Ruth Ron, Assistant Professor, Architecture courses in Vicenza, Italy

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Ruth Ron | Assistant Professor Vicenza Institute of Architecture | Spring 2008


ARC 3463 | Vicenza Institute of Architecture

University of Florida | School of Architecture | Spring 2008 | With Cvisiting professor Carlos Campos

The Canoning professor Carlos Campos Th Canonic The C i System S t Of Formal Conventions Has Three levels of Formal Devices


(divides architectural work into Parts)


((The individual elements that p populate p the p parts as divided by Taxis)


(Relations between individuel elements)

Translation of the plan in a formula made of letters. (Vitruvio)

Rules Of Composition The creation of the pattern


Every classical work (tragedy, musical piece, temple), is cut out from the rest of the Universe by virtue of its special Order. A world within the world A Small Universe Perfect Complete and Whole Perfect.

Rules of Composition

Plans with subdivisions of plans embedded in them (1802)

An Organism Distinct from its environment because of its Internal constitution Strong g demarcation of its limits

Rules of Composition

T i schemata Taxis h t sectioning. ti i Pl Plans b by means off th the axis. i (1802)

Rules Of Composition The creation of the pattern

The Doric Order (Palladio)


Basilica Palladiana

Loggia del Capitaniato

Introduction Vicenza is the perfect location to look into the ‘classical order’ as it was developed and interpreted by Andrea Palladio.

Objectives This class will conduct a methodical research of the classical order, as it was implemented in two of Palladio’s buildings in Vicenza: Basilica Palladiana and Loggia del Capitaniato. As a conclusion, we will abstract the system and patterns of this order.


Translation of the plan in a formula made of letters. (Vitruvio)

The Basilica (Palladio)

The Ionic Order (Palladio)

The Corinthian Order (Palladio)

Rules Of Composition The creation of the pattern


Analyzing the Classical Order

Ashley Margo


Basilica Palladiana - Andrea Palladio


Analyzing the Classical Order_ Basilica Palladiana | 02 David Kaplan



Analyzing the Classical Order_ Basilica Palladiana | 03 Kimberly Nofal

Box Analysis

RhinoScript to Extrude Heights of Boxes + C Create t Points P i t

>>ClosestAxisPoint.rvb Option Explicit Sub ClosestAxisPoint Dim arrCurves arrCurves = Rhino.GetObjects("Select planar curves", 4, True, True) If Not IsArray(arrCurves) Then Exit Sub Dim strCurve, arrPlane(3), arrBox, strLine, arrCCX arrPlane(0) = Array(0,0,0) arrPlane(1) = Array(1,0,0) arrPlane(2) = Array(0,1,0) arrPlane(3) = Array(0,0,1) Rhino.EnableRedraw False For Each strCurve In arrCurves If Rhino.IsCurvePlanar(strCurve) Then If Rhino.IsCurveInPlane(strCurve, arrPlane) Then arrBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(strCurve) strLine = Rhino.AddLine(arrBox(0), arrBox(1)) arrCCX = Rhino.CurveCurveIntersection(strCurve, strLine) If IsArray(arrCCX) Then Rhino.AddPoint arrCCX(0,1) End If Rhino.DeleteObject strLine End If E d If End Next Rhino.EnableRedraw True End Sub


