Rural Leader Magazine July 2019

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JULY 2019

"Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity." —Jack Welch | JULY 2019 1

Rural Leader Magazine, LLC is a digital publication that highlights every day people doing extraordinary things nationally and abroad.

About Us

Launched in March 2014, Rural Leader

Magazine, LLC is a digital publication with a mission to highlight every day people doing extraordinary things in business, education, music, community, art, sports, and leadership nationally and abroad.   Rural Leader Magazine honors exemplary individuals on a variety of levels, such as the 20 under 20 Honors, 40 under 40 Honors, Best Small Town Restaurant, Small Town America’s 100 Most Influential People, the Scholars of Collegiate Distinction, Fifty under Fifty, and the Eagle Elite Club.— Reproduction in any manner, in whole or in part, in English, or other languages, is prohibited without written consent. Send editorial ideas to Kuanita Murphy, PhD, Editor-in-Chief Contact Us 1-888-535-4484

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Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD

7 Three Key Questions Adult Learners Should Ask Before Returning to School 8 How to Improve Your Credit Score Before Applying for a Mortgage 11 Mindfulness and Its Proven Impact on Loneliness: What You Should Know 12 Ask the expert: Vision Health As You Age 15 Explore the Hidden Gems in the Communities of Myrtle Beach

17  Increasing Access to Computer Science Education for Students 18 Feeling Overwhelmed? Five Tips to Make Time for Self-Care 19 5G is here. What Does it Mean for You? 21 Five Ways to Have a Happy School Year 23 Recycling 101: Know What to Throw

Tell us what you think about our publications, if you have a great idea for a story, or to just share. We may print your comments in Rural Leader Magazine. By sending us your comments, you’re giving permission to call you for an interview. Please be sure to include your name, address, email address, and phone number so we can reach you. Write to us at— SUPPORT OUR VISION


Editor’s Note Dear Readers,   Inside this issue, there are a number of great articles about leadership best practices, building positive self-esteem and productivity! We hope you enjoy this issue.   As always, I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, and LinkedIn.   Thanks again for your continual support! Sincerely,

Photo Courtesy of TieFotos

Kuanita E. Murphy, PhD Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

What you do matters. | JULY 2019 @RuralLeaderMag


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Three Key Questions Adult Learners Should Ask Before Returning to School   The decision to return to school is not made lightly. While earning a degree can be highly rewarding in the form of better career opportunities and higher pay, the path to get there can be filled with challenges, especially if you’re trying to fit school and studies in with your work and family responsibilities.   An education unlocks so many doors. It’s worth taking the time to make sure you’re opening the door that’s right for you.   Before you register for that first class, it’s important to consider and plan for how you’re going to get it all done, from working out an arrangement with your workplace to accommodating your school schedule and enlisting help from family members to get chores done.   Here are top questions every potential student should ask themselves before they begin the journey.   What are my career goals? When you’re looking at a specific college program, it’s good to take a step back and examine your goals and motivations and how going back to school fits in. If you’re hoping the degree or certification will lead to a promotion or pay increase so you can better support your family, it’s important to know how that will happen. To get a gauge on the local market, search for job openings in your chosen field. If you have time, sit down for informational interviews with people in the field to give you a clearer picture of how a degree or certification can help you. Finally, some institutions provide support and information to prospective students. Make an appointment with the career center so you can better understand how a certain degree will advance your career or help you meet your goals.   How will I manage the costs of education? High tuition costs and student loans can be a source of worry for many students. Before you commit to a school, be sure to take some time to uncover resources that will make your education more affordable.

