“We simply can’t sit on our laurels, or we will slip backwards.” – Rebecca Keoghan, Animal Evaluation Governance Group chair PAGE
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There's always room for improvement
WITH A record $10-plus/kgMS milk price almost locked in for this season, next season isn’t looking too shabby either.
There’s just over three months left for the 2024-25 season and most of the season’s products are either sold or contracted, so Fonterra’s milk price forecast mid-point of $10.25/kgMS looks almost certain.
All eyes will now be the following season. Last week, Westpac came out with the first forecast – estimating that the final milk price for next season could also reach $10/kgMS. That’s music to farmers’ ears.
Federated Farmers dairy chair Richard McIntyre says it’s been an incredibly tough few seasons for most dairy farmers, with high interest rates, high inflation, and a low payout eating into their bottom line.
“Another year or two of a $10plus payout would certainly be welcome news and allow those businesses to pay down some debt and catch up on some deferred maintenance,” he told Dairy News.
“I know on my own farm there are a lot of things I’ve been putting off until cashflow improved and that finally looks like it’s starting to come right now.”
However, Westpac senior economist Michael Gordon noted that Fonterra may come out with a
lower and more conservative opening forecast in late May.
“Our forecast is right in line with the futures market at the moment, which jumped up to $10/kg after the latest GDT auction,” Gordon says.
“We expect world dairy prices to ease over the year ahead as Chinese buying returns to more normal levels.
“On the supply side, the current high prices provide a strong incentive for the world’s major dairy exporters to ramp up production. However, they may still be constrained by other factors – in particular, how well the US and Europe
deal with their respective disease outbreaks (avian flu and bluetongue virus) will have an impact on their herd sizes and hence their output over the next season.
“Overall, we’ve assumed that world prices will be 6% lower on average compared to the current season. However, this is partly offset by a lower expected exchange rate over the season.”
Westpac is forecasting a milk price of $10.30/kgMS this season.
Waikato sharemilker and Feds
Waikato dairy president Matthew Zonderop says Westpac’s outlook presents a strong financial outlook
for New Zealand dairy farmers.
“While uncertainty remains, this level of farmgate return provides a significant opportunity for farmers to strengthen their businesses, repay debt, and reinvest in their operations,” he says.
Zonderop says a continued $10/ kgMS payout translates to substantial profitability, with many farms $2–$2.50/kgMS above breakeven.
He points out that for a 300,000 kgMS operation, this equates to an additional $600,000–$750,000 in profit, enabling them to lower farm debt, improve long-term resilience, upgrade infrastructure, automation and sustainability efforts, secure costs (feed, fuel, fertiliser), and consider fixed milk price contracts.
He says the record milk price also translates into benefits outside the farmgate.
“This dairy sector windfall extends beyond the farm gate, stimulating regional economies through increased demand for local businesses – contractors, machinery suppliers, and rural service providers benefit from higher farm spending.
“There’s wage growth and employment – more profitability allows for potential wage increases and improved labour retention.
“And rising farm values and investment – rural property markets may see higher demand, benefiting existing landowners but posing challenges for new entrants.”
DAIRY farmer Rebecca Keoghan is the new independent chair of the Animal Evaluation Governance Group.
The governance group is tasked to strengthen animal evaluation for the purpose of accelerating genetic gain in the dairy sector. It was formed in 2024 to tackle the issues identified in the Industry Working Group’s (IWG) final report.
Keoghan says she’s excited to take up this position, outlining her clear priorities for the next two years.
“I have been tasked with leading the governance group to achieve the objectives of this report,” she says.
“The report highlighted real opportunities for improvement for New Zealand. We know we’ve got plenty of work ahead of us to make the progress we need. We simply
can’t sit on our laurels, or we will slip backwards,” she says.
The IWG report states that “the current system for genetic gain in New Zealand was not fit-forpurpose and that New Zealand’s genetic herd has lagged relative to other advanced dairy industries”.
The IWG report noted its confidence that New Zealand can catch up to fully harness the benefits of genomics for faster genetic gain, unlocking increased profitability and improving environmental outcomes.
“We’ve formed a road map for improving the genetic gain system for New Zealand’s dairy herd, and my job is to move us along it, providing the independent perspective and ultimately drive the work streams forward, working with my fellow members and their partner organisations,”
Keoghan says.
DairyNZ, LIC and CRV have each committed to making changes for the sector’s benefit and are participating in the Governance Group and working with industry
stakeholders, to progress the report’s recommendations.
The Group is overseeing a programme of work to strengthen animal evaluation for the purpose of accelerating
genetic gain in the dairy sector that includes:
• establishing a future looking National Breeding Objective
• developing a solution to have one Breeding Worth Index
“ASK ME in about three weeks’ time.”
That’s the message from AgFirst chief executive James Allen in regards to the dry weather in NZ’s largest dairy region – the Waikato.
He says the Waikato is the driest it’s been for several years and there is every indication that it will be quite a dry summer. He says there has been virtually no rain since before Christ-
mas, except for a few very isolated thunderstorms in the region resulting in a few farmers getting lucky.
“Generally, it is quite dry. Pasture covers are certainly low, and growth rates have declined and there is a fair amount of supplement being fed out at the moment,” he says.
Allen says because there is so much supplement around, production
is holding up, but if the dry weather continues over the coming weeks the impact will become more pronounced. He says the maize harvesters are now on the road, so the first of the maize will be harvested and welcomed by some people.
“At this stage there is good reserves of supplement, and we are still planning to use a fair bit of sup-
• developing mechanisms to provide transparency and confidence in the system
• improving the volume and quality of phenotypic data collection
• bringing in relevant international expertise, and
• engagement and extension activities to increase the value for farmers of animal evaluation.
Keoghan joins Cam Henderson (DairyNZ), Corrigan Sowman (LIC), James Smallwood (CRV), and Steve Howse (NZAEL) on the Governance Group.
She is chair of Fire & Emergency NZ and a director of Alpine Energy Limited and Gravity Dance. She was a previous chair of Tai Poutini Polytechnic and deputy chair of Timaru District Holdings and has held multiple other directorships.
plement to milk on, but not to sacrifice next season, which is course is the critical point,” he says.
Allen says at this stage there is spare maize silage and grass silage around and the price of PKE is reasonable. He says farmers should set targets for what pasture covers should look like on June 1 and work back from there.
In 2016, Keoghan was awarded Dairy Woman of the Year, in 2017 she received a New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to business, and in 2018 she was awarded the Rural Westpac Woman of Influence award.
DairyNZ chair Tracy Brown welcomed the appointment noting that Rebecca Keoghan comes with the right mix of senior governance experience paired with a strong dairy background.
