Rutgers Science Review, Fall 2012

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Rutgers Science Review Volume 2, Issue 1 Fall 2012

Artificial Life: The Next Frontier?

An Electronic SyNAPSE

Table of Contents “Killer Cells�: Miniharpoons in Nature

pg 6

Artificial Life from Synthetic Genomes

pg 9

An Electronic SyNAPSE

pg 12

An Interview With Dr.Yee Chiew

pg 16

Indigo-carmine and its Photophysical Properties

pg 19

Investigating Commissureless Protein Regulation of Robo Localization in the Drosophila Embryonic Heart

pg 21

Eagle Nebula: The Pillars of Creation


The Rutgers Science Review (RSR) biannually publishes student-written scientific features, opinions, and research papers. RSR is supported by RUSA Allocations. For more information, including submission guidelines, visit us at


Editor-In-Chief Jonathan Shao

Business Associate Ahmed Khalil

Features Editors Alexandra DeMaio Deepak Gupta Scott Kilianski Arvind Konkimalla

Web Developer Lawrence Xie Faculty Adviser: Dr. Steven Brill

Design Editors Lynn Ma Courtney Connolly

Wild Bee & Honeybee Forage on Sunflower


IPS Cells


“Killer Cells” Miniharpoons in Nature By: Sean Mascarenhas One of the first things that comes to mind when people think of jellyfish is their sharp and sometimes deadly sting. These stingers are characteristic of the phylum Cnidaria, which encompasses about 9,000 living species around the planet. In addition to jellyfish, corals, anemones, and many other aquatic organisms belong to this pylum. Approximately 200 species of jellyfish are known to exist. Dispersed throughout the world’s oceans, they are frequently found in warm tropical habitats. Sizes of jellyfish range from the one centimeter Irukandji jellyfish to the great Portuguese man-of-war, whose tentacles can span more than one hundred feet in length. These creatures, however, are also very simplistic. They are composed of approximately 95% water, contain no vital organs, and have little to no control over the movement of their own bodies. But looks can be deceiving. The jellyfish, like other cnidarians, are armed with specialized cells that are more than capable of paralyzing and killing a wide range of organisms. Thousands of these stinging nerve cells called cnidocytes are found on the tentacles of jellyfish. Within each, a specialized capsule called a nematocyst contains “coiled springs” that deliver the sting to prey. These nematocysts are stimulated by chemicals or neural impulses, and fire at approximately 10,000 times the acceleration of a rocket. These “killer” cells,







defensive and offensive mechanisms of the cnidarians. Nematocysts are one of the defining features of the

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Features cnidarians,




of the capsule opens, and the tubule

tubule detaches from the capsule. The

different types have been identified.

is immediately deployed in a twisting

entire firing process of the tubule occurs

Nematocysts are incredibly diverse

motion towards the prey. Discharge

within nanoseconds and is one of the

and have a wide array of functions,

of the tubule is also facilitated by an

fastest reactions in nature. There is also

such as defense, feeding, and adhering

intense increase in osmotic pressure

a great deal debate within the scientific

to prey. Although they exist

community concerning whether

within cnidocytes, the stinging

nematocysts fire independently









nematocysts are not strictly

provoking questions about the

regarded as organelles. They are

control organisms have over

secretory products of the Golgi

their own tissues and bodies.

apparatus, which modifies and

Once embedded in the prey,

secretes proteins throughout

thousands of nematocysts inject

COcked Nematocyst

the cell in sac-like assemblages

debilitating chemical agents via

called vesicles. Nematocysts

their tubule spines. The type of

are one of the most complex

toxin used, as well the virulence,

secretions of the cell found in


nature, which marks a special

Certain large jellyfish, such

point of interest for the scientific


community. After maturation


and secretion from the Golgi

neurotoxins to induce paralysis


and quickly immobilize their



complex is exported towards

Fired Nematocyst

its pre-determined firing site. A double-layered capsule,








prey. Additionally, nematocysts can even remain active long after




which has a door-like opening

(the jellyfish) have died. For


example, washed-up tentacles



surrounds nematocysts. Inside




each capsule is a coiled tubule


that is riddled with a vast array

frequently injure beachgoers.

