Rutgers WPF Magazine 2011 (English)

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Popular: Training Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) New: Toolkit for men INTERVIEW: How a mandatory education programme for juvenile sex offenders works

BERT KOENDERS: “Every day I meet men and women who have an unmet need for contraceptives”

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Table of contents 6 10

New chairman of Rutgers WPF Bert Koenders seeking to improve Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

Sex education from now on compulsory in Dutch schools Are schools ready for this?

12 15

Advocacy at Rutgers WPF What was achieved in 2011? Interview with Yvonne Bogaarts

End the vicious circle of sexual and domestic violence! Toolkit for men

18 20


Interview with sex expert Sanderijn van der Doef on pioneering work

How a mandatory education programme for juvenile sex offenders works In the words of the trainer

FURTHERMORE: • In the News • Behind the scenes • Thanks to our donors • Some figures from 2011 • Financial Annual Report 2011 •

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RUTGERSWPFmagazine 2011


If it’s about sex, we’d prefer to pass the hot potato to someone else “Do you discuss sex easily?” I sometimes ask this question if people are surprised about my job. The days of the sexual revolution are long gone, aren’t they? Outwardly it seems as if we in the Netherlands can easily discuss sexuality. The media is, after all, inundated with the subject. However, at home, in our private lives it is often a hot potato that we would rather pass on to someone else. Sexuality is and remains a very intimate subject.


Too many parents still think: ‘Sex education? They should do that at school’. In school they say: “It is the responsibility of the parents or of a doctor.” Ultimately, children, in the worst-case scenario, hear about sex in the street or via porn sites. And we all know that this information is lacking, to put it mildly.

12 Colophon © Rutgers WPF, May 2012 Postbox 9022 / 3506 GA Utrecht Visiting address: Oudenoord 176-178 / 3513 EV Utrecht / T +31 (0)30 231 34 31 / F +31 (0)30 231 93 87 / / Photography: Roy Beusker / Noor Bloem / Floor Godefroy / Hendrik-Jan Grievink (infographics) / Hollandse Hoogte, Cynthia Boll / Fleur Koning / Leonie van de Mortel / Annet Neijmeijer / Eveline Renaud / Peter de Ruiter / Guus Schoonewille / Thierry Schut / Marieke van der Velden Design: Ontwerp aan de Winkel Rutgers WPF came into being as a result of the merger between Rutgers Nisso Groep and World Population Foundation (WPF). You are now reading the general interest version of the Annual Report of Rutgers WPF for 2011. If you wish to order the complete formal English annual report, please send an email to

Thirty years ago the slogan of the Dutch Women’s Liberation Movement was: It’s a woman’s right to choose (abortion). (In Dutch: Baas in eigen buik). It might sound dated but this message is still relevant for me and one of the reasons that I work for Rutgers WPF. You are in charge of your own sexuality. I also notice this with colleagues. Their genuine joy when sexuality education was finally made compulsory in primary and secondary schools. Their elation when our Secretary of State prioritised sexual and reproductive health and rights in developing countries, and also the undoubted pride that the annual Mothersnight did influence his decision. The many positive reactions via Twitter and Facebook when we carried out a campaign at train stations focussing attention on the birth of the seven billionth citizen and the fast-growing population in many developing countries. But also the shock when we heard the results of research from our field office in Pakistan, indicating that sixty per cent of women had been victims of sexual violence by their spouses during the past year. Everyone has the right to desired, safe and pleasurable sex. All over the world. This is something I feel very strongly about. Rutgers WPF strives for a world in which we are all in control of our own sexuality and can freely decide if and how many children we want. We have not yet achieved this goal. However, as far as I am concerned, the world is a little closer if we are not afraid of the hot potato. If we at home, in our own private lives, can discuss sexuality easily. ● Dianda Veldman is Managing Director of Rutgers WPF. Should you wish to send a reaction to this article, please send an email to

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In the News

at SRHR Alliance

International research


International recognition

Unite for Body Rights

Sexual aggression among young people

Domestic violence punishable in Pakistan

Rutgers WPF wins prestigious prize

The Netherlands acknowledges the importance of tackling sexual aggression among young people. But is this true of other European countries? “By no means all governments share this concern, but professionals in this field certainly do”, says Ine Vanwesenbeeck (Picture above) of Rutgers WPF. “For one thing this is shown by the fact that, since 2011, we have established a European network of experts in this field in which practically every European country is represented.” These experts are working on a European strategic action plan to counter sexual violence among young people. They are doing this as part of the ‘Youth Sexual Aggression and Victimization’ (YSAV) project which was launched in 2010 as an initiative of Rutgers WPF. Vanwesenbeeck explains: “When it comes to youth and sexual aggression, far too little exchange takes place between European countries. A lot is being done in northern European countries, but we are still not learning enough from each other’s approach.” To begin with, the 27 countries have got together to chart the current situation per country. What studies into sexual aggression among young people are already being carried out in all these countries? What is the situation with regard to the law? And what organisations are involved in each country? The national reports are due to be published in September 2012 and the strategic plan should be completed in 2013.

At the end of 2011 the parliament of Pakistan passed two laws for the protection of Pakistani women, the Prevention of AntiWomen Practices Act and Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act. This was the result of strong advocacy effort carried out by Rutgers WPF’s field office in Pakistan. Mutilation by acid is one of the forms of violence against women which often occurs in Pakistan. Thanks to the new law, an acid attack such as this will be punished by a prison sentence of at least 14 years and a fine of 8,500 Eur. The other equally important law prohibits forced marriages, marriage with Holy Quran, and depriving women from inheriting property. The news of the new law was joyfully received by Rutgers WPF.

Proud? Of course! On 12 July 2011, Rutgers WPF was awarded the Award for Excellence & Innovation in Sexuality Education for 2011. This took place during the opening ceremony of the 20th World Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health in Glasgow. We received the prize because of our ‘strong programmes in the area of sexuality and relational education and ground-breaking work in supporting organisations in developing countries’.

