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Volume 83, No. 48




Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sketches OF


By Alba Acevedo

State Bar Association will host a panel on white nationalism and domestic terrorism

Hank Greenberg, president of the NYS Bar Association, announced that the association will host a special panel on the growing problem of white nationalism in the United States during its annual meeting in Manhattan in January. SEE PAGE 3. Photo courtesy of the NYSBA

JURY AWARDS $1.2M AFTER REAR-END COLLISION: In this courtroom sketch, Hon. Richard Montelione looks on as plaintiff’s attorney Steven Podolsky (standing), of Cherny & Podolsky, conducts a direct examination and references a displayed diagram during the motor vehicle accident trial Rodriguez-Fabian v. Meyer. At issue is the determination of damages. Continued on page 3.

Brooklyn Brandeis Society hosts annual luncheon for Chanukah

Brooklyn Eagle Group

The Brooklyn Brandeis Society held its annual Chanukah luncheon and membership party in Brooklyn Heights on Monday as members gathered together to share latkes and donuts while a pair of rabbis shared stories of their common history. From left: Hon. Lawrence Brooklyn Eagle photo by Rob Abruzzese Knipel, Hon. Reginald Boddie, Steve Cohn, Hon. Esther Morgenstern and George Farkas. SEE PAGE 2.

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