MARCH 2025
Cover Story
Finding Strength in Words: MarÃa’s Rare Kidney Disease Story, pg. 11 | MARCH 2025 1
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.
About Us
Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad. Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.— Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief Contact Us
2 | MARCH 2025
6 Make mental health a priority in 2025: five ways to stay focused beyond resolutions 7 How to build and support muscle this World Protein Day and beyond COVER STORY 11 Finding Strength in Words: MarÃa’s Rare Kidney Disease Story
14 Lets Read Mucogee Community Fundraiser 15 Retiring well: 68% of Americans say it’s living a little by affording experiences that bring joy 16 FREE CACTS Elder Abuse Training 18 Move It Monday One Mile Walk Spring Kickoff
12 Self-flying AI drones are transforming warehouses and optimizing inventory management
Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at—
Editor’s Note Dear Readers, Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely, Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
What you do matters. @RuralLeaderMag | MARCH 2025 3
4 | MARCH 2025
•Eligible employers can apply for funding for up to ten (10) apprentices •Contract completion award $5,000 per apprentice, regardless of the length of the RAP
Connect with us to learn how a Registered Apprenticeship Program can help serve your workforce development and hiring needs! CareerRise is hosting one-on-one exploration meeting to explore the value of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs), an employer-led workforce development model and strategy designed to provide employers with additional support to train skilled workers and meet growing workforce needs. Questions? Contact Keren Cadet | MARCH 2025 5
Make mental health a priority in 2025: five ways to stay focused beyond resolutions As we settle into the new year, many of us are reflecting on our goals we made in January when declaring our New Year’s resolutions. For many, mental health was likely a key focus, continuing the trend from last year when about 40% of resolutions were aimed at improving mental well-being. However, as the novelty of January fades, it’s easy for even the best intentions to slip. Studies have shown that by February, many people have already abandoned their resolutions. Rather than letting your commitment to mental health dim, now is the perfect time to renew your focus and keep your mental health a priority. Whether you’re following through on your resolution to improve your mental well-being or simply seeking to continue your efforts, staying intentional about mental wellness can have lasting benefits for both your emotional and physical health. Dr. Donald Tavakoli, UnitedHealthcare’s National Medical Director for Behavioral Health, provides the following tips to help you keep your mental health on track throughout the year: 1. Build a supportive network. Surrounding yourself with understanding friends, family and mentors can provide essential emotional support. A strong 6 | MARCH 2025
social network can help prevent feelings of isolation and promote resilience. Research shows that social support plays a crucial role in mental health. Don’t be afraid to reach out and be open with your loved ones. 2. Emphasize sleep. Adequate sleep is fundamental to mental well-being as insufficient sleep may negatively affect emotional regulation and cognitive function. Prioritize restful sleep by establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a calming bedtime routine and optimizing your sleep environment. Proper sleep also benefits your overall well-being. 3. Limit social media: Studies have linked excessive social media use to a higher risk of depression and anxiety, particularly among young people. It’s important to keep in mind that a person’s social feed often doesn’t reflect their entire life story. Instead, try to embrace the ups and downs of life as normal, focus on the here and now, and invest in your offline relationships. 4. Reach out for professional support. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your primary care physician (PCP). If you don’t have a PCP, now is a great time to establish a relationship with one. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Your PCP can provide
valuable insights and care, and referrals if needed. 5. Utilize your insurance benefits. You might be surprised to learn that your health insurance plan includes mental health benefits which may cover employee assistance programs, virtual therapy sessions, coaching or digital self-help tools such as Calm Health. These options make it easy to access the support you need in different ways. If you have mild behavioral health concerns, digital self-help tools and virtual coaching can be a great place to begin. If you have any questions or need more details, simply call the number on your insurance card for assistance. Prioritizing mental health enables you to work toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. By im-
proving your mental well-being, you set the stage for achieving broader goals, including nurturing relationships and fostering personal growth. Make mental health a central focus as you navigate 2025. For more information about mental health resources, visit—
How to build and support muscle this World Protein Day and beyond Whether you’re an everyday athlete or weekend warrior, working toward your weight loss goals or hoping to maintain your strength and balance as you age, you probably know how vital muscles are. You may also know that protein plays a big role in building and maintaining muscle, but you may be unsure how much you need. Protein is essential for tissue repair, hormone and enzyme production, and overall metabolism. Yet, because requirements vary according to age, sex, body composition and activity levels, many adults may not be meeting their individual needs. “Ensuring adequate protein intake is crucial for
