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Silver Imperial Presentation Flask by
from Fabergé Collection
by ruzhnikov
Moscow, 1899-1908 struck with maker’s mark K.FABERGE in Cyrillic beneath Imperial Warrant, silver mark of 84 zolotniks, scratched with Fabergé inventory no. 14895 height: 42 cm
Large silver pear-shaped fluted flask on an oval moulded foot; the shoulders are applied with two lion masks from which a chain is suspended; under the rim runs a band of stylized laurel leaves; the cover mounted with the Russian Imperial double-headed eagle.
The flask was presented as an honorary award by the Russian Emperor to the winner of a shooting competition.

Silver Pilgrim Flask R & S Garrard & Co., London, 1891/1892

Obverse with: ‘Pour La Noce D’Argent D’Alexander III Et Marie Fyodorovna (Dagmar De Danemark) Empereur Et Imperatrice De Russie 1866 NovR. 9TH./OctR. 28TH. 1891’

Reverse with: ‘De La Parte De/Georges Roi Des Hellénes./Christian IX Roi De Danemark./Olga Reine Des Hellénes./Louise Reine de Danemark./Ernest Duke of Cumberland./Frédérick Prince Royal De Danemark./ Thyra Duchess Of Cumberland./ Louise Princesse Royal De Danemark./Waldemar Prince De Danemark./ Alexandra Princess of Wales./’

A silver wedding gift to The Emperor and Empress of Russia, 1891. The Anichkov Palace, St.Petersburg. Acquired by the Moscow Kremlin Armoury Museum from the store of state valuables, 1926.
Literature: Falkerzam, 1907, I, table 14.