Start by talking to the financial aid office. Some institutions offer scholarships and financing options, as well as programs that incentivize students to do well. For instance, Strayer University automatically enrolls bachelor’s students in its Graduation Fund, which allows students to earn one no-cost course for every three classes successfully completed. These classes can be redeemed in the student’s final year of their bachelor’s degree program. As long as students stay continuously enrolled, these credits have the potential to reduce the cost of a bachelor’s degree by up to 25 percent.   Other cost-reducing avenues at other schools include research scholarships and grants, which may be available to people in certain fields. Also, don’t forget to talk to your employer. Many workplaces offer tuition assistance programs to their employees.   Does the program offer flexibility for my busy schedule? Earning a degree or certification is a major commitment. For some students, work and family responsibilities can elbow their way into a busy school schedule. “It helps to know the availability and quality of flexible options offered by your school. These offerings can help make your educational experience more manageable and enjoyable,” said Brian Jones, president of Strayer University.   There are programs structured so students can learn at their own pace. FlexPath - available at Capella University - gives students the flexibility to complete coursework at a speed that is comfortable for them. Students are evaluated by how well they demonstrate competency in a course, so whether it takes two weeks or 12, they’re free to move on to their next course at their own pace.   Once you flesh out the answers to these key questions, you can start taking classes with the confidence that your chosen program is right for you and your career.— | JULY 2019 7

How to Improve Your Credit Score Before Applying for a Mortgage   In today’s world, lenders use many different types of credit scoring models. There are virtually hundreds of different models out there for lenders to choose from.   Many lenders continue to use conventional models that don’t provide a score for millions of consumers. That often puts younger borrowers such as millennials at a disadvantage.   Millennials are less likely to have long credit histories, and they may only have one or two credit accounts. Because young adults today carry more student loan debt, they are understandably reluctant to assume more debt. While that’s a prudent approach on the part of millennials, it can cause their score to be lower than those with deeper credit histories.   Many lenders are adopting new tools that address this problem. One example is VantageScore 4.0, which scores approximately 40 million more consumers than other conventional models.   Unfortunately, mortgage lenders are not able to use this model and rely on more conventional credit scoring models.   Regardless of the model, there are some common things you as a consumer can do to make it easier to get your next loan.   1. Assess your report. Get a copy of your report from the three major credit reporting companies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) at and make sure the information is accurate. Evaluate your issues. Do you have a short credit history? You may need time to build it up. Is your file “thin” (fewer than four credit accounts)? Thicken it up (See No. 2). Are you using too much 8 | JULY 2019

of your available credit? Pay down what you can on existing accounts to keep your credit utilization at 30 percent or less. Have you missed payments? Use calendar reminders or other tech solutions to help you stay on time. Getting in the habit of pulling your credit report one every 12 months is a good credit management habit.   2. Keep and use longstanding accounts. Don’t cancel an older account in an attempt to stop yourself from overspending, as the length of your credit history matters in traditional scoring methods. Use your accounts with care, and don’t charge more than you can afford. If you haven’t used an account in a long time, make a small purchase or two to keep the account active. 3. Use technology to your advantage. Many companies allow you to set up automatic payments of minimum amounts to help you avoid late fees, or will send email or text reminders when a bill is coming due. As long as you have the income to support automatic payments (and/or ready reserve at your bank or credit union just in case), go ahead and sign up. Just make sure to keep a record of the dates and amounts of future payments to avoid unpleasant surprises   4. Test your credit score know-how. Visit www., created by VantageScore Solutions along with its partner, Consumer Federation of America, to see what you know and learn ways to improve your credit score.   No matter your situation, you can improve your own credit outlook by taking stock and following these tips to boost your score..— | JULY 2019 9

10 | JULY 2019

Mindfulness and Its Proven Impact on Loneliness: What You Should Know   Maybe you know someone who stands by taking five minutes each morning to meditate or finds time after lunch to quiet his or her mind and focus on breathing. Whatever the method may be, incorporating “mindfulness” practices into your life can have a wide range of positive health benefits like improving your memory, sleep and immune system; reducing stress and feelings of loneliness and increasing compassion toward others and yourself.   Mindfulness means taking time to pay attention to yourself and your thoughts and feelings. Read on to learn how you can put mindfulness into practice in your life to help improve your overall health.   How to make mindfulness a routine part of your day? Find five to ten minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. (Helpful hint: Put your phone on silent or in another room so you can concentrate!) Take the time to notice where your mind goes and how your body is feeling. You just might find that this helps you focus and prioritize your day.   * Before you go to bed take time to focus on the good things that happened that day. Write your thoughts down in a journal. Writing them down can help you deliberately recognize the positive, even on a tough day.   * Search for “mindfulness apps” on your smartphone or tablet that lead you in a mindfulness exercise. For many people, using an app is an easy way to remain consistent with the practice. And many of these apps are free!   Feeling lonely? Mindfulness can help. Mindfulness has been shown to help older adults overcome a silent but urgent health issue: loneliness. It is estimated that more than half of adults age 65 and over regularly experience moderate to severe loneliness.

