manet Portraying life

Grand Spring Wine Tasting Event

The Place beyond the pines

Manet Portraying Life: Edouard Manet, Mme Manet in the Conservatory, 1879, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Photo: Borre Hostland Exhibition organised by the Royal Academy of Arts, London with the Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio.

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Energizer Night Run


18 April

Until 21 April

23-28 April

Manet: Portraying Life

Modern Masters in Print

Decorative Antiques and Textile fAIR

The Clapham Picturehouse takes on a new role this month as it branches out from film to turn its hand at the presentation of portraiture. Devoted to the classic works of Édouard Manet, the high definition film brings a close up lens to the Royal Academy of Arts’ current exhibition of the renowned painter’s works. An artist who championed portraiture perhaps more than any other, Manet’s paintings depict his definitive approach to artistry. The film spans his career, featuring such masterpieces as Music in the Tuileries, Luncheon on the Grass and The Railway.

To the art connoisseur’s avid eye, it may seem an outlandish ambition, fraught with clashing creative visions, to house a century of artistic endeavour under one roof. Having embraced the challenge last month, the Wandsworth Museum’s collection of the printed work by four of the 20th century’s greatest artists comes to an end this month. Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí and Andy Warhol are the chosen four, all iconic emblems of the century gone whose unique uses of printmaking remain hallmarks of modern day culture. Included in the spectacular display is Warhol’s Marilyn.

This year brings the timely coinciding of National Antiques Week with Battersea Park’s spring Decorative Antiques and Textiles Fair. The event will display 140 exhibitors and will feature an eclectic mass of antique kitchenalia, decorative art, intricate wood carvings, and much else besides. This year the fair will have a foyer display of objects drawn from entrants of the National Antiques Week Young Guns competition, which hopes to raise the profiles of talented organisers who represent the future of the art industry.

12pm; full price £15, concessions £13 members £12 (

38 West Hill, SW18 1RX (

£10 admission; Battersea Evolution Battersea Park, SW11 4NJ (

Modern Masters

in Print


Decorative Antiques and Textiles Fair

Marilyn by Andy Warhol (1967)

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Residents’ Journal

out & about The events and activities on our radar in central London

Until 27 May

Roy Lichtenstein, Whaam! 1963 Tate © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein/DACS 2012


Anthony McCall, You and I, Horizontal (2005) ©the artist, Courtesy of the artist and Sprüth Magers Berlin London Photo: Linda Nylind

Until 6 May

The first major retrospective of American pop artist, Roy Lichtenstein is already underway at the Tate Modern. Renowned the world over for his bright, bold artworks based on comic strips and advertising imagery, Lichtenstein: A Retrospective presents 125 of his most definitive paintings and sculptures. Visually arresting and instantly recognisable heroine paintings are displayed alongside previously unseen drawings and collages worked on towards the end of his career. Together this eclectic spectrum of work spearheads a re-examination of Lichtenstein’s enduring legacy.

£14, Bankside, SE1 9TG (

Shine on The spotlight turns on itself at Light Show, the first survey of light-based art in the UK. A collection of 25 illuminated installations and sculptures disperse, refract and blend light to create a sequence of mesmerising and immersive environments. The arsenal of intangible light-based artworks, from the 60s to the present, explore illumination as a medium and a spatial experience; one which plays with the architecture of the Hayward Gallery, casting fluorescent streams, futuristic beams and atmospheric shadows in the process. Light Show has been inundated by the world and his wife, so booking tickets in advance for the final leg of its three month residence is highly recommended.

£11, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road SE1 8XX ( David Batchelor Magic Hour (2004-2007) ©the artist/DACS, Courtesy the artist and Galeria Leme, São Paulo Photo: Linda Nylind

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Until 13 April

Love is in the air The recklessness of young love lingers in the air at the Donmar Warehouse, where Arthur Wing Pinero’s Victorian comedy, Trelawny of the Wells is currently being staged. The play recounts the blossoming romance between burgeoning actress Rose Trelawny and her stage door suitor, the aristocratic Arthur, whose head over heels courtship raises a few disapproving eyebrows, not least from Arthur’s snobbish family. Directed by Joe Wright (he of Anna Karenina and Pride and Prejudice fame) the production is an lively celebration of Victorian melodrama at its wittiest.

£7.50-£35, 41 Earlham Street, WC2H 9LX (

© Andy Stagg

Mosaic of a guard dog, from the House of Orpheus, Pompeii, 1st Century AD © Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei

Images by Johan Persson

Throughout April

From the ashes

18-28 April

Graphic effect

June © Malika Favre

The Pick Me Up contemporary graphic arts festival returns to Embankment Galleries, Somerset House for a fourth year. Innovative and quirky graphic art, design and illustration take centre stage as collectives and galleries set up their own site-specific spaces to display, create and sell original artworks and limited edition prints. A programme of workshops and creative forums, including a Shaun the Sheep model making session led by animation studio Aardman, lends the 11 day festival a hands-on dimension.

£8, Embankment Galleries, The Strand WC2R 1LA ( - 15 -

The British Museum is staging a blast from the Roman past this month as treasures from the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum are unveiled in its blockbuster exhibition, Life and death in Pompeii and Herculaneum. In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying these two ill-fated communities deep beneath a blanket of ash. For over 1,600 years the quilt of detritus lay untouched, preserving fleeing residents, their homes and possessions in an eerie suspended moment in time. Over 250 artefacts, many of which have never been seen before outside of Italy, help piece together an unparalleled snapshot of domestic, everyday life in the Roman Empire.

£15, Great Russell Street, WC1B 3DG (

Residents’ Journal

The Lavender Hill Mob The artist John Singer Sargent once said: ‘It’s not about the amount of brush strokes on the canvas, it’s about the right strokes.’ The people who work at Lavender Hill Studios definitely have the right strokes. Katie Randall meets the co-founders of the school who paint a promising future for the art scene in south west London


top to smell the lavender. Urban myth whispers that in times long past, Battersea’s Lavender Hill was flecked with the delicate purple flora to mask the slightly less idyllic fact that the ground below was used for graves. More recent research hints that the hill was named thus due to the commercial cultivation of the flower there, in the pre-industrial era. Whatever the origins of the street’s name, if you pause long enough in this area to enjoy a particular view, you are more than likely to be joined by an artist, paintbrush in hand: Lavender Hill’s art scene is smelling sweet.

An art class in progress at the Studios. All images by Hugh Gilbert

Joining me on this historical analysis of the surrounding area are local residents and co-founders of Lavender Hill Studios Ann Witheridge and Scott Pohlschmidt. The success of the couple’s business stands as proof that this particular area south of the river is artistically thriving – forget Mayfair and Chelsea. The pair are both artists (as is their third co-founder Nick Bashall) and both agree that London’s art community is starting to expand with Battersea being welcomed into the fold. The Royal College of Art now has a permanent base in SW11 and the Affordable Arts Fair on Battersea Park long ago established itself as a popular event in all art-lovers calendars. Ann testifies to Battersea’s artistic inclinations: ‘I got a lovely Christmas card from a local artist who has become a friend and he said that when he bought his flat 20 years ago, never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that this area would become an arts scene.’ Ann and her cohorts have created a mecca for likeminded people; an artistic institution where students of all abilities are taught and their talents nurtured. The story begins, rather romantically, thus: Nick Bashall, Scott Pohlschmidt and Ann Witheridge were all studying in Florence at the Charles H. Cecil Studios. The trio formed a close friendship and were all drawn back to London for different reasons. The collision of old friends ultimately resulted in the creation of Lavender Hill Studios. A school teaching the encajar (meaning to emboss) method of

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naturalistic art, whose corridors sing with creativity. However, the centre has so much more on offer, from supper clubs to theatre and children’s art classes for mini Leonardos. A short bus ride from all the major museums and galleries, this Battersea studio provides cavernous space with the all-important north light (both Ann and Scott inform me that this is the most naturally consistent light for painting in). The many parks and green spaces also provide inspirational nourishment for the painters here. It was Nick Bashall who first introduced the couple to the Battersea Business Centre, a building that was supposedly previously owned by Transport for London to modify and repair its coaches. The surrounding ring of stable buildings is now used by a variety of different businesses. ‘Nick has a studio here and encouraged us to join him,’ Ann says, ‘We found our studio and then our flat is very near here.’ Four rooms are currently utilised for the institution and the three founders all have their own separate spaces, as do a few of the studio assistants and some former students. They have christened themselves the Lavender Hill mob; in total creating all manner of artistic wizardry in 20 studios. The pleasant thing about this mob is the fact that they teach students of all abilities, but there is none of that art school snobbery that Ann says put her off studying the subject in the UK. ‘The original ethos for the school was that it would be bigger than us, so we named the studios after the area,’ Ann reveals. The school currently takes students on a full-time and part-time basis and is very flexible; however study is quite rigorous. ‘We are not just humouring people to paint pretty pictures,’ Ann explains, ‘Pupils learn the grammar behind what they are doing.’ She adds: ‘When you go to French lessons you want to learn the vocabulary and grammar so that when you are in the country you can have a full conversation. It is the same with painting. That’s what we teach here.’ So what can one expect from a lesson at the studios? The couple has a preference for naturalistic art painted from

