Rustic Pathways 2015 Groups Catalog

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We empower students through innovative and responsible travel experiences to positively impact lives and communities around the world.



R U ST IC PAT H WAY S G R O U P S Beyond Service We at Rustic Pathways Groups firmly believe that service is among the most important aspects of immersive travel, global understanding, and personal development. Leading up to your Beyond Service trip, we provide material to educate your students about the issues, people, and cultures they are soon to encounter. During your trip, we facilitate meaningful service initiatives and daily reflective discussions. As your trip comes to a close, we work with you to brainstorm productive and progressive means of staying involved in global development projects.

Local Immersion Local Immersion programs are designed to immerse your group in a foreign culture, open a dialogue between your students and their local hosts, and provide your students with an appreciation for cultural diversity. Join communities rarely touched by the outside world as you live in an ancient monastery in India, work on village projects in Costa Rica, or delve into life in the vibrant river communities of Cambodia. Our Local Immersion programs will get your students off the beaten path with an experience only Rustic Pathways Groups can provide.

Curriculum Based Supplement your classroom curriculum with hands-on learning. Teach biology or environmental conservation as your students monitor the health of coral reefs in the Fiji Islands. Immerse them in Mandarin as they study with professors at Shanghai’s East China Normal University. Bring history to life with a lesson about the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu while they practice their Spanish in Peru. Push your photography students to create a narrative of the Moroccan Sahara nomadic communities. Rustic Pathways Groups will help you construct the perfect addition to your students’ classroom experience.

S IX T HE M E S O F T R AV E L Pushing Boundaries Expand your students’ understanding of their own abilities and their relationship with the world around them. Whether you lead your students on a hike to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, on a journey off the map in Mongolia, or into refugee camps on the ThaiBurma border, our Pushing Boundaries programs will challenge your students to step beyond their previously imagined limitations. Your students will return home with a new-found group cohesion and an empowered sense of self.

Cultural Exploration Solidify your students’ passion for foreign cultures with one of our exciting Cultural Exploration programs. Whether you meet with a village chief in Ghana, tour the Taj Mahal at sunrise, or participate in a traditional Thai Buddhist ceremony, each of our Cultural Exploration programs proves that learning can be an adventure. With energetic and wellinformed local staff in each of our countries, your students will gain firsthand insight into the local way of life. These journeys take you from top tourist attractions to hidden local gems, from bustling cities to handicraft markets to jungle scenes. They provide your students with the opportunity for deep understanding of a culture outside their own.

Schools to Schools Schools to Schools offers the opportunity to forge a long-term partnership with a high-need community in the developing world. Working beyond a simple sister school relationship, Schools to Schools provides the local expertise and support your group needs to champion large-scale projects in educational development, while simultaneously fostering critical thought about the meaning of global citizenship. Schools to Schools programs are highly customized to fit your interests and established local needs.

Ricefields Service Base

Costa Rica


South Pacific Eco-Lodge Service Base Page 27

Beyond Service

Rustic Pathways Children’s Home

Lake Titicaca Service



Page 35

Giant Panda Conservation Project

Thai Elephant Conservation Project



Page 37

Beyond Service

Website Only

Beyond Service


United States

Page 39

Beyond Service

Volta Village

Page 29

Rebuilding New Orleans Website Only

Beyond Service

Page 31

Beyond Service

Fiji Islands

Beyond Service

Beyond Service

Page 25

Beyond Service

Volcano & Rainforest Service Base


Beyond Service


Beyond Service


Beyond Service


Dolphin Conservation Project

You, A ‘Roo, and Australia Zoo

Bateyes & Mountain Service

Dominican Republic


Dominican Republic

Children of India India

Soccer & Service Website Only

Costa Rica

Page 41

Beyond Service

Website Only

Beyond Service

Beyond Service

Website Only

Culture & the Crater Website Only


Website Only

Medical Service Certification Program

Comparative Religions of India



Page 47

Curriculum Based

Page 43

Curriculum Based


Spanish Language Immersion Costa Rica

Introduction to Arabic Page 51

Curriculum Based

Page 49

Curriculum Based



Website Only

Curriculum Based

Chinese Language Immersion

Website Only

Curriculum Based

From the Ground Up


Curriculum Based


Curriculum Based


Curriculum Based


Marine & Environmental Monitoring

Four Corners Geological Expedition

Himalayan Photo Expedition

Fiji Islands

United States


Local Immersion

Mountains to Medinas Photography

Outback Aboriginal Immersion



Website Only

Local Immersion

Local Immersion

Website Only

Vietnam Service & Trekking

Footsteps of Man



Website Only

Page 55

Page 59

Local Immersion

Frontier Photography Burma

Website Only

Curriculum Based

Curriculum Based

Page 53

Floating Village Service Website Only


Page 61

Local Immersion

Service in the Clouds India

Island Living & Latin Beats Website Only

Local Immersion

Shangri-La Service Immersion

Land of the Incas



Spectacular Kerala Backwaters

Maleku Indigenous Immersion


Costa Rica

Off the Map: Mongolia



Off the Map: Burma Burma

Costa Rica

Page 73

Pushing Boundaries

Costa Rica Adventurer Page 81


Off the Map: Ghana Page 75

Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries

Website Only

Page 69


Page 77

Pushing Boundaries

Come With Nothing, Go Home Rich

Fiji Islands

Sticky Rice Service Adventure Page 71

Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries

Website Only

Page 63

Children of the Highlands Page 65

Local Immersion

Local Immersion

Website Only

Dominican Republic

Local Immersion

Local Immersion

Website Only


Local Immersion

Women Speaking Thailand


Local Immersion


Local Immersion


Fiji Island Adventurer Website Only


Website Only

Pushing Boundaries

Pushing Boundaries

Moroccan Wanderer



Cultural Exploration


Website Only

Cultural Exploration

Cultural Exploration

Page 87

Into the Amazon Website Only

Cultural Exploration New Zealand

Website Only

Cultural Exploration

Website Only

North Island Adventure Page 93


Discover the Land Down Under


Page 83

Marvels of China Website Only

Kingdom of Wonder Page 91

Cities & Cultures of Spain Spain


Cultural Exploration

Cultural Exploration Cultural Exploration

Page 85

Namaste India India


Website Only

Amazing Thailand Website Only

Costa Rica Natural Wonders Costa Rica

Climbing Kili

Fiji Islands

Cultural Exploration

The Hero’s Journey United States

Eco-Lodge Leadership Training

Cultural Exploration

Website Only


Cultural Exploration

Leadership Training Costa Rica


Pushing Boundaries


Pushing Boundaries


Young Explorers Website Only

Costa Rica

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The Educational Value of Travel

A Holistic Approach to Travel

We at Rustic Pathways Groups believe travel provides an opportunity to show your students the world and immerse them in international communities. It enables your students to form new perspectives and expand their creative horizons. We believe that by traveling with your students, you are empowering them to engage with the world’s diverse cultures and to question the meaning of global citizenship. Our extensive year-round operations, top-notch country directors, and experienced global staff allow us to offer you and your students a wide range of these opportunities. Rustic Pathways Groups will help you achieve a deep level of engagement in your trip as we provide you with predesigned, partially customized, or fully customized itineraries to fit any budget or schedule. We guarantee you will be able to provide your students with the specific experience you seek.

We believe that our responsibility to you, your students, and their families does not start and end within the confines of your trip. We work with you from the time you express interest in a program until well after your group has returned. We help you identify your perfect trip, provide you with personalized tools to recruit your students, support you in preparing for your departure, remain available to you and your students’ families throughout your trip, and assist in any long-term projects that arise out of your experience



Join Us! With more than 30 years of experience, Rustic Pathways is an industry leader in international student travel and service learning. Please don’t hesitate to contact our team at to learn more about all of the possibilities awaiting you and your students.

A Letter from the Director Dear Teachers and Administrators, For more than 32 years of Rustic Pathways programs, we have acted on a passion for inviting students to experience the unknown, to engage with their surroundings in profound and formative ways, to draw meaning from the topics they discuss, and to broaden their global perspectives. In a word, to learn. This concept of learning is central to the experience we provide our students, much as it is central to your own goals as educators. Learning is not memorizing facts, repeating arguments, or copying images. Learning is understanding impact, interpreting the unknown, and highlighting what is hidden. By interrupting the educational status quo, you are providing your students with the opportunity to develop deep passions, reach for higher goals, achieve new dimensions of understanding, spread positive energy around the globe, and have a lot of fun doing it. It is this action you take, displaying great dedication to your students and a creative approach to their education, that inspires us at Rustic Pathways. We offer you and your students the opportunity to take these learning skills that have been developed in the classroom and apply them in the global community. We invite your students to partake in the great diversity of the world as they learn different customs from the people they meet, and simultaneously offer up their own. We encourage them to learn about the problems of the world by providing service to communities in need. Rustic Pathways students learn what it means to come home tired and dirty after long hours of work, feeling only pride for the day’s accomplishments. Reflecting on the past year, we are impressed by the immense impact you and your students have had on the world. You helped us complete long-standing service projects. With you, we broke ground on new and creative development initiatives. We watch the positive energy infused by you and your students ripple through our partner communities and among our staff. We look forward to more of the same in this coming year. More collaboration, more service, more transformational experiences and smiling faces. Most of all, we look forward to our next trip with you. We can’t wait to get started! Travel well,

Anna Lugosch-Ecker Group Travel Director



PHILOSO P HY O F E D U C AT I O N At Rustic Pathways Groups, we believe that travel is an essential component of every student’s education. Just as critical thought, interpretation of concepts, and synthesis of ideas are important elements to be developed in the classroom, the skills and knowledge gained from experiential education provide great value. As experts in this field, we have developed a philosophy of education at Rustic Pathways built from hours on the road, days of learning from other cultures, months of service, and for some, years of classroom teaching experience. We strive for excellence, but this does not always mean a perfect score. Rather, an excellent student masters the ability to accept failure, learning from the experience and using it to drive future achievement. As a result, they develop a life-long dedication to learning. We are intrinsically driven by curiosity and have a passion for engaged learning. An engaged student reads books and drives discussion, but most importantly, takes every experience in their daily lives as an opportunity to learn. As a result, they develop flexible thinking by applying their knowledge across a wide variety of disciplines. We think and act globally. A student of the world values learning from different cultures and backgrounds, and openly shares of their own. As a result, they develop the ability to form relationships across lines of difference, and to manage a diversity of opinions.



A Practical Application At Rustic Pathways, we make a profound impact on our students’ education by designing unique programs that provide them with the opportunity to form meaningful connections around the globe, programs that inspire a passion for exploration through local experiences. We facilitate discussions and activities to help students make meaning of their interactions, challenging them to push their personal boundaries as they engage with critical global issues. The direction of this engagement shifts with time and location, but all of our programs incorporate a core set of learning goals designed to ensure that students get the most from their travel experience.

Respect We will learn to conduct ourselves as positive ambassadors of our schools, home countries, and the global Rustic community. We will be respectful of local cultures and remain aware of how our actions are perceived.

Engage We will strive to be active global citizens by engaging with our surroundings and understanding the interconnectedness of our actions. We will be compassionate and open-minded participants in cross-cultural dialogue, taking responsible action when appropriate.

Grow We will achieve personal growth by challenging our social, physical, and emotional boundaries. As we reflect on our global experiences, we will work to integrate these lessons into our everyday lives.



