smaller operators amalgamating in a bid to reduce costs and stay afloat.
THE DOWNTURN in the farming sector – especially sheep and beef –is having a detrimental impact on the agricultural aviation sector.
Flying hours for aeroplanes are down from 5,800 hours in the third quarter of 2020 to 3,725 hours in the same quarter in 2024.
Tony Michelle, executive officer of the NZ Agricultural Aviation Association, says the situation remains depressed for the sector, with some ag aviation companies laying off staff and
He says for those doing dairy support work, including helicopters, there was some upsurge in activity in spring because of cold wet weather in some places with farmers needing to get nitrogen on to get the grass growing.
“So, we had a bit of a flurry around that and with sheep and beef returns
supposedly on the way upwards, there is some hope for the future,” he told Rural News.
However, he notes that the latest statistics from Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) show that profitability for the average sheep and beef farmer will be down $4,000 in the coming season. He says the other thing that’s starting to hit operators is the cuts
government made to its budget last year. He says the reduction in government spending will particularly affect helicopters that do a lot of work for government agencies such as conservation.
“Another other big thing is land use change, which is a double-edged sword. Initially, helicopter operators do the prep and support spraying and then of
course the work stops. I think the Government’s move to restrict the planting of forests on productive land is almost a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted,” he says.
Michelle says it’s estimated the maintenance level for phosphate on South Island hill country is 15 kg/ha. He says pre-Covid the amount applied was 9 kg/ha and it’s widely known that no fertiliser has gone onto hill country in the last three to four years.
WHILE MANY MPs were on holiday, Associate Agriculture Minister Andrew Hoggard was back on his dairy farm in Manawatu - his unique way of winding down. “I call it tractor therapyrecreational cultivation -something that involves me going around and around in circles on the tractor. After spending all week listening to the screaming and squealing from across the aisle in parliament it’s good to listen to the diesel engine just purring away,” he says. Story page 6
“So, the cost of bringing that land back into full production may be prohibitive. The reality is the choice may be to let it be used for forestry or for farmers to open the gates, as it were, reduce the stock units on that land from four to two and graze it,” he says.
Besides the lack of work, the other problem facing the ag aviation sector is the cost of maintaining their aircraft. Michelle says the cost of operating the PT6 engine, commonly used in Cresco and Airtractor aircraft, has increased and is expected to rise even more in the future. He says the cost of parts has gone up by 28% in the last two years and is about to go up another 6%, and a further 8% from here on.
“As a result, an operator must set aside an extra $100,000 a year to maintain their aircraft. This is in addition to rises in the price of fuel, insurance and other levies. What worries me is that some operators seem oblivious to what’s happening, because I don’t want these costs being passed onto the farmer, “he says.
Imagine there was a simple, reliable tool to help your farm prosper in 2025 and beyond, a free data hub set up decades ago to support a critical annual spending decision.
Say goodbye to grappling with the question of exactly which ryegrass to sow this autumn, and hello to the National Forage Variety Trial (NFVT) system.
Founded over 30 years ago, the NFVT involves all New Zealand’s main seed breeding companies. At any time, up to 40 different ryegrass trials are underway nationwide.
Barenbrug pasture specialist Graham Kerr says there’s no better source of robust data to clarify your cultivar choices before hitching up the seed drill.
“The NFVT is our way, and our industry’s way, of reducing the risk farmers take when they renew their pastures, so they can be confident of a good outcome.”
All NFVT results are analysed by an independent statistician, and are available online at pbra. co.nz.
They include seasonal and total dry matter yields for perennial, hybrid, Italian and annual ryegrasses presented by region, and nationally.
With good pasture more important than ever for efficient, cost-effective milk and meat production, Graham says carefully considering ryegrass choice this autumn is time well spent.
“We’re really proud that Array has remained unbeaten among diploid perennials for yield in the latest national NFVT rankings for 2024/25.”
Array is not the only stand-out, however.
Barenbrug has bred three of the top four perennials in the latest NFVT results, including Maxsyn and Tyson; 4front has topped the tetraploid ryegrasses tested, and Forge has topped the national hybrid ryegrass category, with Shogun NEA12 number two.
“These results endorse our on-
goingefforttodevelopryegrasses that both add value to today’s farm businesses, and minimise the risk of a poor result,” Graham says.
Recent industry sales figures for proprietary pasture seed are anotherendorsement.
Maxsyn is now the top selling diploid perennial ryegrass in NZ, with 4front the top selling tetraploid, and Forge
is Barenbrug's top sellinghybrid.
“Farmers themselves are recognising the value of these pastures, and repeatedly buying them for the gains they deliver.”
Cultivar choice is a critical first step in sowing strong new pasture, as it determines several things including longevity, seasonal growth and heading date.
But it is just part of the checklistforsuccess,Grahamsays.
“Pasture renewal is like a chain made up of many different links, from choosing the right paddocks, soil testing, checking for pests and achieving a good spray out right through to using thecorrectseeddrill.
“Each link is as important as the next, and if one is weak, the chainiscompromised.
“That’s why it’s always a great idea for to have someone walk the farm with you, to share ideas and come up with a robust pasture renewal plan.
“Resellerreps,consultantsand contractorsareallreallyhelpfulin this context. Our Barenbrug area managers are always available to support you too, along with offering a free pasture health check.”
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A SIGNIFICANT rise in Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction last week has prompted one bank to lift its forecast milk price for the season to above Fonterra’s mid-point.
ASB now believes New Zealand dairy farmers will get a record $10.25/ kgMS for their milk this season.
The bank’s senior economist, Chris Tennent-Brown notes that they have been cautious about the price outlook over December and early January, but recent developments have made them more confident.
“Accordingly, we’ve lifted our forecast for the current season to $10.25/kgMS,” he says.
A strong GDT auction last
week, where whole milk prices rose significantly across all the key contracts, has been a catalyst for them to nudge their 2024-25 milk price forecast from slightly below the mid-point of Fonterra’s $9.50-$10.50 forecast range, to above that $10 midpoint.
The 5% lift in whole milk powder prices, puts it at its highest average price on the platform since June 2022.
Tennent-Brown cautions that there’s another four months left this season and prices could still move.
“Although the peak period of production is behind us, there’s still a lot of moving parts that can influence where the milk price ends up,” says Tennent-Brown.
“Production over the season to date is up 3.7% on the same period a year earlier, but the coming months’
FOUNDATION FOR Arable Research
(FAR) chief executive Dr Alison Stewart is stepping down in June this year after seven years in the role.
Announcing her resignation, Stewart says she has thoroughly enjoyed her time at FAR and will be sad to say goodbye to a sector that has impressed her immensely with its diversity, sustainability and resilience.
production still typically account for over 1/3 of the overall volume for the season.
“There is still a lot of products to sell, and the usual uncertainty about how strong production growth can be over the months ahead.
“A lot of regions could do with a drink, as NIWA’s soil moisture deficit charts have been showing.”
Tennent-Brown says forecast rain last week in some parts of the North Island would have welcomed by farmers.
Another factor that could help the milk price this season is the low NZ dollar.
Tennent-Brown says the bulk of the foreign exchange (FX) hedging for this season should be done, by their estimates at a rate about 1c lower than last year.
“Having led FAR through the implementation of several major initiatives, including signing up to the GIA for Biosecurity Readiness and Response, introducing the new knowledge exchange platform ‘Growers Leading Change’ and establishing Cultivate Ventures, an industry led investment fund, it is now time to move on.”
Stewart says she plans to continue working in a science advisory and board director capacity and is looking forward to sharing her knowledge and experience of the New Zealand science and agricultural sectors with up and coming leaders.
FAR board chair Steven Bierema thanked Stewart for the “great contribution” she has made to FAR and the wider arable industry.
“In a changing world, Alison has been a driving force, encouraging the arable industry to adapt and to adopt changes using science-
He adds that the low NZD can help this year’s milk price at the margin but can be a bigger help for the next season if the weakness continues and is captured as they expect within Fonterra’s FX hedging.
“A sub 0.6000 rate is possible for the 2025-26 season,” he says.
NZX dairy analyst Rosalind Crickett notes that last week’s GDT auction saw North Asia returning to the platform with a greater buying presence accounting for 38% of volume.