The five-year international programme ‘Unite for Body Rights’ strengthens Southern Civil Society organisations with the aim of promoting SRHR for all. The programme is implemented by the SRHR Alliance, a collaborative framework of five Dutch organisations including Rutgers WPF, and 53 partner organisations. The program combines and strengthens three crucial aspects in SRHR: quality and access to SRHR education, quality and use of SRH services, and a supportive environment for SRHR. Reduction of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and acceptance of sexual diversity and gender identity are mainstreamed. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs made 44 million Euro available for the 2011-2015 period. The SRHR Alliance aims to reach 2.5 million people in nine countries in Africa and Asia.


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Sign of Life On International Women’s Day, 8 March 2011, Rutgers WPF launched the campaign ‘Sign of Life’. This campaign demands attention for the high rate of maternal mortality, lack of health care and women’s rights in Africa. Message: Give African girls education, the pill and condoms and break the spiral of poverty. The campaign is being carried out through social media and happenings. For more information visit, Facebook and Twitter.


Johannes Rutgers Lecture

International research

Work training programme

Prevention, pleasure and protection

Will the Arab revolution lead to a sexual revolution?

Young researchers in Bangladesh and Malawi

Together strong

International Congress on the female condom

On 12 September 2011 the first Johannes Rutgers Lecture took place. Arabist Petra Stienen and Islam expert Mohammed Cheppih facilitated the kick-off. Not only does the western world have a negative image of how sexuality is dealt with in the Arab world, Stienen remarked. Conversely, the Arab world is also astonished at how ‘women are disrespectfully exhibited in shop windows’ in the Netherlands. This makes Cheppih wonder: “Is our wish that the Arab revolution will lead to a sexual revolution supported in the Arab world?” A film has been made of the lecture which can be viewed via Youtube and

In 2011 Rutgers WPF continued the research project ‘Do they match?’. In 2010, young people in Bangladesh and Malawi received training to enable them to carry out research among their peers in their own country. These young researchers draw up an inventory of the problems experienced by youth regarding sexuality and relationships and regarding the available information and resources relating to sexual and reproductive healthcare. These studies form the basis for recommendations to local partner organisations and policymakers. In 2011 several research reports and a handbook were produced for ‘Do they match?’. A start was also made on developing a toolkit which will be available in 2012. And finally, a train-the-trainers programme and an action plan were developed which will be implemented in 2012.

How can the SRHR movement of Rutgers WPF and its partners be further advanced and strengthened? From 15 to 19 October 2011, this question was discussed by 35 partners during a Regional Learning Forum in Indonesia. SRHR stands for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Rutgers WPF and its partners are together at the ‘heart’ of the SRHR movement. “Humanity forms the heart of our SRHR movement. We strive for a world in which people have happy and healthy interaction on the basis of underlying values such as connection, solidarity, empathy and respect for diversity, passion and inspiration.” The meeting was organised in the framework of the work training programme of PSO (Association of Dutch NGOs for Personnel Service Overseas).

On 17 and 18 November 2011, the international conference ‘Prevention, Pleasure and Protection’ took place in The Hague. During this conference, important players, from politicians, producers, health workers, donors to public relations officials, discussed how to make female condoms available worldwide. Part of the conference included the presentation of the ‘Implementation Guide’ drawn up to facilitate large-scale female condom programmes worldwide. For more information please visit

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“Many countries are in dire need of active population policy, based on free choice and human rights. Rutgers WPF motivates me to further this cause.”

5 Questions to

Bert Koenders 1. First minister, now Rutgers WPF? 2. What do you do for “Yes indeed! After my ministership I chose chairmanship of the Rutgers WPF Supervisory Board with firm conviction. I see Rutgers WPF as an organisation that invests nationally and internationally in sexual and reproductive rights and that also focusses on concrete results. I enjoy cooperating with an organisation that can boast a long Dutch tradition of care and education in the area of sexuality, with staff that continually keep up with the times, creatively anticipating new generations and sexually vulnerable groups.”


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Rutgers WPF?

“As chairman I lead a supervisory board that consists of an impressive group of people from the Netherlands and abroad – who have proved their worth in the field of sexual health, science and management. We generate ideas, sometimes help in the execution, are a sounding board and supervise without taking the place of management and personnel. I think this is the way supervision should be interpreted.”

INTERVIEW Bert Koenders has been chairman of the Rutgers WPF Supervisory Board since February 2011. He works for the UN and leads a peace operation in West Africa. Many people know him as former Dutch minister for Development Cooperation.

3. What is Rutgers WPF

good at?

“Rutgers WPF has splendid programmes in schools in the Netherlands but also in Pakistan for example. It believes in using plain language that every young person can understand, always adapted to the community and the culture where they live. It is also a professional organisation that links research and activities and evaluates the results, that identifies new sexual problems in the Netherlands and carries out development cooperation in a modern way. It works with alliance partners to achieve this, such as dance4life. Every organisation in the Alliance contributes by doing what it is good at. This is the way to combat fragmentation and we can make a stand for sexual rights.”

“Every day I meet men and women who have an unmet need for contraceptives”

4. Are you involved in the

“I worry about population growth worldwide and this should be a source of great concern for everyone. Our environmental user-space is limited and for many countries the baby boom is less an opportunity than a risk. Conflicts are lurking. I am not a Malthusian but I do worry about the lack of attention for the link between population growth, family planning and an activist approach to sexual rights. Conservatism of all types limits the rights of women, and is passive when it concerns violence against women. This cries out for an answer. Rutgers WPF has a well-reasoned approach, is active, in the Netherlands but also abroad. That’s wonderful.” ●

subject of sexuality in your current work?

“I work now as vice-secretary of the UN and lead a large peace operation in West Africa. Every day I meet men and women who have an unmet need for contraceptives. Not a day goes by when you are not confronted with totally unnecessary maternal deaths. Many countries are in dire need of active population policy, based on free choice and human rights. Rutgers WPF motivates me to solve this problem.”

