Home Reporter 20180615

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VOLUME 66 NUMBER 24 • JUNE 15, 2018-JUNE 21, 2018



Donovan and Grimm go head to head in first congressional debate. SEE PAGE 6


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Graduation ebrooklyn media/Photo by Paula Katinas

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2• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018


The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.

Photo by Rick Buttacavoli

Senate passes Verrazano Bridge toll discount plan for Brooklyn BY JOHN ALEXANDER JALEXANDER@BROOKLYNEAGLE.COM


all it the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge or the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge, either way the toll is way too high. And Brooklynites are being hit the hardest by having to cough up the $17 round trip fare. The State Senate has finally passed a bill that will offer some relief, especially for those Brooklyn residents who travel to Staten Island for work or have family living there. A reduced fare plan has been in effect for Staten Island residents who commute daily across the bridge to work in Manhattan or one of the boroughs. That same discount has never applied for Brooklyn residents who do the reverse commute. According to State Sen. Marty Golden, the legislation would provide Verrazano-Narrows Bridge toll relief to Kings County residents who utilize E-Z pass and who cross the bridge three or more times per month. “The residents of Brooklyn, and in particular Southern Brooklyn, realistically have only one way to enter Staten Island and/or parts of New Jersey for employment, visiting relatives, and use of vacation properties,”

Golden said. “Our families “As the sponsor of this bill in and businesses simply cannot the Assembly, I have been trying afford to shoulder the burdens to get toll relief passed for the forced on them by the tolls at the Verrazano Bridge,” Abbate told Verrazano Narrows Bridge any this paper. “As one of the pricilonger.” est tolls in the country, this is a Brooklyn residents with E-Z serious issue for the residents pass pay $11.52, a 32% savings of Southern Brooklyn as well from the $17.00 toll. Staten Island as the rest of the city. I will conresidents pay $5.50. tinue to work on an agreement For Amanda Alexander, who with my colleagues on the scope lives in Bay Ridge and teaches at of the bill and the cost.” P.S. 41-The Stephanie A. Vierno In addition to the issue of toll School on Staten Island, the toll hikes, Golden has led passage reduction would cut her month- for legislation that seeks to ly travel cost in half. “Every four correct the spelling of the Verweeks I pay $230 in tolls com- razano by adding the extra “z” muting to work,” she told this back to the explorer Giovanni paper. “A Staten Islander would da Verrazzano’s name. That pay $110 for the same number bill was sent to the Assembly of trips. It would be a welcome by Assemblymember Michael savings.” Cusic. Golden said that this issue Golden called the Verrazano has been a constant complaint tolls the most expensive in the from borough residents. “On country and said that this lega very regular basis, Brooklyn islation has taken too long. He residents express concerns told this paper that Brooklyn about the regular rising cost families deserve the same conof Verrazano Bridge toll, and sideration as Staten Islanders. see no end in sight to these in- “While people in Staten Island creases,” Golden said, calling on can’t afford to get off the island, his colleagues in the Assembly we can’t afford to get on it.” to “make this the year toll-relief Before any discount plan happens.” can take effect, the bill must be Assemblymember Peter passed by the state Assembly. Abbate himself has been cham- It would then be sent to Govpioning the reduction of tolls for ernor Andrew Cuomo for his Brooklynites. signature.

It’s now a three-way race for the Democratic nomination to fill the seat vacated by former Assemblymember Pamela Harris, who resigned from office in April after being slammed with an 11-count indictment on fraud and corruption charges in January. Chris McCreight, chief of staff to City Councilmember Justin Brannan, announced his candidacy for the post on Thursday, June 7. In seeking the nomination, he joins Coney Island activist Mathylde Frontus and Ethan Lustig-Elgrably, a former staffer for City Councilmember Mark Treyger. One Republican, Steve Saperstein, is also seeking to fill the empty seat in the 46th A.D., which encompasses portions of Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Gravesend, Brighton Beach, Sea Gate and Coney Island. McCreight, the only Ridgeite in the race, said one of his main goals, should he be elected, would be to “make sure every neighborhood in the district, which is very diverse, gets the attention it deserves.” McCreight also touched on the issue of corruption — which has not only affected Albany but the district itself, with Harris pleading guilty just days after his announcement to four of 11 counts in the original indictment brought against her in January. —Helen Klein

NO-APPOINTMENT BULK PICK-UP TO RETURN TO RIDGE, DYKER In an effort to keep city streets looking more like sidewalks and less like furniture showrooms, large bulk collection will return solely to Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights on non-recycling days – no appointment needed, announced Councilmember Justin Brannan. According to the pol, starting this summer, a Department of Sanitation (DSNY) garbage truck will be assigned to the 'hoods on non-recycling days to pick up any and all bulk items, like bed frames and old couches, whether or not the resident has made an appointment. This change, Brannan said, is welcome, and means no more furniture sitting on the curb for weeks on end waiting to be picked up. The change comes less than a year after DSNY launched the bulk pick-up appointment program in the district. Residents should continue making appointments for bulk pick-up through July 2, when the new expanded pick-up program is expected to begin. In addition, Brannan said, DSNY will start collecting organics once a week on recycling days. —Meaghan McGoldrick

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 3

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4• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018



With the return of John Travolta this week to Bensonhurst’s Lenny’s Pizza, it seemed a perfect time to look back on the debut of his iconic film, “Saturday Night Fever,” which opened in 1977. In this photo from the ebrooklyn media/file photo files of this newspaper, a crowd waits outside the Alpine Theater in Bay Ridge on a snowy evening, umbrellas open; parked across the street, a car that epitomized the era. The other feature screened at the Alpine that evening was “Telefon” with Charles Bronson. Compiled by Helen Klein

LETTERS CLASS WARFARE I just received the latest quarterly property tax bill on my three-family home in Bensonhurst. Yet another increase, this time for $61, or $244 per annum. My property taxes, and those of my neighbors, are now near the $10,000 SALT cap imposed by the GOP Tax Reform Bill. This time, the increase is the direct result of an arbitrary rise in the "assessed value" of my house even though the estimated market value decreased. There was no change in the property tax rate, the usual vehicle for increasing property taxes on small homeowners like me. Why, pray tell, would my assessed value increase if the estimated market value of my house declined? My bill provides no explanation. And so this unrelenting class warfare on the part of the city continues unabated. Dennis Middlebrooks

SPECIAL DELIVERY The United States Post Office has averaged quarterly losses of $550 million in 2017. This will now result in the price of a

(Established 1953)

Publisher: EBrooklyn Media (jdh@brooklyneagle.com) Editor: Helen Klein Business Manager: Alice Peters Sales & Promotion Manager: Christine LaTorre Digital Editor: Meaghan McGoldrick

E-mail: editorial@brooklynreporter.com Home Reporter is published weekly by EBrooklyn Media.

16 Court St., 30th Flr. , Brooklyn, NY 11241

first class stamp going up by a penny from 49 cents to 50 cents later this year. Part of the problem is that Congress in 2006 mandated that the Post Office fully fund 75 years of retirement benefits for employees. This has contributed billions to the Post Office's long term debt. It is time for Congress to amend legislation and afford the Post Office ability to fund its retirement plan at a more reasonable level. There are other initiatives which could assist the Postal Service in avoiding frequent postage stamp increases. The Post Office should continue with more joint business ventures like Amazon in expanding Sunday delivery to generate badly needed revenues. This would assist in developing alternatives to raising the price of a first class stamps every few years. Why not consider going after other available untapped potential revenue streams? The US Postal Service could sell advertising space on the sides of mailboxes and vehicles. Sell off some valuable real estate and move to less expensive locations. Why not join banks and fast-food restaurants that sublet space at big box stores to open smaller post offices? Generate both revenue and customers by subletting excess capacity at underutilized post offices to other government agencies along with private sector businesses. License corporations to sponsor stamps for a fee. Have elected officials pay the real, full costs for their bulk rate mailings to constituents. Charge the full price for all junk mail. Future increases in the price of stamps should be directly tied to inflation. The Post Office should apply free-enterprise solutions to provide a more cost-effective product, reduce deficits and prevent more branches from closing, thus keeping its commitment to serve the public well. Larry Penner

THE TEST IS NOT THE PROBLEM Six months into his second lights of our public school system. term, Mayor Bill de Blasio seems Mayor de Blasio seems unable intent on once again creating an to comprehend that the testing issue that will pit one group of methods employed by the DepartNew Yorkers against another. ment of Education are in fact color Last summer, New Yorkers blind. They do not know whether the student taking them is white, witnessed his politically correct plan to remove statues of black, Asian or Hispanic. Nor, do they take into Christopher Columbus account a student’s and other historic religious, family figures from their or socio-economic pedestals around our city. Thankbackground. fully, after much The test’s only purpose is to see if the uproar and creation of student has what it a monument review commission, com- BY ASSEMBLYMEMBER takes to succeed in mon sense prevailed NICOLE MALLIOTAKIS these eight schools whose tough stanand Columbus still holds his perch at dards and curricuBroadway and West 59th Street in lums have, over the years, proManhattan and President Teddy duced 14 future Nobel Laureates, Roosevelt remains in front of the dozens of Westinghouse/Intel American Museum of Natural Science Scholarships winners and thousands of others graduHistory. Sadly, this year’s ill conceived ates that have become leaders in plan isn’t aimed at those who died their professions and productive centuries ago. It has to with the members of society. education of young New Yorkers The solution to this problem and perceived racial and econom- won’t be found by lowering stanic inequities within the selection dards in eight specialized high process for the Department of schools. The real solution lies in Education’s eight specialized high improving the quality of the edschools. ucation in all our public schools. Mayor de Blasio wants to do Remember, we’re only talking away with the Specialized High 5,000 seats per year in a system School Admissions Test (SHSAT) that educates upwards of one milwhich for decades has served as lion students on an annual basis. the key to admissions to these The mayor shouldn’t be peschools. He is alarmed that only nalizing the hard work of Asian 10 percent of this year’s incoming American students; he should be freshman class of roughly 5,000 penalizing the bureaucrats he emstudents will be black or Hispanic ploys to run our city’s Department compared to city’s overall public of Education which spends more school enrollment where these than $22,000 per pupil per year group account for 67 percent of (more than double the national the student body. Fifty two per- average) to educate our children. cent of those 5,000 spots will be Ultimately, the authority to filled by Asian-Americans and 27 change the entrance requirepercent by whites. ments for specialized high schools While the disparity between rests with the state legislature, not the groups is obvious, Mayor de the mayor. Until a solution can be Blasio’s solution won’t solve the derived that benefits all children underlying problem; a school without lowering the standards system that is failing New York in the specialized schools, I will City’s children. His approach vote NO on any legislation that will merely devalue a diploma attempts to implement the de from schools like Bronx Science, Blasio plan. Stuyvesant High, Brooklyn Tech Nicole Malliotakis represents the and Staten Island Tech, and pos- 64th A.D. in Brooklyn and Staten sibly snuff out one of the bright Island.

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 5

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6• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018

Grimm’s criminal past big topic at first debate vs. Donovan BY PAULA KATINAS PAULA@BROOKLYNEAGLE.COM


t was a verbal slugfest. The first debate between Republican U.S. Rep. Dan Donovan and his challenger, Michael Grimm, did not disappoint political observers who were hoping for fireworks. During a one-hour live debate on 77 WABC Radio on Monday, the two men sparred over everything from Grimm’s criminal record to Donovan’s efforts to save the Brooklyn Veterans Administration hospital to whether the incumbent sought to convince ebrooklyn media/Photos by Paula Katinas President Donald Trump to U.S. Rep. Dan Donovan grant Grimm a pardon. and challenger Michael The two candidates freGrimm sparred during quently interrupted each their first face-to-face other and had several tense debate. exchanges. immigrants are the only ones Grimm’s past was a frequent applying for those jobs. “Amertopic of discussion during the contentious showdown icans, unfortunately, don’t show moderated by WABC Political up for those jobs. Either you Affairs Director Rita Cosby, coclose your business or you hire host of the “Curtis and Cosby undocumented workers,” he said. Show.” Cosby asked Grimm pointGrimm, who had been electblank if he had sought a pardon from President Donald Trump. ed to Congress in 2010, pleaded guilty in early 2015 to a federal Donovan said former Staten Island Borough President Guy tax fraud charge stemming from his ownership of a health Molinari asked him to look into food restaurant and his hiring a pardon for Grimm. But during U.S. Rep. Dan Donovan, Rita Cosby of undocumented immigrants. and Michael Grimm. a conversation with the president, He resigned from Congress. Trump asked Donovan if MoliDonovan, the former Staten nari had supported him in the Island district attorney, won the seat he sold us out for a deal with the Jus- 2016 election. Donovan replied no, in a special election in May of 2015. tice Department,” Donovan said. that Molinari was a Never Trumper. Now Grimm is running against As district attorney, “I put people “The President did not care to hear Donovan in the Republican Pri- like him in prison,” Donovan said of this at all,” Donovan said. mary on June 26 to get his old seat Grimm. Grimm came under fire for not back representing New York’s 11th Grimm countered that he was releasing his tax returns. Donovan Congressional District (Southwest charged with paying four of his released his tax returns in April. Brooklyn-Staten Island). undocumented immigrant workers Grimm said he will not release his tax Donovan charged that Grimm off the books, a common practice of returns, “because I’m not required to.” pulled a fast one on voters going restaurant owners in New York City. Donovan seized on Grimm’s refusinto the 2014 election, in which He contended that he should have al. “How many things have you been Grimm defeated Democrat Domenic faced a civil penalty, not criminal hiding from the public?” he asked Recchia. Donovan said Grimm, who charges. him. was already under investigation for When Cosby asked Grimm if he Grimm charged that Donovan tax fraud, told voters he was innocent is in any position to criticize un- has done nothing to stop funding of the charges against him. And after documented immigrants since he cuts to the Veterans Administration he won re-election, he cut a plea deal himself hired them, the challenger Medical Center. The center is located with federal prosecutors and pleaded said a business owner hiring low- at 800 Poly Place in Bay Ridge. “The guilty, Donovan said. skilled workers for minimum wage Brooklyn VA has done nothing but “He betrayed our trust. Weeks later usually finds that undocumented cut services,” Grimm said.

“We kept services open. We will keep the ENT open,” Donovan said referring to the medical center’s ear, nose and throat clinic which is threatened with closure due to budget cuts. The recent case involving Pablo Villavicencio, the undocumented immigrant from Ecuador who was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents while delivering a pizza to the Fort Hamilton Army Base in Bay Ridge became a bone of contention between Donovan and Grimm when the conversation broadened to Sanctuary Cities and whether local governments should be protecting undocumented immigrants . “People are blaming ICE and military officers for enforcing the law. They did exactly what they were supposed to do. They did their jobs,” Donovan said. Grimm charged that Donovan supported granting amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Donovan denied it. Grimm also said Donovan opposed cutting federal funding to Sanctuary Cities. Donovan said he opposes the idea of harboring illegal immigrants but that a bill to cut funding to Sanctuary Cities went too far. It would have cut funding for the NYPD, he said. Grimm called Sanctuary Cities “a horrible” policy and said that it “puts our police officers at risk.” Grimm also claimed that Donovan pleaded with him not to run against him in primary. He claimed Donovan told him, “Give me two more years,” and that then he would retire from Congress and be eligible for a government pension. Donovan shook his head and denied Grimm’s contention. Grimm said that Donovan has not passed any substantive legislation during his time in Congress. Donovan described himself as the most productive freshman lawmaker in the House in terms of the number of bills passed. Cosby noted that Trump has endorsed Donovan in the race. “Dan Donovan has the entire establishment behind him. I have the people behind me. I’m fine with that,” Grimm said.

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8• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018

Child traffic fatalities are on track to reach a record high in the era of Vision Zero.

Speed cameras can protect our children from this danger.

Every day, children in Bay Ridge risk death and injury just crossing the street. That is why so many support commonsense bi-partisan legislation (S6046-C/A7798-C) that would increase the number of speed cameras near schools. Local organizations like Bay Ridge Advocates Keeping Everyone Safe (B.R.A.K.E.S) and Children United to Rein-in Breakneck Speeding (C.U.R.B. Speeding) support this legislation alongside a rising tide of endorsements in Albany. Senator Marty Golden and Governor Andrew Cuomo must stand up for young people in Bay Ridge – and over 1 million other children in New York City who are at risk while they walk to school – in the call to C.U.R.B. Speeding.




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Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 9

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Cops seek burglar who stole $4,000 from commercial vehicle in Dyker Heights

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ops are seeking information on a suspect wanted for burglarizing a commercial vehicle in the Dyker Heights area. According to authorities, at around 6:20 p.m. on June 1, the burglar broke into the vehicle parked near 13th Avenue and 70th Street and stole around $4,000. The man then got into a dark-colored vehicle and drove in an unknown direction. Police describe the suspect as a white male around 5'9" to 5'11” tall. He was wearing a blue shirt, beige shorts and white sneakers. Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime stoppers website at www.nypdcrimestoppers.com or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then

Photo courtesy of the NYPD

A surveillance image of the suspect.

entering TIP577. All calls are strictly confidential. —Jaime DeJesus

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10• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018


Cops arrest garbage truck driver for drunk driving, crashing into several parked cars in Bensonhurst BY JAIME DEJESUS

take a breathalyzer. Viking Sanitation, Castaldo’s employer, released a statement to the press. "Our company has a long track record of safety and we hold ourselves to high standards, including random drug testing for drivers,” it read. “It appears that this driver failed to adhere to our standards and he was immediately suspended as part of the ongoing investigation of this serious incident.”



olice arrested a 40-year-old male garbage truck driver on five charges after he crashed into several parked cars in the Bensonhurst area. Authorities allege that, on Saturday, June 9 at around 5:30 a.m., Anthony Castaldo was driving a private sanitation truck at a high speed eastbound at 60th Street and 19th Avenue when he lost control and collided with several parked cars before hitting the front of a building on 60th Street between 18th and 19th Avenues. When officers arrived at the scene, authorities allege, they noticed that the suspect had watery eyes, slurred speech and an unsteady gait. They say he was being uncooperative with officers and pushed one of them away before fleeing on foot. Cops also say that one officer chasing the alleged perp fell to the ground, sustaining minor injuries.

ebrooklyn media/Photo by Adam Balhetchet

The scene of the multiple crashes. Nonetheless, the driver was apprehended at 59th Street and 19th Avenue at around 6 a.m., despite the fact that the suspect continued to ignore lawful instruction given to him, say police. According to authorities, one cop used a Taser, striking the suspect in the torso, to subdue him.

EMS transported the driver to Maimonides Medical Center, where he was listed in stable condition. He refused a breathalyzer test. Castaldo was charged with resisting arrest, reckless driving, leaving the ebrooklyn media/Photo by Mark Mellone scene, DWAI and refusing to The suspect being arrested.

Compiled by Jaime DeJesus

68 TH PRECINCT The 68th Precinct serves Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights and Fort Hamilton. TWO AGAINST ONE: A 23-year-old was attacked by two men on the northeast corner of Third Avenue and 81st Street on Sunday, June 10 at at around 3:20 a.m. According to reports, the two attackers struck the victim — who was intoxicated at the time — in the face. The perps fled in an unknown direction. No arrests have been made. BENCHED: A 57-year-old woman was attacked while sitting on a bench near Senator Street and Third Avenue on Thursday, June 7 by a 50-year-old woman. According to reports, at around 2:40 p.m., the attacker approached the victim, and hit her on the top of the head with a metal baseball bat, then fled the scene. No arrests have been made. CROOK BREAKS IN THROUGH FIRE ESCAPE: An apartment at Ovington Avenue and Sixth Avenue was burglarized

62 ND PRECINCT on Monday, June 4 at around 10:52 a.m. According to reports, the unknown crook entered through a window near the fire escape and stole several items. No arrests have been made. SHATTERED: An unknown crook broke into a vehicle belonging to a 46-year-old man that was parked on 62nd Street between 12th and 13th Avenues and stole over $1,000 on Monday, June 4. According to reports, after the victim left the car at around noon, the crook broke the rear driver’s side window and stole a plastic bag containing around $1,200. No arrests have been made. BREAKING DOWN DOORS: An unknown perp damaged the rear entry door of a home on 77th Street between Fort Hamilton Parkway and 10th Avenue around 9:35 p.m. on Thursday, June 7. Reports say that the suspect removed the hinges from the home’s screen door, worth around $100. No arrests have been made.

The 62nd Precinct serves Bensonhurst, Bath Beach and Gravesend. THREE MASKED MEN STEAL CAR: Three men wearing surgical masks attacked a 27-year-old man near Bay Ridge Parkway and 21st Avenue and stole his car at around 1 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5. According to the police, the victim was driving westbound on Bay Parkway when he got a phone call. He pulled over, got out of the car, leaving the keys in the ignition, and was smoking a cigarette when he was approached by the trio. One of the perps told him not to move, then sprayed him in the eyes with an unknown substance. The perps then jumped into the vehicle and fled in an unknown direction. No arrests have been made. DRY CLEANED: Crooks broke into a dry cleaner at 20th Avenue and 70th Street and stole $140 on Wednesday, June 6 at around 1:50 a.m. According to reports, employees closed the store at around 9 p.m.; the crook later broke into the store by going under the front door gate and grabbing the cash from the register, then fleeing in an unknown direction. No arrests have been made. BUSTED FOR STAB ATTACK: Two young men, one 17, the other 22, were arrested for allegedly attempting to stab a 30-year-old man with knives at Avenue P and West Second Street on Friday, June 8. Reports say that at around 9:02 p.m., the victim was walking home when the suspects allegedly lunged at him, attempting to stab him. The man got away and called 911. When cops apprehended the suspects, one of them pushed an officer who was attempting to handcuff him. According to police, one of the suspects was in possession of a mini machete and two knives.

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 11



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12• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018


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14• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018

Former Brooklyn Assemblymember Pamela Harris pleads guilty to four counts BY CLARISSA SOSIN


t wasn’t until she read her statement to the court that former South Brooklyn Assemblymember Pamela Harris began to cry. It started with a waver in her voice, her head bowed down over a piece of paper as she read her account of the crimes. Harris, 57, who represented portions of Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Gravesend, Brighton Beach, Sea Gate and Coney Island, pleaded guilty in federal court to four out of the original 11 counts on the indictment on Tuesday, June 12. She appeared in front of United States Magistrate Judge Robert Levy and admitted guilt to two counts of wire fraud, one count of making false statements to FEMA, and one count of witness tampering. Sniffing periodically as she read, she described how she falsified applications for discretionary funds from the New York City Council and then wired those funds to her personal bank account. She recounted how she

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Former Assemblywoman Pamela Harris leaving Brooklyn Federal Court after a hearing earlier this year. lied about living with her twin sister on Staten Island after Hurricane Sandy to receive disaster money from FEMA. She paused part way through her statement, saying “pardon me” to the judge, before telling the court how she told her sister to lie to the FBI when she found out she was under investigation. According to a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Harris defrauded the New York City Council of $45,600 total and FEMA of approximately $25,000 between 2012 and 2017. She faces a maximum of 30 years in prison for making

false statements to FEMA, and a maximum of 20 years in prison for the wire fraud and witness tampering charges. Among the other agencies that Harris had been charged with defrauding are the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, the New York City Build it Back Program, and the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York. Harris, a Democrat, succeeded former Assemblymember Alec

Brook-Krasny, winning a 2015 special election that was held after BrookKrasny, also a Democrat, stepped down to take a job in the private sector. The latter was indicted after stepping down in connection with a sting operation targeting three Brooklyn medical clinics that investigators allege were “pill mills” which illegally prescribed opioid painkillers while also fraudulently billing Medicare and Medicaid for millions of dollars’ worth of unnecessary medical tests, physical therapy and psychiatric services. In a statement given out after the hearing, Harris’s attorneys Joel Cohen and Jerry Goldfeder wrote that they hoped Judge Jack Weinstein, the judge assigned to sentencing, would be lenient in his sentencing. They emphasized that none of the charges were related to Harris’s time as an assemblymember and they wrote that she “admitted her guilt in an effort to move on with her life.” Harris is set to appear in court for her sentencing on Sept. 26 at 10:30 a.m. Additional reporting contributed by Helen Klein

NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSBEAT Lesbians Claim Uber Driver Booted Them After They Kissed MANHATTAN BRIDGE — Alex Iovine and her girlfriend, Emma Pichl, say that an Uber driver told them to leave his car after they kissed briefly while the cab was driving over the Manhattan Bridge. The two of them had finished eating lunch at Pig Beach, a Gowanus eatery, when they summoned an Uber to take them to Manhattan, NBC News reported. After the two kissed, “The driver pulled suddenly pulled over and said, `Get out of my car, you’re not allowed to do that,’” Iovine told NBC News. A cellphone video of the incident that Iovine posted on her Facebook site shows the driver as a dark-haired white or Hispanic man with a moustache wearing dark glasses and a white T-shirt. Uber said the company “does not tolerate any form of discrimination, and we have reached out to the rider regarding her experience,” according to NBC News.