“Interestingly as well, Europe doubled its product purchases on the last time – the recent outbreak of limited Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) coupled with ongoing Bluetongue Virus (BTV) could well be the driver here,” she says.
based solutions.
“With great passion, Alison has worked with her team to make FAR the go-to organisation for arable research and information and a workplace where the whole team feels at home.
“She has worked hard to develop strong communication pathways with both government agencies and industry partners. She always sought a collaborative solution, but wouldn’t shy away from standing up for our industry when required.
“Personally, I feel privileged to have worked with Alison; as a fellow northern European, I appreciated her direct approach.”
The board will begin the recruitment process shortly.
KIWIFRUIT AND fresh produce handler Seeka will be bouncing back from strongly from a big financial loss in 2023.
The listed company expects 2024 full year earnings to be between $27.5 million and $31.5m. In 2023, Seeka posted a $21m loss and $6.5m profit in 2022.
In a release to the NZ Stock Exchange last week, Seeka chief executive Michael Franks says the increased earnings reflect a strong close-out to the year, through lowerthan-expected overhead costs and higher than anticipated income in December.
“The market guidance is based on unaudited financial results and the audited financial statements are expected to be released late February,” says Franks.
Seeka operates a fully integrated orchard-tomarket service, delivering premium produce to retailers and wholesalers, both in New Zealand and overseas.
The company’s New Zealand product lines include kiwifruit, kiwiberries and Hass avocados: in Australia it is the largest producer of Hayward kiwifruit and Nashi pears and produce a range of European
pears and plums.
Like other NZ horticulture companies, Seeka endured a tough 2023 as a warm wet winter, cyclones and hail significantly impacted orchards.
Yields were down across the industry, with Seeka only handling 30 million trays of class 1
While Seeka’s operations performance
and point of sale was impressive, the large drop in kiwifruit volumes reduced Seeka’s revenue for 2023 to $301 million, down from $348 million
in 2022.
Seeka responded to the seasonal downturn by suspending dividends and reducing overheads. This included establishing a captive insurance structure to slow the impact of rising insurance costs. Having completed several post-harvest automation projects, Seeka also reduced its capital expenditure. Last June, Seeka’s bankers provided a new $201 million sustainability-linked loan facility that included covenant waivers that allow Seeka to focus on restoring profitability.
PETER BURKE peterb@ruralnews.co.nz
EXPORTERS NEED to understand that India should not be seen as just one country to export to, rather a country of many unique states and regions.
“NZ can’t assume that it will have more liberal trade with India because we want it. We need to invest in the relationship first and foremost and develop that over time rather than expecting a quick liberalised trade agreement.”
That’s one of the findings of a group of horticulture exporters who visited the country last month.
The ‘reconnaissance mission’ before Christmas included representatives of kiwifruit, apples and
pears, onions and avocado sectors, and the Horticulture Export Authority.
One of the organisers of the trip, Onions NZ chief executive James Kuperus, says the main purpose of the trip was to be there to look, learn and listen and find out how everything in India operates.
“And that’s what we achieved,” he told Rural News
Kuperus says that firstly people shouldn’t look at India as a substitute market for China. He says the two are completely different in terms of their markets, their economies and their way of operating.
“But what is clear is that the Indian economy is doing extremely well and, with the increased purchasing power, some Indian consumers are changing their spending habits and buying more imported products and that is positive for NZ horticulture.
“But we have to be realistic and understand that it is a market that will evolve over time,” he says.
Kuperus is quick to point out an important factor that NZ will have to navigate: that India has hundreds of millions of farmers who form a significant voter block. He says any policy direction around trade that could impact on their prosperity would be difficult for the Indian
THE ONION harvest in NZ is now underway and is expected to reach its peak soon.
James Kuperus says the quality of the crop looks good which is important for the export trade. He says quality is something that NZ prides itself on.
Overall, the growing season for the crop has been good despite some cold wet weather in some regions which slowed growth a little.
“It hasn’t been a home run of a season but most people describe the weather as being kind and forgiving,” he says.
On the export front, the early news is encouraging with good interest from Taiwan in particular. But the biggest gain has been the coming into force of the NZ/ EU FTA which has seen the 9.6% tariff on our onion exports there removed – a saving of $3 million a year to NZ growers. Kuperus says the industry is very grateful for the work of politicians and trade negotiators who secured the FTA.
“NZ can’t assume that it will have more liberal trade with India because we want it. We need to invest in the relationship first and foremost and develop that over time rather than expecting a quick liberalised trade agreement,” he says.
Another factor that will need to be resolved before NZ can export some of its high value horticultural crops in India is to get a direct air freight link there. Currently NZ apple and kiwifruit exports attract a tariff rate of 50% and 30% respectively.
Kuperus says the full potential of the Indian market probably won’t be realised until the air link is in place –something he believes is not that far away.
A steep learning curve, a very busy year and thank heavens for tractor therapy. That’s how Associate Agriculture Minister Andrew Hoggard described his first year in Parliament to reporter Peter Burke at his dairy farm in the Manawatu during the holiday break.
ALTHOUGH AN experienced politician, having spent 18 years with Federated Farmers before standing for the ACT part at the last election, Andrew Hoggard says he not only had to learn how Parliament in general runs, but also the ins and outs of what’s required for being a minister.
“At the ministerial level there is whole layer
of rules, procedures and processes that you must follow. Then there is the learning to do with my own portfolios –especially the biosecurity space – and getting an understanding of all the threats that are out there and our preparedness for them,” he says.
Hoggard says global issue of bird flu and what has been happening in the US, combined with
TRADITIONALLY THE second year in office of any government is the ‘doing year’. For a newly elected government such as this coalition, the first year in office is about dealing with high priorities and then figuring out the next set of actions and moving quickly to enact new legislation and reforms.
While Treaty of Waitangi debates may be the headline issue, some very important changes are in the wind that have implications for the wider agriculture sector and Andrew Hoggard will have a part to play in many of these.
“Probably the big work this year will be the RMA. I am on the ministerial groups for the new National Environment Standards (NES) for freshwater and RMA, so those will be pretty heavy workstreams and some big decisions will have to be made there.
“Then there is the National Policy Statement on indigenous biodiversity vegetable growing and water shortage; ones where I have got the sign off on the environmental side,” he says.
The other big issue on the agenda for Hoggard is a bill to allow the resumption of live animal exports by sea. He also
the outbreak of H7N6 at a free-range poultry farm in Otago, has kept him on his toes. He says the issues that he’s been dealing with as a minister are like the ones he was involved with while at Fed Farmers but now these are in a different forum.
“Previously I’d be rocking down to Wellington for a day and then going home to
expects a lot of discussion around climate change and how NZ should sit in relation to what other countries are doing. He says gene technology is another issue and says it’ll be interesting to see where people go on this.
“Personally, I want as many options as I can for my farming system, and if there are other people out in the world using these, then I want to use them,” he says
Hoggard says the role of government should be to determine whether a technology is ‘safe’ and not to make the marketing decisions on its use. He says if say Fonterra believes it’s better to be GE free, that should be their decision, but if other companies have a different take, that’s their call.
“The idea of government doing the marketing has never worked and never will,” he says.
In terms of the outlook for the season, Hoggard says dairy looks good but warns that every time there’s been a good time, a bad one can follow and it’s a roller coaster cycle that all farmers and growers are aware of. He says the outlook for red meat sector is showing signs of recovery and there are positive signs for kiwifruit.
milk the cows the next morning. But now I am staying in the capital three nights a week and I have more control over the outcomes of the issues, as opposed to the past where in many cases I was beating myself against a brick wall,” he says.
Now Hoggard says he’s enjoyed being able to make changes to some of the things that have troubled many farmers, including himself. One of these is stock exclusion rules which the industry itself had addressed and was putting unnecessary pressure on extensive sheep and beef farmers, being completely unworkable. He says in the case of the latter, a few cattle or sheep walking through a stream to get to the next paddock was going to cause at best minimal
impact. The other issue he’s been dealing with is winter grazing rules – rules he describes as a complete overreach by government – and
the removal of the ETS backstop provision.
Hoggard also believes that the pause on freshwater farm plans to get a better system
WHILE MANY MP’s have been busy taking holidays in maybe exotic places, for Andrew Hoggard it’s back to his old job as a dairy farmer during the so called ‘summer break’.
