Rendez vous en asie the magazine september 2015

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10月31日土曜日、Rendez-vous in Asia プロジェクトチームは、渋谷シダックス・カルチャーホールでRendezVous in Asiaマガジン創刊4周年記念パーティーを開催いたします。皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにして います。 この記念イベントでは日本在住のアフリカとカリブのトップミュージシャンたちを集め、素晴らしいライブを行 います。 このイベントは私たちの次のプロジェクト、つまりRendez Vous Live 2016に向けて、 メディア、私たち のパートナーの皆さん、 これからパートナーとなる可能性のある皆さんをご招待するいい機会となります。席は 限られておりますので、チケットをご予約されることをお勧めします。詳細はイベント欄をご覧下さい。 読者の皆さんにもう1つお知らせしたいニュースは、東京のタンザニア大使館とコラボし、本誌に新たにスワヒ リ語の語学講座コーナーを作ります。 アフリカで最も使われている言語の1つを学ぶいい機会となるでしょう! 全て無料で毎月開催します。なお連載は9月号から始まります。 このスワヒリ語の語学講座では、 タンザニアと 東京にあるタンザニア大使館の文化部との協力を得ており、 また日本で開かれる様々な文化的イベントや活 動も定期的に皆さんにご紹介します。お楽しみに! また、8月号でお約束しました通り、写真小説(Awal教授と彼の友人Guyの冒険)を再開します。26 33ペー ジをご覧下さい…今月号の「今月の国のコーナー」 ではハイチをスポットし、Mr.Valeska Mauriceによる、ハ イチの知られざる素晴らしい観光名所 を掲載します。前年度のミスアフリカジャパン(表紙) であるブルキナフ ァソのMs.Ines Wandaogoへのインタビューも必見です。12 15ページにあります。 もちろん、Mr.Moduekeに よって集められたアフリカのことわざはどれも秀逸。今月も内容充実の本誌をお楽しみに下さい!


aiti which means mountainous country is located in between the North America and the South America in the Caribbean seas. It shares the same island as Republic Dominican: Haiti in the west and Dominican Republic in the east which implies that the two countries have a lot in common, sharing almost the same history, quite similar culture and ethnicity etc. The Island of Haiti, which in the ancient times was just one country but later but later on became Haiti and Dominican Republic, was explored in December 12th 1492 by Christopher Columbus.


nce landed in Haiti, attracted by the natural beauty of the island and the similar resemblance to Spain, his country, he named it “Hispaniola” translated as little Spain. A few years later, the French also landed, won a war against the Spanish for the control of the west side of the island. They imposed their imperialism power by transforming their part of the island, that they renamed Haiti as its previous name, into a field of hardships and wealth for France, producing mainly sugar cane to the detriment of the sweat of the Africans. Those human beings trafficked from the west of Africa as slaves later replaced the “Tainos”, the native Indians inhabitants of Haiti, as a result their decimation by the colonizers. The hardships and the inhumane living conditions on which the Africans were forced to live constituted a catalyst for them to demand their independence. Motivated by the ideas of the French revolution of 1789, in 1800, under the command of Toussaint Louverture, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Alexandre Petion, Henri Christophe, and a Jamaican slave namely Boukman, grouping secretly in the mountains and caves the slaves of Haiti started their great fight which lead to the Independence of the Island in January 1st 1804. The revolutions started in 1800 and lead to victory on November 18th, 1803 at Vertierres in Gonaives by defeating the great army of Napoleon Bonaparte. As a result, Haiti had not only gained its independence, but also had become the first black colony conquering the slave masters and succesfully gaining its independence. Consequently, Haiti was the great symbol of total liberty, of equality and fraternity for all men, women and children of color throughout the colonies in the Caribbean-still then dependents-to acquire their independence as well.