Shark Exhibit Opens at NY Aquarium — Finally CONEY ISLAND — The long-awaited shark exhibit at the New York Aquarium opens on June 30. “Ocean Wonders: Sharks!” was announced in 2012, but Superstorm Sandy delayed construction of the 57-000-square-foot exhibit until 2014. There will be a total of 115 species of sharks on display in the main 500,000-gallon tank, including sand tiger sharks, cownose rays, loggerhead sea turtles and thousands of

types of fish. Workers were putting the final touches on the Shimmer Wall on Wednesday, according to Brownstoner. The wall is made out of 33,000 aluminum rectangles, hanging from tension cables and recreates a sense of waves and movement across the facade as the wind shifts the tiles. The aquarium also recently debuted its own restaurant, The Oceanside Grill, which is open for business along the boardwalk.

Close Fort Hamilton Army Base, Says Blog FORT HAMILTON — Every few years, the U.S. military looks at a list of facilities that could be closed, and the Bay Ridge community and its political allies raise a hue and cry to make sure Fort Hamilton isn’t on that list. However, the local blog Hey Ridge, in a move that is sure to be unpopular in the neighborhood, says “The Army base should close” and take its military personnel with it. The idea goes back as far as 1906, when the West End Board of Trade of Brooklyn wanted to turn it into a park. However, then-Secretary of War William Howard Taft put a damper on the idea, saying Fort Hamilton was necessary for the defense of New York Harbor. In 1926, it was suggested as a location for what is now called Brooklyn College, but eventually the current site at Nostrand and Flatbush avenues was chosen. The Hey Ridge writer said military police who are assigned to live on the base are “re-creating the city in the image of suburban America: calling ICE on the pizza delivery guy, eating fast food from chain restaurants and driving everywhere.”

NICE TO HAVE ‘MET‘ YOU. Newlyweds Rick and Monica Buttacavoli pose with their idol, New York Mets legend Keith Hernandez, who visited the Bookmark Shoppe in Bay Ridge on Saturday, June 9. The team’s longtime broadcaster and former first baseman was promoting his latest book, “I’m Keith Hernandez.”

Photo courtesy of Monica Buttacavoli

Councilmember Announces Single-Sex Beach Days for Observant Jews, Muslims MANHATTAN BEACH — Councilmember Chaim Deutsch (D-Manhattan Beach-Sheepshead Bay) is sponsoring sex-segregated beach days at a beach behind Kingsborough Community College to allow his Orthodox Jewish and Muslim constituents the opportunity to enjoy the seashore. “A lot of people are disenfranchised for religious reasons,” Deutsch told the Daily News. “They don’t use the beach because they don’t go mixed swimming.” Deutsch, himself an observant Jew, plans to rent the beach space from the community college. Males will be able to go on June 29, while June 27 is reserved for females. For reasons of modesty, Orthodox Jews and Muslims do not swim with members of the opposite sex. Similar single-sex hours at a public swimming pool in Williamsburg were a matter of legal contention recently, but the matter was resolved in favor of the Orthodox Jewish community.

More Details Unveiled About Development at LICH Site COBBLE HILL — The developer of River Park, the real estate development that will rise on the former Long Island College Hospital campus, unveiled a new website Monday that includes several more renderings and details about the development. The project, according to Curbed, is composed of five elements: the historic Polhemus Building, which is being converted into condos; a group of townhouses next to the building; 1

River Park, a 15-story condo building; 2 River Park, the tallest building, which will rise 475 feet; and 5 River Park, another 150-story tower. The buildings will all include high-end amenities, such as balconies as large as 300 square feet (at 1 River Park), a “sky park” (at 2 River Park) and a pool (at 5 River Park). One River Park, on the corner of Hicks Street and Atlantic Avenue, will be closest to the waterfront, Curbed reported.

Judge Halts Deportation Of Pizza Delivery Man BAY RIDGE — A Manhattan federal judge has temporarily stopped the deportation of a pizza delivery man who was arrested at Fort Hamilton, at least until another court hearing on July 20. Judge Alison J. Nathan of the 1st Judicial Department ruled in favor of Pablo Villavicencio Calderon, who was delivering pizza from a Queens pizzeria to the Brooklyn army base when he was turned over to Immigration

and Customs Enforcement by a military police officer, according to The New York Times. After authorities ran a background check on Villavicencio, a native of Ecuador, it turned out that he had an open order of removal since 2010. The judge said federal officials must file court documents to explain why a temporary preliminary injunction should not be issued in favor of Villavicencio, the Times reported.

Jane’s Motorcycles in Williamsburg Is Not Your Typical Biker Shop WILLIAMSBURG — Only in Williamsburg would a store sell motorcycles, coffee and clothing all in one. Alex DiMattio and Adam Kallen run Jane’s Motorcycles, located at 396 Wythe Ave., which is possibly the only shop of its kind in the world. Their concept was frowned upon by many of their business consultants, but the duo went ahead with their dream nonetheless and their customers appreciate it. “They make great coffee, they’re great guys, it’s a beautiful shop, I love all the motorcycles, what’s there not to love — it’s all the great things in life,” customer Sam Slaughter told ABC7. Their motorcycles are on display in the store and are custom-made only 20 blocks away. Their clothing, also made in Brooklyn, is designed for riders who want a different look from the stereotypical biker and can be worn around the city any day.

Week of June 14-20, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle//Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 1INB

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 15INB

Brooklyn Family Court Holds Annual Teen Day Rosie Williams, an advocate for youth with “You Gotta Believe!,” a program that is part of the Nobody Ages Out Youth Movement, speaks on the panel. Panel moderator Jim St. Germain, right, listens to her at right.

By Paul Frangipane INBrooklyn

The Kings County Family Court hosted its annual Teen Day event on Thursday for Brooklyn kids in the foster care system to network and interact with various agencies to prepare for their future. Tables set up from some 30 agencies allowed kids heading into adulthood to learn about college prospects, health insurance, preparing for job interviews and other information. With youth movements currently taking the country by storm, this year’s theme was “Using Your Voice as a Bridge to Your Future.” “Our hope was that by picking this theme today … we would help the teens catch even a glimpse of trying to see what it means to use your voice to really

Dozens of kids from the foster care system watch as panelists discuss how kids can achieve what they want in life and how adults can help them. Brooklyn Eagle photos by Paul Frangipane build your own future,” said Judge Dean Kusakabe, co-chairman for the Teen Day Committee.

After a dance performance in front of dozens of teens by the Flex Program, an arts education initiative aimed at helping young people in difficult situations, three panelists engaged in a discussion about how kids can achieve their goals and how adults in the system can help them. Drayvon Washington, who had just performed with the Flex Program, said adults need to level with the kids. “You have to show them eye-toeye level. I’m gonna get off my high horse and get down and dirty,” Washington said. “You have to meet them all the way.” Kyle Layne, a residential counselor at St. Anne Institute in Albany, who aged out of the foster care system at 21, said education and books got him through by giving him an opportunity to block out reality.

But an advocate in the “You Gotta Believe!” program as part of the Nobody Ages Out Youth Movement Rosie Williams offered advice for kids who struggle with school. “You have to meet the kids where they’re at, if they’re not learning in the classroom, let’s ask them a question of how you learn,” Williams said. “You have to believe in these kids for them to believe in themselves.” As for the judges and other courthouse employees in the system, Williams said they need to allow kids to tell their stories in court. “The only way the system is going to change is through the young people that’s going through the system,” Williams told the teens. “So speak up and don’t be afraid to speak up about your story because it’s powerful.”

Several kids in the crowd held up their phones to record the Teen Day dance performance. 16INB •• INBROOKLYN — A—Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 15-21, 2018 2INB INBROOKLYN A Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Brooklyn Record/Ho/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 14-20, 2018

a special section of

Week ofWeek Juneof15-21, — A Special SectionSection of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights June 2018 14-20,• INBROOKLYN 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special of Brooklyn Eagle/HeightsPress/Home Press/HomeReporter/Brooklyn Reporter/BrooklynSpectator/Brooklyn Spectator/BrooklynRecord/Greenpoint Record/GreenpointGazette Gazette• •17INB 3INB

The Art Room in Bay Ridge showcases children’s artistic creations BY JOHN ALEXANDER JALEXANDER@BROOKLYNEAGLE.COM


id you ever wonder what a child would do when given the opportunity to create art inspired by a contemporary artist? Well, the Art Room, located at 8710 Third Ave. in Bay Ridge, provided children of all ages with the opportunity to learn about Japanese art and create their own personal masterpieces. On Sunday, June 3, the Art Room presented a colorful art exhibit of polka dot mirror art inspired by Yayoi Kusama, the Japanese contemporary artist who has been called the “Queen of Polka Dots.” Kusama’s work is based in conceptual art and contains elements of minimalism, surrealism, pop art, and abstract expressionism. The children were encouraged to create their own abstract art using a mirror as their canvas and incorporating patterns with bright and bold colors. The Art Room is run by a dedicated staff of teachers including founder Leigh Holliday Brannan and her mother-in-law Mary Immaculata Brannan. Students ages three to 12 attend classes to learn about art. Leigh was born and raised in Washington, D.C. After high school, she moved to the Midwest to study psychology, but decided her first love was art and moved back to the nation’s capital to attend the Corcoran College of Art and Design. After graduating in 1996, she founded a fine art school for children near Georgetown, where she remained for seven years. In 2003, Leigh moved to New York City where she worked for a time on Wall Street, before again realizing that art was her true passion. In 2010, she founded the Art Room NYC, and has been educating and inspiring children to create art ever since. She is married to City Councilmember Justin Brannan. Mary has been a teacher at Holy Angels Catholic Academy in Bay Ridge for 30 years. She began her career as a kindergarten teacher in 1984, and was responsible for founding the school’s Pre-K program in 1990. “We spent a couple of weeks studying Yayoi Kusama, the Japanese artist who’s called the “Polka Dot Princess,” Mary said. “We presented the idea that the kids would each do a sketch

Art Room display showcasing student paintings and collages.

ebrooklyn media/Photos by John Alexander

The Art Room’s Mary Immaculata Brannan with Leigh Holliday Brannan. to execute their mirror. Everything is their own selection, including the color of paint they chose.”

Leigh pointed out the range of expression from the youngest kids who did little dot designs to the older

children who created intricate works of art. “We picked Yayoi Kusama as a theme because we wanted the kids to feel the cohesion of work that was going to go up and we think it’s really come together beautifully,” Leigh said. “It also shows how unique everyone is when you view it as a body of work.”

P.S. 112 students celebrated Da Vinci’s birthday BY ARIAMA LONG EDITORIAL@BROOKLYNEAGLE.COM


ravissimo! P.S. 112 in Bensonhurst, which in 2015 became the first in the city to have a dual language English-Italian program, celebrated Italian culture as students from the program mounted an art display at the Italian Consulate to mark iconic artist and designer Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday on April 15. The dual language program had previously caught the attention of the consulate, representatives of which, during a visit to the school, had seen that students in classes from pre-kindergarten through first grade were recreating some of Da Vinci’s most notable achievements. The art pieces included model helicopters, as well as tissue paper replicas and mosaics of the Mona Lisa. All of the dual language classes worked together to construct a robot using Da Vinci’s sketches of a mechanical knight from 1495 as a guide. “It was wonderful to have the students see their work displayed, and the Italian Consul General and education director came out to talk to the students while we were there,” noted P.S. 112 Principal Louise Alfano. According to the 2009-2013 American Community Survey, the

percentage of Italian-speaking homes in Bensonhurst was among the highest among New York City neighborhoods. According to the 2010 Census, about 80 percent of households in the surrounding Dyker Heights and New Utrecht areas speak a language other than English at home. Since 2015, the unique, federally-funded language program has taught pre-K through first-graders bilingual fluency. Students in the program are also developing an appreciation for Italian culture. Class time is split — half is taught in Italian and the other half is taught in English. The program is “designed

to develop students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in both English and Italian” in native and non-native children, according to the school’s website. Even subjects in the program such as math, social studies and science are instructed in English with extension activities in Italian in order to build number sense, reasoning and practice in both languages. Currently, the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes are learning Italian songs in preparation for their “step-up” graduation ceremonies on June 19 and June 20. P.S. 112 is located at 7115 15th Avenue.

Photo courtesy of P.S. 112

Students from P.S. 112’s dual language English-Italian program mounted an exhibit in honor of Leonardo da Vinci at the Italian Consulate.

18INB • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 15-21, 2018

St. Bernadette Catholic Academy CONGRATULATES THE:


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Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 19INB

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Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 21INB


St. Bernadette Catholic Academy The BEST Investment in Your Child’s Future! SBCA is a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence that thrives both spiritually and academically, while offering a strong Catholic academic environment. The academy values academic achievement and reaches to exceed standards in all areas, giving every student the opportunity to reach their potential. St. Bernadette provides studies in a Common Core-based curriculum as well as classes in Italian, Technology, Art, Music and Physical Education. The academy facilitates two amazing state-of-the-art science labs and STEM curriculum that offers hands-on learning experiences for our students. The Academy is extremely proud to offer eighth grade students the opportunity to participate in honors math and history courses and exams which will apply New York State Regents credit to their high school academic records! Extracurricular activities provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, interests, and personal talent. Students can participate in various clubs, including; band, violin, robotics, Mathletics, book club, handbells, and so much more. The academy is very proud of our Class of 2018! Graduates earned over $663,000 in high school scholarships and have been accepted to the following schools: Bishop Kearney, Bishop Moore Catholic (Fl.), Brooklyn Technical, Chaminade, Fiorello H. LaGuardia, Fontbonne Hall Academy, Joffrey Ballet Dance Academy, Monsignor Farrell, Moore Catholic, Notre Dame School of Manhattan, St. Edmund Preparatory, Saint Joseph By-The-Sea, St. Joseph Hill, Saint Saviour, Staten Island Technical, Leon M. Goldstein, Xaverian, and Xavier.

St. Ephrem School Fights Cancer with Annual Talent Show BY ROSALEEN DEGREGORIO


n the evening of Friday, May 11, the St. Ephrem community, comprised of students, parents and teachers, gathered in Msgr. Peter Kain Hall for an important cause – Kidney Cancer Awareness. They came together for the seventh annual “Night for Hope,” in which 13 performances were put on by students in grades three through eight. The night was an opportunity for students to display their talents through dance and song to their fellow classmates and families. The students’ acts were comprised of solo, duet and group musical numbers. Many of the St. Ephrem teachers also put on an act together, singing about different jobs they’d have had if they weren’t teachers today – including a baker, an archer and a boxer. This

‘teacher-only’ skit was originally created a few years ago by parish priest Father Jim Krishe, and has been a popular skit since. The St. Ephrem community realizes the importance of cancer awareness and strives to donate money to either hospitals to help find a cure or to St. Ephrem families as a means to help pay for some of the medical costs that are endured. More than $6,000 was raised this year through ticket sales, t-shirt sales, basket raffles and a 50/50 raffle. For the baskets, each class donated money to purchase items related to their assigned themes, including a ‘Beach Basket’ and a ‘Movie Night Basket.’ Teacher Richard Diffendale and former teacher Jennifer Rizzuto gave their time and energy once again to coordinate the event. Next year’s fundraising campaign will be held in May, 2019.

22INB • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 15-21, 2018

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bayridgeprep.org Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 23INB

Reaching New Heights: Dr. Catherine “Cady” Coleman Delivered Address at City Tech’s June 4 Commencement


ity Tech (New York City College of Technology) marked the annual rite of passage for graduating students at its 78th Commencement Exercises on Monday, June 4, at the Barclays Center, 620 Atlantic Avenue. President Russell Hotzler conferred degrees on some 3,200 graduates this year, making this the largest graduating class in City Tech history. A small majority of these, about 1,640, received bachelor’s degrees, marking the progress of City Tech as a senior college. Delivering the commencement address was Dr. Catherine “Cady” Coleman, a recently retired NASA astronaut with a fascinating career, including five months at the International Space Station. The top two students in the 2018 graduating class are Valedictorian Serifat Adebola, who earned a baccalaureate degree in biomedical informatics, and Salutatorian Sandra Torres, who earned a baccalaureate in construction management. When Adebola arrived in Brooklyn from her native country, Nigeria,

Photos: Alberto Vargas

Serifat Adebola, Valedictorian. many aspects of her new home took her by surprise: the endless flow of people rushing to get somewhere, the occasional rudeness of people in the street, the extraordinary diversity she saw all around her. One short month later, she was attending college classes at City Tech, enrolled in a degree program in biomedical informatics. “Where will this take me?” she wondered.

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Sandra Torres, Salutatorian. Adebola’s intellectual skills and especially her determination have taken her to a stellar academic record. She was graduated with a 3.93 grade point average and has done research on topics as diverse as cell models based on RNA experimental data and evolutionary changes in rattlesnakes. She has come to see the strong relationship between biomedical research and the delivery of healthcare to patients. As

she puts it, “Benchside [research and analysis] has much to offer bedside [where healthcare is delivered].” Until 2011, Torres — an immigrant, born in Colombia, who came to the U.S. in 1977 — was a telecommunications field technician for Verizon. A serious injury ended that career, and left her with severe, chronic pain in her back and her right knee. A very difficult three years followed, as she dealt with depression and with how to support her family. In her words, “I struggled for three years, trying every antidepressant on the market. Finally, my psychiatrist suggested I try going back to school.” It is an approach he uses with people dealing with chronic physical pain. She agreed, with some trepidation, fearing the consequences if she failed. She really did not need to fear those consequences. On June 4, Torres was graduated from City Tech with a 3.98 grade point average. She has received scholarships from Grainger, the Associated General Contractors of New York, the Concrete Industry Foundation and the ASCE Metropolitan Section.

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With 100,000 weekly local readers, Brooklyn finds its healthcare on these pages.

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24INB • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 15-21, 2018

Impressive science research at Fontbonne BROOKLYN EDUCATION BY JULIETTE PICCINI TUGANDER


ontbonne Hall Academy held its Annual Science Research Symposium on May 23. The symposium showcased the work of sophomores, juniors and seniors in Fontbonne’s Science Research Program. The evening began with a poster session in the gymnasium. Among the many topics presented were “The Effect of Treatment on Malignant Stem Cells,” “Gravitational Waves as a Result of Binary Black Hole Mergers,” “The Relationship Between Body Dissatisfaction and Self-Esteem in Men and Women” and “Discovering Ways to Improve Recall of Integrated Information.” Later in the program, senior students made presentations explaining their completed research projects in detail. The evening concluded with an award ceremony.

Photo courtesy of Fontbonne Hall Academy

Fontbonne sophomore Grace Perez presented her research on “How Dissociative Identity Disorder and Childhood Onset Schizophrenia Impact the Hippocampus and Amygdala” at the Fontbonne Science Research Symposium.

Fontbonne’s Science Research Program is a three-year sequence of classes that allows students to choose an original area of investigation and work under the guidance and coaching of a research scientist to complete the project. *** Congratulations to the students at Fontbonne Hall Academy who won awards in the La Salle Academy Art Expo. Teressa Martinelli won First Place and Lillian Hui won Honorable Mention in the Visionary Category. Jenna Slevin won First Place and Melody Tobin won Second Place in the Pencil Category. *** Twenty-eight students from P.S. 160 participated in a three-day chess tournament in Nashville, Tennessee. Overall, the team placed second out of 60 teams in the K5 U 900 division. Third-grade student Nathan Chen placed fourth out of 299 players in the K3 U 700 division. Members of the P.S. 160 community held signs and cheered as the chess team pulled up to the school after their successful trip.

*** In honor of National Police Week, P.S. 160 students, parents and staff visited the 66th Precinct in Borough Park. They brought posters, cards and bagels to show their gratitude to the officers for keeping their community safe. *** The following Bishop Kearney High School students scored in the top percentiles of their levels for their excellence in Italian on the National Italian Exam: Giovanna Badalamenti '21, Level I - Bronze Medal; Mariapaz Burbano '20, Level II - Silver Medal; Luisa Bianco '20, Level II - Bronze Medal; and Lucille Spata '19, Level III - Bronze Medal. Sixteen additional students were recognized in their respective categories with certificates of achievement. Congratulations! The National Italian Exam is a national contest of Italian language and culture for middle school and high school students, organized by the American Association of Teachers of Italian.

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 25INB










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12INB •• INBROOKLYN Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week Gazette of June 14-20, 2018 26INB INBROOKLYN——AASpecial Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint • Week of June 15-21, 2018







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Whether you are looking for a new home or the latest real estate news, INBrooklyn real estate has something for you! Week Week of June 2018 •2018 INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Eagle/Heights Press/Home Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 13INB 27INB of 15-21, June 14-20, • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn

Eye on Real

E State

The Hall of Fame Billiards building and the property on the corner are both for sale.

That’s St. Patrick’s with newly constructed condo development 401 95th St.

Come Stroll Fifth Avenue in Bay Ridge By Lore Croghan

INBrooklyn From convent to condos. Now that’s a study in contrasts. At the very end of Brooklyn’s Fifth Avenue, a brand-new apartment building stands on a site where nuns lived. Even if you’re too young to remember there was a convent at 401 95th St. before the Arcadia Bay Ridge condos were constructed, you’ll see another big contrast when you walk down the avenue. The glass-clad condo building is right across the street from St. Patrick’s, a yellow-brick 1920s church with a bell tower and a rose window. The Bay Ridge span of Fifth Avenue is a great place for a stroll. The logical way to take this walk is by starting at the car dealerships on the corner of 65th Street and heading

south. Along the way, there’s a fascinating mix of MiddleEastern restaurants and shops, businesses with longevity like Mike’s Donuts and the cutest canine mural ever. Before we show you interesting sights on our north-tosouth Bay Ridge trek, we first want to spotlight the avenue’s very last block, where seven-story condo building 401 95th St. is located. Condo sponsor J&J Property & Management Group LLC bought the former convent site from St. Patrick’s for $3 million in 2009, city Finance Department records show. According to a posting on website We3.com, in February the state Attorney General accepted a condo offering plan for Arcadia Bay Ridge filed by attorney Jodi B. Zimmerman of Ficara & Associates PC. There are 22 residential units, one commercial unit and 13 parking spaces. The Attorney General’s real estate finance database says the expected total sellout price is $23.637 million. The

sponsor’s principals are Tak Kwong Cheung, Hing Ying Cheung, Tin Tak Cheng and Po Yung Cheng. When we checked StreetEasy.com’s posting about Arcadia Bay Ridge after our stroll, asking prices for available condos ranged from $918,000 for a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment to $525,000 for a one-bedroom, one-bathroom unit.