He says he’s being using the time to fill in for his staff as they take their holidays, but some of his plans have been thwarted by the rain which has been something of a constant in the Manawatu.
He says he planned to reinstate some fences that got taken down
Two days of exhibits, demonstrations &
when he had new staff accommodation built on the property. But he says doing carpentry with power tools in the wet was not a goer and his plans were running behind schedule.
But the transition from Feds to Parliament has allowed Hoggard to indulge in politics for a little longer.
He admits that life without some involvement in politics would have driven him ‘stir crazy’ and forced him to watch TV news and scream at the television.
in place and remove duplication of effort will benefit farmers. He says farm plans are fundamentally good tools for farmers.
Parliament is described by some as a ‘zoo’ and Hoggard has his own unique way of winding down after a week in it.
“I call it tractor therapy - recreational cultivation -something that involves me going around and around in circles on the tractor. After spending all week listening to the screaming and squealing from across the aisle in Parliament it’s good to listen to the diesel engine just purring away,” he says.
POPULATIONS OF fall armyworm
are two to three weeks more advanced than they have been in previous seasons, bringing calls for maize and sweetcorn growers to scout their crops as often as possible.
Foundation for Arable Research biosecurity officer Ash Mills says that second generation fall armyworm (FAW) have already been observed in Northland, where small populations have been widespread since November. While FAW population densities in maize crops are reaching up to 10% in small hotspots in the region, these levels remain below economic thresholds where maize growers would consider the use of pesticides for management.
Adult moths have also been observed in the Tasman region, with second-generation larvae expected in maize crops shortly. FAW has also been confirmed in Auckland and Waikato, as well as the South Island’s West Coast, with possible findings in the Bay of Plenty and Gisborne.
Actively scouting crops and monitoring for any signs of FAW presence allows growers time to assess infestations and consider
numbers in terms of economic damage and treatment thresholds. Economic thresholds vary depending on crop, end use and growth stage. For example, damage to maize silage crops is unlikely to cause a severe economic loss, whereas any pest damage on sweetcorn cobs intended for human consumption will.
“Scouting is the number one effective tool for identifying pests and damage levels. The window of time from egg laying to the early larval stage, when FAW is small and susceptible on leaves is very short. Once FAW larvae are bigger and move into the whorl of the plant, identification and, if necessary, control, become more difficult,” Mills says.
It is also important not to confuse FAW with other maize pests, particularly Cosmopolitan armyworm and corn earworm which can also cause damage.
Overuse of chemicals can disrupt beneficial insects such as the parasitoid wasp Cotesia ruficrus and generalist predators such as spiders, which help manage egg and early larval stages of FAW.
“Early detection allows for timely
decisions, whether relying on natural predators or implementing targeted interventions, to minimise losses while protecting beneficial insect populations.”
Mills encourages maize and sweetcorn growers to share experiences with their neighbours,
as well as talking to their advisor; communication at a local, regional and national level are important to learn how to manage this pest.
Up to three generations of FAW have been recorded in Northland in previous years, but early indications suggest that up to four generations are
likely this season. Living up to its fall armyworm name, this means bigger numbers and potentially more damage as populations multiply in autumn or “fall”.
“Maize crops are looking great now, and early indications suggest that that parasitism rates of FAW larvae are increasing as the season progresses and the pest population grows.
“In more tropical climates, five or six generations of FAW can develop in a season; this is when severe crop damage occurs. Modelling shows that New Zealand is not expected to get five generations, but this year we will likely get four. However, it is also anticipated that by the time that happens, most crops will have been harvested,” Mills says.
A Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures (SFFF) project, led by FAR and supported by Vegetables NZ is covering a range of topics including identifying economic thresholds for chemical control for maize silage, maize grain and sweetcorn and investigating FAW specific integrated pest management strategies.
NOT ALL stakeholders involved in the proposed merger of honey industry groups – ApiNZ and Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA) combining to form a larger organisation –think the deal is so sweet.
In mid-2004, a proposal was announced to merge the two organisations and form the New Zealand Honey Association (NZHA).
While there has been a lot of buzz since the announcement, not all in the apiary industry are backing the proposal.
NZ Beekeeping director and current ApiNZ member Jane Lorimer has been involved in the apiary industry for over 30 years. President of ApiNZ precursor organisation National Beekeeping Association from 2002-2007, from when ApiNZ first started to form in the mid 2010’s, she felt that ApiNZ had always had troubles with structure
and membership.
“At that time a lot of us said we don’t really know how apiculture trying to represent everyone from hobby beekeepers, commercial beekeepers, packers and marketers under one umbrella will work because requirements are quite different for beekeepers vs. the marketers,” she told Rural News.
Around the same time, Lorimer also joined the Honeybee Society which evolved into the current NZ Beekeeping organisation.
Tom Walters, director
of the NZ Honey Export Group and Australian Manuka Honey Association, Maori Research Institute CEO and ApiNZ member, is another significant voice against this proposed restructure. He has claimed that conflict of interests between industry leaders sitting on multiple boards and vague submissions processes have left ordinary beekeepers shut out.
“I’m with grassroots beekeepers on a daily basis and they don’t really understand the complications involved
Don’t put good fertiliser on compacted soil which can’t absorb it. If your soil can’t support 15cm root growth and good worm population check for compaction. You could need aeration. In dollar terms, what would 20% production increase mean to your yearly turnover?
in this proposed merger, but they could be very detrimental to those very people who don’t understand.”
Lorimer corroborates these statements, saying that UMFHA beekeeper colleagues of hers remain unsure of details.
“We’re told that ApiNZ and UMFHA are going to have their special meetings, but the detail has not come out. They’ve got an overview of where they’d like to go, but how it’s going to get there, I think they don’t really know themselves.
“If I was a member of UMFHA I would be saying ‘our role is to protect our UMF brand. We have spent so much money in doing this that we don’t want it to be diluted by doing other activities.”
As previously reported in Rural News, one of the goals of the prospective NZHA would be to double the value of honey exports by 2030. However, with a downturn in honey returns since 2017, partially attributed to a glut of supply and falling demand, there have been concerns that the needs of beekeepers are being pushed aside to shore up the value of honey exporters.
Lorimer points to the value of bees as pollinators, either in horticulture or seed production, as integral to New Zealand’s predominantly
agricultural economy.
“Pollination is really our biggest role as beekeepers,” she says. “Whether that is in paid horticultural pollination or seed production, as well as the unpaid colonisation that our bees do on clover. Without bees, our economy would suffer greatly.
“They have stated in their proposed strategy that UMFHA in the new entity will concentrate on exports and manuka. That is basically going to lead to beekeepers looking for a new voice for governance.”
Particularly drawing the ire of Walters and Lorimer was a statement in the draft constitution that would seek out wider honey industry levies, mandatory for member (UMF levy) and non-member alike (manuka levy).
“It’s anticompetitive,” says
JANE LORIMER points out that with the industry at perhaps its lowest point in recent memory with oversupply, low pricing and varroa infestations, individual beekeepers’ funds are low.
“Anything that we are levied on needs to be well considered and targeted for all to contribute. Whether that’s possible at the moment, I don’t think so, and it remains to be seen in the future whether we can get something done that will fund the industry reasonably well,” she told Rural News.
In the past, Kiwi manuka honey industries have attempted to sue Australian producers over the rights to the name manuka honey. While broadly unsuccessful, wording in a new press release implies that the new organisation will continue to put resources towards these legal battles; with the costs passed on to producers.
“The result of the manuka court case was so glaringly obvious about what was going on; a few people being downright greedy and trying to up the value of manuka honey,” opined Tom Walters.
He says the Manuka Charitable Trust and Te Pitau received a grant from the government to challenge the manuka honey court case.
“All those expenses to me seem to be
Walters. “UMF has, one way or another, always tried to convince the industry that we should be on board and pay them for this extra quality control they claim is important to the industry.
“Wherever we are, we still have to go through very rigorous MPI quality control. Those tests are not cheap. UMFHA are charging us for something we already do.”
going in the wrong direction for the wrong purposes.”
Lorimer says that while exporters trying to have the best sales at least expense is perfectly standard business practice, “[current practices] are bringing the beekeepers to a point where it’s not sustainable for us at the moment because costs have increased so incredibly, but our returns have gone down”.
Walters says he only wants to make high value manuka honey more affordable to wider markets. “Make it better and expend more in research rather than more in paying levies which is what UMFHA do.”