• • • • • • • • •

RhinoScript loaded. .NET Manager loaded. Loading Flamingo Raytrace version 6/21/2005 4:04:38 AM Loading Flamingo Photometric version 6/21/2005 4:04:38 AM Command: EditScript Command: LoadScript Command: RunScript p >>> Create FSO in Script Folder – Dim fso • Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >>>Create ImportPoint.vrb – Option Explicit – '--------------------------------------------------------------– ' Subroutine: ImportPoints – ' Purpose: Import points from a text file. – '--------------------------------------------------------------– Sub ImportPoints – ' Prompt the user for a file to import – Dim strFilter, strFileName – strFilter = "Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" – strFileName = Rhino.OpenFileName("Open Point File", strFilter) – If IsNull(strFileName) Then Exit Sub – ' The the file system object – Dim objFSO, objFile – Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") – ' Try opening the text file – On Error Resume Next – Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 1) – If Err Then – MsgBox Err.Description – Exit Sub – End If – Rhino.EnableRedraw False – ' Read each line from the file – Dim strLine, arrPoint – Do While objFile.AtEndOfStream <> True – strLine = objFile.ReadLine – If Not IsNull(strLine) Then – ' Remove any double-quote characters – strLine = Replace(strLine, Chr(34), "", 1) – ' Convert the string to a 3D point – arrPoint = Rhino.Str2Pt(strLine) – ' Add the point to Rhino – If IsArray(arrPoint) Then – ' AddPoint will add a point object to Rhino – Rhino.AddPoint arrPoint – End If – End If – Loop – Rhino.EnableRedraw True – objFile.Close – Set objFile = Nothing – Set objFSO = Nothing – End Sub

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Opened AutoCAD file version AutoCAD 2004. Insertion point: 795 curves added to selection. Command: Scale Origin point ( Copy=No ): Scale factor or first reference point <1.000> ( Copy=No ): p py ) .25 Command: EditScript >>>Group.rtb Command: LoadScript: Command: RunScript: 51 curves added to selection. Command: EditScript Command:LoadScript Command:RunScript >>> Rotate.rvb Dim arrObjects, arrPoint arrObjects = Rhino.GetObjects("Select objects to rotate") If IsArray(arrObjects) Then arrPoint = Rhino.GetPoint("Center point of rotation") If IsArray(arrPoint) Then Rhino.RotateObjects arrObjects, arrPoint, 90.0, ,vbTrue End If End If Second reference point ( Copy=No ): 90 Command: LoadScript Command: RunScript Command: EditScript >>ClosestAxisPoint.rvb Option Explicit Sub ClosestAxisPoint Dim arrCurves arrCurves = Rhino.GetObjects( Rhino.GetObjects("Select Select planar curves", curves , 4, True, True) If Not IsArray(arrCurves) Then Exit Sub Dim strCurve, arrPlane(3), arrBox, strLine, arrCCX arrPlane(0) = Array(0,0,0) arrPlane(1) = Array(1,0,0) arrPlane(2) = Array(0,1,0) arrPlane(3) = Array(0,0,1) Rhino.EnableRedraw False For Each strCurve In arrCurves If Rhino.IsCurvePlanar(strCurve) Rhino IsCurvePlanar(strCurve) Then If Rhino.IsCurveInPlane(strCurve, arrPlane) Then arrBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(strCurve) strLine = Rhino.AddLine(arrBox(0), arrBox(1)) arrCCX = Rhino.CurveCurveIntersection(strCurve, strLine) If IsArray(arrCCX) Then Rhino.AddPoint arrCCX(0,1) End If Rhino.DeleteObject strLine End If End If Next Rhino.EnableRedraw True End Sub Command: LoadScript