A Pre-Civil War Parish for Catholic Soldiers

Because of the way Bay Ridge’s street grid is laid out, Fourth and Fifth avenues form a V at 95th Street and Fifth Avenue disappears. Fourth Avenue continues south to the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Because of this set-up, the Roman Catholic Church of St. Patrick has a Fourth Avenue address although it’s directly across 95th Street from Arcadia Bay Ridge on Fifth Avenue. — Continued on page 15INB —

Come Stroll Fifth Avenue in Greenwood Heights and Sunset Park By Lore Croghan

INBrooklyn photo by Lore Croghan

INBrooklyn The most dazzling sight on Fifth Avenue in Greenwood Heights and Sunset Park is a graveyard’s gateway. This isn’t just any graveyard. It’s Green-Wood Cemetery, which has been a major visitor magnet pretty much since its 1838 founding. LEFT: One of the most dramatic sights on Brooklyn’s Fifth Avenue is the landmarked entrance to Green-Wood Cemetery.

In the 19th century, New Yorkers took carriage rides, picnicked and partied in the hilly 478acre burial ground. Though the setting around it has become urban, it still looks bucolic today. The brownstone gates — which the city landmarked in 1966 — are located at Green-Wood’s main entrance on Fifth Avenue at 25th Street in Greenwood Heights. — Continued on page 15INB —


28INB •• INBROOKLYN INBROOKLYN— —AASpecial SpecialSection SectionofofBrooklyn BrooklynEagle/Heights Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Week14-20, of June 15-21, 2018 14INB Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette •Gazette Week of• June 2018

Eye on Real

The final block of Brooklyn’s Fifth Avenue extends from 94th Street at left to 95th Street.

E State

This is the busy corner at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue.

The Bean Post Pub is on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 76th Street.

ways a display of tires outside on the sidewalk. When we’re not distracted by bakeries like Jean Danet at 7526 Fifth Ave. or Leske’s at 7612 Fifth Ave., there’s an array of old-fashioned, mixed-use buildings to see. • A handsome building at 6752 Fifth Ave. on the corner of 68th Street was sold for $2 million last November, Finance Department records show. • There’s a “For Sale” sign on a distinctive building on the corner of Ovington Avenue whose address is 6929 Fifth Ave. The asking price for the old-fashioned house with a ground-floor cafe and two recently gut-renovated apartments is $3.2 million, a posting by Ben Bay Realty listing agent Lucy Badwan says.

According to Finance Department records, when 6929 Fifth Ave. last changed hands in 2016, the price paid for it was $2.6 million. • Right next door, another distinctive building is also for sale. The asking price is $7.5 million for Hall of Fame Billiards at 505 Ovington Ave., a marketing flyer posted by CPEX Real Estate’s Timothy King and Dimitri Venekas says. The building is 19,000 square feet in size and there are about 8,000 square feet of air rights.

INBrooklyn photos by Lore Croghan

Come Stroll Fifth Avenue in Greenwood Heights and Sunset Park — Continued from page 14NB — St. Patrick’s has a storied history. It was first established as a mission in the 1840s. Back then, St. Patrick’s served as the parish for Catholic soldiers at Fort Hamilton. The church building that preceded the present-day one was built in the early 1850s. Fort Hamilton soldiers’ donations of one dollar per week helped to pay for its construction.

A Remedy for Bald Tires and a Billiard Hall

Now let’s circle back to the northern end of Bay Ridge and take this stroll. The first spot that will catch your eye is 67 Street Tire Shop, which is in a storefront at 6702 Fifth Ave. There’s al-

Come Stroll Fifth Avenue in Greenwood Heights and Sunset Park — Continued from page 14NB — Architects Richard Upjohn and his son Richard Michell Upjohn designed these Gothic Revival-style arches in 1861. You’ll see them as you head south along Fifth Avenue, which is lined with mixed-use rowhouses a century old or more. Mingled in among them are financial institutions, religious buildings — and a popular hilltop recreation area that, like the neighborhood, is named Sunset Park. The park extends along Fifth Avenue from 41st to 44th streets.

The Jackie Gleason Depot How Sweet It Is! Eleven blocks away from Green-Wood Cemetery’s gates, the first building you’ll find in Sunset Park is the Jackie Gleason Depot. It’s a 919,000-square-foot NYC Transit System building. In 1988, the MTA named it after the late comedian. He played Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden in the 1950s CBS-TV series “The Honeymooners.” The depot is located at 847 Fifth Ave. on the corner of 36th Street. At 889 Fifth Ave. on the northeast corner of 39th Street, a curved turret is a nice touch. The building houses the Sunset Park Diner.

One of Sunset Park’s grandest Fifth Avenue buildings is the former Bay Ridge Savings Bank, which is made of limestone and has Ionic columns flanking its front door and high arched windows. The Classical Revival-style bank at 5323 Fifth Ave. on the corner of 54th Street was constructed in 1926. It now houses a JPMorgan Chase branch.

And They Called It Puppy Love

Our favorite commercial signage in Bay Ridge says “Oasis Vision Center” and is painted, along with evocative palm trees, on the side of the building at 7411 Fifth Ave. You can see the classic signage if you stand on the corner of Bay Ridge Parkway and turn and face north. That old Paul Anka song, “Puppy Love,” will come into your head when you get to 91st Street. As you walk south on the west side of Fifth Avenue, you’ll come face to face with larger-than-life canines on a mural. It’s painted on the side wall of Fifth Avenue Veterinary Hospital, whose address is 9102 Fifth Ave.

The Immigrants’ Basilica Another dramatic Sunset Park property is 5424 Fifth Ave., which houses a clothing store called George Michael Suit Outlet. It’s at the intersection of 55th Street. As corner buildings with turrets go, this one’s especially charming. It’s topped by a pointy roof shaped like a witch’s hat. According to a Historic Districts Council posting, J.H. Nadigan designed the Queen Anne-style brick building, which was constructed in 1897. On the south end of Fifth Avenue in Sunset Park, there’s another dazzling sight — the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The granite Romanesque Revival church is located at 526 59th St. The property extends along Fifth Avenue to the corner of 60th Street. The basilica’s construction began in 1907. It was designed by Swiss-born Franz Joseph Untersee, who settled in the Boston area and specialized in ecclesiastic architecture. Our Lady of Perpetual Help has a long tradition as a refuge for immigrants.

SPRING SPECIALS ON WINDOWS • Gutters/Leaders/Sidings

The exterior of 5424 Fifth Ave. isn’t in perfect shape but it’s such a beautiful building.

At day’s end, folks head to hilltop Sunset Park for some fresh air.

Week of June 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Week15-21, of June 14-20, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Section Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/HeightsPress/Home Press/HomeReporter/Brooklyn Reporter/BrooklynSpectator/Brooklyn Spectator/BrooklynRecord/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 29INB 15INB

Flatbush Property Development Thrives As Uncertainty Over ‘Affordable New York’ Subsides By Alexander McGee, Director – Investment Sales

Connor Lyman,

Analyst – Investment Research

Flatbush’s real estate development market is booming again after experiencing a temporary lull in the months following last year’s enactment of Affordable New York, the reinstatement of a popular tax incentive. As investor and lender uncertainty subsides, builders will continue to break ground in the rapidly evolving central Brooklyn neighborhood, where its unique dynamics and relative value all but guarantee price appreciation. The enactment of Affordable New York in April 2017 — a reiteration of the 421-a tax program that expired over two years ago – was welcomed by developers, but many hit the pause button as they took some time to parse its nuances. The new program offers similar tax advantages to 421-a, but differs in some important ways, such as when the abatement is issued, and how taxes are returned. Affordable New York is undeniably attractive to developers as it provides 100% tax exemption for the construction period, and another 25 years after the completion of a project. After that period, a builder can reap additional tax benefits for an-

other 10 years, with the exemption based squarely on the percentage of affordable units in the building. While the government does not provide immunity from taxes at the commencement of a project, as it did with 421-a, it refunds the tax increases over that period. At the same time, some banks do not underwrite construction loans to the full tax abatement, which consequentially effects builders’ construction schedule. Bank lending is far more stringent with the new program as most are requiring a significant amount of due diligence, including tax opinion letters from an attorney. Developers are understandably wary about breaking ground, but as more clarity emerged, banks and builders are becoming more comfortable with the process. Realizing that the reward for buying land in Flatbush far outweighs the risks, developers have swiftly been scooping up land. In 2018, about 13 projects are expected to come online in the neighborhood, nearly doubling 2017’s 7 projects, according to data collected by Recity. From 2019 through 2022, an additional 35 projects are expected to break ground. About 410,000 square feet of new construction should emerge this year. The Affordable New York tax incentive

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is enormously attractive in neighborhoods in Central Brooklyn where the Area Medium Income (AMI) requirements are close to market rents, such as Flatbush. The incentive allows developers to charge up to 130% of AMI, which corresponds to $2,993 for a two-bedroom apartment. For the same two-bedroom apartment in Flatbush, free market rent is $2,150. The law, consequently, provides a clear path for developers in Flatbush to utilize the advantages of the tax abatement while operating a rental building at market rent. This differs starkly with Manhattan, where the affordable rental rate is significantly lower than the market rental rate.

exceeded the $200 per buildable square foot level, including 94 and 100 Lenox Road. The 45,500 buildable square foot property package, which was exclusively

Palpable Price Appreciation Developers have been fond of Flatbush for years, due largely to its attractive zoning relative to other neighborhoods in the borough. Indeed, parts of Flatbush offer some of the highest Floor-Area-Ratios (FAR) in Brooklyn, only trailing the rezoned areas of Williamsburg and Downtown Brooklyn. Therefore, for a developer looking to build more scale but pay a lower land basis, Flatbush is one of the few options around. Nevertheless, the impact of Affordable New York over the past year on Flatbush cannot be overstated. At the current pace, dollar volume in the development market will likely outpace 2017’s tally of $33.5 million. From January through April, dollar volume in Flatbush reached $16.32 million, 22% higher than the same period a year earlier, according to Ariel Property Advisors’ Investment Research Division. This increase coincided with sizeable appreciation, with the price per buildable square foot for vacant lots costing $209, an astounding 64% jump year-over-year. However, while Flatbush development sites have appreciated in recent months, the assets offer considerable upside as they remain significantly below the Brooklyn’s overall average price per buildable square foot of $245 in the first four months of 2018, and markedly cheaper than other neighborhoods, such as Clinton Hill, where land sold for $319 per buildable square foot. Lately, sites have approached and even

‘Affordable New York is undeniably attractive to developers as it provides 100% tax exemption for the construction period, and another 25 years after the completion of a project.’ —Ariel Property Investors marketed by Ariel Property Advisors, recently sold for a collective $9.995 million, or $218 per buildable square foot, which is a record high in the area for Flatbush. Along with pricing, developers are also keenly aware of the rapidly changing dynamics in the neighborhood, including a recently built 243-room Holiday Inn, as well as Hudson Companies’ 170-unit, 65,000 square foot rental building on Clarkson Avenue. At 2100 Bedford Avenue, Flatbush’s first luxury condominium building, sell-outs were the highest in Flatbush’s history, with the average price per square foot at $859. Looking ahead, with market uncertainty about Affordable New York dissipating, the development market in Flatbush should continue to flourish. Whether it be attractive pricing and zoning, or the Area Median Income component of the abatement, banks and developers alike will remain enamored with Flatbush, one of hottest development markets in Brooklyn.

30INB •• INBROOKLYN INBROOKLYN — — AA Special Special Section Section of of Brooklyn Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette June 15-21, 16INB Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week• Week of Juneof14-20, 2018 2018

BAY RIDGE HOUSE FOR RENT 3 Bedrooms, includes Heat & Hot Water. $3500 ASK FOR ROBERT ROBERT DUYSSEN R.E. 917-622-4528 HOUSE FOR SALE

TO PLACE 8416 3rd Avenue

YOUR AD, CALL (718) 238-6600

House for Sale - SI

1 family, semi-detached on quiet block in Dongan Hills above Hylan Blvd. Features 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ bath, finished basement, backyard, private driveway. Minutes away from Verrazano bridge and SIRR. Asking $573K. Pre-qualification / proof of funds required for showing. Call agent at 718 207 3792.



Dyker Hts - 1 bed, completely renov......................................$1500 Gravesend - 2 bed, brand new, fully renov, hrdwd flrs thru out...................................................................$2000 B'Hurst-2 bed, fully renov, dishwasher, A/C, Terr, small pet OK, heat/hot water incl...........................................$2000 Boro Park- 3 bed, hrdwd flrs, newly renov...........................$2300 Dyker- 1 bed, mod, EI K, carpet, painted.............................$1450 Bay Ridge- 1 bed, mod, ceramic tile & wood flrs................$1500 Bath Beach-1 bed, semi mod, wd flrs, fridge, no pe.t..s.......$1400 Bath Beach-1 bed, co-op, renov, heat, HW, gas incl............$1600 Dyker- 3 bed, fully renov, SS Appl's, hrdwd flrs....................$2600 B'hurst 3 bdrm, nr trans, brand new.....................................$2200 B'hurst- 2 bed duplex, wood flrs thru out.............................$2000 Dyker-2 bdrm, wd flrs, w/d, utilities not incl........................$1800 Dyker- 3 bed, fully renov, X-tra lg rms.................................$2700 Dyker Hts- Co-Op for rent, 1 bdrm........................................$1700 Dyker Hts- Luxury Condo Rental- Open Concept, 2 bed, 1 3/4 bths, W/D, Terrace, all new.............................$3200 B'Hurst- 3 bed, 1 1/2 bths, out door space.........................$2500 STATEN ISLAND House For Rent - 3 bed, 1 3/4 bths, spacious, mod............$2700


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ABANDONED PROPERTY On 12/10/2013 the United States Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, seized the property described as follows: (1) Movado Wristwatch The property was seized from 546 56th Street, #2, Brooklyn, NY 11220, and remains in the custody of the U.S. Secret Service, New York Field Office, 335 Adams Street, Suite 3200, Brooklyn, NY, 11201. Parties having legal claim to this property are hereby advised that you must file your claim for the above described property on or before 07/02/2018 and may do so by contacting the Special Agent in Charge, New York Field Office, U.S. Secret Service, 335 Adams Street, Suite 3200, Brooklyn, NY, 11201, (718)840-1000. Refer to Case number 108-813-305197-S when making inquiry.


Park Slope - 506 5th Ave, 1400 sq ft w/bsmt...........$7500 B'Ridge- 8312 3rd Ave, 1000 sq ft + bsmt...............$5200 B'Ridge- 8401 7th Ave, 1200 sq ft, office................$2000

Sunset Park- 117 57th St, Warehouse, 4000 sq ft....$4000 B'Ridge- 184 Bay Ridge Pkwy, 575 sq ft..................$1700 Dyker Hts- 8421 7th Ave, 1300 sq ft + bsmt............$3500 Bay Ridge- 8722 3rd Ave, Toy store for sale, Key money $100,00, 700 sq ft..............................$3650 Homecrest- 1670 E. 17th St, 2nd flr, 1100 sq ft........$4200 Garages Available, $200 & Up



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Furnished room For rent newly renovated house in & out. near trans & shopping. Woman preferred. refs required. Call bet 6pm-8pm 718-331-6661




he deliveryman who was detained by ICE at Fort Hamilton Army Base earlier this month has been granted a last-minute reprieve. According to Villavicencio Family Photo via AP officials, the Legal Pablo Villavicencio Aid Society won an with his two daughemergency stay of ters, Luciana and the deportation Antonia. of Pablo Villavicencio, the 35-year-old father of two who was turned over to immigration officials on Friday, June 1 after making a routine delivery – which he’d done before with the help of his IDNYC card – to the base. This time, his IDNYC wasn’t enough. Upon his entrance, the fort says Villavicencio signed a waiver permitting a full background check – something, reports claim the deliveryman says he never did – which flagged a warrant for his deportation (he failed to leave the country under court mandate by July, 2010). Now, the deliveryman has been granted stay through July 20. Until then, he will remain in ICE custody, but is allowed to pursue a "meritorious form of relief from removal" – adjustment of status for permanent residency. Villavicencio’s record is clean, officials claim, aside from not returning to Ecuador in 2010. He subsequently married an American citizen, Sandra Chica, the mother of his two children. He is also a taxpayer. His detention had sparked national outrage, and the state secured pro-bono legal counsel to represent him.

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 31INB



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ORGANIC 32INB Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette June 15-21, 18INB • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week• Week of Juneof14-20, 2018 2018


Photo courtesy of Kings Beer Hall

Buffalo Chicken Sliders and more fun and elegant options inside! Week of Juneof15-21, 2018 •2018 INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Week June 14-20, • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 33INB 19INB

NANATORI 162 Montague St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 Nanatori Japanese has something colorful and enticing on the menu - a combo plate of Yellowtail and scallion roll, spicy tuna roll and spicy salmon roll all in one lunch special! Add plenty of ginger and wasabi and enjoy!!! . www.nanatorijapanese.com

RUSS PIZZA 745 Manhattan Ave Brooklyn, NY 11222 Russ Pizza has a mouth-watering pie just for you! Their Buffalo Chicken pizza is drawing people from all across the borough. It’s just the right kind of spicy and the cheese is gooey and delicious. Grab a slice or two for lunch or dinner! www.Russpizza.com

CAFE CHILI 172 Court St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 Now that spring is here it’s the perfect time to enjoy Crispy Vegetable Spring Rolls at Café Chili on Court Street. They’re as warm and inviting as the season and make the perfect starters to a delicious www.cafechiliny.com

DAMASCUS BAKERY 56 Gold St, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Damascus Bakeries has the perfect bistro bun for a tasty shrimp BLT! That’s right, just load up their hearty bistro bun with all the shrimp you can hold, top with local summer tomato and lettuce, add mayo and you have the best tasting BLT in Brooklyn! For more recipes: www.damascusbakery.com

lunch or dinner!

BAREBURGER 149 Court St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 Treat dad to Bareburger’s Buffalo Chicken Sandwich on his special day. That’s buttermilk fried chicken, lettuce, Buffalo sauce and buttermilk ranch served on a brioche bun. Happy Father’s Day! www.bareburgerbrooklynheights.com LITTLE FORNO 276 Bay Ridge Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11220 Little Forno has an enticing menu and everything on it is made with homemade care. After all, it is that sweet little secret restaurant hidden in the heart of Bay Ridge. From starters to main course to dessert, everything on the menu is unforgettable! www.littleforno.com D’AMICO COFFEE 309 Court St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 joys going to Jets games with his kids. But since the Jets are in training he will be spending Father’s Day sipping his favorite coffee at D’Amico Coffee Roasters with all the cool Dads! www.damicocoffeeroasters.com


CHADWICK’S 8822 Third Ave Brooklyn, NY 11209 Want to treat Dad to something both unique and delicious? Take him to Chadwick’s for their special Confit Duck Legs, deep fried then tossed in a sesame honey sriracha glaze. Dad will love it! www.chadwicksbrooklyn.com THE KINGS BEER HALL 84 St Marks Pl. Brooklyn, NY 11217 The Kings Beer Hall is THE place to take Dad for Father’s Day. Not only can he choose from 30 different international beers, but he can feast on KBH’s BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich with house made Granny Smith Apple Coleslaw on a Brioche Bun!! www.thekbh.com JACQUES TORRES CHOCOLATE 66 Water St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 Jacques Torres is known for its smooth, smoky, sweet and delicious chocolate. It’s also the perfect wedding favor – guaranteed to make your special event even more memorable! www.mrchocolate.com


34INB Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette June 15-21, 20INB • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week• Week of Juneof14-20, 2018 2018

Buzz ON Biz


3 Guys from Brooklyn Celebrates its 20th Anniversary! By John Alexander INBROOKLYN

Photos courtesy of 3 Guys From Brooklyn

3 Guys from Brooklyn really has something to celebrate -- 20 years of providing the freshest fruit and vegetables in the borough at its iconic location at 6502 Fort Hamilton Parkway. That’s quite an accomplishment, especially considering that it is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And in honor of the store’s 20th anniversary, 3 Guys is rolling back prices to what they were in 1998. “We’ve been here on this corner for 20 years and we want to celebrate,” 3 Guys co-owner Philip A. Penta said. “It has been our pleasure to provide this unique and diverse community with quality and affordable produce for these past 20 years. Starting on June 18, our weekly circular will be rolled back for one week to reflect the prices of our first year in business! Same great quality and variety that our customers have come to expect but priced like it’s 1998!” It actually all started 30 years ago when Howard and Scott Zimmerman and Philip C. Penta decided to open what they called the UN of grocery stores. They offered great deals and the freshest produce available in a neighborhood place where old friends could meet, neighbors run into each other, and families come shopping together from all across the borough…or New York City for that matter. Howard and Scott’s father Stanley Zimmerman had originally put up a fruit store at 65th Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway in 1975. Then, in 1978 Stanley along with his brother Howard and his brother-in-law Harry (the original Three Guys) moved to the current location.

Top: 3 Guys now and then. Above: 3 Guys interior now. Right: The original 3 Guys (from left), Howard Zimmerman, Philip C Penta and Scott Zimmerman. The current 3 Guys is run by Scott and Philip, and continues the tradition that Stanley’s store began – selling only the highest quality produce, at affordable prices. Today, they offer 100 varieties of fruit and vegetables, along with other deli and bakery products in the same spot where Stanley Zimmerman originally started it all. Stanley visited the store every day until the day he passed in 2009. Tragically, Howard was killed in a motorcycle accident in 2003. The spot where 3 Guys sits is officially designated by the city as Howard Zimmerman Corner. “It’s named after him because of all of the things he tried to do for this community,” Penta said. Today, the family still remains a big part of the business and people of all ages, ethnicities and origins come from

Prices still amazing — now with an app!

n e a r and far to get their fruits and vegetables from 3 Guys from Brooklyn. And the quality of their products is of major importance to them. “There have been a few comments about things getting more expensive,” Penta said. “Anybody can sell cheap produce for a cheap price, but we don’t want to give our customers something that’s going to disappear in their refrigerator overnight. We want to provide good produce for a value. I think that’s what sets us apart from other places in the neighborhood.” And rolling back their prices to those of 1998 for the week is their way of giving back to the community. “We felt this was the best way to celebrate this milestone anniversary,” Penta said. “We’re proud to be a part of this community and we want to continue to be a part of the community.” And in keeping with Zimmerman’s legacy of giving back, Penta continues to be actively involved in the community. “We still continue to partner with charity runs, charity walks, churches, synagogues, fundraisers and other community-based organizations,” he said. Penta wants people to know that 3 Guys will continue to be a force for good in the neighborhood. “We are thankful for what this community has done for us and the price rollback is our way of giving back to the community,” Penta added.