“As a fifth-generation dairy farmer Rebecca understands the importance of our industry and its challenges. I am excited to see this governance group now fully formed and set up to progress the workstreams to accelerate the rates of genetic gain in the New Zealand dairy sector,” she says.
As for the rest of the country, Allen says the top of Northland got some good rain, but the lower half didn’t and is still quite dry.
“Taranaki is also reasonably dry, while the Tairawhiti and Hawke’s Bay have had rain and Canterbury is also looking pretty good,” he says.
But as he said earlier, time will tell. – Peter Burke
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GET OUT of the Paris
Agreement on climate change – that’s the message from the farmer lobby group Groundswell to the Minister for Climate Change, Simon Watts.
Groundswell is now in the process of running a campaign to get NZ out of the agreement, saying it is uniquely unfair to us.
Their call comes after Simon Watts announced NZ’s second international climate target, which stated that the Government was proposing to reduce emissions by 51 to 55% compared to 2005 levels by 2035.
He says the Government has worked hard to set a target that is both ambitious and achievable and reinforces our commitment to the Paris Agreement and global climate action.
“Meeting this target will mean we are doing our fair share towards reducing the impact of climate change, while enabling New Zealand to be stronger and thrive in the face of a changing climate,” he says.
But Bryce McKenzie of Groundswell says Watts is in a bind and says New Zealand doesn’t elect governments to play along with international games. He says they expect them to look out for our interests.
“They work for us, not the jet-setting global conference elite,” he says.
McKenzie says it’s the politicians’ jobs to stand up for us, rather than sacrifice the future of New Zealand to meet the arbitrary rules of the UN’s climate change process. He says Watts should have broken those rules and told his mates at the conferences why.
McKenzie says under the present system, all NZ can do is less – less farming, less electricity, less transport, less economic activity, less prosperity, less opportunity. Fewer jobs, fewer people, fewer hospitals and schools, fewer reasons for our kids to stay here.
“They work for us, not the jetsetting global conference elite.”
The ACT Party, part of the Coalition Government, is throwing its support behind farmers.
The party’s agriculture spokesman Mark Cameron says, as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, New Zealand is required to sign up to increasingly ambitious emissions targets.
That’s what has led to the Climate Change Minister’s latest commitment, he told party supporters in an email.
“However, ACT
has heard serious concern over the economic impact of the Government’s commitment, including costs likely to be lumped on farmers,” says Cameron.
“We know New Zealand farmers are the most efficient in the world, and it does not make sense to reduce New Zealand food production only to see other less efficient farmers overseas picking up the slack.
“In short, ACT is listening, and we encour-
age you to pass on your concerns to the Climate Change Minister and your local MP.”
Cameron claims ACT’s Ministers in the Government are delivering “common sense, affordable policy in key areas that affect farmers such as replacing the handbrake that is the RMA, simplifying freshwater farm plans, and stopping the implementation of last government’s attack on property rights with their directive on Significant Natural Areas”.
FEDERATED FARMERS meat and wool chair, Toby Williams says what the Government has effectively signed up for is a decade more of planting pine trees on productive land because that’s the only way for our country to achieve such a steep reduction
He says even by 2035, as half of New Zealand’s emissions are from agriculture, a target of 51-55% is still not feasible
Williams says the only other option is to spend billions of dollars overseas to buy offshore credits, or plant pine trees, destroying our iconic and world-famous landscapes He notes that last year, the Climate Commission suggested keeping an all-gases target and at least a 50% reduction, which would mean another 850,000 hectares of land converted to forestry “To paint a clear picture, that’s an area five times the size of our country’s treasured Molesworth Station That would be devastating, forever changing the face of New Zealand,” he says
Williams says there is a very real risk that we could become the great pine plantation of the South Pacifichardly something to be proud of
“The Government needs to be setting climate targets that are realistic and achievable,” he says
“I’ve also lodged a member’s bill in Parliament’s ballot to stop councils from considering local emissions when granting resource consents.
“ACT is determined not to sacrifice farmers and growers at the altar of the climate gods,” he says.
WHAT DOES it say about our government when it sneaks its Gene Technology Bill through on the final day of Parliament and then expects our entire dairy sector to digest it all in the middle of the summer holidays?
Let’s be blunt: it screams unfairness, and it reeks of secrecy and it’s a slap in the face to every farmer who makes this nation prosper.
Together with sheep and beef, our sector makes up a massive 40% of our country’s exports. Yet, the Government, led by the allegedly probusiness National Party, seems determined to dismiss even the biggest voice in New Zealand agriculture, Fonterra. How exactly is that pro-
And why is a topic crucial to our industry and the NZ economy being funnelled through the Health Committee?
We aren’t here to argue for or against GM. Our point is that to present a Bill that could rewire our entire industry on eight-weeks’ notice is abjectly insulting and completely disregards the spirit of fair governance that all Kiwis value.
We might expect our biggest industry leader, Fonterra, to roar. Yet, from all reports, when Fonterra asked the Government for more time on this Bill, the request was denied; leadership simply shrugged and moved on. That’s unacceptable.
Our cooperative wields immense influence over our nation’s economy and, we should
remember, is owned by thousands of shareholders who will bear the brunt of any shifts in policy.
Fonterra must publicly demand a 90-day extension for public comment on the Bill. If Chris Luxon refuses to accommodate, Fonterra trucks should stop rolling. It would probably take
less than three hours for Luxon to yield.
This situation is so backward that it almost invites a conspiracy theory. Genetic modification might offer benefits in terms of efficiency or resilience, or it might threaten our single most important market advantage. Regardless, the fair questions at this
point are, “What’s your hurry?” and “What are you hiding?” If the Gene Technology Bill is truly beneficial, then it will still be beneficial 90 days from February 17th. This Bill, one way or another, will impact your family, your community, and your economic wellbeing. Ninety days isn’t a big ask. If Fonterra fails
us, let the co-op leaders reap the whirlwind.
Fonterra needs to say, “This is not how you treat your largest export sector, nor your party’s base.” Let’s shine a light on the Gene Technology Bill and let’s decide on our own terms what’s best for our industry and New Zealand. These are the issues we need to consider:
• What will the world think when NZ products are fed with GM maize or other GM crops? Do we lose our ‘100% Pure’ clean and green market perception? Can New Zealand compete with the US factory farms once our product is no longer differentiated? And do we really want to?
• Round-up ready crops use more glyphosate. How will the increased use of glyphosate affect our waterways?
Will Labour use increased glyphosate runoff to shut down more farming in NZ? Would this fuel another 3 Waters-type situation?