of spines. The deployment of

Due to their nematocyst

the tubule can be triggered by

complexes, certain cnidarians






a chemical or physical stimulus, such

within the capsule. In association with

are widely regarded as some of the

as prey brushing against a cnidarian’s

the spines, the twisting motion allows

most lethal creatures on earth. The



the tubule to penetrate and become

box jellyfish, which inhabits coastal

appropriate stimulus, the operculum

embedded in the prey, after which the

waters around Australia, is considered




Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 7

Features to be one of the deadliest marine animals in the world. Its tentacles, which can grow nine feet long, harbor approximately 500,000 nematocysts filled with enough venom to kill an adult human in less than three minutes. Venom absorbed into the body can cause several different systemic effects: labored breathing, necrosis of the skin, loss of consciousness, scarring of tissue, cardiac arrhythmia, and cardiac arrest. In the past decade, the Box jellyfish has claimed approximately one hundred lives; however, with correct and timely intervention, there are methods to relieve the effects of jellyfish stings. Vinegar is one such treatment. Its acidity denatures the proteins in nematocysts, causing them to lose their initial conformations and disrupting cellular activity. Because high temperatures can also denature proteins, a hot water bath may be able to ease jellyfish stings. It is clear that jellyfish, although simply designed, can be incredibly dangerous creatures.

Works Cited Aaseng, Nathan. “Sea Creatures With Stinging Cells.” Poisonous Creatures. 11. n.p.: Lerner Publishing Group, 1997. Science Reference Center. Web. 21 Oct. 2012 Cnidarians: Simple Animals With a Sting!. eLibrary Science. Web. 21 Oct 2012. Comprehensive Information About Cnidarians. eLibrary Science. Web. 21 Oct 2012. “Jellyfish.” Magill’s Encyclopedia of Science: Animal Life. 2001. eLibrary Science. Web. 21 Oct 2012. “Tentacles and stings.” DK Eyewitness Seashore. 2004. eLibrary Science. Web. 21 Oct 2012.

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Artificial Life from Synthetic Genomes By: Apexa Modi Over the past few years, there

(nicknamed Synthia), but also inserted

do so were discovered only as recently

has been rapid growth in the largely

DNA watermarks containing the co-

as 1995. At this time, the Institute of

uncharted field of synthetic biology.

authors’ names, a website, and several

Genomic Research became the first

Synthetic biologists alter organisms’

philosophical quotes, complete with

to sequence the genome of a living

genes and create synthetic biological

punctuation. The watermarks were

organism, the Haemophilus influenzae

parts to engender new functions.

intended to differentiate the modified

bacteria.1 Since then, many organisms’

In 2010, researchers at the J. Craig

organism from the natural ones and

genomes have been sequenced with

Venter Institute created the world’s

to exemplify the vast possibilities

exponentially less time and cost. It is



now possible to obtain the sequence








genome concept cell

reconstruction. of





of all one’s genes for about $10,000

milestone marking the first complete



– one hundred times less than what

genome replacement. The scientists

“brain,” or genome, has been replaced)

it cost a decade ago. Nonetheless,

not only designed unique techniques

sounds simple enough; however, the

although many genome sequences

to manufacture the synthetic organism

technology and expertise necessary to





still do not understand even a single-

Figure 1

celled organism’s genes “in terms of their biological roles.”1 To address this issue, a Venter Institute team led by Daniel Gibson set out to craft a cell that would contain only genes essential for function – a minimalist cell. In a project that cost $40 million and took over twenty scientists ten years to complete, Gibson and his team were able to successfully transplant a synthetic 1.08 Mb Mycoplasma mycoides genome into a Mycoplasma capricolum recipient cell. Mycoplasma



for their rapid growth rate and minimalist genome composition.2 The sequence of the synthetic genome –

Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 9

Features the first genome to be created on a

genome remained intact throughout

junctions) were used to screen clones

computer – was based on that of the

the synthesis process (Figure 2),5 as

for the completed genome. Of the 48

M. mycoides strain and was altered to

deviation from sequence design would

clones screened, one (sMmYCp235)

include DNA watermark sequences.