PHILOSO P HY O F S E R V I C E Rustic Pathways’ philosophy of community service recognizes the dual goals of community impact and student learning. We focus on building our operations responsibly, both in how we travel and in the design of our service initiatives. Simultaneously, we challenge our students to engage in the wider world issues, and to understand the global impacts their work has. Our approach is focused on creating long-term partnerships with the communities where we work. Our projects fit within global service standards, and are designed with input from community leaders to address local need. As a result, we ensure use and purpose behind every initiative. We carefully consider the contributions our students can make to achieve project goals. We identify objectives that fit within the time constraints of a program. We challenge our students to get their hands dirty and learn new skills, but recognize the boundaries of responsible conduct. As a result, our students see tangible outcomes from the work they’ve done, and return home with a deep sense of accomplishment. We layer service initiatives with content that supports meaningful engagement. This combination of mindful projects and engaged discussion creates transformational programs for our students. As a result, our students engage with the larger issues and carry the positive impacts of their service beyond the boundaries of their Rustic Pathways trip.



Five Areas of Focus Education Our education service initiatives are three-pronged. We facilitate exchange between students through practical skill development, such as computer proficiency and English; we support cross-cultural learning, which expands the worldviews of all students involved; and we contribute to construction or improvement of educational facilities. We focus many of our community service efforts on education projects because we believe access to quality education is the cornerstone of lasting change.

Infrastructure Developing infrastructure in underserved communities addresses the essential need for a healthy and productive environment. Our students install water systems and toilets to improve sanitation; build community centers to provide communal space for people to plan, play, and celebrate; and fix homes to provide healthier environments for families.

Environment The livelihood of a community often hinges on the condition of its environment. Our environmental initiatives help ensure the beautiful places we visit will be around for future generations. Our students organize beach cleanups, work with specialists on wildlife conservation programs, plant trees, and lead environmental education programs.

Community Health Good health underpins all aspects of daily life. It is critical to a person’s ability to support a family and contribute to a community. Our students improve facilities at community health clinics, organize educational events, and help promote basic healthcare knowledge in rural communities.

Economic Development Expanding access to economic opportunities, especially among women, is key to helping families pull themselves out of poverty. Our students work with community members to build guinea pig hutches, chicken coops, and other basic facilities that support small-scale income generation efforts.



R U ST IC PATH WAY S CO M M U N I TY S E R V I C E B A S E S At Rustic Pathways, you do not need to choose between meaningful community service and a comfortable living environment. With purpose-built bases around the world, we are able to run exceptional programs that facilitate local service and immersion, while ensuring that our students can rest comfortably, play happily, serve wholeheartedly, and learn from their experiences.

Ricefields Base THAIL AN D

Children’s Home TH AIL AN D



Originally established in the Sanboon family’s one-room hut in 1999, Ricefields is home to powerful service and immersion opportunities that have allowed it to grow steadily and sustainably into a 30-acre facility with eight Thai-style houses for students and staff, indoor and outdoor meeting spaces, a pool, a gym, organic gardens, a Thai sala, a soccer field, and several happy goats — all surrounded, of course, by expansive rice fields.

As a boarding facility for children of the Karen hill tribe, the Rustic Pathways Children’s Home provides nearly 30 kids with the funding and support they need to gain an education. Through this beautiful facility, the Children’s Home offers a warm and nurturing environment, a magnificent traditional Thai structure set amid scenic rice paddies, and a pizza oven for the days when you need a taste of home.

Volcano Base COS TA RIC A

Eco-Lodge Base FIJI I S L AN D S

Highlands Base FIJI I S L AN D S

Situated on the edge of a rainforest reserve under the shadow of Arenal Volcano, and minutes from La Fortuna and several national parks, our Volcano and Rainforest Service Base allows you to return from a day of service or adventure activities to a comfortable residence. Enjoy home-cooked meals served on an expansive porch and leisure time with a swimming pool, soccer field, ponds, and hammocks.

The fantastic sea views and neighboring villages with long-standing ties to Rustic Pathways make our Eco-Lodge the perfect balance of island getaway and meaningful service base. After a day of work, relax by the pool, wander in the gardens, and play sports with local kids before retreating to your room in the main lodge or one of several cabins tucked among fruit trees and swaying palms.

In Fiji’s underdeveloped mountainous interior lies Nasivikoso Village, home of the Highlands Base. Programs at the Highlands Base center around education, infrastructure, and economic development, and take advantage of the immense natural beauty and ancient local traditions. Programs at the base typically incorporate local homestays, but also offer several bures (traditional huts) for groups seeking a more private experience.





Chris Stakich

Anna Lugosch-Ecker

Chris leads Rustic Pathways with an eye for innovation and excellence, and passion for travel. Since graduating from Harvard, Chris has worked in nearly all areas of our organization, from running programs in Costa Rica to managing our global team. Chris is committed to developing future leaders who embody compassion and global understanding.

Anna is an alumna of School Year Abroad and has degrees from Dartmouth College in geoscience and Mandarin. Anna’s passion for experiential education and travel was first sparked in high school. She now applies this passion at Rustic, providing opportunities for teachers and students to immerse themselves in new surroundings and engage with other cultures.

Matija Paunovski

Marc Bartholomew

Matija graduated from Northeastern University and has a master’s degree from Harvard. In addition to Matija's years of experience in recruiting groups for Rustic Pathways, she is accomplished in leadership training and brings her diverse experience to helping shape our Groups division. Matija ensures that all clients return home completely satisfied.

With degrees in English and counseling, Marc spent 35 years as a high school teacher and track coach before joining Rustic Pathways. Years of visiting our programs has provided him with an in-depth understanding of our global operations. This, along with his passion for cultivating young minds, drives Marc to ensure smooth experiences for our groups.

Brent Watkins

Ann Fuller

Brent holds a master’s in education from The Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining us, Brent managed a team that trained new classroom teachers for Teach For America. Brent brings his experience in learning development and teacher training to Rustic where he is in charge of program curriculum around the globe. Brent is also our Burma Country Director.

Ann has a master’s from NYU, which culminated in a project with the United Nations in Nicaragua. She has a bachelor’s degree in anthropology from Bates College, has managed volunteer programs in New York City, and has studied in Bolivia. Ann now applies her expertise to ensure that our service initiatives meet rigorous standards and achieve meaningful results.

Gabe Porter-Henry

Kevin Porter

Gabe has spent 16 years working in experiential education. He has held director’s positions for Rustic Pathways in Thailand, Peru, and Mexico, and has worked in most of our destinations. With his intimate and firsthand knowledge of our global operations, Gabe coordinates our country directors to ensure quality, safety, and continuity across all our programs.

Kevin is entering his fourth year directing programs in Ghana, and also oversees all of our country operations. Before starting at Rustic Pathways, Kevin worked with development organizations in East Africa and completed research on refugees for the UN in South Korea. While attending Harvard, Kevin oversaw the college’s First-Year Outdoor Program.

Ginger Bartholomew

Orville McEachron

Ginger embodies the hard work ethic and bene­volent spirit of Rustic Pathways. As our director of administration, Ginger over­ sees all office activities and staff with a permanent smile. Ginger possesses an unparalleled understanding of our programs and global logistics. Organized and indispensable, kind and caring, Ginger is a cornerstone of the Rustic family.

Orville has a degree in business management from Cleveland State University. He manages our human resources department, coordinates our flight leaders, and serves as technical support for our staff. Orville works tirelessly to streamline our global operations and strives to provide the best possible customer service to our parents and students.

Sammy Gasci

Jamie Spates

Sammy has a degree in sociolinguistics from the University of Szeged in Hungary. During his eight years working with Rustic Pathways, Sammy’s enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership skills have made him an integral member of our team. Sammy takes great pleasure in sharing his passion for education and travel with our teachers and their students.

Jamie grew up living abroad sailing around the world with Semester at Sea and his family. A Hobart College graduate with a degree in literature, Jamie has spent more than a decade working for Rustic Pathways in Asia before settling down in New York City. His endless energy and professional demeanor have made him a Rustic Pathways legend.

Chief Executive Officer

Group Travel Director

Group Travel Sales Director

Group Travel Administration Director

Programming Director

Community Service Director

Risk Management Director

Country Operations Director

Finance & Administration Director

Group Travel Program Coordinator



Human Resources Director

Group Travel Program Coordinator



Brandon Hartman

Juan Mayorga

Group Travel Program Coordinator

Group Travel Program Coordinator

Brandon joined Rustic Pathways in January of 2013 as a personal travel advisor. He studied finance at Miami University in Ohio, and has a background in banking. Brandon takes pride in customer service and is excited to employ his skills and experience as a group travel program coordinator. He has a beautiful new wife, Liz, who also works for Rustic Pathways.

Juan was born and raised in Peru, then moved to the United States at age 10. He earned graduate degrees in both tourism & park management and education from the University of Colorado. With over five years at Rustic, Juan now resides in Peru year-round, where he applies his education and travel experience to design and coordinate Rustic Pathways Groups programs.

Kristen Waldron

Sam Murray

Kristen majored in English at the University of Northern Colorado, has spent time abroad, and just recently moved to Ohio after teaching high school in Miami. Her love of connecting with other adventurers, friendly smile, and attention to detail makes her a delightful addition to Rustic Pathways. Kristen loves to be outside, especially with her horse and two dogs.

A native Aussie, Sam worked as an outdoor education teacher and camp manager before joining Rustic. His extensive travels abroad have fostered his passion for creating life-changing experiential education programs for students. Outside of work, you’ll find Sam surfing, diving, fishing, and spending time with his wife and two young daughters on the Gold Coast.

Alexis Simchak

Mary Yuan

As country director for Cambodia, Alexis has extensive experience in Southeast Asia. After studying abroad in South Africa, her desire for international travel and service learning blossomed. A graduate of Penn State with a degree in visual journalism, Lexi is a skillful photographer with a heart for service. She has also led photo programs in Burma, Laos, and Thailand.

Mary is from Chengdu, the home of our Giant Panda Project, and has a degree in tourism. Now in her fifth year with Rustic Pathways, Mary has stepped into the role of China country director. Mary loves traveling and has been to almost every province in China. She dreams of finishing her China checklist and then moving on to see other destinations around the world!

Ricardo Romero

Harry Alvarez

Ricardo joined us after working in Costa Rica’s rafting industry for a decade. With a bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Costa Rica, Ricardo is now completing his MBA. An avid outdoorsman with extensive experience as a river guide, his commitment to safety and love of adventure make him the ideal director of our Costa Rica operations.

Born in New York and raised in the Dominican Republic. Harry graduated from SUNY New Paltz with degrees in psychology and Spanish. Having managed programs in Costa Rica, Harry now directs our operations in the Dominican Republic. In addition to his passion for indigenous cultures and Latin dance, Harry enjoys cooking at his new home in New Orleans.

Evan Wells

Kai Johnson

Born in New Zealand and now living between Australia and Fiji, Evan has spent more than two decades helping to shape Rustic Pathways. With a degree in business, a deep love of the outdoors, and a strong commitment to serving Fijian communities, Evan proudly manages our South Pacific operations. Evan spends his spare time with his wife and their two boys.

A graduate of the University of Wisconsin with a degree in geography, Kai has been living and working in the Himalayan region for the last six years. He is fluent in both written and spoken Hindi and is passionate about experiential education. Kai brings expert knowledge of India to our operations, giving him the ability to create powerful experiences for our students.

Tara McCarney

Gaia Bonini

Laos Country Director

Mongolia Country Director

After studying psychology at Dartmouth College, Tara earned a master’s degree at Harvard in language and literacy. Her interest in international development and education brought her to Thailand, where she spent a year teaching ESL students. After leading programs ranging from Ricefields to Come With Nothing, Tara is now our Laos Country Director.

After graduating from the University of Florida with a degree in journalism, Gaia followed her passion for animals to Asia where she managed the Rustic Pathways’ elephant programs in both Thailand and Laos. Her gentle demeanor and positive attitude make her a favorite with students. She has also led programs for Rustic Pathways in Morocco and Ghana.