reality and their teaching follows suit. Students are taught about proportion, how to stand at an easel and how to create line and volume in small classes of 10-12. Judging from the recent commissions of the couple, you will be in safe hands here. Scott recently sculpted a two-metre tall legacy sculpture of a man that has been shipped to Australia. Meanwhile Ann has been commissioned to work on a piece for the Royal Ballet and a painting for the Earl of March at Goodwood House, West Sussex. Artist-in-residence, Gill Hooper from South Carolina also provides intellectual stimulation, organising trips and visits across the country. For those whose interest has been piqued, might I suggest taking a look at ‘The Team’ section of the website, it is certain to provide a few giggles. The talented artists have all immortalised themselves in different mediums. We enjoy Izzy Moreau’s reimagining of Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus. Moreau runs the innovative Lavender Leonardos course at the Studios, for tots aged five upwards. ‘When children first start writing and drawing they create amazing stories and pictures. Their imagination is so free. But as they go through the school system they become more and more restricted, so Izzy is amazing at pushing that creativity,’ says Ann. Charlotte Partridge’s Supper in a Pear Tree has been another incredibly popular side-project hosted in the studios. Popping up on the first Thursday of the month guests begin the evening with a glass of wine and a drawing session and then dive into a three-course supper cooked by Annabel Partridge, an ex sous chef of Petersham Nurseries who now works with Skye Gyngell. This international collective hails from all over the globe and has managed to create something very special in Battersea. Tutoring artists and would-be artists, and those who just want to learn a new skill and take some time out for themselves, the Lavender Hill Studios puts community first. n

The original ethos for the school was that it would be bigger than us, so we named the studios after the area

101 Battersea Business Centre, 99-109 Lavender Hill SW11 5QL, 020 7223 2360 (

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Residents’ Journal

Home on the range Henry Hopwood-Phillips discovers the true meaning of mouth-wateringly good home-cooked fare at Clapham’s Bistro Union


n most culinary establishments, the cuisine goes hand-in-hand with the overall aesthetic of the restaurant. Whilst the pubs on our streets are smartening up, restaurants such as Bistro Union feel like exercises in slumming-down; rusticity is the order of the day. This is the second of Adam Byatt’s restaurants and his history (working for Claridge’s, The Berkeley, The Square and founding Trinity) demonstrates that he is clearly a man with a real passion for British fare. Byatt should be applauded for resisting the corollary; it would have been so easy to let the place look as though Cath Kidston had been let loose with her stencils. Instead, a handsome, wainscoted bistro has sprung up. Well-calibrated pastoral themes, including rural school desk draws at the bar, are balanced by an air of urbanity bestowed by copper lighting fixtures. Karl Goward, the chef in charge, is a man who knows how to capitalise on the fact that an Englishman’s palate is not a complex creature; simplicity is key, but done to perfection. The pre-starter or grazing dish of beef and dripping toast was delicious. The Yorkshire beef was well salted; the toast saturated but not stodgy. The serving was generous, by the third or fourth slab, I felt as though I’d eaten half a roast instead of an anglicised amuse-bouche. The Cornish mussels in Perry, red chilli and white mirepoix vegetables were small, perfectly formed, faultlessly cooked and soaked in a reduction of finely balanced flavours: indeed, they were some of the best mussels I have ever had. More seafood followed. Little shrimps swam in buttery orbit around an impeccably grilled dover sole. The fish could be brushed off the bone without surrendering its form and as I marched it onto a fork, pre-loaded with capers and cabbage, the combination really came into its own. A jam-jar wobbled in after the enamel camping bowls of the main course left the stage. Normally I am quite cynical about all bucolic paraphernalia; it can feel a bit gimmicky this side of the M25. However, at Bistro Union there was no awkward fanfare to accompany it and without the heightened awareness, the wares felt authentic. Inside, the jam-jar hid a delectable scoop of homemade chocolate, prune and brandy ice-cream. A shot-glass of blood orange and Campari granita standing to attention nearby was flawless and neatly balanced the dish. The Campari gave the orangey arctic grains a sturdy body of flavour – a dimension they might otherwise have lacked. Washing the food down were bubbly aperitifs and an espresso stout in a dimple mug, small and cute enough to compromise my masculinity. Bistro Union does what it does very well: simple, honest British food that isn’t just pub grub at reasonable prices. I’m sure some could level charges of modishness at its door, however, at root, one man’s modishness is another’s niche. And I suspect this niche has a lot more mileage in it yet. n

40 Abbeville Road, SW4 9NG, 020 7042 6400 ( © M. Franke

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Residents’ Journal

HEALTH & BEAUTY Treatments to put a spring in your step and tips from local beauty specialists

The essence of beauty Lauren Romano pops into Verde London to meet the charming owner of Battersea’s long-standing beauty emporium


rom the moment I enter Ruby Cook’s beauty apothecary on Northcote Road, it is obvious that she is a woman who practices what she preaches. A glowing embodiment of her prescribed Verde philosophy – a doctrine which promotes the vibrant health properties and therapeutic inner well-being of the pure plant preparations and organic essential oils she personally concocts – her colourful CV makes a riveting read. Her formative years were spent bubbling up liquorice extract and her educational qualifications include a degree in native American plant medicine from the Botanical Institute in New York. She is a fountain of knowledge on Ayurveda Medicine, Chinese herbalism and aromatherapy too. Nowadays Ruby presides over her intimately dimensioned shop which opened in 1990 and is the nerve centre of her quietly industrious natural beauty realm. It is a vessel of intriguing scents, one where a heady, olfactory cloud of fragrances assaults the senses as soon as you cross the threshold. Here, each and every product is lovingly made by Ruby in 10kg batches. The catalogue of products is similarly astounding. Those who believe natural alternatives to the toiletries churned out by the ubiquitous beauty brands lack variety need only cast a glimpse over the cornucopia of beautifully wrapped bars of handmade soaps, cleansers, toning mists and body oils available to have their preconceptions quashed. From bath milks fit for Cleopatra to a pregnancy and childcare range that Ruby formulated when expecting her daughter, there is something to tackle every skincare dilemma. From the stand-out bathroom cabinet worthy tonics, there’s a reviving hangover remedy which provides the kiss of life to sluggish, auto-pilot programmed bodies the morning after a heavy night: it comes in the form of Fragile Morning Bath Treatment, a blend of ginger, rosemary and juniper to kick-start kidney energy and stimulate liver function. The Mobility Gel, is another godsend, this time for post-exercise aches and pains. So effective is the formula, it has accrued a legion of local and further afield fans (Verde’s popularity stretches from Japan to Cornwall, thanks to the online shop). But whatever your skin complaint, Ruby and her remedies will come to the rescue. Take a walk on the natural side; we challenge you to leave empty-handed. n

113A Northcote Road, SW11 6PJ, 020 7223 2095 ( - 20 -

Clean as a whistle Finally a group of products that is gentle enough to use every day. We cannot wait for the launch of Estée Lauder’s Perfectly Clean range, a high-performance collection of four multi-action cleansers and a refining toner – this is simple yet effective skincare at its best. Saturated with soothing botanicals Blue Algae, Milk Thistle and Zinc the skin is cleansed, clarified and soothed, without disrupting its natural balance.

Available from May, all products £22 (


of the best Pink Hues

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Lip Colour in Pink Dusk, £36 Tom Ford (

urban retreat’s home comforts As I close my eyes and drift off to a happier place, the facialist begins her magic, massaging deft hands over my skin. A scene that many of us have had the pleasure to experience, but it remains a rarity, perhaps booked in on a girly weekend or as part of a holiday treat. Urban Retreat on Harrods’ fifth floor, a salon and spa renowned for its luxurious use of the very best brands and products in the beauty world, has been delivering its services outside of its hallowed walls for almost a year now and the concept is really starting to take off. We often don’t have the time to take an afternoon off to pop to a spa, so now it comes to you. Urban Retreat at Home offers a whole raft of treatments, including the Hollywood favourite GlamGlow facial, and the therapists are continuously adding to their treatment lists, depending on local demand. These ladies don’t just arrive (in smart branded Audi’s) and perform any old slap-dash massage, this (uttered in the style of the now iconic Marks & Spencer’s advert) is an Urban Retreat at Harrods treatment. The highly qualified and experienced beauticians are laden with fluffy robes and slippers, soothing music, candles and other little touches to transform your home into an oasis of calm. One would be forgiven for thinking that these treatments would cost double the price when bought to your home or hotel, but with almost all of the services, clients only pay for a block of time not the individual treatment. A group of friends could book an hour and fill it all getting manicures, then split the hourly rate. This is cost effective, pure indulgence pampering – you can thank us for introducing you later.