Loneliness is characterized by a marked difference between someone’s desired companionship and actual relationships. Through unique studies conducted by UnitedHealthcare and AARP, researchers are applying the techniques of mindfulness to help combat loneliness in older adults.   Loneliness poses a serious threat to the quality of life for older adults. It is linked to negative health outcomes such as higher risk of dementia, mortality and disability.   “The health risk of chronic loneliness, in older adults, is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and has a greater impact on mortality than obesity,” said Dr. Charlotte Yeh, M.D., chief medical officer, AARP Services Inc. “That is why UnitedHealthcare and AARP Services Inc. are collaborating to identify actionable solutions, geared for any individual across the spectrum of loneliness.”   Researchers looked at whether mindfulness interventions, like breath awareness, self-compassion and kindness exercises, could positively impact a person’s optimism and quality of life - all factors that help reduce loneliness.   Conclusions were encouraging: Mindfulness activities were shown to decrease loneliness among older adults. The research demonstrated that mindfulness reduced stress, and improved memory, sleep, the immune system, resiliency and compassion for self and others.   Although loneliness is complex and challenging to address, a mindfulness practice may help you live your best life.— | JULY 2019 11

Ask the expert: Vision Health As You Age   Many people expect their eyesight to decline with age - perhaps requiring a stronger eyeglass prescription or “readers.” Some vision changes are linked to age, but there are steps to consider to help our eyes stay as healthy as possible.   Dr. Linda Chous, OD, chief eye care officer, UnitedHealthcare, answered the following questions: 1. Are my eyes going to keep getting worse as I age? While your eyesight is not guaranteed to deteriorate with age, it is normal to notice changes to your vision as the years pass, including:   * Minor adjustments to your eyeglasses prescription or needing to use “readers” for the first time;   * Trouble distinguishing colors, such as blue from black; and   * The need for more light to see well.   Although these changes are often normal, they can also be signs of conditions like cataracts or even diabetes. It is important to maintain regular appointments with your eye doctor to help identify pressing concerns. If you experience sudden vision loss or any rapid change to your eyesight, contact your eye care provider immediately.   2. What are the tiny spots or specks that float across my vision? These tiny threads of protein float across the gel-like substance between your eye’s lens and retina. 12 | JULY 2019

Usually there is no need to worry if you notice these spots occasionally and they disappear after a few minutes, but only a dilated eye examination can determine the cause of the “floaters.”   If your vision is overcome by these specks or you notice vision loss, contact your eye doctor, as it could be a symptom of a sight-threatening condition.   3. What are some common vision-related diseases that come with age? Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)   AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 65. AMD causes damage to the macula, the small spot on the retina that enables people to see clearly and view things straight ahead of them.   Common symptoms are distortion and blurring of the center of your field of vision. If caught early, there are potential benefits from certain prescription medications and nutritional supplements. Late-stage AMD is much more difficult to treat.   Certain factors like heredity, ultraviolet light exposure and smoking may increase the risk of AMD. Consult with your eye doctor to determine if a preventive treatment plan is right for you.   Cataracts: A cataract is the clouding of the lens in your eye, blocking the flow of light to the back of your eye (retina), which ultimately causes loss of sight. Most form slowly and do not cause pain.

