Rutgers SPAA NEWS – Fall 2022 / Summer 2023

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School of Public A airs and Administration

Rutgers SPA A Celebrates the Class of 2023

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Recent Faculty Books Examine Violence in America, the Open Government Project, and Government Transparency

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International Conference Explores the Challenge of Inclusive Governance

FALL 2022 – SUMMER 2023
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Dear colleagues, students, alumni, and friends of SPAA:

This last academic year has been a transition year for SPAA, yet also a year of progress and exciting developments as highlighted in the pages of this newsletter In our MPA program, we now allow students to choose a foundation in either public or nonprofit management and to take more electives so that they can shape the degree toward their interests and career goals We’ve also added new graduate certificate options in “equity and inclusion in the workplace” and in “public sector management-labor relations” (together with the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations) and in “social entrepreneurship” (together with the Rutgers Business School) These certificate programs can be taken independently or, now, as specializations

within the MPA And we launched a 100% online version of our BA in Public and Nonprofit Management, making SPAA one of the first units at Rutgers to offer a fully online undergraduate degree

Our amazing SPAA faculty continue their thought leadership in the field with several new books published (see page 5) as well as other important accomplishments (see page 9 “Accolades”) And SPAA continues to engage with the public by participating in the Big Ten’s Democracy in the 21st Century initiative, a health literacy and COVID-prevention project with Newark’s health department, and an NSF-funded Smart and Connected Communities initiative with Newark’s Office of Information and Technology and other agencies You can find out more about all these SPAA activities and more in the following pages

New MPA Curriculum Allows Students to Choose a Foundation in Public or Nonprofit Management and Offers More Electives For Specializations

Rutgers SPAA’s is rolling out a new Master of Public Administration (MPA) curriculum that allows students to choose a foundation in either public or nonprofit management and to take more electives in order to shape the degree to their specialized interests and career goals The new curriculum takes effect Fall 2023 in the traditional MPA (which is offered on campus, online, and hybrid) and in the 100% Online MPA

Within a more streamlined core of seven courses, MPA students can now choose either a public management track or a nonprofit management track, and the number of electives for the degree doubles to six courses (18 credits), allowing much greater flexibility in choosing courses Students can use their electives to fashion their own specialization by taking courses on topics such as labor relations, leadership and diversity, government technology, administrative law, performance measurement and evaluation, the policy process,

and more Elective courses can also be applied toward one or more Graduate Certificates offered in Budgeting and Financial Management, Healthcare Administration, Leadership of Public Organizations, Nonprofit Management, and other areas of professional specialization The capstone course, with the option of completing either a capstone paper or a professional portfolio, continues to serve as a culminating experience in the MPA program and provides students with an opportunity to integrate their learning from coursework with application to real-world issues and career ambitions

The new Master of Public Administration (MPA) curriculum will be available to both current and prospective students this fall, and joins changes that have also been made to the Executive MPA (EMPA) program

Learn more about SPAA’s new MPA curriculum: https://spaa newark rutgers edu/mpa

–g r e g g Va n ry z i n, i nt e r i m D e a n D E A N ’S N O T E 2 | R U TG E R S S PA A N E W S

SPA A Offering 100% Online Bachelor's Degree in Public and Nonprofit Administration

Star ting Fall 2023, students at Rutgers SPAA can earn their Bachelor of Ar ts in Public and Nonprofit Administration completely online Designed to prepare students for careers or advanced study in public and nonprofit administration, the undergraduate program is rooted in the concept of experiential learning and is not solely focused on traditional academic coursework The curriculum gives students a hands-on educational experience through internships and projects that provide the practical knowledge and skills required to enter rewarding careers in government or the nonprofit sector in a variety of policy areas, now with the flexibility of online learning

The undergraduate major at SPAA consists of 35 credits broken into three areas: core courses (15 credits), servicelearning courses (5 credits), and electives (15 credits) Undergraduate students must complete an 18 credit second

concentration, and 100% Online BA students must complete SPAA’s Accelerated MPA program as their second concentration

Learn more about SPAA’s 100% Online BA:

Students Can Now Apply SPA A Courses Toward Certificates in Social Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, and Public Sector L abor-Management Relations

n Social Entrepreneurship Certificate

Students can now apply SPAA courses toward the threecourse Social Entrepreneurship Cer tificate program which is designed to give students a fundamental background to address some of the world’s most intractable social and ecological problems

Offered jointly by Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) and Rutgers Business School (RBS), the cer tificate prepares the leaders of today and tomorrow to star t nonprofit or for-profit enterprises to develop, fund, and implement solutions to a wide range of social, cultural, or environmental issues and lead broader social changes in areas such as pover ty alleviation, health care, and community development

n Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate

n Public Sector Labor-Management Relations Certificate

Rutgers SPAA has par tnered with Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) so that graduate stu-

dents may count MPA courses toward SMLR cer tificates

The four-course (12-credit) Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Cer tificate program offered by Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) is designed to give students the tools to help organizations (including public and nonprofit organizations) successfully navigate the challenges and oppor tunities associated with an increasingly diverse workforce

The four-course (12-credit) Public Sector Labor-Management Relations Cer tificate program offered by Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) helps students develop a broad perspective on public sector labormanagement relations issues – involving teachers, Rutgers university employees, police officers, and other public employees

Learn more about SPAA’s certificates: https://spaa newark rutgers edu/certificates

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Rutgers SPAA Celebrates the Class of 2023

On Tuesday, May 16, more than 180 School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) graduates were honored and recognized as par t of Rutgers University–Newark’s Commencement 2023 held at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ SPAA Assistant Teaching Professor Dr Michael Dillard carried the gonfalon for the school in the faculty procession Internationally acclaimed jazz ar tist, composer, and educator Terence Blanchard was the ceremony speaker

Preceding the university commencement ceremony, SPAA held a 2023 Graduation Celebration on May 11, and a PhD Hooding Ceremony was hosted by the RU-N Graduate School on May 15, both at the Paul Robeson Campus Center

At SPAA's graduation celebration, the school's graduates, Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society inductees, and 2023 SPAA Award winners were honored The keynote speaker was Kareem Willis (BA'16, MPA'17, PhD'22), who is the first student to earn the BA, MPA, and PhD from the School of Public Affairs and Administration and is currently a presidential postdoctoral fellow at SPAA Rutgers SPAA Assistant Teaching Professor Dr Lois Warner (PhD'07) managed the induction of 36 graduates into Pi Alpha Alpha, the global honor society for public affairs and administration In addition, the graduating 2022-2023 SPAA Student Ambassadors were acknowledged

Read more about SPAA’s 2023 graduating students: https://go rutgers edu/spaa-grads-2023

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Ariane Chebel d'Appollonia's Newest Book Analyzes Ethnoracial Groups' Use of Violence

Professor Ariane Chebel d'Appollonia analyzes why and how various ethno racial groups proactively and instrumentally use different forms of violence to achieve their goals in her newest book, Violent America: The Dynamics of Identity Politics in a Multiracial Society, from Cornell University Press Dr Chebel d'Appollonia combines a historical analysis spanning centuries with an examination of contemporar y problems and explores how and why ethnoracial groups can be both perpetrators and victims of violence, why some minority groups react differently to violence in comparable situations, and what the consequences are today for politics in both America and Europe

Learn more: https://go rutgers edu/chebel-dappollonia-violent-america

Suzanne Piotrowski Examines the Successes of the Open Government Par tnership in Latest Book

Professor Suzanne Piotrowski's newest book, The Power of Par tnership in Open Government: Reconsidering Multistakeholder Governance Reform, co-authored with Daniel Berliner and SPAA alumn Alex Ingrams (PhD'17), presents the Open Government Par tnership as an example of a successful transnational multistakeholder initiative that has impacted policy and helped to produce progressive public sector reform Through document analysis, inter views, process tracing, and quantitative analysis of secondar y data, this book char ts the Open Government Par tnership’s effectiveness and evaluates what this reveals about the potential of international reform initiatives in general The open access publication is free to download from the MIT Press

