WWW.BESTINSPECTOR.COM 239-481-3977 If you want a class on mold, mold sampling and how to read mold results just call the number above and we would be glad to educate you more on the subject! I have seen Realtors get mold reports and have NO IDEA what they mean, how to read them and how to determine if the samples were even taken properly. Sad thing is that after reading this webpage, I bet you will know more than about 90% of the people taking those mold samples, interpreting the results and INFORMING the client on the findings! These people are INFORMING the clients as to the air quality of the house without even knowing what they are doing. They could kill deals needlessly! Unfair to the Real Estate Industry, the public and my profession as a Certified Master Inspector (CMI) and Master Indoor Environmental Specialist (MIES). I am not asking you to Interpret mold results, but I am asking you to check your “Professional” who is taking these samples and make sure the proper steps are followed. The steps I am telling you can be found on the specific mold laboratories websites. Its not my “OPINION” or view, it’s the GUIDELINES set forth by professional laboratories and professional organizations. I want you, the Real Estate Professional, to get the services you paid for. Nothing less, nothing more. But if people are going to offer a service they should be proficient in the services they offer. Watch your mold professional and see if they perform these MANDATORY steps when completing a mold sampling. The following steps are taken directly from the ESA standards of Practice. SEE IF YOUR MOLD PROFESSIONAL FOLLOWS SOME, ALL OR EVEN ANY OF THESE STEPS 1. Purpose 1.1 The purpose of air sampling is to collect a known amount of air through a collection device with an air pump in specific indoor environments as well as an outdoor comparison sample. The collected sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. 2. Scope 2.1 An air sample is collected in “client defined” or “red flag” areas and is not a complete assessment of the subject property. Proper collection, handling, and documentation of samples are required for valid analysis. 2.2 Determinations regarding extent or type of microbial contamination will not be made from results of the visual assessment alone; an appropriate number of samples must be collected as determined by the visual assessment before mold can be identified in a designated area or areas. 2.3 The results of air sampling are not a guarantee that mold does or does not exist in the subject property. The results are indicative only of the presence or absence of mold in the