Rutgers WPF magazine 2012 English

Page 1


UNITE FOR BODY RIGHTS Research Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Netherlands GROUND-BREAKING UN RESOLUTIon PASSED THE paper doll CAMPAIGN

“The ds: lan er h Net del for ” mo tices c pra ldman – good a Ve Diand –


What happened in 2012?


International Programme of the SRHR alliance


news in brief

Unite for Body Rights

ground-breaking un resolution passed Advocacy officer Hilde Kroes


Promotion of the Female Condom


The main results


The story of our field office


Dutch Rapper became ambassador


“Young people should be able to celebrate life”


the Paper doll campaign

survey: facts and figures

successes in vietnam


Bollebof on the lovebuzz

passion for rutgers wpf

The Netherlands: a model for good practices in reproductive health Interview with Dianda Veldman

FURTHERMORE: Kenya and Indonesia in turnaround • Column prof. dr. Paul Schnabel • Behind the scenes • Sexuality voting guide • Financial review of the year • Thanks to our donors



RUTGERS WPF magazine


Preface In terms of sexual and reproductive health, the Netherlands is performing well, although there are potential areas for improvement. This is according to the research results published by Rutgers WPF in 2012. Most young people and adults enjoy sex and are satisfied with their sex lives. And there is more good news: on 1 December 2012, sexuality education was included as one of the core objectives for education in the Netherlands. From now on, it will be compulsory for schools to devote time to the issue of sexual development and relationships.


For Rutgers WPF, 2012 was a dynamic year, as this annual overview shows. It was a year of expansion, renewal and campaigning. We attracted media attention with our Paper Doll campaign: an exhibition in the Dutch House of Representatives on the subject of the female condom. Just one month before the national parliamentary elections, our so called Sexuality Voting Guide was launched. One of the highlights of 2012 was the ground-breaking resolution passed by the United Nations on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people.

10 Colofon Š Rutgers WPF, July 2013 Postbus 9022 / 3506 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands Address: Oudenoord 176-178 / 3513 EV Utrecht, The Netherlands / T +31 (0)30 231 34 31 / F +31 (0)30 231 93 87 / office@rutgerswpf. nl / Photography/illustrations: Noor Bloem / FUNCKE communication & design / iStockphoto / Leonie van de Mortel / Nationale Beeldbank / Guus Schoonewille / Danya Smith / Merijn Soeters / SRHR Alliance Uganda / Studio Noord / / Michiel Wijnbergh /

For Rutgers WPF, 2012 was a very intensive year. We successfully reached out to young people and their teachers with programmes on reproductive health. One of the keys to our success is the fact that Rutgers WPF always works closely with partner organisations and that we adapt our programmes to suit local circumstances. What about 2013? The year 2013 promises to be one of continuation and upscaling. We aim to reach out to more people and raise even more awareness among professionals in education, care and other institutions. It was 130 years ago that Johannes Rutgers first became a pioneer in sexual education. The time has now come to ensure that the excellent results in the field of sexuality education become permanent. The ultimate aim in this is to achieve enjoyable, safe and consensual sex for everyone. â—? Do you have any comments about this magazine? If so, please send an e-mail to

With contributions from: Tekstburo Gort / Aik Meeuse / Prof. Paul Schnabel Design: Niels Luigjes This is the public version of the Rutgers WPF annual overview of 2012. If you would like to read the complete and official English-language annual report, please send an e-mail to



News in brief Trainers Manual Training for young people to conduct qualitative research on young people’s sexuality and youth friendly SRH services

Computer programme




The World Starts With Me (WSWM)

do they match?

Spring Fever

Young people in Malawi and Bangladesh are now joining forces as researchers in setting up and conducting research into reproductive health and relationships. This is all thanks to the power of ‘Do they match?’, a Rutgers WPF and IPPF research project. After all, who understands what motivates and interests young people better than the young people themselves? In 2012, the Explore Toolkit was launched with guidance and instructions for involving young people in research, monitoring and evaluation. The young researchers learn to identify the problems faced by young people and conduct research on sexual and reproductive health. In other words, they are involved in the development and implementation of the entire research cycle.

In 2012, the series of lessons on Relationships & Sexuality (originally Relaties & Seksualiteit) was translated into English. Our English colleagues are enthusiastic about these primary-education resources and have adopted them in their entirety. They have also decided to adopt the ‘Spring Fever Week’ concept. In 2013, a pilot is being launched at one primary school. Coventry University will evaluate it. In 2014, fifteen primary schools in England will begin to use the resources.

Knotting hankies in the Dutch parliament

WSWM is a computer programme used to provide comprehensive sexuality education to young people in Uganda, Kenya, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. In 2012, Rutgers WPF also ran WSWM training courses in Pakistan, Papua, Ethiopia and Ghana. In Uganda, there were also training courses in 2012 for the WSWM+ version: sexual education for young people who are HIVpositive. In 2013, Rutgers WPF is establishing WSWM programmes in Bangladesh, Malawi and the 10th country Zambia, all adapted to suit local culture.


RUTGERS WPF magazine

On Thursday, 24 May 2012, the SRHR Alliance’s colourful exhibition entitled ‘Unite for Body Rights’ opened in the Dutch House of Representatives building. Rutgers WPF is the leading party in the SRHR Alliance. The exhibition showed why sexual and reproductive health and rights are so important: they increase knowledge of and access to sexual and reproductive healthcare, reduce maternal mortality and HIV/AIDS and ensure that young people and women have better rights concerning their own reproductive health/lives. Columnist Marcel Duyvestijn emphasised this by reminding everyone of the importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights in a contribution of his own. Members of the Dutch House of Representatives were given knotted handkerchiefs to remind them of this important message.

News in brief





At last: core objectives

No or Go

On 1 December 2012, the core objectives for Dutch education were updated. For the first time ever, sexuality and sexual diversity are explicitly included in the core objectives for primary education, the lower years of secondary education and special education. This is the culmination of years of advocating for sexuality to be included within the core objectives. The change will now make it compulsory for schools to devote time to the issue of sexual development and relationships.

What do you do if you are standing at a bar and someone touches your bottom? Or if your date goes too far too quickly? On 20 November 2012, the online game No or Go for young people aged 14 to 16 was launched at the Tabor College in Hoorn. The aim of the game is to enable young people to deal effectively with inappropriate sexual behaviour. After creating a short profile about your gender, age and sexual preference, you make your way through the game represented by your own avatar. Whenever you make a choice, you receive feedback about how effective it is. At the end of the game, you find out the type of person you are, the situations in which you are vulnerable and what you could have done differently. Research shows that all young people consider it to be unacceptable if they are forced to engage in sexual acts. However, they appear to consider certain types of inappropriate behaviour, such as unwanted touching, to be a normal part of what happens. Rutgers WPF and STI AIDS Netherlands aim to use the game as a positive way of showing young people how to express their desires and their boundaries. The online game No or Go is part of ‘Speakeasy on sex’ (Maak seks lekker duidelijk).

Sexual aggression against young people

Johannes Rutgers Lecture

In 2012, Rutgers WPF prepared for the international conference ‘Acting against Youth Sexual Aggression and Victimization in Europe’. Sexual aggression and inappropriate behaviour is relatively common among young Europeans between the ages of 12 and 25. Recent research conducted by Rutgers WPF has revealed that 31% of girls and young women and 11% of boys and young men in the Netherlands have experienced sexual aggression. During the conference in the spring of 2013, researchers, policymakers and people working in the field hope to learn from each other and reach concrete agreements on tackling the problem.