While Walters also sits on the Australian Manuka Honey Association as a director, he says his loyalties are to New Zealand interests and Maori rights in particular.
“On the AMHA board the only area that I address is around working better with New Zealand. I try to divorce myself from everything else.
“In terms of my allegiance to NZ, I think if you just look at our landholdings and the work I do for Maori land access for beekeeping, my allegiance is pretty strong to NZ beekeepers.”
ApiNZ didn’t wish to comment while UMFHA comment wasn’t received in time for this article.
PETER BURKE peterb@ruralnews.co.nz
CANADA’S BLATANT manipulation of international trade rules around the export of subsidised dairy products is likely to escalate further with the new Trump administration now in the White House.
Just a week ago the Dairy Companies Association of NZ (DCANZ) joined forces with similar organisations in the US and Australia in writing to their respective agriculture ministers over Canada’s dumping of subsidised dairy products on the world market. The move is distorting the market and affecting dairy farmers’ returns in other dairy exporting countries such as NZ.
NZ’s Agriculture Minister Todd McClay says his government shares their concerns and says he’s previously raised objections with
Canada. He says he’s now instructed his trade officials to engage with their counterparts in Australia and the USA on Canada’s practices and asked for an assessment of any harm that is being causing in international markets.
“We will be exploring what action we might take jointly, in particular with the new administration in the US, against harmful Canadian dairy trade practices,” he told Rural News.
This issue, according to DCANZ executive director Kimberly Crewther, is different and bigger than the other beef NZ has with Canada which is blocking NZ exports to Canada under an existing agreement through the of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership ( CPTTP). Under CPTTP rules, Canada is required to give NZ access to its market and despite NZ winning a mediation dispute to have access,
AT THE heart of this latest action by Canada is the lengths their government is going to curry favour with their lifestyle-like domestic dairy industry – average herd size a mere 89 cows. And it’s not the first time the Canadians have done this, effectively dumping heavily subsidised milk powder on the international market to the detriment of unsubsidised NZ producers.
According to DCANZ’s Kimberly Crewther, what the Canadian Dairy Commission, a government enacted organisation, is doing is setting up an internal system that manipulates the price downwards so that dairy producing companies can buy milk from farmers at cut prices, enabling them to undercut other international exporters.
“The price that the processors can buy the milk from farmers is roughly half the cost of producing that milk. This means that Canadian milk products that would otherwise be uncompetitive are out there competing against us,” she says.
New US president Donald Trump has signalled that he will apply tariffs on Canada. But aside of that rhetoric, there lurks an agreement called the ‘United StatesMexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)’ – effectively a free trade agreement between the three countries –which is coming up for renegotiation. Previously this agreement had a clause preventing this sort of action by Canada, but to get around this, the Canadians simply changed the type of milk in the agreement from class 7 to class A4 and went back to its policy of subsidies again.
It’s possible that the present row involving the US, Australia and NZ could become part of this process as well.
Canada blatantly refused to budge. This dispute has been going on for almost two years and has been the subject of several mediations, all of which have been won
by NZ but which Canada has refused to comply with.
McClay says NZ will continue to peruse legal action under the CPTPP and, with the impending
change of prime minister in Canada, will take the opportunity to urge the new administration to address our concerns and stop these harmful dairy practices.
Successful forage brassica and pasture production is highly dependent on the first six weeks of a plant’s life. Ultrastrike® and Superstrike® seed treatments include insecticides, fungicides and nutrients to maximise seedling establishment, helping to deliver higher yields and improved animal production.
THE AUSTRALIAN goatmeat industry set new record for production and exports last year.
For the calendar year, exports smashed the previous Australian record (set in 2014) of 35,778 tonnes shipped weight (swt), hitting 51,488 tonnes swt.
Meat and Livestock Australia market insights analyst Emiliano Diaz says that globally Australia represents a fraction of the goatmeat produced.
“However, with the majority of Australia’s production exported, our standing as the number one goatmeat exporter in the world is cemented,” says Diaz. Underpinning the record export volumes achieved in 2024 was a mammoth increase in production, which, from January to September (the most recent data available), accounted for 2.55 million goats processed.
This marked a 23% increase in slaughter compared to the same period in 2023. The first nine months of 2024
alone were enough to position the year at the highest processed volume, based on a 4% increase in the total number of animals processed for the full 2023 year, which was the previous record.
“With the majority of Australia’s production exported, our standing as the number one goatmeat exporter in the world is cemented.”
Diaz says this remarkable growth can be attributed to favourable weather conditions in key goat-producing regions and the reopening and expansion of goat processing plants. As a result, 2024 averaged an impressive weekly processing rate of more than 58,000 head with peaks reaching over
70,000 head. This was a significant jump from the previous high weekly average in 2023 of almost 40,000 head.
Diaz says production increase has been witnessed across the board, with all key production states increasing slaughter yearon-year. According to the latest slaughter data (January to September), Victoria remains the largest processing state, accounting for 44% of all Australian goatmeat, followed by Queensland at 27%, and then NSW at 26%. Strong growth was seen in NSW, with an increase in processed volume of more than double.
Increased production capacity and strong demand from key international markets also created the perfect conditions for a bumper year. Between January and December last year, 51,488 tonnes swt of goatmeat were exported globally. This was more than a 52% increase on 2023 and 44% more than the previous export record-breaking calendar year, 2014.
The US remains Australia’s largest goatmeat export market, comprising 54% of all exports at 27,559 tonnes swt in 2024. This was the highest shipped volume to a single market on record. Korea ranked second, with a fiveyear continued growth demand seen with a new all-time high of 8,639 tonnes swt. Mainland
China continues to be in the top three with a notable 5,161 tonnes swt, demonstrating a sustained demand for Australian goatmeat. The fourth and fifth biggest markets were Canada with 2,632 tonnes swt and Taiwan with 2,008 tonnes swt.
The majority of exported goatmeat continues to be frozen,
either as a whole carcase or a six-way split, with a mix of skin-on and skinoff depending on the market.
Diaz says the increased processing capacity and plant specialisation set a ‘new normal’ with higher production and export volumes. There continues to be a strong appetite for Australian goat
NFF says this year’s Federal Election will be a defining moment for Australian agriculture.
The possibility of a minority Australian government, global trade uncertainty with Donald Trump at the helm of the US, and the climate targets hurled at farmers could all have an impact on sector this year, says National Farmers Federation president David Jochinke.
In an article first published on Farm Online, Jochinke says elections are expected before May 17 and the NFF is hitting the ground running.
“Our policy team is working closely with our members to develop the industry’s asks for our current and future political representatives’ consideration.
“I know how sensitive our industry is to being perceived as ‘whinging farmers’, but the harsh truth is there is a long list of challenges that
urgently need federal attention.
“If the next government can get policy settings right for agriculture, it will give Australia’s productivity slump a leg up in the right direction. Also, we all know getting these things right can also position agriculture to directly influence the cost of living situation all Australians are sorely feeling.”
He singled out taxes as the one of the main issues.
The proposed ‘super tax’ could be the first cab off the rank this sitting year when both houses return next month to Canberra. The Government attempted to rush the super tax through parliament in the dying moments of 2024, but was ultimately unsuccessful, thanks to a handful of crossbench senators.
“We believe the super tax would be disastrous for the thousands of families who set up self-managed superannuation funds for their farm’s
future. We urge the government to reshape this policy before the election,” Jochinke says.
“We’re also seeking commitments to maintain the diesel fuel rebate.
Industry is backed by economists in the predication any changes to the treatment of fuel tax credits will cost Australian families and businesses. Then there’s the Biosecurity Protection Levy. This
must be scrapped once and for all and replaced with a new funding model developed with industry.
“At every barbecue across regional Australia, usually the first topic that comes up is the state of our roads, which is why we are calling for $1 billion to address the freight supply chain issues plaguing our industry. Current road and rail infrastructure is inefficient and often unsafe. It’s time
meat from international markets, demonstrating the ability to absorb the increased supply.
“If prices and the global trade environment remain stable, the Australian industry is well-placed to leverage the quality of Australian goatmeat to meet customer and consumer needs in the future,” says Diaz.
to invest heavily to save time, money, and most importantly, lives.