Learn more:

Gregory Porumbescu Discusses His Latest Book Examining Government Transparency

Associate Professor Gregor y Porumbescu presents a multilayered look at transparency in his latest book, Government Transparency: State of the Ar t and New Perspectives He held a vir tual discussion and Q&A with his fellow authors, Alber t Meijer and Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen from Ultrecht University, on their recently published book

Watch the recording: https://go rutgers edu/porumbescu-book-discussion-2023

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Seoul National University GSPA and Rutgers

SPAA Hold Joint International Conference at Rutgers University–Newark

The 2022 SNU GSPA-Rutgers SPAA International Conference, sponsored jointly by the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University–Newark and the Graduate School of Public Administration (GSPA) at Seoul National University (SNU), was held Nov 4-7 on the RU-N campus The conference, with a theme of "Democracy, Performance, and the Challenge of Inclusive Governance," brought together scholars from around the globe to share insights on how governments can respond to current and future challenges Rutgers SPAA faculty Miyeon Song, assistant professor, and Gregg Van Ryzin, professor and interim dean, served on the organization committee

Over four days, the conference provided an in-depth look at complex public administration issues faced by societies around the world with sessions that included "New Perspectives

in Public Administration," "Budget and Finance," "Democracy and Transparency, " "Citizens and Public Policy," "Collaboration and Performance Information," and "Finance and Local Government " The event opened with keynote speaker Kenneth J Meier, dis-

American University, who spoke on "Democracy, Performance and Inclusive Governance: Politics, Context and Choice "

Learn more:

https://go rutgers edu/snu-gspa-rutgers-spaa2022

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tinguished scholar in residence at Kenneth meier (on screen) speaks on "Democracy, performance and inclusive governance: politics, Context and Choice" following a welcome by gregg Van ryzin (at podium) above, Lindsey mcDougle (on screen) discusses a pedagogic approach to the democratization of foundation philanthropy

New Jersey Certified Public Manager Program Recognizes 99 Graduates at Fall Ceremony

The New Jersey Cer tified Public Manager (CPM) Program at Rutgers SPAA recognized 99 graduates at the 2022 graduation ceremony held on Sept 16 The theme was "Public Service Calls for Excellence "

2022 CPM graduate David Pepe was awarded the annual Askew Award for his exemplary CPM capstone project entitled “Environmental Impacts and Proposed Regulations on the Cannabis Cultivation Industry ”

Learn more about the CPM Program: https://spaa newark rutgers edu/cpm

m e r i L a nt o n y (m pa'1 7, p h D'2 2) received the American Society for Public Administration’s (ASPA) 2023 Section on Personnel Administration and Labor Relations (SPALR) Best Disser tation Award

r a J a D e B e r ry-J a m e s (p h D'9 9) was elected vice president of the executive council of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)

+ Berry-James was elected as chair of the Standing Panel on Social Equity in Governance of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)

a m i n a B e y (m pa'1 3) was inducted into the 2022 Class of the Rutgers African-American Alumni Alliance (RAAA) Hall of Fame

at ta C e e s ay (p h D'1 1) received the 2022 Leslie A Whittington Excellence in Teaching Award from the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA)

pat r i a D e L a n C e r J u L n e s (p h D'9 7) was named an associate editor of Public Performance & Management Review

V i Ct o r i a F e r n a n D e z (m pa'1 2) became the Director of Thriving Communities at the Grunin Foundation

C h e o n L e e (p h D'2 2) received the 2022 Emerging Scholars Fund Scholarship from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)

h a n J i n m a o (m pa'1 5, p h D'2 2) received the 2023 Best Disser tation Award from the Academy of Management -2023-aom

D e Va n e m u r p h y (B a'1 8, m pa'2 0) was named the head intercollegiate debate coach for the University of Kentucky Intercollegiate Debate Team

Lo L a n s e V i L L a (m pa'2 0) celebrated their one-year anniversary as the Director of Organizing at Funders for Justice

K ay L a s C h w o e r e r (p h D'2 3) won the Best Disser tation Award from the Section for Women in Public Administration (SWPA) of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)