overall health, particularly in terms of muscle development and maintenance, and it also plays a role in healthy weight management,” said Registered Dietitian Susan Bowerman, senior director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training at Herbalife and chair of the Herbalife Dietetic Advisory Board. “When prioritizing fitness, it’s important to meet specific protein requirements from a variety of sources and to evenly distribute protein consumption throughout the day, to support muscle protein synthesis.” In honor of World Protein Day, Bowerman shares tips on how to boost protein intake and what to look | MARCH 2025 7
for in a protein supplement. Protein needs change with age. As you age, your body’s ability to use protein declines, which means you need a higher intake to maintain muscle mass and overall health. Older adults should aim for a minimum of 1.0-1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to support muscles and health. Higher amounts may be needed to support the needs of physically active older adults or those with particular health conditions.[1],[2] Tap into plant protein . A well-balanced mixture of plant proteins can provide ample high-quality, complete protein. Plant proteins are found in soy foods, beans, peas, lentils and whole grains - which also provide important vitamins and minerals. However, protein intake recommendations for vegans and vegetarians are about 10% higher than for those whose diets contain animal protein.[3],[4] Products like Herbalife’s Protein Drink Mix Select contain 15 grams of easily-digestible protein from a blend of pea, rice and quinoa, and can help you get the necessary protein when following a plant-based diet. Milk proteins can boost muscle growth. Milk proteins - whey and casein - are good sources of a particular set of amino acids that are well-suited for promoting muscle protein synthesis. They’re rapidly taken up by cells, which is why they’re often recommended as the perfect post-workout option. If you don’t prefer dairy, choose proteins that deliver all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities, or consider a supplement made from a blend of plant proteins, such as pea, pumpkin seed and chia seed. Support heart health. Since plant proteins are naturally cholesterol-free and generally much lower in saturated fats, swap animal proteins for plant-based options when possible in order to help keep your cholesterol and blood pressure in check, which helps reduce your risk for heart disease. Some plant proteins come packed with fiber and antioxidants, which are also heart healthy. Boost protein intake with supplements. Getting enough protein each day is only part of the challenge. Studies show that consuming protein in amounts that are evenly distributed throughout your day is more effective for muscle protein synthesis than having varying amounts at each meal. Aim for 20-40 grams of protein per meal (depending on your daily needs). [5],[6] This can be especially challenging for some meals, like breakfast, which is often a lower protein meal. Protein supplements can help you achieve your ideal protein intake and ensure it’s more evenly distributed throughout the day. 8 | MARCH 2025
What to look for in a protein supplement: * High-quality ingredients: Protein powders made from premium protein sources ensure optimal nutrition without unnecessary fillers. * Customizable intake: Products that allow you to tailor your protein intake to meet specific dietary needs, such as Herbalife’s Personalized Protein Powder or Herbalife24 Enhanced Protein Powder. * Versatility: Protein powders that can be easily incorporated into various foods and beverages can be convenient, like Herbalife’s Protein Baked Goods Mix or Beverage Mix. * Plant-based options: Herbalife V Plant-Based Protein Shake and Herbalife Protein Drink Mix Select can help you achieve your daily protein intake when following a plant-based diet. * Third-party validation: Ensure your protein of choice is safe, effective and meets label claims by checking if it has been tested and approved by a third party. Look for certifications such as NSF-Certified for Sport, a certification applied to Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength, or the USDA Organic seal found on Herbalife V Plant-Based Protein Shake. “At Herbalife, we are committed to supporting your wellness journey with a variety of high-protein products. Our offerings are designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine, making it easier to meet your protein needs,” said Bowerman. “Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or simply maintain overall good health, our products, when combined with a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle, provide the flexibility and convenience needed to achieve your health and fitness goals.” Find wellness resources to guide your journey to better well-being at, and explore Herbalife’s protein offerings at [1] Kozjek NR. Nutrition for physically active older person. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 2016;14:55-6. [2] Deutz NE, Bauer JM, Barazzoni R, Biolo G, Boirie Y, Bosy-Westphal A, et al. Protein intake and exercise for optimal muscle function with aging: recommendations from the ESPEN Expert Group. Clinical nutrition. 2014;33(6):92936. [3] Agnoli C, Baroni L, Bertini I, Ciappellano S, Fabbri A, Papa M, et al. Position Paper on Vegetarian Diets from the Working Group of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition2017. [4] Craig WJ, Mangels AR. Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109(7):1266-82.[5] Layman DK. Impacts of protein quantity and distribution on body composition. Front Nutr. 2024;11:1388986. [6] Kerksick CM, Arent S, Schoenfeld BJ, Stout JR, Campbell B, Wilborn CD, et al. International society of sports nutrition position stand: nutrient timing. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2017;14:33 | MARCH 2025 9
10 | MARCH 2025
