SHELLSHOCK - You will screech and bawl! Be part of the upcoming Viva hysteria! ichelle Dooley Mahon has been writing since she was a child, quite happily at home, banging away on her ancient laptop, until actual human people started sharing her blog and asked her to come out and read it to them. It is their fault that she is performing even more than she does on the streets on a daily basis. They have created a monster. She has been described as hilarious and heartbreaking, outrageous and uplifting, and much worse that cant be printed in a family newspaper. To date she has appeared onstage in Cafe Fusion - where her technology died just as she was taking in the first breath and pieces of paper had to be crowd surfed to the front - and is a regular at the Caca Milis
Cabaret, in Wexford Arts Centre and their Dublin venue, Arthurs
Upstairs and conducted her own One Woman Show called "Before I Forget" at Suas in The Sky & the Ground last month to
a hysterical audience, who watched her talk, sing and raffle a bag of meat. She took the middle name Dooley in solidarity with her Mother Siobhan, who has Alzheimers, and this too is reflected in her pieces in ways that are disarmingly amusing, brutally honest, and moving. She now takes a new show called "Shellshock" to the stage in the Riverbank House Hotel on Easter Saturday 19th April where you can see her play to the gallery in the considerable flesh . You can catch a flavour of her work on youtube doing a spoken word piece entitled The Haemorrhaging Humourist which like all of her work is fact, not fiction. She blogs at shellakeypookey.blogspot.com and is on facebook and twitter.
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