• How would GM seed coming to our shores affect our ability to grow and preserve the world’s GM-free seed stock?
Given that we have a billion-dollar non-GM seed duplication industry, should GM seed be import only and not grown in NZ?
• How might increased use of glyphosate in NZ because of Round-up ready crops affect honey bees, whose populations have been in free-fall in the US since GE crops were introduced?
Fonterra, the spotlight’s on you.
• Michael Henne and John Greenberg are executives of NZ agribusiness company, Hyprecision Ag Ltd.
A COMMITTEE which carried out the review into New Zealand’s science system says the underinvestment will continue to compromise the country’s future.
The committee, headed by Sir Peter Gluckman and consisting of other prominent science leaders, says in its report to government that there is overwhelming evidence investment in research and science is absolutely core to productivity growth.
And it adds that “failure over several decades to accept and act on this causation had led NZ to being a poor performing outlier compared to most advanced economies of comparable size”. Essentially this is rap over the
THERE’S BEEN very little reaction to the government announcement, with many saying the devil will be in the detail
One person to offer a comment is AgResearch chief executive, Sue Bidrose, who says they are pleased to have this certainty from the Government after years of debate and discussion about the structure of the science sector
She adds that the CRI’s are optimistic about how other challenges facing the sector can also be addressed
“We already have with the other
knuckles for successive governments for underfunding science.
This is the same committee that recommended the merger of the four agricultural related CRI’s (AgResearch, Landcare Research, Plant and Food Research and Scion) into a mega organisation called Bioeconomy. They will no longer be called CRI’s; rather they get a
bioeconomy CRIs and that puts us in a good position as we chart the path ahead to a merger In the months ahead, we’ll be focused on working with those other CRIs, the Government and our industry partners to make the transition to the new entity as smooth as possible,” she says
At the same time, Bidrose says AgResearch will be supporting its people to continue the important work they do to keep the momentum and build on that research into the new era for CRIs
name change, and probably a new logo, and will be known as a PRO or public research organisation.
As part of the changes, a new entity will emerge called Earth Sciences which will bring together NIWA and GNS and, as already signalled, will see MetService become a wholly-owned subsidiary of NIWA.
ESR will be renamed the Health and Forensic Science Services PRO with a ‘new’ focus. Gone is Callaghan Innovation, with the Government saying its functions will be spread amongst other PRO’s.
The rationale for this move, according to Judith Collins, the Science Minister at the time of the announcement, is to
ensure that that there is a science system that generates maximum value for the $1.2 billion dollars the Government invests in science funding.
There are other changes afoot, includ-
ing the establishment of a special investment agency and a super advisory body to provide strategic oversight for the changes. “This work, along with our move to overturn what has effec-
tively been a 30-year ban on gene technology, will unlock enormous opportunities for our science sector and New Zealanders,” she says.
TIVAL is an event for farmers and growers which celebrates the land through great food and inspiring conversations, says event organiser Fran Bailey.
The two-day event starts this week (February 19) at Greystone –a regenerative organic vineyard in the Waipara Valley, North Canterbury.
“Underground is a place for the soilobsessed among us to connect, learn and eat amazing kai, out on the land. It’s all about celebrating life, by digging deep into the source of it all - soil,” says Bailey.
She says the festival will have over “transfor-
mative sessions” where local and international farmers and retired farmers will dig into all things soil, farming, health and society.
“Topics like regenerative food systems, agroforestry, food and mental health, certification systems, drought resilience and alternative models for land stewardship will all feature on the menu.”
Speakers include agroecologist and educator, Nicole Masters, Felice Jacka - a leader in the new field of ‘nutritional psychiatry’ which explores how what we eat influences our brain, mood, and mental health, and Australian farmer and food writer Matthew Evans.
who are dairy farmers in Tararua are also booked to speak.
Bailey says the idea for Underground Festival sprouted at Groundswell UK – a regenerative farming event held on an arable farm which has grown to more than 5,000 attendees over two days.
These are mostly farmers, but now in its eighth year, it’s said to attract people from across the food system.
“I was really moved by the positive impact that events like this can have on farmers and growers.
Coming together on farm, sharing progress, innovation and ideas in a social setting with great food. It
brings joy and connection to work that can often feel isolating and hard.
“While the regenerative movement in Aotearoa New Zealand is making great strides, our farmers, growers and food system change-makers need a similar space to break bread, connect and walk the whenua (land) together,” says Bailey.
“More than anything, Underground Festival is about fostering hope for a healthy, thriving future. Above ground and below.”
Two-day event tickets start at $325 ex GST, with options to add camping and glamping accommodation onsite. Event organiser
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SHOCKED AND humbled were Grahame Webber’s overriding emotions when he learned he was to be recognised in the 2025 New Year Honours.
But it almost wasn’t to be for the Fonterra farmer based in Cambridge, given that he just about deleted the email informing him of his King’s Service Medal.
“I thought it was spam. It was only when my wife Jenny took a look and said ‘I think
you’d better read it’,” says Webber.
“It was overwhelming. I never dreamed someone would put my name forward. I had to think about it for about a week to decide if I should accept it.”
The King’s Service Medal celebrates people who have made outstanding contributions to their communities and in Webber’s case, outstanding contributions to local government and farming
Brett Alexander, who serves as one of Fonterra’s regional managers, says Webber is a shining example of all that’s good about the co-operative.
“He is staunch supporter of the co-op and what it stands for,” says Alexander.
“Over the past 30 to 40 years, he and Jenny have helped some young farmers get into the industry and progress their careers because
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they’ve been there and have done it themselves.
Part of the reason the award came as a shock to Webber was that he didn’t think he was doing anything particularly special. His CV would beg to differ.
He was a member of Cambridge Federated Farmers from 1982-2020, chaired the Dairy Section of Waikato Federated Farmers from 1989-1991, was a director of the New Zealand Dairy Group from 1991-1994 and a Waipā District Councillor from 2001-2022, serving as Deputy Mayor from 2010-2019.
Webber says one of his career highlights was serving on the Cambridge Community Board from 1998-2022 where he implemented an annual tour of the urban-based board to visit rural communities to learn of their local issues.
“The idea is to build some urban and rural relationships. To get a real understanding of the concerns among rural folk you need to go and speak to them in their own patch.
“It’s part of being involved in all the things you need to do to be a good councillor, something I put my heart and soul into.”
That heart and soul is evident in a project Webber takes pride in.
For the best part of the last three decades, he has been tending a historic site at Pukekura, near Cambridge.
The site is significant because it’s the location of a butter factory built by Henry Reynolds, an Englishman who emigrated here to take up dairy farming. It was this factory where the first Anchor butter was made in 1886.
