700-801 Practice Exam Questions

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Cisco 700-801 IoT Sales Fundamentals

Version: DEMO


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Question 1 What can workers in the manufacturing industry do now as a direct result of Cisco IOx? A. Increase their frmms global relevance. B. Expand their companyms marketng initatves. C. Receive earlier notfcaton of an approaching peak or Reduce worker tme spent in hold of operaton. D. Reduce worker tme spent in manufacturing plants.

Aoswern C Question 2 Over the next decade, how much revenue is the Cisco Internet of Things expected to ofer by connectng devices worldwide? A. $7.4 Trillion B. $435 Million C. $4.6 Million D. $19.6 Billion

Aoswern A Question 3 Three of the Cisco Connected Utlites solutons are: Connected Mobile Field, Connected AMI, and Connected Distributon Automaton. Which opton is the fourth soluton? A. Connected Roadways B. Connected Vehicle C. Connected Substaton D. Connected Alternatve Energy

Aoswern C Question 4 According to Cisco surveys, which opton do IT Directors care most about? A. Increasing plant and facility safety, creatng a more welcoming ofce atmosphere, and optmiiing delivery channels. B. Reducing labor costs ,improving the frmms internship program, and upgrading security. C. Optmiiing delivery channels, improving the client experience, and upgrading security. D. Improving operatonal efciency improving the companyms data fling system and increasing workplace diversity.



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Aoswern C Question 5 Which two solutons are part of the Cisco internet of Things safety and security portolio? (Choose two) A. fnancial security B. personal security C. cyber security D. physical security

Aoswern C, D



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