Cotton factory brand guidelines 28 4 15

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Brand Guidelines: Cotton Factory

Who We Are The Cotton Factory, from here on known as ‘the establishment’, will be a pub that intends to exploit not only the vintage fashion scene but focus on celebrating the heritage of the local area.

Our Customers

We would like to focus on the establishment being for predominantly elderly people, however we aim to be a family friendly environment as all generations need to learn about their heritage.

Logo When in print the establishment’s logo must be kept within the colour specifications but also in reference to the background it is to be set upon. It’s placement on stationery will be explained on the next page.

Colour Specifications

Registration (Black]

All colours, from uniform to print, must adhere to the colour scheme shown. Please see the effects and colour swatches (right) and make sure that anything to be printed or worn is within regulations set by the establishment’s code.

Brown (R:67 G:42 B:25} (Effect: Multiply)

Please see the rules that apply as a general consideration for when creating documents for print and so on.

Cream (R:201 G:192 B:175) (Effect: Screen)

Stationery Please download and use the stationery provided, including the link to the font if it is not already installed, which can be found here. All correspondences will be printed on vintage looking paper, or printed on the background provided on the templates, to go with the theme of the establishment as set out in the very beginning of these guidelines. Nothing should be edited in the documents provided that are under the file or layer name telling you to not do this. Do not adjust any of the effects, and keeps all images the same style.

Correspondences The tone of all correspondences should be kept formal, r e g a r d l e s s of the recipient of said correspondence. Recipients will be referred to as ‘sir’ or ‘madam’, unless their surname is known, in which case use ‘Mr’ or ‘Ms’.

Should We Stock It? The company should reflect on the local area and therefore should only stock foods and drinks sourced from the local area or reflect on it.

The Bar Locally sourced beers and ales should be on tap. Locally sourced wine can be found here too. All cocktails should be named in eference to the local area, for example: ‘Tyke’s finest’, ‘Ilckley’s Bar’s Tap’, ‘Bobby Dazzler’, “Coil’oil’ and so on.

The Kitchen

The menu should be Yorkshire inspired and also upper class. Whilst using only locally sourced ingredients, the dishes should reflect on dishes that represent yorkshire, including roast dinners with Yorkshire puddings and so on. If dishes cannot make up the whole menu, then use Yorkshire inspired names (refer to The Bar).



All photography should be converted into black and white before being put on social media and sold.

ll furniture should be vintage, reflecting that of the 40’s. This could include traditional woodwork and war time styled artwork.

Photography to be hung on walls, tha has been collected from local archives should be converted into colour as best as possible (See example to the right and refer to ScarletRuthMargaret’s Diamond Collaborations)

The layout of the interior should be as followed: -Bar at the far end. -Round tables should circle the dance floor. - Stage and Live band should be furthest away from the bar

Glasswear All glasswear should be kept pristine at all times. The logo should be visible at all times, and when put on shelves, should always be done so with the logo facin the same way.

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