6 minute read
Howling. Interview with Draugr
Interview by Namtar
1. Hails Draugr!! Can you introduce yourself to the readers?
Hails! I’m Draugr the sole entity behind the auditory vessel of destruction known as Howling.
2. When did you get into black metal and what gave you the idea to start a band?
I got into black metal sometime during High School when the internet was starting to really ramp up, even in the 00’s not a lot of people used it (wished it stayed that way) but through that I was come able to discover all kinds of bands and genres that led me down the path towards starting my own project which was born out of the frustration of trying to find like minded people who wanted to create something much more abrasive and deep than what was going around at the time.
3. You are the only member of the band Howling. Where did the name come from and do you plan on adding any other members?
The name Howling came to me through a random thought one late night when I started writing music for this project and I’m not sure exactly why but it just stuck to the front of my brain until the 1st demo was finished and it ended up being the name for the project. In a way there’s many different reasons why it resonated with me but I’m glad I picked it. Howling though is my personal project and I doubt anyone else will come into the fold either soon or ever.
4. You have a unique sound. Do you do all the mixing and mastering and who are your influences for the band?
I try to do all of my own stuff as far as production goes (keyword try haha) but I am open to having someone else at some point come in and help out with that but that will be at a later time. I’m influenced by so many things musically and personally but my biggest ones for sure would have to be Bathory, Leviathan, Funeral Mist, Bestial Warlust, Deathspell Omega, the entire Norwegian scene and various other bands that I can’t think up of now but always find myself listening to.
5. What inspires you or influences you to write the lyrics for Howling?
Life as a whole has been a whirlwind of an experience and my lyrics deal with the various aspects of this. I have been fortunate and unfortunate as anyone else on planet earth in many different ways and the lyrics I write are diatribes of these experiences I’ve had or things I’ve observed good or bad. I leave the interpretation up to the listener since I believe there is plenty of ground for people to find their own personal meaning through the lyrics.
6. Who are your favorite vocalist that inspires the madning shrieks of hell vocals for Howling?
Oh man there’s several, Quorthon first and foremost, Mortuus/Arioch, Wrest, Daemon, Werwolf, etc.
7. So far you have released “The Aesthetics Of Rot” CD by Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Records and “Altar Of Depravity” CD by Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Records and Plague Demon Records. How did you guys get in contact and are you satisfied with the labels? Also what can our readers look forward to?
I was first contacted by Chuck of BCH Records and from then on there was a partnership developed between them and Plague Demon Records and I couldn’t be happier with the relationship and exposure they’ve given me. They’re 2 incredibly driven guys who have the upmost love for this type of music and that’s what a lot of people seem to lose grasp of especially in this day and age of catty internet drama and bullshit labeling. As far as new material I will be releasing a short EP on vinyl hopefully towards the end of the summer and I do have material shelved and ready to go to begin writing a second full length. I’m busy in my personal life but I always make time for this regardless of how tired I am.
8. In my opinion you are one of the best underground black metal band in the U.S. How do you feel about the USBM scene?
Thank you for that, I think the USBM scene has a lot to offer. There’s a TON of great bands of many different styles whether it be raw, symphonic, low production or high production that always deliver great music and never disappoint. I wished there were a lot more but theres enough to keep you busy and that’s always great to see.
9. Do you feel the bands out today are as talented as the old school black metal bands? What is your personal opinion on black metal as a whole?
I think it depends on the individual artists personally. Too often people get caught up in a generational struggle and try to either do better than their counterparts or try to disregard younger efforts in an attempt to hold onto the torch and whatever vision you have can get lost through that but as a whole this music for me never gets old and there’s always new shit to complement it, doesn’t matter if it’s from 1992 or 2022 if it has that cold and punishing feel to it then damnit I’m gonna listen to it.
10. There is another band with the same name. Have you heard them and do you have any contact with them?
I have heard of them but well after I had already named my project and I haven’t had any contact with them.
11. I appreciate you taking the time for this interview. Is there anything you would like to add or say to the fans, friends or the readers of Inside The Darkness? I am extremely grateful for your trust in us to release the madness of Howling. I look forward to everything you put out and look forward to working with you in the future. Anyone that hasnt heard of Howling you need to check out their releases. Be ready to have your soul ripped out!!!! HAILS!!!!
First and foremost, Hails to all who have supported Howling these past few years but for those who want to check me out go to howling1.bandcamp.com for my EP and full-length, also follow me on there or on facebook at Howling - Official and instagram @ howlingdraugr for updates and when I release new material, also check out Blasphemous Creations Of Hell Records and Plague Demon Records. Keep supporting the underground and never stop the madness!