5. What worries you?

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In the autumn of 2011, as part of a study tour, I travelled with Rutgers WPF to Malawi. We visited several projects related to the sexual health of women. I saw just how important it is that Rutgers WPF supports local, smallscale initiatives. Thanks to these projects many women and children are being reached who otherwise would remain invisible and uncared for. Frouke Tamsma Deputy Manager, Netherlands Press Association (Associated Press Services)


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Education in the Netherlands

Sex education from now on compulsory in Dutch schools On 16 November 2011, Minister van Bijsterveldt (Dutch minister for education) took the plunge. Education on sexuality and sexual diversity would be made compulsory in schools. Many years of effort by Rutgers WPF, among others, has had effect. But are the schools ready?

What is normal?

What is age-appropriate sexual behaviour? To answer this and other questions Rutgers WPF drew up the ‘guidelines for sexuality education’ in 2011. These guidelines consist of a framework for everyone who supports children in achieving good sexual health. They are an adaptation of the European guidelines of the World Health Organisation, WHO.


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n fact the minister did not want to burden schools with compulsory social issues such as sexuality. However, at the insistence of the Dutch House of Representatives, in 2011, minister van Bijsterveldt eventually agreed. An important reason for this is that half of schoolgoing homosexual boys and girls do not dare to come out, with all the consequences. There are also still schools in primary and secondary education that do not pay, or only to a limited degree, attention to relationships and sexuality.

expressing wishes and boundaries and sex in the media often remain neglected. Hopefully, this will now be changed!


The minister is going to adjust the primary objectives. This implies that all primary and secondary schools will probably be obliged from the school year 2012/2013 to focus

Contraception, STIs and reproduction are themes often discussed in school. However, subjects such as homosexuality, virginity,

attention on sexuality and sexual diversity. The minister will leave it up to the schools themselves to find the right formula. Rutgers

Rutgers WPF calls on all schools to teach pupils skills so that they are able to express wishes and set boundaries in relation to sexuality. Primary objectives

WPF calls on schools not only to deal with purely technical and biological information but also to teach pupils to express wishes and set boundaries in relation to sexuality.●

On the subject of sex

Week of Spring Fever

The ‘Week of Spring Fever’ turned out to be a wonderful way to address friendship, relationships and sexuality in Dutch primary schools, involving the whole school. In 2011, 311 primary schools took part. During this project week, pupils from group 1 up to and including group 8 (4 to 12 years) received lessons every day on ‘butterflies in your stomach’, differences between boys and girls and the question: Where do babies come from? According to the evaluation carried out, the ‘Week of Spring Fever’ is for two-thirds of the participating schools the incentive to structurally focus attention on relationships and sexuality.

Many teachers find it difficult to discuss sexuality in the classroom. This is a question of shyness and lack of knowledge. This was the reason why Rutgers WPF published ‘On the subject of sex’ in 2011, a guide with suggestions for lessons for teacher training in Biology and Healthcare & Welfare. The guide addresses the sexual health of young people and the importance of sexuality education in secondary education in The Netherlands.

Sexuality education in Africa and Asia

Young people in Africa and Asia are in great need of good information on sexual health. With this, they can make their own choices and prevent unwanted pregnancies and AIDS. With ‘The World Starts With Me’ (a computer programme) Rutgers WPF has managed to inform a large group of young people on sexuality. In 2011 the programme was carried out by means of CD ROMS in schools in Vietnam, Kenya, Uganda, Indonesia and Thailand. Approximately 45,000 young people received reliable information in this way helping them to make their own decisions in relationships and sexuality. Also worth mentioning: The programme will be carried out in slum areas in Kenya in 2011 and in youth detention centres in Indonesia. Preparations to implement the programme in Pakistan and Ethiopia from 2012 will also be started in 2011.

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Yvonne Bogaarts

Advocate Rutgers WPF devotes itself worldwide to the improvement of sexual and reproductive health and rights. Yvonne Bogaarts is responsible for ‘advocacy’. What has been achieved in 2011?

What are you proud of? “That we succeeded in cancelling a planned cutback of 35 million Euro for sexual and reproductive health in 2011. That was the plan proposed by the Secretary of State for Development Cooperation (Ben Knapen). By exerting pressure on the Dutch House of Representatives we succeeded in reversing the cutback proposal. Instead we received an additional eight million Euro.”


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Mothersnight reminds Dutch politicians of their responsibilities.

Do you often exert pressure on the Dutch House of Representatives? “You can depend on it! Looking back I think that the Mothersnight campaign has been crucial. Every year we demand attention for worldwide maternal deaths with this campaign. In 2011 we held a photo exposition on maternal mortality in the Dutch House of Representatives and on 16 May an event in Parliament Square was held. There we elicited the support of Mr. Knapen to do more for sexual and reproductive health and rights. He repeated this declaration later in the Dutch House of Representatives.”

Why Mothersnight? “Worldwide a woman dies every one and a half minutes due to complications during pregnancy and birth. 99 Per cent of these women live in a developing country. With Mothersnight we remind Dutch politicians of their responsibilities. We want the Netherlands to maintain its international pioneering role in realising sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health for women in developing countries.”

People throughout the whole world wrote on the paper dolls why they think the female condom is important. In 2012 we are going to try to attain the Guinness Book of World Records with this campaign.”

How did you respond to the birth of the seven billionth world citizen? “We handed out rusks with aniseed sprinkles (a Dutch treat eaten to celebrate the birth of a baby) at five train stations in the Netherlands during the rush hour, together with our goodwill ambassador Dieuwertje Blok. We asked people if the birth of the seven billionth world citizen really was a reason to celebrate. This was a statement: You celebrate the birth of a baby but you also let people see that there is another side to the coin. This is also shown in the State of the World Population of UNFPA that we presented in 2011 in the Netherlands. If we do not ensure good sexuality education and contraception worldwide, the world population will grow from seven billion in 2011 to 11 billion in 2050, with all its consequences, for example for the environment and poverty.”