Prices start from £55 but vary in different areas. For more information and for all general bookings call: 0844 793 8344 (

Rouge Volupté Shine Lipstick in Pink in Devotion, £24, Yves Saint Laurent Beauty (


Lipstick in Tulip, £24, Aerin ( - 21 -

Residents’ Journal

Interiors A spring style guide for the home, inspired by local boutiques Words: Lulu Rumsey

European Rustic Chic If you like: clean, light fabrics, smart upholstery, whitewashed calm, intricate design and naturally aged wood

If you’re inspired by: antique appeal, elegant old-worldly charm and the sophistication of the past

Cocktail Chairs, £1,000

If you want it: Les Sardines, Abbeville Road

Images: Circa, Battersea

No avenue better characterises the eclectically stylish spirit of Clapham better than Abbeville Road. At the heart of this desirable strait of Edwardian architecture, a mix of townhouses and individual boutique-style stores, lies Les Sardines, a lifestyle antique shop that overflows with a timelessly chic collection of 19th century Swedish, French and Belgian designs. Covering all interiors bases with its stock of antiques, ceramics, linens and glassware, each item is meticulously handpicked – from cast iron aged-patina candlesticks, to French inspired armoires. Les Sardines typifies the modern day gravitation to the sleek calm epitomised by interiors of the past, incorporating styles from across Europe. This spring customers will find that the store has added made-to-measure dining tables to its repertoire; yet another reason to drop by and peruse its latest seasonal offerings.

63 Abbeville Road, SW4 9JW ( Buttoned Dining Bench, £1,590

20th Century Revival If you like: distinctive shapes, sleek steel lines, metallic silhouettes, strong primary colours and a bold mix of fabrics If you’re inspired by: the design flair of the 50s, 60s and 70s, unique items that can steal a scene and individual, signature style

If you want it: Circa, Battersea Park Road Only a year into its existence Circa has already become a haven of those not so distant eras; a space dedicated to propelling the brazen edge of the 50s, 60s and 70s into the forefront of our attention spans. For centre stage pieces that have the power to dominate any space, Circa is undoubtedly the right place: nothing screams contemporary cool better than a pair of mustard velvet upholstered lounge chairs, nor will you find more innovative interpretations of the lampshade – one lies affixed upon a metallic bust of doomed Egyptian king Tutankhamun – anywhere but here. Circa is not afraid to flirt with other interior inspirations (gilded baroque appliqués creep over a few of its delightful items), however it’s the store’s bolder collection of modern era furniture that secures its reputation as a forerunner in the 20th century reclaimed furniture revival.

Large Armchair, £1,399

Images: Les Sardines, Abbeville Village

551 Battersea Park Road, SW11 3BL ( - 22 -

Spring Summer Collection Essentiel, Gat Rimon, just in case, whiite, Baum und Pferdgarten, patrizia pepe, HUNKYDORY, DL1961 Jeans, 120% LINO, attic and barn, Rebecca Minkoff, costa copenhagen, Current/ Elliott, CULTURE

open mon - sat 10.30 - 6, thurs 11 - 7

32 Lavender hill, Battersea

LONDON SW11 5RL Telephone 020 7801 9600 please quote “Residents’ Journal” to receive 10% discount* *cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers

Residents’ Journal

THE PLAYGROUND Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are

Kids’ kingdom Cute as a button family café, Eat Play Love is the stomping ground of choice for residents who value a good cup of coffee and the chance to get involved in classes and community events, with buggies and little ones in tow. From pregnancy yoga to singing sessions and Spanish for toddlers, the quirky venue has it covered when it comes to pleasing grown-ups and their broods, who can be let loose at the play area. Eat Play Love also works with local independent shops and hosts pop-up events as well as themed birthday parties.

324 Battersea Park Road, SW11 3BX (

Sugar and spice As the shift in seasons nudges the sun slowly from behind its blanket of cloud, Trotters’ S/S 2013 collection has hit the shelves. Dainty smock dresses adorned with daisy trims and pretty cake print skirts top the summer wardrobe options for the girls, while nautical stripes, t-shirts in block colours and cricket-style jumpers are perfect for tearaway boys. Whether parents are on the hunt for a presentable ensemble for a family wedding, or a play outfit for pottering around in the garden, Trotters ticks all the boxes. While you’re there take advantage of the popular hairdressing service and book a quick trim so you tots really will be a sight for sore eyes.

86 Northcote Road, SW11 6QN ( - 24 -

Parent Trap has become an online sensation in the three years since founder Susan Hanage, aka. Annabel, unleashed it, with over 80,000 visits to the site. An invaluable tool for parents based in south west London seeking to swap tips and share advice, we’ve teamed up to post some of the most pressing topics posted on the site

Looking to set up a photo-club in the area

What’s an appropriate food allowance for an au pair?

Hi there, I am looking for other mums/amateur/pro photographers to set up a local ‘photo club’ in Clapham/Brixton/Wandsworth/ Battersea.

Hi, Just wondering if anyone gives their au pair money to buy their own food instead of just getting food in for them? If you do, how much do you give them? Thanks!

If you are interested please do reply to this thread and we can see how many we are. Thanks

Re: what’s an appropriate food allowance for an au pair? Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:03 pm

Re: Looking to set up a photo-club in the area

We have always given an extra £30 a week for food. It works so well as our au pairs have always just sorted their own food out.

Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:16 pm

Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:02 am

I keep meaning to organise a (free) photo/camera basics class for local mums, if you’re interested... Charlie R-T (

We give our au pair £50 per week which is not even £10 per day. But it seems that people give around £40 on average. I would feel guilty to buy organic meat for myself and only basic stuff for the au pair.

Get Prepared for Life with your 2nd Baby, Baby Care C ompany

Hi, I’d be interested in this if somewhere ‘between the commons.’ Sounds great. Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:07 pm Hi! Anywhere Clapham, Balham, Wandsworth is fine. I was imagining a quiet cafe, but a room might be a better idea. I’d say an ideal class size would be about a dozen as it allows me to give a little personal attention to everyone, but we all help each other. It is fine with me if mums have babies with them to save on babysitting, but toddlers or older I guess would be a little distracting for the mum concerned!

In 3 hours: • W e would look at the basics of camera settings, how to use manual settings, and ‘quick cures’ for those that just want to stick to the auto/semi-auto settings. • Plus, ‘seeing the light’ and basics of composition. • We practice as we talk through the initial basic theory, then go for a walk to take photos, then do a post-mortem afterwards. Charlie R-T (

If you’re pregnant with your second baby, I run a tailored and local two hour class held in the mornings and evenings to help you get prepared for life with a second child. This class gives you time to learn what life will be like with two children, discovering tricks/techniques for coping, and simple techniques to minimise jealously and to maintain that special relationship with your first child. I go through things to do before you give birth to help you get ready, and give a refresher on areas of baby care that you feel you need – maybe this is all aspects if you have a larger age gap, or developing good sleep patterns and feeding if you’ve got a smaller gap. If you would like to find out more or book a place/check availability, please contact me, Eilish on: or 020 7228 1041. My website is: Here are the upcoming dates for my 2nd baby preparation classes organised by age gap: 10th April 2-3yr gap, 11th April 3y+ gap, 24th April 1-2yr gap, 1st May 3yr+ gap, 8th May 2-3yr gap, 15th May 1-2yr gap, 5th June 2-3yr gap, 12th June 3yr+gap, 19th June 1-2yr gap, 11th July 2-3yr gap, 15th July 1-2yr gap, 16th July 3yr+ gap

Night night, sleep tight This month, Merino Kids is holding a ‘Baby Sleep and Routines’ session for all first time and expectant mothers. Put your mind at ease and learn the secrets for a soothing and stress-free bedtime over the course of the hour and a half class, during which you can share information and experiences with other parents. Afterwards stock up on 100 per cent natural merino wool swaddle wraps and sleeping bags to wrap your baby in a soft and snug cocoon.

£45 or £70 for two, 23 April from 10.30am 151 Northcote Road, SW11 6QB ( - 25 -

All threads from; users’ names have been omitted to protect individual’s identities and although opinions have not been altered, posts have been edited into line with the Residents’ Journal house style

Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:37 pm

Residents’ Journal

THE CLASSROOM Emanuel School has the secret to academic and creative success

Images by Debbie Rowe (

The School Founded in an unusual manner, there is nothing ordinary about Emanuel School, nor its ambitious students. Lord and Lady Dacre set their sights on opening a co-educational school for 10 boys and 10 girls in 1594, a highly atypical move during the days of Queen Elizabeth I. Since then, the teachers and students have worked incredibly hard to establish the school as one of south west London’s premium institutions, offering more scholarships in art, drama, music and sport than any other London school. There are currently 83 scholars studying at Emanuel, says Headmaster Mark Hanley-Browne: ‘It gives us a very creative character.’ The school has also produced over 50

Great Britain internationals at rowing. Housed in a beautiful Victorian building with 12 acres of playing fields, Emanuel moved to Battersea in 1883. The building was originally opened by Queen Victoria in 1871 as an orphanage and the Headmaster’s office even features the royal crest above the fireplace. The 750 students (58 per cent boys and 42 per cent girls) are creatively taught and stimulated by a team of 80 teachers with themes of leadership, altruism, entrepreneurship and individuality impressed from day one. (

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FACULTY OF creative arts Emanuel School places a smorgasbord of different opportunities in front of its students, from guest speakers (such as Alistair Darling, Chief Economist of the Bank of England Spencer Dale, Sir Bob Geldof and David Starkey), to presenting them with the option to quench their dramatic thirsts – either behind the scenes or on the stage. As Headmaster Mr Hanley-Browne explains: ‘We take the arts very seriously at Emanuel. Of the 20 drama scholars here, half of them have agents.’ The Faculty for Creative Arts is headed up by Bethany Dawson. Trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, she expects professional standards from her students – and they are more than willing to comply, as The Residents’ Journal found out. We had the pleasure of attending the school in March to watch Smile, a UK school premiere of the musical by Marvin Hamlisch, with lyrics penned by Howard Ashman. Bethany reveals: ‘I wanted to do something that was new that the students did not know about. We went to Ashman’s estate and got special permission to put it on.’ And what a performance it was; the actors were on stage for a full two hours, navigating heavily satirical dialogue and high-energy song and dance numbers. Set in 1985, it tells the story of an American beauty pageant and its intriguing contestants. A professional choreographer was brought in to assist with a few of the big numbers and a musical theatre director also advised the cast of young thespians. As soon as the light dimmed, we realised that this was no ordinary school performance, it truly felt like being in the West End. The pupils were cast perfectly, all carving a niche place for themselves in the tapestry of the musical – even those with smaller parts shone. Their talent is undeniable and the enthusiasm was infectious, with not a frown to be seen in the audience. Impressively, there was also a group of students working with the production team, operating everything from the curtains to the spotlights. The pupils at Emanuel truly are a credit, not only to the school but to London as a whole – hopefully we have seen the next generation of great performers and the next time we lay eyes on these actors and singers will be on our TV screens and on national theatre stages.