significantly delay project completion

had all 11 desired amplicons, while the

These watermarks, upon translation,

positive wild type control had none.

would produce protein sequences

The results were further verified via a

that spell out words and sentences.

restriction enzyme double digest; with





Institute major


two sites encoded into three of the


watermark sequences, yielding unique restriction patterns to characterize the

1. To accurately assemble synthetic

altered M. mycoides genome (Figure 3).1

DNA fragments created de novo

After the genome was successfully

(from scratch)

synthesized, it was transplanted into

2. To jumpstart or “boot up” the

a bacterial cell. The two mycoplasma

synthetic genome, creating a fully


functional cell


contained similarity,





chance that the recipient cell would

Figure 2

The final genome was reconstructed in three stages (Figure 1).1 First, 100 one

reject this new genome. The recipient cell’s genome was nullified via low

kilobase DNA cassettes were chemically

by hindering synthetic cell survival.

pH conditions that induced nucleotide

synthesized with fragments of the

The 111 10kb fragments were then

starvation and inhibited the cell’s

final genome and inserted into vectors

pooled to produce 100kb assemblies

ability to perform DNA replication.3

consisting of yeast cloning elements.

and extracted directly from the yeast.


Each of these cassettes contained an

Multiplex PCR with 11 primer pairs


80 base pair overlap to enable the

(designed to anneal at the eleven 100kb

appeared blue on X-gal and tetracyline

original fragments to form larger

Figure 3

10kb fragments. Cassette and vector assemblages were then recombined in yeast and transferred to E. coli to obtain greater DNA yields. All of the fragments were sequence verified, and any errors were corrected before secondstage assembly. These verification steps were performed frequently to ensure that the original synthetic

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Features plates.1,4 Initial attempts to transfer the

Figure 4

genome failed because the recipient and donor mycoplasma shared a common restriction enzyme system. This issue was overcome by either methylating the DNA with purified methylases or by disrupting the recipient cell’s restriction system. In the final step, one successful transplant of the sMmYCp235 genome was sequenced to expose any alterations that the cell may have undergone. The sequence matched the intended genome design with the exception of known polymorphisms, or

transposon insertion, and an 85-bp

this technology has springboarded

duplication. The synthetic sequence

many beneficial projects, including

did not contain any genome from

microbial hydrogen fuel cells (used

“Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a

the recipient cell, M. capricolum; the

as a source of renewable energy)

Chemically Synthesized Genome.” Science

genome replacement was complete.1

and toxin-degrading or medication-

329.5987 (2010): 52-56.

The protocols described above






before they are widely commercialized.

8 new-nucleotide mutations, an E. coli



can now be generalized and are

Other projects are intended to engineer

quickly becoming the fundamental

organisms to for the production of


detergents, cosmetics, and perfumes.





References: 1.


Gibson, D., John I., Glass, C., et al.

C. A. Hutchison IIIet al., Global

transposon mutagenesis and a minimal Mycoplasma genome. Science 286, 2165 (1999). 3.

C. Lartigueet al., Genome

transplantation in bacteria: changing one species to another. Science 317, 632 (2007).

envisioning genome transplants of


C. Lartigueet al., Creating bacterial

their own. Unfortunately, the Venter

Though it may seem that scientists

Institute’s success was a double-edged

have completely harnessed the powers

sword in the biological community;


the benefits of creating synthetic

be subject to the natural evolution

organisms to improve the world

process once they are placed back into

were counterbalanced by the threat

nature, which could potentially render

Biology: Regulating Industry Uses of New

of misappropriation for bioterrorism.

the organisms harmful. It is clear

Biotechnologies. Science 333, 6047 (2011):1254-

Because an organism could potentially

that although biologically synthetic

be altered to acquire any biological

organisms hold great potential for

“Comparative Microbial Fuel Cell evaluations

function, it would be possible to create

a healthier planet, a great deal of

of Shewanella spp.” Electroanalysis. 22.7 (2010):

genomes for new smallpox viruses

additional research must be done





strains from genomes that have been cloned and engineered in yeast. Science 325, 1693 (2009).