Group Travel Administrator

Cambodia Country Director

Costa Rica Country Director

Fiji Country Director

Australia Country Director

China Country Director

Dominican Republic Country Director

India Country Director





John McGinnis

Kelly Moynihan

John earned a degree in peace and global security from the University of Dayton. He has studied at both the American University of Cairo and the American University of Dubai, and completed his mastery of Arabic in Fez, Morocco. John’s fluency in four Arabic dialects in addition to Spanish, Italian, and English make him a natural fit for the position of country director in Morocco.

Kelly’s fluency in Spanish and commitment to community service make her a natural to direct our Peru operations. Before joining Rustic, she earned a degree in journalism from American University in Washington, D.C., where she also interned at CNN. With 21 countries and five continents under her belt, Kelly enjoys world cuisine and the thrills of global travel.

Sarah Smith

Patrick Ziemnik

With many years of experience leading trips and an expertise in Spanish, Sarah is a natural for the position of Rustic’s Spain country director. She graduated from Montana State University with degrees in language and business before moving to Spain to teach English. Sarah loves the outdoors and is always eager to share her impressive foreign language skills.

After receiving high honors from the Harvard University Social Studies Department, Patrick continued his passion for social enterprise as an AmeriCorps volunteer. Patrick got his start in outdoor education managing Harvard’s FirstYear Outdoor Program and uses the skills he developed there to provide powerful experiences to our students in Tanzania.

Bryan Haggerty

Mark Mankowski

Bryan studied philosophy at Saint Michael’s College before moving to Southeast Asia where he has lived and worked for the last decade. Prior to joining Rustic, he spent three years teaching at Chiang Mai University and volunteered for an NGO advocating for local ethnic minority groups. Bryan speaks fluent Thai and Lao, and has managed our Thailand operations since 2008.

A motivated educator, Marc tutors students in his spare time and always takes care to educate everyone on current events. He is an avid swimmer, a lover of wildlife, and has spent many summers as a lifeguard on several Atlantic beaches. Given his love for travel and his expert knowledge of the outdoors, Marc is a great person to explore the United States with, Rustic-style!

Morocco Country Director

Peru Country Director

Spain Country Director

Tanzania Country Director

Thailand Country Director

United States Country Director



Emily Harney

Chit Oo

Soe Than

Lyin Theik

Pannha En

Yi Yoern

Senghong Yourk

Wainer Ocampo

Nilson Oviedo

Emily Sanders

Australia Country Manager

Cambodia Program Manager


Burma Country Manager

Cambodia Program Manager


Burma Program Manager

Costa Rica Country Manager

Burma Program Manager

Costa Rica Program Manager

Cambodia Country Manager

Costa Rica Program Manager



Maricruz Acosta

Novoa Aguilar

Ana Dugulele

Costa Rica Program Manager

Fiji Islands General Manager

Julie Arendt

Khamla Sibounheuang Laos Country Manager

Paradon Simphouvanh Laos Country Manager

Aaron Alvarez

Pepe Gamero Peru Program Manager

Pat Tadeangpetch Thailand Regional Director

Keegan Kennedy

Kadum Sanboon

Thailand Ricefields Base Director

Maha Noikamkong Thailand Ricefields Base Manager

Ched Suphadee

Kinga Laczko

Vong Keophanya

Tim Gillespie

Yutthana Dokmaiphaung

Danielle Broida

Gary Holt

Kirkland Kraines

Lauren D. Alvarez

Miles Becker

Carolina Villamizar

Lauren Anderson

Justin Kase Conder

Costa Rica Groups Manager

Thailand Program Manager

Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

Peru Country Manager

Thailand RPCH Director

Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

Thailand Program Manager

Thailand Program Manager

Program Staffing Coordinator

Fiji Islands Program Manager

Thailand Program Leader

Medical Training & Safety Manager

Alumni Association Coordinator

Thailand Groups Manager

Thailand Service Manager

Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

International Photo Manager



C RE ATING Y O U R P R O G R AM Every Rustic Pathways Groups program has a story behind it. Each of our programs is based on more than 30 years of experience in the high school travel industry, more than 30 years of exploring winding mountain paths, sharing animated stories around bonfires, and spending nights under a blanket of stars. Our programs are drafted by adventurers, edited by global activists, and refined by educators. They are works of passion, and we take extreme pride in them. Each offering is a reflection of the respect and dedication we have for our students, teachers, and communities. As you explore the programs in this catalog, remember that these are examples of our favorite trips, trips that we love to run, that inspire us and our students, that our teachers rave about. Use the selection in this catalog to explore the communities where we work, the sights we see, the people we meet, and the projects we contribute to. Let it spark your imagination, feed your travel fantasies, and guide your experiential education goals. Then, build on our ideas, because at RP Groups, we customize each and every program to fit your needs. From your first point of contact with Rustic Pathways Groups, you will work directly with a personal program coordinator, someone who is an expert in the places where you want to travel, who is inspired by service learning, and who is passionate about educating students. Someone who will listen to your interests, suggest new program ideas, and refine your itinerary until it matches exactly what you have in mind. So enjoy our catalog! Explore our trips, contemplate our service initiatives, and get excited about a new adventure. When you’re done, contact us. We can’t wait to get started on a trip just for you.




VOLCANO & RAINFOREST SERVICE BASE Exciting service and thrilling adventure in the heart of Costa Rica

Teach children, support community improvement projects, engage in a cultural exchange, and contribute to green initiatives, all from the stunning Volcano and Rainforest Base.

Spend your evenings hanging out at the Volcano and Rainforest Service Base, hiking to waterfalls and hot springs, or exploring La Fortuna’s markets.

Day 1

Days 6 & 7

Land in San José and meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, then drive through the lush jungle. Get settled into the Rustic Pathways Volcano and Rainforest Service Base for your program orientation and first local Tico dinner.

Days 2 – 5 Work on service initiatives in the villages around La Fortuna. Split your time between morning and afternoon ser-

vice sessions, returning to the base for lunch, a quick siesta, or dip in the pool. Choose from a variety of ongoing service initiatives designed and monitored by Rustic Pathways staff in cooperation with local community leaders. Projects will focus on community infrastructure and facility improvement; teaching, art, and recreational activities at village schools; intercultural exchange; and environmental initiatives.

Having completed your service projects, take advantage of Costa Rica’s exciting adventure opportunities. Ride through the jungle on horseback and hike up to beautiful waterfalls. Choose from optional activities including zip lining, whitewater rafting, and a visit with indigenous animals at the nearby zoo. In the evenings, learn to salsa and merengue and relax at the base.

Day 8 Drive to San José in the morning, then head to the airport to begin your journey home. Pura vida! Until next time!

Melanie Forbes Costa Rica Program Manager Melanie first came to Costa Rica as a Rustic Pathways student, where she fell in love with the country, wildlife, and culture. Her positive experience encouraged her to pursue degrees in environmental science and Spanish. She returned to Rustic Pathways to inspire other young travelers. Melanie now lives in Costa Rica where she manages our Volcano and Rainforest Service Base.



Beyond Service

8 days • $1,365 + airfare • 28 service hours • up to 30 students


RICEFIELDS SERVICE BASE Choose from several rewarding service projects at our base in Northeast Thailand

Partake in various service projects designed to strengthen education, nutrition, environmental conservation, animal safety, and access to healthcare, and to improve youngsters’ quality of life in neighboring communities while living at the purpose-built Rustic Pathways Ricefields Service Base. Day 1 Land in Bangkok, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, then hop on a quick flight to Udon Thani. Settle into the Ricefields Service Base, meet your new neighbors in Baan Chiang Yuen village, and enjoy a delicious dinner and a program orientation in the sala.

Days 2 – 5 Work on service initiatives in Udon Thani’s outlying villages. Split your time between morning and afternoon service sessions, returning to the base

in the heat of the day for lunch and a quick dip in the pool. Choose from a variety of ongoing service initiatives designed and monitored by Rustic Pathways staff in cooperation with local community leaders. Projects include Swingsets, Coloring Books, and Kiddies (working with young village children in a kindergarten supported by Rustic Pathways); Meals on Flip-Flops (preparing and delivering traditional Thai food for elderly and poor families in the region); Bobbing and Floating

(teaching swimming to children in the village); Welcome Homes (building and improving huts in the village); and more. After wrapping up your projects each day, enjoy all the Ricefields Base has to offer. Swim; play pingpong, volleyball, or soccer; use the internet café; exercise in the gym; or just relax after your day of service. After dinner each day, meet with your leaders and the Ricefields staff to discuss your projects from the day, prepare for your work tomorrow, and gain an understanding of the intricacies of Thai culture.

Day 6 Discover some of the many exciting activities Thailand has to offer. Explore markets, relax on the Mekong River, take a day trip to Laos, or visit the region’s most impressive temples.

Day 7 Fly back to Bangkok, then catch your connecting flight home.

Lay Lay Ooh Ricefields Program Manager Originally from Burma, Ooh lives fulltime at the Ricefields Service Base, diligently caring for our students. A natural-born leader, Ooh is an integral member of the Rustic Pathways family.



Beyond Service

7 days • $1,195 + airfare • 24 service hours • up to 80 students


SOUTH PACIFIC ECO-LODGE SERVICE BASE A fun and exciting opportunity for service and immersion in Fijian culture

8 days • $1,025 + airfare • 30 service hours • up to 40 students

Day 1 Land in Nadi, meet your leaders, and settle in to the South Pacific Eco-Lodge Service Base. Snorkel, swim, and unwind on the beach, then get oriented for your service projects and participate in a formal sevusevu ceremony.

Days 2 – 6 Work on service initiatives in small communities surrounding the South Pacific Eco-Lodge Base. Split your time between morning and afternoon sessions, with the option to immerse completely in one large-scale initiative to gain a more diverse understanding of need in this region, or to contribute to a few smaller ongoing projects. Tutor English grammar, teach computers, and lead arts and sports enrichment activities in local elementary schools. Support underprivileged families as you prepare and deliver nutritious meals. Donate your time to help local communities develop sustainable farming initiatives. Contribute to construction projects such as waste man-

Beyond Service

Partake in various service projects designed to strengthen education, sanitation, nutrition, environmental conservation, and access to healthcare in neighboring communities. Live at the South Pacific Eco-Lodge Service Base, taking advantage of the many tropical adventure opportunities surrounding you. agement, home repair, or school facility improvement in surrounding villages. Partake in environmental conservation initiatives as you plant trees to battle coastal erosion and clean up beaches on Fiji’s western shores. Wrap up your service projects each day, then spend your evenings enjoying the Fiji Islands’ immense natural beauty. Soak in hot springs, jump into mud baths, and play in the waves. Learn Fijian or Indo-Fijian dances from women in nearby villages, or simply relax by the pool after a day of hard work.

Day 7 Explore some of the many exciting activities the Fiji Islands have to offer. Relax, swim, snorkel, and body surf at the beach, take a day trip to a neighboring shore, or elect to skydive above the idyllic tropical islands.

Day 8 After packing, head to the Nadi handicraft market, then on to the airport for sad farewells and your flight home.

Maggie Lentz Eco-Lodge Program Manager A South Carolina native and graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Maggie has taught in the U.S., Ghana, China, and Fiji. Maggie’s passion for community service and experiential education, huge smile, and warm personality make her a constant joy at our Eco-Lodge Base.




RUSTIC PATHWAYS CHILDREN’S HOME Join our Karen family and give from your heart at our base in Northern Thailand

Live, teach, and learn alongside 25 Karen hill tribe students sponsored by the Rustic Pathways Foundation at the Rustic Pathways Children’s Home. Teach classes, tutor students, help out on the organic farm, and get to know the Karen culture.

lage market visit, river float, or bike ride along the terraced rice fields. Reflect on the lasting bonds you built with the people and culture of this region.

