Pestilence-Progressive Death Metal from The Netherlands
Interview with Patrick Mameli
Interview by Richard Keenahan
Hi Patrick, hope you are well and thanks for taking the time to do the interview. I just wanted to start off by saying how much I like the new release Exitivm it’s a stellar record and is sitting towards the top of my 2021 albums of the year. Solid Death Metal with these nice technical
flourishes and it has a real groove to it. The solos are fantastic and re-
the release of Hadeon and since then you’ve taken on new blood into the band, did this have any impact on the songwriting for the new album? Not really, I have always been the sole composer for PESTILENCE.
e Old h t n i t f e l s are r u a s o n in i d t c w n i e t f x e a o y l g On will y e h T . e m a g iness. t p m e d n a School DM ation m r o f n i f o this world a l ly add something to the song. 1) It’s been 3 years since