How can the Netherlands help these women?

Satisfied with the rusk campaign?

“With good contraception of course! Worldwide 215 million women would prefer nothing more than to use contraceptives. This is why we do a lot of work in advocacy relating to this theme. As well as this, we have a specific programme for the female condom. I often hear people saying: Who would want to use a female condom? But this is the only method that women can use themselves to protect themselves from pregnancy and HIV. Therefore you cannot compare it to a male condom; women cannot use that themselves!”

“I am satisfied with the attention that it generated in the Netherlands, but at world level the fact that a growing world population influences very many issues has not registered. And that at the same time there are very many women and girls who would like to use contraception. If you can provide this, you can fulfil their wishes and contribute to a solution to problems such as environment and poverty.”

Do women really want a female condom? “Yes indeed and we made this visible with the Paper Doll Campaign in 2011. This is also something I am proud of. On 16 November five thousand paper dolls were hung up in the Dutch House of Representatives.

Which moment in 2011 will you not forget easily? “I was on a field trip to the Cameroon last year and saw how a woman bought a female condom at the hairdresser’s. I came up with this idea for the female condom programme myself. If you see that it works in practice, then it’s fantastic!” ●

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Some figures from 2011 Sexual violence and disability

61% of women and 23% of men with an intellectual disability have experienced some form of sexual violence, varying from being touched in an offensive way to rape. This is a higher percentage than among the general public. This figure is 35% for women with a physical disability, for men 15%. These percentages become higher when one considers specific forms of sexual violence. A considerable part of sexual violence takes place during youth, particularly among people with a physical or sensory disability. Also men with a physical or sensory disability appear in particular to have more often experienced sexual violence at a young age than men without a disability. Source: Disability and empowerment: Research into sexual violence among people with a physical, sensory or intellectual disability. Utrecht: Rutgers WPF/Movisie


of women and 23% of men with an intellectual disability have experienced some form of sexual violence


of the young people newly infected with HIV/AIDS in Africa are girls

Teenage mothers in Africa

In 2011 more than 33% of African teenagers were mothers. Teenage girls have two to five times more chance of dying from complications during pregnancy and birth than women older than twenty. 67% of African girls and women want to use contraceptives but have no access to them, cannot afford them or are not allowed to use them by their partner. 75% of the young people newly infected by HIV/AIDS in Africa are girls. 42% of girls in sub-Sahara Africa marry before their 18th year. They more often have to face sexual violence than unmarried and adult women. The risk of a woman dying as a result of pregnancy or childbirth is one in 36 in Africa. This is even higher for girls. In Western Europe this affects one in 11,000. Source:


of African teenage girls are mothers


of girls in sub-Sahara Africa marry before their 18th year

Abortion in the Netherlands

In 2010, more than 32,000 abortions were carried out in the Netherlands. This is lower than in previous years. In 2010 the number of abortions per 1,000 women living in the Netherlands in the age group 15-44 years was 8.7. The Netherlands therefore has one of the lowest abortion figures worldwide. The abortion figures for 2011 will be made known during 2012. Source: (in Dutch)


of pregnant women in Africa run the risk of dying. In Western Europe the figure is one in 11,000.


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Whoever wants to stop domestic and sexual violence against women has to invest in men. This is the thought behind the programme ‘Toolkit for men’. On 7 September 2011 this counselling programme was launched in Cape Town. Unique: The perpetrators of domestic violence themselves address their violent behaviour and break the vicious circle of violence. The toolkit came about after intensive cooperation between Rutgers WPF and local organisations in South Africa (Mosaic) and Indonesia (Rifka Annisa and WCC Bengkulu).

South Africa South Africa is one of the most violent countries in the world. At Mosaic Training Service and Healing Centre for Women – in Cape Town, 18,000 incidences of abuse to women are reported every year. And this is only

the tip of the iceberg. Every six hours a woman is murdered by her partner and one in three South African women has been raped at one time in her life. Mosaic has years of experience in taking care of victims.

Indonesia Domestic violence also often occurs in Indonesia: 64 per cent of the women in rural areas and 71 per cent of women in the city have been involved at some time. Remarkable: Victims of violence not only ask for help for themselves but also for their partners. They want the violence to stop, not the relationship. This is an important reason why Rutgers WPF wants to help men to change their behaviour.

This is how it works

Helena Choi of the Hewlett Foundation: “I am proud that we can help Rutgers WPF. This is an organisation that devotes itself to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls in developing countries. The strength of Rutgers WPF is that it works on issues that are sensitive in many communities, such as domestic and sexual violence against women.”

The ‘Toolkit for men’ is a unique and effective counselling programme for perpetrators of domestic violence. Rutgers WPF was even awarded the PSO Innovation Prize in 2010 for the programme. The method is now being successfully implemented on a small scale. In twelve sessions men are given insight into their violent behaviour and they learn how to treat their wives and children respectfully. The sessions are guided by trained psychologists and social workers from local women’s organisations. “We treat men with respect while we also confront them with their behaviour. The idea is to have the right mix of compassion and confrontation in order to really motivate men to change”, according to one of the social workers. ●

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Behind the scenes New Organisation, new website On 6 January 2011 Rutgers WPF celebrated the merger between Rutgers Nisso Groep and WPF with its associates. The new website www. shows how Rutgers WPF strives nationally and internationally to achieve safe, pleasurable and desired sex for everyone. Rutgers WPF characterises itself as an activist centre of expertise that aims to improve sexual and reproductive health worldwide through research, lobbying, products and services:

ISO Certification Quality is important to Rutgers WPF and therefore the organisation aims to deliver products and services that satisfy its clients. This achievement of quality is proved by the fact that ISO certification was awarded to Rutgers WPF in 2011 for its quality management system.