Day 7 Day 1

Days 4 & 5

Land in Chiang Mai, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, get a foot massage, and enjoy a Thai dinner. Spend the rest of your evening recovering from your flight and adjusting to the time zone.

Rise early and depart for your village homestay. Drive on 4x4s into the jungle to contribute to Rustic’s Rural Outreach and Development service initiative, established to address development issues in the community. Enjoy a Thai barbecue dinner and meet with community leaders in the village. Return to your service projects on the second day, working hard to complete construction. Return to the Children’s Home in the evening, with time to reflect on your homestay experiences and lesson plan in preparation for tomorrow.

Day 2 Drive to Mae Sariang where Rustic’s Children’s Home is located. Get to know your surroundings as you hike through the jungle, visit the village school, and explore the Hill Tribe Museum.

Day 3 Learn traditional weaving from local village women, have a Muay Thai lesson, and spend some time tutoring the students at the base. Meet after dinner to plan and prepare your service projects for the coming week.

Return to Chiang Mai. Walk the ancient city wall, visit the area’s cultural and historic sites, and watch the sun set from Doi Suthep. In the evening, enjoy a foot massage or wander through Chiang Mai’s famous night bazaar.

Day 8 Pack, say goodbye to the Land of Smiles, and head to the airport.

Day 6 Teach English, play games, and lead arts and sports activities. Spend one last evening enjoying the landscape around you with a waterfall hike, vil-

Boonmee Sukhilertsakool RPCH Alumnus My name is Boonmee. I am the eldest of four children. My father died before I was born and my mother could not afford to take care of me. I then got the opportunity to live at the Rustic Pathways Children’s Home. Rustic gave me an education, food, shelter, and a family. Now, Rustic is helping me to study at Chiang Mai University. In the future, I want to be an English teacher, and give back to Rustic Pathways by teaching younger students at the Rustic Pathways Children’s Home.



Beyond Service

8 days • $1,175 + airfare • 36 service hours • up to 30 students

Rustic Pathways Groups is

PA S S I O N AT E We create transformational experiences for our students and are dedicated to positively impacting the communities in which we work.


REBUILDING NEW ORLEANS Help to rebuild the physical and cultural foundations of this great American city

Contribute to the recovery of social, environmental, physical, and cultural infrastructures in New Orleans. Help preserve the values and traditions of this unique American city while learning about its vibrant and inclusive culture. Day 1

Day 3

Settle into our comfortable base house in the heart of the city, learn about the lasting effects of Hurricane Katrina, have an orientation and discussion of the week’s activities and service projects, and enjoy jambalaya for dinner.

Spend today contributing to environmental initiatives in and around the city. Aid in erosion-halting efforts at the mouth of the Mississippi or care for an urban garden that provides vegetables for low-income families. Return to town for a night of music at Preservation Hall.

Day 2 Provide service to a charter school supporting low-income and high-need families. Learn how Hurricane Katrina affected the education system in New Orleans and contribute to a service project on the school grounds. Spend your evening in the French Quarter with beignets and chicory coffee.

Days 4 – 6 Work with a local NGO, the St. Bernard Project, that is dedicated to rebuilding homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina’s floods in 2005. Safety and guidance will be provided, as well as lessons in construction for those new to the field. Learn how to put up drywall, hang trim,

set floors, and paint walls — everything that needs to happen to get families back into their homes as soon as possible. Spend evenings hearing live music, exploring new neighborhoods, checking out cultural museums, and trying local cuisine.

Day 7 Explore New Orleans' historic French Quarter. Haggle over souvenir prices at the outdoor market, check out the local art in Jackson Square, relax with live music on Royal Street, and enjoy the sights and sounds all around you. Learn how to cook gumbo, a local favorite, for dinner, then spend your night dancing to live music in town.

Day 8 Though it’s hard to say goodbye to the Big Easy, it’s time to pack your bags and head to the airport.

Julie Ball USA Program Manager Julie has a degree in anthropology from the University of South Florida where she focused on international development and indigenous studies. Prior to leading Rustic trips in New Orleans, Julie worked as a coordinator for a non-profit organization through AmeriCorps. Her other passions include scuba diving and playing rugby.



Beyond Service

8 days • $1,175 + airfare • 30 service hours • up to 18 students


GIANT PANDA CONSERVATION PROJECT Ensuring the future of China’s iconic, lovable giant pandas

8 days • $1,525 + airfare • 18 service hours • up to 24 students

Day 1 Land in Chengdu, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, and head into the city for a day of exploration, acclimation, and time-zone adjustment.

Day 2 Drive throught the mountains to the Bi Feng Xia Panda Conservation Center in Ya’an. Get acquainted with the pandas’ habits, the center’s grounds, and current research efforts. Receive your official volunteer uniforms and nametags and have an orientation with the conservation center staff.

Days 3 – 5 Spend several hours each morning and afternoon working on your service projects. Care for the pandas’ living areas, plan and prepare their food, learn about their habitat and the ever-growing threats to their environment, and assist in any current research. During your lunch breaks you will have access to the center’s recreation facili-

Beyond Service

Donate your time to adorable, endangered giant pandas. Help staff at the Bi Feng Xia Panda Conservation Center in Ya’an, Sichuan. Care for the pandas’ diet, clean and maintain their living spaces, and contribute to ongoing research. ty for fierce pingpong tournaments. Each day’s service assignment will be followed by an afternoon activity, providing you the chance to explore the beauty and culture of this region. Hike trails in the surrounding national reserve, tour temples, learn to make local delicacies, and visit traditional towns.

Day 6 Spend your day visiting the 70-meter stone Leshan Buddha. Explore the area and climb neighboring hills to gain perspective on this remarkable work of art. Return to Chengdu for the region’s dinner specialty: hot pot!

Day 7 Get to know Chengdu’s artful integration of ancient cultures and traditional values as you see the city’s best sites and sample its most delectable dishes.

Day 8 Your week with the pandas has come to an end. Say goodbye to your Rustic staff and return home.

Connor Stowe China Program Manager Connor has been fascinated with giant pandas since his childhood. After joining Rustic in 2009 as the manager of social media (and internally, as the director of positive energy), Connor jumped at the opportunity to manage the company’s panda program. He loves combining his creativity and enthusiasm with a dedication to educating our students about this endangered species.




THAI ELEPHANT CONSERVATION PROJECT A hands-on project working directly with elephants at a world-renowned facility

Live and work with elephants and their mahouts at the Royal Thai Elephant Conservation Center. Learn to ride, guide, drive, bathe, and feed elephants as you help to ensure a bright future for these magnificent animals. Day 1

Days 3 – 5

Land in Chiang Mai, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, get a foot massage, and enjoy a nice Thai dinner. Spend the evening recovering from your flight.

Start each morning bathing and feeding your elephant in the jungle, then return to camp for breakfast and your own morning ablutions. Spend the rest of your days in a combination of activities, classes, and hands-on elephant care. Learn about the life and practices of a mahout; the tools, skills, and communication involved in working with elephants; preparation of elephant saddles and cargo; and the unique personality of each elephant you meet.

Day 2 Arrive at the elephant camp this morning, receive your official volunteer credentials, get assigned to your elephant, and spend the rest of your day learning to communicate with, ride, and understand these amazing animals.

Having mastered the skills and information necessary for an elephant safari, load up and head into the trees for a full day of elephant practice, play, and exploration, and a night camping at the elephants’ jungle home. After a morning hike to a nearby waterfall, pack up and return to the main camp for a shower, dinner, and relaxing evening.

Day 6 Spend one final morning caring for your elephant, then say goodbye to your giant new friends. Tour the conservation center hospital and nursery before departing for Chiang Mai and its famous night bazaar.

Day 7 Much like the elephants with their impressive memories, you won’t forget your time with these magnificent creatures. Begin your journey home.

Danger Changkarn Elephant Center Outreach Director Danger is a legend at Rustic Pathways. His passion and dedication to these elephants and more than 10 years of Rustic Pathways students is truly inspiring. His amazing sense of humor and kind nature are a foundation of Rustic Pathways’ operations in Thailand.



Beyond Service

7 days • $1,745 + airfare • 30 service hours • up to 28 students


BATEYES & MOUNTAIN SERVICE Learn about the issues facing two dramatically different areas of the Dominican Republic

10 days • $1,275 + airfare • 30 service hours • up to 18 students

Day 1 Arrive in Santo Domingo and settle into your bateyes volunteer facility. Prepare for your upcoming service projects.

Days 2 – 4 Head to a batey community and gain familiarity with the issues these peoples face. Spread across 236,000 acres of sugarcane fields, bateyes often lack such basic necessities as running water, electricity, and access to public education. Your projects in the bateyes will focus on a combination of construction, spoken English classes, agricultural work, educational workshops, and facilitating activities for local children. Spend evenings learning about the connection between sugar cane manufacturing and human rights violations, hearing from local community organizers on the challenges these Haitian migrant workers face, and discussing your own service projects here.

Day 5 Enjoy the white sand and turquoise

Beyond Service

Learn about the issues affecting Haitian migrant workers in the Dominican Republic’s expansive sugar cane fields, then transition inland to rural mountain villages. Contribute to Rustic Pathways’ ongoing service initiatives designed to increase the standard of living in these communities. water of the Dominican coast. Swim, explore caves with Taino paintings, and sample fresh local seafood.

Days 6 – 8 Depart for a ranch near Jarabacoa, in the island’s mountainous interior. The eco-friendly ranch is designed for service groups and team-building. Spend your days contributing to RP’s ongoing service initiative, bringing running water to rural communities with the installation of an aqueduct system. In the evenings, enjoy swimming in the pool and playing soccer and pingpong at the ranch, and spend one afternoon whitewater rafting, horseback riding on jungle trails, or challenging yourselves on the high ropes course.

Days 9 & 10 Return to Santo Domingo. Spend your afternoon exploring the city’s colonial zone, a UNESCO World Heritage site boasting the first cathedral, hospital, and university in the Americas. Enjoy a final Dominican meal, then head to the airport and continue home.

Kate Lubina Dominican Republic Program Manager Kate has worked in a Nicaraguan health center, and has a master's degree in global medicine. Bringing her interest in the application of international public health, Kate now applies her expertise in health and development while inspiring our students on programs in the DR.




FROM THE GROUND UP An advanced seminar on making a difference at a grassroots level

10 days • $1,275 + airfare • 30 service hours • up to 16 students Designed specifically for students who want to gain an understanding of the inner workings of on-the-ground NGO operations, this program allows students to research and volunteer with a variety of NGOs before applying their findings to their own project design and execution. Land in Phnom Penh, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, and have an introduction to your program over dinner.

Days 2 – 4 Visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields. Having gained an understanding of Cambodia’s tumultuous history, begin planning your contribution to their future. Research various local and international aid organizations. Attend talks with organization directors, tour ongoing projects, and become familiar with development sectors that include renewable energy, at-risk youth, conflict aftermath and resolution, and healthcare. Internalize, discuss, and reflect on your experiences as a group each evening.

Days 5 – 7 Work with our partner organization, BSDA, to apply your newfound knowl-

edge in the field. Contribute to a community tree-planting program and provide local children and the public with a presentation on the dangers of deforestation. Install water systems to help sustain local communities year-round. Interview local elders, recording field notes on their reactions to the projects, and evaluate the efficacy of your work.

Curriculum Based

Day 1

Days 8 & 9 Drive to Siem Reap. Visit the carved faces of Bayon and unwind in the evening with a massage. Visit Angkor Wat before dawn to witness the first rays of sunshine break over this internationally recognized architectural marvel, then relax in the shade at the Ta Prohm tree temple and explore the famous night market for creative souvenirs.

Day 10 Today you pack, say your final goodbyes, and begin your journey home to develop your own projects.