Finding Strength in Words: MarÃa’s Rare Kidney Disease Story As a professional communicator, words have always come easily to MarÃa. That is until the diagnoses of two different rare kidney diseases that left MarÃa speechless. Many people know what chronic kidney disease (CKD) is, but few people have heard of rare kidney disease (RKD). MarÃa lives with two different forms of RKD: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). IgAN, one of the most common forms of RKD, causes inflammation in the kidneys, damaging their function over time. FSGS is characterized by the development of scarring in the kidneys. Both can lead to kidney failure in the prime of life. An estimated 60-80 per 100,000 people in the United States currently live with RKD. RKDs are often diagnosed when people are younger and can progress faster than other forms of kidney disease. In fact, while people with RKD represent less than 5-10% of people with kidney disease, those with RKD represent upwards of 30% of those with kidney failure. As a result, people living with RKD face unique challenges navigating life with a rare disease. Due to low public awareness, people living with RKD often struggle to explain their condition to others. A Change to Daily Life. This was the case for MarÃa, whose RKD caused many changes to her life in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Prior to her diagnoses in her early 30s, MarÃa was quite active, balancing a stressful job while raising a family, jumping to social activities, and enjoying travel. But after her diagnoses, she didn’t feel well enough or have the energy to keep up. This took a mental and emotional toll. She felt alone, misunderstood and worried. Would her RKD cause kidney failure? How could she be there for her children and family? Would she be a burden to others? Because her physical appearance remained unchanged, many people around her did not understand the impact that RKD had on MarÃa’s everyday life. “Unfortunately, if people don’t see something physically different about you, they don’t understand that you have a chronic condition,” she said. Today, MarÃa surrounds herself with people who are helping her enjoy the most out of life, finding that “it is important to surround yourself with positive
people” to create the best environment for life with RKD. Strong Support System. MarÃa’s family is an important source of strength. Her mother and partner are two of her biggest pillars of support, and she also has a network of friends who keep her marching toward her goals and hopes for the future. Her father, who passed away years ago, still gives her strength as she remembers how he chose to live life with intensity and joy. MarÃa’s children also motivate her to stay active and prioritize her health. “I want to be an example of perseverance for them, that we can never give up. We have to draw strength and continue with life.” She also finds camaraderie and community from others living with RKD. “Being able to connect with people who are going through the same thing as me is important,” MarÃa said. “Although there are few of us, knowing that I am not the only one gives me the confidence to vent and to ask questions.” And that’s how she grew more comfortable talking about her rare kidneys and felt inspired to share her experience of living with RKD. Finding Her Voice Again. When MarÃa learned about a campaign that aims to increase awareness of RKD through the power of storytelling, she felt like she found the perfect opportunity to tell her story about living with both FSGS and IgAN. Through RKD & Me, a campaign co-created by the IgA Nephropathy Foundation, NephCure and Travere Therapeutics, MarÃa penned a powerful letter to her younger self that captured the struggles she faced living with RKD, as well as the strength she found through her journey. MarÃa hopes that by sharing the profound impact RKD has had on her life, she can help someone else living with RKD. “Being able to tell my story may help someone in need or who needs words of encouragement.” If you have rare kidney disease and want to share your story or want to learn more about the experiences of people living with RKD, including MarÃa, visit or follow #RKDandMe on social media.— | MARCH 2025 11
Self-flying AI drones are transforming warehouses and optimizing inventory management AI, drones, and e-commerce technology advancements, increasingly global supply chains, and today’s instant delivery expectations are changing the way businesses manage their inventory. To meet and exceed customer expectations and effectively control costs, business leaders must constantly improve the tracking and accounting of product at physical locations to ensure counts are synchronized across e-commerce sites, backend warehouse management, and accounting systems. It is becoming increasingly critical for revenue growth and cost management for any retail, manufacturing, or fulfillment business, that inventory optimization is achieved through accurate forecasting, inventory cycle counts, and removing manual processes from the work of warehouse and logistics staff. One recent publicly listed company, ZenaTech (Nasdaq: Zena), and its subsidiary ZenaDrone are set to lead the charge for this innovation. Their indoor self-flying or autonomous drones are transforming the inventory management and stocktake process by doing more accurate full physical counts of inventory as frequently as on an hourly basis. They are also changing the face of decision-making and planning particularly for “available-to-promise” (ATP) or “capable-to-promise” (CTP) forecasting and leveraging
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machine learning and predictive tools to automate and bring accuracy that can further improve the entire process. Inventory carrying costs (ICC) are so important for any business to manage as they can eat significantly into the bottom line. Not just the actual product or material storage, but the associated handling costs, insurance, taxes, shrinkage, depreciation - and the opportunity cost of having capital tied up in inventory. It is easy to see how quickly the costs of holding and storing unsold or work-in-process goods add up. AI self-flying or autonomous drones are a modern way to help reduce ICC - while also improving inventory management, stocktaking, and verifying the physical goods in your warehouse or storage facility, they also minimize labor costs. This is one company to watch that addresses these problems directly and has a great future ahead. Upgrade and innovate your inventory systems ZenaTech’s ZenaDrone has developed the new IQ Nano, a 10x10-inch drone designed to perform regular and frequent inspections including bar code or RFID scanning, facility maintenance inspections, security monitoring, 3D indoor mapping and other applications in a warehouse or distribution facility.