Why is it that men enjoy sex more than women? Sexual psychologist Ellen Laan explored the issue during the Johannes Rutgers Lecture on 28 September 2012. It was the second time that Rutgers WPF had organised this lecture for its associates. According to Laan, too much emphasis is placed on coitus as the objective of sex. It is often claimed that a vaginal orgasm is the only adult orgasm: but only 30% of women can achieve them. Laan: “If you look at female genital anatomy, every female orgasm is clitoral. There is no such thing as a vaginal orgasm. The ‘glans clitoris’ is actually much larger than the tip alone: it is a powerful organ in itself.” Laan concluded that the importance we place on coitus puts women at a disadvantage.




UNITE FOR BODY RIGHTS 2012 was the second year in which Rutgers WPF worked together with four other organisations on the international programme Unite for Body Rights. The programme is being run in nine countries in Africa and Asia between 2011 and 2015. Its aim is to achieve better sexual and reproductive rights for young people and for women. What approach are the five organisations the SRHR Alliance – adopting to achieve this? Marijke Priester, programme coordinator: “We are working with partner organisations that offer a total package and supporting them through training courses. They start by providing sexual education at schools, but also outside school in youth centres or out in the open. The real questions and needs do not emerge until the young people and women have been given the information. They then make the connection between the education at schools and access to healthcare. With our support, they train the healthcare workers to provide sexual information themselves along with other services that promote sexual and reproductive health. We are already seeing the effects! Schools are referring people to the healthcare centres. Healthcare workers are now better able to provide information, especially to young people. The young people themselves also now know where they need to go. The third part of the programme involves activities designed to raise understanding in the community or in government on dealing effectively with sexual and reproductive rights. For example, we


RUTGERS WPF magazine

are training the partner organisations on how to broach difficult subjects such as abortion and sexual diversity.”

Facts and figures • The programme involves collaboration with more than 50 local organisations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Pakistan. Rutgers WPF is the leading party for the programme. • The programme has a total budget of €45 million for a five-year period (2011-2015). • In 2012, more than €8.5 million was spent, of which €4.3 million came from Rutgers WPF. • In 2012, 35 sexual education programmes were improved. • Almost 6,000 trainers were trained to provide sexual education. • Around 550,000 young people, women and men were given information on sexual and reproductive health. • More than 10,000 health workers were trained to give sexual education.

• There were more than 450,000 consultations on sexual and reproductive health involving young people and adults. • Messages about sexual and reproductive health reached more than 7 million people through traditional and social media.

Five alliance partners The main advantage of this programme is that the five organisations, each of which works with its own partner organisations in the nine countries, combine both their positive qualities and their networks of contacts. “For example, Rutgers WPF has a lot of knowledge on sexual education, AMREF is good when it comes to providing access to healthcare in Africa and dance4life has an unparalleled ability to mobilise young people on the issue of reproductive health. Simavi has long-term experience in healthcare work in communities in the poorest and least accessible places in the world and CHOICE knows how to ensure that young people’s voices are heard loud and clear. All of this is important because education and healthcare for young people can only be effective if they themselves are actively involved in making it happen.” ●


Kenya and Indonesia in turnaround On 17 July 2012, Rutgers WPF and dance4life completed the learning project entitled Mainstreaming Sexual Diversity. During a nine-month period, partner organisations in Kenya and Indonesia were given information and training courses on sexual diversity. Both these organisations cooperate closely as part of the SRHR Alliance. The final meeting was attended by organisations from the four other alliance countries in Africa (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi), increasing the scope of the project far beyond these two countries. The result? “A complete turnaround from homophobia to widespread acceptance.” So what is the best method for convincing partner organisations that their programmes should also be available for gay, lesbian and transgender people? According to Jo Reinders of Rutgers WPF, it is all about the personal convictions of the people from the country itself. “That was what was most impressive during the closing conference. People explained that they had originally not wanted to sit next to gay and transgender delegates. They literally said: ‘I want to know where they are because then I will sit somewhere else’. During the closing conference the very same people said that they had undergone a 180-degree turnaround. ‘If I have rights, then so do they’, people said. And: ‘It is not up to us to judge them, only God can do that’. These kinds of testimonies can make a real difference. They genuinely touched the

other participants. They also showed that programmes must also focus on what gay, lesbian and transgender people need and on accepting and celebrating sexual diversity.”

Homophobia Jo Reinders looks back with some satisfaction at the project designed to show how sexual diversity can be integrated in the programmes and policy of partner organisations. “We were able to

“If I have rights, then so do they” convince the staff that it is important for them themselves to give information about sexual diversity. And that by doing so, they are helping to increase access to healthcare and to develop policy that protects gay, lesbian and transgender people and accords them the same rights and opportunities as anyone else. Especially in Kenya, the staff have undergone an enormous

development: from an attitude of complete homophobia to widespread acceptance.”

Narrow-minded As part of this project, Rutgers WPF and dance4life worked closely with local gay, lesbian and transgender organisations. Their aim was to ensure that the partners integrate sexual diversity into their programmes, policy and lobbying. They did this step-by-step by training key people within organisations, known as the ‘changemakers’, and through consultations with management on short and long-term strategies. “It is now a question of putting plans into action by working with these partner organisations with their new internal attitude and policy to liberate the outside world from narrow-minded thinking. And by having them accept that loving someone different is about something much greater and bigger than merely being limited by laws and standards based on gender identity.” ●



column paul schnabel

The Netherlands has reasons to be proud On 26 April 2012, I was at a conference on the subject of young people and sexual health, (Seksuele gezondheid van de jeugd). It struck me then that young people in the Netherlands generally deal effectively with sexuality. They are able to talk about it and are very open on the subject. Most young people are also very reasonable and do not let things go to their heads. It also appears that young people have remarkably little insecurity when it comes to their sexual behaviour from quite an early age. The use of effective contraception has also become something that is now taken for granted. As many as 75% of girls and young women use the pill. Viewed internationally, that figure is quite exceptional. There are very few teenage pregnancies here, few abortions and very few teenage mothers. That is definitely the case for the indigenous Dutch girls; the picture is slightly less favourable for girls from ethnic minorities. This is also due to the attitude of their parents. Talking


RUTGERS WPF magazine

about sexuality and contraception is often a taboo subject at home, especially in Turkish and Moroccan families. This is absolutely the case if a young person discovers they are homosexual. It can also be a problem for young people of Dutch parentage, but in most cases their parents actually do not see it as an issue. Nevertheless, however open

and far too many young people contract STIs. After all, the pill offers no protection against sexually transmitted infections. A new phenomenon involves young people sometimes being photographed in intimate positions and then running the risk of the photograph being published on the Internet. The world of politics is now begin-

As many as 75% of girls and young women use the pill. Viewed internationally, that figure is quite exceptional. young people and their parents may be, there is often some reluctance to discuss these matters. Children do not wish to think about the parents’ sexuality and most parents also respect their children’s privacy and freedom in this area. But not everything in the garden is rosy. Many people’s first sexual experience may be disappointing, unwanted pregnancies still happen

ning to focus on the use of drugs and alcohol by young people. This is also directly related to the promotion of sexual health, since alcohol, cannabis and other drugs can reduce inhibitions. The same applies to the sexual photographs on the Internet. They are risks that must be brought to the attention of young people. There is a key role here for schools and local health-

care services. And there is a need for good interactive websites offering a lot of information. We need to send out the message again every year for every new cohort and continue to repeat it. The Netherlands can be proud about its practice of sensible freedom when it comes to sexuality. Research has shown this but has also revealed that it is not always the case. Good education and information as well as proper and easy access to contraceptives should be something to be taken for granted. ●

On 26 April 2012, Prof. Paul Schnabel, sociologist and former director of the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP), addressed the conference ‘Seksuele gezondheid van de jeugd’, organised by ZonMw (Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development) on the research conducted by Rutgers WPF: ‘Seks onder je 25e’(Sex under 25).