Wang, H. “Synthetic Genomes for

Synthetic Biology.” J Mol Cell Biol 2.4 (2010): 178-179 6.

Erikson, B. et. al. Synthetic

1256 7.

Chang IS, Bretschger O, et al.

Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 11


E S P A N y S c i n o r t c e l E n A King cqueline

ukur, Ja s u P i n a r a h B : y B

to be in a comatose state due to

In the

brain damage,

1960’s, computer


processors were analyze

of transistors – the first was the

information, and can be thought of as

calculator, which managed basic

the “brains” of computers. Using digital

information and produced basic

circuits, they perform arithmetic and

computations. As science and the

logical operations. In recent times, it is

human mind evolved, so did the meaning and applications of computer processors. Today, IBM’s SyNAPSE project aims to replicate the raw



thought that they can even potentially be used to replace parts of or perhaps the entire human brain, which could be useful in a multiplicity of situations.

power of a human brain. Processors


known remedies. What

constructed with hundreds



For example, once a person is declared

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if processors could change this fate? Processors could be parts of the brain acting as stem cells, and could have multiple functions to help the brain maintain stability even in the aftermath







brain processors

injury. are

amazing and can be mysterious, the brain is just as intriguing if not more. Not only does the brain store information,

Features The DARPA funded IBM SyNAPSE project is attempting to develop artificial neural pathways and create an autonomous body able to replicate human brain function, including higher levels of cognition.

it is also the center of learning and


comprehending. Although a patient


a human brain. Medically, this could

may have brain damage, he is not

technology has for the future of

be useful for patients whose brains

completely disabled. In fact, he is

computing, as well for neuroscience, is

are damaged in certain areas, (e.g. a

known to be “superabled”. While some

astounding. Replicating brain functions

patient with a damaged occipital lobe

senses may not function, other senses

such as sensation, perception, and

might be able to have the processor and

are heightened and have even been

emotion is a concept just coming to light

artificial SyNAPSEs replace its function

proven to be superior. A brain uses

in the modern age. For instance, IBM’s

and allow the patient to process and

an average of twenty to twenty-five

SyNAPSE is an attempt manufacture

interpret a visual stimulus). In addition

watts a day, which is enough to power

an artificial brain, essentially testing

to mimicking the larger, macro-level

a light bulb. A common misconception



of the brain, synthetic stimulants and

about computer processors is that

SyNAPSE makes use of integrated

electric circuits could also be used to

they are faster than the brain because

microprocessors and circuits which


many computations are made quickly;



however, the brain is much faster

cortexes and pathways in the brain.

and its processing power cannot be

The project can potentially replicate

point in time where we can say our



complex neural pathways of a human


technology, processors could create a

brain such as vision, movement, and

and as efficient as the human brain.

new brain with artificial neurochemicals

autonomous function. In principle, a

Although Moore’s law predicts that



increase The






activity. IBM’s





processor could operate a body just like



individual We









Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 13


the transistor count of integrated

a new industry of artificial brains

circuits doubles approximately every

and processors. Stem cells, brain

IBM. New Ways of Thinking. Retrieved

18 months, the amount of time it would

damage, and neural pathways are all


take for the processor to work at the

potentially reparable through the use

level of the brain appears to be far in

of microprocessors in combination

the future. Technology is no longer

with synthetic neural pathways –

improving at a steady rate, which


makes it more challenging to predict





transplants real


Works cited:



IBM(Researcher). (2011). DARPA funded IBM SYnAPSE program [Computing], Retrieved 11,27,2012 from: http://www.

when, and if, we can ever replicate

a human brain. Although the task of


creating a microprocessor to work at



an entire human brain’s level appears to be daunting, the rewards outweigh the obstacles. There is the potential of finally creating an autonomous being that not only talks and sees just as we do, but also thinks and expresses dynamic human emotions fluidly. Though SyNAPSE is just starting out, it has the capability to innovate

System/Processor Human Brain IBM Power A2 ARM Cortex-A15

Power (Watts) 20-25 55 2

Operations/Second 10^13-10^16 10^11 10^10

Figure: Various processors are shown with their corresponding power usage and operations per second. Compared to the brain, the IBM processor uses double the power of a human brain while calculating fewer operations per second. Although the ARM Cortex-A15 uses significantly less power than both the Human Brain and the IBM Power A2, it is limited in regards to the number of operations per second it can perform. This limiting factor is another problem that many modern, powerful yet efficient processors face.