The IQ Nano is designed for autonomous use with integrated sensors, high-quality cameras, data collection and analysis, and AI capabilities. Weighing just 3.3 pounds and with a flight time of up to 20 minutes before autonomously touching down and recharging using its automatic battery charging station, the IQ Nano is designed for hovering stability and safety, thanks to its built-in obstacle avoidance capabilities. “The IQ Nano is a breakthrough technology that dramatically reduces the burden of inventory management in terms of both labor and cost,” said ZenaTech CEO Shaun Passley, Ph.D. “This dramatically improves decision-making and efficient operations by being able to assess and manage physical inventory cost-effectively by the hour instead of once every quarter, as is often done. This easily results in inventory cost savings in millions of dollars per year for multi-warehouse facility customers.” Transform your warehouse processes for a single facility or a network Inventory management has become increasingly complex due to global facilities, information, and supply chains. According to Forrester research, omnichannel fulfillment across multiple stores, sales channels, and online marketplaces is a high or top priority for 94% of retailers. Ultimately, this is a much larger network than many traditional inventory management systems were designed to track and manage. By adopting ZenaTech’s ZenaDrone solutions, warehouse facilities can improve their operations and more easily account for inventory in addition to optimizing costs, compliance, and financial reporting: 1. Reduce costs and eliminate manual processes:
Move from occasional or regular quarterly/annual stocktakes, to continuous inventory data, ensuring more accuracy and efficiency across the enterprise. This will boost productivity and cost reduction by eliminating the need for time-consuming and tedious manual counts. 2. Improve safety in the warehouse: Drones can reduce the need to climb up ladders and reach top shelves or other hard-to-reach areas, dramatically reducing safety issues and improving safety compliance. 3. Improve inventory carrying costs: Better accuracy knowing what is sitting in inventory or work-inprocess for better decision making to lower overall inventory costs. 4. Instant identification of misplaced items: Swiftly identify and rectify misplaced pallets, boxes, and SKUs, streamlining picking, replenishment, and shipment processes. 5. Optimized goods tracking: Always know the exact location of goods, minimizing search times and maximizing resource utilization plus synchronizing with accounting systems. Learn more ways this cutting-edge drone technology can improve your warehouse and logistic business at To learn more about investing in the next generation of drone solutions, visit— | MARCH 2025 13
14 | MARCH 2025
Retiring well: 68% of Americans say it’s living a little by affording experiences that bring joy
What makes for retiring well? For most Americans, it’s living a little by affording experiences that bring joy (68%) and enjoying a high quality of life (49%), balanced by the security of reaching savings milestones (68%), according to new Empower research. Big and little joys. Most agree satisfaction in retirement includes the ability to pay bills on time and in full (68%) and living debt-free (63%) - including owning a home outright (55%). Some 42% of people say it comes down to experiences, like the ability to travel the world, and to give back by volunteering (25%). Everything in its time. Having a clear timeline brings peace of mind for many - 66% say they have a goal retirement age in mind, including 73% of men and 61% of women. Over two-thirds of Americans (67%) have savings milestones to reach before retirement - goals that they’re striving for - including setting aside funds for emergencies (57%), travel (33%) and leisure activities like starting a new hobby (32%). About the same number (68%) say their happiness in retirement depends most on reaching their retirement savings goal. Many Gen Xers emphasize leaving behind an inheritance for their children (42%).