“Not many people know about the history of that site, so they’re amazed when I tell them it was where the butter they have on their toast was first made! It’s important that we recognise the history of our industry.”
Dairy farming is in Webber’s blood. A selfconfessed “can do, will do cow cocky”, both of his parents had dairy farming backgrounds and after a few sharemilking roles in Waikato, in 1967 they bought a farm in Horahora, near Cambridge.
Grahame and Jenny eventually bought the Horahora property from his parents and farmed there for 15 years until selling it and purchasing a larger property at Marotiri just north of Taupō, now run by their son Richard and wife Anna, milking 1,040 cows on 360ha with four staff.
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Grass-fed faux pas
IT SEEMS Fonterra has quietly conceded a labelling faux pas on its iconic butter brand Greenpeace claims that new legal documents from Fonterra Brands reveal that the dairy giant has removed labels from its Anchor butter packaging which the environment lobby says falsely claimed that Fonterra dairy cows are ‘100% New Zealand grass-fed’
In late September 2024, Greenpeace announced that it was suing Fonterra for ‘false’ claims on the dairy giant’s Anchor Butter packaging, which claimed to be ‘100% New Zealand grass-fed’ The lawsuit was met with vehement denial from the dairy giant, even though its own grassfed standard, available online, allows for up to 20% of a cow’s diet by dry matter volume to be palm kernel
However, Fonterra Brands’ statement of defence has revealed that since the lawsuit was announced, it has removed the contested logo from the butter packaging, in a move Greenpeace says is an admission of guilt The logo now reads ‘grass-fed’, it claims
THE COALITON Government, already under the pump thanks to poor polling numbers, is facing the ire of its traditional support base – dairy and red meat farmers
It’s all to do with plans outlined by the Government to meet its commitments under the Paris Agreement
Some farmers – including the firebrand lobby Groundswell – are spitting tacks over Climate Change Minister Simon Watts’ announcement that New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55% compared to 2005 levels, by 2035
Sensing the mood among farmers, the ACT Party sent out a message to farmers saying, “We’ve heard you” ACT says it is determined not to sacrifice farmers and growers at the altar of the climate gods Can National afford to lose the farmer vote?
ANOTHER SIGN that the plant-based dairy fallacy is unravelling and that nothing beats dairy-based products
Nestle says it’s moving to discontinue the vegan KitKat in every country except the UK following declining sales of the product KitKat V was first launched in 2021 It uses rice milk chocolate and was previously available in 15 countries in Europe, including France, Denmark, and Sweden Nestle has now confirmed in a statement that it will be focusing on its dairy-based KitKats from now on
“Our emphasis with the KitKat brand for the foreseeable future will be on classic chocolate variants, as they continue to be the preferred choice among consumers,” the dairy giant says
AUSTRALIAN DAIRY is bracing for the retirement of an iconic dairy brand
Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) announced last year the retirement of its King Island Dairy brand, after being unable to find a buyer for the 132-year-old brand and its current facility
Over the past year, SDA has sought to maximise value for the business looking for commercial and financial alternatives for King Island Dairy, including a potential sale to a third party The business employs 58 people and is the single biggest employer on the island which only has a population of 1,600 Is this a good omen for Fonterra as it tries to sell off its Australian consumer business that includes some of the top dairy brands across the ditch?
THE FARMING sector, or at least some parts of it, are preparing for a battle with the Government over its latest international climate change target.
Farmer support is being canvassed to push for New Zealand to opt out of the Paris Agreement.
Climate Change Minister Simon Watts announced last month that New Zealand will reduce emissions by 51 to 55% compared to 2005 levels, by 2035. The Paris Agreement is the global climate treaty which seeks to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Under the Agreement, each country sets targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, known as Nationally Determined Contributions.
Watts claims that meeting this target will mean NZ doing its “fair share” towards reducing the impact of climate change.
But some farmer groups – including Groundswell – isn’t buying any of it.
The lobby, well known for organising massive protests around the country during Labour’s reign, is seeking donations to build a war chest.
And Groundswell isn’t holding back when it comes to commenting on Watt’s latest announcement.
“New Zealand doesn’t elect governments to play along with international games. We expect them to look out for our interests. They work for us, not the jet-setting global conference elite,” Groundswell leader Bryce McKenzie told its supporters in an email.
He claims complying with the Paris Agreement means only one thing – poverty.
Federated Farmers is less muted in its response.
It claims the 2030 target of a 50% reduction in all greenhouse gas emissions in just the next five years is already completely beyond reach.
This leaves the National Party in a bind. Will it listen to the concerns of farmers or pander to the ‘middle-ground swing voters’ keen to see action on climate change? Time will tell.
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WE NEED to stop treating the dry period as just a rest between lactations and understand that it’s a significant biological reset that impacts the health and productivity of the next lactation.
While the transition period is often considered the most important time, what happens during the dry period sets the stage for success. Managing this period well allows you to address potential issues early, improve herd performance, and maximise the next season’s returns.
Biology of the dry period
During the dry period, a cow’s body undergoes significant changes – her mammary tissue regenerates and repairs itself from the stresses of lactation. Her immune system, often suppressed during peak milk production, needs time to recover.
Metabolic reserves are refilled to prepare her for the heavy demands of calving and early lactation.
However, these processes don’t happen automatically – they need well-thought-out management. Poor dry-off preparation can compromise the above changes, increasing the risk of metabolic disorders like ketosis and milk fever and leaving cows unprepared for the challenges of early lactation. Farmers who milk for too long, effectively shortening the dry period, do not allow adequate mammary gland and immune system recovery time.
Cows require lower levels of feed during this period, however, quality is important as it is an essential time to maintain a high level of nutrition.
Nutrition and mineral science
Research shows that nutrition during the dry period directly impacts the success of the next lactation. Ensuring an appropriate dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) in the weeks leading up to calving goes a long way to reducing the risk of milk fever.
Cows with inadequate magnesium or calcium levels also risk metabolic
issues, leading to lower milk yields and higher treatment costs. Adequate levels of phosphorus are also essential as deficiencies in this element can gradually build up over the previous season. The impact of a phosphorus deficiency around calving time can be sudden and serious. Trace minerals like selenium, zinc, and copper support immune function, reproduction, and overall herd health.
Selenium, in particular, is critical for reducing retained placentas, while zinc supports udder health and tissue repair.
Due to this, Agvance scientifically formulates mineral supplements tailored to these needs, ensuring cows enter the transition period with adequate reserves.
The importance of body condition
Body condition in the dry period will influence a cow’s future performance. Over-conditioned cows face a higher likelihood of calving complications and ketosis, while under-conditioned cows will struggle to meet the energy demands of early lactation.
