The Witch - Black Metal from Colombia
Interview with Jay Parker
Interview by Andrew Stanton
The Witch are a cool new band from Bogota, Colombia. Andrew Stanton talked to front man Jay Parker about the band. Hello and welcome to Inside the Darkness. “Thanks for your time and greetings to all Inside the Darkness readers.” - Can you tell our readers a
bit about your his-
What bands did you like growing up? “I grew up in England... My father listened to Sabbath, Deep Purple, The Who... So that influenced me... when I was a teenager I listened to Emperor, Gehenna, Samael, Cradle...I was and still am a big fan of Carcass.”
h g u o r h t g in lk a w e Our music ismliekdieval graveyard a misty ight with the Devil at midn u by the hand.” leading yo tory, please? “The Witch was formed in Bogota, Colombia in 2019 by myself and Carlo Quiceno.”