Qlure –TUA
Mass trapping of Tuta absoluta Synergy of pheromone and light Solar powered system
Tuta absoluta Tuta absoluta is a devastating pest of Tomato. It is originated from South America. Recently Tuta absoluta was considered to be a serious threat to the tomato production in the Mediterranean region. Strategically, Tuta absoluta which is posing serious and immediate risk to Tomato, Potato and egg plant production can move to cotton.
Mass Trapping Qlure-TUA has been developed as pheromone dispenser of high release rate to attract maximum number of male Tuta absoluta. It has been the corner stone of mass trapping campaign around the Mediterranean during 2008/2009.
Qlure-TUA-Ferolite Patented innovation based on extensive research of the insects mating behaviour, visual stimulants and flight / landing patterns ofTuta absoluta. The result is a trap capable of more than doubling the capture rate of pheromone traps. It captures female insects as well as the male population.
Russell IPM Russell IPM Design, Manufacture, Market and Distribute pheromone-mediated pest monitoring and control system for Agriculture, Horticulture, Stored products insects, Home and Garden market. Russell IPM has been at the forefront of insect monitoring for the past 22 years. We formulate over 150 insect pheromone lures and traps for insects from around the world. Our systems include insect pheromone lures, pheromone traps and bio-rational crop protection. Russell IPM has the technology to incorporate and release pheromones and attractant in the adhesive layer to produce different sizes and formats of sticky glue boards and rolls.
Tuta Specific The system has a built-in fine tuning features to target Tuta absoluta only minimising the impact on non target insects including beneficial.
Russell IPM Ltd, Unit 68, Third Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park, Flintshire, CH5 2LA United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0) 1244 281333 Fax: +44 (0) 1244 281878 www.russellipm.com