Cows must enter transition with a body condition score (BCS) of 5.0-5.5. Achieving this balance requires close monitoring during the dry period, especially for high-producing cows prone to rapid weight changes. Be strategic with your feed planning and monitor consistently to avoid over or underfeeding.
Practical steps for better dry cow management
Plan your dry cow management early and speak to your vet or nutritionist about what’s right for your herd. Feed balanced nutrition to address specific mineral and energy requirements and use good quality products you can trust to build sufficient nutrient reserves. Regular BCS monitoring means you can adjust feeding before cows become over or under-conditioned. And finally, dry-off itself should be controlled, with cows in low-stress environments to prevent strain on their immune systems and overall
Long-term benefits
Prioritising the dry period can mean improvements across the board:
Higher peak milk production: Cows with good body condition and mineral reserves are better equipped to achieve higher milk yields.
Chris Balemi
Reduced health issues:
Proactive management lowers the risk of milk fever, retained placentas, and ketosis.
Improved fertility: Proper mineral supplementation and nutritional management improve reproductive outcomes.
Increased herd longevity: Healthier cows
are productive for longer, reducing replacement costs.
Starting the season strong
The dry period is an underappreciated yet absolutely critical phase in the dairy production cycle. It’s a time when small decisions can hugely affect herd health
and performance, from calving to peak milk and reproduction. Starting the season strong begins at dry-off, not transition.
The earlier the preparation, the more productive and profitable the season will be.
• Chris Balemi is the managing director of Agvance Nutrition.
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has a close family link to a cow who has won the same title three times.
Ferdon Genetics, from Otorohanga, from the heart of New Zea-
land’s Waikato knew they wouldn’t be flying under the radar when they returned to the NZDE this year with the show’s 2024 Jersey Grand Cham-
pion, Ferdon Tbone Veneer EX. But pressure is something they are used to absorbing, because Veneer comes from a family line laden
with superstars.
One of them is Ferdon Comerica Viyella (who won NZDE Supreme Champion in 2012, 2015 and 2016 – in among a swag of Grand Champion Jersey titles and Reserves during her heavily decorated career). Veneer and Viyella’s dams are maternal sisters, and there were other “V” family members who showed in the Ferdon string.
Ferdon Genetics is owned and operated by Warren and Michelle Ferguson, together with their son, Corey, milking 200210 head on 75 effective hectares. They showed 18 in-milk and six dry heifers in two breeds.
For the Ferdon crew, winning never gets old. They have now won Grand Champion Jersey nine times, Supreme Dairy Cow five times, and Premier Jersey Exhibitor nine successive years.
Veneer came out of
the five-to-six year-old in-milk class. And, while Ferdon is known for its Jerseys (which take up 75% of the herd) they also run 25% Holsteins and some registered Ayrshires.
One of those Holsteins, Waipiri CR Freaky Girl-ET, won Senior Champion Holstein this year. She was held out of contention for the Supreme (all breeds) race by the Intermediate Champion Holstein (and Supreme Intermediate Champion), who travelled from Tahora Farms in the South Island, Tahora Sidekick Legacy2, who qualified to compete for Supreme Exhibit by winning Grand Champion Holstein.
“We did feel the pressure this time,” Michelle acknowledged. “It was a relief when we won the Jersey championship, but then we had to wait for the Supreme.”
THE JERSEY and Ayrshire shows did have the biggest class numbers, and a second Jersey – the Junior Champion – went on to win Supreme Junior Exhibit It gave the Jersey show two of the three big awards Thomas Jeyes was typically low-key about his winning Jersey junior entry, Manor Black Apple Tess (sired by Rapid Bay Black Apple)
The Jeyes family immigrated from the United Kingdom to New Zealand 11 years ago and started dairying from a modest start Today, the family is sharemilking 650 cows with no staff outside of Thomas, 19
The Te Kuiti herd is made up of crossbred cows and 160 registered Jerseys Thomas is responsible for the show programme, in between working fulltime on the farm, with the support of the rest of the family and their farm owner, Sir David Fagan (New Zealand’s former champion shearer, who has won the New Zealand Golden Shears a record 16 times)
Thomas started showing and breeding with his prefix, Manor Jerseys, in 2017 Before last year, the best the family had done at the NZ Dairy Event was second in class In 2024, they started to make their move – winning Junior Champion Jersey (and Reserve Supreme Junior Champion) with Manor Cocochip Alaska They also won another heifer class This year, they came to play They won Junior and Reserve Junior Champion Jersey
AS SUMMER progresses, dairy farmers face two critical challenges: maintaining milk production and keeping weight on cows.
Dry spells often exacerbate these challenges, due to declining pasture supply and lower energy and crude protein (CP) content per kilogram of dry matter (DM). This can make it increasingly difficult to meet the nutritional needs of cows.
Maize silage is an excellent summer supplement for milking cows. Provided it is introduced slowly, it can be safely fed in large quantities, and on average, it has higher energy levels than pasture silage. However maize silage is a low protein feed and I touched on this issue
In the December edition of Dairy News:
“Some farmers have raised the concern that maize silage, a low (8%) crude protein feed, is less suitable for coupling with lower-protein summer pasture.
“Monthly pasture analysis collected on Waikato farms since 2011 by Open Country Dairy has shown that pasture
protein content consistently remains above 20%. This means farmers can feed up to one-third of the diet as maize silage in the summer while still providing a 14–16% CP diet. In most cases, this is sufficient dietary protein for cows in mid-lactation.”
Now, with pastures drying out and growth rates slowing, this is a timely opportunity to investigate summer protein supply further and explore how pasture and maize based diets can be influenced by small amounts of protein supplementation if required. Understanding summer pasture protein levels
Twelve-year average data collected from 10 Waikato dairy farms between January and April shows an average pasture crude protein level of 24.8% (personal
communication, Tim Sandbrook, Open Country Dairy). Figure 1 demonstrates this consistency over time, indicating that even in more challenging summer seasons, on average pasture protein levels are adequate to meet the requirements of an average NZ dairy cow.
Optimum protein requirements for dairy cows
Research by Dr Eric Kolver (2000)1 highlights that dairy cows in mid to late lactation require
diets containing 14–16% crude protein to support milk production. This target is typically achievable when maize silage makes up no more than one-third of the diet, paired with quality pasture.
For example, feeding 30–40% maize silage as part of the summer diet ensures cows receive the energy needed to sustain production, even when pasture growth slows. In a herd producing approximately 1.3 kg MS/cow/day,
this balance delivers adequate energy and protein under normal pasture conditions (Table 1). When pasture protein falls short
In some situations, pasture protein levels may dip below the longterm averages, or pasture supply makes up a smaller portion of the diet. In these cases, pairing maize silage with small quantities of highprotein feeds can make a significant difference.