“Telecommunications are still treated as a luxury and not a necessity in the bush. This must change. We’re hopeful the Regional Telecommunications Review recommendations will be fully implemented, one of which is to develop a Regional Telecommunications Strategy.
“Australian ag industry remains steadfast in its opposition to the policy to phase out live sheep exports by sea. We will continue to petition the reinstatement of this trade in West Australia.”
Workforce woes continue to be a thorn in productivity’s side. The NFF wants to see the implementation of a dedicated farm visa, ensuring the Working Holiday Maker program continues, and the winding back of harmful Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme changes.
Tawera Nikau is set to inspire, celebrate and entertain at the East Coast Farming Expo’s very popular Property Brokers Evening Muster.
Tawera has fitted more into his life than most. He played 19 tests for New Zealand, was captain of the New Zealand Māori team at the Rugby League World Cup, is an NZ Legends of League inductee, president of New Zealand Rugby League, a selector for the Kiwis, a life member of the Melbourne Storm (2023), TV star, a dairy farmer and more.
But at the very heart of all that drives him is his family. “Everyone goes through tough times, but for me, having some focus in your children and the next generation is key,” he said.
“I had a great family upbringing and as you
get a bit older you start to think about what your parents said to you when you were growing up –not that you listened at the time – about respect and family values.”
He grew up in a farming community that taught him about people, community and helping.
“I love speaking at events like the Expo because it is talking to like-minded people and sharing our stories… everyone has a story.”
For him, it is about talking from the heart.
“Community starts at home for me. There are always challenges to get through, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
He encourages farmers to take time for themselves, and most importantly, always have someone to talk to.
“Most Kiwi men don’t like talking about stuff
but it is important to put your hand up and ask for help when you need it. My coach got me to go to counselling. I resisted it – like a typical male – but I had to go and I know I wouldn’t be in this space if it wasn’t for someone coming along and helping.”
Tawera is heavily involved in his whānau farms in the Waikato, including dairy and cropping farms, and they’re now developing a solar farm. “It is pretty awesome,” he says.
All the farms and close by and he visits them daily. “My life has come a full circle.”
He always knew he would come home. His grandmother had a vision about what he would do and be, and everything she predicted has come true. “I am now back on the land where I was brought up by her.”
Tawera’s world changed dramatically in 2004 when he lost his leg due to complications after a motorbike accident. It took him on quite a different journey to his high-performance sport world but one that is still hugely rewarding. He is an ambassador for the Achilles Foundation which gives people with disabilities an opportunity
to take part in mainstream events. He’s done the New York Marathon three times and completed the Oxfam 100km Taupo Trail Walker, raising funds for the charity.
Tawera was appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (2006) for his services to rugby league and the community and recognised as an emerging leader by the Sir Peter Blake Trust (2011).
He’s looking forward to his trip to Wairoa which including visiting his aunt. “I am excited to see her and connecting with the local community.”
And he says if one person walks away from his chat with a few takeaways that can help, then that’s a big win.
Property Brokers Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne manager rural and lifestyle Mike Heard says the rural community
is the “lifeblood” of New Zealand. “For us to fly our flag alongside is really important as we are part of that community too,” he says.
Tawera is at the twoday Wairoa event thanks to Gisborne-based Corson Maize, one of three seed brands of PGG Wrightson Seeds.
National business manager Graeme Austin says the company is pleased to be able to support growers and farmers at “such a positive event”.
“We know times have been tough on the East Coast for the last couple of years,” says Graeme.
“Tawera is an outstanding individual who as a sportsperson, family man and farmers has also been through his own triumphs and tragedies.”
National research manager Mike Turner says Tawera will bring a special energy to the muster.
“He’s down to earth and very relatable, especially with New Zealand farmers and crop producers as he owns a dairy farm and grows a fair amount of crop in his own right,” said Mike.
“He is a classic Kiwi icon who has the ability to change the dynamic in a room just by his presence.”
WITHOUT DOUBT, a priority of the Government this year will be to gain traction on the elusive free trade deal with India.
After all, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has promised an FTA with India in this term. It seems the push for an FTA is not only coming from Wellington. New Delhi, for its part, has written to major Indian businesses seeking their views on negotiating an FTA with NZ.
NZ’s two-way trade with India was valued at $2.93 billion in the year to June. To put that in perspective, India ranks 12th in terms of trading partners. New Zealand’s two-way trade with China, NZ’s largest trading partner, was valued at $37.84b.
Current exports to India consist mainly of wood products, wool, and fruit. Dairy products – New Zealand’s biggest export earner – barely feature due to India’s protective tariffs.
During its first year the Government was determined to make a difference. Luxon has spoken twice with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi and has secured an invite to visit New Delhi this year. Trade Minister Todd McClay has met his Indian counterpart six times – the latest meeting taking place in India last month.
However, securing a deal with India will be tricky. Agricultural access, particularly for dairy products, remains the biggest challenge. India’s dairy sector employs millions of small farmers and carries enormous political significance. The livelihoods of more than 150 million people depend on India’s dairy industry. Any changes will always be highly political.
There’s a school of thought that NZ should follow Australia’s lead. The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement, signed in 2022, delivered significant market access while respecting Indian sensitivities. Australian exporters now enjoy tariff-free access for products like sheep meat and many horticultural goods.
Last month a NZ hort sector delegation visited India to engage with government officials. India has long safeguarded its farmers against the perceived threat of dairy imports with previous governments treating market access for dairy and other key agricultural exports as a ‘red line’ of sorts for negotiations.
But there have been hints that the current government may be willing to take a more pragmatic approach for the benefit of other sectors.
The potential of a market with nearly 1.5 billion people opening up for our products is just what NZ’s hort and red meat sectors need.
“Edna wants us looking our best for the animal rights people secretly filming shearing gangs.”
SOME COMMENTATORS across the ditch reckon the second Trump administration’s anticipated trade protectionism, coupled with China’s economic fragility, poses a significant risk for Australia’s agricultural export industries. They fear Trump’s rigid stance on tariffs could destabilise global trade flows and intensify China’s economic slowdown, “creating cascading impacts on Australian beef, wool, cotton, barley, and dairy sectors”. The Hound takes what any Aussie says with a grain of salt, but if this holds water, NZ will also be affected. Like us, Australia’s overreliance on China leaves it vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks. To mitigate risks, Australian & NZ producers would benefit by doubling down on diversifying trade partnerships through FTAs, particularly in India, Indonesia, the UK, and Southeast Asia.
MEDIA LUVVIES have pigeonholed the Taxpayers Union (TPU) as some right-wing lobby, but as far as this old mutt can tell, the TPU focuses on shaming poor behaviour and wasteful spending by those that govern us, no matter who’s in power. You’d be right in thinking that’s like shooting fish in a barrel, such is the disregard of the taxpayer by the elected (and unelected) in government. Anyway, left, right or neutral, the TPU has kicked off 2025 with some doozies: MBIE spent $500,012 coaching staff how to sit at their desks correctly; over 4 years, ACC has paid $217,674 for 255 claims by ‘victims’ bitten by police dogs while doing a runner; and over 6 months, the Ministry of Maori Development saw 217 instances of staff accessing porn on the job (the Ministry of Women had 1).
PRODUCTION: David Ferguson .................Ph 027 272 5372 davef@ruralnews.co.nz
Becky Williams ......................Ph 021 100 4381 beckyw@ruralnews.co.nz
THE NEW Public Service
Commissioner Sir Brian Roche has just had the hallelujah moment of the 21st century in his candid review of the NZ public service. He says departments lack clarity about their core business, hold endless meaningless meetings, are strangled by too many layers of management, too much duplication and no focus on outcomes. Sir Brian has hit the nail on the head and the Hound wonders why past public service chiefs haven’t come to this same conclusion decades ago. This old mutt has been around a few government departments over the years and reckons it’s a miracle anything useful gets done in some departments. It was said that the late Mike Moore had the answer: a rubber stamp with one word on it – ‘bullshit’ – a stamp he applied to the worst of the official reports he received.