BSDA Kampong Cham Founded in 2005 by a handful of local monks, BSDA (or Buddhism for Social Development) dedicates its time to supporting women and children from marginalized populations in Cambodia. Their crucial social development work focuses on health, education, and family support networks.



Rustic Pathways Groups is

PRINCIPLED We adhere to a greater moral code, a driving set of ideals that underscores our identity, our vision, and our purpose.


MEDICAL SERVICE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Earn certifications and gain hands-on experience while living at the Ricefields Service Base

8 days • $1,635 + airfare • 36 service hours • up to 30 students Earn your Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and CPR certification working on the frontlines of community-based healthcare as you monitor and treat preventable diseases and injuries alongside our medical staff in rural Northeast Thailand.

Land in Bangkok, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, and hop on the short connecting flight up to Udon Thani. Spend your evening getting settled into our Ricefields Service Base. Hang out with the villagers, sample your first local Thai dishes, and get to know the Rustic Pathways Ricefields staff.

Day 2 Spend your morning exploring Baan Chiang Yuen village and joining monks at the local temple for morning meditation. In the afternoon, receive an introduction to Thai medical care from a local physician, then begin your service projects in neighboring villages.

Days 3 – 6 Earn your WFA and CPR certification as you learn from our medical staff in the classroom, train in simulations, and apply the skills you’ve learned while volunteering in village health clinics. Spend your mornings working with staff at one of our four partner clinics to provide basic medical care. Head into the surrounding villages with traveling

medical providers to set up temporary clinics for routine screenings of elderly and non-mobile patients. In the afternoon spend time in the classroom learning about, training for, and running simulations on how to assess medical situations. Practice determining appropriate medical response in an emergency, providing basic first aid and CPR, and caring for wounds.

Curriculum Based

Day 1

In addition to earning your WFA and CPR certifications on this program, you will become educated about international healthcare systems, and help to prevent heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and bacterial infection in rural Thailand’s impoverished communities.

Day 7 Your final day at Ricefields will be spent exploring the region’s cultural attractions. Visit the Buddha Cave, swim at a local waterfall, tour temples, or partake in a Muay Thai boxing lesson.

Day 8 Sadly, it’s now time to say goodbye to Thailand and begin your journey home.

Wilderness First Aid Rustic Pathways is proud to partner with Wilderness Medical Associates to offer a first-rate Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certification program. Valid for three years, WFA certification serves as an introduction to general medical concepts with an emphasis on patient assessment and management in limited-resource and extreme environments.




CHINESE LANGUAGE IMMERSION Small group classes and real-world practice create the perfect learning environment

10 days • $1,595 + airfare • 24 class hours • up to 24 students

Day 1

Day 6

Land in Shanghai and, after taking the world’s fastest train into the city, drive to campus and settle into your dorms.

Begin your day with an hour-long ride on one of Asia’s fastest trains. Explore Hangzhou, famous for its beautifully manicured gardens, its delicious tea, and the perfectly peaceful West Lake UNESCO World Heritage site.

Day 2 Spend your morning touring campus, then head into downtown Shanghai for an introduction to Chinese culture. Visit the Shanghai Museum, walk along the banks of The Bund, and travel up the Oriental Pearl TV Tower for views across the skyline of this ever-changing city.

Days 3 – 5 Attend four hour-long classes each morning. University faculty will focus your lessons on vocabulary and grammar relating to your daily experiences in and around Shanghai. The fast pace of the city will provide ample opportunities for you to engage in real-world situations. Each day after class, you will be divided into teams and challenged to complete activities as you immerse yourself in the community.

Curriculum Based

Live and study at East China Normal University. Complete four hours of language classes each morning, then spend your afternoons exploring and practicing Chinese through cultural engagement activities on the streets of Shanghai.

Days 7 – 9 Return to your class schedule and build upon the foundation you laid last week as you delve into more complex subject matter. Leverage your increasing comfort with the Chinese language and culture to make rapid progress in these last few days. Continue to explore Shanghai and the surrounding areas. Visit bird and flower markets; travel to vast urban parks; and partake in evening gong fu, tai ji, and cooking classes.

Day 10 After one last round of Shanghai dumplings, pack up, then it’s off to the airport! Say goodbye to your Rustic Pathways leaders, head through security, and board your flight home.




SPANISH LANGUAGE IMMERSION Learn Spanish in and out of the classroom with the support of your host family

9 days • $1,665 + airfare • 16 class hours • up to 24 students den, visiting a snake zoo, swimming in nearby waterfalls, and mountain biking through the jungle. Return to your host families for dinner each evening.

Day 1

Days 3 – 5

Day 6

Land in San José, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, drive to Turrialba, and have a program orientation.

After a family breakfast, attend four hour-long class periods with your Spanish teacher each morning. Focus on vocabulary and grammar related to the experiences you are having and your scheduled afternoon activities.

Spend one final morning in classes, then pick up any remaining souvenirs in town and return home for your last Costa Rican family dinner.

Day 2 Explore Turrialba, meet with the language school director for placement tests, have a walking tour to familiarize yourself with the city, then meet your new host family and get settled into your home for the week.

Each afternoon, enjoy lunch in town as a group, then set out to explore your surroundings with immersive activities such as touring a butterfly gar-

Days 7 & 8 Depart Turrialba for a two-day whitewater rafting adventure on the class IIIIV Pacuare River. Enjoy the spectacular scenery, adrenaline-pumping rapids, and picnic meals. Spend a night at a river lodge with plenty of time to explore natural pools and relax in the tranquil jungle surroundings. Complete your trip at the end of your second day, then return to San José for dinner.

Day 9 Say goodbye to your RP leaders, and head to the airport for your flight home.

Yendry Castro Costa Rica Program Manager With more than four years at Rustic Pathways, Yendry continues to share her passion for Costa Rica’s Tico culture with high school groups and Gap Year students alike. Students and RP staff members are instantly engaged by her boundless patience and energy.



Curriculum Based

Perfect for students at any Spanish level, this program offers a local homestay and 16 hours of class time as you enhance your linguistic ability and immerse in Costa Rica’s vibrant culture.


MARINE & ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Explore Fiji as you help to preserve its natural resources and unique ecosystems

8 days • $1,995 + airfare • 20 service hours • up to 20 students

Day 1 Land at Nadi airport, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, and settle into the South Pacific Eco-Lodge Base. Snorkel and relax on the beach, then meet with your marine instructors for an orientation on your week’s initiatives.

Day 2 Take a boat to the Yasawas, arrive at Naviti Island, and settle into your home for the next several days. Get oriented to the Fijian culture in this remote island village, then head out with a snorkel and fins for your first hours on the reef.

Days 3 – 5 Explore the marine reserve in the bay out-

side your home. Rustic Pathways leaders will work with you to create your project schedule, factoring in the weather conditions, tides, and objectives of the group. Time can be spent performing fish counts, creating coral gardens, planting mangroves, or searching for manta rays and other unusual ocean animals. After wrapping up your environmental initiatives each day, head out to explore your surroundings. Hike a mountain to watch the sun set, try your hand at night fishing with the villagers, head to nearby coves by ocean kayak, and enjoy a traditional Fijian meke dance. Spend your evenings with your neigh-

bors, playing with and tutoring school kids, learning traditional mat weaving from village women, and immersing in this unique culture. End each day with reflection and discussion on your experiences around a bonfire.

Day 6 Return to Momi Bay and the comfort of our South Pacific Eco-Lodge Base. Unwind by the pool and reflect on the contributions you’ve made to understanding Naviti Island’s reef ecosystem.

Day 7 Compare your observations from the Yasawas to islands off the Viti Levu coast. Relax, swim, snorkel, or body surf through this nearby island chain.

Day 8 After packing, head to the Nadi handicraft market for last-minute souvenirs, then the airport and home.

Aimee Gunn Fiji Program Manager Aimee’s appreciation of nature and passion for the outdoors led her to study natural resource conservation at the University of Florida. She grew up with sand between her toes on the beaches of southern Florida and finds solace in the sunshine and ocean. Aimee has extensive experience working with young adults through experiential education.



Curriculum Based

Learn about marine issues, volunteer with reef monitoring and recovery efforts, and immerse in local culture in the Yasawa Islands. Compare the marine life and coasts of this outlying chain with that of Fiji’s main island.


HIMALAYAN PHOTO EXPEDITION A photo and touring adventure through the Himalayan peaks of North India

12 days • $2,095 + airfare • up to 16 students

Days 1 & 2 Land in Delhi, and get to know the vibrant city around you with visits to historical sites, religious temples, and modern markets. Have a program orientation and plan your photographic goals for the upcoming days.

Days 3 & 4 Fly into the mountains and acclimate to the 3,350-meter altitude. Depart Delhi for Ladakh, the Land of High Mountain Passes, where the peaks reach the roof of the world. Spend your time in Leh, the capital of Ladakh, learning about sustainable development and religion in this historic city. Visit monasteries, laugh with monks, spin prayer wheels,

and capture your experiences with your lens. Activities throughout this program will be interspersed by photography lessons and critiques.

Day 5 Drive into the Rupsu Valley to explore Tso Moriri Lake, where the blue waters sparkle against the Himalayan landscape, and herds of goats roam the hills. The occasional fox, marmot, and kiang strike elegant poses against the mountains’ dramatic backdrop.

Days 6 – 8 Live in yurts and tents of the Changpa, gaining a unique insight into the lives of these nomadic people. Learn about

and photograph their ancient culture, and lend a hand with daily chores. Spend an evening recharging in Leh at the end of your two-day homestay.

Days 9 – 11 Return to the mountains. Stay first in Themisgam, home to a stunning ancient monastery. After absorbing and photographing the monastic way of life and stunning natural backdrop here, continue to Hemis, a neighboring hamlet. Spend your time in Hemis learning about the extremely rural culture, history, and daily activities here. After two nights in the villages, return to Leh for a hot shower, a feast of momos and curry, and a photo critique with your group.

Day 12 Fly to Delhi in the morning, then spend your final day in India shopping for gifts in the bustling markets. Have a final photo review, then head to the airport for an evening flight home.

Divya S. Parameshwaran India Country Manager A native of Kerala and an invaluable member of our RP India team, Divya earned her MBA with a focus on international tourism and has worked extensively in India’s tourism industry. Divya’s constant cheerful demeanor makes her extremely popular among Rustic Pathways students.



Curriculum Based

Join us for two weeks photographing the people and vistas of the Ladakhi plateau, one of the most beautiful and diverse places on earth. Learn about the linguistic, cultural, and religious history of the ethnically Tibetan region as you polish your photography skills through practice and critiques.

Rustic Pathways Groups is

ENGAGED We promote living in the present, creating dialogue around meaningful issues, and interacting with new ideas, people, places, and activities.


OUTBACK ABORIGINAL IMMERSION A challenging and adventurous service expedition to remote communities

14 days • $2,995 + airfare • 40 service hours • up to 18 students

Day 1 Land in Brisbane, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, and connect up to Darwin. Explore Mindil Beach markets and enjoy an ocean sunset.

Day 2

watch herds of horses on the plains, and relax around the bonfire as you spend the evening sharing stories under the brilliant starry skies.

Day 5

Travel into the Outback in 4x4s. Explore the dramatic sandstone cliffs and lush rainforest gullies in Nitmiluk National Park’s Katherine Gorge.

Venture into Kununurra and gain insight into the indigenous lifestyle. Meet with community leaders to learn about the various issues that children face in this region of Australia.

Day 3

Days 6 – 8

Journey across the Australian Outback, arriving in the evening at the Outback Wildlife Rehabilitation Ranch.

Dive into the Australian Outback community as you work with Aboriginal youth who lack stable provision from their families. Support the development of a school and assist students with their education. Live in the community and learn about this fascinating ancient culture firsthand.