Significant clouding can form in some people and, ultimately, negatively impact vision.   Cataracts are treatable via surgery that replaces the clouded lens with a clear plastic lens. Cataract surgery is generally safe and one of the most common surgeries in the U.S. Once a cataract is removed, it cannot grow back.   Glaucoma: Glaucoma is caused by increased pressure inside the eye, which can cause permanent vision loss and blindness if untreated. The most common form usually has no noticeable symptoms in the early stages - the only way to detect it is routine testing.   Treatment may include prescription eye drops, oral medications, laser treatment surgery or a combination of any of these. It is important to find glaucoma early because once vision is lost, it cannot be regained.   4. What are the best ways to keep my eyes healthy as I age? Some of the best ways to protect your eyes include:   * Stop smoking. Smokers are up to four times more likely to develop AMD and may contribute to development of cataracts.   * Maintain a healthy weight. Conditions associated with being overweight, like diabetes and heart disease, increase your risk of vision loss from cataracts, glaucoma and retinopathy.   * Wear sunglasses. Help protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.   * Be physically active. People who are physically active experienced less vision loss over 20 years compared to those who are less active.

* Eat a healthy diet. Colorful fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that can keep your eyes healthy and reduce AMD risk.   5. Do sunglasses really protect my eyes? Sunglasses act as a buffer between your eyes and the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Exposure to these rays can put you at greater risk of cataracts and AMD. Look for a pair that blocks 99% to 100% of UV rays.   Note that polarization is different from UV protection; however, most polarized sunglasses also provide UV protection. Check the product tag or ask for assistance in choosing the right pair. 6. How often should I see my eye care doctor? Eye exams are crucial to maintaining eye health as you age. Many eye diseases, like glaucoma, have no symptoms in early stages. And many systemic conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can be first found during a routine eye exam. Aim to see your eye doctor annually even if your vision hasn’t changed, so your doctor has a record of your eye health. See your doctor immediately for sudden changes.   For UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage members, many plans include routine vision services as well as additional services not covered under Original Medicare. It’s helpful to learn how to take advantage of these and other benefits.   Plans insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare.— | JULY 2019 13

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Explore the Hidden Gems in the Communities of Myrtle Beach   No matter what you yearn for when you imagine your dream vacation, you can make it happen in one of the 14 distinct communities in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. You may think you know Myrtle Beach - with 60 miles of beautiful coastline, exciting nightlife and family-friendly attractions - but there’s lots more to explore.   Are you all about the beach? When you think vacation, do you crave relaxing in the sun? Perhaps you love surfing, or have a family to entertain with sandcastles and swimming. While there’s plenty of beaches to choose from, here are some highlights:   * For families, Surfside Beach is great for beachside activities, from games at nearby public parks to fun in the sun. You can rent a beach house for any size family. This is also the first designated autism-friendly travel destination in America.   * Colorful homes line Garden City Beach, which offers plenty of amazing spots for surfers to find their next wave.   * To explore the area’s rich heritage, the beach community of Atlantic Beach, known as “the Black Pearl,” celebrates residents and business owners who are proud descendants of the Gullah Geechee people.   Would you rather hit the links? Myrtle Beach offers great golfing choices, like Dunes Golf and Beach Club, but there are plenty of world-class options:   * Pawleys Island is home to several top-notch golf courses, like the famed Caledonia Golf & Fish Club. If your travel companion is less into the links, there’s lots of casual shopping and dining nearby.   * Litchfield Beach has excellent golf courses plus quiet sandy beaches for strolling, or you can keep fit by running, walking or biking the 26-mile-long Waccamaw Neck Bikeway.   Are you a foodie? Sample delicious southern cuisine throughout Myrtle Beach, including a few standouts:   * Historic railroad town Loris is the birthplace of a traditional dish called “chicken bog.” This less spicy cousin of jambalaya, using chicken, rice and sausage, retains a wetter rice texture, reflected in its name. Visit in October to attend the annual Loris Bog-off Festival.   * Aynor, a little town full of southern hospitality, has fabulous places to sample local cuisine, like a tiny shack housing Gore’s Bar-B-Que & Country Chick-

