REAL JOBS FOR THE COUNTY - We are still an unemployment blackspot the masking by the government by schemes such as Job Bridge, some of the Internships and especially the latest Gateway to Work? ( where people are forced to take up employment for €20 weekly) are not the answer and there is no doubt the some unscrupulous employers are using these schemes exploiting the unemployed for cheaply available labour, so none of these schemes are a substitute for Real Jobs. While local government can't create jobs it can create the environment the helps employment and promoting local industries like fishing which has huge potential if the restrictions place on it by the EU were removed to allow fishermen to equal access to fish stocks HOUSING because the situation regarding the building of social housing is at it’s most critical since the forties and fifty ( 90,000 nationally and Wexford town 600 on the housing lists) and despite a recent promise to build some 500 houses for the whole country ( a drop in a very large bucket) in addiction in place of a long term housing strategy €500 million annually is handed over to private landlords. I am totally against the Property Tax as it is presently rolled out having no allowance whatsoever for household income built in to this . What could have been a real wealth tax combining the price of the property with the income going into the house and most of the money going to provide better services at last for local authorities WATER is another area that will, if the present focus which is only concerned with bringing in money from this resource in the upcoming Water Charge to another unaccountable quango, with out regard to house hold income and added to this is the overall direction towards centralisation and in this area in particular privatisation of this commodity seems as the ultimate goal of this government HEALTH A health service with equal access for all should continue to be our aim and not the present situation of the two tier system that we have at present where only those who can afford expensive health insurance can get treatment quickly ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE. These continue to be our greatest resources and we should continue to strive for excellence in the Tidy Towns and Wexford in Bloom competitions etc and continue to support these initiatives. A museum for Wexford has long been a goal of mine and some years ago I put a motions forward to have the old Jail at the Co. Hall in Wexford. Also a skate board park is promised as part of the new ‘Peoples Park’ at Carcur in Wexford.
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