Clockwise from Top Left: Reuben and Pip; Emily; Mitch and girls; the contestant line up; the contestants in costume

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Residents’ Journal

DECORATING THE Mayor The boys at Northcote Lodge Preparatory School had a very exciting visit in March as the Mayor of Wandsworth, Councillor Adrian Knowles dropped by to receive a new cloak made by the school. He also divulged his daily Mayoral duties with the students in a question and answer session. Cllr Knowles was presented with the cloak, which was adorned with 216 gold, copper and brass handprints made by the Shell boys (aged 8-9). The handmade medals were designed and embossed individually by each boy with their own initials during design technology lessons. The back of the cloak featured the school crest in copper and brass, the date and the very apt school motto of ‘Si je puis’. In other news, the 23 trebles from Northcote Lodge’s Chapel Choir sang to a congregation of approximately 150 people in St Pauls Cathedral on 18 March. They report that the resonance of the building was remarkable, with at least a five second echo for those melodious harmonies.

26 Bolingbroke Grove, SW11 6EL (

Public consultation for new battersea school The proposed relocation of Wimbledon’s St. John Bosco College to Battersea, is one step closer to fruition following a public consultation. The school is hoping to occupy the former Salesian College site in Surrey Lane. In partnership with Lend Lease, the Joint School Trust of St. John Bosco College plans to establish a new Catholic secondary school in the borough that will support the increasing academic achievements of the College in a truly 21st century building. In addition, new residential accommodation will be constructed on the Surrey Lane site and at nearby Victoria Drive. Following a ‘good’ Ofsted review, St. John Bosco College is keenly looking forward to the imminent future. Headteacher Simon Uttley spoke of his excitement at the prospect of the move: ‘It is not often that students and staff have the opportunity to move to a world-class learning environment but that is what our new school in Battersea will offer us in 2015.’ News of the school’s arrival will be warmly welcomed by Wandsworthians wary of the deficit in pupil places which will become apparent by 2020. Lend Lease’s Mark Dickinson and Michael Dyke commented on the arrangement: ‘This exciting new project in Wandsworth reflects Lend Lease’s commitment to the local community. We relish opportunities such as this and we are dedicated to regenerating communities and designing inspirational places to live for generations to come.’ If planning permission is granted by Wandsworth Council, construction of the new school will commence by the end of this year. - 28 -

Residents’ Journal

Planning & Development We chart all of south west London’s regeneration developments – from the ground up

In Bloom New Covent Garden Market is at the beginning of a period of transformation. We catch up with Helen Evans, Director of Business Development and Support to find out more


he New Covent Garden Market has been a thriving hub of wholesale activity for over 800 years. Its latest, and perhaps most exciting move, will see a complete renovation of its facilities, tying in with the Nine Elms development. Why should residents be interested, one might wonder? This facelift, as well as rejuvenating the space for traders, will also see the creation of the Garden Heart, a new publicfacing market opening up foodie opportunities for the general public. South west London will get its very own version of Borough Market. ‘It’s very difficult to get your head around how much this area is going to change,’ says Helen Evans about Nine Elms as a whole: ‘The whole skyline will be different. It is being talked about as the last jigsaw piece along the South Bank.’ Her role is vital for the proposed New Covent Garden Market development and involves managing a team to support the traders during the transition, as well as in the future. ‘We’ve been talking about the redevelopment for a long time now so this is when the real work starts.’ She reveals that the Covent Garden Market Authority (CGMA), set up by an Act of Parliament in 1961 and responsible for the ownership and operation of the market, signed with their development partner at the beginning the year. ‘A consortium made up of VINCI, which is a French construction company and St. Modwen who are a UK developer, will be partnering with us. Now that we have them onboard we can start to get down to details.’ With a projected finishing date of 2020, we have

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Residents’ Journal

a while to wait; however after a public consultation of plans in the summer, building work could begin on the site as early as 2015. Plans involve the relocation of the current flower market to a nearby, newly constructed site, the sale of the former land for mixed-use redevelopment and an all-singing, all-dancing public-facing retail market. The Authority has 57 acres of land, some of which is not in use and will be able to provide the same amount of space for traders but on a smaller footprint. The CGMA has undergone an outline planning application for the development, which was approved at the end of last year. It details their vision for the new market, alongside invaluable research into permission for heights of structures and building densities. VINCI and St. Modwen (VSM) will now work on its own master plan for the site. Any ideas proffered would have the potential to be met with a certain amount of trepidation by the traders. The fear of the unknown and of disrupted trade impacting their livelihood is a natural reaction, however full support is available from Helen Evans’ team. ‘I think a lot of people are really concerned about how they are going to trade through that change and what impact it is going to have on them,’ Helen says, ‘Change is really frightening. We are very much aware of that, one part of my team is a dedicated person who talks to the traders only about development. We have briefings with all tenants and do overnight shifts so that people who are working overnight can come to discuss and understand.’ She explains that the main driver for this development was not profit: ‘We are not selling off this land so that we can make more profit or give the money to the government; we are a public body and are doing it so that there will be a market here for another 600 years.’ It is speculated that the name ‘Covent Garden’ is a corruption of ‘Convent Garden’, muddied by the clouds of time. The old market was a part of the Abbey of Westminster, with the monks selling off the surplus produce and starting an informal market from their site near the Strand. During the reign of Charles II, he rewarded the Dukes of Bedford by granting them the right to hold a formal market. Helen remarks that even back at its humble beginnings, the

market always attracted attention from naysayers: ‘People have been talking about the nuisance that was the market, its noise, waste, congestion and ladies of the night, from Charles Dickens’ time onwards. Eventually things came to a head in the ‘60s and it was decided by the Government that the market would move.’ Helen adds: ‘They set up the Covent Garden Market Authority and looked at a whole raft of different places where they could move to. Kings Cross and Beckton were options but Nine Elms was the final decision and at the time, and to be honest until fairly recently, it was a sort of industrial wasteland.’ With such a fantastic and full history, even since the move to Nine Elms, it is understandable that the physical site is beginning to show its age. As Helen reveals, many of the buildings have a 20-year lifespan which is now long overdue. She highlights that: ‘If something failed we wouldn’t have the money to repair it, so without taking this radical step the market would possibly die by death of a thousand cuts.’ In a bid to stop a sudden break-down of an integral commercial hub, this move will refresh the market and the Garden Heart will recreate some of the old interaction between the public and trade. The market currently houses about 200 companies and 2,500 people work on the site. It is estimated by the CGMA that approximately 40 per cent of the fruit and vegetables consumed in London, outside the home and not bought in a shop, comes through New Covent Garden Market. ‘We supply everything from fine dining establishments to schools and hospitals – so it is a critical service to London,’ says Helen. It is a vital cog in the machine to keep London competitive in terms of hospitality: ‘The companies based here would not be able to provide fresh produce so effectively if they weren’t located here. We are only 10 to 15 minutes from Westminster.’ It is not just fruit and vegetables at the forefront of the CGMA’s thoughts, they also work with local primary schools and offer demonstrations in floristry and cookery for trade. They hope to expand this for the local community. Helen explains: ‘At the moment we have a wholesale market. The idea is that at the Garden Heart there will be trading facilities, a bank, post office, training facilities and conference rooms for public use. It would be nice to have a place that showcases

We are not selling off this land so that we can make more profit... We are doing it so that there will be a market here for another 600 years

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the best of fresh British fruit and vegetables so cafes and restaurants might pop up as well. You can also see that there would be a demand for floristry courses and cookery lessons with chefs amongst the general public.’ Another potential idea that VSM and the CGMA are investigating in the development is the possibility of opening up pedestrian access at one end of the site, allowing pedestrians into the Garden Heart through New Covent Garden Market. Helen runs through the potential ideas: ‘One of the plans is to punch holes through the arches (CGMA has the lease on them), enabling people to walk from the Wandsworth Road all the way through to the river. At the moment they have to walk all the way down to Vauxhall Cross and then back.’ Helen also announces that the very building in which she works, Covent House on the site of the current flower market, might potentially be knocked down for the new Nine Elms Underground Station, as a part of the Northern Line extension. It is apparent that everywhere in the surrounding area is undergoing immense change. No stone is left unturned in this exciting, all-encompassing regeneration and no one should be left behind. n