Ground-breaking UN resolution IS PASSED Hilde Kroes is an advocacy officer at Rutgers WPF. In 2012, she was partly responsible for the UN’s adoption of a ground-breaking resolution on sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people. The best moment of 2012? For Hilde Kroes, it was the moment when the UN chairperson hit his gavel on the table. It was 27 April 2012 and Hilde was in a conference hall in New York among more than 300 people. “It was a very moving moment,” explains Hilde. “With that move of the gavel, the UN resolution on young people and their sexual and reproductive health and rights was passed. There was a standing ovation. It was only then that I realised that this was the culmination of a truly extraordinary year.”

Google groUp What does an advocacy officer for Rutgers WPF do? “In the case of these kinds of major UN processes, it is important to have as many people from different countries on board as possible. Ultimately, their government represents a seat in the UN. I started by posting an appeal in a private

Google group and 150 people responded to it from across the world. We set up a new group with the aim of achieving a progressive resolution that does justice to the sexual and reproductive rights of young people.”

Vatican It proved effective: on 27 April 2012, the resolution was passed. It is now official UN policy for young people worldwide to have access to sexual education, contraception and proper facilities for pregnancy and childbirth. Hilde made an active contribution to achieving this. “The Dutch government asked me to join the negotiations as a consultant. That was great! As an advocacy officer, you spend a lot of your time waiting in corridors: now I was actually at the table. We spent more than a week negotiating virtually non-stop. It was like a big game of chess. It was world

politics in microcosm: countries either opposing or supporting each other. It was interesting to see countries such as South Africa, Zambia and Uruguay also advocating hard for the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people. Meanwhile, the Vatican did all it could to prevent these rights being recognised.”

Resolution passed Right until the very last moment, it was touchand-go as to whether a progressive resolution would be successfully passed. “The length of it had already grown from 7 to 32 pages. On Thursday, the chairman said: let’s sleep on it for a night. During the evening, he worked on the text until he had something with which everyone could agree. On Friday, he read the text aloud. It was then that I realised that it had become a very progressive resolution including just what we wanted, such as the right to sexual education. After the presentation in the plenary hall, we spent another hour around the negotiation table. And then… I could hardly believe it. He brought down the gavel and the resolution was passed!” ●

Viva Award FOR Hilde Kroes “It’s great that VIVA has picked up on this,” responded advocacy officer Hilde Kroes to the news that the Women’s Magazine VIVA had included her in the list of 400 successful young women. VIVA nominated Hilde in the ‘smart’ category because of her advocacy work for the UN resolution on young people and sexuality. She secured the award on 27 November 2012. “It is a great honour, especially since this work goes on behind the scenes and our theme – sexual and reproductive health and rights – is now being brought to the attention of a much wider and different public,” said a proud Hilde Kroes. ●




THE Paper Doll Campagne Outstanding tool for female condom advocacy The Paper Doll Campaign is an initiative of the Universal Access to Female Condoms (UAFC) Joint Programme, a consortium that includes i+solutions, Oxfam Novib, Rutgers WPF and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Back in 2011, a start was made collecting the written messages on the Paper Dolls worldwide. Zawadi Smartlove is one of these Paper Dolls and the figurehead for the Paper Doll campaign. Every doll contains a personal message from a woman or man somewhere in the world: for example a demand for cheaper female condoms, a request for greater variety or simply a call for wider availability of the female condom in his or her country. Together, the Paper Dolls are physical proof of the genuine demand for female condoms. As such, they are an outstanding tool for persuading policymakers of the importance of female condoms. Zawadi travelled with her friends across the whole world. The Paper Dolls featured, among other places, at a United Nations event in New York and at the Dutch House of Representatives in The Hague. In various countries, they were used by local NGOs to persuade governments of the importance of access to female condoms. During the International Aids Conference in Washington in July 2012, the UAFC displayed 14,000 Paper Dolls to 25,000 representatives from around the world. â—?


RUTGERS WPF magazine





FACTS AND FIGURES In Seks onder je 25e worden de resultaten gepresenteerd van een representatief onderzoek naar de seksuele gezondheid van jongeren van 12 tot 25 jaar in Nederland anno 2012. Bijna 8000 jongeren deden mee aan dit onderzoek. In 2005 werd ook al een dergelijke studie uitgevoerd. Dit actuele onderzoek laat trends zien van de afgelopen jaren maar biedt ook nieuwe inzichten. Vele professionals die betrokken zijn bij de seksuele gezondheid van jongeren hadden specifieke vragen die zij beantwoord wilden zien:

Sex under the age of 25

Seks onder je 25e geeft antwoord op deze – en vele andere – vragen. Het onderzoek is bedoeld voor professionals die jongeren en seksualiteit als aandachtsgebied hebben. Het biedt aanknopingspunten voor het ontwikkelen van beleid en interventies die de seksuele gezondheid van jongeren moeten verbeteren.

ISBN 978-90-5972-621-5

9 789059 726215

Hanneke de Graaf, Hans Kruijer, Joyce van Acker, Suzanne Meijer

• Wat doen jongeren op seksueel gebied? • Beginnen jongeren steeds eerder aan seks? • Hoe denken jongeren met verschillende etnische achtergronden over seks? • Hoeveel jongeren zijn homo- of biseksueel? • Hoe denken jongeren over homoseksualiteit? • Hebben jongeren veel losse contacten? • Zijn jongeren tevreden over hun seksleven? • Wat zijn de verschillen in ervaring tussen jongens en meisjes? • Hoeveel jongeren gebruiken bij de eerste geslachtsgemeenschap anticonceptie? • Wanneer stoppen jongeren met het gebruik van condooms binnen een relatie? • Is er een verschil in beschermingsgedrag tussen gelovige en niet gelovige jongeren? • Hoe vaak komt seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag voor? • Wat weten we over jongeren die seks hebben tegen betaling? • Waar halen jongeren informatie over seks vandaan? • Hebben lager opgeleide jongeren minder kennis van seksualiteit? • Kijken jongeren vaak naar porno?

Seks onder je 25e

Unique: in 2012, figures were published simultaneously for the first time on the sexual and reproductive health of all age groups in the Netherlands. Two largescale and representative studies were published by Rutgers WPF. What were the most important findings?