Offices In 2011, Rutgers WPF in the Netherlands worked with a team of 94 people (77 fulltime staff): 69 women and 13 men. The percentage of absence due to illness was reduced from 6.5% in January to 5.6% in December. The field offices consist of 39.6 fulltime staff in total: Pakistan 21 fulltime staff, Indonesia 11 fulltime staff and Vietnam 7.6 fulltime staff.


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Employed in 2011

Number Fulltime Whole year 94 Jan. 77.14 86 Dec. 71.2 82 - male 68.8 13 - female 69 - temporary contract s 26 - permanent cont Starting employmenrat cts 56 11 Leaving employment 12 Trainees 9 Security and Emergency Response (B HV) 6 Field offices (fullti Indonesia 11 mPae) kistan 21 Viet nam 7.6

Composition of Supervisory Board 2011 Bert Koenders, Chairman (from February 2011). Head of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in the Ivory Coast, former Dutch Minister of Development Cooperation. Mohamed Baba, Vice-Chairman. Director of Mex-it, organisation for integration and diversity. Roy Brown, founder of WPF. Former chairman of the International Humanist and Ethical Union.

Walter Everaerd. Professor emeritus of Clinical psychology, University of Amsterdam (member up to February 2011). Inge Hutter Professor of demography, University of Groningen (member up to February 2011). Pinar Ilkkaracan. Director of Women for Women’s Human Rights in Turkey (member since February 2011). Sybren Kalkman. Retired accountant. Cees van Lede. Former chairman of the Executive Board of Akzo Nobel. Former chairman of the Dutch Employers Association (VNO). Marjolijne Lewis. Director of MEE Rotterdam (member since February 2011). Wouter Meijer. Former director of WPF. Former World Bank official. Sara Seims. Senior advisor, Packard Foundation, London (member since September 2011). Koos van der Velden. Professor Public Health, Radboud University Nijmegen. Erik-Thijs Wedershoven. Junior advisor, Operations Strategy Group, KPMG.

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Working abroad Interview with sex expert Sanderijn van der Doef On behalf of Rutgers WPF, sexologist Sanderijn van der Doef supports schools and local organisations in countries such as Ethiopia, Uganda, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia in setting up educational programmes relating to sexuality. Specifically, “I train these people so they themselves can carry out a programme in school. Our goal is to make ourselves redundant but we have not reached that stage yet. There is a lot of work to be done!” Champagne 16 November 2011 is a day that Sanderijn van de Doef will not forget easily. “I got a text that the Ministry of Education in the Netherlands had made sexuality education compulsory in school. ‘That will make you happy’ the message said and you can count on it that I was. That evening a bottle of champagne was opened. I have dedicated myself to this for twenty years. All children should receive sexuality education in school, starting in primary school. I also mention this when I am in developing countries. Sexuality is part of the development of every child.”

Proficiency Sanderijn van der Doef works about two weeks every month in Asia and Africa on behalf of


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Rutgers WPF. “I train people from schools and local organisations in setting up educational programmes in school. These are intensive fiveday trainings in which all aspects are addressed: friendship, feelings, relationships, sexuality, reproduction and sexual violence. Among other things, we make use of the teaching package ‘The World Starts With Me’ that is adapted to each country. I meet these groups about three times a year over a period of two years, until they are fully proficient in teaching the programme and can carry it out themselves and until they have sufficient knowledge to answer difficult questions from parents, pupils or colleague teachers or to refer the person in question to the appropriate authority. Moreover, we also select master trainers from these groups who can take over the work from us.”

Cocktail seating arrangement Sanderijn is just back from China where she gave a week’s training in three different cities about how to give lessons in sexuality education in junior and primary school. Laughing: “I always look in the training room beforehand. This was furnished as a classroom with chairs in rows. This has to change, I announced. I prefer a fish-bone arrangement with tables in ‘cocktail’ arrangement, nice and open. But China has a knowledge culture. The first morning the participants sat with their notebooks, pens and recorders, ready to be informed by me. But that is not my style.”

A bit childish Sanderijn always starts a training with the basic concepts. “I ask: What is sex?


“I want all children and young people in the world to receive good information about sexuality. Then they can protect themselves when they are ready.”

If I ask a question, they say: Miss, that’s what we want you to tell us.” Everyone can shout out the answer. Not much happened at the start of the training in China. They find this approach a little bit childish and don’t say anything. If I ask a question, they say: ‘That’s what we want you to tell us’. But after a while you see them becoming more open and they start to enjoy it. That happens fast; on the second day they are already looking forward to working in groups and discussing things. They

voice their opinion more often too and even criticize what I say. That is wonderful, isn’t it?”

this information, adapted to the age of the children that they work with.”


Juggling everything

“At the end of the training a participant said: ‘You don’t pass on much knowledge, but you know how to change our attitudes.’ “I think that’s a great compliment. Of course, I offer knowledge, but in a completely different way than they are accustomed to. I let them first think themselves and exchange their ideas among themselves. Afterwards I close each session with a definition or with research data. This is my way of not just passing on information but also, in particular, working on their attitudes. Apart from that, I inform them of the principles of a good educational programme. They can make a programme themselves with

Sanderijn is like a fish in water during a training. “I look forward to the training from the moment I’m on the plane. Maybe it’s because I can completely focus on what I have to do. That is completely different to when I still worked in the Netherlands and had to juggle everything at the same time.“ In the past years Sanderijn has trained about five hundred key people. “Our goal is to make ourselves redundant, but we haven’t reached that yet. There is much work to be done. I want all children and young people in the world to receive good information on sexuality. Then they can protect themselves when they are ready. And then they will know that sexuality is normal and part of life.”●

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interview Gerard Poorthuis has been carrying out education programmes for juvenile sex offenders for the past ten years on behalf of Rutgers WPF in The Netherlands. “In 2011, I trained several young boys with a low IQ. What is remarkable in 2011 is the increase in cybersex offences. Boys are being sentenced for sexually intimidating behaviour without having ever seen the girl concerned in real life.�

How a mandatory education programme for juvenile sex offenders works 20

RUTGERSWPFmagazine 2011


“If a fifteen year old girl of her own accord sends a sex film or photo of herself to a boyfriend and he shows it to one of his friends, then both boys might be faced with a legal problem.”


eeing one of the boys giving a final presentation on his disciplinary training makes Gerard realize why he does this work. The Council for Child Protection and the boy’s carers attend the presentation which is given in comic-book format due to the minor intellectual disability of the boys concerned. Gerard remembers that during one presentation the message got across well to a family member. “They suddenly saw why the boy concerned oversteps the boundary, for example because some of his family always protect him and because his minor intellectual disability is not accepted in his family. The fact that this was now made clear to the family meant that his carers could keep him more under control.”