If something failed we wouldn’t have the money to repair it, so without taking this radical step the market would possibly die by death of a thousand cuts

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Residents’ Journal

PROPERTY WATCH Two experts share their invaluable local knowledge and shine a light on local developments and property news

Emma Seaton, Savills Wandsworth comments on the Tonsleys: The Tonsleys is a residential area of old Wandsworth close to the river and town centre, so called because many of the street names have the word ‘Tonsley’ included. It maintains a village feel with the Old York Road’s cafes and shops lying at its heart. The Tonsleys has become particularly sought-after in the past few years as buyers are drawn to the small boutiques and restaurants nearby. Additionally, their location close to Wandsworth Common provides ample space for runners and dog-walkers, as well as an equipped playground for children. The top streets in the Tonsleys are Tonsley Hill, Tonsley Road and Dighton Road. Properties here tend to sell quickly at around £750 per sq. ft. and the market is competitive with many properties taking multiple bids and selling over the guide price. Here at Savills we have some excellent instructions in the Tonsleys, ranging from a beautifully refurbished four-bedroom house in Alma Road at £1.45 million to a lovely two-bedroom apartment on Tonsley Hill which is available for £374,000. Schooling in the area is also a draw with St Faith’s School offering excellent state education, whilst Broomwood Hall, Eaton House and Finton House are popular independent schools.

Tonsley Hill, SW18 Savills presents a two bedroom flat in Tonsley Hill, Wandsworth. Spread over two floors, the flat is part of the popular residential area known as The Tonsleys and is close to the convenient amenities of the Southside Centre’s shops and supermarkets. Excellent transport links lie close at hand, whether by bus or train, at Wandsworth Town, which has national rail links. Stretched over the second and third floors of an attractive terraced house, two well-lit bedrooms sit expansively on the third floor. Below lies a spacious ‘L’ shaped reception area with sleek open plan kitchen, ideal for entertaining guests. A good sized bathroom also occupies the second floor. For those excited to familiarise themselves with this charming area, this remarkable flat lies within perfect proximity of the wine bars and eateries of popular Old York Road.

For sale with Savills Wandsworth for £374,000 For more information call 020 8877 1222 (

Alma Road, SW18 Also located in the sought after Tonsley region is a refurbished family home on Alma Road, presented by Savills. With convenient off-street parking, the property has recently benefitted from a sleek renovation. A double reception room dominates the ground floor and leads into a kitchen and dining area. Three good-sized bedrooms can be found on the first floor, one of which boasts its own en-suite, alongside a family bathroom. The second floor is dedicated to a master bedroom, with en-suite bathroom and a separate study area. The garden of this delightful property contains an added gem: at the end of the lawn sits a studio (complete with its own shower), with glass concertina doors ideal for summer entertaining. Alma Road is close to local shops, good schools and the transport links of Wandsworth Town.

For sale with Savills Wandsworth for £1,450,000 For more information call 020 8877 1222 ( - 32 -

Community minded With its finger firmly on the pulse locally, has the last word when it comes to property in North Battersea. Katie Randall meets Jessica Sebastian, the founder Jessica Sebastian


of the agency, to glean an experts’ insight into this covetable locale south of the river, a part of the Lanigan Estates Family, are not your average agency. Situated at the heart of the community, the company prides itself on its friendly and tailored service for clients. Jessica Sebastian herself has experienced the rental market from all vantage points, having started her business at the tender age of 24, buying a property to rent with her uncle. Her expertise in North Battersea (everything above Battersea Park Road) has been developed over the 10 years she has lived in the area. However it is not enough for Jessica to simply reside in a location; she also relishes the opportunity to get involved and is currently an active member of the Resident’s Association for the Ethelburga Estate. Her work as a part of this committee involves running a thriving community centre, which places her right in the middle of all of the local action. In fact, residents from the area regularly pop into the Lanigan Estates office to enquire about ongoing developments in the area. Jessica recalls recent ‘uproar’ over some trees being felled, just across the road. She adds that after speaking with the local MP it became apparent that the trees had to be cut for safety reasons and that flora will be replanted – this is hyper-local expertise at its best. Jessica jests that they are continuously on the phone in the office, working hard to ensure the best deals for clients and word is starting to spread: ‘We are getting to the point now where both landlords and tenants are starting to recommend us, which is great. We must be doing something right, which is rewarding.’ It is no surprise that has been received so warmly. Having moved to its current premises a year ago, Jessica and her team have established themselves as the friendly face of Battersea property. She says: ‘Sometimes we get tenants coming in that say, “I think I’ve made a huge mistake. I think I am going to lose my deposit because it’s not protected” and we give as much advice as we can.’ She continues: ‘We get a lot of young professionals coming in, a lot of young girls aged 18-19 from the Royal College of Art and from the ballet school on Battersea Square. It is their first time out of home and they are so vulnerable. It is hard if you’ve never lived on your own before, so if we can assist them to avoid simple mistakes, we will.’ On probing the expert for her top tips when viewing a property

to rent, she instantly recommends that when hunting for a furnished property you should always check what furniture will be staying when the current tenants move out. The items you see in the apartment or house might have been brought in by the tenants and will therefore leave with them too. She also always checks for light, that the windows open (this is especially important in older mansion block buildings with sash windows), Kingsway Square, £625 pw and that you investigate the local area if you are not familiar with it. She adds: ‘Take ten minutes before or after your viewing to walk around. Check where your nearest bus stop or tube is and your nearest corner shop. Finally, check that you feel secure. If you were coming home late at night, would you feel safe?’ Once settled in the area, I wonder: what makes it so special? ‘There are so many hidden gems,’ Jessica explains, ‘There is a gallery in the park that not everyone Latchmere Road, £400 pw knows about and they do events and exhibitions. I also take my 18-month-old son to Monkey Music, a great children’s music class in the West Bridge Pub. There is a real community feel in this area and a buzz.’ Some of this atmosphere hails from the exciting Nine Elms development. Jessica agrees: ‘It will only better the area because they are planning to build more amenities which will become our closest hub. People have already started spilling out from Chelsea and Fulham as it is so expensive and are moving to North Battersea. Now there is even more incentive.’ This migration has begun to push up prices confirms. ‘We are starting to see a more European way of living, with people renting their homes and feeling more comfortable doing so because it enables them to live in the area they know and love.’ The company’s enthusiasm for the area is infectious and their local knowledge is equally extraordinary. Jessica astutely summarises: ‘Clients trust us because we offer a helping hand for the community and we are very much involved in what is going on locally.’ offers the perfect blend of local insight and experience, delivering a truly personal approach to property. as part of the Lanigan Estates Family 49 Parkgate Road, SW11 4NP, 020 7223 0851 (

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A WOLF IS JUST AN OVEN, LIKE A DIAMOND IS JUST A STONE Iconic design. Enduring quality. Superior performance

251 Brompton Road, Knightsbridge, London SW3 2EP 0845 250 0010

Residents’ Journal

Your local agents A selection of the areas top estate agents

Battersea Flats Battersea 49 Parkgate Road, SW11 4NP 0207 223 0851

Hamptons Battersea & Wandsworth 98-100 Northcote Road SW11 6QW 020 7411 9965 Clapham 27-31 The Pavement SW4 0JE 020 7717 5295

Bullman Booth Battersea 127 St Johns Hill SW11 1SZ 0207 924 1469

Douglas & Gordon Clapham Southside 30 Abbeville Road SW4 9NG 020 8675 4400 (sales) 020 8675 0888 (lettings) Battersea Park 236 Battersea Park Road SW11 4ND 020 7720 8077 (sales) 020 7498 5243 (lettings)


Battersea 128 Northcote Road SW11 6QZ 020 7924 2000 (sales) 020 7924 2002 (lettings) Southfields & Earlsfield 24 Replingham Road SW18 5LR 020 8874 8822 (sales) 020 8874 8844 (lettings)

Balham 11-13 Bedford Hill SW12 9ET 020 8970 7002

Marsh & Parsons Balham & Southfields 45 Balham Hill, SW12 9DR 020 8673 4377 Battersea 118 Northcote Road, SW11 6QP 020 7228 9292

Savills Battersea 238A Battersea Park Road SW11 4NG 020 3402 1900 Clapham 57-59 Nightingale Lane, SW12 8ST 020 8673 4111

Keating Estates Clapham 23 & 25 Clapham Common South Side, SW4 7AB 020 7720 2113

Wandsworth 12 Huguenot Place, SW18 2EW 020 8877 1222


On the m

Knight Frank Battersea & London Riverside 7a Albion Riverside 8 Hester Road SW11 4AX 020 3597 7670 Wandsworth 26 Bellevue Road SW17 7EB 020 8682 7777


Eglantine Road SW18, Guide ÂŁ2.25 million, Freehold Savills Wandsworth, 020 8877 1222