Seks onder je 25e Seksuele gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland anno 2012

Hanneke de Graaf Hans Kruijer Joyce van Acker Suzanne Meijer

Almost 8,000 young Dutch people between 12 and 25 participated in the survey Sex under the age of 25. The findings are primarily used by teachers, youth workers, local healthcare services and parents. Are young people having sex at an increasingly younger age?

more often than older young people, who more often switch to other forms of contraception.

No. Half of the young people have had sexual intercourse by the time they are 17.1 years old. Seven years ago this figure was precisely the same.

How many young people have an STI?

Is the first time planned?

Nine in every thousand boys and thirteen in every thousand girls heard last year that they had an STI or HIV.

No, for many young people, 38 per cent, the first time occurs unexpectedly. For 31 per cent, it occurs completely unexpectedly.

Do young people often look at pornography?

Do young people use contraception? Yes, they do. Four out of five young people always use contraception during sexual intercourse. Young boys and girls use condoms


RUTGERS WPF magazine

Boys and girls differ significantly in this. For example, 73 per cent of the boys looked at a pornographic website in the last year, compared with 21 per cent of the girls. Internet is popular, while pornographic magazines, films on television and DVDs are decreasing.

Do religious young people have less sex? This is particularly the case for girls. Religion hardly plays a role with boys. Islamic boys have more experience with paid sex. A quarter of the Islamic boys have had sex with a prostitute, compared with six per cent of nonbelievers or Christian boys.

How many young people have been forced into sex? Seventeen per cent of the girls and four per cent of the boys have been forced to engage in or to undergo sexual acts. For homosexual or bisexual boys over seventeen, this figure is 16 per cent. ●


Sexual and reproductive health in the Netherlands, 2011 Following the population surveys in 2006 and 2009, the 2011 Sexual Health in the Netherlands Survey presents a current picture of sexual and reproductive health in the Netherlands. It concerns themes such as sexual behaviour and perception, sexual function problems, STI/HIV, birth control, transgender people and inappropriate sexual behaviour. For this annual review, we made a selection from the substantial sources of data.

Hoe tevreden bent u over uw seksleven?



Satisfied with sex life

Ik geniet erg van seks

I really enjoy having sex

77.6% men

60.0% women




Seksueel gedrag in de laatste zes maanden Sexual behaviour in the last six months

Seks hebben

Having sex

80.1% men

74.9% women

Method of contraception

Reason for no contraception


Reden van geen anticonceptie












0% age 15 - 19

age 20 - 29

Pill (oral contraception) Condom Both pill & condom Hormonal IUD Sterilisation Other


RUTGERS WPF magazine

age 30 - 39

age 40 - 49


age 15 - 19

age 20 - 29

No sex Pregnant Desire for pregnancy Sex with women only Other

age 30 - 39

age 40 - 49


interview Minstens één keer in het leven seksueel geweld meegemaakt

Experienced sexual violence at least once in your life

51.8% 36.5%

30.1% 20.4%






Minstens één keer in het leven seksueel geweld meegemaakt

51.8% 36.5%

30.1% 20.4%






Ciel Wijsen, research manager Rutgers WPF: “Being wellinformed about the current state of sexual health in the Netherlands is important for a number of reasons.

er in het leven seksueel geweld meegemaakt



30.1% 20.4% 6.1%


Firstly, it not only gives us insight into the problem areas and the problem groups, but also into what goes well. This provides the opportunity to build on successes. A good understanding of the current state of sexual health forms the basis of all our work. The second reason is that monitoring sexual health (i.e. measuring the indicators of sexual


Problems with sexual functioning

Problemen met seksueel functioneren

“ By taking a measurement every couple of years, you will have sufficient time to intervene.”

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder Sexual aversion Hyperactive sexual desire Subjective sexual arousal disorder Erectile disorder Lubrication problems Orgasmic disorder Premature orgasm Dyspareunia Vaginismus 0








health in the whole population with some regularity) is important to be able to follow developments over time. By taking a measurement every couple of years, you will have sufficient time to intervene should the situation threaten to go less well. Moreover, this research enables us to establish links between the various areas of sexual health, such as the link between having experienced sexual violence and having sexual problems. The third reason is that the material on sexual health provides us with a good foundation to develop policy, new interventions and training programmes or to revise existing interventions and training programmes. This applies to ourselves, but also to policy makers and professionals in healthcare, education and numerous other fields.” ●




Successes in Vietnam Vietnam is developing at lightning speed. However, the traditional values and standards are slower to change. The conservative Confucianism philosophy has a strong influence on ideas about relationships between men and women, marriage and sexuality. Sex remains a taboo subject. According to Google, Vietnam is the country with the greatest number of searches for the word ‘sex’ per head of population. There is an immense appetite for education about sexuality. Against this backdrop, Rutgers WPF has been running a number of projects on sexual health since 1995. Most of these focus on young people and in particular the most vulnerable groups. The Rutgers WPF projects have received widespread acclaim for their creative and innovative approach. From the outset, they have been developed together with Vietnamese partners and adapted to suit local circumstances.

Young people in rural communities How can you reach out to young people on the subject of reproductive health in a way that is fun, serious and effective? This was the question that the 16

RUTGERS WPF magazine

Vietnamese Youth Association put to Rutgers WPF back in 2000. The answer was to use interactive theatre! This is a form of theatre in which the performers actively involve the public in the drama. In preliminary discussions, the performers decide on the subject and a storyline and then perform it. At the crucial

young people have been reached in this way.

Young hearing-impaired people When it emerged that the sign language for hearing impaired people in Vietnam did not include any gestures associated with sexuality, Rutgers WPF and the Xa

teachers. Hearing-impaired people were at last able to communicate about sexuality! In 2007, this project won the World Bank’s most innovative project prize. The prize money was used to translate the dictionary into English. Of course, the programme is now fully integrated within the learning resources at the school for

“According to Google, Vietnam is the country with the greatest number of searches for the word sex per head of population” moment when the protagonists face an important choice, the actors stop and ask the public what should happen next. This ensures that the public becomes involved in the story and leads to a discussion about the choices to be made. With various groups of actors, more than 300,000

Dan school in Hanoi developed a series of lessons on the subject: Talking about sex using sign language. Part of this is a ‘dictionary’ with more than 500 gestures to do with sexuality, and reproductive health. The resources proved to be a revelation for hearingimpaired people, their parents and

hearing-impaired young people in Hanoi and available for other institutes for hearing-impaired people in Vietnam and beyond.

Young people in reeducation schools Young people who are the most vulnerable socially often have

dealings with the police and the courts. In Vietnam, they can end up in one of the four re-education schools. Starting in 2001, Rutgers WPF has worked with teachers to develop a series of lessons for vulnerable young people on the subject of friendship, love, sexual identity, wanted/unwanted sex, prostitution, drugs and HIV/ AIDS. It also teaches such skills as saying no and negotiating and caring for your body. There is a handbook and a training course for teachers. The programme has been offered for many years to everyone’s satisfaction. Every year, it reaches out to more than 2,000 vulnerable young people.