Want to share your opinion or gossip with the Hound? Send your emails to: hound@ruralnews.co.nz
BACK IN the 1960s and ‘70s, and even into the ‘80s, successive National government Agriculture Ministers and Trade Ministers were at the top of the cabinet rankings. People like Duncan MacIntyre, a farmer and war hero, were close to the top and, at one stage, MacIntyre was deputy PM. But after the Muldoon era, both Labour and National have pushed the ag portfolio well down the pecking order, and as we see in the PM’s latest cabinet reshuffle, Todd McClay is ranked 10th out of 13 – just above the Minister For Mental Health and well below Ministers with responsibility for the arts, hospitality, the public service, prisons and universities. How times have changed. National is often considered ‘the farmers’ party’, so should farmers feel aggrieved that the person representing their efforts in earning the bulk of our export revenue is treated like this?
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I TRUST that this New Year has kicked off well for you.
Things are looking brighter for the rural sector now than they were this time last year. The difference in the schedules is reason enough to be more optimistic.
More years ago, than I can remember, I heard one of those quotes that you just never seem to forget. British historian, the late Lord Acton said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
I found much I could agree with in those few wise words and still do. Over the years though I have wondered about it from time to time; thoughts like - is this always the case 100% of the time or can there be exceptions? Can someone have the strength of character to withstand
Much more recently I came across some comments that settled it for me. Double Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Robert A Caro did not think it was always correct. He said, “What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals”.
My take on it now is influenced a little by this comment of his. I think there will always be exceptions, even if they may be few! I also understand that power
will merely unmask who a person truly is.
Now, when this very stuff comes up for discussion, most people think of politics and politicians. That’s right! And there are many valid reasons for that.
I have both heard and read many times that politics is all about power. And how to keep hold of it once you have it. Of course, globally, history has no shortage of examples for exactly this.
I well remember when the former Soviet Union broke up. Many of you too will remember when that rather infamous Iron Curtain was finally pulled down. The folks in those countries behind the curtain were shocked and stunned to learn and to finally see for themselves what the West was like.
Their own governments had blocked
and censored the truth for decades, totally controlling the narrative. They had lied to their own people. Please don’t try and convince me they did all that for the good and wellbeing of their own ‘we the people!’
To my knowledge, the first government to open a special office for disinformation was the Soviet Union. That office opened in 1923. The bigshot ‘influencer’ at the time was none other than Joseph Stalin.
If you are one of the seemingly declining number of people who can think for yourself, then “say no more” would be a good answer to that. You’ve got it figured!
The two words, disinformation and misinformation, used to be rare in the news and in public media but not now. Governments use them
It is never a good thing when any government gets outside certain boundaries. Blocking and censuring the narrative, or opposing and smearing those that don’t see it as they do, always has an agenda behind it.
Controlling the science by telling the sheeple “the
science is settled” is never for the good of ‘we the people’.
For me, any government that raises itself up to be the sole source of truth for the sheeple cannot be trusted.
Truth has always been more than able to defend itself and still is. There has never been a need to block
and censure lies to protect the truth. People can hear and decide for themselves, which is exactly what I have done with my faith. And I won’t have a meltdown if someone sees it differently!
God Bless.
To contact
Colin: farmerschaplain@ ruralnews.co.nz
With so much outside your control, it’s good to have something you actually can rely on this autumn!
Our tetraploid annual ryegrass Winter Star II establishes quick for early feed, plus it’s great for silage and ideal between maize crops. Midway is a mid-flowering diploid perennial ryegrass that provides early season production while being a strong all-round performer annually, excelling in the autumn period. Or get the awesome combination of an extremely late heading date (+36 days) with low aftermath seed head production in Vast, the perennial ryegrass that provides quality feed across the majority of the growing season. Take control and choose proven quality from PGG Wrightson
IT’S TIME to fight back against Silver Fern Farms’ emissions agenda.
It’s disheartening and enraging to see Silver Fern Farms betray the very farmers it claims to represent and surrender to global greenwashing under the false banner of “sustainability”. Their latest email (18/12/24) outlining Scope 3 Emissions Targets is not just misguided, it’s a blueprint for the destruction of New Zealand farming independence, livelihoods and the integrity of our world-class farming systems, orchestrated by those meant to defend us.
Let me strip away the platitudes and examine the true implications of this harmful overreach:
A Trojan Horse for Compliance
Silver Fern Farms claims these targets aren’t mandatory, but the language reveals a thinly veiled roadmap toward exactly that: “collaboration,” “capturing better data,” and “reporting emissions” are corporate-speak to pave the way for compulsory compliance. Today, it’s “voluntary”; tomorrow, it’s enforced penalties for non-compliance.
A Betrayal of Farmers
Silver Fern Farms’ decision to kowtow to global emissions agendas is unnecessary and deeply insulting to New Zealand farmers, the world’s most efficient producers of natural, pasture-fed, low-input food. Instead of championing this, which is what consumers want, SFF is bowing to corporate-driven Scope 3 demands that misrepresent market realities. By pandering to disconnected corporates, SFF are undermining the very advantages that set our farming apart globally.
Moreover, it’s hypocritical for Silver Fern Farms to heed the demands of supermarket tyrants while ignoring the growing number of actual customers who do not want meat contaminated by vaccines and boluses. The disconnect between corporate agendas and genuine consumer preferences has never been more apparent.
Chasing False Markets
The email touts deals with “highvalue U.S. retailers” as a justification, but it’s just a smokescreen. These deals serve corporate PR, not the well-being of NZ farmers. The cost of meeting their arbitrary “sustainability” demands falls squarely on farmers, through increased admin, costly compliance,
and unnecessary biotech solutions—all while profitability declines.
The Myth of Methane Farmers are being blamed for warming impacts no one will quantify. Even the Government’s own panel avoids specifics about our warming contribution—because acknowledging the truth would expose that cows are not the climate villains they’re scapegoated as?
● Professor David Frame calculates warming from NZ livestock at just 0.0004°C by 2100.
● Professor William van Wijngaarden calculates killing all NZ livestock tomorrow would reduce warming by a minuscule 0.000003°C
per year.
These numbers are effectively zero. Yet Silver Fern Farms excludes sequestration from its calculations— because including it would prove most farmers are already net zero!
A Path to Biotech Dependence
The push for emissions vaccines, feed inhibitors, and GM breeding hands control of farming to biotech monopolies. SFFs’ partnership with AgriZero, funded with cooperative money, is a dangerous step toward forcing farmers into unnatural, corporate-controlled inputs irrespective of their long-term consequences.
Undermining Our Competitive Edge
New Zealand leads the world in producing high-quality, natural, grassfed food. By chasing emissions-focused corporate agendas, SFF risks erasing this advantage. The world doesn’t need another factory-farmed, greenwashed supply chain. It needs authentic, ethically produced food from free-range, pasture-raised animals.
The Data Trap
Urging farmers to “help out with data” is tantamount to asking them to dig their own graves. Once handed over, they lose control over how that information is used. It is not difficult
to foresee a future where this data becomes the basis to justify market exclusions, mandatory mitigations, or crippling taxes.
Fueling Government Missteps
The most concerning aspect of this initiative is the influence it will inevitably have on government policy.
As such a significant player in the NZ ag industry, SFF’s statements mislead the Government into believing farmers broadly support these measures. This will perpetuate and entrench policies that take us closer to destructive and unnecessary paths, creating a framework that will harm farmers for generations to come.
Farmers, shareholders—this is your moment to fight back. Demand transparency, reject this overreach, and flood Silver Fern Farms with complaints. Insist on a full, fair vote, free from corporate manipulation, not just ‘online drop-in sessions’. Silver Fern Farms must remember they are supposed to work for us, not undermine us. Let’s hold them accountable and protect the future of New Zealand farming.
• Paige Wills is a sheep and deer farmer in the Waitaki Valley, SFF supplier and shareholder.
dairy farmer and recentlyelected deputy chair of DairyNZ, Cameron Henderson, is enjoying a huge reduction in irrigation water use after converting a pivot irrigator to drag perforated drip tubes across the ground instead of elevated sprinkler heads.
The conversion is part of a ‘nanobubble’ oxygenation system produced by the Nanobubble Agritech company, which Henderson is trialling.
The nanobubble idea comes from hydroponic practise, where the roots of plants are constantly immersed in nutrient solution. Injecting very tiny bubbles of oxygen into the water, small enough to stay in suspension without dissipating, is used as a means of keeping the roots oxygenated despite being submerged.
Henderson is trialling the system to see whether the claimed benefits will translate to improved grass growth in a pastoral system. But while the jury is still out on that, he is already pleasantly surprised by a big reduction in water use.