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Residents’ Journal

The Directory Whether whim or wish, all of the essentials are taken care of in our round up for harmonious living

BOUTIQUES FASHION Pretty Pregnant 102 Northcote Road, SW11 6QW 020 7924 4850 Bunka 24 Bedford Hill, SW12 9RG 020 8675 2345

Opus Shoes 57 Northcote Road, SW11 1NP 020 7978 4240

Iris 97 Northcote Road, SW11 6PL 020 7924 1836

Siena 18 Bellevue Road SW17 7EG 020 8767 1961

JZD 45 Old Town SW4 0JL 020 7720 8050




Verde 113A Northcote Road, SW11 6PJ 020 7223 2095

Gro Arch 641 Voltaire Road SW4 6DH 020 7627 0169 and 4 Lavender Hill, SW11 5RW 020 7585 1325

Balance Physio 113 Gauden Road SW4 6LE 020 7627 2308

So Me Beauty and Wellness 21 Clapham High Street SW4 7TR 020 7720 3330 Charlotte Cave 17 The Polygon SW4 0JG 020 7622 4665

Witches Hut 45 Balham High Road, SW12 9AN 020 8673 3222 and 13 The Pavement, SW4 OHY 020 7720 3666

Virgin Active 4-20 North Street SW4 0HG 020 7819 2555 Tulip Studio 3B 9 Park Hill, SW4 9NS 020 7622 7274

EDUCATION The Baby Room 205 Balham High Road, SW17 7BW 020 8673 5110

Newton Prep 149 Battersea Park Road, SW8 4BX 020 7720 4091

Emanuel School Battersea Rise, SW11 1HS 020 8870 4171

HEALTH & WELLBEING DOCTORS The Heritage Medical Practice 119 Northcote Road, SW11 6PW 020 3370 9131

The Awareness Centre 41 Abbeville Road SW4 9JX 020 8673 4545

DENTIST Trinity Fields Dental 194 Trinity Road, SW17 7HR 020 8672 7766 - 36 -




Gail’s 64 Northcote Road, SW11 6QL 020 7924 6330

The Pantry 342 Old York Road, SW18 1SS 020 8871 0713

Fruits of the Forest Grant Road, SW11 2NU 020 7223 8844


The Black Lab Coffee House 18 Clapham Common Southside, SW4 7AB 020 7738 8441

The Ship 41 Jews Row, SW18 1TB 020 8870 9667

The Frog 32 The Pavement, SW4 0JE 020 7622 5230 The Doodle Bar 33 Parkgate Road, SW11 4NP 020 7223 7115

Confectioner Cake Boutique 31 Lavender Hill, SW11 5QW 020 7228 0023


The Draft House 94 Northcote Road SW11 6QW 020 7924 1814

The Magic Garden 231 Battersea Park Road SW11 4LG 0207 622 4844

Restaurants Marco Polo on the River Eastfields Avenue, SW18 1LP 020 8874 6800 Doukan 350 Old York Road, SW18 1SS 020 8870 8280

home & Culture ANTIQUES



Braemar Antiques 113 Northcote Road SW11 6PW 020 7924 5628

Jones Lambell Architecture and Design Ltd Studio 10, 37 Clapham Old Town SW4 0EG 020 7801 0822

Revamp Interiors 33 Bellevue Road SW17 7EF 020 8767 7222

Susie Watson Designs 125 Northcote Road SW11 6PS 020 7228 9955

The Paint House 52 Northcote Road SW11 1PA 020 7924 5118

Eclectic Interiors 65 Abbeville Road SW4 9JW 020 8673 0572

Hotel Verta Bridges Wharf, SW11 3BE 020 7801 3500

The Alma Hotel 499 Old York Road, SW18 1TF 020 8870 2537

The Lavender Guest House 18 Lavender Sweep, SW11 1HA 020 7585 2767

The Windmill Hotel Clapham Common South Side SW4 9DE 020 8673 4578

Clapham Guest House 685 Wandsworth Road SW8 3JE 020 7819 9997

Travel Agent

Lambeth Council Brixton Hill SW2 1RW 020 7926 1000

Domestic House Cleaning 44 Battersea Park Road SW11 4JP 020 3404 2452

Wandsworth Library 11 Garrat Lane SW18 4AQ 020 8871 5588

Les Sardines 63 Abbeville Road SW4 9JW 020 8675 3900

GIFT SHOP Zeitgeist 17 The Pavement, SW4 0HY 020 7622 5000

travel & social HOTELS Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel & Spa 354 Queenstown Road, SW8 4AE 020 7062 8000 Rafayel Hotel 34 Lombard Road, SW11 3RF 020 7801 3600

lifesavers Services Battersea Post Office 202 Lavender Hill, SW11 1AB 0845 722 3344 Wandsworth Council Wandsworth High Street, SW18 2PU, 020 8871 6000

Nappy Valley Nannies 75 Swaby Road SW18 3PJ 020 8946 5320

Clapham Flowers Unit I Clapham South Station Nightingale Lane, SW4 9AE 020 8673 2958 - 37 -

STA Travel 18 St John’s Road, SW11 1PN 0871 222 9726

Wilson Electric 12-18 Radstock Street SW11 4AT 020 7228 3343 Chelsea Crescent, Chelsea Harbour SW10

Beautifully renovated penthouse This extremely impressive apartment in Chelsea Crescent has been completely and beautifully renovated incorporating double height living space and generous bedrooms. Penthouse, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 reception room, 3 balconies, 2 parking spaces, Porter / Concierge. EPC rating C. Approximately 259 sqm (2,787 sq ft) Leasehold Guide price: ÂŁ3,950,000 020 3597 7670 (RVR090138)

Coptain House, Riverside Quarter SW18 Contemporary apartment

A beautifully and stylishly presented third floor apartment situated directly on the water front, enjoying fabulous panoramic views, west, north and east of the River Thames and beyond. 2 bedrooms, 1 reception room, 2 bathrooms, porter/ concierge, leisure facilities. EPC rating C. Approximately 114 sq m (1,227 sq ft) Leasehold Guide price: ÂŁ1,150,000 020 3597 7670 (RVR130036) Oberstein Road, Battersea SW11 3 bedroom apartment

This beautiful and stylish maisonette has been recently renovated and has high end finishes throughout with a contemporary feel whilst retaining period features. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan reception/kitchen area. EPC rating D. Approximately 106 sq m (1,141 sq ft). Leasehold Guide price: ÂŁ725,000 020 3597 7670 (WND120074)

Battersea Church Road, Battersea SW11 Immaculately presented

A beautiful house recently renovated to a high standard and immaculately presented. Within easy walking distance to the Kings Road and Battersea Square. 3 bedrooms, open plan reception room, 2 bathrooms, courtyard garden. EPC rating D. Approximately 119 sq m (1,281 sq ft) Freehold Guide price: ÂŁ1,300,000 020 3597 7670 (BAT120045) Grosvenor Waterside, Chelsea SW1W Thames and dock views

An immaculate two bedroom apartment in Bramah House, Grosvenor Waterside. Finished to a high standard throughout, views of the Thames and dock are enjoyed from the private 5th floor balcony. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan reception and kitchen, private parking. EPC rating B. Approximately 74 sq m (796 sq ft) Leasehold Guide Price: £1,250,000 020 3597 7670 (RVR120008)

St George Wharf, Vauxhall SW8 3 bedroom apartment

A sunny west facing 3 bedroom apartment for sale in St George Wharf. Floor to ceiling windows and generous living space with 3 terraces and views east and west of London’s iconic river. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 reception room, porter/concierge. EPC rating C. Approximately 151 sq m (1,628 sq ft) Leasehold Guide Price £1,750,000 020 3597 7670 (RVR120132) Ellerton Road, Wandsworth SW18 Superbly presented

This property has wonderful entertaining space space which opens onto a large south-west facing garden. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (1 en suite), kitchen/dining/family room, reception room, playroom/study, utility room, downstairs cloakroom, large south-west facing garden, off street parking for two cars. EPC rating D. Approximately 222 sq m (2,390 sq ft) Freehold Asking price: £1,695,000 020 8682 7777 (WND120216)

Marney Lodge, Wandsworth SW18 Modern development

A period house forming the major part of an exclusive new ‘Olympic Mews’ gated development finished to an exacting standards. 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 3 en suite shower rooms, kitchen/dining room, 2 reception rooms, home office, study, utility room, cloakroom, terrace, south facing garden, parking. EPC rating C. Approximately 215 sq m (2,314 sq ft) Freehold Asking price: £1,600,000 020 8682 7777 (WND100027) Clapham Common West Side SW4 Wonderful views

An immaculate six bedroom family house with superb entertaining space. Master bedroom suite, 5 further double bedrooms, 3 further bath/shower rooms, double reception room, kitchen/dining room, drawing room, utility room, south west facing garden. Approximately 295.4 sq m (3,180 sq ft) Freehold Asking price: ÂŁ2,650,000 020 8682 7777 (WND130061)

Wandle Road, Wandsworth SW17 Substantial proportions

This family house has been refurbished to an exceptional standard whilst retaining many original features. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2 en suite), 2 reception rooms, study, kitchen/ dining/family room, playroom, utility room, downstairs cloakroom, wine store, garden. EPC rating D. Approximately 284 sq m (3,057 sq ft) Freehold Asking price: ÂŁ2,650,000 020 8682 7777