Day 4 Immerse yourself in the true Outback Australian lifestyle. Help ranch hands with daily chores, hand-feed kangaroos,

Days 9 & 10 Assist a school with afternoon activity programming, and participate in an overnight camping experience with local Aboriginal kids. Learn from environmental experts about the alarming effects that invasive cane toads are having on Australia’s biodiversity.

Days 11 & 12 Head west to a cattle station in the Kimberley to learn how large-scale ranches operate. Explore El Questro Wilderness Park, which boasts picturesque waterfalls, billabongs, and hot springs. Spot wild crocs, and fish for barramundi.

Days 13 & 14 Explore the Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, then return to Darwin to purchase souvenirs and enjoy a final evening in the Outback before heading to the airport.

Chris Tuohy Australia Program Manager Chris joined Rustic Pathways in 2013 after graduating from Australia’s Griffith University. With his degrees in wildlife biology and ecotourism, Chris is a true Outback expert with a love for the Australian wilderness. Chris manages our remote programs in the Kimberley region where you can usually find him playing his guitar by a campfire or sleeping in a swag under the stars.



Local Immersion

Explore Australia’s northern frontier as you immerse into Aboriginal communities in this rugged land. Volunteer with local youth and gain familiarity with the country’s indigenous culture as you live and work in the Outback.


FLOATING VILLAGE SERVICE Experience the beauty of Cambodian river life and lend a hand to communities in need

10 days • $1,145 + airfare • 24 service hours • up to 16 students Hop aboard Rustic Pathways’ own Cambodian riverboat and witness extreme poverty and tremendous joy as you live and work in these rarely visited floating villages. Day 1

Day 3

Land in Phnom Penh, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, and dive into an introduction to your program.

Drive to Battambang. Ride on a bamboo train, buy last-minute supplies in the Lotus Market, and prepare for your journey into the waterways.

Day 2 Visit the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields so you can gain an understanding of Cambodia’s tumultuous past. Enjoy lunch in the Russian Market, then explore Wat Phnom, the city’s mountain temple.

Days 4 – 7 Cruise upriver on Rustic Pathways’ riverboat and immerse in a whole new way of life in the floating village communities you meet along the way. Get set up in homestays and spend your next

few days learning the ways of the river as you help your host family with their chores. The riverboat will serve as your classroom, art studio, game arcade, and dance floor for your teaching and service projects with the village kids.

Days 8 & 9 Boat across picturesque Tonle Sap lake, then on to Siem Reap. Explore the carved faces of Bayon and unwind with a massage. Visit Angkor Wat before dawn to capture the first rays of sunshine breaking over this internationally recognized architectural marvel, then relax in the shade at the Ta Prohm tree temple and explore the famous night market for souvenirs.

The Killing Fields, Siem Reap, and floating villages will fill your thoughts as you begin your journey home.

Yusos Sles Cambodia Program Manager Full of energy and always smiling, Yusos is always the first one to the project site and the last one to leave each day. Born in a village outside of Kampong Chhnang, Yusos is WFR certified, a talented athlete, a hard worker, and a caring soul. He is held in high regard by our students, teachers, and staff.



Local Immersion

Day 10


ISLAND LIVING & LATIN BEATS Hands-on work and environmental learning in the diverse island ecosystems

9 days • $1,295 + airfare • 15 service hours • up to 18 students Explore the Dominican Republic’s diverse mountain, lowland, and beach ecosystems as you learn about disparity in this nation, serve communities in need, conserve endangered natural environments, and swing to Latin beats.

Land in Santo Domingo and depart directly for Jarabacoa, a beautiful mountain town. Settle into your rooms, then gather for a program orientation.

Days 2 & 3 Gain familiarity with ecological initiatives in these mountain communities. Visit an organic macadamia farm, a butterfly conservatory, and fishing ponds. Learn about biodigesters, natural water filtration systems, and other environmentally friendly farming practices. Lend a hand to outlying villages with service work on an ongoing aqueduct project. Experience the magnificence of a protected local environment as you whitewater raft down Rio Yaque

del Norte. Return each evening to your ranch for dinner, a dip in the pool, pickup soccer, and group discussions.

Take a ferry across Samaná Bay. Arrive in Sabana de la Mar and head into Los Haitises National Park for a glimpse into the island’s most biodiverse region. Meet with park rangers who explain the importance of this nature reserve, take time to explore the islets, and then settle in for dinner around a bonfire.

Day 4

Day 8

Drive to Las Galeras, a laid-back coastal town on the Samaná Peninsula. Spend the afternoon enjoying the white sand beach and turquoise Caribbean water.

Return to Santo Domingo. Spend your afternoon exploring the city’s colonial zone, an UNESCO World Heritage site boasting the first cathedral, hospital, and university in the Americas. Purchase any last-minute souvenirs, then enjoy a traditional Dominican meal.

Days 5 & 6 Get your hands dirty on an organic farm as you learn about local food production, and how this has benefitted both the community’s health and its economy. Enjoy hiking and horseback riding in the coastal hills, stopping at hidden beaches to soak in the sun and take a dip in the waves.

Day 9 Board your flight home. Safe travels!

Local Immersion

Day 1

Day 7

Ben Welbourn Dominican Republic Program Manager Ben earned his degree in international relations from the College of Wooster in Ohio. After working with youth in various capacities he decided that his true passion lies in experiential education. Ben is fluent in Spanish and has a deep love for the cultures of the Dominican Republic. His infectious enthusiasm and boundless energy make him a favorite member of our team.




LAND OF THE INCAS Community service, cultural immersion, and adventure near Machu Picchu

13 days • $2,535 + airfare • 48 service hours • up to 18 students Work in a rural Sacred Valley community with local villagers on sustainable service initiatives addressing public health, education, and economic concerns. Explore the mountains around you and visit Machu Picchu. Become fully immersed in this ancient South American culture. Land in Lima, meet your RP leaders, connect to Cusco, and settle in to Pisac, located in the heart of the Sacred Valley.

Days 2 – 4 Visit Pisac’s colorful handicrafts market, then get set up in your Sacred Valley village. Spend three days working on sustainable village improvement projects. Design and build waste management systems, construct guinea pig hutches, or work with local children at underfunded schools. In the evenings, get to know your high-altitude surroundings, learn a few words of Quechua, and relax under the clear night sky.

Day 5 Whitewater raft down the Urubamba River in the morning, then bike along dirt paths in the surrounding mountains. Spend your night in the ancient Incan city of Ollantaytambo.

Days 6 – 8 Return to the village and continue your

project or shift your focus to a new initiative. Your time in the village will culminate with an inauguration ceremony, a traditional Incan meal, and dancing.

Days 9 & 10 Hike in the mountains and camp alongside the Urubamba River, then board a train for a ride under majestic Veronica Peak and up to Aguas Calientes. Spend an afternoon shopping in local markets, or hike to a nearby waterfall.

Day 11 Local Immersion

Day 1

Arrive at Machu Picchu in time to enjoy views of the morning mountain mist spread between the peaks. Explore the ruin complex and intricate stonework of this UNESCO World Heritage site.

Day 12 Return to Cusco and spend the day exploring the ancient capital city.

Day 13 Return to Lima for a celebration dinner before you catch your flight home.

Alex Ball Peru Country Manager Alex has been part of the Sacred Valley culture for years. After founding a non-profit in the region that increases indigenous Peruvian girls’ access to education, he joined Rustic Pathways as a full-time program leader. His dedication to our students and deep community ties make him integral to our Sacred Valley programs.



Rustic Pathways Groups is

HUMBLE We do not have all the answers; we are open to critique and dedicated to continual improvement.


CHILDREN OF THE HIGHLANDS Partake in a special initiative to strengthen education in the Fijian Highlands

8 days • $995 + airfare • 30 service hours • up to 40 students Lead enrichment programs for local kids, work to build school facilities, and live with local families in Nasivikoso, a traditional Fijian mountain village that has offered a home to Rustic Pathways students for more than 15 years. Day 1

Day 5

Meet your RP leaders, settle into the South Pacific Eco-Lodge Base, and unwind with the tropical waters and golden sands of Natadola Beach.

Apply your lessons from yesterday at a neighboring village’s elementary school, and learn what a typical school in the Nausori Highlands is like. Build on your observations with guided discussion and suggest best-practices to help forge Nasivikoso’s curriculum and infrastructure into a regional model.

Stop in Nadi for last-minute supplies, then drive to Nasivikoso village, deep in the Nausori Highlands. Partake in a sevusevu ceremony with the village chief, then get to know your host family.

Day 3 Meet with the village school committee to learn about the challenges local children face in getting an education. Dive into service as you work alongside the villagers to further ongoing construction projects at the village school.

Day 4 Break into small service teams. Plan lessons and lead English and arts projects at the village kindergarten, or continue to work on constructing school facilities. Take a break and hike to a waterfall for a swim and a picnic lunch.

Day 6 Return to your service projects around Nasivikoso, either in the village kindergarten or on construction projects on school grounds and around the village. Spend a final evening with your host family enjoying a village celebration.

Local Immersion

Day 2

Day 7 Head out of the mountains for lunch in Nadi, then spend your afternoon relaxing and reflecting at the Eco-Lodge or exploring a nearby beach.

Day 8 After packing, head to the Nadi handicraft market, then to the airport for goodbyes to your Rustic leaders.

Jone Nagodrolevu Highlands Base Manager Jone is a proud member of the Rustic Pathways Fijian family, having grown up around generations of our amazing students and staff. After graduating from Navosa Central College, Jone returned to Rustic to spread his energy and love for his village to all of our lucky students through continued service and ceaseless positive energy.




MALEKU INDIGENOUS IMMERSION Live and work in an indigenous community and discover its fascinating culture

8 days • $1,165 + airfare • 16 service hours • up to 24 students

Day 1 Land in San José, meet your RP leaders, and head out to Palenque Tonjibe to the indigenous Maleku reservation. Settle in and get acquainted with the village and your service projects.

Days 2 – 5 Provide service in and around Palenque Tonjibe. Work on a community build-

ing, plant a school garden, or help dig an irrigation system in the reservation’s communal space. When service is done for the day, explore your surroundings with your local hosts. Walk the mountain trails with village elders and learn about Maleku natural medicines and the threat posed to their culture by modern deforestation. Work on ecological initiatives like planting native trees,

collecting seeds, and participating in other rainforest rehabilitation efforts. Explore Tenorio National Park, relax in natural hot springs, hike to waterfalls, and swim in tranquil turquoise pools.

Day 6 Raft the class III-IV rapids of the wild Sarapiquí River, then spend a final evening on the Maleku reservation with pick-up soccer games and a celebration of the service you have accomplished.

Day 7 Enjoy a final Maleku breakfast with views of the Arenal jungle before packing up and heading back to San José.

Day 8 Say goodbye to your Rustic Pathways leaders, and depart San José for home.

Max Elizondo Maleku Program Manager Max brings a unique perspective to the Rustic family as a member of the Maleku tribe. The once-shy Max has been involved with our team since we first started working in his community, and has blossomed over time into one of our most outgoing staff members. He is currently working toward a degree in sustainable tourism, and loves to talk flora and fauna with students.



Local Immersion

Join the Maleku, an indigenous community in northern Costa Rica. Live in a traditional house, participate in ceremonies, learn about the medicinal uses of plants from the rainforest, and engage in service projects supporting the community. Experience the Maleku’s success in maintaining their culture through waves of westernization.


STICKY RICE SERVICE IMMERSION A combination of service, culture, and touring through Laos

8 days • $1,595 + airfare • 20 service hours • up to 16 students Immerse in a rural Laotian community with a village homestay. Contribute to service initiatives centering on infrastructure development, swim at Khuang Si Waterfall, ride elephants through the jungle, and cruise up the Mekong River.