14 | Rutgers Science Review | Fall 2012

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Interview An Interview With:

Dr.Yee Chiew Conducted by Brian Schendt Dr. Yee Chiew is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Rutgers University. His research involves predicting the thermophysical properties of materials in fluids.

How did you get a start in Chemical Engineering, and how has

derground water. We wanted to know what happened to

the field changed since you started?

these undesirable chemical compounds. If there is a leak

Let me tell you a little bit about my background. I gradu-

somewhere else, how would those [hazardous chemicals] be

ated with my PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1984. Now

transported to different places? It would be absorbed into the

traditionally, Chemical Engineering is an area that started

soil—but how long would it stay there? Those were the kinds

as a field in Applied Chemistry. We worked with oil refiner-

of problems that I looked at.

ies, converting petroleum into gasoline and other chemical products. So when you’d drive along the NJ Turnpike in

What is the most interesting task you’ve encountered during

the old days, you’d see those distillation plants being used

your work as an engineer?

to separate mixtures into isolated chemical compounds. In

My research area has to do with the properties of materials in

the past 10 or 20 years, the type of research that we chemi-

fluids—it is in the field of Applied Thermodynamics, which

cal engineers do has expanded. In addition to the traditional

deals with the physical chemical properties of compounds in

petrochemical type of problems, now we are looking at

different types of materials. For example, I look at the solubil-

materials, biotechnology, biomolecular engineering, and

ity of drug molecules in different solvents. That’s important

pharmaceutical engineering. For example, in a tablet that we

because typically a pharmaceutical molecule is created to

make, the actual amount of active pharmaceutical ingredient

have therapeutic functions, and so therefore, when you

is very low--in milligram range--so how do you make sure it

manufacture that, there is a chemical process. In the manu-

is in that range? It’s harder than you think.

facturing phase, you need to isolate it into a pure compound, crystallize it into a solid form, and process it into a tablet. I’m

How did you get into Environmental Thermodynamics, and

interested in understanding the physical properties of this

what kind of research have you done in the field?

compound in different environments. Now, why is that im-

Ah, that was something that I did years back. The problem

portant? When you’ve taken the tablet, it’s now in the stom-

that I had looked at was the solubility of some hazardous

ach, and that environment is very different—aqueous and

materials in water. That has to do with the water table—un-

acidic—so you need to know the solubility of this compound

16 | Rutgers Science Review | Fall 2012

Interview in the new environment versus the processing environment. This is some of the work I do. How important is it for engineering students to get international experience by studying abroad? It is very important. We now live in a globalized world. The playing field is different; we have to compete in a global arena. Let me give you an example. One of our PhD students,

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two years ago, was looking for jobs, and he couldn’t get an interview. In his application, he checked a box—he said he was willing to work overseas. Immediately, he got an interview in Beijing with a multinational company, and they offered him a job. Now, he didn’t accept the job... [laughs]—I’m not sure why and you’d have to ask him…but

We’re interested in your article proposals, editorials, research papers, art, and photography.

sometimes there is some fear of living overseas—it depends on the person. With some exposure, such as studying abroad,

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it makes it easier—if one chooses to. So I encourage students to participate if at all possible. A lot of companies have overseas branches, and at this point, growth is much faster in other countries than in the United States. The market is there—companies will go there, and they need engineers that can perform in multicultural environments comfortably work with those who are different from themselves.

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Do you have any advice for current students? For undergraduate students, they should make sure that they have a very broad education—not limited to just engineering. I think our curriculum lends itself to actually training students for the profession rather than for a particular industry. Know the fundamentals very well, so that you may learn very well on your own. Students also need to develop practical skills beyond technical academic skills; communication, oral and written, is important. You need to communicate with people who are different than you— whether you like it or not—because you will deal with that in your professional life. That, and developing leadership abilities, will become extremely important.

Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 17

DNA Microarray



Indigo-carmine and its Photophysical Properties By: Parabjit Kaur

Indigo-carmine, also known as Indigotine, is one

it takes a lower-energy level electron and places it in a

of the most integral dyes in the food industry for coloring

higher energy-level orbit. This process is called excitation.

blue food products. Whether it’s blue cotton candy that

The higher the frequency of the electron, the more energy

we eat seasonally at local fairs or the more ubiquitously

the beam of light carries. It requires a specific amount of

enjoyed blue M&Ms from a candy bag, indigo-carmine is

energy to excite a certain molecule, moving one atom’s

undoubtedly present in many of our diets. The producers

electron from a lower to a higher energy level state; this

of blue cotton candy and blue M&Ms decided to use

amount of energy can be used to calculate the wavelength

Indigotine because it is a relatively harmless synthetic and

of light necessary to excite an electron. After a certain

convenient dye which is commonly referred to as Blue-2.

excitation wavelength hits the sample of Indigotine, it

absorbs energy of certain wavelengths and emits others.

It may be alarming to hear that we still do not

know many of the physical and photochemical properties

Emission is the process in which the previously

of Indigo-carmine, and yet, it is the most common blue

excited electron returns to its lower-energy orbit position after

dye used in food industries. Dean Ludescher’s lab aims to

emitting of energy in the form of light. The wavelengths that

understand some of these potentially important properties.

are emitted back become the color visible to the eye, in this case,

Despite Indigo-carmine’s popularity, it has been a fairly under-researched dye, and there are not many academic resources to confirm earlier findings that it is relatively harmless. However, repetition of trials will provide more definitive answers to the questions that still remain about Indigotine’s physical and photochemical properties.

A little background information

will be needed to understand the research on Indigotine: when a photon of light hits an atom, the atom is excited to a higher energy state in which

Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 19

Research an indigo blue. In the search of indigo-carmine’s properties, such as optimal emission and excitation wavelengths, light spectroscopy is used. The emission wavelength of indigocarmine is yet to be discovered, along with the variance in emission wavelength in different environmental conditions.

In light spectroscopy, a sample of indigo-carmine

is placed into a spectrophotometer. Through a software application that controls the spectrophotometer, random intervals of emission and excitation are chosen to observe any peaks in emission for indigo-carmine. The spectrophotometer shoots a beam of light at the sample of indigo-carmine in a solution of water, and displays the results in graphical form on the computer. Graphs of the results show the intensity of an emission wavelength for certain intervals of excitation. Using this process, we are able to discern any significant emission wavelengths from Indigotine under varying factors. The photochemical properties of indigo-carmine are important because the light that it emits (and so the color that we see) is the reason why it is so useful as a dye.

There are many factors affecting indigo-carmine

that can be researched by placing the dye in different solutions of varying pH and chemical composition, as molecules will behave differently when placed in different environments. The effects on an indigo-carmine sample can be tested through the spectrophotometer by

change in the emission of light (color) of indigo-carmine under certain conditions, food industries will be able to use such knowledge to their advantage to either enhance or protect their products from such factors. Food industries utilize dyes to create visual appeal for their products and attract more consumers. To protect the appeal of the product and indigo-carmine’s charming blue color, it must be protected from all environmental factors that can potentially disrupt its attractive visible hue. photochemical

is change in indigo-carmine’s photophysical properties when placed in a fairly acidic solution. Because of this




dyes in addition to how it behaves in varying pH. There is no dearth of interesting and applicable information that can be found by researching the photochemical and photophysical properties of indigo-carmine. The next time we eat blue jelly beans, we’ll have some food for thought. WORKS CITED: 1. Trovaslet, M., Dallet-Choisy, S., Meersman, F., Heremans, K., Balny, C., & Legoy, M. D. (2003). Florescence and

FTIR study of

pressure-induced structural modifications

of horse liver

alcohol dehydrogenase (HLADH). Eur. J.


discovery, the next research focus should include creating

270, 119-128.

variant pH levels in a solution and adding a sample of

2. McGown, L., & Nithipatikom, K. (2000). Molecular Fluorescence and

indigo-carmine to it. The spectrophotometer will then be used to discover any significant changes in intensity

Phosphorescence. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 35(4), 353-393. 3. Guilbault, G. (1990). Practical Fluorescence. (2nd, Revised and Expanded ed.). New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

of emission and excitation wavelengths in the dye.