For instance:
• Exchanging just 1kg DM of maize silage with a protein-rich concen-
trate like sun-flower pellets (34% CP) or maize (golden) DDG (28%CP) can raise dietary protein content by around 1.01.5%.
• Exchanging just 1kg DM of maize with soybean meal, which contains around 48% crude protein, can boost total dietary crude protein by approximately 2%.
Although high-protein feeds can be more expensive, they are often needed only for short periods and in small quantities, making them a cost-effective solution when used strategically. Proactive protein management
Maize silage is a cost effective and reliable feed source during summer, providing consistent energy to complement pasture. However, if pasture supply and/or protein levels drop, strategic supplementation
with protein-rich feeds can help to maintain milk production.
Protein feeds are relatively expensive therefore I encourage farmers to use tools like DairyNZ’s Feed Checker Calculator (see FeedChecker calculator - DairyNZ | DairyNZ ) to assess whether summer diets meet minimum protein requirements. This tool allows farmers to experiment with small adjustments to the diet and measure their impact on overall nutrient balance and likely milk production. If you need advice on your summer feeding strategy talk to your farm consultant or nutritionist or contact one of our Farm Systems Specialists, Matt Dalley or Wade Bell, at www.pioneer.co.nz. • Wade Bell is Genetic Technologies farm systems manager. Contact him at wbell@genetic.co.nz
BREEDING COWS without a farm may sound a little unorthodox to some - but for Isaac and Emma Kelsen, it means they get to experience the best of both worlds.
The pair, who breed Holstein Friesian cattle under the Lakeview prefix, have found a
formula that works, allowing them to keep the “day jobs” they love while creating a business that offers exceptional genetics to the New Zealand dairy industry.
Isaac, who grew up in Hawke’s Bay, didn’t come from a farming family but his love of agriculture
saw him attend Taratahi Training College as a teenager.
Emma didn’t grow
up on a farm either but keenly participated in calf club in her hometown of Featherston, acquiring calves from family friend Selwyn Donald.
Isaac and Emma have been together for 17 years and in 2014, they took on their first farming job: working for Craig Rowe (Maire Farms Ltd) for five years.
The couple then spent a year in the US,
ISAAC KELSEN says they have a two-year-old cow sired by Val-Bisson Doorman who has just had a heifer by Mb-Luckylady Bullseye-ET
Doorman might be considered “old” genetics, Isaac says, but they are genetics that keep performing He is also impressed with a Jacobs League bull coming through
The Kelsens are reaping the rewards of the superior genetics they use, observing several stand-out cows in the Lakeview herd
Lakeview OK Addington EX, the first of Isaac and Emma’s true stud cows, was a head-turner in the show ring from an early age, taking out the North Island Championship in 2021 Addington is still producing and has lived up to her reputation as an excellent foundation cow of the herd
The future is looking bright for Lakeview genetics Isaac says he loves his job, and he likes breeding cows, so there are no plans to return to farming fulltime
working on the Scientific Holsteins stud (Matt and Mandy Nunes).
“It was an awesome experience, and we would like to get back over there,” Isaac says.
Instead, the sale of their genetics features very heavily in the future of their business
Lakeview OK Addington EX’s 2019born Crushabull daughter was Lakeview’s first public offering, at the 2021 NZ Dairy Event, and they have been sure to offer up at least one cow in this sale annually
“We also like to contribute to the Futurity sales,” Isaac says “We like to help up-and-coming breeders to get started on their journey Our whole philosophy is to help the young ones and have fun ”
The Kelsens also have plans to import overseas embryos, and market and sell them in New Zealand
“Our business is not large scale, but there is a distinct purpose behind what we do,” Isaac says “You don’t have to have a farm to breed or show cattle
“The trick is to find a farmer you trust and respect, and who looks after your animals like they are their own - which is what the Verwaayens do ”
“We made some lifelong friends.”
On their return to New Zealand, Isaac started working for Semex and has been the Semex Hawke’s Bay,
Manawatu & Wairarapa area manager and beef program manager for the past six years.
Emma works in a rest home in Dannevirke and the couple have two
children: Charlie (7) and Lilly (2).
Isaac and Emma’s passion for breeding cattle intensified quickly: they bought their first animal, Aldersyde Sid Adrina VG85, at the Summer Sensation Sale in 2014, and today they have 12-15 cows under the Lakeview prefix, 10 of which are Holstein Friesian.
Their animals are kept at nearby Verwaayen Farms (Hennie and Kerri, Harvey and Lucy Verwaayen).
“Because we don’t farm, our numbers are limited,” Isaac says.
“Our core business is to breed good cow families: to calve them down to sexed semen or good bulls, show them, then sell them as young stock (calves or in-calf heifers). We occasionally keep one or two, but we keep it small.”
When it comes to choosing bulls, Isaac says they “chop and change” based on an individual cows’ needs.
“We are not solely hung up on high type bulls,” he says. “We pick bulls that are balanced, have good milk and DPR (daughter pregnancy rate) and are from a good cow family.
“There is no point in having high type-no milk animals; at the end of the day, they will be going into a milking herd and they need to perform for the owner.”
WAIKATO MILKING Systems’ latest innovation, ErgoPOD is now commercially available within New Zealand and Australia.
This state-of-the-art semi-robotic milking technology promises to increase milking speed, productivity, and efficiency in the milking parlour, the company says.
Designed to break productivity barriers, ErgoPOD is said to focus on ten key drivers developed to optimise the milking process and enhance overall productivity.
From significantly reducing the physical effort required during milking and greatly enhancing safety for cows and operators, to delivering real-time milk qual-
ity and hygiene insights for cow health, ErgoPOD redefines milking standards.
“ErgoPOD redefines milking precision with its advanced quarter-milking technology, enabling early detection of health concerns for faster, targeted intervention at the individual animal level.
“Engineered with hygiene and milk quality as core priorities, ErgoPOD uses individual per quarter milk lines rather than the traditional milking cluster. This eliminates cross-contamination between quarters and allows for precise milk sampling from within each quarter to identify potential infections,” WMS says.
Additionally, the DairyHQ Parlour Management System enhances this process by delivering real-time pro-
duction data and live updates on cow health and system performance, empowering farmers to make informed decisions
with confidence.