Division based on Classic Analysis y

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Command: RunScript >>ClosestAxisPoint.rvb Select planar curves: Select planar curves. Press Enter when done: Drag objects: 6 points, 14 curves added to selection. C Command: d R RunScript S i t >>ClosestAxisPoint.rvb 20 points added to selection. Command: Point to move from ( Vertical=No ): Command: EditScript Command:LoadScript Command: RUnScript >>> StrComp (string1, string2[,compare]) The StrComp function can return one of the following values: -1 (if string1 < string2) 0 (if ( string1 g = string2) g ) 1 (if string1 > string2) Null (if string1 or string2 is Null) Point to move to: 5 Point to move to: -7 Point to Move to: 3 Point to move to: 10 Point to Move to: 5 Point to move to: -7 Point to Move to: 3 Point to move to: 10 Point to Move to: 5 Point to Move to: 3 Point to move to: 10 Point to Move to: 5 >> Option Explicit TransFormObjectsPositions_Scale3D Sub TransFormObjectsPositions_Scale3D() Dim SelObjects Dim Objects, obj Dim arrCP(), i Dim BBo BBox Dim oldC, newC SelObjects = Rhino.SelectedObjects(True) Objects = Rhino.GetObjects("Pick objects to transform...", 4415, True, True, False) If VarType(Objects) = vbNull Then Exit Sub ReDim arrCP(UBound(Objects)) Rhino.EnableRedraw vbFalse For i = 0 To UBound(Objects) BBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(Objects(i)) oldC = BBoxCentre(BBox) arrCP(i) = Rhino.AddPoint(oldC) Rhino.SetObjectData arrCP(i), "GlobalTransform", "OldPosition", Rhino.Pt2Str(oldC) Rhino.SetObjectData arrCP(i), "GlobalTransform", "LinkID", Objects(i) Next Rhino.UnselectAllObjects Rhino.SelectObjects arrCP Rhino.EnableRedraw vbTrue Rhino.Command "! -_Scale" If Rhino.LastCommandResult <> 0 Then Rhino.DeleteObjects arrCP Rhino.GetString "Something went wrong.... script aborting",,Array("OK") Exit Sub End If

Division based on Classic Analysis y

Rhino.EnableRedraw vbFalse For i = 0 To UBound(Objects) newC = Rhino.PointCoordinates(arrCP(i)) oldC = Rhino.Str2Pt(Rhino.GetObjectData(arrCP(i),

"GlobalTransform", "OldPosition"))

Rhino.MoveObject Objects(i), oldC, newC Next Rhino.DeleteObjects arrCP If IsArray(SelObjects) Then Rhino.SelectObjects SelObjects Rhino EnableRedraw vbTrue Rhino.EnableRedraw Rhino.Print "All objects succesfully transposed..."

End Sub Function BBoxCentre(BBox) Dim C(2) Dim i For i = 0 To 2

C(i) = (BBox(0)(i)+BBox(6)(i))/2 Next BBoxCentre = C End Function63 points, 846 curves added to selection. Command: R Command RunScript. nScript 795 points added to selection. >> Option Explicit Sub SurfaceSelfIntersection() Dim srfID, i Dim intID() srfID = Rhino.GetObjects("Select surfaces to perform self-intersection", 8, vbFalse, vbTrue, vbTrue) If IsNull(srfID) Then Exit Sub ReDim intID(UBound(srfID)) For i = 0 To UBound(srfID) Rhino.EnableRedraw vbFalse intID(i) = GetSurfaceIntersectionCurves(srfID(i), Array(vbTrue, vbTrue, vbFalse, vbFalse, vbFalse)) If IsNull(intID(i)) Then Rhino.Print "Surface " & srfId(i) & " has no self-intersections..." intID(i) = Array("Nothing") End If Rhino.EnableRedraw vbTrue Next Rhino.EnableRedraw vbFalse Rhino.UnselectAllObjects For i = 0 To UBound(srfID) Rhino.SelectObjects intID(i) Next Rhino.EnableRedraw vbTrue Rhino.Print "Self-intersection completed..." End Sub SurfaceSelfIntersection Function GetSurfaceIntersectionCurves(idOriginal, arrIncludeTypes) GetSurfaceIntersectionCurves = Null Dim arrX, intCurves(), i Dim idCopy, strCmd, c Dim arrBoundary, midPoint Dim arrSplitResult, blnKeep