Secondary school teachers and students Mr Son, Dean of the University of Danang, was involved as an educational expert in supervising the project at the re-education schools. Encouraged by the

results of the project, he suggested to Rutgers WPF that the programme be adopted and introduced on the teacher training course at the University of Danang. In a joint project, the teaching materials were adapted and training courses developed for students. From 2009 onwards, the programme reached approxi-

2013 In the wake of the withdrawal from Vietnam since 2010 of various donors, including the Netherlands, and because the funding of sexual education projects has become more difficult, Rutgers WPF decided to phase out its activities in Vietnam. This process will have

“Since 2009, the project has reached around 400 future teachers every year” mately 400 future teachers every year. They were enthusiastic about the innovative methods applied to the subject of sexual education. Thanks to the government’s support, the project has been taught at more than 60 secondary schools in the region in the last two years.

been completed by mid-March 2013. Some programmes are being continued by participating organisations, such as the reform schools project and the project at the university and secondary schools in Danang. ●

In Vietnam Rutgers WPF collaborated with: • People Aid Coordinating Committee (PACCOM); • Centre for Reproductive and Family Health (RaFH); • Several local branches of the Vietnamese Youth Union (YU); • Vietnam Stage Actors Association (VSAA); • Ministry of Public Security (V26: Management branch for education centres and juveniles justice schools); • Ministry of Public Security (H17 : Health Department); • Xa Dan school (Hanoi) for hearing impaired youth; • Da Nang University of Education; • Da Nang Department of Education and Training (DOET); • Know One Teach One (KOTO); • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Within the Sexual Rights Alliance Vietnam we cooperated with: • Institutes for Development and Community Health (Light); • Research Center for Gender, Family and Environment Development (CGFED); • Institution for Studies of Society, Economy and Environment (ISEE); • Research Center for Family Health and Community Development (CEFACOM); • Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population (CCIHP).




Bollebof on the Lovebuzz rapper

Singer/rapper Bollebof BECAME ambassador of the Lovebuzz at the end of 2012. Bollebof is famous for a string of hits, including his most recent single ‘Ik heb je’(I have got you). As ambassador, his aim is to enable discussion about love and relationships among young people aged between 12 and 14. Not only in his music and performances, but also at schools with the Lovebuzz. Bollebof, an upcoming talent from Rotterdam, is increasingly seen as a leading artist in the Dutch music industry. When the Lovebuzz tour started in November, he took on the role of its ambassador. On 31 October 2012, he was interviewed about it in the television programme Koffietijd. Why ambassador? “The Lovebuzz is all about love and things like that but also about your appearance and insecurities. Am I good looking? How should I dress? These are questions that young people face and that I also struggled with at


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that age. It can be difficult to ask these questions in the classroom or at home. But the good thing is that this is now happening in the Lovebuzz. I really missed this kind of thing during sexual education classes in Biology. I had all kinds of questions, but had no idea who to turn to.”

Single for Lovebuzz Bollebof’s music certainly keeps him busy. “Yesterday, I was in the studio recording the King’s Song with lots of other Dutch singers. The plan is to perform it on 30

April to mark the Coronation. Tomorrow, I have a live show at the Holland Casino and the list goes on.” The rapper discovered his love for music at quite an early age, when he was studying retail. “I was always mad about music. The boys next door had a band and that’s what got me into it.” He started to write his own songs at around the age of 20. Bollebof has

worked with major Dutch artists including Gers Pardoel, Lange Frans, Ali B and Gio. A single he has written especially for the Lovebuzz is set to be launched soon.

INTERVIEW WHO is Bollebof? Bollebof (Eder Almeida Vieira) is a rapper/singer. Aged 28, he lives in Rotterdam, has a girlfriend and spends his spare time playing football and boxing. Bollebof released his first EP in the summer of 2011, entitled Airline Bof. In 2012, Bollebof joined forces with two others to form a lifestyle group called D.R.E.A.M.S.

“ There is only one Lovebuzz. It has my total backing”

Ambassador Bollebof considers it an honour to be the ambassador for the Lovebuzz. “The Lovebuzz is a unique project that has my total backing. The aim of the ambassadorship is to raise awareness

of the Lovebuzz and to enthuse as many people as possible. Of course, I occasionally go along on the bus so that all the young people can ask questions.” ●

ABOUT THe Lovebuzz The Lovebuzz is a mobile classroom where school students aged 12 to 14 from the Netherlands can play an interactive game about love, sexuality and relationships. The game is based on six fictional young people of that age. All of them have their own distinctive background and questions about love, sexuality and relationships.




passion for Rutgers WPF “The right to make your own choices”

“In my work as advocacy officer at Rutgers WPF, I can put my passion for sexual and reproductive rights into action. I think that the right to make your own choices is extremely important, especially when it comes to very personal issues such as choosing a partner or whether or not to become pregnant. I take this for granted, but not everyone can. This is why I am committed to making these rights a reality, in the Netherlands and beyond. I dream of a world where everyone is free to choose.”

Sille Jansen Advocacy officer

“Never a dull moment”

“Rutgers WPF is always dynamic, open-minded and involved: there is never a dull moment. The staff are extremely committed. This is one of the main reasons for working and staying here. The organisation asks a lot of its staff, but also looks after them well. Rutgers WPF is fully committed to sexual and reproductive health and rights and I am proud to be part of that.”

Sabine Kn opper Project s ecretary

“I recently started working as a fundraiser for Rutgers WPF, which I see as a unique Dutch knowledge institute in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights with a worldwide network and expertise in research, advocacy and interventions. The great thing about this job is that you are continually on the lookout for funding for projects that are socially relevant and ground-breaking. It is a challenging job in a very dynamic organisation.”

“Matching ideas and funding” Erik van Weert er Senior fundrais


RUTGERS WPF magazine


“Show people that you are allowed to be different”

Cenansde Marioiar nrenseearch er Sen loper intervention deve

I grew up in a Catholic country village. Sexuality was never discussed; it was taboo. And if it was discussed, it was all about hell and sin. I missed role models around me who could show me the value of sexuality and how one can enjoy one’s sexuality. I was afraid of my own feelings and my own sexuality. Young people should not be afraid to express themselves, their desires or who they are. Young people should be able to celebrate life! This is the reason why I work for Rutgers WPF.

“I conduct research on young people’s experience of sexuality and develop resources to enable them to stand up for themselves sexually. It is extraordinary listening to young people and learning new things about their experiences. My particular passion is that in everything we do – learning resources, websites, campaigns, interactive games – we always show young people that you are allowed to be different in terms of your sexual perspective and gender identity and that cultural diversity exists. There is no such thing as a standard for sexuality.”

Jo Reinders

“Young people should be able to celebrate life”

Intervention developer and trainer in sexual and reproductive health and rights

“Not focused on making profit”

“The great thing about working at Rutgers WPF is that it’s an organisation that is always developing and renewing itself, both internally and externally. I also enjoy working for this organisation because it contributes to people’s sexual and reproductive health and is not focused on making a profit but in achieving a broader goal.”

Renze van Goo r Prospect

ive project cont roller ANNUAL REVIEW 2012



The Netherlands:

a model for good practices in reproductive



RUTGERS WPF magazine


Dianda Veldman is Executive Director at Rutgers WPF. “The Netherlands has a worldwide reputation when it comes to sexual and reproductive health. It appears that the Chinese government is using us as an example”



with 400 people, waiting for the results of the Dutch Postcode Lottery, along with the Supervisory Board’s Mohamed Baba. Which projects would receive funding? I heard someone on the podium introducing one of the winning projects and slowly realised that he was talking about our Lovebuzz. Suddenly the camera turned in our direction and we were in the spotlight. It was a great moment! The good thing was that they had a live feed at the office so that we were all able to experience that moment together.”