The efficient design of ErgoPOD is engineered to reduce energy and water usage, promot-
ing greater environmental stewardship. Its seamless integration into both new and existing rotary dairy installations ensures
operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
“With ErgoPOD, our vision was a future where efficiency, safety, and animal well-being converge seamlessly,” says Jamie Mikkelson, executive chairman, Waikato Milking Systems.
“Our mission was to provide dairy farmers with the technology to achieve unprecedented productivity and efficiency to milk more cows, while prioritising the health and safety of both operators and cows.
“For dairy farmers driven to enhance milking time productivity and efficiency, with an improved return on investment, ErgoPOD is the ultimate solution,” says Mikkelson.
AS SPRING calving farmers around the country enter in the final stage of lactation, the incentive to keep the milk flowing is certainly there. A strong milk price and kind first half of the season has left cows in good nick and milking well.
Typically, during the warmer months low soil moisture levels and resulting issues with supply and quality of pasture can be a hurdle. Combined with the lack of advance payments from Fonterra, maintaining milk flows to cover costs, while building cow condition becomes a demanding yet rewarding exercise in animal management and nutrition.
Farm inputs can seem costly, but they’re an investment in your herd’s productivity. With a targeted and informed approach, the right management and inputs can support cashflows while setting up your herd for next year.
Stock Management
• Sustain milk flows and protect SCC levels
• Maintain cow condition to maximise days in milk - ensure optimal calving condition for next season.
• Support growth rates of young stock with consistent feed quality and supply
A balanced diet is essential to keep cows milking well, prevent rising somatic cell counts,
and maintain milk quality. Keeping cows in good condition allows for extended milking without over-relying on the dry period, which, if rushed, can lead to metabolic issues.
Days in milk are a major driver of profitability, so addressing cow condition early ensures they are prepared to milk late into the season.
This is also a critical time for next year’s heifers and younger stock, as they face similar nutritional and environmental challenges. By applying the same strategies below, growth rates can be maintained during this period, supporting their first-lactation production potential. A little extra care now can make a sig-
nificant difference. Feeding strategies to fill the gap
• Manage feed supply - summer dry and heat affect grass quantity and quality
• Use supplements and crops to complement pasture and address limitations – protein, fibre, energy, dry matter, minerals
Summer pasture is higher in neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and typically lacking in metabolisable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP). Depending on location and infrastructure, declining pasture quality can be managed with topping, irrigation and fertiliser. However, many farmers rely on summer safe cropping
and feeding supplements
- both home-grown and imported - to bridge the gap between cow requirements and what pasture provides.
When introducing feeds to a dairy cow diet it’s important to understand the nutritional composition of each, and make sure the cow is having its energy, protein and fibre needs met.
Higher NDF pasture is less palatable, harder for the cow to eat, and takes up more room in the rumen than lush feeds. This can limit dry matter intakes and, subsequently, ME and CP supply.
Milk production demands significant energy and protein, but excess energy is needed
to lay down fat stores. To support production and build condition, focus on maintaining dry matter intake. Summer crops, silage, and concentrates can supply the energy and dry matter cows need when pasture falls short. Summer crops like chicory and turnips are great for balancing protein shortfalls in pasture and keeping your milk curve on track. If you’re using concentrates, you can fine-tune the mix in the shed or feed pad to target specific nutritional gaps, helping your herd stay healthy and perform at their best.
Managing Environmental Challenges
• Mitigate heat stress, which can affect intakes
and diet quality
• Prevent Mycotoxin risks – humidity and heat can affect intakes and feed palatability and quality
• Stay vigilant for Facial Eczema
As if changing pasture composition and challenging weather conditions weren’t enough, our animals have heat stress and toxin loading issues to deal with too.
Heat stress can have a big impact on cow performance, starting at surprisingly low temperatures and compounded by the heat generated from fibre fermentation in the rumen. Stressed cows tend to avoid fibrous feeds, opting for lush grass, crops, or meal if it’s available. Less fibre
means less rumination and saliva, which raises the risk of Sub-Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA). If left unchecked, this can impair rumen function, reduce feed efficiency, and even lead to Acute Acidosis, which can be fatal.
Preventing heat stress is crucial. Bringing cows inside during the hottest part of the day, shifting milking times to avoid peak heat, and using shady paddocks can make a big difference. Feed additives like ionophores and yeasts can also help by lowering rumen heat production and supporting fibre intake.
Warm, humid weather and poorly managed feed create perfect conditions for mould and fungus, leading to mycotoxins in the diet. These toxins can reduce feed intake, impact milk quality, and cause issues like Facial Eczema. Good pasture management reduces spore exposure, while zinc supplementation and mycotoxin binders help protect the herd.
Both heat stress and mycotoxins put unnecessary strain on your cows, cutting into milk production and making it harder to build condition. Taking a proactive approach is key to keeping your herd healthy and productive.
Simon Butler is a Nutrition Extension Specialist for SealesWinslow
*This article first appeared in Getting the Basics Right 2025 edition.
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AN INNOVATVE dairy effluent management system is being designed to help farmers improve on-farm effluent practices and reduce environmental impact.
Farm trials are underway to ensure the technology works effectively across various farming environments.
Developed by Ballance Agri-Nutrients, Plucks Engineering and Southwater, the technology aims to address a significant environmental and regulatory challenge in New Zealand’s dairy sector. In addition, the by-product of the system is a nutrient and water source that can be recycled on farm.
“Incorrect disposal of
effluent can land farmers with fines in the hundreds of thousands, and regulations restrict effluent application during rainy conditions, meaning farmers are often left with an issue to deal with,” says Stuart Kay, innovation lead at Ballance.
“This technology is designed to be a reliable, sustainable solution, transforming waste into a resource that improves compliance and lowers risk. By providing control over water and nutrients, we’re offering a pathway for more responsible and effective farm management.”
The new effluent management system, first conceptualised in 2020,
offers dairy farmers an easy way to retrofit a practical solution to meet both current and future effluent storage and regulatory demands. As regulations evolve, farmers often need to renew their
consents and invest in upgrading effluent systems to ensure adequate storage, control, and mapping.
Additionally, current regulations cap nitrogen application from effluent
at 150 N/ha/year, meaning farmers must carefully manage their land area to avoid over application per hectare. The effluent system has been developed to aid farmers to specifically meet these
This advanced system assists farmers by separating the solids from liquids, leaving farmers with pretty much nothing but clean water coming out of the system. The effluent solids are captured, contained and slowly dewatered for later use, giving farmers greater control over when they apply the nutrients to their land. The separated liquid can be reused and recycled, reducing the volume of fresh water being turned into effluent every day.
Plucks Engineering has been at the coal face of dairy effluent for nearly 30 years and says it knows and understands the burden dairy farm
effluent can impose.