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


If c = 0 Then Exit Function

GetSurfaceIntersectionCurves = intCurves If Not Rhino.IsSurfaceTrimmed(idOriginal) Then Exit Function Rhino.UnselectAllObjects Rhi S l tObj t idO Rhino.SelectObject idOriginal i i l Rhino.Command "-_DupBorder", vbFalse arrBoundary = Rhino.SelectedObjects If IsNull(arrBoundary) Then Exit Function Rhino.UnselectAllObjects Rhino.SelectObjects intCurves strCmd = "-_Split" For i = 0 To UBound(arrBoundary) strCmd = strCmd & " -_SelID " & arrBoundary(i) Next strCmd = strCmd & " _Enter" _ Rhino.Print strCmd Rhino.Command strCmd, vbFalse arrSplitResult = Rhino.SelectedObjects Rhino.DeleteObjects arrBoundary For i = 0 To UBound(arrSplitResult) midPoint = Rhino.DivideCurve(arrSplitResult(i), 2, vbFalse)(1) If Not Rhino.IsPointOnSurface(idOriginal, midPoint) Then Rhino.DeleteObject arrSplitResult(i) Next GetSurfaceIntersectionCurves = Rhino.SelectedObjects End Function Command: Render

idCopy = Rhino.CopyObject(idOriginal) arrX = Rhino.SurfaceSurfaceIntersection(idOriginal,idCopy,,vbTrue) Rhino.DeleteObject idCopy If IsNull(arrX) Then Exit Function c=0 For i = 0 To UBound(arrX) blnKeep = vbFalse If arrIncludeTypes(arrX(i,0)-1) Then blnKeep = vbTrue If blnKeep Then ReDim Preserve intCurves(c) intCurves(c) = arrX(i,1) c = c+1 Else Rhino.DeleteObject arrX(i,1) End If

Division based on Classic Analysis y

Division based on Classic Analysis y

Tessellated Structure based on Surface RhinoScript


Analyzing the Classical Order_ Basilica Palladiana | 04 Victor Lorenzo



Analyzing the Classical Order

Ileana Acevedo


Loggia del Capitaniato - Andrea Palladio


Analyzing the Classical Order_ Loggia del Capitaniato | 02 Justin Bienvenu



Analyzing the Classical Order_ Loggia del Capitaniato | 03 Olivia Tsonas



Digital Analysis of Classical Architecture

Ruth Ron,Assistant Professor, Presented at ACSA 2008 Spring conference


The paper explores the use of digital reproduction, the digital video apparatus in this case, to analyze classical architecture. In the context of a historical center of an Italian Renaissance city, Andrea Palladio’s Vicenza, it searches for contemporary learning opportunities. Further, it proposes the possible incorporation of the resulting concepts, techniques and conclusions into the architectural design process for an advanced Studio class.


How can we understand Palladio’s classical order and interpret this understanding to gain contemporary insights ? In the study abroad program of the University Of Florida School Of Architecture we studied two major Palladio building in Vicenza: the Basilica Palladiana and the Loggia Del Capitaniata (fig. 1), both located in the central Piazza Del Signori. Following the systemic examination developed by Alexander Tzoits, a meticulous on-site analysis of the classical order

was conducted by the students, identifying the classical system elements: the grid and tripartite -- ‘taxis’, the order components -- ‘genera’ and the rules of combination and placement -- ‘symmetry’. We looked at the classical building as a universe, with a collection of elements that create a perfect composition with complete proportions between the whole and its parts.

In the first exercise, the students produced a symbolic matrix of letters that describes the systematic classification of the order components (the ‘’genera” by Tzonis) and their assembly into the grid (“taxis” and “tripartite” by Tzonits) of the

building’s facades. This action advanced their awareness of parts and their nesting into larger elements of order, and the composition’s rhythms and proportional relationships The second exercise detached the two-dimensional matrix of letters from

the building’s façade and translated it into threedimensional models, emphasizing the exploration of materials. The students used a wide array of materials, such as papers, light, crackers, MIDI sound, video and metal wires.