en, known for its tasty sauce.   Do you look for beauty, indoors and out? If you love the beauty of the natural world and the art world, here are must-see communities:   * One of the oldest towns in South Carolina, Conway features tree-lined streets and a picturesque Riverwalk along the Waccamaw River. Conway is home to a quaint historic district and thriving art community.   * Murrells Inlet, also known as the “seafood capital of South Carolina,” offers gorgeous views of the marsh. Enjoy a stunning sunset along the scenic MarshWalk and view the numerous sculptures at the stunning Brookgreen Gardens.   Would you rather be fishing? While there are many exceptional fishing opportunities in the area, if you want to glimpse dolphins or take a walk on the wild side, check out these fun venues: M* Find an outfitter at Little River and hit the water for anything from deep-sea fishing or inshore fishing to a dolphin cruise or even a casino cruise. Little River is home of the world-famous Blue Crab Festival and Shrimpfest.   * If your family loves animals, the Myrtle Beach Safari in the charming town of Socastee is worth a stop. See and interact with an amazing array of animals in 50 acres of tropical paradise - you may even get to feed an elephant!   Do you crave excitement? Don’t miss these opportunities to get your adrenaline racing.   * Start your engines at Carolina Forest, home of the Myrtle Beach Speedway and the NASCAR Racing Experience.   * North Myrtle Beach, where the Shag dance was started, offers lively clubs to catch terrific live music and dance the night away.   * At the heart of the Grand Strand in Myrtle Beach, find everything from top shopping, quality dining and sizzling nightlife to the nearly 187-foottall Myrtle Beach SkyWheel.   Come and explore all these unique Myrtle Beach neighborhoods. When you visit, post your vacation photos with you and your friends or family at your long-time favorite or newly discovered gem for a chance to win a return trip. For more information about Myrtle Beach and to enter, visit— | JULY 2019 15

16 | JULY 2019

Increasing Access to Computer Science Education for Students   For today’s students, learning how to code is becoming just as important as learning how to read. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says computer science is the fastest growing profession within the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) field. They also project that, by 2020, there will be 1.4 million computer science-related jobs available and only 400,000 computer science graduates with the skills to apply for those jobs.   Historically, access to computer science education and skills training has been absent in the curriculum for many underrepresented and underserved communities, despite research showing that exposure to these subjects at a young age makes students more likely to pursue computer science in college. The new childhood-to-career program, Amazon Future Engineer, is working to change that with a four-step process to ensure access for all students.   K-8: First, the program has after-school computer science workshops, coding camps hosted at schools and various locations, and online computer science courses like Coding with Kids and’s Hour of Code: Dance Party - all designed to encourage students to explore computer science.   “Without Amazon Future Engineer funding this coding camp, my son would not have had such a wonderful opportunity because I simply could not afford it,” explained Kelly Garcia, whose son Pierce attended a Coding with Kids camp in Seattle, Washington.   High school: The majority of public elementary and high schools, particularly in low-income communities, do not offer computer science classes. Each year, Amazon Future Engineer provides 2,000 schools across the country (totaling about 100,000 students) with Intro to Computer Science and AP Computer Science classes through trusted curriculum providers. All students participating in this program also receive a free membership to AWS Educate, which provides them with free access to computing power in the AWS Cloud for their coding projects, and content to learn about cloud computing.

Jennifer Tulipano, a teacher who is using the course in her classroom at Monsignor Scanlan High School in the Bronx says, “It’s exciting to see the significant increase in my students’ creativity, logical thinking skills and confidence levels, since learning to code, and there is no doubt in my mind that we have paved the way for them to head down very successful career paths in the field of computer science. I truly believe our students, particularly our female students, have been empowered by the computer science courses.”   College: As students head off to college, the program offers new resources to support continued education in the field. The program provides 100 students from underrepresented and underserved communities committed to studying computer science in college with a $40,000 college scholarship - $10,000 per year. For many students, this financial aid is the catalyst that allows them to pursue post-secondary education and a career in computer science. “This scholarship is very important because it means when I go to college, I won’t have to constantly worry about money,” said scholarship recipient Leo Jean Baptiste, from Orange High School in Orange, New Jersey.   Internship: Amazon Future Engineer also offers the 100 scholarship recipients a guaranteed, paid summer internship after their first year of college. Interns partner closely with a technical mentor and manager, as well as their fellow interns, to innovate and create.   “I not only witnessed but was immersed in what it’s like to be a software development engineer,” explained Nari Johnson, a sophomore at Harvard University studying computer science. “I left my internship feeling more confident in my ability to transform a vision for a service or product into reality. As a woman in computer science, Amazon’s commitment to diversity and early computer science education has been especially meaningful to me.”   Students, teachers, school administrators, and parents can learn more and apply at— | JULY 2019 17