“We started 2012 with a downturn: a reduced grant from the Ministry of Health Welfare and Sport (VWS) and therefore cutbacks. In February, we received funding for the Lovebuzz. That was great. Later, the Schorer

“In June, I went to Kenya with the directors of four partner organisations to visit projects and see the results of our work. That was quite

“Sexual and reproductive health is a great subject and there is still a lot of work to be done on it! That’s why I work here. I love the blend of idealism and professionalism. I enjoy being Executive Director: in this position, you can be sure people will take you seriously. Fortunately, this is an organisation of selfconfident professionals. If the staff does not agree with you, they tell you.”


“Every year, there is a new group of children and young people who need good information about sexuality” Foundation went bankrupt and the Ministry of Health allowed us to take on part of their work. In the evening of 29 November 2012, while sitting on the sofa at home, I had news that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was to finance two of our major international programmes. Just to be clear: it involves millions of euros. We definitely ended the year on a high.”

On tenterhooks “I was sitting in a room at the Rijksmuseum

impressive. I will not easily forget the group of Masai women standing under a tree explaining how they as a community, together with the village elders, had decided to end the practice of female genital mutilation.”

International “One of the major changes that have happened since I became director is that – as a result of the merger between Rutgers Nisso and WPF – more than half of the

organisation’s work is now international. We have numerous projects abroad, which is a good thing, because there are some major needs in this area across the world. Rape, enforced marriage, teenage pregnancy, maternal mortality. Girls of thirteen are being forced to marry, forced into sex and then having a baby when their bodies are just not ready for it. The Netherlands has a worldwide reputation for sexual education and it is an area in which we excel. I have even heard that the Chinese government sees us as an example.”

Mission “My aim for our work in the Netherlands over the coming period is to reach out to more people through a process of upscaling. We have developed a great deal in recent years and professionals in education, care and institutions need to be even more aware of that fact. We also need to ensure that we maintain the relatively good results in terms of sexuality in the Netherlands. Contraception, gay marriage, fewer teenage pregnancies…”

Tradition “You can see that we have a tradition going back 130 years, since Johannes Rutgers began his consultations for contraception. But there are also conservative forces at work, always trying to hold back sexual freedom and the rights of women. Every year, there is also a new group of children and young people who need good information about sexuality, which is another reason why this work is so important. What is more, new problems are




“Cooperation is essential in this work: ultimately we have only limited resources”

continuing to emerge, such as sexual abuse in juvenile care that was discovered in 2012.”

Team “The satisfaction survey revealed that 97% of my team feel involved in this theme. That also includes the people in financial administration and the secretary’s office. I am proud of that score. We also conducted a small reputation survey among stakeholders, in which we scored 7.8 out of 10. Is that high? I certainly think so.”

Cooperation “Cooperation is essential in this work: ultimately we have only limited resources. Rutgers WPF has a reputation for treating other organisations with respect and taking the time to build up a relationship. Cooperation is only successful if you have a shared objective, a common ambition and also respect each other’s interests. On that basis, I am happy to work with other institutions, local health services, players in education and care and with our international partners.”

Government “For the Dutch government, sexual and reproductive health is less of a priority than healthy eating and exercise. This is probably because sexual problems are less visible and are usually


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not fatal. But there is still a lot of suffering that remains hidden. If I were Minister for Health, I would focus on vulnerable groups such as people with a disability or young people caught between two cultures. How can you prevent sexuality-related psychological damage among these groups of people? I believe that the costs of psychological damage are underestimated.”

2030 “We are currently in the process of developing our vision for the future: what will Rutgers WPF look like in the year 2030? We have deliberately chosen that year: none of us here now is likely to be working here then, which makes it easier to think freely. This means that we are even more focused on strengthening organisations and professionals that can make a practical contribution to effective sexual education and a positive climate. Think of teachers, doctors, the government. We intend to be more active in bringing the mass of knowledge within Rutgers WPF to those working in the field, in the Netherlands and internationally. The ultimate aim in this is to achieve enjoyable, safe and consensual sex for everyone. It involves a shift from a productbased approach to market orientation. Everything is ready to make this shift. It is now a question of getting on with it and doing what is needed.” ●

Dianda Veldman studied sociology in Groningen, started out as a community worker and then held management positions at KPN Telecom, publishing house Weekbladpers and the association for home owners. She has been Executive Director of Rutgers WPF since 2007. Dianda lives with her partner in Amsterdam and has two adult children.


Behind the scenes Personnel In the Netherlands in 2012, Rutgers WPF had a team of 86 people (68.8 FTE): 75 women and 11 men. During the year, the percentage of absenteeism increased from 4.7% in January to 5.9% in December. Reducing the level of sick leave is a major area of focus within Rutgers WPF. The offices in the field employed a total of 39 FTE: Pakistan 20 FTE, Indonesia 12 FTE and Vietnam 7 FTE.

Vacancies In 2012, Rutgers WPF had eleven vacancies. All of the vacancies were filled during the

course of the year. A total of 20 people left the organisation: four left to start a new job, 2 for business reasons and the contracts of the other 14 members of staff were not renewed because of completed projects.

Employee satisfaction survey In the autumn of 2012, Rutgers WPF conducted an employee satisfaction survey. It included questions about such areas as the organisation, leadership, communication, organisational aims, culture, working environment, personal development, etc. There was an 82% response to the survey.

The average level of employee satisfaction was 7.1 out of 10.

Employee training programmes

In 2012, a total budget of â‚Ź138,600 was available for the development and training of Rutgers WPF employees. 24 members of staff took a course in Project-based Creation. Also in 2012, 35 employees took part in the Career on the Move (Loopbaan in Beweging) programme. The management of Rutgers WPF continued the management development programme with a focus on team-building, communication and providing feedback.

Supervisory Board in 2012 Bert Koenders, chairman Head of the United Nations Peace Mission in Ivory Coast

Sara Seims Senior Advisor at the Packard Foundation, London New in October 2012:

Mohamed Baba, Vice-Chairman Director of Mex-it, organisation for integration and diversity

Tom A. de Man Non-executive Director, Heineken International, Special Representative of the CEO for Africa projects

Sybren Kalkman Retired KPMG partner

Stepped down in February 2012:

Erik Thijs Wedershoven

Roy Brown,

Consultant, Operations Strategy Group, KPMG

WPF founder, former Chairman of the International Humanist and Ethical Union

Koos van der Velden

Wouter Meijer

Professor of Public Health at the Radboud University Nijmegen

Former Director of WPF, former employee of the World Bank

Marjolijne Lewis

Cees van Lede

Director of MEE Rijnmond

Former Chairman of the Akzo Nobel Executive Board. Former Chairman of the Association of Dutch Enterprises (VNO)

Pinar Ilkkaracan Director of Women for Women’s Human Rights in Turkey



DUTCH politics

Sexuality Voting Guide

On 14 August 2012, the so-called Voting Guide on sexuality was launched, a month before the national elections in the Netherlands. It contains 15 statements on the subject of sexuality and reproductive health. Which party should you vote for if you consider reproductive health to be important? In the run-up to the elections in mid-September, the Voting Guide was consulted more than 15,000 times.