In the first student work example, we can find exploration of multiple viewpoints in the same frame, opposing the ‘all knowing’ singular camera of Hollywood. By dividing the frame in tripartite of six views, it presents six different ways to arrive at the Piazza and view the Loggia Del Capitaniato (fig. 4-5). The experimental editing constructs a personalized placement of the building in its context. The climax is reached when all the viewpoints meet together to reconstruct a full view of the front façade. The second example measures the classical building against the student’s own body. It highlights the sense of personal scale. Instead of duplicating the frame, it reproduces a copy of the body and positions it in space to create the proportional relationships between the part and the whole. The third example relates to Benjamin’s writing about the modern person’s state of distraction in his perception of art and architecture. The screen

is divided into three viewpoints (from left to right) the coffee shop customer’s, the tourist’s, and the cyclist’s – who has different levels of distraction in their perception of Basilica Palladina. This comparison and juxtaposition of viewing angle makes an interesting visual effect that could be enhanced with digital manipulation of the timeline. Translating abstract ideas between different forms of media is a fertilizing process explored broadly in Art and Architecture. It allows a much deeper understanding of the research subject and the use of contemporary assets to form creative synthesis of past and present cultures. The next stage of my research and teaching agenda is to employ the described learning process into the studio class taught in Vicenza. The ability to read, analyze, extract, and abstract ideas and translate them into visual expression in multiple media is highly valuable to architects. It allows them to have a comprehensive understanding of the cultural and

physical context, and enfold it into the language of design. This research seeks out ways to understand classical buildings and extract their concepts and qualities. It uses new media as a tool to develop a contemporary language for art and design, one that is grounded in the roots of the past. The resulting work uses digital reproduction tools -- films of Palladio’s buildings – to test how such films can express the essence of the original creation, not only by the obvious descriptive ‘fly- around’ or ‘ walk through’, but with critical approach to the medium itself. -Based on classes taught in Vicenza, Italy, spring 2008 by Assistant Professor Ruth Ron and Visiting Professor Carlos Campos -Tzonis, Alexander, Classical architecture : the poetics of order, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c1986 -Benjamin, Walter, The work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 1936 -instead of nine views, due to computer processing limitations


Analytical Sketching | ARC 3291

University of Florida | School of Architecture | Vicenza Institute of Architecture | Spring 2008


Vicenza is the perfect location to look into the ‘classical order’ as it was developed and interpreted by Andrea Palladio.


This goal of this section of the class is to understand the characteristic of digital media (video and interactive) and utilize it to represent abstract concepts of architecture.

Goal of in-class examples:

Examine conventional versus alternative/ experimental time based representation Show classic film + cutting-edge interactive projects (though may be complex and larger in scope than assignment) Open students mind to experiments with media Students are not allowed to simply copy an idea from examples, need to relate to context and goal of project.


We will conclude the methodical research of the classical order in Palladio’s buildings in Vicenza by creating a 01:01 minute movie (*) of Basilica Palladiana OR Loggia del Capitaniato. The movie should reflect your analytical study of the building with digital time-based tools.


1/14 introduction lecture, assignment: 30 frames PP of the studio courtyard 1/17 lecture 2 + pinup 1/21 lecture 3 1/24 01:01 movie preview 1/28 01:01 movie final - 2 sections presentation


Premiere / Final Cut Pro Windows Movie Maker PowerPoint


Chris Vidal

David Kaplan

Leanne Favre


Analyzing the Studio Courtyard_ Project 1 | 01 Leanne Favre



Analyzing the Studio Courtyard_ Project 1 | 02 Shelby Downs



Analyzing Palladio’s Classical Order_ Project 2 | 01 Chris Vidal



Analyzing Palladio’s Classical Order_ Project 2 | 02 Leanne Favre



Analyzing Palladio’s Classical Order_ Project 2 | 03 David Kaplan



Analyzing Palladio’s Classical Order_ Project 2 | 04 JT Bachman



Analyzing Palladio’s Classical Order_ Project 2 | 05 Jon Trevett



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