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Poontickler. Interview with Mike and Morgan
Interview by Andrew Stanton
Poontickler are a very cool new Porno Grind Metal band from Florida. Andrew Stanton talked to them about the new album.
- What bands did you like growing up?
Mike: “Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Anal Blast, Deicide, Napalm Death... The typical OSDM and Grind stuff."
- Are you associated with any of the legendary Florida Death Metal bands?
Morgan: “Mike has played in Masticator, a band he formed in high school for 15 years. We are also good friends with a lot of the OS Florida Death Metal guys such as Malevolent Creation, Atheist, Massacre, and Monstrosity. We’re also collaborating with Derek Roddy (former hate Eternal Drummer) for a massive project curated by Jim Ross called BandWhore. The Death Metal scene is pretty small so everyone knows everyone.”
- Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you both have been active in Metal for a very long time. Was Poontickler an idea you both had for a long time?
Morgan: “It was my dream to have a partner to make Pornogrind with. The style of music is so free, silly, expressive, seductive, and gorey. It pretty much encompasses some of my favorite things in life and knowing that Mike was such a talented guitarist and songwriter, I knew the possibility was there as soon as he and I got close.”
- Is your intention to shock people or to make them laugh?
“Our intention is neither. Our intention is to make music that we enjoy with themes that we find amusing in hopes that others will be entertained and have as much fun as we’re having. We love laughing, fucking, and sick shit and we know other people do too.”
- Will Poontickler still be active when Morgehenna joins Emasculator?
“PoonTickler is our baby and it is here to stay. We both have multiple music endeavors as it’s what we love to do.”
- Are you touring anywhere?
“We are focused on playing festivals at the moment. We are hoping to play some European festivals in 2023.”
- How have fans reacted to your music?
“People have been humored, disgusted, the whole nine. Some people love it and some people hate it - and that’s kind of the point. It’s not for everybody, just for those few people that love sex gore and bouncy riffage.”
- Do you have a message for our readers?
“Blast fast, eat ass, and thanks for the interview.”