Feeling Overwhelmed? Five Tips to Make Time for Self-Care   Ever feel like the days just get away from you, and you don’t have time to do the things you need to do, much less want to do? Often wish you could just spend your evenings or weekends on your personal goals, practicing self-care or just relaxing? There are many ways you can take control of your time and take better care of yourself. Sometimes it’s a question of prioritizing what you want to do - and outsourcing the rest.   Simplify meal prep and cooking. Unless cooking is enjoyable and relaxing for you, chances are you get home from work stressed and hungry - and tired of takeout. Fortunately, there are dozens of options for letting yourself off the hook when it comes to cooking from scratch without sacrificing good, healthy meals. Today many plans exist for ordering pre-packaged ingredients and recipes in a manageable form for you to prepare at home, with minimum fuss. Not only are they delicious, but you can find services that cater to particular health plans or your specific dietary needs.   Get help with pet care. Unless you have kids old enough to take care of Fido, or you enjoy taking him for his walks, it’s easy to find pet care services, or even a reliable neighborhood teenager, to help walk the dog or check on the cat, particularly if you work long hours or travel for work. Doggy day care services, boarding and grooming experts also help lift some of the burden of caring for your furry friends.   Outsource house cleaning. While we all wish we had beautifully organized, clean homes, it’s almost impossible to do everything we’d like to keep our houses in great shape. Merry Maids offers a variety of cleaning services that allow you to choose which 18 | JULY 2019

tasks or rooms you most need help with. Merry Maids home cleaning services are available weekly, every other week, monthly or one-time, so you can pick the service that best suits your lifestyle. On every visit, the team from your local Merry Maids franchise dusts, vacuums, washes and sanitizes each room. Imagine the hours of reclaimed time and peace of mind you’ll have, knowing you’re coming home to a beautifully clean home every night.   Prioritize health and exercise. You try your best to exercise, so why not give yourself the most help you can to meet your wellness goals, and a reward when you achieve them? Hiring a personal trainer or signing up for a class that will inspire you to keep up your fitness level is an investment in yourself that will pay dividends in your future, and make you feel great right now. Whether it’s Zumba, spin class, yoga or Pilates, any activity that helps you build strength, flexibility and fitness is worth the cost. Then be sure to treat yourself with an occasional massage, sauna or spa visit - whatever helps you relax and feel good.   Take a time-out. When you are able, plan your next vacation for a location that will be fun and relaxing. If a long vacation is not in the cards, plan a mini-break, even just for a weekend, to get away from the daily routine and let you focus on yourself, your significant other or your family. Something as simple as spending a night in a local hotel - with as many amenities as you can enjoy - will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated. You’ve earned it.   The next time you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, choose to outsource those tasks that can take over your life, and give yourself the best gift the gift of time.—

5G is here. What Does it Mean for You?

By now, you’ve probably heard about the coming launch of 5G. Rolling into the marketplace for the first time this year, it’s the next (fifth) generation of cellular technology, and promises to significantly enhance the speed, coverage and responsiveness of wireless networks.   It’s a major upgrade, and has wireless carriers excitedly rushing to promote the arrivals of their 5G networks and compatible products. As a result, the average cellphone user may well be wondering: How and when will 5G really make an impact on me?   Well, before you feel compelled to rush out and upgrade your phone, consider the following.   A limited rollout: Ever since the first field tests of 5G were deployed in 2015, hype for the technology has been building. Tests have delivered responses 10 to 100 times speedier than current 4G cellular connections. The arrival of 5G is predicted to bring phenomenal advancements to the digital landscape, supercharging marvels like self-driving cars, virtual and augmented reality, and even newly emerging medical services like remote surgery.   But that magnificent future is just that: the future. Initially, 5G is only being made available in a small number of launch cities, and even there only to those who’ve already laid out upwards of $1,200 for the first generation of 5G-compatible phones.   The rest of us will still be connected to the reliable 4G service we’ve grown used to - and 4G won’t be going away anytime soon.   Check the expiration date: It’s estimated that most wireless networks won’t be providing widespread 5G coverage until the end of 2020, at the very earliest. And even when they do, you can expect the technology supporting 4G to remain in place indefinitely.