“We love what we have developed together with our partners which removes all the stress for the farmer and gives them complete control of their effluent from day one, while removing all the risk and liability,” says Neil Pluck, managing director at Plucks Engineering.
Southwater’s core business is the dredging of municipal and industrial pond slurries into high-capacity dewatering systems to separate the water from solids. The project with Ballance and Plucks is a natural extension of the approach but with critical steps in the process being dairy specific.
and its Claas
Harvest Centre dealerships has taken out the Global After Sales Excellence award in Germany, during the annual Claas after sales meeting at the end of January.
The Claas Global After Sales Excellence Award was developed to express Claas’s general appreciation for their global after sales network, which spans 134 countries and
wholesale partners. The criterion for the award is based on performance within the four after-sales core functions of Customer Service Efficiency, Business Development,
Product Portfolios and Supply Chain Management.
1: Fastest Mixing Speed
- Asymmetrical mixing wedges
- Power mixing auger
- Rolled mixing chamber walls
- Consistent mix right through
3: Nationwide Backup and Support
- Four branches nationwide
- Factory trained technicians
- Significant parts stock holding
2: Longest Lasting Mixer Wagon
- Double overlapped welding
- High quality German steel
- Robust truck style chassis
- Double anti spill ring
4: Made for Me
- Over 2000 combinations
- 78 Versions
- 37 Models
“The mixer wagon is the most important machine on my farm, after the milking shed”
Christian Radons, Claas global sales director, said, “Service is the backbone of our success. Our global after-sales network strives to maximise our machines’ uptime, increase customer service efficiency, and supports our business with machine servicing, spare parts, service, and digital products. We give our customers the promise of harvest, and through our strategic objectives, build customer loyalty, growth and profitability.
“Landpower is an outstanding ambassador of our brand values and a high-performing distribution partner who is always professional in what they do to benefit New Zealand and Australian farmers.”
Across Australia and New Zealand, Landpower has developed a network that encompasses 33 Harvest Centres and 20 independent dealerships.
“We are delighted to have been recognised as an outstanding ambassador of the Claas brand values and a high-performing distribution partner.
“We have proudly represented Claas since 1987 and we are committed to providing world class service and after sales support, to go with the world class machinery we sell,” says Landpower CEO, Richard Wilson.
The award, accepted by Mike Parris, technical service manager followed his presentation to an audience of two hundred attendees at the Claas Future is Calling Conference.
LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT tech company Nedap has launched Nedap New Zealand.
Established 1929 in the Netherlands, Nedap has a long history of innovation in livestock management technology.
The company says it operates in the New Zealand market with local business partners that offer cow collars, sort gates, and cloud software powered by Nedap’s cutting-edge technology.
This expansion strengthens Nedap’s commitment to the New Zealand dairy sector, it says.
Nedap says New Zealand is a global leader in dairy production and that the adoption of advanced technology is crucial for maintaining this leadership position.
Nedap New Zealand and its partners are poised to be pivotal in supporting this industry transformation, it says.
Currently, around 18% of New Zealand farms are utilising wearable technology. However, the adoption rate is expected to rise significantly in the coming years.
Nedap’s solutions provide real-time insights into cow health, reproduction, and farm operations. They enable farmers, vets, and rural professionals to make informed decisions that enhance productivity and animal welfare. Nedap says its collar technology is crucial for seasonal calving systems, ensuring successful mating and farm efficiency.
ANYONE WHO has been round baling and released a completed bale on a slope will remember the feeling of dread as the bale gathers speed and rolls off down the hillside, hopefully to be stopped by the hedgerow or the paddock levelling out.
In some cases, that dread is shared by passing motorists as the bales clear the boundary and roll across a road. Yep, been there, done that.
German manufacturer
Krone has developed a clamp for its VariPack and VariPack Plus Series balers to prevent bales from rolling down slopes.
The speed of bale ejection with the VariPack, with the rear door opening and closing in less
WITH AN ongoing trend towards a reduction in the use of agrochemicals, more and more companies are now offering a range of mechanical weeders, to partially or fully take their place.
Early adopters, the Kverneland Group, purchased the Phenix company back in 2022 in early 2022, and more recently have decided to streamline and consolidate its French factories by closing its Arcy sur Cure factory and transferring mechanical weeding equipment production to one of its implement manufacturing sites at Les LandesGenusson.
Kverneland Group Les Landes-Genusson, known as KVG
LLG by the company, is located 50km south of Nantes and has announced a major expansion to strengthen its position in the cultivation and mechanical weeding machinery marketplace, on the back of an increasing global demand in the sector.
The expansion will double production capacity for both Kubota and Kverneland branded implements, alongside introducing larger machinery like the XL compact disc harrow, while also supporting the growing need for mechanical weeding technology as interest in sustainable farming grows.
The key areas of investment at Les Landes-Genusson
includes the acquisition of more than 17,000m² of land, taking the site area to a total area of 5.5ha, with the building footprint increasing from 13,200m² to 20,000m², offering more room for welding, painting, assembly, and the all-important prototype development.
Included in the expansion, two solar power installations on the roof and in the car park will provide a maximum of 770 kWp.
The research and development (R&D) prototype workshop itself will be increase from 645m² to 1,000m², which Kverneland believes will encourage innovation.
In the production area there will be an increase in factory automation with welding and painting robots, alongside automated guided vehicles (AGV’s) to move components and finished products throughout the plant.
The expansion is set to be completed by mid-2026.
Noting that the expansion of KVG LLG reflects a strong focus on its sense of environmental responsibility, the parent company is also active in water treatment and environmental projects, with the principle of care extending throughout the corporation. – Mark Daniel
than five seconds, allowing operators to achieve high daily outputs, is viewed as a big plus.
Unfortunately, the drawback is that bales can roll away quickly if the operator is not paying attention. The hydrauli-
cally operated clamp is designed to prevent this by securing the bale and removing its momentum as it leaves the chamber.
In operation and before the tailgate opens, the bale clamp is closed hydraulically so that the round bale is braked and fixed in place within in the clamp, before being opened in a controlled manner to set the bale down safely.
Presented as an option at the Agritechnica 2023 Event, the system has been met with great interest, especially from customers operating in the mountainous areas in southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France. Krone is now offering the bale clamp as an option for all VariPack and VariPack Plusmachines, with a retrofit kit available on request for existing machines.
The Hansen Maxflo Valve delivers the ultimate in trough valve experience. Tough, proven reliablity and the flexibility to be used in both High or Low pressure applications, it’s not difficult to see why so many farmers have embraced it. Stock Friendly Flexible Arm
Side or Bottom Entry & Multiple Arm Configurations