K a i F e n g ya n g (p h D'0 3) was named editor of Public Performance & Management Review

We welcome SPAA alumni news about career, professional, and educational accomplishments. For more alumni information and to share updates, visit

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Rutgers SPA A Collaborating with Big Ten Schools on Democracy in the 21st Centur y Initiative

SPAA is collaborating with public policy, public affairs, and public administration schools in the Big Ten Conference on the Democracy in the 21st Century initiative, an effor t to develop educational programs that promote active civic education and engagement The collaboration offers shared programming around issues and challenges facing democracy in this century and focuses on five thematic areas: civics education, voting, the federal judiciary in the 21st century, rural and urban environmental justice, and challenges to democracies globally With par ticipation from the Big Ten’s four teen schools, the initiative harnesses the diverse assets of the Big Ten to benefit the conference’s students, faculty, staff, and local communities and encourage par ticipation in our democratic processes through

an array of programming, from signature events with national exper ts to policy simulations for students

Rutgers SPAA Associate Professor Stephanie Newbold is serving as the lead organizer for the section focusing on the federal judiciary in the 21st century Dr Newbold specializes in the intellectual history of public administration, democraticconstitutionalism, and the intersection between the American Constitution and the administrative state In 2012, she served as the U S Supreme Cour t Fellow in the Office of the Counselor to the Chief Justice

“We are finding that students across all our campuses are incredibly interested in learning more about how the

third branch of government is managed and operated, and we want to use this opportunity to educate and inform them on this important area of American government,” said Dr Newbold

Programming being planned in this area over the next academic year includes events to examine the institutional structures and dynamics of the U S federal cour ts and the Supreme Cour t in par ticular, as well as discussions of the political dynamics and social implications of the federal judiciary's decision-making

SPA A Ser vice Day 2022 Features "Public Safety and the Public: An Intersection with the Community"

On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, the School of Public Affairs and Administration held its annual SPAA Ser vice Day The 2022 theme was "Public Safety and the Public: An Intersection with the Community," and SPAA hosted a panel presentation with ser vice leaders responsible for the safety of the community Panel members discussed key challenges in their respective areas, how graduates can pursue similar careers, how their work connects to public and nonprofit administration, and took questions

Learn more and watch the recording: https://go rutgers edu/spaa-service-day-2022

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PhD candidate m a u r i C i o a s t u D i L Lo-r o D a s was awarded the 2022 APSA Paul Volker Junior Scholar Award

https://go rutgers edu/astudillo -rodas-2022-apsa-volcker

MPA students Ly D i a g r ay, J a m e s h o r n i n g, r h i a n a yo u n g, and J a C q u e L i n e z a pata competed at the NASPAA 2023 Wildfire Simulation Competition

D i a n e h i L L, assistant professor of professional practice, wrapped up work with a team on The New Jersey Healthcare Essential Worker Outreach and Education Study – Testing Overlooked Occupations (NJ HEROES TOO) project which focused on overlooked essential workers in COVID-19 conversations

PhD student Va L e nt i n e L a m a r was named a RutgersGuilford College Doctoral Fellow for academic year 2022-2023

PhD student y i n g L i u was selected as the 2023 Scholarship Award winner in the PhD student category from the Section for Women in Public Administration (SWPA) of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)

https://go rutgers edu/liu-swpa-2023

J i a h u a n Lu, associate professor, received the 2022 RGKARNOVA President's Award, from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), which encourages innovative, foundational research in the field of nonprofit and philanthropic studies

https://go rutgers edu/arnova22-research-awards

+ Lu was named an associate editor of Public Performance & Management Review

L i n D s e y m C D o u g L e, associate professor, received the 2022 University of Maryland (UMD) Do Good Institute & ARNOVA