Travel and leisure. When choosing a place to retire, most people (86%) prefer to live where they can maintain their lifestyle without stressing about money, and low cost of living (38%) factors high on the list. For many that means relocating, with 42% saying they plan to move to a different city or state to retire. Some 37% prioritize proximity to family and friends, although 43% say they prefer to retire where it’s more affordable, even if it means being far from their loved ones. For others, home is where happiness already exists - 23% describe their current location as their happy place. Many see retirement as an opportunity for a fresh start; 16% of people imagine retiring in a different country altogether, seeking adventure and change in their golden years. Nearly 2 in 5 Gen Zers have set a goal for a travel fund (44%) in retirement. MethodologyEmpower surveyed 1,013 Americans on December 5, 2024.— RO4157537-0125 | MARCH 2025 15
CADE Task Force
Elder Abuse Training 16 hrs of POST credit
A collaboration between the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Division of Aging Services, Forensic Special Initiatives Unit. This course qualifies for law enforcement, EMS, LSW CEUs, and attorney CLE’s.
April 16-17, 2025| 8:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. LOCATION:
River Valley Regional Commission (RVRC) Area Agency on Aging 710 Front Avenue, Suite A, Columbus, GA 31901
• Georgia law and mandated reporting • Investigation of abuse, neglect, and exploitation • Human trafficking of vulnerable adults • Crimes in facilities • Social Service and regulatory agencies • Suspicious deaths • Prosecution INFORMATION: FSIU@DHS.GA.GOV REGISTER FOR Scan the QR code CACTS: or click HERE
16 | MARCH 2025
From screen to spoon: How your phone can turn you into a master chef
Make your smartphone a secret weapon for mastering your favorite recipes using apps, connected gadgets, AI and more. In a world where your phone is as essential as a chef ’s knife, the latest devices and technology can help you up-level your cooking skills. From trying quirky viral recipes to using artificial intelligence (AI) all while connected to America’s largest and fastest 5G network, here are eight ways your device can become your new sous-chef - on top of being your own personal assistant. Learn from the pros. Sign up for virtual cooking classes or workshops to sharpen your skills and learn new recipes. Many professional chefs and culinary schools offer a mix of increasingly popular livestreamed or pre-recorded online courses that you can follow from the comfort of your kitchen. Now trending. As a culinary playground, the internet also serves up tons of viral recipes such as shrimp sushi bake cups and bubble potato pillows. Cooking recipes are the most popular form of influencer-created social media content, according to a 2024 report from Snap and IPG Magna. They’re as much about fun as they are about the fails (anyone remember raindrop cakes?), so don’t be afraid to grab your apron, fire up your phone and get ready to cook (and maybe giggle) your way through the latest internet food fads. Tasty apps. Cooking apps are like having a tech-savvy sous-chef who gives you recipe ideas and always knows the right measurements. These apps not only help you get the ratios right but also remind
you when to preheat the oven - because who hasn’t forgotten that step? Not sure where to start? Listen to a pro: Model and influencer Chrissy Teigen, who is also a best-selling cookbook author, food TV host and owner of a cookware line, says her go-to apps are New York Times Cooking, America’s Test Kitchen and Tasty. If you’re juggling apps while multitasking pans and chopping onions, the new Samsung Galaxy S25 lineup has got your back with cross-action apps. With this function, Google Gemini acts as your personal assistant, letting you knock out multiple tasks with one ask. It’s all about multitasking like a Michelin-star chef. High tech for low pressure. Samsung’s Galaxy AI, available on the entire S25 lineup, can give you recipe ideas based on what you currently have in your kitchen. Just snap a photo of your fridge or pantry, and Galaxy AI will analyze the ingredients, suggest recipes and give you step-by-step instructions. Cool, right? And get this - if you find a picture of a beautiful food plate online, Samsung’s updated Circle to Search lets you find the source and even recipes so you can recreate it at home. All it takes is one press and hold and then circling what you’d like to look up. Plus, Galaxy AI lets you easily translate content - like webpages and live phone calls - from different languages. So why not binge on everything from bagels to beignets? Pump up the jams | MARCH 2025 17
18 | MARCH 2025
Want to set the mood for a legendary culinary concert? Spotify and other streaming platforms can easily suggest a playlist that might just help you make magic. Or, if you prefer podcasts, press play on your favorite foodie show for some culinary inspiration. Get the perfect pic. Got your masterpiece? Time to show it off - you’ve earned it. Taking pictures of your dishes can turn your kitchen into a mini food photo studio, and all you need is the latest mobile device to do it right. There’s a reason influencers like to say the phone eats first: #Food is the most popular hashtag on Instagram, with more than 250 million posts on the platform. Pro tip: The Samsung Galaxy S25 phones can spoon-feed you a great photo with portrait-mode shots that rival high-end cameras, adjusting the camera settings for the ideal exposure and clarity, sharpening details and boosting colors after the shot. The Night Video with Audio Eraser feature captures content in vibrant detail, even in low light if you’re cooking for a romantic candlelit dinner, and minimizes unwanted sounds. Plus, get love from your family and friends on your latest kitchen concoctions with RCS messaging, which now allows you to send high-resolution photos and videos more easily across platforms.