Learning to deal with digital media Another reason why Gerard was happy with the boy’s presentation. “The week before he was very ‘pissed off’. He showed me his mobile with photos and a film displaying explicitly sexual behaviour. Normally the rule is that everything discussed within the training remains confidential. However, if there is question of a risky situation, in this case possible harmful behaviour, then I have to break the rule. He was very angry that I mentioned this incident in the report. He apparently only remembered the first part of our agreement. Another family member took up the subject immediately during the final presentation. “Then we’ll take away his mobile”. This is not the solution however. He has to learn to deal

with digital media, even if the subject of sexuality is involved. I advised making sure that this boy has a ‘buddy’ so that he has someone to discuss matters with in new situations. The problem is often that they know what they have done wrong and how to change things but they can’t always apply it to new situations. A buddy can help to prevent a relapse in this case.”

How do you know when you have crossed a girl’s boundaries? If young people are sentenced for an act of indecency an education programme is imposed by the Chief Crown Prosecutor or

the offender change his criminal behaviour in order to prevent recurrence? “I start with concrete learning goals”, remarked Gerard. “For example: How do you make contact with a girl in a respectful way? How can you recognize a girl’s boundaries? Part of the training consists of practicing alternative behaviour (this often concerns young people with a learning disability). Another part might consist of transfer of knowledge. These boys are in fact lacking information on sexuality. They confirmed this themselves afterwards: ‘I’ve learned an awful lot about sex’ and ‘My new girlfriend says that I’m so careful, different to other boys’.”

Not a ‘certificate of good conduct’

“I suddenly realized why this boy oversteps the boundary.” the Juvenile Court. “This can be because of indecent assault or rape but also because of illicit sexual acts with someone who is unable to give informed consent.” Gerard has ten to fifteen sessions with an offender, on average one and a half hours. Starting point of the education programme is the offence: How can

Gerard notices that today sexual contact, including sexual misconduct, often starts as a digital kind of harassment. “Yes, this has certainly changed in recent years. However, the law also has changed in this regard. If a fifteen year old girl of her own accord sends a sex film or photo of herself to a boyfriend and he shows it to one of his friends, then both boys might be faced with a legal problem. The girl is under 16 which means you’re talking about spreading child pornography in legal terms. The boy will say: ‘What are you talking about?’ But if he is sentenced he might possibly not be given a ‘certificate of good conduct’ and will never be given certain jobs because of this. In the training I always deal with the digital aspects of sexuality in the social media and how to deal with these without overstepping boundaries. I think that this will only become more important in the future.” ●

RUTGERSwpfmagazine 2011


For example: Bijvoorbeeld: Sharon’s daughterweet willstraks know better Sharons dochter beter Bijvoorbeeld: Sharons dochter weet straks beter

The Kenian Sharon knew nothing about sex and how you De Keniaanse Sharon wist niets over seks en hoe je zwanger could get pregnant. Before she was 18 she was already raken.ofZe is op haar 18de al moeder akon mother a son and a daughter. However,van sheeen haszoon en een dochter. Maar gaat weer to naar schoolWPF, en heeft returned to school andzehas, thanks Rutgers fidaar received dankzij Rutgers WPF alsnog nally sex education there.seksuele Sharon isvoorlichting strong and resolute: her own daughter willvastberaden: not become ahaar helpless gekregen. Sharon is sterk en eigen teenage mother, sentenced toover a poor De Keniaanse Sharon wist niets seksexistence. en hoeveroordeeld je zwanger dochter wordt geen hulpeloze tienermoeder, kon raken. Ze is op haar 18de al moeder van een zoon tot een armoedig bestaan.

Wiser en een dochter. Maar ze gaat weer naar school en heeft Rutgers WPF provides education in schools together daar dankzij Rutgers WPF alsnog seksuele voorlichting Wijzer worden with partner organisations in Africa and Asia. In this gekregen. Sharon is sterk en vastberaden: haar eigen Samen metpeople partnerorganisaties geeft Rutgers WPF voorway young get to know everything about the use

dochter wordt geenin hulpeloze veroordeeld lichting op scholen Afrika entienermoeder, Azië. Jongeren komen zo tot een bestaan. alles te armoedig weten over het gebruik van anticonceptie en bescherming tegen hiv-infectie. Meisjes leren bovendien Wijzer worden Samen met partnerorganisaties geeft Rutgers WPF voorlichting op scholen in Afrika en Azië. Jongeren komen zo alles te weten over het gebruik van anticonceptie en bescherming tegen hiv-infectie. Meisjes leren bovendien

of contraception and protection against HIV infection. hoe ze weerbaarder kunnen worden tegenover opdringMoreover, girls learn how to be more resilient towards erige mannen. zo’n 700.000 jongeren aggressive men.Tot Upnu to toe nowzijn 700,000 young people in op duizenden of scholen heel veel wijzer geworden. thousands schools have become a lot wiser as a result of receiving sexuality education. Sign of life

