SEO, Your Website & You: 5 Myths & 10 Tips
Have you ever had a call like this? Client: So I heard Google's Matt Cutts said links are [dead/bad/over], so I stopped all my link building, fired my SEO agency, and wanted to ask you what we should do next.
Me: (long pause) Umm, you did what? Were you penalized or positioning badly? Client: Oh no, ranking in the top 3 for most of our keywords, great traffic, but you know I have been reading a little and then I saw Matt said to stop all link building, so I thought I better do that. Related articles Me: Ummmm. OK, no... Amazingly, even in 2014, many people have heard bits of information about websites and search engine optimization (SEO) that are either no longer relevant, completely misplaced, or simply erroneous. These all need to die really horrible deaths. SEO Mythbusting