ap-Haitian placed in the North part of Haiti is surrounded by high beautiful mountains with amazingly beautiful scenic landscapes and naturally crystallized blue beaches. A tourist who travels in Haiti has the advantage to visit many places in Cap Haitian which are historically substantial. For example, among the most known there is the “Citadelle Laferiere” that is the largest and the greatest fortress of Haiti and the Caribbean as a whole. It was built by the king of Henry Christophe after the independence of the country between 1805 and 1820 to have a great military control on the bay in order protect the country from re-invasion of its old colonizers. It covers about 10, 000 square meters in the top of the massif Bonnet Leveque at 910 meters high.It offers a fantastic view on the north flat landscape so called Plaine du Nord. Down the mountain of Citadelle Laferiere a tourist can also visit the royal palace of Henry Christophe called “Palais sans Souci” built in 1810. It constitutes of a beautiful garden with a splendid view on a pond and the great Immaculate de Conception` s church. Both Citadelle Laferiere and Palais sans Souci have been designated as world heritage sites by UNESCO in 1982. Still in Cap Haitian, a tourist can tour Fort Liberte built in the 1730`s, and comprises of many French forts and very giganstic and beautiful churches dated from the colonization period. To continue the journey, a visit at the amazing Labadie, one of the biggest beach and hotel resorts of Haiti, is an experience that a tourist would not want to miss. Every year it welcomes more than 600,000 tourists landed from one of the most expensive and biggest cruises in the world, Oasis of the Seas. It is surrounded by coconuts trees long aside its natural, clear and warm beach with beautiful landscapes and coastlines, and sited with various attractions centers. It further entertained by local dance groups, local bands and so on to glorify the beauty and the importance of preserving the culture and traditions of the beloved motherland.


oreover, a tourist will also enjoy eating the regional foods of Cap Haitian such as cashew nuts so called “Poul ak nwa”, served with delicious coconuts juice taken directly from the trees; or sipping the best Caribbean rum called Barbancourt, Haitian rum, and cocktails made of it; or savoring one of the best beers in the word, the Haitian beer “Prestige”, awarded world gold medal beer in 2000 and 2012 by the World Beer Cup; or simply discover the delicious taste of the diverse tropical juices, such as pineapples, papaya, guava, passions fruits etc of the area. . In summary, by both the short history of Haiti and the short presentation of Cap Haitian, I`m sure you now have an idea of how marvelous Haiti is as a country in contrary to what is usually used to describe it. We want you to come spend your vacations here to have the fun of your life, but at the same time to help us make our tourist sector much more attractive, and so foster our economy. Us, Haitians, experience Haiti in this perspective and you should be part of this incredible adventure of an unforgettable and delightful vacation here. As mentioned above, Cap-Haitian as an example, offers the exotic paradise that you are looking for to stay far away from the stress of the ordinary life. For a hint of my next articles, expectations can be on the big Earthquake of 2010 and its aftermaths on the different levels of the society ; on the Haitian`s culture and the influence of French, Spanish and mostly African culture on it, by emphasizing on the uniqueness of Haitian music, carnivals and rural bands; on Haitian foods and beverages which are particularly delectable; on Haitian arts and architecture which revealed the Haitian passions for keeping traditions alive etc; about Voodooism as religion and the influences of Catholicism on it, its importance in Haitian culture, society, history and so forth.

ムボロ Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in Japan attended for the first time the JATA-Tourism Expo in Tokyo last September. Many Japanese tour operators and people visited our booth. Last October we held a tourism seminar with Japanese travel agencies at our Embassy in Tokyo. We are eager to build and expand our network in Japan. Any requests, questions and feedbacks will be appreciated. We hope this opportunity will be a first step for investors who are looking for information about Gabon and /or are planning to visit Gabon. We hope to meet you someday in Gabon. 駐日ガボン大使館では、今後ますます観光PR活動を充実させていきま す。各旅行会社とも関係を深め、 セミナー開催や旅行説明会などを実施 してゆきます。現在のところ、昨年9月のJATA-EXPOへも初参加を果た し、大きな反響を得ました。 一人でも多くの方にガボンに興味と関心を持っていただく活動を続けて まいりますのでご期待下さいませ。

連絡先住所: 駐日ガボン大使館 マーケティング推進室 〒152-0021 東京都目黒区東が丘1-34-11 TEL:03-5430-9171 FAX:03-5430-9175 公式サイト : 観光サイト :


Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Chancery: 2-10-67, Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 153-0062. Tel. 03-3711-2661

Embassy of the Republic of South Africa Chancery: Hanzomon First Building 4F., 1-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Post Code: 102-0083. Tel. 03-3265-3366/9

Embassy of the Republic of Angola Chancery: 2-10-24, Daizawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 155-0032. Tel. 03-5430-7879

Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan Chancery: 4-7-1, Yakumo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 152-0023 Tel. 03-5729-6170, 2200, 2201

Embassy of the Republic of Benin Chancery: Ichigaya Linden Bldg. 2F No.201, 3-25, Ichigaya honmura-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 162-0845. Tel. 03-5229-7232

Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania Chancery: 4-21-9, Kamiyoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 158-0098 Tel. 03-3425-4531