Sign ofweerbaarder life trouwens hoe ze kunnen worden opdringSharon heeft geluk gehad.tegenover In ontwikkelingsSharon has in fact been lucky. Approximately 290,000 erige Tot nu toe zijn zo’n 700.000 jongeren op landenmannen. sterven jaarlijks ruim 350.000 jonge vrouwen aan young women die annually inwijzer developing countries due duizenden scholen heel geworden. complicaties tijdens de veel zwangerschap of de bevalling. to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. It Het is de grootste doodsoorzaak onder meisjes tussen is the leading cause of death among girls between 15 Sign life 15 en jaar.This Daarom is Rutgers WPF is ook partner in de and 19of19 years. is why Rutgers WPF also partner

Sharon heeftSign trouwens gehad. In ontwikkelingscampagne of Life.geluk De campagne wijst publiek landen sterven ruimvan 350.000 jonge vrouwen aan en politiek op jaarlijks het belang onder andere seksuele complicaties tijdens de zwangerschap of de bevalling. voorlichting voor Afrikaanse meisjes. Het is de grootste doodsoorzaak onder meisjes tussen 15 en 19 jaar. Daarom is Rutgers WPF ook partner in de campagne Sign of Life. De campagne wijst publiek en politiek op het belang van onder andere seksuele voorlichting voor Afrikaanse meisjes.

Foto: Nancy Durrell McKenna

Foto: Nancy Durrell McKenna

Rutgers WPF en Rutgers WPF and deRutgers Postcode Loterij. WPF en the Dutch Postcode Lottery de Postcode Loterij.

in the campaign Sign of Life. Among other things, the Dankzij u... campaign points out to the public and politicians the Rutgers WPF ontvangt sinds 2002for een bijdrage van de Postcode importance of sex education African girls.

Loterij. Dankzij alle loterijdeelnemers heeft Rutgers WPF in

totaal 6,2tomiljoen Thanks you ...euro aan verschillende projecten kunnen Rutgers WPF hasmee received a contribution from the Loterij Dutch besteden. Door te spelen met de Postcode Postcode Lottery 2002. to van all the lottery Dankzij u... steunt u met 50%since van uw inlegThanks het werk Rutgers WPF participants Rutgers WPF2002 has able tovan spend in total Rutgers WPF ontvangt sinds een de Postcode en 80 andere goede doelen. Kijkbeen op bijdrage 6.2 million Euroalle on loterijdeelnemers different projects.heeft 50%Rutgers of the money Loterij. Dankzij WPF in earned through the Postcode Lottery goes to the work totaal 6,2 miljoen euro aan verschillende projecten kunnen of Rutgers WPF and 80 other charities. Please visit www. besteden. Door mee te spelen met de Postcode Loterij for further information. steunt u met 50% van uw inleg het werk van Rutgers WPF en 80 andere goede doelen. Kijk op

Together we make a difference.

Samen maken we het verschil. Elke week leest u in deze krant over het belangrijke werk van één van de 81 goede doelen die de Postcode Loterij steunt. Meer achtergrondinformatie kunt u vinden op

Thanks to our donors We would like to especially thank all our donors and clients. Through their generous contributions we can work on improving sexual and reproductive health in the Netherlands and worldwide. • Aids Fund • Cordaid • Dance4Life • The David and Lucile Packard Foundation • Edukans/Educaids • European Commission • Fund for Scientific Research of Sexuality • The Ford Foundation

• Global Fund for Tuberculosis, Aids and Malaria • ‘s HeerenLoo • Innovation Fund for Healthcare Insurers • International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) • JP van den Bent Foundation • Ministry of Foreign Affairs • Ministry of Justice • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport • Dutch Postcode Lottery • NCDO • Oxfam Novib • Parnassia Bavo Groep • The Council for Child Protection • Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM)

• Westberg Foundation • DoCare Foundation • Children’s Stamps Foundation, Netherlands • Stop Aids Now! • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) • PSO Association • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation • The World Bank • The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW) Many thanks too to all our other donors.

RUTGERSwpfmagazine 2011


Financial Annual Report Result Financially, Rutgers WPF has had a good year. We finished 2011 with a positive result of € 62,079 while we had counted on a loss of more than € 48,000 in the budget.

The decrease in income in relation to 2010 was mostly due to less income being generated from own fundraising. This was mainly due to the ending of those projects that produced much income in 2010. The effect of the financial crisis was felt strongly by private assets funds, resulting in less projects being awarded.

Income Compared to 2010, income appeared to have greatly increased: from 12.7 million to 16.2 million Euro. However, this is only on the surface because of the fact that Rutgers WPF is lead agent of the SRHR Alliance financed from the MFS II programme of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the rules of the Ministry the lead agent has to include the whole alliance grant in its financial accounts. The grant that goes to the other partners (Amref Flying Doctors, Simavi, dance4life and Choice) is therefore accounted for in Rutgers WPF’s statement of income and expenditure. This does not have any effect on the net result because the grants destined for other partners are directly paid. If the grant paid to the Alliance Members is not considered, then Rutgers WPF independently achieved a result of more than 12 million Euro, almost 5% more than budgeted. The result is nevertheless 4% lower than that of 2010. In the financial overview three sources of income can be distinguished • Own fundraising: These are funds that Rutgers WPF generates itself from donors, private assets funds in the Netherlands and for example in the United States (such as the Hewlett Foundation) and income from consultancy, training and the sale of materials. • Joint fundraising: Income received together with Oxfam Novib and i+solutions for the project ‘Universal Access to Female Condoms’. • Third-party campaigns: Funds awarded to Rutgers WPF by parties that raise funds themselves, e.g. the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the Children’s Stamps Foundation and Stop Aids Now! Our part of the grant that lead agent STI AIDS the Netherlands received from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport for the campaign ‘Speakeasy on Sex’ is also accounted for under this source of income. • Government grants: All income from government or governmentrelated organisations, such as for example ZonMW (The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development) are accounted for under this category. This in particular applies to the Dutch government, but Rutgers WPF also received subsidy from the UN organisation UNFPA and the World Bank for its international work.


