How Youth Team Sports are Shaping Kids’ and Teens’ Values on and off the Field Sportsmanship on and off the field: Coaching today’s youth to work as a team 2016 will be remembered for is the road. its exciting and emotional high Sportsmanship: Whether in lights of sports teams working sports, with family and friends, or together to achieve new heights, at the workplace, it’s important to from hometown heroes to some of know how to properly handle winsports history’s greatest athletes. ning and losing. Kids and teens Whether it’s a neighborhood who learn that it’s okay to lose scrimmage or a national chamand how to act when they do, gain pionship, experts agree that the an important skill to help them benefits of belonging to a team throughout their life. Through are significant, and they range sports, they can learn to play fair, well beyond physical exercise. act with humility and handle both These important experiences teach victory and defeat with grace, style lessons that help shape kids and and dignity. teens’ outlooks about themselves, Strong character: By masterworking with others and the world ing athletic skills, players gain around them. self-confidence that carries Boys & Girls Clubs of America, through to the real world. By through its national partnership practicing regularly they learn with Buffalo Wild Wings, has discipline and responsibility. By introduced tens of thousands of playing in a fast-paced game, kids and teens to various sports kids and teens learn to handle through its popular ALL STARS stressful situations and make program. ALL STARS is Boys & quick decisions. By being part of a Girls Clubs of America’s leading team, young people experience a team sports program, offering sense of belonging while building opportunities for Clubs around valuable friendships. What’s more, the country to organize football, when parents and caregivers gathbasketball, cheer, dance and step er to watch games, it can strengthprograms. en communities and provide a Based on observations from sense of unity. participating Clubs around the Healthy lifestyles: Three out country, here are the top life of 10 youth are overweight or lessons instilled by being part of obese, according to the Centers for a team and how participation can Disease Control and Prevention. help kids and teens feel a sense of Finding fun ways to keep kids and belonging and acceptance. teens active will help fight this Teamwork: By working togeth- growing epidemic. Team sports er on a team, kids and teens can provide a great opportunity for learn not only how to lead, but young people to get moving. Bealso how to follow directions. The cause it’s fun, they often don’t even ability to work well with others realize its exercise. By promoting will help them at home, at school an active lifestyle from an early and at game time. Young people age, caregivers can help today’s also experience the satisfaction of youth learn healthy habits that can working together toward a comhave a lifelong impact. mon goal, which is an essential Practice makes perfect: No one skill to learn for successes down throws a perfect spiral or hits a 18 | FEBRUARY 2017
three-pointer the first time they try. To improve at sports, you need to practice. Sports teach kids and teens that if they want something, they have to work for it. Practice and proper preparation are key skills throughout life - whether for a big game, big test at school or any of life’s big challenges. Want to help encourage kids and teens in your community to play team sports and learn these important life lessons? It can be as easy as visiting a local restaurant. Through its Team Up for Kids initiative, Buffalo Wild Wings supports ALL STARS, helping to teach sportsmanship, promote positive self-image, build character and encourage healthy, active lifestyles of our nation’s young people. Buffalo Wild Wings’ guests can support this important cause with the purchase of sauce and seasoning bottles sold in-store or online, with $1 from each purchase going directly to Boys & Girls Clubs of America. By 2020, Buffalo Wild Wings will have donated more than $16 million to fund football, basketball, cheer, dance and step programs, as well as facility renovations at local Boys & Girls Clubs through ALL STARS grants. To learn more, visit—BPT