(WND130052) Malwood Road, Clapham South SW12 Big proportions

A handsome and beautifully presented 7 bedroom Victorian family house with south facing garden. 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms (3 en suite), 2 reception rooms, kitchen/dining/family space, cloakroom, cellar, south facing garden. Approximately 312 sq m (3,366 sq ft) Freehold Asking price: ÂŁ2,400,000 020 8682 7777 (WND130045)

Westover Road, Wandsworth SW18 Larger than average

A superb family house of over 3,200 sq ft set back from the road with off street parking and good side access. 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (2 en suite), 2 reception rooms, playroom, kitchen, utility room, downstairs cloakroom, cellar,garden, off street parking. EPC rating D. Approximately 298 sq m (3,208 sq ft) Freehold Asking price: ÂŁ2,400,000 020 8682 7777

(WND120293) Waterside Point, Battersea SW11

Fantastic entertaining space A three bedroom lateral apartment offering fantastic open plan living space with direct views over the river and towards Albert Bridge. 3 bedrooms, 3 en suite bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, open plan kitchen, 2 balconies, underground parking spaces by separate negotiation. EPC rating B. Approximately 211 sq m (2,268 sq ft) Available unfurnished Guide Price: ÂŁ1,995 per week 020 3597 7680 (riq172248)

Westbridge Road, Battersea SW11 Character family home

A beautifully presented five bedroom semidetached house in a superb location, offering light and spacious accommodation and a large garden. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen, dining area, study, garden, off street parking. EPC rating E. Approximately 219 sq m (2,353 sq ft) Available furnished Guide price: ÂŁ1,800 per week 020 3597 7680 (baq175802)

All potential tenants should be advised that, as well as rent, administration fees will apply when renting a property. Please ask for details of our charges.

Computer generated images of Fulham Reach are indicative only

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Photography for illustrative purposes only. *Payable via the service charge. **These may incur an additional cost and will need to be pre-booked. ***Parking available at an extra cost. Computer generated image of Fulham Reach is indicative only. †Prices correct at time of going to press.

STC_FR_BatBalWands_ResJournal_297x210_2803.indd 1

12/03/2013 17:53

1 EXCEPTIONALLY WIDE FAMILY HOUSE BESIDE BATTERSEA PARK alexandra avenue, sw11 Open plan family/kitchen/dining room ø 2 further reception rooms ø master bedroom suite ø 3 further bedrooms ø dressing room ø 2 shower rooms ø utility room/cloakroom ø patio garden ø 247 sq m (2,668 sq ft) ø EPC = E

Guide £2.495 million Freehold

Savills Battersea Mayow Short

020 3402 1900

1 SENSATIONAL FAMILY HOUSE WITH A SOUTH-FACING GARDEN eglantine road, sw18 Double reception room ø family room ø extended kitchen/dining room ø master bedroom suite ø 4 further double bedrooms (1 with en suite shower room) ø further shower room ø family bathroom ø utility room ø 61ft garden ø 291 sq m (3,138 sq ft) ø EPC = E Guide £2.25 million Freehold

Savills Wandsworth Robin Chatwin

020 8877 1222


SUBSTANTIAL FAMILY HOUSE PROVIDING GRAND PROPORTIONS CLOSE TO CLAPHAM COMMON sisters avenue, sw11 Double reception room ø extended kitchen/dining room ø master bedroom suite ø 6 further double bedrooms ø 3 further bathrooms (1 en suite) ø dressing room ø cloakroom ø utility room ø 35ft garden ø 348 sq m (3,755 sq ft) ø EPC = F Guide £2.5 million Freehold

Savills Clapham


Christopher Lewis

020 8673 4111

UNIQUELY DESIGNED HOUSE PROVIDING EXCEPTIONAL MODERN ACCOMMODATION ebner street, sw18 Dining room ø sitting room ø open plan kitchen ø 3 bedrooms (2 en suite) ø further bathroom ø landscaped garden ø 148 sq m (1,600 sq ft) ø EPC = D Guide £1.3 million Freehold

Savills Wandsworth Emma Seaton

020 8877 1222

1 2



6 bedrooms ø 3 bathrooms ø 3 reception rooms ø open plan kitchen ø garden ø 301 sq m (3,336 sq ft) ø EPC = E

5 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø double reception room ø kitchen/breakfast room ø patio garden ø 196 sq m (2,131 sq ft) ø EPC = E

£1,800 per week Unfurnished

£1,000 per week Unfurnished

3 4

Savills Clapham 020 8772 6989

Savills Clapham 020 8772 6989



4 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø double reception room ø kitchen/breakfast room ø patio garden ø 148 sq m (1,593 sq ft) ø EPC = D

5 bedrooms ø 2 bathrooms ø double reception room ø kitchen/breakfast room ø patio garden ø 143 sq m (1,539 sq ft) ø EPC = D

£900 per week Unfurnished

£725 per week Unfurnished

Savills Battersea 020 3402 1905

Savills Wandsworth 020 8877 4820

We give the same energy and passion to selling or letting property regardless of value and never forget that houses and flats are homes first and foremost. BALHAM SALES MANAGER

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Local know-how. Better results. Our OfďŹ ces: Balham Barnes

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Sugden Road SW11 ÂŁ1,700,000 This wider than average semi-detached family house comprises a bright double reception room, a large kitchen/breakfast room, five double bedrooms (one en suite), two bathrooms and a spacious utility room. The property also benefits from a private rear garden and side access. Sugden Road is nicely positioned, with the wide open spaces of Clapham Common at the end of the street and walking distance from Clapham Junction, Northcote Road and Clapham Old Town. Freehold. EPC=E. Joint Sole Agent.

BATTERSEA: 020 7228 9292

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Broxash Road SW11 £1,450,000 An exceptional Victorian house located ‘between the commons’. The accommodation has been beauitifuly refurbished to provide a double reception room leading to a stunning kitchen/breakfast room, a cellar, four double bedrooms, three bathrooms (one en suite) and a private garden. Broxash Road is convieniently located close to the amenieties of Clapham South and Northcote Road. Freehold. EPC=D. Sole Agents.

BATTERSEA: 020 7228 9292

Limburg Road SW11 ÂŁ1,100,000 Flooded with light, this beautifully presented Victorian house offers wonderful accommodation, including a large double reception room, a newly renovated kitchen/breakfast room leading directly to a private patio garden, four double bedrooms and two bathrooms. The property also offers the opportunity to further develop into the loft space (subject to necessary consents). Freehold. EPC=E. Sole Agents.

BATTERSEA: 020 7228 9292

The Chase SW4 ÂŁ450,000 This wonderful property comprises a modern kitchen, a separate reception room with French doors opening out to a full-width, west facing un-demised roof terrace/balcony, a master bedroom with built-in-storage, a second bedroom with further storage space and a bathroom. Share of Freehold. EPC=D. Sole Agents.

CLAPHAM: 020 7501 3666

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Primrose Mansions SW11 £750 per week

Victorian Heights SW8 £600 per week

This fantastic property has just undergone extensive refurbishment and now boasts eat-in kitchen with integrated appliances, a large reception room leading onto a private balcony with views of Battersea Park, three double bedrooms, two modern bathrooms, separate WC and a utility room. EPC=C

This fabulous apartment is located within one of London’s most impressive school conversions. The apartment boasts double height ceilings and windows surrounding three reception areas, a galleried bedroom overlooking the reception room, a further double bedroom and a family bathroom. EPC=D

BATTERSEA: 020 7228 9292

CLAPHAM: 020 7501 3666

Chatto Road SW11 £495 per week

Balham Park Road SW12 £425 per week

This superb apartment has been finished to exacting standards throughout. The property comprises a stunning L-shaped reception room with open plan fully equipped kitchen, a modern bathroom and two large double bedrooms with built-in storage (one en suite). EPC=C

This stunning period conversion comprises a modern, fully integrated kitchen with breakfast bar and space for dinning, a large reception room, a modern bathroom and two double bedrooms. The property overlooks Wandsworth Common and is flooded with natural light. EPC=D

BATTERSEA: 020 7228 9292

BALHAM: 020 8673 4377

We’re not just big in property, we’re the best. Hamptons International wins Large Estate Agency of the Year 2012. To find out how our industry-leading approach could benefit you, please call us or pop in to our office. We’d be delighted to help.

Hamptons Battersea 98 - 100 Northcote Road, London SW11 6QW Sales. 020 7458 4253 Lettings. 020 7458 4258 Please dial in full. If you have already appointed another agent, you may be subject to a restrictive contract.