Week of Juneof15-21, 2018 •2018 INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Week June 14-20, • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 35INB 21INB


THE BIZ By John Alexander

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36INB •• INBROOKLYN INBROOKLYN — — AA Special Special Section Section of of Brooklyn Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette June 15-21, 22INB Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week• Week of Juneof14-20, 2018 2018

Photo: Pieter M. Van Hattem

Jennifer Egan celebrates the paperback release of her book, Manhattan Beach on Monday, June 18 at Books are Magic. Week Week of June 2018 •2018 INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Eagle/Heights Press/Home Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 23INB 37INB of 15-21, June 14-20, • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn


A rt NORTHSIDE ART SHOW OPENING RECEPTION Work of talented members of Northside’s longstanding painting collective, featuring still-lifes, landscapes and miniatures. When: Friday, June 15, 1–3 p.m. Where: Williamsburg/ Northside Senior Center (179 N 6th St.) RUDE INK SPRING/ SUMMER 2018 The artwork focuses on the effect that the fashion industry has on our perceptions of body image and culture. When: Saturday, June 16, 8–11 a.m. Where: Prospect Range Projects (1226 Prospect Ave.) PRIDE AND LOSS A group exhibition curated by South African visual activist, Zanele Muholi, featuring works by the Inkanyiso collective including South African visual activists and photographers who produce, educate, and disseminate information for the LGBTI community and marginalized people. When: TuesdaysSaturdays through June 23, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Where: Prospect Park/ Jenkins Johnson Projects (207 Ocean Ave.) CARRY OVER: New Voices from the Global African Diaspora Lived experiences of women’s migration, and the wide range of themes surrounding it. When: WednesdaysSundays through June 30, 12–6 p.m. Where: DUMBO/Smack Mellon (92 Plymouth St.)

WAITING IN THE SKY David Bowie inspired paintings by Audrey Frank Anastasi. When: Daily through July 8, Where: NU Hotel (85 Smith St.) ON SITE “On Site” is Trestle’s annual salon featuring artwork made by artists working in our space. There are over 60 artworks on view. When: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through July 18, 1:30–6:30p.m. Where: Sunset Park/Trestle Gallery (850 3rd Ave.) MATTHEW JENSEN: Here From There A Collection of Brooklyn Walks, a solo exhibition by Matthew Jensen curated by Ian Cofre. When: TuesdaysSaturdays through July 21, 2–6 p.m. Where: Gowanus/ Open Source Gallery (306 17th St.)

B ook Events BOOK GIVEAWAY Come by to pick out your free books, text books, picture books, workbooks and more. There is no catch, let’s support literacy. When: Saturday, June 16, 3:45–6:30 p.m. Where: Bensonhurst/ Chang Learning Center (1663 Bath Ave.)

FICTION READING Jennifer Egan author of Manhattan Beach Join us for the paperback release of New York Times Bestseller Manhattan Beach by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jennifer Egan. When: Monday, June 18, 7:30p.m. Where: Cobble Hill/Books Are Magic (225 Smith St.)



BRIC MEDIA TALKS: The Freelance Life Sit down with three successful freelancers to discuss the ins-and-outs of finding inspiration, and staying afloat in the world of New York City media. When: Thursday, June 14, 7–8:30 p.m. Where: Fort Greene/BRIC House (647 Fulton St.) GREEN-WOOD CEMETERY Then and Now Join Green-Wood’s historian Jeff Richman for a visit to the locations where Victorian heritage photographs were taken and discover how the Cemetery has transformed in the last hundred years. When: Saturday, June 16, 11 a.m. Where: Greenwood/ Green-Wood Cemetery (500 25th St.)


Still from “Rude Ink,” a video installation on fashion and culture. Art courtesy of Rude Ink

38INB •• INBROOKLYN INBROOKLYN — — AA Special Special Section Section of of Brooklyn Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette June 15-21, 24INB Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week• Week of Juneof14-20, 2018 2018


REPAIRING YOUR CREDIT Learn how to build better credit. To RSVP or inquire about accessibility call (718) 619-4248 When: Monday, June 18, 6 p.m. Where: Crown Heights/ Legal Hand (250 Kingston Ave.)


amily Fun

YO RE MI MUSIC AND MOVEMENT Ages 9 months to 36 months. Yo Re Mi is a music, movement and mindfulness program. Register at www.brooklynkids.org/ spark/classes/ When: Thursday, June 14, 9:30–10:30 a.m. Where: DUMBO/Spark by Brooklyn Children’s Museum (1 John St.) FATHER’S DAY KARAOKE When:Sunday, June 17, 2-6 p.m. Where: Coney Island/ Deno’ s Wonder Wheel Park (3059 W 12th St.)

MUSICAL SHABBAT Every third Friday of the month, the Bay Ridge Jewish Center band will welcome Shabbat with new songs and melodies. Get ready to sing and clap to the beat of the music and prayers of our heart. All ages welcome. When: Friday, June 15, 6:30–7:30 p.m. Where: Bay Ridge/Bay Ridge Jewish Center (405 81st St.) THE THREE LITTLE PIGS BUY A BROWNSTONE IN BROOKLYN. The famous trio, living with an older Red Riding Hood, embark on the adventure of finding a Brownstone in Brooklyn to call their own. Suitable for ages 5 and up. For all inquiries call Rob at 917-8637842 or visit www. playnicepeople.com When: Saturdays 2p.m. and Sundays 3:30p.m. through July 1. Where:Park Slope/ A Nice Place (89 4th Ave)

FAMILY FARMHOUSE DAY Seasonal activities inside the historic house and around the gardens. Activities are designed for families with kids ages 4 to 10. Children must be accompanied by an adult. No reservation required. When: Saturday, June 16, 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Where: Wyckoff Farm Museum (5816 Clarendon Road)

F ilm WET TUX In 2057 a nuclear war decimates the Earth, and only a small number of people survive. Some were referred to as the dregs, the bottom of the barrel… the poisoned, sick, and wet. They were asked to provide the entertainment. When: Saturday, June 16, 5 p.m. Where: Fort Greene/ BAM Rose Cinemas (30 Lafayette Ave.) SORRY TO BOTHER YOU “Use your white voice.” With that simple piece of advice, stuck-on-

the-bottom-rung telemarketer Cassius Green (Lakeith Stanfield) goes from living in his uncle’s garage to rocketing up the corporate ladder. But just what is he selling? Introduction by Boots Riley When: Wednesday, June 20, 7:30 p.m. Where: Fort Greene/ BAM Rose Cinemas (30 Lafayette Ave.)


ood and Drink

MCGORLICK PARK FARMERS MARKET Fresh, local food, plus used clothing drop off for recycling. Due to park construction the market will be along the Monitor Street side of the park this season. When: Sunday, June 17, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Where: Greenpoint/Down to Earth McGorlick Park Farmers Market (150 Monitor Street) BAY RIDGE FOOD CO-OP Fresh local meat and produce When: Friday, June 15, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m., and

Saturday, June 16, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 Where: Bay Ridge/ Union Church (7915 Ridge Blvd.)

H ealth RETRO DANCE With Dodge YMCA When: Friday, June 15, 9 a.m. Where: Brooklyn Bridge Park (Pier 2) OWL’S HEAD PARK YOGA with Erica Ginger Sponsored by Senator Marty Golden. Bring your own mat and any accessories..Suggested donation $5. Meet across from the basketball courts. When: Wednesday, June 20 from 6:30pm to 8pm Where: Bay Ridge/Owl’s Head Park

PRIDE SELF DEFENSE A free self-defense course for the LGBTQ community in honor of PRIDE month! Space is limited. To register, call, or email with your full name, phone number, and email address: call: 718-418-9892 When: Friday, June 15, 7–10 p.m. Where: Williamsburg/ Traditional Okinawan Karate (248 Mckibbin St.) TUESDAY NIGHT ZUMBA Shake up your work week with some outdoor Zumba every Tuesday. When: Tuesday, June 19, 5:30–6:30 p.m Where: DUMBO/ Metrotech Commons (1 Metrotech Center)

Week Week of Juneof 15-21, 2018 •2018 INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights June 14-20, • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 39INB 25INB

can have a space to feel free and safe. With a Visual Performance by Annalyzer and DJ sets by Ellen, and more! . When: Saturday, June 16, 4:30 p.m. Where: Prospect Park/ Jenkin Johnson Projects (207 Johnson Ave.) CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE

PIYO Build power and increase speed and leg strength. . Tuesday, June 19, 7 p.m. Where: DUMBO/Empire Fulton Ferry (1 Water St.) NYRR OPEN RUN All experience levels— even walkers!. When: Tuesday, June 19, 6:45 p.m. check in. Run at 7 p.m Where: Brooklyn Bridge Park/Pier 6

N ightlife RUPAUL DRAG RACE WATCH PARTY Drag trivia and other

festivities during the breaks When: Thursday, June 14, 8 p.m. Where: Bedford Stuyvesant/Fulton Ale House (1446 Fulton St.) LIVING FOR IT! Comedy w/ Joe Zimmerman, Jessica M. Singleton and more When: Saturday, June 16, 8–10 p.m. Where: Bushwick/Living Gallery (1094 Broadway) SAME SEX SATURDAY Celebrating everything outside the norm where the LGBTI community


ECPW PRO-WRESTLING ECPW 5 Boros Title Match: Tony Biella vs. The Metal Maniac and many more battles! Info:973-402-9599 When: Saturday, June 16, 7:30 p.m. Where: Our Lady of Grace School (385 Ave. W) OPEN FLAME Sam Campbell, Simone Leitner, and Peter Valenti host “Open Flame,” a comedy open mic where LGBTQ voices can practice new material When: Monday, June 18, 8–10 p.m. Where: Bushwick/Mood Ring (1260 Myrtle Ave.)


heater and Music

BRIC CELEBRATE BROOKLYN Vance Joy/Alice Merton When: Thursday, June 14, 7:30 p.m. Where: Prospect Park/ Bandshell (141 Prospect Park West)

BROOKLYN AMERICANA MUSIC FESTIVAL: Unplugged This week: The Chapin Sisters When: Friday, June 15, 6 p.m. Where: Brooklyn Bridge Park (Pier 3) LOVE AND INTRIGUE

(BLADE OF) 1k presents and Arete in Brooklyn kick off a monthly new music series beginning on June 15 with a night of improvisation with (blade of) When: Friday, June 15, 8–10 p.m. Where: Greenpoint/Arete Venue and Gallery (67 West Street #103) DIALOGUE An evening-length work detailing city-life conversations and interactions When: Thurday-Saturday, June 14 through 16, 8 p.m. Where: Greenpoint/Muriel Schulman Theater at Triskelion Arts (106 Calyer St.)

Photo: Viktor Vasiliev

A Romeo and Juliet for the bourgeois age, Love and Intrigue. When:Friday June 15 and Saturday June 16, 7:30 p.m.; Where: Fort Greene/BAM Harvey Theater (651 Fulton St.)

T ours LOW WALK HIGH WALK Artist Matthew Jensen will lead “Low Walk High Walk” through the neighborhood of South Slope, beginning and ending at his exhibit “There from Here” at Open Source Gallery. Participants will generate a collection of objects, ephemera and natural detritus, which will be arranged and exhibited back in the gallery in a new collaborative installation. When: Saturday, June 16, 1–3 p.m. Where: Park Slope/Open Source Gallery (306 17th St.) CURATOR-LED TOUR WITH ZANELE MUHOLI Of “Pride & Loss.” When: Saturday, June 16, 4 p.m. Where: Prospect Park/ Jenkin Johnson Projects (207 Johnson Ave.)


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40INB •• INBROOKLYN INBROOKLYN — — AA Special Special Section Section of of Brooklyn Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette June 15-21, 26INB Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week• Week of Juneof14-20, 2018 2018

Rustic Bouquets Add Natural Flair To Wedding Celebrations

Shutterstock photo

Couples opting to get back to basics, streamline their nuptials and create more intimate and less superficial affairs often gravitate toward rustic celebrations to showcase their ideals. Rustic weddings also may appeal to environmentalists and men and women who want their weddings to be as eco-friendly as possible. Rustic weddings may include those ceremonies and receptions that take place outdoors or in abodes, such as barns, wineries, castles, or converted silos or town factories. In fact, Bridal Guide says that barn weddings have never been more popular Ñ among both urban and rural couples alike. Coordinating a rustic wedding may mean letting go of perceived notions of how everything from food to favors to flowers should be. In fact, one way to describe rustic weddings Ñ and especially the floral arrangements that adorn them Ñ is Òpurposely imperfect.Ó Rustic wedding bouquets may seem like they were plucked right out of the garden or grabbed through a stroll in a meadow. TheyÕre rarely symmetrical or feature the customary flowers of more formal wedding celebrations. When designing rustic bouquets, florists may keep the stems of wildflowers or other blooms untethered for a relaxed feel. Long stemmed arrangements are quite popular, and trends point toward bouquets that are loosely tied with raffia, twine, vines and other natural materials rather than more refined ribbon. Another way rustic bouquets set themselves apart is with the introduction of other elements into the arrangements. Not merely blooms and greenery, rustic pieces may feature twigs, vines, berries, scabiosa pods, ivy, and feathery ferns. The heights of elements in the bouquet are varied, and the bouquets will not have an overly uniform shape. Rustic bouquets are far from pretentious, and brides shouldn’t feel that these bouquets are delicate or will fall apart when handled. When planning a rustic wedding, couples can work with their florists to create bouquets and arrangements that fit with their visions.

A guide of local op�ons for brides-to-be from INBrooklyn, Brooklyn Eagle, Heights Press, Home Reporter, Brooklyn Spectator, Brooklyn Record, Greenpoint Gaze�e WeekWeek of June 2018 •2018 INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Eagle/Heights Press/Home Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 27INB 41INB of 15-21, June 14-20, • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn

Twenty percent of couples tying the knot choose to have destination weddings.

Guide to a successful destination wedding

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magine reciting vows along the Mediterranean coast or amid pastel-hued homes and swaying palm trees. For the travel-inclined, destination weddings present the perfect opportunity to meld wedding and honeymoon all into one with family and friends around to enjoy the magic. The Knot Real Weddings Study, the largest survey of its kind, surveys thousands of American brides and grooms to determine the latest wedding trends. In its 2016 report, the Knot revealed 20 percent of weddings that took place that year were destination weddings. Couples are increasingly leaning on entertainment and personalization to create memorable experiences for their guests, and destination weddings are great ways to create those unique experiences. While planning a wedding inevitably involves some obstacles and even some stress, planning a destination wedding presents a unique set of obstacles. Before couples commit to a destination wedding, it’s important to first consider a few factors to ensure knots get tied without a hitch. *Pick a meaningful location (but one that works for guests, too). Exchanging vows at a favorite hiking spot can give guests an inside view into what makes you tick as a couple, but the location of the ceremony should not come at the expense of practicality. Choose a locale that speaks to you but will also offer the convenience and amenities that work for the guests who will be traveling. *See the place in person. If budget allows, book a trip to the intended destination to see the facilities and location, advise the experts at Brides magazine. Working with vendors in

person also can simplify sorting out certain details. *Send save-the-date cards promptly. Unlike traditional weddings in which reminders can be sent roughly six months before the wedding, save-thedate cards for destination weddings should be mailed at least nine months to a year in advance of the big day. *Hire a professional. Professional wedding planners may prove invaluable when it comes to destination weddings. Rather than organizing everything on your own, you can hire a wedding planner to take care of itineraries, obtain information about necessary travel documents, coordinate with local vendors, and much more. *Consider tourist seasons. Weather tends to be best during tourist seasons. Therefore, make sure to reserve hotel room blocks and venues promptly. Slightly before or after peak season may still be fine, but ensure that vendors will be available and look into weather trends carefully before choosing a date. *Research the legality. According to the Knot, many countries have residency requirements, which means you must live in that country for a certain period of time before the ceremony. Factor this into budget and availability. *Scale back on DIY. Handling many of the details while getting married close to home can be challenging, but doing so for a destination wedding can be difficult to organize. Scale back on DIY, leaving many of the details to the professionals. Destination weddings require extra planning, but they can be memorable ways for couples to start their new life together.

42INB • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 15-21, 2018

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Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 43INB





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44INB • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 15-21, 2018

Wedding unity ceremony ideas


ouples seeking creative traditional in many Spanish and options for unity rituals as Filipino-speaking countries. After part of their wedding cere- vows are exchanged, the officiant a floral garland or rosary monies can explore clever wraps A STRING TRIO these OR HERALD TRUMPETERS ideas. the couple. At the end of the DRESSED IN RENAISSANCE around COSTUMES... *Candle lighting: During this ceremony, the garland is saved as a THE CHAMINADE PLAYERS havesymbol of unity and love. ritual, the bride and the groom each provided music for weddings and light an individual candle and then *Handfasting: This ritual comes cocktail light hoursa larger for more thanwhich from an ancient Celtic tradition together candle, twenty years. celebrates them coming together as that binds the bride and groom’s right hands together during the one. We customize your wedding wedding ceremony. Handfasting *Sand pouring: In this ritual, with ceremonial music and couples choose greet your gueststwo withsands well of dif- symbolizes couples’ commitments ferent and then pour their to one another. knowncolors selections. *Flower ceremony: In this ritual, respective colors into a vessel, Our cocktail play listhues to couples can exchange roses or a allowing thehour different embraces lightThis classical mix together. ritual can be favorite flower and then place them favorites, popular expanded to include other family in a vase or basket. All members of contemporary tunes, as well members. the family also are invited to place a DOWNLOAD as*Tree American Standards. ourvessel, videowhich to hear planting: Planting a tree single flower into the DOWNLOAD recordings of our video to hear or shrubus that can grow with the ultimately results inceremonial a beautiful Contact through: recordings marriage is a green idea and one floral display. thechaminadeplayers.com wedding of ceremonial music. that takes unity rituals to a different Couples can create their own DOWNLOAD Or call: Jeanie Bavota wedding unique unity ceremonies. The level. Couples can place the sapling our video to hear music. at 917 .854.6291 in a decorative pot and then take blending of any two materials, such recordings of turns watering it. Later the tree as wine, tea, glass beads or paint, or ceremonial Requests for particular wedding can be planted outside of knots, works can easily be the couple’s even the traditional tying music. first home. will convey the symbolism of joinarranged. *Lasso ceremony: This ritual is ing as one.

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263 PROSPECT AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11215 Phone: (718) 788-0777 Fax: (718) 788-0404 Email: info@grandprospect.com Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 45INB

FAITH IN BROOKLYN Park Church Co-Op Launches Drive To Expand Membership, Ministries By Francesca Norsen Tate Religion Editor INBrooklyn

The Park Church Co-Op, a Lutheran ministry serving Greenpoint, has launched a drive to grow the congregation and increase donations, with the goal of being self-sustaining by the end of this year. The church’s determination to expand as a viable church brings to the forefront a delicate balance between meeting organizational deadlines and measuring its membership’s intangible spiritual growth. Facing closure when its grant from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Metropolitan New York Synod expires at the end of 2018, the church made the decision to survive. The church, on Russell Street across from Greenpoint’s McGolrick Park, launched its campaign to increase the number of worshipers attending Sunday services, to generate more giving from the community-at-large, and to expand the church’s outreach programs. “As a church, we have been growing slowly but steadily since I arrived in 2015,” said Pastor Amy Kienzle, who took the helm of what had previously been known as the Church of the Messiah. “But we are facing a deadline this fall for showing that we can sustain ourselves with both people and money, without needing as much funding from the larger Lutheran organizations. This is a challenge that I feel confident we will meet but our efforts are dependent on all church members and our partners in the community.” Kienzle has now reached out to all denominations and faiths, as well as friends and neighbors in a spirit of “radical openness” that furthers Christian teachings of “love thy neighbor.” “Our number one mission is to bring healing to people,” she said. A leader in social outreach programs and a groundbreaking cultural venue, Park Church Co-Op supports its outreach activities primarily through weekly donations from congregants.

The current campaign encourages weekly pledge commitments ranging from $5 up to $100, with special gifts and modest perks attached to each level of giving. The co-op also hopes to engage local businesses and organizations in the supporting the mission. Sunday morning services, which begin at 11 a.m. currently draw 25-30 people, a number that the church is seeking to increase to 50 over the summer. Moreover, Park Church Co-Op is involved in community outreach through its homeless respite program that offers shelter to 15 people in the winter. It also opens its doors to community meetings, after-school programming and artistic endeavors, such as film shoots and art shows. The Park Church Co-Op’s home is an historic church building marking its 110th year, formerly the Lutheran Church of the Messiah. “We are thankful for the foundation the faithful people of that church built over the past century. We look forward to the future, reaching out to all of our neighbors—the longtime and brand-new residents—to provide relevant spiritual nourishment in these changing times,” says Kienzle. However, Kienzle points out that healing and building a sense of spiritual safety and trust among church members takes time—often longer than the deadlines set by denominational bodies. When Park Church learned that it would not be receiving more funds and would probably have to close, it was the wider community that also spoke up. “The community that we built was shocked that Park Church would be closing, and expressed that shock to the bishop’s office and the ELCA representative,” said Kienzle. As a result, Park Church was granted a probationary period to meet certain benchmarks in membership growth and financial stewardship. Donation pledges to the co-op can be made through the new With Friends giving website at https://withfriends.co/ park_church_co_op/join.

Pastor Kienzle at the pulpit of the Park Church Co-Op Photo courtesy of Park Church Co-Op

Iftars Around Brooklyn Unite Different Peoples By Francesca Norsen Tate Religion Editor INBrooklyn

Love and Justice are two cornerstones of the three Abrahamic traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And in community Iftars around Brooklyn, these actions were at the forefront. An Iftar is the traditional break-the-fast meal that Muslims take following a rigorous daylong fast that is made even more pronounced during the summer months’ increased daylight. During that time, Muslims abstain from food, water and pleasurable activities. They also are commanded to abstain from negativity, anger and other iniquities of the heart, instead focusing on charity and inner discipline. The last 10 days of Ramadan are considered a time of great revelation. Ramadan concludes this weekend. Charity, discipline and the just treatment of fellow human beings were the themes reinforced through the evening at two community Iftars in particular. Beth Shalom v’Emeth Reform Temple (B’ShERT) in Victorian Flatbush hosted an Iftar that the Interfaith Coalition of Brooklyn organized for May 31. A week later, on June 7, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams hosted Borough Hall’s 13th annual Iftar. B’ShERT’s Iftar brought together sev-

eral faith groups, including the East Midwood Jewish Center, Our Lady of Refuge Roman Catholic Church, the Turkish Cultural Center, the Council of Peoples Organization, the Peace Islands Institute, the American Council of Minority Women and the North East Islamic Community Center. They shared a meal, and learned the beloved Hebrew song Shalom Chavurim. They also bid a tender farewell to B’ShERT’s Cantor Suzanne Bernstein, who recently retired from that role. One of the evening’s highlights was a creative project in which Jews, Muslims and Christians at each of the round tables teamed up to compose a prayer. Then representatives from each table read the prayers—many of which emphasized thanksgiving, joy, unity and blessings. At Borough Hall, speakers including Adams -- who has for many years honored individuals in the Muslim community who have brought people together peacefully -emphasized the urgency of continuing to do so in the current political environment. Adams said, “I want to speak about the importance of highlighting the borough’s religious diversity and strengthening interfaith ties in an environment of divisive political rhetoric nationally and an increase in

Saleh Hassan of the Yemeni American Merchants Association accepts his citation from Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.

INBrooklyn photo by Francesca N. Tate

bias-based attacks locally.” One of the groups whom he recognized at the June 7 Iftar had organized an event to counteract the “Punish A Muslim Day,” that had originated in the United Kingdom and then gone viral. Abdul Elenani, CEO and founder of the Brooklyn-based company Cocoa Grinder, created a “Love A Muslim Day,” in response. That idea also caught on quickly, with people donating coffee, meals and other acts of kindness. One of the honorees was an organization, the Yemeni American Merchants Association, which has organized national

bodega strikes to protest the Trump administration’s executive order that bans migration citizens from Muslim-majority nations. Accepting the citation on behalf of YAMA was board member Saleh Hassan. Among the other honorees: Yasmin Dwedar, an advocate for taxi and limousine drivers; Sergeant Zagham Abbas; youth Kazi Ateea; Douglas Jablon, executive vice president for patient relations and special assistant to the president of Maimonides Medical Center and frequent speaker at interfaith events; and Abddul Jaber, who received a Lifetime Award.