Know when to order in. All great chefs have a backup plan, and takeout from delivery apps can go a long way to saving a dinner party. With online food delivery revenues cooking up an estimated $350 billion in the U.S. in 2024, it’s clear you’re not alone, so don’t sweat it if your recipe doesn’t work. To make your cooking journey truly delicious, don’t forget to explore Samsung’s Galaxy S25 lineup. Bon appétit!— Fastest based on analysis by Ookla® of Speedtest Intelligence® data of national Speed Score results incorporating 5G download and upload speeds for Q1-Q2 2024. Ookla trademarks used under license and reprinted with permission. See 5G device, coverage, & access details at | MARCH 2025 19
20 | MARCH 2025
Why self-direction is gaining ground among people with disabilities and aging in place More people who live with disabilities or age in place are turning to self-direction for the long-term services and supports (LTSS) they need. With self-direction, the person who needs care is in charge of who provides it, when and where. They may also control how to spend a budget authorized by their state Medicaid program, using approved dollars not only to pay people who support them but to access goods and services identified as appropriate for making day-to-day life manageable. According to AARP, “More than 1.5 million people self-directed the LTSS they receive, including veterans and Medicaid participants, in 2022 and 2023.” The number has grown 18% since 2019, and there is good reason for the uptick. Self-direction gives people autonomy in how they live their lives. It helps people avoid institutional care and remain in familiar home and community settings while receiving the support they need to thrive. “With self-direction, people who need services are heard. It’s about their goals and expectations, and the focus is on that person’s strengths,” says Pearl Barnett, COO of GT Independence, a financial management services company that helps people manage the payroll and paperwork associated with self-directed programs. “Every person should feel they are involved in their life decisions, such as who they let into their home and who provides intimate personal care, like bathing and dressing.” Expansion of federal waiver programs and state plan services has increased access to self-directed services. As the uptake grows, more evidence is coming to light about the many ways self-direction is improving lives. Empowering individuals to make choices. People who self-direct can tailor their support and services to their needs. They are involved in planning, starting with who to hire, including family or friends who may already be sacrificing time and financial security to provide unpaid care. They can also weigh in on which tools and equipment to purchase to assist them in everyday activities.
Self-direction empowers individuals by giving them control over their care and promotes independence. As one participant diagnosed with severe autism relays, traditional care options “became a one-size-fits-all deal, and that wasn’t good enough. [Self-direction] allows me to choose my path in life.” Studies suggest that self-direction contributes to enhanced quality of life, as self-direction participants report higher levels of satisfaction with services and fewer unmet needs. Overall, their health outcomes are as good or better than those who receive traditional care, and some studies have shown that their families experience less stress and improved dynamics. As one daughter supporting her aging mother says, “It’s helped me to be able to go ride my bike... or take an overnight. I hadn’t been anywhere for two years until we got self-direction.” Because the person getting self-directed support knows their needs best, they have flexibility to make adjustments as needs and circumstances change, as long as they remain within their program’s guidelines and budget parameters. As cost controls are in place, self-direction programs are generally able to support people at a lower cost than traditional care facilities, while providing more personalized care. Finding a self-direction program. For individuals and families seeking greater control over long-term care support, a self-direction program may be the answer. Unfortunately, such programs often have limited availability. “Self-direction is life changing, and we’re advocating for it to be an option everywhere for everyone,” says Barnett. “Check with your state’s department that serves older adults and people living with disabilities to see if it’s available or get in touch with GT Independence to be pointed to area resources.” More information about self-direction can be found at and—. | MARCH 2025 21
22 | MARCH 2025