Henderson recently hosted a field day on his farm near Oxford, which he converted from sheep in 2011.
The property is 237ha, 220ha effective, and peak milking about 750 crossbred cows. A nearby 200ha is used for rearing young stock and growing grain and grass silage for the platform.
Irrigation is from six wells via three pivots, K-lines and laterals.
Henderson told attendees at the field day he wasn’t trying to sell the nanobubble system but there were claimed benefits in both grass growth and control of some soil pathogens.
A Massey University study suggested a 50% increase in grass growth
could be possible.
“The theory around trying to get more oxygen into the soil and helping root growth seems to make sense to me,” said Henderson.
At the time of the field day in early December the system had only been in full operation a couple of weeks and it was too early to say whether it was delivering on the oxygenation benefits.
However the drip tubes were already showing 25-30 percent water saving compared to sprinklers.
Henderson said that was a big saving for a farm where water is the constraint, where they were paying to pump every litre of water from underground, and pumping capacity was probably only just enough for an average season.
He knew from research in the US that savings were likely from the tubes but the amount was “a bit of a surprise.”
“With the tubes, it’s all being delivered directly to the soil.
“You’re not getting the evaporation off the leaf, you’re not having the losses from the wind. It could be blowing 40-50 km/h out there. We know that we’re getting that water delivered to the soil. So that’s been a real bonus.”
However, there was some technical difficulties including preventing cows walking among and standing on the tubes, and tubes getting caught in the wheels when the pivot changes direction. One section had blown over in a high wind but it wasn’t clear whether wind resistance of the tubes made the pivot more likely to blow over, or their weight was actually helping anchor it down.
They were also experimenting with factors such as the spacing of the tubes – whether there would be moisture banding in the soil if they were too far apart, particularly in light soils.
Henderson said the drip tubes could be a huge benefit for farmers, but they would not be for
How to cross fences or get past sheds under the pivot were among the factors that would have to be considered.
“I’m certainly not
going to stand up here and say ‘buy the system’.
That’s not my job. We’re here just trying to understand what might work for our system firstly.
“But the nanobubble stuff, we’ll see after the summer what the difference might be. We’ve got control sections out there to try and understand that.”
WHATEVER AN animal is raised for, it deserves a good life — and just as importantly, a “good death”.
That’s the ethos that drives internationally respected animal welfare and behaviour scientist, Dr Karin Schütz.
“As a society we have made choices about how we use animals, and we know they are a very important source of protein for people. But I think we have a moral obligation to them if we are to use them for food. Because it’s the right thing to do.”
Schütz’s passion for animals growing up in Sweden could have easily led her to being an activist in another life. But through her studies and moving to New Zealand —where she has been living now for 20 years as a scientist for AgResearch — she realised the best way to make a positive difference was through research.
“I want to have opinions. But I want to look at the evidence to tell me what we should be doing. We need that robust science. I don’t just want to base it on feelings.”
Livestock welfare has long been recognised as important for New Zealand as an export nation reliant on industries such as dairy farming. But in tough economic times, with so many challenges in front of farmers, funding for animal welfare and behaviour research has been much harder to come by.
While there are always outliers, Schütz’s experience of New Zealand farmers is that they want the best for their animals. The research is about supporting them in that, as well as helping to maintain a social license, she says.
Issues such as the live export of farmed animals still generate strong public debate, while increasingly welfare is being seen as an economic and productivity issue, as much as it is a moral or ethical one.
When New Zealand’s new free trade agreement with the United Kingdom came into force in 2023, it included — in a first for New Zealand — a chapter that recognises “the high priority that NZ
affords animal welfare in farming practices and acknowledges the comparability of both countries’ high standards in this area”.
The chapter commits both countries to use “best endeavours” to not weaken or reduce the protection afforded to the welfare of farmed animals “in a manner materially affecting trade or investment”.
“Obviously we need high welfare standards, but we need it right across the board,” Schütz says.
“Because if one sector falls behind, it can drag everything down. And that’s when other countries can start to move ahead of us.”
Schütz’s work in New Zealand has ensured important progress on issues such as heat stress in livestock, including the development of heat load indexes as a tool to guide livestock industries and farmers.
She has also studied the conditions in which animals are grazed through winter, and ways to help them find greater comfort in the cold and wet.
Because you can’t
just ask a cow or sheep how they are feeling, or what they like or dislike, scientists have learned to design sophisticated experiments to test preferences and motivations in different situations. Likewise, technologies to monitor behaviour such as lying or rumination times can help to provide insights.
For Schütz, it was quite an adjustment moving from experiments earlier in her career with red jungle fowl (the wild ancestor of chickens), to the likes of cattle.
“I just remember that they were much slower than chickens. The cow
can just stand there and look at you for five minutes, whereas the chicken would be doing 50 million things. Any animal that you study, you just get more and more interested in what they are doing and what they are thinking.”
Nothing beats knowing your animals and being around them, Schütz says, which is where farmer observations are critical.
When it comes to death of the livestock, whether slaughtered or subject to euthanasia for health reasons, the research has been able to help guide the best methods to minimise pain
and stress in that process.
Schütz’s boss at AgResearch, Animal Welfare and Behaviour science team leader Cheryl O’Connor, says New Zealand is lucky to have scientists of the calibre of Schütz who have made their mark here and internationally.
“Research over the last few decades has changed how we think about animal welfare,”
O’Connor says.
“It is now widely accepted that animals can have conscious mental experiences, affective states or feelings. In 2015, New Zealand’s Animal Welfare Act was amended
to include animal sentience, or the ability to perceive or feel things. In simple terms ‘animal welfare is the quality of life as perceived by the animals themselves’.”
Even when out hiking or relaxing at the beach with her partner and 11-year-old son, Schütz says the animals and their wellbeing are never far from her mind. People inside or outside of her working life are always keen to discuss it with her.
“I don’t want to switch off. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
THE NEOGEN World Angus Forum, a major event in global Angus beef industry, is set to return in 2025.
The two-day forum, which convenes every four years, will take place in Brisbane, May 7-8, 2025, drawing breeders, researchers, and agricultural leaders from across the globe. Organisers say this event will highlight groundbreaking advancements in Angus genetics, sustainability, and technology, “further solidifying the role of Angus beef in feeding the world”.
An array of speakers will cover advancements in genetics, showcasing how innovative techniques are enhancing beef quality, marbling, and tenderness. Discussions will also cover
improved feed efficiency and disease resistance, which are pivotal for sustainable beef production.
Scott Wright, chief executive officer of Angus Australia, emphasised the importance of this event for the global beef industry.
“The 2025 Neogen World Angus Forum provides a unique platform for collaboration, enabling us to share insights and drive innovation in Angus beef production. This forum is critical for addressing global challenges related to food security and sustainable farming practices.”
By bringing together stakeholders from different regions, the 2025 Neogen World Angus Forum aims to foster local genetic initiatives
that can be adapted to various environments and farming practices. This collaborative approach is said to ensure that the benefits of genetic advancements are accessible to all Angus breeders, regardless of geographic location.
Participants will have the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions, panel discussions, and hands-on demonstrations. These activities are designed to provide actionable insights and practical knowledge that attendees can implement in their own operations.
The forum’s focus on genetics and technology reflects the industry’s commitment to continually improving production efficiency and beef quality.
The event will also serve as a platform for networking, allowing participants to connect with peers, share best practices, and form lasting partnerships. Organisers say the exchange of ideas and experiences among breeders, researchers, and industry leaders is vital for driving progress and ensuring the longterm sustainability of the Angus beef industry.
“The advancements in Angus genetics that we’ll be discussing at the forum are essential for the future of beef production,” says Wright.
“Our goal is to equip breeders with the knowledge and tools they need to produce high-quality, sustainable beef, which is more important now than ever before.”
MARK DANIEL markd@ruralnews.co.nz
THE FIRST of the UK’s agricultural trade shows was recently held at the NEC Centre in Birmingham.
LAMMA 2025, now considered the main event for those suffering from heavy metal disease, has recently become the favourite venue for new product launches, so visitors weren’t disappointed at this year’s event.
Local manufacturer
JCB, headquartered just up the road in Staffordshire, announced a bunch of new models,
including a preview of the TM110 – a compact, articulated telescopic loader. The addition to the range has been developed in just 18 months at the behest of chairman Lord Bamford.