Global Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership Award, from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), which encourages innovative, pathbreaking research in the field of “global philanthropy or global nonprofit leadership "

https://go rutgers edu/arnova22-research-awards

+ McDougle was named an associate editor of the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quar terly (NVSQ)

s t e p h a n i e n e w B o L D, associate professor, presented "American Democracy and Crisis – Lessons for Public Sector Management and Democratic Governance" at the University of Public Service in Budapest, Hungary

https://spaa newark rutgers edu/newsroom/expert-voices-american-dream-still-within-reach

+ Newbold is the editor of The American Review of Public Administration (ARPA) which reached an Impact Factor Score of 4 929 for 2021, the highest in the journal's history

https://go rutgers edu/arpa-2021-impact-score

BA student a L i ya h s a L e e m was selected as a recipient of the inaugural Obama-Chesky Voyager Scholarship for Public Service

https://go rutgers edu/saleem-voyager

m i y e o n s o n g, assistant professor, and g r e g g Va n ry z i n, professor and interim dean, served on the organization committee of the 2022 SNU GSPA-Rutgers

SPAA International Conference, sponsored jointly by SPAA and the Graduate School of Public Administration (GSPA) at Seoul National University (SNU)

Lo i s wa r n e r (p h D’0 7) was promoted to associate teaching professor at Rutgers SPAA

K a r e e m w i L L i s (B a'1 6, m pa'1 7, p h D'2 2) joined Rutgers SPAA as a presidential postdoctoral fellow

p e n g J u z h a n g was promoted to associate professor at Rutgers SPAA

https://spaa newark rutgers edu/newsroom/pengju-zhangpromoted-associate-professor

+ Zhang was named an associate editor (for outreach) at Public Performance & Management Review

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Rutgers Team L eads Evidence-Based COVID -19 Health Literacy Project for City of Newark Initiative Funded by U.S. Department of Health & Human Ser vices

A Rutgers team consisting of faculty from the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University–Newark and affiliated faculty in the Depar tment of Family Medicine and Community Health at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School at Rutgers-New Brunswick has par tnered with the City of Newark, NJ, on an initiative to encourage COVID-19 safety and vaccination among underserved populations

Principal investigator Charles Menifield, professor, along with Diane Hill, assistant professor of professional practice, Miyeon Song, assistant professor, and Gregg Van Ryzin, professor and interim dean from Rutgers SPAA, along with Shawna Hudson, professor, Rutgers Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, are leading the effor t to assist the city in demonstrating evidence-based health literacy strategies to enhance COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, and other mitigation measures in socially vulnerable populations

The team is providing an Evaluation and Quality Improvement Plan for the Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19 grant received by Newark's Depar tment of Health and Community Wellness (DHCW) from the U S Depar tment of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Minority Health (OMH) Specifically, during the course of Newark's two-year, $3,875,000 grant, the Rutgers team is engaging in five key activities in conjunction with the City of Newark’s Depar tment of Health and Community Wellness and other collaborative par tners, which include a formative evaluation; qualitative interviews; data comparison; community survey research; and a quality improvement process

“The par tnership between Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration and the Newark Depar tment of Health is built on a mutual desire to provide residents with the skills needed to understand and use information to make better health-related decisions and advocate for them-

selves when needed,” says Ketlen Baptiste Alsbrook, health director for the City of Newark

Nikeysha Harris-Neal, manager of health education and community engagement at Newark's DHCW, adds that “ promoting health literacy through education and awareness will enhance effor ts to improve the culture of health in our city ”

As par t of the evaluation of the initiative, SPAA conducted a survey of a representative sample of adult residents of Newark The Newark Community Health Survey, as it was called, was modeled on the New Jersey Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS) and other federal health surveys and asked questions about respondents’ health status, access to healthcare, and COVID-related attitudes, risk factors, and behaviors

The Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Responses to COVID-19 initiative seeks to demonstrate the effectiveness of local government implementation of evidence-based health literacy strategies that are culturally appropriate to enhance COVID-19 testing, contact tracing and/or other mitigation measures (e g , public health prevention practices and vaccination) in racial and ethnic minority populations and other socially vulnerable populations, including racial and ethnic minority rural communities OMH looked to allocate $250 million to fund approximately 30 projects in urban communities and 43 projects in rural communities for a period of two years, and expected grant recipients to include a culturally appropriate health literacy plan to enhance COVID-19 vaccination, testing, contact tracing and/or other mitigation effor ts among racial and ethnic minority and other socially vulnerable communities Recipients are also expected to leverage local data to identify racial and ethnic minority populations at the highest risk for health disparities and low health literacy, as well as populations not currently reached through existing public health campaigns