4. Hansen, W. H., Fitzhugh, O. G., Nelson, A. A., & Davis, K. J. (1966).

Chronic toxicity of two food colors, brilliant blue FCF and Indigotine.

Understanding the properties of indigo-carmine

can be very useful to food industries. If there is significant

20 | Rutgers Science Review | Fall 2012


discovered that might add to the appeal of indigo-carmine

viewing the change in intensity of excitation and emission wavelengths. Recently, it has been discovered that there



Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 8(1), 29-36.


Investigating Commissureless protein regulation of Robo localization in the Drosophila embryonic heart By: Krishna Parikh, Frank Macabenta, Dr. Sunita Kramer Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Department of Genetics University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Department of Pathology

The Kramer lab is currently involved in the study of the transmembrane protein Commissureless (Comm), which

Introduction Drosophila Melanogaster: a Model Organism

is a powerful negative regulator of Robo proteins. If the

Although the Drosophila heart consists of only a single

expression of Comm is decreased, then Robo protein is

tube, many cells must work together to enable normal

overexpressed in the CNS, causing defects. This semester,

heart function. Because the development of human and

the Kramer lab will investigate the role of Comm in

Drosophila heart tubes is similar, it is essential to learn

regulating Robo during Drosophila heart development.

the functions of the involved cells and their roles in tube

To examine the heart in Comm mutant embryos, Whole-

formation in order to better understand the human heart.

Mount and which


confocal are








performed the



of lab).

Drosophila studying











species mates quickly and controllably. For example, one can physically collect a male and a female fly of different phenotypes, and place them in a vial to mate.

Project Background The heart tube in the Drosophila forms when two cardioblasts come together with pericardial cells on each side. As they come together, central lumen is formed as some sites attract, leading to adhesion, while others repel, leaving a gap. The e-cadherin protein from each cardioblast comes together at the top and bottom and creates a gap in the middle (shown above). This phenomenon is due to Slit and Roundabout signaling. When Slit binds to Roundabout, repulsion occurs, and e-cadherin is negatively regulated in those sites. If the Roundabout function ceases, Slit and Roundabout do not interact, therefore e-cadherin is no longer negatively regulated in the lumen. As a result, e-cadherin adheres throughout the cardioblast sites, causing

Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 21

Research less lumen formation. Roundabout (Robo) is also localized

replaced with a new agar plate with yeast paste on it. The

in the Central Nervous System of Drosophila Melanogaster.

previous plate has embryos collected on it; this plate of

Comm is a protein that is localized in the central

embryos is now ready to go through the process of fixation.

nervous system. Its function is to ensure that Robo

First, distilled water is squirted in the plate and a small

expression is limited so that the CNS appears normal.

brush is used to lift the embryos and mix them in the water.

Because Robo is also present in the heart, we hypothesized

The water then is poured in this tube that has a mesh cover

that altering Comm levels would affect the expression of

and a cap on one side with the other side open. This is done

Robo in the heart and thereby modify heart development.

several times to ensure that all of the embryos are collected in the mesh tube. Once the embryos are in the tube, bleach is squirted in the tube and is allowed to remain there for three minutes. After this step, it is important to remove all of the remaining bleach properly because it could interfere with the rest of the fixation process. To remove the bleach, continuous washing of the embryos with water is required and to check if the bleach is removed, a paper towel is used. If the paper towel turns pink when the tube is placed on there then there are still traces of bleach present. After removing all of the remaining bleach, the cap is opened and


the mesh, that contains the embryos, is placed into a vial

For this experiment, flies with less than the normal

that has a solution that contains heptane, formaldehyde

amount of Comm are required. As the flies mate, their

solution, and water. Once the embryos are in the vial, the

embryos are collected and stained with two primary

mesh is removed, and the vial is put on the shaker for 20

antibodies (alpha Spectrin and BP102). As a result, the

minutes. This process removes the vitelline membrane

CNS and the heart cells of the fly embryo are also stained.