In fact, unless you’re actively seeking to change, you may not even notice that 5G has been turned on in your area for a long time.   How long? Let’s use history as a guide. Just this year, major network providers have begun the final phase-out of 3G technology, which launched in 2001, meaning it’s had a productive lifespan of almost 20 years. 4G launched in 2010, so it will likely still be supported for as much as another decade.   The bottom line is, if you’re comfortable with your current network speeds and performance, you won’t need to change a thing for a long time to come.   Going down a familiar road: The best approach for upgrading to 5G may very well be: Wait and see. If you trust your wireless provider, remember that they’ve been through these changes for each successive generation, and have plans in place to make sure customers stay “up to speed,” so to speak.   A good example is Consumer Cellular. Focusing largely on customers ages 50 and up, the company recognizes that its users may be less tech-savvy than other segments of the market. As a result, they’ve helped steer them through transitions all the way from 2G by proactively reaching out to alert customers as to what changes to expect, and when, with each succeeding upgrade. The result has been millions of customers making seamless transitions, whether that required simply changing a setting on a cellphone or upgrading to an entirely new device.   5G offers a bright future for wireless, and opens an almost unlimited range of technological possibilities. Yet for the average user, and for the foreseeable future, it will be a “nice to have” rather than a “need to have” upgrade, meaning there’s really no rush to decide.— | JULY 2019 19

20 | JULY 2019

Five Ways to Have a Happy School Year   For kids, the start of a new school year is like New Year’s Eve: a chance to start fresh and set intentions for the year ahead. It’s a time to reboot, make new friends, get new clothes and gear, and find new opportunities to fuel their passions. As parents, you can help your children have a Happy School Year by encouraging them to set and accomplish their goals - or school year’s resolutions. Whether they want to join math club, improve their finger-painting skills, or just make the bus on time every day, Amazon has the resources and tips to help kids achieve their goals this year.   1) Record school year’s resolutions. Take the time to sit down and chat with your children about what they hope to accomplish in the new year and how they envision getting there. This is a great way for you to learn more about your kids’ dreams - the answer may surprise you! Plus, it’s even a great time for you to make school year’s resolutions. A new school year represents a fresh start for parents too. By setting goals with your child, you can lead by example and bond over the journey of seeing your goals through.   2) Celebrate school year’s eve. Help your child avoid a case of the “Sunday scaries” before the first day of school by hosting a School Year’s Eve Party! Make the new school year something that is fun and celebrated, not feared and dreaded. Include festive decorations and party props, a Happy School Year playlist on Amazon Music, and your kid’s favorite foods and treats. There are a lot of sweet schoolthemed snacks you can make too. Grab some fun cookie cutters or check out Pinterest for tips on how to use what you already have in your kitchen to make fun treats.   3) Get organized. New school year, new schedule. Develop a system to keep yourself and your family organized, ensuring resolutions don’t fall by the