Controversial question: should young people be provided with free condoms or not? A total of 41% of visitors were in favour and 49% against. The political parties were virtually unanimous in their opposition. Their main argument against it was: in an economic crisis, it is impossible to justify that kind of expenditure. The cost of free condoms has not been taken into account by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Centraal Planbureau). Would this cost outweigh the cost of STI treatments?

The pill in the package? Should the pill be included in the Dutch basic health insurance package? Almost all of the parties, and 75% of voters, are in favour. But the pill is also a contraceptive. Perhaps people only consider the pill to be a serious 26

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contraceptive and see the condom as something to be used for brief encounters? This is despite the fact that, unlike the pill, condoms also offer protection against STIs.

Should gay men be allowed to give blood? Excluding gay men from being blood donors is another controversial issue in politics. Conservative and Christian parties consider the increased risk to be unacceptable. As such, they continued to support the decision of the Health Council of the Netherlands. However, as many as 73% of the general public would like to bring an end to this inequality.

Feminised education Should there be more men working in education and childcare? Most political parties

acknowledge the need for male role models and diversity. Among the people who completed the Voting Guide, opinion was divided on this question: 53% are in favour of more men, 17% are against and a large group has no opinion either way.

In conclusion These subjects are clearly of public and political relevance and provoke debate. For the next elections, Rutgers WPF would like to see the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis calculate the effects of free condoms for young people since this could possibly ensure that public opinion and the stance of the political parties move closer together. â—?

news in brief

Minister Ploumen takes the right approach Minister Ploumen for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation placed sexual and reproductive health and rights at number one in the Top Four of the priorities of Dutch development cooperation. By doing so, she demonstrated that the Dutch government intends to take an active role on issues relating to sexuality and whether or not to have children. The fact that this is important was shown by the State of the World Population published on 14 November 2012. Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen, Deputy Executive Director of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), handed over the first copy of the State of the World Population to Mr Rob Swartbol, Director-General of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to this report, 222 million women in developing countries do not have access to contraceptives. They do not have a choice on whether or not to have children, a universal human right. An additional annual investment of €3.2 billion would make it possible for everyone in developing countries to make this decision for themselves. This would also result in annual savings of €8.9 billion in healthcare in those countries. ●

Happy Box for new parliamentary committee members On 30 October 2012, the new members of the Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Committee in the Dutch House of Representatives were each given a Happy Box (‘Blije Doos’). Alexander Pechtold, who chairs the Committee, was the first to receive the package. This so-called Happy Box was a box full of shocking facts about sexual and reproductive health and rights. For example: every year 287,000 women die because they receive no care or poor care during their pregnancy or childbirth. And 39% of girls aged 15 to 19 in the least developed countries are married, with or without their consent. The box was published by the SRHR Alliance.This alliance consists of Rutgers WPF, AMREF Flying Doctors, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, dance4life and Simavi and works with 52 organisations in nine partner countries in Africa and Asia. ●

20 million contraceptives for young people What an amazing moment! At the end of November, Minister Lilianne Ploumen announced that she was granting Rutgers WPF and its alliance members €29 million to improve the sexual health of 10 million young people in developing countries. How will the money be spent? The ASK programme (Access Services, Knowledge, what young people want, what young people need), in which Rutgers WPF, the other members of the SRHR Alliance, STOP AIDS NOW! and IPPF are all working together, intends to work to improve the health of these young people in seven countries over the next three years. The young people will be given sexual education, access to safe abortions, a voluntary test for HIV and help to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission. In addition, more than 20 million contraceptives will be distributed. ●

Focus on men Minister Ploumen has made available €8.6 million for MenCare+, an innovative programme from Rutgers WPF and Promundo. MenCare+ is a large-scale project intended to tackle inequality between men and women by focusing on two generations of men aged between 15 and 35 in Indonesia,

Rwanda, South Africa and Brazil. In these countries, girls and women have little or no choice in whether they have children. Over the next three years, men will be actively involved in adopting a new and positive approach to the role of father. They will also learn to refrain from violence, make safer

choices when it comes to sex and to opt for equal relationships. By the end of 2015, men in these four countries will be capable of making healthier choices about their reproductive health, relationships, women’s health and their duty of care as fathers. ●



Financial review of the year Results Just like 2011, 2012 was a successful financial year for Rutgers WPF. We ended 2012 with a surplus of €139,836, despite the fact that we had budgeted for losses of €61,271.


In 2012, income increased by €1 million from €16.2 million in 2011 to €17.2 million. If we ignore the deduction of funds transferred to alliance members, the income for 2012 was €12.9 million. That is 7% higher than in 2011 and 13% higher than forecast in the budget.

Explanatory notes Rutgers WPF is lead agent in the SRHR Alliance, funded from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ MFS II programme. According to the Ministry rules, as lead agent, Rutgers WPF must include the whole of the grant for the Alliance in its financial administration. The grant that goes to the other alliance partners (AMREF Flying Doctors, Simavi, dance4life and Choice) is therefore accounted for in the Rutgers WPF statement of income and expenditure. This has no effect on the net result. In the statement of income and expenditure, there are four income streams: • Rutgers WPF’s own fundraising: funds that Rutgers WPF itself generates from donors and funds in and outside of the Netherlands (such as the Hewlett Foundation). As well as: income from consultancy, training and the sale of products. • Joint fundraising: income that we receive together with Oxfam Novib and i+solutions for the Universal Access to Female Condoms project. • Third-party campaigns: money allocated to Rutgers WPF by other fundraising organisations, such as the Dutch Postcode Lottery. • Government grants: all of the income from government agencies and government-related organisations, such as ZonMw. This primarily concerns the Dutch government, but, in 2012, Rutgers WPF also received grants from the European Union, UNFPA and the World Bank. The increase compared to 2011 of 7% is primarily the result of additional income from third-party campaigns (4%). This increase is largely due to the Lovebuzz project funded in 2012 by the Dutch Postcode Lottery. A comparison of the income for 2012 with the budget shows a positive difference of 13% (€1.5 million). This increase is largely due to an increase in income from Rutgers WPF’s own fundraising of €633,000 (6%) and an increase in income from third-party campaigns of €626,000 (6%).


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The increase in Rutgers WPF’s own fundraising can largely be attributed to the successes of our field office in Pakistan, which secured funding in 2012 from the Research and Advocacy Fund and the Global Fund. In addition, we sold more products than forecast in the budget in 2012 (+ €93,000). The increase of 6% in third-party campaigns is a result of the Lovebuzz project funded by the Dutch Postcode Lottery.

Spent directly on core objectives

Of the total expenditure of €17.1 million, €15.6 million (91% of total income) was spent directly on Rutgers WPF’s three core objectives: the Dutch national programme, the international programme and the advocacy and communication programme. In 2011, this figure was 92%.

Dutch national programme Most of the national activities were carried out by the organisation’s own staff. Extensive reports were submitted to the Ministry of Health (VWS) on activities involving the institutional grant. Expenditure on Dutch national activities in 2012 amounted to €4.1 million, 32% of total income (excluding the MFS II grant for alliance partners). This percentage is higher than in 2011 (31%) and higher than forecast in the budget (23%).