32INB •• INBROOKLYN Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week Gazette of June 14-20, 2018 46INB INBROOKLYN——AASpecial Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint • Week of June 15-21, 2018

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BERGEN, Edward M. - On June 8, 2018. United States Army veteran. Beloved husband of Susan. Loving father of Keith (Claire) and Allison Zaoutis (Nick). Proud grandfather of Olivia, Alexis and Callie. Also survived by many dear nieces, nephews and cousins. Mass of Christian Burial St. Patrick R.C. Church. All services entrusted to Clavin Funeral Home.


SMITH, Josephine "Virginia" (nee Brady) On June 8, 2018. Beloved wife of the late Frederick S. Smith. Loving mother of Frederick A. (Mikki), Matthew P. (Susan), Stephen (Cheryl), Virginia and Maria Willis (John). Proud grandmother of Frederick, Sean, Patrick, Stephen, Christian,

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Anthony, Daniel, Amanda, Allison, Caitlin, Emily and Andrew, and great grandmother of Therese Amelia. Mass of Christian Burial Our Lady of Angels R.C. Church. All services entrusted to Clavin Funeral Home.


SMITH, Catherine Veronica (nee McDonough) -- Born

January 14, 1930 and passed away on June 5, 2018. Beloved wife of the late Earle Conrad Smith. Loving mother of Karen Doyle (Michael), Andrew Smith (Donna), Barbara Stevens (Ralph), Maura Smith and Geraldine Heuwetter (David). Cherished grandmother of Matthew, Daniel (Kelly), Tara (Mark), Andrew, David, Shawn, Thomas, Kristin (Sean),

Brian and Allison, and great-grandmother of Joshua, Aaliyah, Sophia, and Emma. Worked as a legal secretary during her career. Family, friends, faith, music, and gardening were important to Catherine. In lieu of flowers, please make donations in Catherine's memory to: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 526 59th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11220; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Elementary School, 5902 Sixth Avenue, Brookly n, NY, 11220; or Calvary Hospital, 150 55th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11220. Mass of Christian Burial Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. All services entrusted to Clavin Funeral Home.

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Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 47INB

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• Family owned and operated for 3 ROOFING ROOFING ROOFING ROOFING ROOFING generations, ensuring personalized 130 LIC #0982130 %LJ 6PDOO -REV &RPPHUFLDO /RQJ 'LVWDQFH %LJ 6PDOO -REV &RPPHUFLDO /RQJ 'LVWDQFH %LJ 6PDOO -REV &RPPHUFLDO /RQJ 'LVWDQFH %LJ 6PDOO -REV &RPPHUFLDO /RQJ 'LVWDQFH %LJ 6PDOO -REV &RPPHUFLDO /RQJ 'LVWDQFH -We do indoor demolitionPROFESSI ONAL, RELI ABLE O&NAL, COURTEOUS PROFESSI PROFESSI RELIABLEONAL, & COURTEOUS RELIABLECleanouts, & COURTEOUS Basements, service. TY LITY & W/C DISABILITY INS. & W/C INS. “NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL S. 2I¿FH 5HORFDWLRQV 2I¿FH 5HORFDWLRQV 2I¿FH 5HORFDWLRQV 2I¿FH 5HORFDWLRQV FULLY INSURED!” • Recommended 130 LIC #0982130 %LJ 6PDOO -REV %LJ 6PDOO -REV &RPPHUFLDO /RQJ 'LVWDQFH RPPHUFL RQJ V 2I¿FH 5HORFDWLRQV WDQFH %&Lby J thousands 6PDODO O- /REV % L 'J&L RPPHUFL of6PDOsatO -DREV O /RQJ &'RPPHUFL LVWDQFHDO /RQJ Attics, 'LVWDQFH Yards Call Jose: Cell 917-560-6569 isfied customers. TY LITY & W/C DISABILITY INS. & W/C INS. FREE ESTIMATES S. • Professionally 2I¿FH trained 5HORFDWLRmoving QV 2I¿FH 5experts HORFDWLR QV2I¿FH 5HORFDWLRQV 2I¿FH 5HORFDWLRQV TREE SERVICE ALSO OFFERING SSS SELING ERVICES SERVICES 24-HOUR SERVICE on every truck. Courteous & prompt. CES ALL MASONRY & WILSON SERVICE •• Gutters Cleaned $75 HOMES • Gutters Cleaned • Gutters $75 MOST Cleaned HOMES $75TREE MOST HOMES Gutters Cleaned $75 MOST MOST HOMES n•mily • Individual • Children • Couples • Children n Couples Tree cutting,•pruning, Gutters Cleaned $75 AFFORDABLE RATES CHIMNEYS •• Installed •• Gutter Guards ildren • FREE estimates • Installed • Repaired • Installed • Gutter • Repaired Guards • Gutter Installed •• Repaired Repaired Gutter Guards feeding, spraying, Guards • Installed • Repaired • ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES stump grinding, planting, *Repairs ESTIMATES y-To-Day People With Living, Day-To-Day Living, ALL DRAINAGE ALL DRAINAGE ALL DRAINAGE shade tree, etc. ALL DRAINAGE & BOX DELIVERY & BOX DELIVERY & BOX DELIVERY g, SERVICES NSELING SERVICES & BOX DELIVERY pression Anxiety And Depression ICC *Replacement LIC ICC LIC 470654 / US DOT 1178151 ICC LIC 470654 / US DOT 1178151 LIC470654 470654//USUSDOT DOT1178151 1178151 No Tree Too Tall for us. 877-668-3186 ALL DRAIN & BOX DELIVERY CallICC718-763-1435 S PROBLEMS RESOLVED PROBLEMS PROBLEMS RESOLVED RESOLVED ICC LIC 470654 / US DOT 1178151 PROBLEMS RESOLVED Free Est. S SELING ERVICES ERVICES *Annual Service 238-6600 P R O B L(718) EM S RE MOVING MOVING CES l, M.A., Jane Feazell, LP MOVING M.A., LPMOVING Call 718-444-2275 646-261-7019 Chimney heating cleaned $49.99!! • Gutters Cleaned $75 MOST HOMES • Gutters Cleaned • Gutters $75 MOST Cleaned HOMES $75 MOST HOMES for the lowest rates • Gutters Cleaned $75 MOST HOMES MOVING n•mily Couples • Individual • Children • Couples • Children URED n730 718-836-1730 • Gutters 10% discount WANTED TO• BUY RUBBISH••REMOVAL Installed •• Repaired ••Licensed/ Gutter Guards ildren • Installed • Repaired • Installed • Gutter • Repaired Guards Gutter Guards Cleaned $75 Installed Repaired Gutter Guards Licensed/ Insured Insured Licensed/ Insured Licensed/ Insured ppointment Location • By Only Appointment Only Free Estimates • Installed • RepairedIn • forjustguttersnyc@hotmail.com seniors Licensed/ justguttersnyc@hotmail.com justguttersnyc@hotmail.com Only justguttersnyc@hotmail.com y-To-Day People With Living,Day-To-Day Living,


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American & Foreign Coins ROOFING Costume Jewelry & Fine Jewelry MOVING , M.A., Jane Feazell, LPMOVING M.A., LP&MOVING MOVING NNlBOARD FATHER &TOSON FATHER SON Baseball & Basketball Items LIC & INSURED MOVING INSURED SON INSURED INSURED INSURED • Family owned and operated for 3 • Family owned • Family and owned operated and for operated 3 for 3 • Family owned and operated for 3 Comic Books • Stamps • Paintings ard A. Howard diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com DOT DOT 32149 DOT 32149 generations, ensuring personalized generations, generations, ensuring ensuring personalized DOT 32149 32149personalized SPECIAL LOCAL RATES generations, ensuring personalized INSURED • Family owned and operated for 3 Licensed/ Insured Licensed/ Insured Licensed/ Insured Sterling Silver • Records Licensed/ Insured ppointment Location •service. ByOnly Appointmentservice. Only modeling Company Company service. service. DOT 32149 generations, ensuring personalized 2 Men w/Truck $59/Hr. Licensed & BondedLicensed/ Retired Police OfficerIn Free Estimates - of Residential - Commercial by of sat• Recommended • Recommended by by of thousands satsatjustguttersnyc@hotmail.com justguttersnyc@hotmail.com justguttersnyc@hotmail.com Recommended by thousands thousands ofthousands satOnly •• Recommended justguttersnyc@hotmail.com y



Jay’s g in Mov


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A RANTEED WORK isfied GUARANTEED Aservice. ROOFING 311Men $69/Hr. isfied customers. isfied customers. A A1A A1AWay by isfied customers. customers. A yy w/Truck ROOFING ROOFING SPECIALIST SPECIALIST aaRecommended No Job TooROOFING BigSPECIALIST or Too Small W Way • thousands of satjustguttersnyc@h W N, , BASEMENTS BATHROOMS, , BASEMENTS , s s ’ ’ s y ’ y y’s moving a moving a JJa4 ay Men J J A •• Professionally trained experts • Professionally • Professionally trained trained experts moving experts Professionally trained moving experts 1 Mr. Schiff 718-962-4593 914-262-4494 g w/Truck $85 Hr. g g ALSO OFFERING n ALSO OFFERING ALSO OFFERING g isfied customers. n n A i ALSO OFFERING i i NSIONS,WINDOWS, WS, ROOFING ROOFING vvin v v y o o o Yards Attics Basements Garages ROOFING SP a o M M truck. M truck. & ROOFING on prompt. W ROOFING ROOFING M truck. on Courteous every on& every Courteous Courteous prompt. & prompt. on every every truck. Courteous & prompt. ROOFING , DO ALL WE ALL& ALL & MASONRY & WE WE ALL MASONRY MASONRY &MASONRY WE ENTS SS HOME ( WE REP ITAALL) IRS ( WE DO IT ALL) Jay’s


• Professionally trained moving CHIMNEYS CHIMNEYS CHIMNEYS LICENSED & INSURED CHIMNEYS ing estimates CALL US TODAY FOR Aexperts FREE QUOTE! •• FREE • FREE estimates •v FREE FREE estimates estimates Mo on every truck. Courteous *Repairs *Repairs *Repairs *Repairs & prompt.

ALSO OFFERING ROOFING SHOW SHOW SHOW SHOW ALL MASONRY & 18-467-1200 1200 *Replacement *Replacement *Replacement *Replacement CHIMNEYS www.Arikmoving.com Call Callestimates 718-763-1435 Call 718-763-1435 Fast, professional Call 718-763-1435 NBOARD &TOSON FATHER FATHER SON •&718-763-1435 FREE UP! UP! UP! *Annual UP! *Annual Service *Annual Service *Annual Service Service *Repairs MATES EE ESTIMATES Chimney cleaned $49.99!! Chimney heating cleaned Chimney $49.99!! heating cleaned $49.99!! Chimney heating heating cleaned $49.99!! & friendly rubbish for the lowest rates forCall the lowest for718-763-1435 therates lowest rates forFree the877-668-3186 lowest rates *Replacement URED INSURED INSURED alSON URED Toll 10% discountService 10% discount •• Family and for 33 • Family owned • Family and owned operated and for operated 3Estimates forservice 3 10% Family owned owned and operated operated for *Annual ard A. Howard removal at discount10% discount Free


Diamond Diamond Diamond TO Diamo PLACE Construction 718.748.2088 718.748.2088 718.748.2088 Construction Construction YOUR AD, CALL 646-371-2167

Free Estimates Estimates Free Estimates for seniors for seniors forheating seniors cleaned Chimney forFree seniors lowest rates

$49.99!! for the personalized generations, ensuring personalized generations, generations, ensuring ensuring personalized generations, ensuring personalized geINSURED MOVING 212-321-MOVE MOVING MOVING MOVING reasonable prices! • Family owned and operated for 3 modeling Company Company service. Free Estimates service. service. service. generations, ensuring personalized US DOT #130966 MOVING ••ARIK Recommended by sat•ARIK Recommended •ARIK Recommended byof thousands by of thousands of&&satJ. service. MOVING STORAGE J.&MOVING J. &MOVING STORAGE &sat-STORAGE Recommended by thousands thousands of satLIC INSURED LIC & INSURED LIC & INSURED LIC INSURED yRANTEED WORK isfied GUARANTEED The Company hasisfied the right customers. to change prices customers. any time. 718.748. diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com customers. diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com isfied diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com isfied customers. SPECIAL LOCAL RATES SPECIAL SPECIAL LOCAL RATES LOCAL RATES SPECIAL LOCAL RATES (718) 238-6600 ROOFING SPECIALIST ROOFING SPECIALIST SPECIALIST A30-38 www.needrubbishremoval.com •ARIK Recommended by thousands of ROOFING satN,, BASEMENTS BATHROOMS,, BASEMENTS , J. MOVING & STORAGE 22 Men w/Truck $59/Hr. LIC & INSU 2 Men w/Truck 2 Men $59/Hr. w/Truck $59/Hr. Men w/Truck $59/Hr.

•• Professionally trained moving experts • Professionally • Professionally trained moving trained experts moving experts Professionally trained moving experts ROOFING ROOFING 33 Men w/Truck $69/Hr. 3customers. Men w/Truck 3 Men $69/Hr. w/Truck $69/Hr. ALSO OFFERING ROOFING ALSO Men w/Truck $69/Hr. isfied ALSO OFFERING


NSIONS,WINDOWS, WS, ROOFING ROOFING SPECIAL LOCAL RATES on every Courteous & prompt. on every onMen Courteous &Courteous prompt. & prompt. 44 truck. Men w/Truck $85 Hr. IT Men w/Truck 4 truck. Men $85w/Truck Hr. $85 Hr. ME WE’LL IT, AND DO IT WE’LL DO IT 4 truck. on every truck. Courteous &every prompt. Men w/Truck $85 Hr. S , ALL MASONRY WE ALL& ALL & MASONRY WE&ROOFING WE ALL MASONRY &MASONRY 2 w/T ruck $59/Hr. SHOME ( WE DO REPITAALL) IRS ( WE DO IT ALL)



• Professionally trained moving experts LICENSED & LICENSED & INSURED LICENSED & INSURED CHIMNEYS LICENSED & INSURED INSURED CHIMNEYS CHIMNEYS ROOFING CHIMNEYS 3 Men w/Truck $69/Hr. ALSO OFFERING •• FREE estimates G •&FREE estimates • FREE estimates FREE estimates ypes old Repairs of Household & Repairs on every truck. Courteous & prompt. *Repairs www.Arikmoving.com www.Arikmoving.com www.Arikmoving.com *Repairs www.Arikmoving.com 4 Men w/Truck $85 *RepairsHr. *Repairs DO IT ALL MASONRY & ALL) *Replacement alealServices umbing • Electrical • Plumbing • Electrical Toll Free *Replacement *Replacement *Replacement Toll Free718-763-1435 Toll Free718-763-1435 877-668-3186 877-668-3186 877-668-3186 Toll Free LICENSED & INSURED 877-668-3186 CHIMNEYS Call 718-763-1435 Call Call • FREE estimates *Annual Service *Annual Service *Annual Service *Annual Service & age oofing Household/Garage • Siding • Household/Garage *Repairs 212-321-MOVE age 212-321-MOVE 212-321-MOVE www.Arikmoving.com 212-321-MOVE MATES EE ESTIMATES Chimney heating cleaned $49.99!! Chimney heating cleaned Chimney$49.99!! heating cleaned $49.99!! Chimney heating cleaned $49.99!! for the lowest rates for the lowest for the rates lowest rates *Replacement ctrical URED nt Cleanouts • Doors •INSURED Windows Doors INSURED US #130966 Toll Free US DOT #130966 US DOT #130966 sWindows 877-668-3186 URED US •DOT DOT #130966 Call 718-763-1435 10% 10% discountService 10% discount discount10% discount the to prices any *Annual The hasThe the Company right to time. change has the prices right any to change time. prices any time. The Company has the right right to change change prices any time. Flooring • Gutters •The Tile•Company &Flooringhas • Tile &Company &sGarage 212-321-MOVE Free Free Free Estimates A30-38 A30-38 Estimates A30-38 Estimates A30-38 forheating seniors cleaned $49.99!! Chimney for seniors seniors for seniors the lowest ratesfor Work Masonry • Pressure INSURED oors US DOT #130966 MOVING MOVING for MOVING MOVINGWork • Pressure


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has the right to change prices any time.



Free Estimates



LIC & INSURED LIC & INSURED LIC & INSURED NOW 54 347-256-1154347-256-1154 diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com diamondconstructionnyc@hotmail.com SPECIAL RATES SPECIAL SPECIAL LOCAL RATES LOCAL RATES SPECIAL LOCAL LOCAL RATES ALL ARIK J.w/Truck MOVING & STORAGE 22 Men w/Truck $59/Hr. LIC & INSU 2 Men 2 Men $59/Hr. w/Truck $59/Hr. Men w/Truck $59/Hr. -1154 ROOFING ROOFING ROOFING 33 Men $69/Hr. 3 Men w/Truck 3 Men $69/Hr. w/Truck $69/Hr. ROOFING Men w/Truck w/Truck $69/Hr. diamondconstructionny SPECIAL LOCAL RATES

44 Men w/Truck $85 Hr. ITWE’LL w/Truck $85w/Truck Hr. $85$59/Hr. Hr. ME IT, AND DO ITWE’LL IT 4 Men MenDO w/Truck $85 Hr. 4 Men 2 Men w/Truck

LICENSED LICENSED & INSURED LICENSED & INSURED LICENSED && INSURED INSURED ROOFING 3 Men w/Truck $69/Hr. ypes old Repairs of Household & Repairs & www.Arikmoving.com www.Arikmoving.com www.Arikmoving.com www.Arikmoving.com 4 Men w/Truck $85 Hr. DO IT ale Services umbing • Electrical • Plumbing • Electrical Toll Free Toll Free 877-668-3186 Toll Free 877-668-3186 Toll Free 877-668-3186 LICENSED & INSURED Week of June 15-21, 2018 • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • 51INB &age

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Health & Beauty

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MADISON ESTATES Contact Peter Mancini 917-916-5126 High On a Hill SCHOHARIE COUNTY 40 Acres, Awesome Views: $114K; 9.5 Acres, Great Views: $44K; 4.2 Acres: $24K, Owner Financing. www.helderbergrealty.com 518-861-6541 or 518-256-6344

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38INB ••INBROOKLYN Special Section of Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 14-20, 2018 52INB INBROOKLYN——A A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week of June 15-21, 2018



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♊ GEMINI  May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, this week you are in the mood to rise above petty conflicts and mend fences. Set aside time to speak one-on-one with those who need forgiveness.

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♋ CANCER  Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, fun and physical activity attract you this week, especially as you approach your birthday. Surround yourself with loved ones and enjoy some fun nights.


ALL-MAKE AUTOCARE IN EAST WEYMOUTH, MA is looking for an EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN. This is a full time position Monday thru Friday 7am - 5pm. Starting pay could be up to $30.00 AN HOUR BASED ON EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR. Possible sign-up bonus. Serious inquires only!!!!!!!

♌ LEO  Jul 23/Aug 23 It is alright to want to escape your daily routine sometimes, Leo. If you are feeling restless this week, plan a getaway so you can take in new sights and sounds. ♍ VIRGO  Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, there is no need to worry about whether or not you have been handling affairs deftly. Others will be quick to vouch for your work if called on.


♎ LIBRA  Sept 23/Oct 23 Your competitive nature might be needed this week, Libra. Your confidence will be an asset as you propel through tasks in record speed. Slow down to catch your breath. ♏ SCORPIO  Oct 24/Nov 22 It is time to share your good fortune with others, Scorpio. Expressing gratitude and helping those who do not have enough will make you feel happier and more fortunate. ♐ SAGITTARIUS  Nov 23/Dec 21 Infuse your social circle with some fresh energy, Sagittarius. Get together with friends and find ways to include new people into your social circle.. ♑ CAPRICORN  Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, if life has been rushing by at a harried pace, you need to find a place of solace where you can sit and exhale. ItÕs important to have this time to rest.


♒ AQUARIUS  Jan 21/Feb 18 Be conscious of how your actions and words affect others, Aquarius. Communication issues can affect relationships when misconstrued words are taken to heart.

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♓ PISCES  Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, procrastination is often a sign that a person is not interested in what he or she is doing. Find activities that truly motivate you.

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♈ ARIES  Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, thinking about the future is exciting, and it may motivate you to make some changes. Picturing the future helps you try different scenarios on for size.

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♉ TAURUS  Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, take some alone time to focus on what is important to you. This will help you to feel the joy and fulfillment that keeps you going even when times are tough.

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This week’s birthdays:

JUNE 14 Donald Trump, President (72) JUNE 15 Ice Cube, Actor/Rapper (49) JUNE 16 Rick Nash, Athlete (34) JUNE 17 Venus Williams, Athlete (38) JUNE 18 Blake Shelton, Singer (42) JUNE 19 Zoe Saldana, Actress (38) JUNE 20 Nicole Kidman, Actress (51)

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Week Week of June 2018 •2018 INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn Daily Eagle/Heights Eagle/Heights Press/Home Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Record/Greenpoint Gazette Gazette •• 53INB of 15-21, June 14-20, • INBROOKLYN — A Special Section of Brooklyn 39INB

Guild for Exceptional Children’s 8th Annual Golf Outing By Ariama Long INBROOKLYN

The nonprofit Guild for Exceptional Children (GEC) held its eighth annual golf outing at Marine Park Golf Course on Friday, June 1. The event is an important fundraiser for the organization, and also celebrated 60 years of “Building Better Futures” for individuals with special needs. “Golf helps raise needed donations and funds for our mission,” noted Caroline Mansuetto, director of development for the GEC. Golfers enjoyed 18 holes, as well as an extravagant BBQ complete with chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad and all the trimmings during the day. In the evening, they were joined by friends and family to pig out at the decked-out buffet and open bar. Founded in 1958, GEC has helped children and adults with developmental disabilities to live their best lives for decades. The same excitement and dedication was reflected in every participant’s face as they piled out of the lined-up golf carts. Awards were given out in the evening. The competition included the categories of Hole In One (no winners this year), Low Gross, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive and Putting Contest, with a large golf ball award and other prizes and goodie bags for winners.

Scenes from the Winner’s Circle

ebrooklyn media/Photos by Arthur de Gaeta


See our special fall bridal section on page 27! 54INB •• INBROOKLYN INBROOKLYN — — AA Special Special Section Section of of Brooklyn Brooklyn Eagle/Heights Daily Eagle/Heights Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette June 15-21, 40INB Press/Home Reporter/Brooklyn Spectator/Brooklyn Record/Greenpoint Gazette • Week• Week of Juneof14-20, 2018 2018

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 55



Richmond County Country Club • 6-9PM 135 Flagg Pl. Staten Island



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Richmond County Country Club • 6-9PM 135 Flagg Pl. Staten Island

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56• REPORTER • Week of June 16 •HOME HOME REPORTER • Week of 15-21, June 2018 14-20, 2018

Focus on Bay Ridge

Bay Ridge Senior Center Guests Go to the Races!

