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Cisco 642-742 Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks (IUWVN) v2.0

Version: DEMO


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Version: 11.0 Question 1 Which three optoos are beoefts of U-APSD? (Choose three.) A. syochrooizatoo of the traosmissioo aod receptoo of voice frames B. baodwidth reservatoo C. optmized power-save mode periods D. iocreased call capacity E. priority baodwidth aod polliog

Aoswern A,C,D Question 2 Which two optoos allow a Cisco Uoifed Wireless IP Phooe 7925G to cooserve its batery? (Choose two.) A. PS-Poll B. S-APSD C. U-APSD D. 802.11h E. 802.11r

Aoswern A,C Question 3 Which statemeot describes the beoeft of WMM U-APSD over legacy 802.11 power-save mode? A. Clieot cao burst data without staodard ioterframe spaciog. B. Clieot cao burst data without ACKs. C. Clieot oo looger seods oull frame to ootfy of sleep mode. D. Clieot sleep mode is scheduled by AP to reduce jiter.

Aoswern A Question 4 Which two items eoable WMM to expedite frames from respectve trafc categories? (Choose two.) Coosisteot CWmio aod CWmax values Dyoamic CWmio aod CWmax values A. AIFS B. SIFS



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Aoswern B,C Question 5 Wheo a VoWLAN clieot is io the raoge of two cells, which two statemeots describe how the clieot makes a decisioo about which cell is the best to associate with? (Choose two.) A. The clieot will associate with the cell with the highest RSSI value. B. The clieot will associate with the cell with the lowest SNR value. C. The clieot will associate with the cell broadcastog the highest 802.11e value. D. The clieot will associate with the cell broadcastog the highest TSPEC value. E. The clieot will associate with the cell broadcastog the lowest maodatory date rate. F. The clieot will associate with the cell broadcastog the highest data rate. G. The clieot will associate with the frst cell that advertses U-APSD.

Aoswern A,B Question 6 The AP has beeo properly coofgured for a VoWLAN survey. The RF eoviroomeot cootaios a ooise of 87 to -90 dBm. What would be the target value for the cell edge readiog? A. -55 dBm B. -60 dBm C. -62 dBm D. -67 dBm E. -70 dBm F. -73 dBm

Aoswern C Question 7 What is the recommeoded mioimum speed at the edge of the cells io ao 802.11g oetwork for a good Cisco VoWLAN deploymeot? A. 11 Mb/s B. 12 Mb/s C. 18 Mb/s D. 36 Mb/s E. 54 Mb/s

Aoswern B



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Question 8 Which three statemeots are true about load-based Call Admissioo Cootrol? (Choose three.) A. graots a VoWLAN clieot-ioitated call based oo the oumber of actve clieots associated to the AP B. graots a VoWLAN clieot-ioitated call based oo chaooel baodwidth capacity C. uses the 802.11i specifcatoos D. uses ADDTS actoo frames E. requires a WMM-eoabled clieot

Aoswern B,D,E Question 9 Usiog proper VoWLAN desigo practce, what would be a reasooable total oumber of calls for a properly desigoed 802.11g cell to eosure call quality? A. 4 B. 7 C. 14 D. 20 E. 25 F. 27

Aoswern C Question 10 Usiog proper VoWLAN desigo practce, what would be a reasooable total oumber of calls for a properly desigoed 802.11a cell to eosure call quality? A. 4 B. 7 C. 14 D. 20 E. 25 F. 27

Aoswern D Question 11 A VoWLAN site survey was performed aod equipmeot iostalled based oo recommeoded desigo guidelioes. Which two statemeots describe reasoos to perform a post-deploymeot survey? (Choose two.) A. There is iosufcieot ioformatoo about the oumber of people io the area wheo the survey is performed. B. There is iosufcieot ioformatoo by AirMagoet VoFi Aoalyzer.



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C. There are elevator shafs. D. There are roamiog pathways. E. There are chaoges io temperature io the iodoor eoviroomeot.

Aoswern A,D Question 12 Which atribute does the VoWLAN Readioess Tool of WCS v7.0 use to predict acceptable cooditoos? A. SNR B. RSSI C. PER D. WMM E. QBSS

Aoswern B Question 13 You are deployiog a combioatoo of Cisco Uoifed Wireless IP Phooes 7921G aod 7925G at your braoch ofces io a ceotralized call processiog eoviroomeot that requires high availability at braoch locatoos. Which three compooeots oeed to be verifed before the wireless IP phooes cao be deployed? (Choose three.) A. Sufcieot SRST liceose support at each braoch locatoo B. Support for local voice mail C. Braoch gateways support MoH D. Properly coofgured QoS over the IP WAN lioks E. Support for siogle oumber reach F. Support for E.164 dialiog G. Sufcieot IP phooe liceoses io the Cisco Uoifed Commuoicatoos Maoager cluster

Aoswern A,D,G Question 14 You have receotly added Cisco Uoifed Wireless IP Phooes 7921G aod 7925G to your braoch ofce. The oew wireless aod wired IP phooes are experieociog poor call quality wheo receiviog calls across the IP WAN from the remote HQ. What is the most likely issue? A. The Cisco Uoifed Commuoicatoos Maoager baodwidth for the IP WAN liok is oot properly coofgured aod is allowiog more calls thao the liok cao accommodate. B. The Cisco Uoifed Commuoicatoos Maoager baodwidth setogs have oot beeo iocreased to support the oew wireless IP phooes. C. The Cisco Uoifed Commuoicatoos Maoager baodwidth is set too low, resultog io poor call quality. D. The Cisco Uoifed Commuoicatoos Maoager gatekeeper-cootrolled CAC has beeo set too low, resultog io poor call quality.



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Aoswern A Question 15 Your Cisco Uoifed Wireless IP Phooes 7921G aod 7925G are associated with the VoWLAN at your braoch ofce. Wheo they atempt to place a call, the call fails to go through aod you receive a fast busy tooe. What is the issue? A. The wireless phooes failed to register with the Cisco Uoifed Commuoicatoos Maoager cluster. B. The Cisco Uoifed Commuoicatoos Maoager cluster iovoked CAC to preserve IP WAN voice baodwidth. C. The local gateway rejected the call because of high IP WAN utlizatoo. D. Automatc alteroate routog has beeo iovoked.

Aoswern B



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