RUTGERSWPFmagazine 2011

Comparing the result from 2011 with the budget shows a positive difference of more than € 850,000. This increase is mainly caused by more income from third-party campaigns (€ 437,291) and more government grants (€ 316,428) than budgeted. These consist of, among others, the unbudgeted continuation of the information campaign ‘Speakeasy on Sex’ and several projects awarded by ZonMW.

Directly devoted to objectives From the total funds of 16.2 million Euro, 15 million (93% of the total income) was directly spent on the three objectives of Rutgers WPF: the national programme, the international programme and the advocacy and communication programme. This was 89% in 2010.

National programme The greater part of national activities is carried out by own staff members. A detailed report is given to the Ministry of Health (VWS) on the activities carried out with the institutional subsidy. Spending on national activities in 2011 amounted to 3.7 million Euro which is 31% of the total income (excluding the MFS II subsidy to Alliance Partners). This percentage is higher than in 2010 (26%) and higher than budgeted (25%).

International programme Most of these activities are carried out by local partner organisations in Africa and Asia and the three field offices in Indonesia, Vietnam and Pakistan. As well as this, project expenditure includes costs incurred for work executed by the staff of Rutgers WPF in the Netherlands: assistance, substantive support and monitoring and evaluation. The costs of the three field offices in Asia are part of the country portfolios. These country portfolios are financed through Rutgers WPF, the EU, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and locally acquired funds. Total spending on international activities was almost 10 million Euro in 2011. 4.2 million Euro of this consisted of subsidy that directly came from the MFS II Alliance Partners. Rutgers WPF itself spent 4.8 million

Euro, that is 40% of its total income. This was lower than in 2010 (55%) and somewhat lower than budgeted (49%).

Programme-influencing policy/Public opinion Most of the activities were carried out by own staff. Spending in 2011 was 1.2 million Euro that is 10% of total income (excluding MFS II subsidy to Alliance Partners). In 2010 this was 8.8%; the budget for 2011 estimated a percentage of 8%.

Costs for own fundraising

Oudenoord, € 30,000 was already reserved in 2011 for the expected office relocation and furnishing costs in 2014 or 2015. From an earlier reserve of institutional subsidy from the Ministry of Health, Sport and Welfare € 9,850 was derived. A provision was also made in connection with the streamlining of the organisation because of an expected decrease in income from 2012. As well as this a provision has been made for the expected closure of the field office in Vietnam.

In 2011 own fundraising costs mainly comprised personnel costs for the fundraiser and some additional costs. In 2011 this amounted to € 100,526. This is 8.2% of the income from own fundraising. In 2010 this was 2.8%; in the 2011 budget this was 7.5%.

2012 and thereafter

Management and administrative costs

From 2012 Rutgers WPF will have to deal with far-reaching cutbacks in institutional subsidy by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The economic crisis will also, according to expectations, lead to a decrease in income at national as well as international level. We will therefore do our utmost to tap into new sources of financing.

Management and administrative costs amounted to 5.5% of the total costs (in 2010: 8%). This is under the 9% norm used by us. This norm is derived from the average percentage of the benchmark (medium-sized organisations 9.6%: published in the Transparency Prize 2009). The percentage for management and administrative costs was lower than in 2010 and lower than budgeted. Leaving aside the costs of the MFS II joint applicants, then the percentage works out at 7.4%.

Rutgers WPF finished 2011 with a positive result. In 2012 we expect 11.3 million Euro in income and a breakeven final result. This income excludes the MFS II subsidy for the Alliance Partners.

Liquid assets Liquid assets were more than 3.8 million Euro at the end of 2011. This is more than enough to fulfil obligations. Rutgers WPF does not participate in investment. Any surplus liquid assets are held on deposit in accounts at Dutch banks with an AAA rating.

Reserves A small amount of the financial result of € 62,079, that is € 42,000, was added to the continuity reserve. This reserve is used to guarantee the continuity of the organisation and to cover risks. In the long term we strive to attain a real disposable income covering eight months of fixed costs in order to be able to continue for twelve months, in the case of a substantial income decrease, with an organisation of fewer resources. This reserve is in agreement with the VFI Guideline Reserves for Charities and the CBF seal of approval regulation in which a maximum of one and a half years of the annual costs is indicated. Due to the termination of the tenancy agreement for our office at

RUTGERSwpfmagazine 2011


Rutgers WPF BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2011 (Amounts in Euros) 31/12/2011


Assets Intangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets




319,015 334,428



412,540 110,784

Receivables, prepayments and other current assets



Liquid assets









Reserves and funds Reserves • Continuity reserve •N PL appropriated reserve spent on the objective • Appropriated reserve office relocation •D epartment of Health, Welfare and Sport risk fund





30,000 72,923

82,773 2,047,811


Provisions Provision reorganisation



Provision employees’ anniversaries



Provision field office


0 444,921


Short-term debts






These figures are based on the complete 2011 annual statement of accounts for which approval has been given by Dubois & Co officially recognized accountants. The complete annual account and the auditors’ certificate are available on request.


RUTGERSWPFmagazine 2011

STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR 2011 (Amounts in Euros) Actual 2011

Budgeted 2011

Actual 2010

INCOME Income from own fundraising Income from joint activities Income from third-party campaigns Government subsidies Income from interest and exchange result











1,626,178 8,877,994




Total income Total income excluding joint MFS II applicants










EXPENDITURE Directly spent on objectives Programme spending: National








Influencing policy-public opinion




TOTAL EXPENDITURE Total expenditure excluding joint MFS II applicants







Fundraising income Costs of own fundraising Costs of third-party campaigns Costs of subsidies




92,890 51,052




















• Continuity reserve




• Appropriated reserve office relocation • Department of Health, Welfare and Sport Risk fund


Result 2011


Management and administration Costs of management and administration Total expenditure Total expenditure excluding joint MFS II applicants RESULT Profit or loss appropriation


-5,058 -48,237


RUTGERSwpfmagazine 2011


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