By Charles F. Otey

Golden Action Will Save ‘For Hire’ Drivers From Losing More Income Senator’s Alternative Solution Gets Short Shrift from TLC Bureaucrats

Well-intentioned newspapers with well-intentioned sources can really screw up the truth in search of a “David and Goliath” story, painting Goliath with the broadest of bad strokes. This is what happened last week when Daily News writer Stephen Rex Brown tried to do a hatchet job on state Sen. Marty Golden with half-truths disguised behind masks of unyielding principle. Thousands of drivers — largely recent immigrants and blue- and whitecollar workers who have lost their jobs in other areas of endeavor — have sustained financial havoc with the influx of Uber and Lyft. These drivers earn less money working the same amount of time often having to drive for a regular car service by day and Uber or Lyft by night. At issue was a Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) proposal to quadruple the number of wheelchair-accessible vehicles. This would cost millions of dollars, as the amount of such vehicle adjustments would go from 5 percent to 25 percent over the next five years. This is the real world, folks: Do you think that the Taxi owners, Uber and their ilk would personally absorb these new costs? If you do, think again. All of these new costs will (1) lessen

the income of already hard-put drivers and (2) be used as justification to raise their fares. Wheelchair accessibility champion Jean Ryan, who uses a wheelchair, is to be commended for supporting any measure that potentially increases accessibility. She’s done this well for several years. But linking Golden’s bold parachute jumping skydive to support veterans, or the fact that the senator is a retired police officer who receives accident retirement benefits, is a long stretch into the insidious empire of “gotcha” and snarky journalism. Interestingly, Brown’s story didn’t bother to learn how many wheelchairaccessible vehicles are already out there moving through the city and beyond. A Golden spokesman said, “Connecting Sen. Golden’s recent charity tandem skydiving event for veterans with a debate involving for-hire vehicle ride accessibility is inaccurate, reckless and unfair.” Well put. Golden’s sensible alternative would be a centrally sourced wheelchair accessibility system to improve this untoward situation without levying yet another fine on the drivers who are now working at below-minimum wage rates.

From left: Merchants of Third Avenue Executive Secretary Chuck Otey; Rev. Canon Suzanne M. Culhane, who regularly holds services at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church; Michael Di Schavi of the Home Reporter; Margaret DeAngelis; and Josephine Brown. Last Friday night, the leaders of the Bay Ridge Center, which is headed by Marianne Nicolosi and which provides invaluable services to senior citizens here, held a “Night at the Races” fundraiser. It was an exciting success

that featured actual horse races with stirring pre-recorded narrations, aided, of course, by voluble and entertaining emcee Peter Clavin, who is emerging as the voice of Bay Ridge. Here are some highlights:

Event sponsor Brian Chin of Northfield Bank (second from right) joins Walter Ochoa of Right At Home senior services, benefactor Lori Pedone and John Alexander of the Home Reporter (left to right).

Bay Ridge Center President Donna McClellan (standing, center) poses with a talented supporting staff and volunteers who staged a well-received “Night at the Races.” Photos courtesy of Chuck Otey



Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 57

Brooklyn Cathedral Muffin’s Muffin’s Pet Connect Club installsPet new Connect president Single headline New school decked to host first council meeting T Single decked headline To reach Ted General via the To reachhis Tede-mail General via the Internet, address is: Internet, his e-mail address is: General@Journalist.com. General@Journalist.com.

To reach Ted General via the Internet, his e-mail address is: General@Journalist.com.


email: judespets@aol.co email:Byjudespets@aol.c JUDE LASSOW

he elite Cathedral Club of Brook- June monthly meeting of the Society of By JUDE LASSOW lyn held its annual installation Old Brooklynites at Borough Hall. His MEEOW MEEOW... dinner on Friday evening, June presentation was called "Hear, Their, Hello there, “I am Green-Wood Cemetery good friend, Green-Wood 6, at the Bay Ridge Manor. Brian Long, our There, Here–a people's walking tour school auditorium. Also conPanela, a five-yearIts first march school was led bytoformer BrookCommunity Education Council 20, which is Green-Wood Cemetery our good friend, Green-Wood auditorium. conkicked off its sesquicentenCemetery honcho Richard St. Also Patrick’s the past vice president, became the of Brooklyn Bridge Park." He also dis- gratulations old, gray and white lyn Mayor John Ward Hunter, and the 2014 headed by Laurie Windsor, will be highlightkicked off itsOther sesquicentenCemetery honcho gratulations to St. Joseph Patrick’s nial of theoffi- Moylan. Monsignor 118thcommemoration president. incoming cussed the new St. Ann'sRichard Warehouse Pastor, tuxedo kitty. I march by Society President and ing itsinclude monthly meeting withvenue a in nial commemoration of this the Moylan. Pastor, Monsignor Joseph start ofJune theWilliam Civil Guarinello, War On Memorial Day, was the ledNagle, who just marked his cers viceagenda performing DUMBO. have the softest Brooklyn historian Ronald special to the PTA/PAs all start ofsalute the Civil this that Onserve Memorial Day,13th the 40th Nagle, whoSchweiger. just as marked his president; Richard Re, War treasurer past Sunday with a posse cemetery hosted its anniversary a memfur and am very OnitsSunday, atclergy. 12:30 p.m., sothe public schools in foot District The laudatopast Sunday with a posse cemetery 13th June 40th anniversary as athe memand Pat Russo, recording secretary. of mounted cavalry, sol- 20.annual freehosted concert with ber of22, the sweet, but a litciety will be celebrating 134th anniversary will take place on Wednesday, New York State Court of Claims of session mounted cavalry, foot solannual free concert with ber of theits clergy. diers with muskets, bayonets, the ISOJune Symphonic Band ••• tle shy. Once I ry atdirector, the Bay Ridge 476 76th Street. 11, at with 7Vincent p.m., at P.S./I.S. 30, 7001 Fourth AveJustice Delcolor Giudice admindiers muskets, bayonets, the Symphonic Band ••• swords, sabers, guards, led byISO founder and The Manor, Fort Hamilton High warm up to you, The the will be society nue. istered the oath office new swords, sabers, colortointhe guards, led by founder and keynoter director, The occasion Fort Hamilton High drummers andofladies Civil Bay Ridge Maestro Brian for School Alumni Association I like to read, member and New York Supreme Court Ita will also an opportunity for parents officers members of the drummers andbeladies inBoard Bay RidgeSeveral Maestro Brian School Alumni Association W r - and eCivil r a Worsdale. members held itsState recent pre-show watch TV, surf the Justice Arthur Schack will be from other schools to see interior of Several in attendance. MonWof aGovernors r e rthe a of Worsdale. members held its recent pre-show the band are current and annual dinner atwho Chadwick’s net and most of the talking about the 8822 history of the the district's newest school signor David Cassato, pastor of St. that ofwas the band are current and annual dinner at Chadwick’s former graduates of Fort Restaurant, Third time will even help Scouts, Eagle built on theChurch, former site ofthe the Bay Athanasius delivered former of Fort Boy Restaurant, 8822 Hamiltongraduates High School. Avenue. The prominent dinner was Third hostyou with these things. Scouts, and since he was a Ridge United Methodist Church invocation. Hamilton High Avenue. TheAlice dinnerFarkouh, was host•••School. ed by Dr. I can also be hapformer attorney for Major (akaFormer the Green Church). club president and memed past by Dr. Alice of Farkouh, Michael ••• Connors, the principal FHHS ebrooklyn media/Photos by Ted General P pily bymeet myself League Baseball, a few * * * ber of the Board of Governors John Club officers and members withfor new Panela Michael partner Connors, the Cathedral past principal of FHHS founding and and the current president long periods, but I hits, runs and strikes. President Brian Long. What an absolute terrifGilhooly presented a Cathedral Photo courtesy of BRHS founding partner and and the current president president of the Connors of the Alumni Association. am always availhouse along Third presidential outgoing Roadside Also the proic Club turnout for ring the tostreet president of law the firm, Connors of the Alumni Association. and Sullivan is Farkouh is on Avenue. ableCommunity for playGALAXY: time at took a mome President Antonio Biondi. negatives Council part gramthatwill be former Ridge co-naming ceremonies in JACKSON “My and Sullivan law firm, iswere photographed the new Kings County com-is Farkouh “My outstanding quality Brooklyn Bishop Nicholas DiMarby prominent businessman Samuel in a public commemorative postmark Brooklyn Borough Preshonor of the late, great JACKSON GALAXY: “Myis gram is seen on Animal Planet the new County War commander of Kings the Catholic low, and a very low mainten Thomas. zio, who heads the block Brooklyn Catholic inseen the lobby of United ** Marty Markowitz ceremony Tom Kane. The that on Animal Planet agram calmisbehaviorist atthe a cat’s w mander of the*year, Catholic War Winterident Veterans. Last Connors with cats, dogs and children Diocese, is the spiritual director of the On Wednesday, June 20, 7:30 p.m. at The discussing images, somehis which haven't States Postal Service's Fort Hamilton new role Kane grew up on 88th a calm behaviorist at a cat’s w work. Many cats are saved fro Veterans.the Last“Veteran year, Connors received of dress. pecially enjoy being the only inpresident over 50 years, date Station Cathedral Club which wasRoad founded in the Shore Hill Neighborhood Center, been shown at 8801 Fifthcats Avenue. as vice of borstreet near Colonial work. Many are saved fr Hissing, spitting, biting cats received “Veteran dress. tagged Year” the Award from of We along for the would beand my preference. 1900. formally dedicated 91st Street between Colonial Road back to the late 1800s and the turn of The event heralded the 67 years ofbe ough promotion and enwas Hissing, spitting, biting cats Jackson, trust and hope the Year”York Award from We tagged alongthat for the BROOKLYN MEDIA GROUP/ New State the grand procession “I am an easy cat to * * * and was andPhotos Shore by Road, the Bay Ridge His- the century. voluntary community service by thetake of- b gagement for NYC and Tom Kane Way Ted General Jackson, and trust and hope the New York State the grand procession that division of the CWV. passed throughout the ceme*** Actor and artistic Geoff torical Society willparents be showing images ficers, board directors, committees and a ly clean. I am“Even looking for Co. even blessed by director Reverend Tom Kane’s holding HEY JUDE: though division of County the CWV. passed throughout the cemeThe Kings tery and by candlelit graves of Sobelle was the guest speaker atof the originally taken from vintage glass This past Monday, June 11, the Bay members of the affiliated organizations. friend. I am looking for YOU. The event is open Gerard Sauer, the pastor the new sign. HEY JUDE: “Even togethe though not have to be adopted The Kings tery and by candlelit graves is County holdfallen soldiers from both sidesof Chapter Welcome remarks were into offered and meet me? Look my to the public. Reservations St. Mel's Church, a both former as- ing not have to be adopted togeth We will not scratch or damage Chapter is holdfallen soldiers from sides its annual of the conflict. As we trekked by Don Chen, the Fort Hamilton and I’ll capture your loving are only $46 which includes sociate pastor at Bay Ridge's St. We willa not scratch damag Raven, sweet, littleor girl whoh ing itsdance annual of the conflict. As we trekked on through the pathways, there dinner station manager and by Community start of a new friendship. Im a full sit-down dinner. Contact Patrick's Church and athere personal Raven, a sweet,and little girlwith who be affectionate, play dinner dance on through the pathways, Thursday evewere uniformed re-enactors Board 10 District Manager Josephine am spayed with my vaccinati Sherman Silverman at 718-748friend. affectionate, Ibe was a kitten. I and will play give with you a Thursday were uniformed re-enactors June 2,eveat -soldiers standing guard, ning, Beckmann. Please contact cats@zanisfu 3165 or send him a check payable to the A host of dignitaries were on hand to join I was a kitten. I will give you you seek. I am spayed, houseb ning,p.m., Juneat2,the at -- soldiersand standing musicians singersguard, per- 7:30 BRCC President Ralph Succar had Society of Old Brooklynites, 340 Marine AveKane's family, friends and associates on this you seek. I am spayed, house are seeking a new home becaus 7:30 p.m.,Terrace, at the musicians forming Civiland Warsingers songs. per- Polonaise the honor of doing the first stamp *** nue, Brooklyn, NY 11209. auspicious City Councilmember are seeking aisnew home becau allergies and no longer able Polonaise Terrace, forming Civiloccasion. War thousands songs. 150 Greenpoint The event drew cancellation utilizing aFriends pictorial hand Zani’s Furry a *** Vinnie Gentile -- who ensured full Counallergies and is no You longer able your loving family. willis no 150 Greenpoint The event drew thousands Avenue. of relatives, Civil War buffs, the stamper which includes an image of ganization committed to res Former Science Assistant Principal and a cil the co-naming, in the proyour loving family. You will n there, I am Figaro tuxedo Avenue. of approved relatives,historians Civil War buffs, This year, the group amateur andwrote the council's emblem. Theapostmark mals from New York City past Bay Ridge Community Council Presigram, "A lifelong Bay Ridge resident, Tom's there, I am Figaro a tuxedo love to snuggle up, Makrinos, play withsh Thisbeyear, the group amateur historians and will honoring its genealogists, local residents was designed by George am nately, they are at signifi ca dent, Tom tremendous contributions and achievements love to snuggle up, play with great with animals and people willNational be honoring its Greene was back at Denyse Wharf graphic genealogists, local residents Commander and hundreds of out-ofartist and author. due to overcrowding. and the adjoining small beach under the left anhundreds indelible mark on the community he Commander great with animals andBeyon people Stephanie 732-864-5990.” National and of out-ofFred Schwally, towners. According The program was coordinated Justice Del Giudice with outgoActor and artistic director animals they save, theirbyre shadow of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge for loved so much." Stephanie 732-864-5990.” Fred Schwally, According ing President Antonio Biondi Geoff Sobelle with society New York State totowners. cemetery hisDean Rasinya, a retired NYPD captain Dean Rasinya and Ralph Succar the shelter—thus giving a hisYork group's 25thPresident Bi-Annual Wharf and Beach and Close friend Marra with sang and New new President Brian Long. George Broadhead. JASPER, DARWIN, State toand cemetery his-Frankie a postmarked envelope. Commander torian, author former BRCC president. AND V

dog an opportunity to AND await Cleanup. he was joined played "Forever JASPER, DARWIN, spayed, neutered with shots torian, author Young" by Bob Dylan. Kane Commander J o h This n year, and attorney the Principal of by 75 high or rescue and thereby pote school and grade school volunteers. was a big, big Dylan fan! spayed, neutered with shot new home due to legal action J o h n and attorney the Principal of Keyes and the A. Fantis parochial school Jeffrey other life. Greene continues to press efforts to estab* * * new home due to legal action wonderful, loving cats, which a Keyes and J e f f r e y the A. Fantis parochial school the past on Schermerhorn Street in Richman, Theblack group’s mission is to w h lish a Marine Environmental Science Lab at Among the marching groups in the recent wonderful, loving cats, which some or gray, and two the past Downtown Richman, on Schermerhorn National 4,600 Civil Brooklyn.Street in furry companion forand your site. He is Downtown also currently a professor 147th Brooklyn Memorial Day Pa- the some as black or gray, twofam w home a pair. They are broth National 4,600 annual Civil Chaplain, War vetAmong theBrooklyn. attendees wereat animal they rescue fi nd the fo Kingsborough College. rade was the Society of Old Brookynites. The home as a pair. They are brot kittens from a backyard. Mist War vetattendees were FChaplain, a t h e r twoAmong erans are past the FHHS Assistant The group’s home netw Maria new president of the civic has been marching in evkittens fromfoster a backyard. Mis couch potato and very laid ba F a t hMakrinos, e r Principals eransorganization are twothe past FHHS Assistant Anthony buried in David Whitebook fully familiar with each of b Fort Hamilton High School Alumni Associaery Brooklyn Memorial Day Parade since its couch potato and very laid yahoo.com. Anthony and buried in Principals David Whitebook Dell’Anno. Green-Wood, Tom Greene. Both are dogs and helps ensure the be tion, stopped, bringing free doughnuts for founding 1880. yahoo.com. Dell’Anno. Green-Wood, and Tom Greene. are Tickets are by making it inthe former presidents of Both the Bay adoptive families. Zani’s Fu all volunteers. “Hi, I’m Tali, a gorgeous, white are Ridge making it Civil the formerCommunity presidents ofCouncil, the Bay $75Tickets perthe person. largest ber of the Mayor’s Alliance an * * * I’m home Tali, ato gorgeous, white of“Hi, a new call my own. $75••• per person. and largest Ridge Community Council, War burial Civil site in Whitebook serves as a with the Animal Care & Con The Kings County Republican Party is of a new myleft. own have quitehome a lot to of call spunk Warnorth, burialeven site surpassing in serves as a Congressmember••• Michael tand the r u sWhitebook tee and scholarare Cat and Dog Adop its 2014t Lincoln have a lotyour of spunk left. u IThere won’tquite scratch furniture Congressmember the north, Pennsylvania. even surpassing Grimm r u s t e eDay Reception and scholarwill beholding theMichael guest Gettysburg, s hand ip Petco, 1280 Aven Dinner on Sunday, June 22, from noons h toi p3 I won’t scratch yourbeen furniture back claws. ILexington have living Grimmatwill the guest Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. the be next meeting Also as part of the com- speaker and East 87th Streets in M p.m., at Gargiulo’s in Coney Island. Among back claws. I have been livin years, but now there is a toddle speaker at the next meeting Also as part of the comof St. Patrick’s Club, onJudge Vincent Del Giudice swears in Cathedral Club Board of Governors. memoration there wereceremony Attendees at the postmark posed forMen’s a photo. 5:30pm. Hope to see you soon

e decked headline What happened to fit alloted space pital situation “America’sheadline Mayor?” le decked need of triage fit space A alloted 58• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018



tempusoforci pretium. odio et iacu- tor diam, ac malesuada purus ligula nec mauris. it amet, consectetur fter Septemberadipi11, 2001, Rudy public opinionDonec whichfacilisis, may be the BY BRIAN KIERAN non justo fringilla fermenlis iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat Donec eleifend magna rna in sem ornare blandit Giuliani gave hope to millions only one in which he can win. The comtum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros arcu, lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittis interdum elit, volutpat nec vehicula BY BRIAN KIERAN BY BRIAN KERIN of people across America as ments reveal that he feels the weak are ue. Aliquam semper euis- feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam fringilla a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. he made his way through the devas- meant to be used and discarded, and The voters re-elected Grimm by a Pellentesque sem metus, id accumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus Fusce iaculis magna vel felis scelerisque nec tated streets of Lower Manhattan. He certainly don’t geton personal respect. comfortable margin although he was following through his campaign e Hospital seems to be destined nibhaclacinia. potenti. Proin tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec odio vitaeetdui m nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed torisdiam, purus ligula nec mauris. tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, iacu- suscipit r urged sit amet, consectetur adipiCouncil may Suspendisse leave police offi cers subject to citizens to remain calmpurus. and The about Daniels were frightening thatwhich it maymalesuada work. under a 20-count federal indictment. promises toremarks assure the eros, NYPD scrupulously honors thing y Memorial Hospital, Peninsused interdum justo. Sed sollicitudin tristique Quisque eu nisi et venenatis eros. ac, suscipit quis Donec eleifend magna non justo fringilla fermenlis iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat dnsectetur urna in sem ornare blandit lawsuits for negligent performance of their duties. refrainHospital. from targeting Muslims for base and demeaning. The decision Republicans in Staten Island and odio Grimm pleaded guilty to tax fraud and individual citizens civil rights. ncent’s Sed mattis, a imperdiet tempus, Proin non interdum lacus suscipit. tum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque eros sagittis velit, volutpat nec vehicula lorem porttitor metus. Mauris He has provided universal pre Kseems without aarcu, tax attack that her personally instead of hatred.are He short attacked Brooklyn areorci growing concerned that tax evasion. Itamet that the GOP can the “new orci, administration promplans ondivisiveness service to and Hetostated tortor pellentesque nibh, sit aliquet eu ultrices telfringilla He a blandit et, pellentesque sit amet risus. eque. Aliquam semper euis- feugiat. Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. Nam increase. is settling the outstanding municipal ised change butthe instead wereveals get more of the same.” dollars in in theanpockets of develdiscussing issues part interfaith prayer ser“mini-me,” Michaelnec Grimm, use code words like witch hunt, fake enim magna ligula. lus. Vestibulum Fusce iaculis magna velbyfelis scelerisque id accumsan magna. Vivamus athe felisa Trump at nec lacus s.took Pellentesque sem metus, worker contracts neglected Mike Bloomberg nec for That is not true. The number of arrests forseems low-level believe that, as the city grows, weakness of the defense’s case. In vice with Islamic, Christian and Jewish poised to win the GOP nomination news mainstream media Curabitur suscipit enim sedor metus adipiscing nisl magna. Duis Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a suscipit nibh lacinia. Suspendisse potenti. Proinwhen tum nec, laoreet at dolor. Sed tincidunt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae dui the next mayor to handle. He is championing Vision marijuana possession ases faced azero. difficult The leaders. Nowac, he is defending Donald Trump’s drained Washington, for Congress over incumbent Dantraffi DonPraesent scelerisque teltincidunt gravida sed interdum justo. Sed with sollicitudin purus. Quisque euswamp nisi eros, et venenatis eros. imperdiet. consectetur suscipit quis Zero to reduce ccommodo fatalities to It tristique issituation. unfair fantasy that, if he had more power, has dropped and NYPD rosnec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. lorem, a dictum Trump and his churlish comments he believes a denial of any accusation ovan despite a conviction forSed tax fraud. mere incantation of the magical words suscipit. mattis, odio a imperdiet tempus, Proin non lacus lus to question his commitment to his ideals or to the is not toAforce a Integer eweverything would be his okay. When so congue urna, sithappen. amet imperdiet ut.telabout Stormy Daniels cheapen is sufficient “evidence”policy toleo satisfy a ultrices recent NY1-Siena College Poll makes it like it didn’t Mayor de Blasio has fulfilled an incrediorcillment tortor nibh, sit amet aliquet orci, eu fulfi ofpellentesque hiscondimentum promises. suspect to display small alth aliquam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas Sed eu massa in showednec the disgraced former conaccomplishments as stake, mayor. it is not “reasonable” person. If Grimm somehow is odio selected enim magna nec ligula. lus. Vestibulum much is at the time to The City Council will pass 11 laws and four reso- to be bleinterviewed amount of his promises in a very short a amounts of pot viverin order quam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor we leonisl eleifend He was about the presigressmember leading Mr. Donovan by theZero GOPsed candidate, there will be an alterCurabitur suscipit enim metus adipiscing magna. Duis lutions to create a Vision environment for our Mayor Bloomberg continues to push tora. make an arrest. ain make political statements or play Proin eros sem, imperdiet. imperdiet. Praesent commodo scelerisque tincidunt gravida dent’s legal problems and said, “I even a whopping 10streets. percent. Staten Island native toathe convicted felon ontelthe ballot The new laws provide lower speed limit for time. fantasy that, if he had more power, Governor Cuomo has Nullam porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet on games”. convallis adiplus and necaornare. Integer sitNovember. amet for volutpat lorem, quis ais Trump dictum city streets enhanced penalties reckless … respect … criminals. But I'm sorry Giuliani is defending Donald country bigand problem come Max Roseturpis. isdrivthe leading proposed decriminalhoslorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, nonsit interiscing pulvinar, everything would be okay. When so Integer congue condimentum urna, amet field. leo imperdiet ut. ers. I don't respect a porn star the way I Trump in the court of public opinfor Mr. Donovan is that he voted his Democratic candidate in a crowded izing possession of 15 mauris dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices mattis vel aliquam mollis sit amet. Maecenas odiocandiSed eu purus. massa in dum The state legislature must approve changmuch iswoman at the stake, itFusce is not theoftime to respect a career orproa woman ion which may be the only one or in conscience against theligula Trump tax He is the kind ofthe moderate grams or less pot whether hidden in plain view,and he company thatNulla wins metus a vulputate. Praesent luctus venenatis sapien sem, aliquet vitae tempor sit tate id ante. variquam dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor leo eleifend viveres. We also need the state legislature to provide a which can win. of substance… the business you're in auctor “reform” giveaway and not vote toNulla date rhonmentum that appeals to Democrats which would this controversy and attendant obligated to provide aodio large make political statements orheidtake play purus seddidviverra. tortor.the and amet, ante. Pellentesque velitsvestibuongue euismod, eros imperdiet. ra. Proin eros sem, reasonable number of speed cameras to enforce Republicans. The decorated U.S. Arentitles to eu no degree giving repeal political baggage off thelorem table. It would nice toObamacare. let acility toyou compensate for of the tincidunt molestie mi,mi, tincidunt vestiblum sem. Cras lobortis at lectusbepretium utate nisi elit mauris. Nullam porttitor posuere fringilla laoreet convallis quis adip- Aliquam new laws. Let us hope that our legislators will work games”. police offi perform their duties instead of being your credibility … and explain to me Thecers client and attorney are a perfect He’s not ulum Trumpian enough for my veteran received a Purple Heart hospital it will replace. sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada feugiat vel quis libero. Praesent consectetur ntum, erat eget posuere lorem semper idm ornare congue arcu, non interiscing pulvinar, together as a group to see that these changes and pawns in a tortor politicalvitae chess game. tactics gressmember Jeffehow she could be damaged. match. Giuliani uses Trumpian Republicans on Staten Island. while serving in Afghanistan elit commodo vehicula quam ultrices. Sed at and can consectetur lacinia. Mauris turpis varius arcu, aHakeem rutrum mi I mean, dum maurisvel dapibus id. Aenean feugiat ultrices mattis velTrump purus. improvements are made quickly. Mayor de Blasio has fulfilled aneu, incredible ity tohas complain thatid the she no reputation. If NYPD you're like lying or denying attacking the Mr.amount Trump eschewed and Praesent bring the district on middle sedaGrimm lorem facilisis ultrices. nisl,Fusce rutrum ut condimentum elementum ue ac massa nunc, lacinmetus vulputate. luctustogether venenatis sapien sem, or aliquet vitae tempor sit massa putate id ante. Nulla vari-going BrianTwitter Kieranendorseis an attorney works and as aeconomic Principalissues of his promises in a very short time. He has imposed ow-level marijuana arrests in to sellac your body for eros money, younon just accuser to id shift responsibility and vel bestowed a belated classwho education neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. metus lacus fermentum purus sed viverra. Nulla rhonmentum tortor. amet, auctor ante. Pellentesque vestibucongue euismod, odio Law Kieran Clerk inquestion Court of the State of New the extra protection of an inspector general for ted that this may non be anvelit indica- Vivamus Brian isthe a Supreme community activist works elit tellus, euismod incidunt ligula don't have a reputation.” to someone else. Heut has deonthe Mr. Donovan but the unlike Grimm orwho Donovan. The only Aliquam tincidunt molestie mi, tincidunt vestiblum attention sem. Cras lobortis lorem atcondimentum lectusment pretium lputate nisi elit eu mauris. York in Kings County and is a Democrat. NYPD and signed off on the laws passed by the City asioGiuliani is reallyignored not serious about for the State of New York and is a Democrat. vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula theposuere interviewer’s volved intoquis usinglibero. oafish, even clown- consectetur begged is how on earthsem can rutrum any voterbibendum. real choiceInteger for a representative in Conulum malesuada feugiat vel Praesent mentum, erat eget venenatis lobortis, libero Mauris eroschoose porttivel nibh condimentum plea of “Let’s respect her.” eu Giuliani is ish public spectacle as alacinia. substitute a liar, cheat convictedvel felon gress for Staten island and elitand commodo vehicula quam ultrices. SedBrooklyn at consectetur tortor vitae turpis us varius arcu, a rutrum mi consequat a responsible legal defense. The defending Donald Trump in the court to represent them. is Max Rose. massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. nisl,for rutrum ut condimentum eu, elementum sque ac massa nunc, id lacine metus ac lacus fermentum non neque. Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. tincidunt ligula non velit Vivamus elit tellus, euismod ut condimentum Brian Kieran is a community activist who works vitae, molestie a lectus. Donec molestie, ligula for the State of New York and is a Democrat. o vel nibh condimentum eu consequat venenatis lobortis, libero eros portti-