of the embryos, which is an exoskeleton that protects the

An epiflourescent microscope is used to further select for

embryos while they are developing. After the 20 minutes

specifically stained embryos. Embryos with two parallel

on the shaker, the bottom layer in the vial is removed and

lines (and no horizontal lines) in their CNS are the mutants,

methanol is added in the vial. Then, the vial is vortexed for

these are the ones that are selected to be processed and

60 seconds. Now, this time, bottom layer is saved because

imaged. These embryos are then analyzed via high-resolution

that is where the embryos are, they are transferred to an

imaging. The images of modified and unmodified subjects

ependorf tube. Then immediately after that, methanol

will be compared to identify deformities and abnormalities.

washes are performed at least three times. Lastly, methanol is added and stored the tube at -20째 C, alternately, it can

Methods Embryo Fixation After the 20 hours, the cage is taken out and then

22 | Rutgers Science Review | Fall 2012

be used right away if the embryos need to be stained.

Research Staining Embryos

Analyzing Embryos

The staining process is important because it marks

It is important to select the embryos in the proper stage,

certain areas in the embryos that are of importance.

which is around 16-17. This is because at this stage, the heart

The embryo is stained depending on what the region of

tube formation is complete and can be analyzed properly

importance is. For the experiment, the main focus is the

for this project. In order to analyze the stained embryos, the

heart and more specifically the region where there is lumen

process of whole mount is used. A whole mount slide has

formation because that is where Roundabout is located.

embryos dorsal side up. Then, they are viewed under the

First, methanol is pipetted out from the ependorf tube

confocal microscope, which uses high resolution to display

and two PT washes are performed for five minutes each.

images of the heart by projecting light in the embryo itself

Then a 30 minute PT wash is performed. After the PT washes,

refracting through the ectoderm. Furthermore, embryos are

500 microliters of PT+NGS is added and the ependorf tube

viewed in cross-section rather than whole mount. This process

is placed on the shaker for 30 minutes. An aliquot of the

requires that the embryos are cut one third of the way from the

primary antibody is made; 50 microliters of the primary

anterior side. This allows them to stand vertically on a slide

antibody and 450 microliters of the PT+NGS are added.

so the images on the confocal can be taken at a vertical angle.

This is added to the ependorf tube and incubated for 1 to 2 hours. It could also be placed at -4° C with gentle rocking on

Results and Discussion

a stir plate. The next step is to recover the primary antibody

Some embryo dorsal view images suggest that

for another use if needed. Sodium Aizde can be added the

changes in Comm expression affect Robo expression and,

antibody to prevent any unwanted bacterial growth. The

in turn, alter the appearance and formation of the heart.

embryos are washed three times with PT for five minutes

When there is an overabundance of Robo, gaps in the

each. Following the 3 five minute washes are 4 30 minute

heart result. The images that are processed display heart

PT washes. Shortly after that, 500 microliters of PT+NGS

deformities such as twisting, gaps between cardioblasts, and

is added and incubated for 10 minutes. Then there is an

atypical cardioblast shape. Investigation is still underway.

addition of 1 microliter of secondary antibody diluted in 499 microliters of PT+NGS; this is incubated for two hours. It can also be placed in the -4° C freezer with gentle rocking on a

References Santiago-Martinez, E., Soplop, N.H., Patel, R., and

stir plate. After the incubation, the embryos are washed with

Kramer, S.G. (2008). Repulsion by Slit and Roundabout

PT for five minutes once and then for 30 minutes four times.

prevents Shotgun/E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion

Following all of the washes, the embryos are lastly washed with PBS (1X) for one minute. Right after the wash, 500 microliters of 60% glycerol is

during Drosophila heart tube lumen formation. J Cell Biol 182, 241-248. Developmental Cell, “Axon Targeting Meets Protein

added and the embryos are able to settle at the

Trafficking: Comm Takes Robo to the Cleaners” Mark

bottom of the Eppendorf tube. This takes a few hours.

Rosenzwei Nature Neuroscience Volume 8, Number 2, “Comming across the midline” Catherine Krull

Fall 2012 | Rutgers Science Review | 23

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