Using a bit of lateral thinking, the development team have chosen to use the back end of the 50hp, threecylinder 403 wheeled loader, complemented by a new front end with an oscillating pivot and a telescopic boom.
This offers a maximum lift height of 3.5 metres, but also allows the TM110 to handle 800kg with the boom fully extended, or
1100kg when retracted. Overall dimensions see measurements an overall width of 1.56m and height of 2.2m.
A two-speed hydrostatic transmission tops out at 30km/h, with axles supplied by ZF and featuring diffs front and rear. The hydraulic system has a 50l/min pump.
In other news, the market leading Loadall Series sees some new additions to the already expansive range. The 560-80 is a 6 tonne, 8m machine and now comes as an Agri Pro with an increase in power 173hp engine. Previously Agri Xtra was the highest spec
with 150hp with the Dual Tech transmission and 160l/min hydraulics.
The 542-100 is a new straw stacking orientated handler with DualTech transmission but just as importantly, more lift over the 536-95. The 4.2t, 9.8m newcomer comes in Agri Super, Xtra and Pro versions. There have been changes around the headstock plumbing and the boom end rubbers have been replaced with bristles. JCB has also developed a hydraulic side-shifting bale grab to go with it.
The 538-60 now has the option of Agri Pro spec for the 3.8t, 6.2m lift machine. The 173hp
JCB 4.8-litre engine and Dual Tech transmission allows it to travel at 50km/h. This also gets different axles compared to 40km/h version. At the other end of the scale, the 435S
shovel features the same 282hp as the larger 457S - rising from 252hp. Complementing the increased horsepower, the 435 also gains the larger machines torque converter transmission, as well as larger axles with an extra planetary gear. The transmission also gains torque lock up in more gears including five and six and can even kick in on some reverse speeds.
JANUARY TO March is the heart of New Zealand’s ‘golden’ harvest, but also the time of the year when Landpower and Claas Harvest Centre welcomes two optimisation specialists from Germany to support Claas combine customers in the cab of their machine.
The key to the program is having specialist resources working with the customer in their own machine, harvesting their crop, providing education and assistance to get peak operational performance from the advanced features of their combine.
“Our goal is to support our customers to be successful, which means not only selling them worldleading products but providing them
with support and training to get the full benefit of this purchase, including early preparation with parts and service that maximises their harvest up-time,” says Richard Wilson, chief executive.
The optimisation specialists are well travelled, spending nine months of the year travelling the world carrying out optimisations. They are exposed to a wide variety of crops and conditions, which helps build their knowledge and addresses the specific needs of Claas combine customers. In turn, the optimisation drivers identify local farmers’ needs and practices, which are provided back to Claas in a two-way feedback loop, ensuring ongoing product research and development.
“If a customer in New Zealand is having challenges with their machine in a specific crop, chances are that
the specialists have encountered this scenario before and can apply those learnings to the New Zealand customer. Combine harvesters or headers are machines that are not driven all year round, and it’s
understandable that both the machine and its operators can be a little rusty,” says Richard.
Agri Experts optimisation drivers Jelle Jensema and Sebastian Erkel, both from Germany, have completed
optimisations in Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
“The technology Claas has released in their combine harvesters is particularly valuable for farmers in this part of the world, and by seeing it in action here, we can really push the technology to its limits and help farmers get more out of their combines and more out of their crops in a working day”, says Jelle Jensema.
The optimisation specialists work with the customer to understand what is important to their business. Whether that is throughput, quality of their grain, understanding grain losses, exploring crop types, or how to utilise the advanced features of their machine. During their time in NZ, the drivers will also demonstrate the latest Claas Lexion 8800 combine harvester.
DISTRIBUTED IN New Zealand by Carrfields, Grange Farm Machinery is based in the Holderness region of East Yorkshire – an area known for heavy, claybased soils that need to be shown respect and careful management.
Over the last decade or so, the company has developed and manufactured a range of products that cover many aspects of soil and pasture management, including the Low Disturbance Loosener (LDL), Close Coupled Toolbars (CCT), The Strip Till Preparator, Heavy-Duty Track Eradicators and The Tine Drill Toolbar.
Here in NZ, Grange is gaining interest with a derivative of LDL, the Grass Land Loosener (GLL), which is available in 3m, 4m & 6m working widths, fitted with low disturbance loosening legs, allowing up to 300mm working depth, with a leg spacing of 500mm.
The GLL is designed to alleviate compaction in the soil, shattering and removing the plough pan to improve drainage and allow air into the soil whilst carefully managing minimal damage to the valuable sward.
The low disturbance legs and points provide a full width lift with minimal surface disturbance, aided by a forward-mounted cutting disc element that enhances the loosening element of the leg and
eliminates the surface tension, thus reducing soil boiling in front of the leg, and easing the flow of any trash through the machine.
The linkage-mounted main frame is lifted and lowered into work on the tractor link arms, while front discs are controlled hydraulically to offer a good range of cutting depth according to surface conditions and to aid trash flow.
The rearward packer is easily adjusted on a pin system and can simply be detached when not required by removing two bolts.
Carrfields reports that the machines are proving popular with direct drilling operators who want to lift and loosen the soil structure without disturbing the surface and creating another
pass prior to drilling.
The machine offers the versatility in loosening at full width with a packer of choice to enable a level weather-proof finish.
The LDL has been designed after listening to farmers who are experiencing compaction at depths of 6”- 8”, with
the machine able to be used to lift at full width at depths of up to 12”, typically straight after combining to remove the compaction pan.
It has also become apparent that farmers are experiencing poor crop establishment and growth due to the
compaction generated from increasingly heavy machinery traffic and rainfall, so Grange has added the option of easily converting the machine to become a Track Eradicator that can be specifically used to straddle tramlines for loosening purposes.
Options for the range include shear bolt or hydraulic reset on the loosener legs, hydraulically actuated front cutting discs for easy use in trash, a rear hitch kit or the option of substituting the packer and fitting a rear hitch to pull other implements.
desk and dusting off the cheque book.
WITH ANNUAL tractor sales being a barometer for the state of the industry, New Zealand’s machinery importers and distributors, along with their dealerships, will be glad to see the back of 2024.
Last year was widely described as a year they would rather forget. The hope now is that the rising milk price, improvements in the other main sectors and falling interest rates will jump-start farmers and contractors into unlocking the top drawer of the
While the final tally for tractors over the calendar year was down from 3435 to 2806 (-18.3%), there appeared to be a glimmer of hope as the month of December showed a 2.6% rise to achieve 311 sales, which will hopefully be carried into the first quarter of 2025.
Of course it is always disappointing to see any markets retract, but those with less hair on top will remind the young bucks of the industry that in 1986, the market fell to just over 1100 units.
Elsewhere, the Agricultural Engineers Association in the UK was showing a drop in sales of 13%, to
finish the year off with 10,241 new tractors registered, a figure that was the lowest in any year since 1998.
Last year was widely described as a year they would rather forget.
Painting a gloomy picture, 2024 was also fractionally lower than the “poor” years of 2015, 2016 and 2020.
Like New Zealand, the yearly total might have been lower, save for a rise in sales over 2023, with a 14% climb
to 791 units, which was also 5% higher than the average over the previous five years.
There will undoubtedly be lots of fingers crossed and hopes that the climb in December is an indicator of the start of an upward trend, although the current low returns and impending changes to inheritance taxation announced in the November budget might result in the opposite.
Further afield, Europe’s largest markets of Germany, France and Italy all saw negative trends with drops of -3.4%, -8.4% and -12.3% respectively.
Powerhouse Germany fell from 29,291 to 28,249 units, France dropped from
26,161 to 23,576 registrations, while Italy fared the worst falling from 17,613 to 15,448 tractors.
Interestingly, Italy also saw a drop in registrations for combine harvesters of 32% to 266 units and a 14.4% fall in telehandlers to 977 machines. It is quite hard to believe that in 2009, tractor sales in Italy were just over 27,000 units.
Across the Atlantic, US tractor sales for 2024 fell to 217,200 (-13.2%), while combine harvester sales hit 5564 (-24.3%), while it was much the same story to the north in Canada, where units recorded in 2024 was 23,444, as against 27,846 in 2023 - a fall of 15.8%.