Mumbai has a deeply-ingrained work
culture, a thriving cosmopolitan and a
multi-cultural city. Multiple work cultures
have organically grown causing continuous
expansion leading a group of individuals
to a common goal forming their own
work “communities”
These communities either thrive, survive
or decline. They thrive if they are enterprising ,
decline when the demand falls .
The work culture of Bombay is ever-changing ,
demanding and burgeoning, forming a chain of
products and people.
While talking about future prospects of the areas
which currently have poor connectivity, work environements
that could decline due to lack of technology and a healthy
working environment is required
There is a great scope of improvement in the
accessibility,integration with the city and a
futuristic approach using technology.
Comparing the establishment and growth of
certain “work communities” and flourished due
to their abilities of enterprising.