DONOVAN VS GRIMM us never forget le decked headline

I alloted space fit ble decked headline fit alloted space


The Conservative Party’s 31st nty Memorial Day Parade was was of a big weekwas in the 11th November. POW/MIA consecutive ceremoThe tline march one of ConBY JERRY KASSAR District Republican Rudy will also be in disny held atGiuliani Look Out Point atthe 81st ars gressional with literally thousands primary. Michael Grimm came trictand headlining Saturday BY JERRY KASSAR Street Shorea rally Roadthis was very ng Third Avenue enjoying the out wellfrom attended. TheStaten party forHilton the ngahead the marchers. in a Siena poll which was mostly 12 to 2 at the Island backs of injured cops.” pastGardens severalfor years has been joineda Mothers were thethe grand marconducted before Trump endorseDonovan. Donovan, This all came about as a result of Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iacu- lectus. sit think amet, consectetur adipimunity remains as safe as ever. The new protecby the St. Anselm’s Boy Scout troop dly of a more worthy tempus former prosecutor, announced the ment of incumbent Congressmember Senator Golden (whom I serve as chief lobortis, libero eros porttitor diam, ac malesuada lis iaculis, sem arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat urna in sem ornare blandit tions seem to appear only on recently purchased which boasts one of the largest numbers of EamsDan who wear the distinctive endorsement of the 23,000-mem- I dare say that the 11th Congres- of staff) doing an in-tandem skydive Donovan. necect mauris. Doneccultural eleifend view magna porttitor metus. Mauris nec vehicula homesligula and refl a different on gle Scouts of any troops in thesagittis nation.interdum This year purus evelit, givenvolutpat to the defense of our lorem BY JERRY KASAR Donovan came out ahead in a Tar- ber-strong Patrolmen’s Benevolent As- Nam sionalidDistrict GOP the jump for a veterans potennon justoprimary fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse Fusce laoreet vehicula laoreet. eque. semper euissecurity. Homesis like this have existed incharity great for which two Eagle Scouts were in attendance. tion ofAliquam our freedoms their sons feugiat. most watched in the nation. rance Group pollsem which was entirely sociation. Many, many PBA members he Park helped raise for $5,000. It should be ti.numbers Quisque eros fringilla a area blandit et,many pelaccumsan magna. Vivamus a felis at lacus tincids.They Pellentesque metus, in thearcu, Sunset There are 1,642 noted thatiaculis former President conducted after at thedolor. Trump endorseare registered Republicans within thedui who lentesque sit amet risus. Fusce magna unt sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae purus. um nec, laoreet Sed years and are really not positive additions to Bush at individuals rere. Allor sit amet, consectetur adipi- tempus orci pretium. Donec facilisis, odio et iacu- lectus. Donec molestie, ligula consequat venenatis ment. Both polls are independent of Congressional District. the age of 90 did the same jump. any community. vel felis scelerisque nec suscipit nibh lacinia. Quisque eu nisi eros, et venenatis eros. Proin non consectetur ac, suscipit quis main missing and espect lis iaculis,who semremain arcu rutrum mi, a vulputate erat lobortis, libero eros porttitor diam, ac malesuada ed urna in sem ornare blandit There are 1,642 individuals * * * homes Donovan campaigns. I dare that the 11th Congressiothe rightjusto. thing The themselves lookinterdum horrible and, for the potenti. ProinMaybe sed lacus orci, eu say ultrices tellus. Vestibulum nisl uat ante sed and felisGrimm commodo unaccounted for Suspendisse purus ligula nec mauris. Donec eleifend magna lorem porttitor metus. Mauris sagittisnec interdum ncthevelit, volutpat nec vehicula worse yet, they make the around Sed sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sedarea mattis, odio Duis id of isneque. Dailywhole News to do would have been Grimm continued his attacks nal District GOP primary isfrom themagna. most Speaking the PBA, when the Daily the Vietnam offi - Aliquam missing and unaccounted for from the vehicula non justo fringilla fermentum. Suspendisse potenFusce laoreet laoreet. Nam semper euis- onfeugiat. them appear trashy. And, frankly, instead of a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, t i n c i d u n t a War. This is six Concongratulate Senator Golden for Donovan for not supporting Trumpaccumsan watchedmagna. in the nation. It has all the News did its highly inaccurate cover ti. Quisque eros arcu, to fringilla a blandit et,ofpelVivamus a felis at lacus tincidtus. Pellentesque sem metus, Vietnam War. Sedpres-untdrama fering additional security protection, they more fewer than dui last year ichael sit amet aliquet enim magna nec ligula. gravida lorem, Ut sufficiently. Lara Trump, that usually surrounds anystory concerning Senator Golden’s helping veterans. I also would like to lentesque sit amet risus. Fusce iaculis magna sodales quis sed nisl. Donec vitae purus. ntum nec, laoreet at dolor.the than likely attract unwanted attention from podue to successful efenator Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing a dictum leo o, Mayor Bloomberg continues to push a injury, the nec daughter-in-law, didquis a videoQuisque thing that involves Grimm. give asuscipit shout-outnibh to James McClelland, vel felis scelerisque lacinia. eu nisi eros, Michael et venenatis eros. on-the-job, Proin non police-related edident’s consectetur ac, suscipit tential burglars who commodo figure these homes contain ina identifying ssemimperdiet. Praesent scelerisque telimperdiet ut.nisl daskingante Suspendisse potenti. Proin sed interdum justo.member lacus orci,has eu ultrices tellus.forts nec equat sed felis commodo on behalf of the Trump family Itmore also the significance ofVestibulum being PBA was quick to respond. a former Airborne Division fantasy that, if he had power, thenec greatest number of valuables. theSed remains of a lus Nicole ornare. Integer amet volutpat turpis. eu massa dand the president that voters support key race for the president and Sedstatement sollicitudin tristique suscipit. Sed mattis, odio staff, magna. quis In aDuis social media the PBA sit nationand current of Golden’s Community outreach by civic andmember government everything would be okay. When so handful of individuals that had been located and Alec Brook-Krasny as well as Integer congue condimentum urna, sit amet aliin leo eleifend m a imperdiet tempus, orci tortor pellentesque nibh, t i n c i d u n t assa Donovan. I can all understand at this al Republicans who very much fear remains said: “Few people have up for as well as Marko Kepi, a Marine groups asstood well officials explaining The process of identifying incent ligula mollisasenim sitelected amet. Maecenas odio quam viverra. Proinis quam imuch is participatat stake, itreturned. is losing not the time to sit disadvantages amet aliquet magna necand ligula. gravida . point Ut ifGentile copslorem, over thethe years more than Senreservist Goldenfrom staff member you are confused. theand House oftake Representatives of the heavy security painstaking can many months. gs County Conservative Party dapibus lectus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. eros sem, coner Curabitur suscipit enim sed metus adipiscing a leo Golden. bero,The Donovan Mayor Bloomberg toidentifi push awas isCaptain campaign also an- continues to last the Democrats if Grimm the dictum ator Marty His opponents who joined theperspective senator in the charity make political statements or play both an aesthetic as well as security mocrats. The soldier ed Douglas porttitor posuere mi, fringilla laoreet vallis quis adip-ut. Nullam u-Sed Praesent commodo scelerisque telimperdiet isimperdiet. necessary, or weornare will be confronted with large nounced that House Majority Leadnominee. know lorem much about government jump. fantasy that, if he had more power, had games”. individuals handing Ferguson, USAF, shot down overiscing Laos ondon’t Decemsemper idm congue arcu, non interpulviaia lus nec ornare. Integer sit amet volutpat turpis. Sed eu massa sed sections of know our community looking like erature they attempted to ber 30,okay. 1969. His remains werea recovered * * *safety prospective Speaker Kevin By the way, thereso is also Demo–on if April they theymauris would thatid. Aenean dum dapibus feugiat nar, mattis vel did, i-er and as everything would be2013 When Integerbox congue condimentum urna, situltrices amet aliin14, leo eleifend rum deposit holding cells. od, vote. Considering the over13, and identifi ed on February 2014. closelyamonitored, andPraesent McCarthy, together with GOP Whip cratic primary the same day. I bet that benefits aremetus I thought thisvenenatis year’s Fifth Avenue vulputate. luctus purus. quam ligula mollis sit amet. Maecenas odio quam viverra. Proin apimuch at eu stake,Fusce it comes issapien not time tovitae tempor sitthat tive the ConservaJerry Kassar is duty theNulla chairperson the Kings as athe surprise to*** many. Festival wasofthe best yet. Even with Steve Scalise, who isis still those who are fit forlectus police purus sed viverra. rhonmentum tortor. sem, aliquet amet, am, areception vulputate nisi elitrecovering dapibus sit amet arcu tempor imperdiet. eros sem, conrper ed, thehis liberal Recchia group Weid are seeing more homes in Dyker County Conservative Party. is a longtime make political statements or play overcast there was a big from injuries, will travel to Staten Inante. any event, Juneand 26 more is are routinely forced back on the molestie job. posuere Aliquam tincidunt mi, He tincidunt vestibuauctor Pellentesque velprimary vestibulum sem. condimentum, erat eget posNullam porttitor mi,weather, fringilla laoreet vallis quis adiplpuhe wrong parade to conduct a Heights enclosed in stainless steel bars on all community activist who has served as anvendors. offi cer Congratlum sem rutrum bibendum. Integer malesuada Cras lobortis lorem at lectus pretium feugiat tellus varius arcu, a rutrum crowd and lots of the ThispulviIsland to campaign for Congress- day. All those eligible to vote in iscing case wouldn’t callsemper for that,idm evenornare lorem congue arcu, non interulla games”. Live and learn. floors and heavy stainless steel security doors. elit or member ofvel many organizations. HeFifth works for commodo quam ultrices. Sed at BID and libero. Praesent consectetur consectetur Quisque ac massaItnunc, primary should do so. Vote at your member Donovan. is clearidthat vel the quis if the senator was still within thevehicula age id. ulations to the Avenue dum mauris dapibus Aenean feugiat ultrices nar, mattis vel the ulvi*** I find this trend extremely disturbing. The comstate of New York. massa sed lorem facilisis ultrices. tortor vitae lacinia. Mauris turpis nisl, rutrum vitae metus ac lacus fermenHouse GOP believes that Donovan is usual polling site. Polls are open from This is an attempt to Praesent all those who put in the many hours a vulputate. luctus venenatis purus.requirements.metus mod, eu, aliquet elementum non score neque. que ligula non 6 a.m.sapien to 9 p.m.sem, cheap political on the Nulla itstincidunt only of holding the seat to organize the event. tortor. purus points sed viverra. rhonmentum Fusce vitae tempor sit amet, quam, a hope vulputate nisi velit elit eu utin condimentum Vivamus eget vulputate mauris. Vivamus elit Brian Kieran is a community activist who works

“ “ “

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 59

AT HOME Four Decorating Tips For the Perfect Outdoor Entertaining Space

Above: Boxwoods and pittosporums add a wow factor to this porch. Right: Container gardens are an easy landscaping solution that can be transported or rearranged.

When it comes to outdoor entertaining, making sure your space is ready is critical for enjoying summer — from its “unofficial” start over Memorial Day weekend all the way through Labor Day. Lowe’s recently partnered with Julia Engel, lifestyle influencer of Gal Meets Glam, to style her new Charleston porch with affordable, effortlessly chic accents so it’s ready to welcome family and friends. The result is a cool, refreshing space to entertain and show off her home’s curb appeal. If you’re getting ready to celebrate the weekend like Julia, follow these simple tips to turn your backyard or patio into the perfect, affordable, outdoor oasis you can enjoy every beautiful day of summer. • Get the furniture right. Finding the right furniture for your outdoor space can be tricky. Striking the right balance of ample seating while not overwhelming a space is key. Julia opted for a table that was big enough for four, but not so big that she didn’t have space for other entertaining items, like a bar cart and bench with plenty of potted plants. If you’re having trouble piecing together a patio look, Lowe’s has plenty of patio set options to choose from, including 3-piece and 5-piece sets, as well as trendy daybeds, conversation sets and more. • Choose your landscaping. Landscaping is crucial for upgrading your outdoor space as it brings a necessary curb appeal or wow factor to your patio or backyard. In Julia’s front porch, she added boxwoods in varying shapes, sizes and placement patterns. For added interest, she included variegated pittosporums spaced between the boxwoods for some leaf color, and agapanthus for their lovely blue flowers in early summer. These plants all love well-drained soil and bright full-sun exposure. In the more shaded areas, Julia planted pink hydrangeas, acanthus and African iris, all lending foliage and flowers to the garden. If you’re not sure what to plant in your outdoor space, live nursery specialists are available at your local Lowe’s to help you get started. • Select the right containers. A container garden is an easy landscaping solution that can be transported place to place, and is completely customizable. On Julia’s porch she used a variety of pots to include some more seasonal plants that can be changed out through the seasons, but anchored most of the pots with at least one evergreen so she wasn’t tied to re-potting every time the seasons change. When the tree-form hydrangeas flanking her front door in square planters are done with their spring and summer bloom, Julia plans to transplant them out into the garden for their permanent home — that’s the beauty and ease of container gardening! • Bring the outdoors indoors. For the outdoor dining portion of Julia’s patio, she wanted a natural transition from inside the home, so she added details like an outdoor rug and outdoor lighting, plus some more homey accents like a table lamp to style her bar cart, bringing indoor elegance to her outdoor entertaining space. By giving your outdoor space a cozy touch of home, it will quickly become your favorite spot to relax in the morning with coffee, or with a glass of wine at the end of the day.

60• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 61


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218-01 Merrick Blvd...................718.723.4000

Sale Ends June 20, 2018


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62• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018


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Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 63



raffic heading toward the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge was stalled on Thursday evening, June 7, because of an MTA bus was wedged under a large tree, causing a major backup of traffic in all four directions. The accident, at the B70 bus stop on the corner of 92nd Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway, occurred just before 4 p.m, said officials. A Hook and Ladder truck from FDNY Company



Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name: RESPECT THE X LLC. Articles of Organization led with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/19/2018. NY ofce location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The post ofce address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is Islima Duvivier, 910 E 49th St Brooklyn, NY, 11203. Purpose/character of LLC: Any Lawful Purpose. #160169


168 and several road control vehicles were seen sectioning off the area as six or seven firefighters attempted to dislodge the bus with pick axes. “The main concern is the tree falling when we eventually move the bus,” said one firefighter who was on site waiting for personnel from the city’s Parks Department to arrive and assess the situation. The B70 bus was temporarily rerouted to 86th Street as a result of the impact.



Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name: NFS REALTY LLC. Articles of Organization led with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 5/16/2018. NY ofce location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The post ofce address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is Felix Filler, 40 Brighton 1st Road, Ste 3A, Brooklyn, NY, 11235. Purpose/character of LLC: Any Lawful Purpose. #160492



Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name: NGUYEN COFFEE SUPPLY, LLC. Articles of Organization led with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/9/2018. NY ofce location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The post ofce address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is Nguyen Coffee Supply, LLC, 856 Willoughby Ave., Apt. 2R, Brooklyn, NY, 11221. Purpose/character of LLC: Any Lawful Purpose.

ASHTON CAPITAL, LLC. Arts. of Org. led with the SSNY on 10/20/16. Latest date to dissolve: 12/31/2066. Ofce: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to the LLC, c/o Charles L. Emma, Esq., 8410 Third Avenue, 2nd Fl, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.


LANDMARK TOWER DEBT PARENT LLC Articles of Org. led with the NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 12/13/2017. Ofce in Kings Co. SSNY design agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to c/o The Bluestone Group, 225 Broadway, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10007. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.



Notice of Formation of 73 Dongan LLC. Arts. of Org. led with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 5/18/18. Ofce location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 338 37th St., Brooklyn, NY 11232. Purpose: any lawful activity. #160661

ebrooklyn media/Photos by Ariama Long

A city bus was wedged under a tree at the bus stop at 92nd Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway on Thursday June 7, stalling traffic.







Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name: BOWMAN PICTURES LLC. Articles of Organization led with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 2/27/2018. NY ofce location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The post ofce address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is Legalinc Corporate Services Inc., 1967 Wehrle Drive, Suite 1 #086 Buffalo, NY, 14221. Purpose/character of LLC: Any Lawful Purpose. #160151

205 BAINBRIDGE STREET LLC Notice of formation of limited liability company (LLC). Name: 205 BAINBRIDGE STREET LLC. Articles of Organization led with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 3/19/2018. NY ofce location: Kings County. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The post ofce address to which the SSNY shall mail a copy of any process against the LLC served upon him/her is Legalinc Corporate Service Inc., 1967 Wehrle Drive Suite 1 #086 Buffalo, NY, 14221. Purpose/character of LLC: Any Lawful Purpose. #160701



Notice of Qualication of PACIFIC PARK 18 SIXTH AVENUE, LLC Appl. for Auth. led with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/30/18. Ofce location: Kings County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 05/23/18. Princ. ofce of LLC: c/o Greenland Forest City Partners, One MetroTech Center, 18th Fl., Brooklyn, NY 11201. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Ste. 550, Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. led with Secy. of State of the State of DE, DE Dept. of State, Divs. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal, Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity.

Notice of Qualication of Greenwich X, LLC. Authority led with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/23/18. Ofce location: Kings County. LLC formed in California (CA) on 05/11/18. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Karen J. Balderama, Esq., Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean LLP, 1111 Broadway, 24th Fl, Oakland, CA 94607. Address to be maintained in CA: 2161 North Point St., San Francisco, CA 94123. Arts of Org. led with the Secy. of State, 1500 11th St., Sacramento, CA 95814. Purpose: any lawful activities.






SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, NATIONSTAR HECM ACQUISITION TRUST 2016-1, WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, NOT INDIVIDUALLY, BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, vs. LELA VEREEN A/K/A LEALER VEREEN, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly led on November 14, 2017 and the Order for Extension led May 08, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY on July 12, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., premises known

as 156 Hart Street, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Kings, County of Kings, City and State of New York, Block 1772 and Lot 15. Approximate amount of judgment is $546,061.63 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment Index # 516546/2016. M. Randolph Jackson, Esq, Referee GreenspoonMarder, 100 W Cypress Creek Road, Trade Centre South, Suite 700, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309, Attorneys for Plaintiff #160447

64• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018


File No.2005-3408/A CITATION SURROGATE’S COURT, KINGS COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent TO: NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS PAUL M. GLICKMAN and GARY GLICKMAN, as co-Executors of the Estate of ARTHUR GLICKMAN GREGORY Y. HARRIS KAREN LESLIE HARRIS the unknown spouse, if any, and any and all unknown distributees, heirs-at-law and next-ofkin of IRVING S. YOTOVICH, deceased, if living, and if any of the aforementioned persons be dead, to their respective husbands or wives, if any, executors, administrators, heirs-atlaw, next-of-kin, distributees, assignees, legatees and successors-in-interest generally, all of whose names and places of residence are unknown and cannot after diligent effort be ascertained An amended petition and amended accounting having been duly led by Public Administrator of Kings County, with ofces at 360 Adams Street, Room 144A, Brooklyn, New York 11201, YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, at 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York, on July 12, 2018, at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why the account of the Public Administrator of Kings County, a summary of which has been served herewith, as Administrator of the estate of Irving S. Yotovich, should not be judicially settled. [X] Further relief sought (if any): that the above persons be cited to show cause: 1. why such settlement should not be granted; 2. why the Surrogate should not x, determine and approve Petitioner’s statutory commissions pursuant to SCPA 2307 in the amount of $5,206.40, as shown in Schedule C-1,Petitioner’s administration expenses pursuant to SCPA 1106(3) in the amount of $1,051.60, as shown in Schedule C-1, and the compensation of Petitioner’s counsel, Steven R. Finkelstein, Esq., in the amount of $5,997.21, as shown in Schedules C and C-1, together with such additional amounts as determined by the Surrogate, based on additions to the estate from the closing date of the Account to the date of the Decree; 3. why the claim of New York City Human Resources Administration, in the amount of $18,500.00, as shown in

Schedule D, Claims presented and allowed but not paid, should not be paid; 4. why the claims of New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, in an unknown amount, as shown in Schedule D, Contingent and possible claims, and Schedule C-1, should not be xed and determined or, if not so xed and determined, deemed rejected; 5. why a hearing should not be held to determine the decedent’s distributees, at which time proof pursuant to SCPA 2225 may be presented; 6. why Petitioner should not be permitted to distribute so much of the net estate, less an appropriate reserve for the preparation of duciary income tax returns and the payment of taxes, if any, shown thereon to be due, to the decedent’s distributees, as now known or hereafter determined, as their interests may appear, and to deposit any amount not so distributed with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of New York for the benet of any distributees of the decedent who are under disability and for whom or for whose estate no duciary has been appointed, or who are missing; or, in the absence of proof of any distributees, to the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs on account of its claim therefor, pursuant to 38 U.S.C.A. Sec. 8520; 7. why Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any liability, responsibility or accountability with respect to Petitioner’s acts and proceedings, whether embraced in or reasonably to be inferred from the Account; 8. and why such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper should not be granted. Dated, Attested and Sealed, May 16, 2018 Hon. John G. Ingram Acting Surrogate, Doreen A. Quinn Chief Clerk, Steven R. Finkelstein, Esq., 90 Broad Street, Suite 1700, New York, New York 10004-2286 (212) 363-2500. [NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney.] #160055



ER a/k/a ALLAN I. WALKER and if any and all unknown persons whose names or parts of whose names, and whose place or places of residence are unknown, and cannot, after diligent inquiry, be ascertained, distributees, heirs at law and next of kin of said ALLAN WALKER A/K/A ALLAN I. WALKER and If any of the said distributees, heirs at law or next of kin of deceased be dead, their legal representatives, their husbands or wives, if any, distributees and successors in interest whose names and/or places of residence and post ofce addresses are unknown. A petition having been duly led by Ramota Smith-Walker who is domiciled at 7834 Bluen Trail, Union City, Georgia 30291 YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, KINGS County, at 2 Johnson St., Kings, Room 319, New York, on June 21, 2018, at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why a decree should not be made in the estate of ALLAN WALKER, a/k/a ALLAN I. WALKER lately domiciled at 239 Rockaway Avenue, Unit 1, Brooklyn, NY 11233, United States, admitting to probate a will dated July 31, 2015, a copy of which is attached, as the Will of ALLAN WALKER a/k/a ALLAN I. WALKER deceased, relating to real and personal property and directing that: Letters Testamentary issue to Ramota Smith-Walker. Dated, Attested and Sealed, May 17, 2018 Hon. John G. Ingram, Surrogate. Doreen A. Quinn, Chief Clerk, Cheryl L. Erato, Esq., Salem, Shor and Saperstein, LLP, 3000 Marcus Avenue, Suite 1W6, Lake Success, New York, 11042. This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you. #160087


SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, RODA 28 LLC, Plaintiff, vs. CHARIFA CLARK, KEVIN SMITH, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly led on April 02, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY on June 21, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., premises known as 1084 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, Block 2016 and Lot 20. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment Index # 502041/2016. The original sale was scheduled for June 7, 2018 at the same time and lo-

cation Betty Lugo, Esq., Referee Law Ofces of Alan J. Waintraub PLLC, 97-17 64th Road, 3rd Floor, Rego Park, New York 11374, Attorneys for Plaintiff #160755


SUPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff against ROLI L. PESSU A/K/A ROLLI PESSU, et al Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Entered January 19, 2018 I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder at the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 261, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on July 12, 2018 at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 2297 Pacic Street, Brooklyn, NY 11233. Block 1435 Lot 65. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough, County of Kings, City and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $1,091,035.60 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment Index No 15271/2013. Michael Dennis Benjamin, Esq., Referee CHJNC370 #160542


SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-1, Plaintiff AGAINST Rosenda V. Rodriguez-Arevalo; Mario E. Galan; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated June 21, 2017 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on July 12, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as 121 28TH AVE, Brooklyn, NY 11214. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of NY, Block 6916 Lot 88. Approximate amount of judgment $993,595.85 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment Index# 7251/2008. Helene E. Blank, Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: April 26, 2018 54064 #160503


SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS NYCTL 19982 TRUST and THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, as Collateral Agent and Custodian for the NYCTL 1998-2 Trust,

Plaintiff -against- GREIG A. JAINARINE, INDRA JAINARINE, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated August 16, 2017, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Courthouse 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY on July 12, 2018 at 2:30 pm premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Utica Avenue, 90 feet 1 inch southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of St. Johns Place with the westerly side of Utica Avenue; being a plot 70 feet by 16.9 feet by 70 feet by 16.9 feet. Block 1384 Lot: 46 Said premises known as 244 UTICA AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, for information only Approximate amount of lien $23,832.77 plus interest & costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 4845/2015. M. RANDOLPH JACKSON, ESQ., Referee Rosenberg & Estis P.C. Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 733 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017 #160501


SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS NYCTL 2015A TRUST AND THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, AS COLLATERAL AGENT CUSTODIAN AND NYCTL 2016A TRUST AND THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, AS COLLATERAL AGENT AND CUSTODIAN Plaintiffs -againstTIFFANY CHEN A/K/A TIFFANY QIXIA CHEN; FEIXUE YANG A/K/A YANG FEIXUE, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein on May 7, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Courthouse 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY on July 19, 2018 at 2:30 pm premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, known and designated as Block 5528 and Lot 5 on the Kings County Tax Assessment Map. BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side of 20th Avenue, distant 80 feet Northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of 20th Avenue with the Northerly side of 62nd Street; being a plot 100 feet by 20 feet by 100 feet by 20 feet. Said premises known as 6113 20TH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY Approximate amount of lien $6,236.83 plus interest & costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 512850/2017. BRUNO F. CODISPOTI, ESQ., Referee Phillips Lytle LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiffs 28 East Main Street, Suite 1400, Rochester, NY 14614 #160707

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 65


SUPREME COURT: KINGS COUNTY. NYCTL 2016-A TRUST AND THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON AS COLLATERAL AGENT AND CUSTODIAN, Pltf. vs. MODI REALTY INC., et al, Defts. Index #505573/17. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered May 14, 2018, I will sell at public auction in Room 224 of the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams St., Brooklyn, NY on July 19, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. prem. k/a 1865 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY a/k/a Block 03712, Lot 0041. Approx. amt. of judgment is $10,123.07 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of led judgment and terms of sale. SIMON SHAMOUN, Referee. THE DELLO-IACONO LAW GROUP, P.C., F/K/A THE LAW OFFICE OF JOHN D. DELLO-IACONO, P.C., Attys. For Pltf., 105 Maxess Road, Ste. 205, Melville, NY. File No. 17000112 - #95048 #160560


SUPREME COURT: KINGS COUNTY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR TERWIN MORTGAGE TRUST 2005-8HE, ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-8HE, WITHOUT RECOURSE; Plaintiff(s) vs. DAVID THAUSE; et al; Defendant(s) Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s): ROSICKI, ROSICKI & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 2 Summit Court, Suite 301, Fishkill, New York, 12524, 845.897.1600 Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale granted herein on or about January 12, 2018, I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder in Room 224 of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201. On July 19, 2018 at 2:30 pm. Premises known as 1426 WEST 4TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11204 Block: 6580 Lot: 23 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, known as Lot Nos. 47 and 48 in Block 6580 on a certain plan of lots called Marboro, surveyed for Wood, Harmon & Co., 1902 by Fred L. Bartlett, Civil Engineers and City Surveyor, and led in the Register’s Ofce of Kings County aforesaid December 16, 1907 as Map No. 527. As more particularly described in the judgment of foreclosure and sale. Sold subject to all of the terms and conditions contained in said judgment and terms of sale. Approximate amount of judgment $1,169,788.70 plus interest and costs. INDEX NO. 16718/08 Richard Klass, Esq., Referee #160740


SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS NYCTL 2015A TRUST AND THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON, AS COLLATERAL AGENT AND CUSTODIAN FOR THE NYCTL 2015-A TRUST, Plaintiff -against- ALFREDO CROSSMAN, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated April 12, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Courthouse 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY on July 12, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side of Adelphi Street, distant 161 feet 1 inch Southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of Adelphi Street with the Southerly side of Dekalb Avenue; being a plot 126 feet 8 inches by 20 feet by 126 feet 8 inches 20 feet. Block: 4744 Lot: 48 Said premises known as 285 ADELPHI STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, for information only Approximate amount of lien $5,689.62 plus interest & costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 1278/2016. GREGORY M. LASPINA, ESQ., Referee Rosenberg & Estis P.C. Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 733 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017 #160500


SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR OPTION ONE MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 20062, ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-2, 4600 REGENTS BOULEVARD SUITE 200 IRVING, TX 75063, Plaintiff, Against Index No. 24791/08 SARAH ENITAN, MICHAEL ENITAN, FARHAD BOKHOUR, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly entered on 4/16/2018, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction in Room 224 of the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, on 7/19/2018 at 2:30 pm, premises known as 61A Covert St., Brooklyn, NY 11207, and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, State of New York, Block 3415 and Lot 67. The approximate amount of the current Judgment lien is $992,106.87 plus

interest and costs. The premises will be sold subject to provisions of the aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale; Index # 24791/08. Sol Needle, Esq., Referee. McCabe, Weisberg & Conway, P.C. 10801, 145 Huguenot Street, Suite 210, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Dated: 05/09/18 File Number: 560-1610 AA #160741


STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF KINGS CHRISTIANA TRUST, A DIVISION OF WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE FOR NORMANDY MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 201318, Plaintiff, vs. EMMANUEL PIERRE LOUIS A/K/A EMMANUEL PIERRELOUIS, et al., Defendants NOTICE OF SALE IN FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT In pursuance of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the ofce of the County Clerk of Kings County on April 16, 2018, I, David Scop, Esq., the Referee named in said Judgment, will sell in one parcel at public auction on July 12, 2018 at the Kings County Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, County of Kings, State of New York, at 2:30 P.M., the premises described as follows: 446 Lincoln Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11208 SBL No.: 4180 - 54 ALL THAT TRACT OF PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York The premises are sold subject to the provisions of the led judgment, Index No. 029113/2010 in the amount of $704,576.32 plus interest and costs. Megan S. Kale, Esq. Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP Plaintiff’s Attorney 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State St. Rochester, New York 14614 Tel.: 855-227-5072 #160493


SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS Index No.: 4003/13 USROF III LEGAL TITLE TRUST 2015-1, BY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS LEGAL TITLE TRUSTEE, Plaintiff, Against JEFFREY JOHNSON, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, duly entered in the Kings County Clerk’s Ofce on 02/15/2017, I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at public auction at Room 224 of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on 6/28/2018 at 2:30 pm, premises known as 1111 East 93rd St., Unit 400, Brooklyn, NY 11236 and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, and designated as Unit 400, a part of the Glenwood East Condominium and

designated on the tax maps of the Kings County Treasurer as Block 8181 and Lot 1008, together with an undivided 2.2468% interest in the Common Elements. The approximate amount of the current Judgment lien is $369,962.00 plus interest and costs. The premises will be sold subject to provisions of the aforesaid Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale; Index # 4003/13. Leonard W. Stewart, Esq., Referee. STIENE & ASSOCIATES, P.C. (Attorneys for Plaintiff), 167 Main Street, Northport, NY 11768 Dated: 4/30/2018 File Number: 201201764-02 TKS #160089


SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the certicateholders of the CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed Certicates, Series 2007-7, Plaintiff AGAINST Miguelina Garcia; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated January 11, 2017 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Room 224 of the Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11202 on June 28, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as 134 Thomas South Boyland Street, Brooklyn, NY 11233. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, Block 1526 Lot 32. Approximate amount of judgment $934,834.82 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment Index# 274/08. Frank Hurley Jr., Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: April 20, 2018 53886 #160063


SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE 297 DRIGGS AVENUE CONDOMINIUM, Plaintiff -against- AMB HOLDINGS, LLC, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to an Amended Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated December 4, 2017 and entered on December 26, 2017, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Courthouse 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NY on June 28, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises being parking spaces situated, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York. Said parking spaces being in the Condominium known as the 297 Driggs Avenue Condominium. Parking Units: P1, P3, P6, P7 and P8. P1: Block 2697 Lot 1001; P3: Block 2697 Lot 1003; P6: Block 2697 Lot 1006; P7: Block 2697

Lot 1007; P8: Block 2697 Lot 1008. Each of these parking spaces has 0.43% common interest allocated to it. Said parking spaces are located at 297 DRIGGS AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY Approximate amount of lien $22,096.90 plus interest & costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment and Terms of Sale. Index Number 504853/2016. DONALD ZOLIN, ESQ., Referee Finder Novick Kerrigan LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 276 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010 #160009


SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, M&T BANK AKA MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS TRUST COMPANY SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO M&T MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs. JOSE O. ROSARIO, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly led on April 02, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY on June 28, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., premises known as 654 Liberty Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11207. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, Block 3984 and Lot 10. Approximate amount of judgment is $428,550.43 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment Index # 31812/2008. Simon Shamoun, Esq., Referee Schiller, Knapp, Lefkowitz & Hertzel, LLP, 200 John James Audubon Parkway, Suite 202, Amherst, New York 14228, Attorneys for Plaintiff #159913


SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC, Plaintiff, vs. ABDERRAHMA OULDKHATTRI A/K/A ABDERRAHMA OULD-KHATTRI, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly led on March 20, 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Kings County Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY on July 12, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., premises known as 552 Ovington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, Block 5893 and Lot 32. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment Index # 1009/10. Steven Cohn, Esq., Referee Berkman, Henoch, Peterson, Peddy & Fenchel, P.C., 100 Garden City Plaza, Garden City, NY 11530, Attorneys for Plaintiff #160163

66• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018


SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST MARLON BROWN, AND ALL THE HEIRS AT LAW, NEXT OF KIN, DISTRIBUTEES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, TRUSTEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, ASSIGNEES AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OF ANY OF THE AFORESAID DEFENDANTS, NEXT OF KIN, DISTRIBUTEES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, TRUSTEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, ASSIGNEES AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST OF ANY OF THE AFORESAID CLASSES OF PERSON, IF THEY OR ANY OF THEM BE DEAD, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE HUSBANDS, WIVES OR WIDOWS, IF ANY, AND ALL OF WHOM AND WHOSE NAMES AND PLACES OF RESIDENCE ARE UNKNOWN TO PLAINTIFF, EXCEPT AS HEREIN STATED, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated February 20, 2018 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Room 224 of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, on July 12, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as 5219 AVENUE M, BROOKLYN, NY 11234. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, BLOCK 7850, LOT 2. Approximate amount of judgment $654,933.83 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led Judgment for Index# 500405/2015. Gregory M. Laspina Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 54769 #160617


SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE UNDER POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT DATED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2006 SECURITIZED ASSET BACKED RECEIVABLES LLC TRUST 2006-HE2 MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-HE2, Plaintiff against CEDRICE MENTOR, Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on January 3, 2018. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction in Room 224 of the Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 12th day of July, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises described as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings

and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, State of New York. Said premises known as 398 Bainbridge Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11233. (Block: 1508, Lot: 30). Approximate amount of lien $ 944,494.35 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of led judgment and terms of sale. Index No. 20224-08. Helene Blank, Esq., Referee. McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, P.C. Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 145 Huguenot Street - Suite 210 New Rochelle, New York 10801 (914) 636-8900 #160311


SUPREME COURT: KINGS COUNTY. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON ON TRUSTEE FOR THE CIT MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2007-1, Pltf. vs. LAVERN DANIEL, et al, Defts. Index #11501/11. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered May 15, 2017, I will sell at public auction in Room 224 of the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Adams St., Brooklyn, NY on June 28, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. prem. k/a 4510 Clarendon Road, Brooklyn, NY a/k/a Block 4962, Lot 4. Said property beginning at a point on the southerly side of Clarendon Rd., distant 60 ft. easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Clarendon Road with the easterly side of East 45th St., being a plot 100 ft. x 20 ft. Approx. amt. of judgment is $507,844.12 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of led judgment and terms of sale. SOL NEEDLE, Referee. COHN & ROTH, Attys. For Pltf., 100 East Old Country Rd., Mineola, NY. #94750 #159912


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS INDEX NO. 515568/2017 FAREVERSE LLC I/L/T/N FINANCE OF AMERICA REVERSE LLC, Plaintiff, Plaintiff designates KINGS as the place of trial situs of the real property vs. MONIQUE YOUNG, AS HEIR AND DISTRIBUTEE OF THE ESTATE OF LAULA M. CHARLOT; any and all persons unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may claim to have an interest in, or general or specic lien upon the real property described in this action; such unknown persons being herein generally described and intended to be included in the following designation, namely: the wife, widow, husband, widower, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trust-

ees, committees, lienors, and assignees of such deceased, any and all persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or title to said real property by, through or under them, or either of them, and their respective wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, all of whom and whose names, except as stated, are unknown to plaintiff; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, ‘’JOHN DOE #1’’ through ‘’JOHN DOE #12,’’ the last twelve names being ctitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Defendants. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Mortgaged Premises: 467 CRESCENT STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11208 Block: 4216 Lot: 15 To the abovenamed Defendants YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorney within 20 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York) in the event the United States of America is made a party defendant, the time to answer for the said United States of America shall not expire until (60) days after service of the Summons; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of the above caption action is to foreclose a Mortgage to secure the sum of $820,500.00 and interest, recorded on February 12, 2016 in Ofcial Record CRFN 2016000049067, of the Public Records of KINGS County, New York, covering premises known as 467 CRESCENT STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11208. The relief sought in the within action is a nal judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Mortgage described above. KINGS County is designated as the place of trial because the real property affected by this action is located in said county. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who led this foreclosure

proceeding against you and ling the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to the mortgage company will not stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: April 21, 2017 Westbury, New York RAS BORISKIN, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff BY: IRINA DULARIDZE, ESQ. 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 106 Westbury, NY 11590 516-2807675 #160367


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS NYCTL 2015A TRUST and THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON as Collateral Agent and Custodian, Plaintiffs, -against- GENE MOY, if living, and if he/she be dead, his/her representative heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, devisees, legatees, assignees, lienors, creditors, and successors in interest, and generally all persons having or claiming under, by or through said defendants who may be deceased, by purchase, inheritance, lien or otherwise, any right, title or interest in and to the premises described in the amended complaint herein, HOME HEATING OIL CORP., NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION & FINANCE, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, “John Doe No. 1” through “John Doe No. 100” inclusive, the names of the last 100 defendants being unknown to plaintiff, it being intended to designate fee owners, tenants or occupants of the tax lien premises and/or persons or parties having or claiming an interest in or a lien upon the subject property, if the aforesaid individual defendants are living, and if any or all of said individual defendants be dead, their heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, executors, administrators, trustees, committees, devisees, legatees, and the assignees, lienors, creditors and successors in interest of them, and generally all persons having or claiming under, by, through, or against the said defendants named as a class, of any right, title, or interest in or lien upon the premises described in the complaint herein, Defendants. Index No. 2114/2016 Date of Filing: 5/18/2018 Plaintiff designates Kings County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon County in which premises are situated. SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS Tax Lien Foreclosure Block: 4135; Lot: 69 a/k/a

3451 Fulton Street Brooklyn, New York To the above named Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff’s Attorney(s) within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within thirty (30) days after the service is complete if this summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Notice of Nature of Action and Relief Sought The Object of the above entitled action is to foreclose a Tax Lien in the original Tax Lien Principal Balance of $16,098.09 with interest as described in a certain Tax Lien Certicate dated August 5, 2015 and recorded in the Ofce of the City Register for the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, on August 25, 2015 in City Register File Number (“CRFN”) 2015000294817 upon premises described as follows: ADDRESS: 3451 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York BLOCK: 4135 LOT: 69 COUNTY: Kings The relief sought in the within action is a nal judgment directing the sale of the premises described above to satisfy the debt secured by the Tax Lien described above. Plaintiff designates Kings County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the county where the Property being foreclosed upon is located. NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the Plaintiff who led this foreclosure proceeding against you and ling the answer with the court, a default judgment may be entered and you may lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and complaint and protect your property. Sending a payment to the Plaintiff will not stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. Dated: New York, New York May 16, 2018 THE LAW OFFICE OF THOMAS P. MALONE, PLLC By Thomas P. Malone, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiffs 60 East 42nd Street, Suite 553 New York, New York 10165 Ph: (212) 867-0500 TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: The foregoing Supplemental Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an Order of the Court dated March 29, 2018 and led along with the supporting papers in the King’s County Clerk’s Ofce. #160496

Week of June 15-21, 2018 • HOME REPORTER • 67





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†/* Prices/Payments include all costs to consumer except tax, title and MV fees which are additional & may be payable upon consummation in lieu of Lincoln rebates. Closed end lease subject to credit approval thru Lincoln AFS. Total Payments/purchase option: $9,900/$24,423 (Lincoln MKZ), $12,204/$24,647 (Lincoln MKX), $9,900/$22,492 (Lincoln MKC). Leases are 25¢ per mile over Lincoln MKZ 7,500, Lincoln MKC/Lincoln MKX 7,500 miles per year. Lessee responsible fore excess wear/tear/maint/repair. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors photos used for illustrative purposes only. DCA#0806391, DMV#6240988.

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Select 101A, 3.7L V6 Engine, 6-Speed Automatic, P/S, ABS, A/C & Much More! MSRP $43,705, VIN#2LJBL38129. $5,354 Due at Inception Inc. 1st Month Payment, $4,370 Down Payment, $645 Bank Fee, $0 Security Deposit. Tax, Title & MV Fees addt’l. Expires 6/30/18.





68• HOME REPORTER • Week of June 15-21, 2018

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PER MO. 36 MOS. LEASE Stk#418556, VIN#JK004522, 8-spd automatic with Tiptronic, remote keyless entry, alloys, MSRP $27,315. $1999 dwn pymt. $2873 due at signing plus tax.

Prices incl all costs to a consumer except tax, tags & DMV fees. *Price includes $500 lease loyalty available on individuals who currently own/ lease any model year Volvo or Saab vehicle OR have owned/leased within the last 6 months. Closed end lease w/7,500 mi/yr @ 20¢/ mi thereafter. Lease requires $995 dwn pymt + $695 bank fee + 1st mo pymt + $0 sec dep. Ttl Pymts/Residual: XC60=$19,071/$27,121. Lessee resp for maint excess wear & tear. All subject to primary lender approval. Cannot be combined with any offer. Not resp for typos and for vehicles that are sold prior to pub date. Offers expire 6/21/18.

Prices incl all costs to a cons except tax, tags & DMV fees. *6 years/72,000 miles (whichever occurs first) New Vehicle Limited Warranty on MY2018 VW vehicles, excluding e-Golf. See owner’s literature or dealer for warranty exclusions and limitations. Not all customers will qualify; no dwn pymt required. Closed end lease w/7500 mi/yr @ 20¢/mi thereafter. Lease requires $1999 dwn pymt + $675 bank fee + 1st mo pymt + $0 sec dep. Ttl Pymt/Residual: $7164/$13,450. Lessee resp for maint, excess wear & tear. Subj to prim lender approval. Can’t combine offers. Not resp for typos. Offer expires 6/21/18.


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