Beyond your expectations

Beyond your expectations

Lindore Road, SW11 ÂŁ1,795,000 Freehold These three storey properties are generally larger than most and thanks to a brand new full length basement extension this particular house extends to almost 2,600 sq ft. The generously proportioned rooms blend original features with an abundance of natural light. EPC: D

Grandison Road, SW11 ÂŁ800,000 Freehold A beautifully presented garden flat just off Clapham Common. The open plan living area is incredibly bright due to the array of sky lights and bi-folding doors which lead out into the private west facing garden. EPC: C

Hamptons Battersea and Wandsworth Office Sales. 020 7924 2170 |

Leathwaite Road, SW11 ÂŁ875 per week Unfurnished A lovely example of a four bedroom between the commons terrace. There is a spacious double reception, extended kitchen, patio garden and four good double bedrooms. EPC: D

Park Mansions, SW11 ÂŁ995 per week Furnished Short Let - A beautiful apartment situated in a stylish mansion block overlooking Battersea Park, featuring three bedrooms, a large eat in kitchen and spacious reception room. EPC: D

Hamptons Battersea and Wandsworth Office Lettings. 0207 924 2998 |

Beyond your expectations

Crescent Lane, SW4 £1,495,000 Freehold A superb refurbishment of a fantastic Victorian house in the heart of Abbeville village, stretching to over 2500 sq ft. EPC: E

Brayburne Avenue, SW4 £925,000 Freehold Sale agreed at time of going to press. An immaculate, contemporary yet characterful four bedroom house. EPC: E

Hambalt Road, SW4 £1,175,000 Freehold An excellent house that has been extended to the side and converted in the loft. EPC: E

Gauden Road, SW4 £1,300,000 A beautifully presented 5 bedroom family home with a 85ft garden, situated in the Sibella Conservation area. EPC: F

Hamptons Clapham Office Sales. 020 7717 5439 |

Reed Place, SW4 ÂŁ690 per week A gorgeous two bedroom house set in an old school conversion off a quiet residential street in Clapham, within easy walking distance of Clapham High Street and Clapham North tube station. The property offers high ceilings, a spacious living area and has been newly refurbished. EPC: C

Rodenhurst Road, SW4 ÂŁ1,595 per week Set close to the increasingly popular Abbeville Road, with a selection of boutiques, restaurants and coffee shops on its doorstep, this beautiful, double fronted, detached family home offers accommodation over three floors and is newly redecorated and re-carpeted throughout. EPC: E

Hamptons Clapham Office Lettings. 020 7717 5541 |

Beyond your expectations

Rastell Avenue, SW2 ÂŁ1,595,000 A refurbished Victorian family home overlooking Tooting Bec common. This light and superbly presented accommodation offers a charming blend of character features, contemporary design, cornicing, waxed wooden floors and French doors which step directly onto a 55ft garden. EPC: E

Griffin Mews, SW12 ÂŁ599,950 A stunning and unique two bedroom mews house. This impressive property provides two large en-suite bedrooms, a family bathroom, a large open plan living space complete with sky lights and vaulted ceilings. All this hidden away in a private, gated mews. EPC: C

Hamptons Balham Office Sales. 020 8618 2013 |

Rudloe Road, SW12 An exceptionally presented architect designed home. The property comprises of a double reception room, high specification extended eat in kitchen with doors leading out onto a landscaped garden. Upstairs the master bedroom offers a walk-in dressing room and ensuite bathroom, three further bedrooms, shower room and a large family bathroom. EPC: D

£895 per week • • • • • •

Hamptons Balham Office Lettings. 020 8618 2014 |

4 Bedrooms Study 3 Bathrooms Landscaped Garden Integrated LED TV and music system Cellar Utility Room





For over 23 years at Bullman Booth our dedicated team have assisted clients with impartial advice, unrivalled local knowledge, and a passion to give the best customer experience.






For a personal approach

to property

A part of the Lanigan Estates family


49 Parkgate Road SW11 4NP 0207 223 0851

Britain’s Best Talent In The Telegraph’s poll of britains estate agents who go above and beyond, D&G were considered number one. We are honoured to be recognised for pushing the boundaries, we promise not to be boundlessly smug.

£2,250,000 Freehold Brynmaer Road SW11 We are delighted to offer this immaculate Victorian family house, which has been totally refurbished to the highest of standards. Battersea Park Sales: 020 7720 8077

5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Shower room, Double reception room, Kitchen/breakfast room, Utility room, Cloakroom, Garden, EPC: C.

ÂŁ1,650,000 Freehold Elms Crescent SW4 A unique house which has been impressively extended to create modern day living space while retaining numerous period features throughout. Clapham South Sales: 020 8675 4400

5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Double reception room, Kitchen/breakfast room, Conservatory, Cellar, Garden, EPC: D.

The kids are alright Whilst our D&G/Kids Company day was a massive success, one day is not enough. We support Kids Company and we hope that you will too. Visit to find out how.

ÂŁ1,495,000 Freehold Winsham Grove SW11

This stunning family home is located on one of the most sought-after roads between the commons.

Battersea Sales: 020 7924 2000

4 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Reception room, Open-plan kitchen, Cloakroom, Playroom, Utility room, Cellar, Garden, EPC: D.

ÂŁ1,395,000 Freehold Caldervale Road SW4

This gorgeous family house is situated on a very popular road in the heart of the Abbeville Village. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 cloakrooms, Double reception room, Kitchen/dining room, Cellar, Garden, EPC: D.

Clapham South Sales: 020 8675 4400

£1,195,000 Share of Freehold Prince of Wales Drive SW11

Situated opposite Battersea Park, this apartment has been meticulously designed throughout.

Battersea Park Sales: 020 7720 8077

3 bedrooms, Bathroom, Shower room, Reception room, Kitchen, Garden, EPC: D.

£985,000 Freehold Badminton Road, SW12

A pretty four bedroom Edwardian family home situated in the ‘Triangle’. 3 double bedrooms, 1 single bedroom, 2 bathrooms, Reception room, Kitchen, Dining room, Garden, Eaves storage, amenities, EPC: E.

Balham Sales: 020 8673 0191

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£799,950 Freehold Astonville Street SW18

£750,000 Share of Freehold Montholme Road SW11

This well-presented family home is situated in the popular Southfields Grid and offers four bedrooms and further scope to extend (STPP).

This beautifully presented two bedroom flat benefits from a west-facing garden.

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Double reception room, Eat-in kitchen, West-facing garden, End of terrace, EPC: E.

Master bedroom, Further double bedroom, 2 shower rooms, Reception room/open-plan kitchen, Utility room, Courtyard, Garden, EPC: C.

Southfields Sales: 020 8874 8822

Battersea Sales: 020 7924 2000

£480,000 Share of Freehold Balham Park Road SW12

£285,000 Leasehold Mapleton Road SW18

A flat in this imposing, double fronted Victorian building conveniently situated a short walk from Wandsworth Common.

We are delighted to offer for sale a one bedroom apartment in the heart of Wandsworth with views of King Georges Park.

2 double bedrooms, Bathroom, Reception room, Kitchen/dining room, Communal gardens, Top floor, EPC: F.

Double bedroom, Bathroom, Reception room, Kitchen, Fourth floor, Lift, Parking, EPC: B.

Balham Sales: 020 8673 0191

Southfields Sales: 020 8874 8822

£1,195 per week Unfurnished Brynmaer Road SW11

£895 per week Unfurnished Rudloe Road SW12

A spacious, contemporary house in one of North Battersea’s most sought after streets, minutes from Battersea Park.

This newly renovated, architect designed, 4 bedroom plus study house is presented to an exceptionally high standard.

Master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, 4 further double bedrooms, 2 further bathrooms, Double reception room, Kitchen, Patio, Terrace, EPC: E.

4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Cloakroom, Double reception room, Kitchen/ breakfast room, Study, Tanked cellar, Landscaped garden, EPC: D.

Battersea Park Lettings: 020 7498 5243

Clapham South Lettings: 020 8675 0888

£875 per week Unfurnished Franconia Road SW4

£875 per week Unfurnished Ravenslea Road SW12

A spacious Victorian house situated in this ideal location just off Abbeville Road.

A well-presented family house conveniently located within easy walking distance to Wandsworth Common and Balham stations.

4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen/Breakfast room, Study, Cloakroom, Cellar, Garden. EPC: D.

5 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Double reception room, Kitchen/ Breakfast room, Lawned garden, EPC: F.

Clapham South Lettings: 020 8675 0888

Battersea Lettings: 020 7924 2002

£612 per week Unfurnished Heythorp Street SW18

£595 per week Furnished Waterfront House SW11

A spacious, newly decorated and re-carpeted four bedroom Edwardian house with a south west-facing garden in the popular Southfields grid.

We are intensely proud to present this superb new development on the Thames riverside.

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 reception rooms, Kitchen/breakfast room, Sun room, Garden, EPC: D.

2 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Open-plan reception room/kitchen, Private terrace, Parking space, Lift, River views, EPC: D.

Southfields Lettings: 020 8874 8844

Battersea Park Lettings: 020 7498 5243

£480 per week Unfurnished Wandsworth High Street SW18

£445 per week Furnished Broxash Road SW11

A trendy, spacious loft style apartment of over 1100 sq.ft. located in the heart of Wandsworth Town with very easy access to good transport links.

A light and airy two double bedroom split-level flat presented in immaculate condition.

2 double bedrooms, Bathroom, Open-plan reception/dining/kitchen, Balcony EPC: D.

Double bedroom with en-suite bathroom, Further double bedroom, Bathroom, Reception, Kitchen/Breakfast room, EPC: F.

Southfields Lettings: 020 8874 8844

Battersea Lettings: 020 7924 2002

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