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Rutgers Transparency and Governance Center Hosts Digital Dashboard Training for City of Newark Officials

The Transparency and Governance Center (TGC) at Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) hosted a training session for city officials from Newark, NJ to provide insights on digital dashboards the center developed as par t of a three-year $2 3 million Smar t and Connected Communities project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) The project is focused on working collaboratively with the City of Newark and Newark residents to advance digital public services, and is par t of a larger digital literacy initiative of the TGC, which is led by Rutgers SPAA faculty, Director Suzanne Piotrowski and Associate Director Gregory Porumbescu

The interactive training session introduced three digital dashboards, which display various types of visual data in one place It was conducted in a computer classroom to allow par ticipants to navigate through them and ask questions The dashboards include:

Newark Integrated Dashboard: This dashboard aggregates data from different sources, such as air quality, escooter activity, traffic cameras, the Newark Connect app, Newark Fiber Wi-Fi access, and parking tickets

Newark Connect Dashboard: This dashboard shows the spatial distribution of different types of service requests in the Newark Connect app, how requests vary by time, and how efficiently different depar tments handle these requests

Abandoned Proper ties Dashboard: This dashboard

tracks abandoned proper ty cases across Newark from early 2013 to early 2023 It shows the status of these cases, how the distribution of cases has changed over time, when these proper ties were last inspected, and where these cases are most concentrated on the map with respect to socioeconomic status

Learn more and watch the recordings: https://spaa newark rutgers edu/newsroom/rutgers-tgc-dashboard-training

Multi-Language Trainings for Newark Connect App

Also as par t of the NSF grant, TGC has developed multi-language trainings for the Newark Connect Repor ting Tool for Citizens to help Newark residents utilize the app to repor t non-emergency neighborhood issues or file complaints

The Newark Connect app is a mobile application that allows Newark residents to repor t non-emergency neighborhood issues or file complaints Once an issue is repor ted, a ticket is created and routed to the appropriate municipal depar tment as well as the city's 4311 Non-Emergency Phone Center Through the app, residents can also upload photos showing the repor ted problems, check the status of the repor ts, and view and comment on repor ts submitted by others

TGC has created a series of training manuals and video instructions on how to use the Newark Connect app, which are available in English, Spanish, and Por tuguese The trainings cover how to download and install the app, how to create an account, how to make a request or complaint, and how to check existing repor ts

Learn more and watch the training videos:

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In Recognition of Black Histor y Month, SPA A Hosts Conversation with Exemplar y Leader Kenneth Douglas (BA’15,


In recognition of Black History Month, SPAA hosted a conversation with exemplary leader Kenneth Douglas (BA'15, MPA'17), who is the director of fire and emergency services for the City of Trenton, NJ He spoke about successes and challenges within his career and how having a master's degree in public administration helped him to become a director

Guest Speaker:

Kenneth Douglas (Ba'15, mpa'17) – Director of Fire and Emergency Services, City of Trenton, NJ

Co-moderated by:

michael Dillard – Assistant Teaching Professor and Director of the Undergraduate Program, Rutgers SPAA sharon stroye (mpa'06) – Director of Public Engagement, Rutgers SPAA

Kenneth Douglas (Ba’15, mpa’17)

Watch a recording of the conversation: https://go rutgers edu/spaa-bhm-23-douglas

R U TG E R S S PA A N E W S is published by Office of Communications in the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University–Newark Story ideas, news, and comments are welcome For more news: http://spaa newark rutgers edu/newsroom UNIVERSITY | NEWARK School of Public A airs and Administration SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND ADMINISTRATION (SPAA) RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSIT Y OF NEW JERSEY 111 WASHINGTON STREE T NEWARK NJ 07102

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