wayside. Use an Amazon Wish List to keep track of supplies needed for the year, a personalized planner to track projects and activities, and sticky notes to keep everyone posted (literally) on family whereabouts. To help your family track progress, you can even create and decorate a family “Happy School Year” cork board.   4) Stock up for success. Every new school year comes with classroom supply lists and new wardrobe needs. A one-stop shop retailer like Amazon lets you complete your shopping on your own schedule and have items shipped to you, allowing more time to soak up those last bits of summer as a family. You can also sign up for a Prime membership to get deals and free shipping to save on the essentials. Plus, the incredible selection makes it easy to find everything from the classroom must-haves to those special items your kids need to achieve their school year’s resolutions - whether that’s art supplies to become a better artist or rainbow socks to be more colorful every day. Radio personality and co-founder of Lil’ Libros Patty Rodriguez likes to browse in Spanish on the storefront, which she says gives parents the convenience of shopping at any time in their language with just the click of a button.   5) Ease into the year. To give your children the best chance of having a Happy School Year, try easing into the school year by adjusting your routine a week or more in advance. For example, if your child’s resolution is to make it to school on time, Patty Rodriguez suggests setting the morning alarm a full week before the first day of school.   Find school year essentials and fun supplies at— | JULY 2019 21

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Recycling 101: Know What to Throw   When it comes to recycling, do you know what to throw? A plastic milk jug is recyclable, but an old plastic toy isn’t. The cardboard box from your latest online order can go in your recycling container, but a greasy pizza box shouldn’t. Aluminum cans, yes; aluminum foil, no.   It can seem confusing, but that’s where Recycling Simplified comes in. Republic Services aims to simplify recycling with easy-to-follow tips for consumers.   Consumers are trying to do the right thing by recycling, but they don’t always know what - or how to recycle. In fact, about one-third of what gets tossed in curbside recycling containers doesn’t belong there. That’s one out of every three items!   Many items are placed in the recycling bin with the hope that they’ll be recycled. This is known as “wish-cycling.” But people sometimes confuse “reuse” with “recycle.” Examples of this include old clothing and shoes, stuffed animals, tools and plastic toys. All of these items could be reused if donated, but they won’t find a new home if you put them in your recycling bin. Take them to a donation box or thrift shop.   So, what does belong in the recycling bin? There are three main categories of recyclables: Paper and cardboard, metal cans including aluminum, and plastic bottles and jugs. With bottles and jugs, leave the caps on or throw them away - they’re too small to recycle by themselves.   Also, recyclables should be empty, clean and dry. Even when an item is recyclable, like a soup can or plastic ketchup bottle, any remaining food or liquid becomes a problem. When those items come into contact with clean recyclables, that leftover chicken noodle soup will saturate otherwise good paper and cardboard. This is known as contamination, and once it happens, perfectly recyclable items become trash and wind up in the landfill - which is what we’re all trying to avoid by recycling.   And don’t bag your recyclables. The sorting process at a recycling center happens quickly, and most

of what is bagged or bundled ends up in the garbage because sorters cannot see the contents. Plastic bags also can get tangled in the machinery, causing delays or even damage.   “Many of us want to be better recyclers, but we aren’t sure how or think we don’t have the time,” said Pete Keller, vice president of recycling and sustainability at Republic Services. “With a few simple steps, we can all do our part to make environmentally responsible choices and help make a positive impact in our community for generations to come.”   Make sure you know how and what to recycle with these simple Do’s and Don’ts from Republic Services:   DO recycle paper products. Clean, dry, flattened cardboard, newspapers and magazines, office paper and mail are accepted. Break down cardboard boxes before putting in your bin and remove any plastic such as the see-through windows in envelopes.   DO recycle empty soda or food cans. Be sure any remaining food or liquid is removed and the can is rinsed and dry.   DO recycle “Empty, Clean, Dry” plastic. You can leave the tops on bottles and jugs.   DO remember, when in doubt, throw it out. If you’re unsure whether an item is recyclable, put it in the trash.   DON’T recycle wet or food-tainted items. A greasy pizza box should go in the trash.   DON’T recycle cans that held hazardous waste. Metal cans that contained paint, oil or any other potentially hazardous waste need special handling. Consult your city or county website for information on hazardous waste disposal.   DON’T recycle yard or food waste. Composting options for tree trimmings and other yard waste may be available in your community, but not via your recycling container.   DON’T bag it. Reuse plastic bags if you can, then return them to grocery stores for commercial processing.   For more quick and easy guidelines to becoming a better recycler, visit— | JULY 2019 23

24 | JULY 2019

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