International programme The majority of these activities were carried out by local partner organisations in Africa and Asia and the three field offices in Indonesia, Vietnam and Pakistan. The project expenditure also includes costs incurred by Rutgers WPF staff in the Netherlands on support, technical assistance and monitoring & evaluation. The costs of the three field offices in Asia were part of the country portfolios. These country portfolios were partly funded by Rutgers WPF, the European Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Global Fund, Research and Advocacy Fund and income raised locally. In 2012, total expenditure on international activities was €10.2 million. Of this, €4.4 million was in the form of a grant directly transferred to the MFS II alliance partners. Rutgers WPF itself spent €5.9 million, 46% of its total income. This is slightly lower than in 2011 (48%) and lower than forecast in the budget (56%).

Advocacy/communication programme Most of the activities were carried out by the organisation’s own staff.

Expenditure in 2012 amounted to €1.2 million, 9% of total income (excluding the MFS II grant for alliance partners). In 2011 this figure was 10% compared to the 9% forecast in the budget.

Cost of Rutgers WPF’s own fundraising In 2012, the cost of Rutgers WPF’s own fundraising consisted largely of personnel costs for fundraisers and some additional costs. In 2012, these amounted to €96,872, almost the same as for 2011 and less than predicted in the budget.

2013 and beyond At the end of 2012, two major international programmes were successfully acquired. The income budgeted for 2013 is significantly higher than for 2012 (€15.9 million compared to €12.9 million, excluding the MFS II and SRHR fund grants for the alliance partners). Sufficient funding is assured for our international work until the end of 2015. For the work in the Netherlands, this is not so certain: generating additional income alongside the institutional grant from the Ministry of Health (VWS) is a challenge.

Management and administration costs The management and administration costs were 6.6% of the total costs (in 2011 5.5%). This is below the standard we apply of 9%. This standard is derived from the average percentage within the benchmark (mediumsized organisations 9.6%: published in Transparant Prijs 2009).

Cash position

The funding of this kind of work is heavily dependent on government policy, in the Netherlands and elsewhere. Current successes are no guarantee for the future. This is why we ensure we are an organisation that can respond flexibly to fluctuations in income and quickly adapt to changes in circumstances. Our work is all about people. This is why we continue to invest in our employees.

At the end of 2012, the liquidity figure was €9 million. This is easily sufficient to meet the organisation’s short-term commitments. The increase is largely due to the transfer by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for grants from the SRHR fund (€2.5 million) and the release of the total grant for the Lovebuzz project from the Dutch Postcode Lottery (€1 million). Rutgers WPF does not engage in investments. Any surplus liquidity is deposited in accounts at major Dutch banks (ABN AMRO and ING).


Of the financial result of €139,836, €74,447 was added to the continuity reserve. This is intended to safeguard the continuity of the organisation and cover any risks. In the long term, we aim to have sufficient available assets to cover eight months of fixed outgoings, in order to enable the organisation to continue to exist in a slimmed down form for 12 months in the event of a substantial drop in income. The formation of this type of reserve is in line with the VFI Guideline Reserves for Charities and the CBF seal of approval regulation (CBF-Keur) which proposes a maximum of one-and-a-half years of annual costs. Because of the expiry of the lease contract for our offices at Oudenoord, we have already reserved €30,000 for expected relocation and outfitting costs in 2014 or 2015. We added €35,389 to the VWS risk fund as a result of lower expenditure than forecast in the budget. Amounts were withdrawn and added in order to streamline the organisation. At the end of 2012, the balance of this reserve was €146,180.



Rutgers WPF Balance as of 31 December 2012 (amounts in euros) 31/12/2012


ASSETS Intangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets




222.854 176.327

Supplies Receivables, prepayments and other current assets Cash and cash equivalents








3.810.536 11.583.413






Reserves and funds Reserves • Continuity reserve •A ppropriated reserve Dutch Postcode Lottery, expenditure for objectives • Appropriated reserve, expenditure for relocation costs • Equalisation reserve VWS








72.923 2.174.472


Provisions Provision reorganisation



Provision jubilee employees



Provision projects



Current and accrued liabilities Total







These figures are based on the complete 2012 annual statement of accounts for which approval has been given by Dubois & Co officially recognized accountants. The complete annual account and the auditors’ certificate are available on request.


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Statement of income and expenditure for 2012 (amounts in euros) Actual 2012

Budget 2012

Actual 2011

INCOME Direct (own) fundraising income Income from joint campaigns Income from third-party campaigns Government subsidies Income from interest and exchange rates











1.669.523 12.920.515




Total income Total income MFS II alliance partners excluded







Actual 2012

Budget 2012

Actual 2011

EXPENDITURE Directly allocated to objectives National International Advocacy/communication










Total expenditure Total expenditure MFS II alliance partners excluded







Fundraising income Direct fundraising costs Costs third-party campaigns Costs subsidies




























Management and administration Costs management and administration Total expenditure Total expenditure MFS II alliance partners excluded Result Profit or loss appropriation • Continuity reserve • Appropriated reserve, expenditure for relocation costs • Equalisation reserve VWS Result 2012










Explanatory notes to allocation of expenditure Specification and cost allocation to appropriation: (amounts in euros) Appropriation



Programme spending



Advocacy/ communication




Subsidies and contributions

Direct fundraising


Publicity and communication Staff costs

Raising funds

149.736 1.911.373




Accommodation costs





Office and general expenses













Depreciation and interest Total

Payment (executive) board (amounts in euros) Employment Nature (temporary, fixed contract, ended) Hours (full time working week) Part time percentage Period

fixed 36 100% month

Salary (in euros) Annual income: Gross payment


Holiday allowance


Year-end bonus


Variable annual income


Total annual income


Total received salary 2012 (gross payment, holiday- and year end allowance)


Total received salary 2011 (gross payment, holiday- and year end allowance


including social insurance and pension contribution) In 2012 Ms. D.A. Veldman was the sole Director of Rutgers WPF.


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Management and

Total 2012

budget 2012

Total 2011







administration Third party campaign




































Thanks to our donors

We would like to offer our special thanks to all our donors and commissioning authorities. With their generous contributions, we work to improve sexual and reproductive health in the Netherlands and worldwide. • The Council for Child Protection • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation • DoCare Foundation • Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) • Dutch Postcode Lottery • Edukans • European Commission • Fund for Scientific Research of Sexuality (FWOS) • Global Fund for Tuberculosis, AIDS and Malaria

• I nternational Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) • JP van den Bent Foundation • Liberty Foundation • Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport • MTV Asia • Nefkens Stichting Ontwikkelingshulp • The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW) • NHL University of Applied Sciences • PSO Association • Research and Advocacy Fund • ’s HeerenLoo

• Sophia Revalidatie • STI AIDS The Netherlands • Stop Aids Now! • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) • Visio • VSB fund • Westberg Foundation • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation • The World Bank Many thanks too to all our other donors.

IPPF Rutgers WPF is a member of IPPF to campaign worldwide for better sexual and reproductive health and rights. The IPPF member organisations reinforce and learn from each other. In 2012, Rutgers WPF worked with the IPPF European Network on the SAFE II (Sexual Awareness for Europe) research programme in five European countries. Rutgers WPF was responsible for leading the implementation of the quantitative research, training the member organisations in the methodology and supervising the project. The countries use the results to formulate future strategies, policies and interventions in sexual and reproductive health and rights for Europe’s young people. 34

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