Meet your leaders in the Bangkok airport, then connect directly to Luang Prabang. Settle in to your hotel, have a program orientation, then hike up Mount Phousi for sunset views over the winding Mekong River.

Day 2

English homework or join in a game of volleyball or soccer. You will also have time to explore your surroundings. Hike to a remote hillside cave, learn local songs and dances, and partake in a traditional Laotian string ceremony with your hosts.

Wake early to participate in a Buddhist alms-giving ceremony, then head into the countryside to your village home. Settle in to your homestay, meet with the village leaders to plan and understand your service projects, and begin to absorb this fascinating culture.

Day 6

Days 3 – 5

Get to know Luang Prabang. Visit the Laos Elephant Camp for a morning elephant ride, then journey by long-tail boat to mystical caves on the Mekong River. Swing through the market in the evening for any final souvenirs.

Spend each day working on your service project. Depending on the season and needs of your host village, you may repair classrooms, build bathrooms, regrade and pave roads, or help on a variety of other infrastructure initiatives. After a solid day of service, help the village children as they work on their

Say goodbye to your host families, then stop at Khuang Si Waterfall for an afternoon in the turquoise waters before returning to Luang Prabang for a hot shower and relaxing massage.

Local Immersion

Day 1

Day 7

Day 8 After a final French-Laotian breakfast, connect back to Bangkok and home.




OFF THE MAP: MONGOLIA An immersion into Mongolia’s nomadic culture and stunning landscape

8 days • $1,165 + airfare • 12 service hours • up to 36 students Enter the land of Genghis Khan as you travel back in time and across mountains and steppes on this immersive journey. Explore Mongolia’s stunning scenery and gain familiarity with the country’s ancient nomadic culture. Day 1 Land in Ulaanbaatar, where you will meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, have a program orientation, and recuperate from your long travel.

Day 2 Drive to Terelj National Park and settle in with a Mongolian host family. Stand

in awe of the giant statue of Genghis Khan, the most iconic symbol of this country’s history, and learn to appreciate the comforts of a fire-warmed ger.

Days 3 – 5 Begin your exploration of the vast Terelj National Park. Learn the basics of a nomadic lifestyle with a Mongolian horse-

back riding lesson and instruction in daily cultural activities. Spend your time practicing these skills as you engage in nomadic chores alongside your hosts. You will also explore the dramatic landscapes around you by both horse and foot. Enjoy your last meal on the Terelj Steppe with a Mongolian barbecue.

Day 6 Return to Ulaanbaatar and spend your afternoon engaging in service and cultural exchange at a local kindergarten. In the evening, you will enjoy a unique Mongolian cultural show and your first Western meal of the week.

Day 7 Deliver food and supplies to impoverished families on the outskirts of the city, visit Mongolia’s largest outdoor market for unique souvenirs and gifts, then take some time in the evening to process and discuss your experiences.

Day 8

Pushing Boundaries

Your departure day! Pack, return to the airport, and head home.




OFF THE MAP: GHANA An epic service adventure through the magical heart of Ghana

14 days • $1,695 + airfare • 20 service hours • up to 18 students Provide service in Ghana’s developing Upper East Region, then travel overland to tropical coastal beaches. Stop along the way to meet with local chiefs, swim beneath waterfalls, go on safari, tour slave castle ruins, and more.

Day 10 Continue your journey along the coast to the tranquil beaches between Cape Three Points and Busua. Jump in the waves and relax after your long journey.

Day 1

Days 6 & 7

Days 11 & 12

Land in Accra and meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, then have a program orientation over a traditional dinner.

Peruse a local crafts market, then arrive at Mole National Park, Ghana’s most popular wildlife viewing area. Partake in a walking safari, safely encountering elephants, crocodiles, warthogs, and other wildlife in their natural habitat. Between activities, hop in the hotel pool for a refreshing swim.

Relax on the beach and explore Cape Coast’s historic ruins. End your days with stunning sunsets and bonfires.

Fly north to Bolgatanga. Work with a literacy program for street kids, and help to improve the educational environment at a local school. Participate in a language and cultural exchange, structure games, and lead activities for local children. Spend evenings exploring the area and local markets.

Day 8 Swim at a waterfall, enjoy a picnic lunch, and arrive into Kumasi, heartland of the Ashanti Kingdom.

Day 5

Day 9

Visit a sacred crocodile pond and tour slave-trading outpost ruins in Paga, then get your game face on for a soccer match with a group of local players.

Support a local NGO in conducting outreach for street children in Kumasi. Search for exotic items on a scavenger hunt in West Africa’s largest outdoor market.

Day 13 Explore Kakum National Park from hanging bridges in the jungle canopy. Tour Cape Coast Castle, a sobering reminder of the transatlantic slave trade.

Day 14 Return to Accra. Seek out souvenirs in the arts and crafts market and head to the airport for your journey home.

Pushing Boundaries

Days 2 – 4

Moses Alhassan Ghana Program Manager Moses is entering his third year working with Rustic Pathways. He first developed a passion for introducing foreigners to Ghana as a young boy in Mole National Park, where his father is the longest serving park guide. Moses studied tourism operations in school and has deftly managed our in-country logistics since joining us in Ghana.



Rustic Pathways Groups is

ACCOUNTABLE We are accountable to our teachers and students, to the communities in which we work, and for our impact on society.


OFF THE MAP: BURMA An immersive adventure into the wild corners of Burma

15 days • $2,695 + airfare • up to 20 students Combine fascinating cultural discovery and exciting touring with the cultivation of deep friendships as you journey between villages, build bonds with local communities, and join Rustic Pathways to travel off the beaten path in Burma. Days 1 & 2

Day 5

Meet your Rustic Pathways leaders in Yangon. Explore the beautiful golden Shwedagon Pagoda, enjoy traditional Bamar food, and shop for longyis and thanaka paint in Scott Market.

Visit Mount Popa, one of Burma’s most significant spiritual sites. Climb to the mountain peak and pay your respects to the Burmese guardian spirits.

Days 3 & 4

Travel to Mandalay. Visit monks, meet Irrawaddy River boatmen, sample Shan food, and enjoy the fascinating history and stunning sunsets of this city.

Days 8 – 10 Drive into the mountains, entering the Shan state where the Tai Yai people live. Tour this region’s famous gardens, swim

Days 11 – 13 Return to Mandalay, then fly to Inle Lake. Travel by boat as you visit the small villages that dot this lake’s islands and steep banks. Stop at exotic outdoor markets, visit ancient monasteries, explore floating farmsteads, and spend an afternoon in Taunggyi, one of the last towns open to foreign visitors before the Burmese military blockade.

Days 14 & 15 Return to Yangon and reflect on the powerful experiences you had on this trip before packing your bags, heading to the airport, and saying goodbye to your Rustic Pathways leaders.

Pushing Boundaries

Connect inland to Bagan, known for the hundreds of temples dotting its plains. Take full advantage of our local network as you build friendships and explore the region alongside tea shop owners, teachers, students, boat drivers, goat herders, Buddhist monks, and a group of Burmese football players.

Days 6 & 7

in waterfalls, learn about the state’s military history, and explore surrounding hill tribe villages. Catch a glimpse of Burma’s military school as the officers in training frequent your same restaurants and tea shops. Wander among the Tai Yai markets collecting exotic souvenirs.

Myint Zaw Burma Country Manager Myint applies the same loving dedication he has for his family and native country to each of his programs. Fluent in English, French, and Burmese, Myint has a gentle, caring nature that is always present. It’s truly a delight to have him working alongside our students.





Experience the adventure of a lifetime with an expedition to the top of Africa

9 days

$3,995 + airfare

up to 12 students

Become one of the few climbers to reach the peak of mighty Mount Kilimanjaro on this exciting six-day trek. Day 1 Land at Kilimanjaro Airport, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders, and then drive to Arusha to settle in for an evening of orientation, acclimation, and rest.

Day 2 Visit a market in Arusha, sample some Tanzanian dishes, and learn about the importance of Mount Kilimanjaro. Meet with your mountain guides to review your gear and prepare for your climb.

Day 3 Meet with your mountain guides, drive

to Marangu Gate, and register with the Kilimanjaro National Park rangers. Gain nearly 1,525 meters in altitude as you trek into the rainforest to Mandara Hut.

Day 4 Trek past Maundi Crater and into open moorlands as you climb from 2,710 meters to Horombo Hut at 3,660 meters.

Day 5 Spend a second night at Horombo. Explore your surroundings, acclimate to the altitude, and gain your first clear views of towering Kilimanjaro.

Day 6 Climb to Kibo Saddle, a broad desert zone between Kibo and Mawenzi peaks. Achieve 4,725 meters of altitude, then rest up at Kibo Hut before your early morning summit.

Day 7 Depart Kibo Hut at midnight, climbing past Gilman’s Point (5,670 meters) to summit at Uhuru Peak (5,880 meters) in time for sunrise. You’ve made it! Rest up, then descend to Horombo Hut.

Day 8 Hike out to Marangu Gate, where you will receive your certificate of accomplishment. Return to Arusha for some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Day 9

Pushing Boundaries

Shop, say goodbye to your RP leaders, and head home full of stories.




COSTA RICA NATURAL WONDERS Work and play in a beautiful beach community, and explore the jungles around you

10 days • $2,395 + airfare • 20 service hours • up to 20 students Explore Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, learn to surf, and provide service in Bahia Ballena. Then head inland for jungle hikes, waterfall rappeling, animal spotting, and whitewater rafting in the vibrant and diverse Costa Rican rainforest. Day 1 Meet your Rustic Pathways leaders at the airport, and head to Bahia Ballena on Costa Rica’s southern Pacific coast.

on the beach, play soccer with local kids, hike in the oceanside rainforest, go animal spotting with your leaders, or simply relax and soak in the sunset.

Days 2 – 5

Day 6

Enjoy an early morning surf lesson each day, then head to your service site, where you will work on community development projects, teach and lead activities in the local school, and contribute to rainforest conservation efforts alongside rangers in Uvita National Park. In the evenings, take a yoga class

Take a boat trip to Ballena Island. Spot whales and dolphins, snorkel along the reef, and enjoy a beach barbecue.

Day 7 Depart Bahia Ballena, hiking inland through primary and secondary rainforest. Rappel down a 30-meter waterfall

to The Cave, a natural cavern outfitted with modern conveniences, and spend the night listening to crashing waters.

Day 8 Continue hiking through the rainforest, keeping an eye out for toucans, monkeys, and sloths. Head to Turrialba in the evening for a hearty meal.

Day 9 Raft the class III-IV rapids of the beautiful Pacuare River, known for its striking canyon walls and jungle overgrowth. Spend your evening in Turrialba with a reflection on your program.

Day 10 Return to San José and board your plane for home. Pura vida!

Mauricio Carazo A former river guide and photographer who hails from the hills of Turrialba, Mauricio is a great asset to our Costa Rica team. With a degree in business management and tourism and a fervent passion for mountain biking and kayaking, he provides invaluable insight into the logistics and safety of our adventure and surf programs.



Cultural Exploration

Costa Rica Program Manager


MOROCCAN WANDERER Journey across the mighty desert, over the mountains, and down to the sea

9 days • $1,495 + airfare • 18 service hours • up to 18 students Immerse yourself in the colors, sounds, and smells of Morocco. Provide service to a small mountain community, ride camels under the stars in the Sahara, and explore the golden kasbah of Ait Benhaddou, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

depart the desert for a day of hiking in the rugged Todgha Gorge. Explore the stunning limestone cliffs and ancient Moroccan architecture, then return to your hotel for a delicious tagine dinner.