Embassy of the Republic of Botswana Chancery: Kearny Place Shiba, 6F, 4-5-10, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-0014. Tel. 03-5440-5676

Embassy of Burkina Faso Chancery: 2-14-34, Moto-azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0046. Tel. 03-3444-2660 Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon Chancery: 3-27-16, Nozawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 154-0003. Tel. 03-5430-4985

Central African Republic Honorary Consulate-General in Tokyo 4-38-9, Nakamachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 158-0091. Tel. 03-3702-8808

Embassy of the Republic of Congo Chancery: 2-7-16, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 150-0012. Tel. 03-6427-7858

Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Chancery: 1-2F, 5-8-5, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 111-0053. Tel. 03-5820-1580/1

Embassy of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire Chancery: 2-19-12, Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 151-0064. Tel. 03-5454-1401/2/3

Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti Chancery: 5-18-10, Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 153-0064. Tel. 03-5704-0682

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Chancery: 1-5-4, Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 153-0042. Tel. 03-3770-8022/3 Embassy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Chancery: 2, Dong 4 Jie, San Li Tun, Beijing, People’s Republic of China. 100600 Tel. (86-10) 6532-3679

Embassy of the Republic of Togo 2-2-4, Yakumo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Post Code:152-0023. Tel: 03-6421-1064 Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia Chancery: 3-6-6, Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 102-0074 Tel. 03-3511-6622/5

Embassy of the Republic of Uganda Chancery: 9-23, Hachiyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 150-0035 Tel. 03-3462-7107

Embassy of the Republic of Zambia Chancery: 1-10-2, Ebara, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 142-0063 Tel. 03-3491-0121/2 Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe Chancery: 5-9-10, Sirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-0071 Tel. 03-3280-0331/2 Embassy of the Republic of Kenya Chancery: 3-24-3, Yakumo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 152-0023 Tel. 03-3723-4006/7 Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho Chancery: U&M Akasaka Building 3F, 7-5-47, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 107-0052. Tel. 03-3584-7455

Embassy of the Republic of Liberia Chancery: Shirokane K. House, 4-14-12, Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Post Code :108-0072. Tel. 03-3441-7720

Embassy of Libya Chancery: 10-14, Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 150-0034 Tel. 03-3477-0701

Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar Chancery: 2-3-23, Moto-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0046 Tel. 03-3446-7252/4 Embassy of the Republic of Malawi Chancery: Takanawa Kaisei Bldg. 7F, 3-4-1 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-0074. Tel. 03-3449-3010

Embassy of the State of Eritrea Chancery: Room 401, 4-7-4, Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-0071 Tel. 03-5791-1815

Embassy of the Republic of Mali Chancery: 3-12-9, Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 141-0021 Tel. 03-5447-6881

Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Chancery: Takanawa Kaisei Bldg. 2F, 3-4-1, Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-0074 . Tel. 03-5420-6860/1

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Chancery: 5-17-5, Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 141-0001 Tel. 03-3449-3810

Embassy of the Republic of Ghana Chancery: 1-5-21, Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0031. Tel. 03-5410-8631/3 Embassy of the Republic of Guinea Chancery: 12-9, Hachiyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 150-0035. Tel. 03-3770-4640 Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda Chancery: Annex Fukasawa #A, 1-17-17, Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. Post Code:158-0081. Tel. 03-5572-4255 Embassy of the Republic of Senegal Chancery: 1-3-4, Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 153-0042. Tel. 03-3464-8451 Gabonese Embassy in Tokyo, Japan 1-34-11, Higashigaoka, Meguro-ku Tokyo 152-0021 Japan Tel:+81 3-5430-9171

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco Chancery: 5-4-30 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 107-0062 Tel. 03-5485-7171 Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique Chancery: Shiba Daisan Amerex Bldg. 6F, 3-12-17, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-0073. Tel. 03-5419-0973 Embassy of the Republic of Namibia Chancery: AMEREX Building, 3-5-7, Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0041 Tel. 03-6426-5460 Embassy of the Republic of Niger / Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Niger in Tokyo c/o Overseas Uranium Resources Development Co., Ltd. (OURD), Kokuryu Shibakoen Bldg. 3F, 2-6-15 Shibakouen, Minato-ku, Tokyo Post Code: 105-0011 Tel. 03-5405-3687

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 3-6-1Toranomon,Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan


CALABASH African Restaurant

〒105-0013 東京都港区浜松町2丁目10­1 Tel: 03-3433-0884

Fatima : 46


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