Day 1

Days 5 – 7

Land in Casablanca and meet your Rustic leaders. Visit the Hassan II Mosque and wander through the city’s art deco region, then fly to Ouarzazate, gateway to the Sahara. Spend your night in a riad (courtyard hotel) in Ait Benhaddou.

Day 2 Explore the golden kasbah of famous Ait Benhaddou on a scavenger hunt through the overflowing markets this

morning, then drive to Dadès Gorge. Hike to the river for dinner.

Day 3 Head into the Sahara for a night in a Bedouin camp. Ride a camel along iconic sand dunes at sunset, enjoy cool tea and Berber cuisine with your hosts, and sleep under the stars.

Day 4 Photograph the Sahara at sunrise, then

Drive to Tighza Valley, where you will settle in with your host families. Spend your next few days contributing to a service initiative focusing on infrastructure development. Work on an irrigation project connecting aqueducts to the community’s farmland. Gather as a group over meals to discuss your project and homestay experiences.

Day 8 Journey across the peaks of the High Atlas Mountains to Marrakech. Explore the sights and sounds of this bustling market, bargain, and buy souvenirs.

Day 9 Catch a train back to Casablanca and begin your travels home.

Morocco Country Manager Born and raised in Marrakech, Chaima is an invaluable resource and guide for our North African programs. She combines her fluency in four languages with her love of sharing the vibrant Moroccan culture to make the perfect Rustic Pathways program leader.



Cultural Exploration

Chaima Ait El Mekki

Rustic Pathways Groups is



NAMASTE INDIA Head off the beaten path for the ultimate India experience

14 days • $1,695 + airfare • up to 24 students Experience India using all your senses. Explore Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur in North India, then connect to Kerala on the southwest coast. Namaste India focuses on major historic sites as well as local arts, crafts, cuisines, and languages.

your time on the southern coast with a mock Onam Festival, welcoming the gods to Kerala by dressing in traditional clothing and creating vibrant patterns of fresh flowers on the boat decks.

Days 1 & 2

Days 11 & 12

Spend your first days in India getting to know the capital. Discover New Delhi’s markets and become familiar with the Hindu gods and goddesses with a scavenger hunt. Learn about Gandhi, explore Sikhism at the Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, and visit India Gate.

Day 3 Head north for a day in Agra. Learn about Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, then explore his famous contribution to Indian architecture, the Taj Mahal.

Days 4 – 6 Continue on to the Pink City of Jaipur. Ride elephants to the Amber Fort and visit a lac workshop to learn how local

artisans make the famous bangles. Partake in a Rajasthani cooking class, then get a customized mehandi design and learn the traditional Ghoomar dance.

Days 7 & 8 Depart Northern India for Kerala, India’s tropical paradise. Stay in historic Fort Cochin, visit the centuries-old Jewish Synagogue, learn a handful of words in Malayalam, be enthralled by a Kathakali dance performance, and watch the sun set from a cruise on the Arabian Sea.

Days 9 & 10 Hop aboard a traditional Ketuvallam houseboat on Vembanad Lake. Fish for your dinner, swim in the lake, and compete in a canoe race. Conclude

Head inland to Munnar. Once the colonial British government’s summer resort, Munnar is famous for being one of India’s most beautiful tea plantations. Learn the history of growing and making tea, visit nearby tribal colonies and learn about their cultures. End your evenings sampling local dishes around a bonfire and watching a Kalaripayattu martial arts demonstration.

Days 13 & 14 Return to New Delhi after a stop in the Cochin spice markets. Spend your last day in the capital picking up some final souvenirs, relaxing, and reflecting on your experiences before heading to the airport for your flight home.

Sunny Singh Deora Sunny comes to us with a degree in tourism management. Sunny is a constant source of energy and excitement for RP students in India, and is always ready to teach about his native state of Rajasthan. He’s a fan of Indian folk music and a star cricket player. If you’re lucky, he’ll teach you how to swing for sixes!



Cultural Exploration

India Country Manager


CITIES & CULTURES OF SPAIN Experience Spain’s rich culture as you tour some of its most striking sites

9 days

$2,435 + airfare

up to 20 students

Discover Spain’s multi-faceted history and culture. Get to know Madrid and Barcelona through their artists, buildings, dances, and markets, and explore out-of-the-way towns as you gain an appreciation for the many cultures present in Spain. Day 1 Arrive in Madrid and head to Kilometre Zero, the nexus of all the roads in Spain. Visit Plaza Mayor, meander through the winding alleys, swing through the Barrio de la Latina and Plaza de España, then stop in the Reina Sofia Museum.

Família and Parc Güell, check out the Barcelona Cathedral, try your hand at bartering on Las Ramblas, and explore the Museu de la Xocolata, where your entrance ticket is a bar of chocolate. Enjoy local food and a flamenco performance in the evening.

Day 2

Day 7

Continue exploring Madrid. Start at the Palacio Real and learn about Spain’s royal history, enjoy a picnic lunch in Buen Retiro Park, then spend your afternoon exploring the Prado Museum.

Depart Barcelona’s bustle for Figueres, the childhood home of Salvador Dalí. Visit the artist’s self-designed museum, Teatre-Museu Dalí, then enjoy a picnic lunch by Castell de Sant Ferran, famous for its unique pentagonal shape.

Day 3 Take the train to Toledo to see the medieval castle of San Servando, the Alcázar, and the Puerta de Bisagra. After viewing El Greco’s most significant paintings, return to Madrid.

Days 4 – 6 Stop in Zaragoza to learn about the city’s immense history, then continue on to Barcelona. Become familiar with Gaudí’s work with visits to the Sagrada

Day 8 Visit the Columbus Monument by the bay, then take in the Museu Picasso, displaying more than 3,500 of the artist’s works. Picnic at the site of the 1992 Summer Olympics, then return to the train station to connect back to Madrid.

Day 9 Head to the Madrid airport and begin your journey home. Hasta luego!

Oliver Rodriguez Pearson Agent Recruitment Coordinator

Cultural Exploration

Oliver grew up in Madrid and attended universities in both Spain and the U.K. Oliver founded Rustic Pathways’ operations in Spain and is passionate about shaping the lives of future leaders and sharing the little-known intricacies of this popular country. Oliver now works to recruit students from across the globe, but is always excited for an excuse to lead one of his programs again. 1.800.321.4353



YOUNG EXPLORERS The ultimate combination of service and adventure for the young traveler

10 days • $1,895 + airfare • 12 service hours • up to 16 students Explore Costa Rica at a pace specifically designed for middle school students. Provide service at elementary schools, take advantage of the natural beauty and adventure activities this country has to offer, and relax on picturesque beaches.

exciting rapids as you raft down the Sarapiquí River, then settle into the Maleku reservation and the culture developed over centuries in the rainforest.

Day 7 Day 1 Land in San José, meet your Rustic Pathways leaders at the airport, enjoy a delicious Costa Rican meal, and settle in to your room for the night.

Days 2 – 4 Drive to El Castillo village near Arenal Volcano. Work on small-scale commu-

nity service projects at a local elementary school, play pick-up soccer, hike to waterfalls, swim in streams, tour Lake Arenal by boat, zip line in the jungle canopy, learn Latin dance moves, and partake in team-building activities.

Days 5 & 6 Enjoy a day of exotic jungle views and

Drive to Guanacaste and get settled into the sabanero cowboy culture of Costa Rica’s south Pacific coast.

Days 8 & 9 Head to the beach for days of surf lessons, sea kayaking, and soccer in the sand. Students will be invited to take ownership of the group’s schedule while in this stunning setting.

Day 10 Enjoy one last breakfast of gallo pinto, then pack up and head to the airport for your flight home.

Andres Zuniga A native of Turrialba, Andres has a master’s degree in environmental management and eco-tourism which he combines with his passion for community service and fútbol to enthusiastically lead Rustic Pathways programs. Andres enjoyed a successful soccer career at the University of Costa Rica and is always looking for a friendly match!



Cultural Exploration

Costa Rica Program Manager

O K... S O W H AT ' S N E XT? Booking a trip for you and your students should be fast, easy, and fun. Now that you’ve browsed through our programs, follow the simple steps detailed below and you’ll soon be on your way. 1

Talk with Our Staff Pick up the phone, send us an email, or submit a contact request on our website. Whichever method you choose, we at Rustic Pathways Groups are ready to help you sort through the options to find your perfect trip!


Choose Your Itinerary Whether you want an exact replica of an itinerary you discovered in these pages or you want something completely unique, your personal program coordinator at Rustic Pathways will help you customize a trip that perfectly matches your needs.


Recruit Your Students Your program coordinator will provide you with exciting and interactive materials to further educate your students and their families about your trip. We will also be happy to host an orientation night at your school for interested families, and are always available to field any questions.


Take Off! Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Take off!



Important Information


Program Payments

This catalog provides a brief summary of some of the 2014 group travel programs (“the programs”) offered by Rustic Pathways Australia (USA), Inc. (“Rustic Pathways”), a tour promoter based in the state of Ohio. Each itinerary contained herein is a sample of a Rustic Pathways Groups program. Each program itinerary, group size, dates, service or class hours, and price will be customized to fit each unique group.

Program payments will be organized with group leaders to consider their unique schedule. Our typical payment plan has an initial deposit due at the time of student enrollment, with the balance due in full to Rustic Pathways no later than 60 days prior to the program start date.

All program participants and their parents and/or legal guardians (collectively “the participants”) are required to read, sign, comply with, and abide by a comprehensive Statement of Terms and Conditions and various waivers and liability limitations that govern and regulate participation in the programs. Rustic Pathways will furnish these various materials.

Rustic Pathways Waivers and Medical Forms Once participants are accepted into a Rustic Pathways program, they will be responsible for correctly completing all required waivers and medical forms prior to departure. The waivers and medical forms will be provided, and will be due to Rustic Pathways no later than 60 days prior to the program start date. Immigration Costs

All travel can be dangerous, and adventure travel to the more remote areas of the world poses unique risks. Rustic Pathways insists that all participants and potential participants seriously consider the dangers of any program undertaken. Participants should not apply for or participate in any Rustic Pathways program if they are unwilling to accept any and all of the potential risks and dangers such a program could pose. The number of days listed in each itinerary reflects time on the ground, not including travel time to and from the program. We reserve the right to alter program itineraries before and during the trip, with no notice and at the sole discretion of Rustic Pathways employees, if the environmental, social, political, or economic situation in the country of travel dictates such action. International travel to and domestic travel within overseas destinations will be on several airlines (“the airlines”). No airline by virtue of its endorsement in this brochure represents itself as contracting with any purchaser of the programs. The airlines are not responsible for any act, omission, or events during the time passengers are not on board their planes or conveyance. The passage contract in use by the airlines, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the airlines and the participant.



The participant will be responsible for any immigration costs, including but not limited to airline, airport, arrival, and departure taxes or fees; passport costs; and visa costs unless clearly stated on the invoice. Taxes, Airline Fees, and Surcharges Quoted flight costs are subject to change without notice pending fare, tax, and surcharge fluctuation up until tickets have been purchased in full. Participants will bear responsibility for any increase in these costs. International Exchange Rates The majority of Rustic Pathways’ programs operate outside the United States and are paid for in local currency. Should the value of the U.S. dollar change, we reserve the right to increase our program price in proportion with the U.S. dollar value change. Refunds and Cancellation Penalties We reserve the right to cancel, alter, reschedule, or amend all programs offered at any time. If a trip is cancelled by Rustic Pathways, all or a portion of the participant’s payment will be refunded, pending the cancellation date. If the participant cancels, it may result in a penalty of up to 75 percent of the program tuition, depending on date of cancellation. Verbal notice will not serve as valid cancellation notification.



1.800.321.4353 1.440.975.9691 PRINTED IN THAILAND

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