
Page 1


Nt'ctle P in i~

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Rll'•~c.-11 l'-1<-ckln



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Carrie Smith 11 that ,. ,: l.,;ht


rhl l..r •

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Harold Davh

Carl nc,t l '"'''""' _,, n c-\\m'



o "' c·11.11 to lttp l

1'-t111·lc ?--t.•Conncll l h9'.• C \"IQ ltl VI

\ 11111 t , ,

I th(" hi,:h~\ .:tt°"tltllC"~

Hnrr~ Inman

Ro), Daniel I l

Floyd Flcminlt


Ethel \\. 1bon

Shi rley Dundon l


•- II





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lhc~ , h t C th l lcill ll • hoh 1t 11 ,ot 1n h t 1

ru,n J:1:ullt


f r 11nels Hartley

Elizabeth Stoy Jlf'-r ftu


Elizabe th Ca ln

Lida K rem e r "' >tll:\ t t

lhml.. hi II

llC"\('J \AUC'

\\ h , t • • I ilttl \\



h .. 11nnn~ ,



\\ lto .. 1• ,dnut cd C II l~U~ thu uach (': > a nd nt.l, thou,;:h rdu c- 1

Jessie Blunk 1 hr unquutlne c-., c o f i nm,C:<'tll

Pearl Hardin Urr .:Soc-.., b..-tr ~._.. c lu•t· t: r t (l c r t l1r-1~ Drir;hr. wHh 111tdligt;n1..t-

oel iO

C'l~ t h~r l k>W('r hr: 1'ncl h1~~

\ml the c:,lm gt"ut k uc.:,,


JJOwcr of

Orpha Hilt \\ h1 houhl not ,,~ \\OIUC'tt t 1111 ll\t" (tr\\ h nee 1rc rnt-11 -.c- n<..-t~ t,af', i:ro,,u >

Frances Hollo-well l n.iturC' l\t1d ~o..xl ,en ..n,u t (·\ C'I JOIU


A lan Hoover

Stulc Kreutzer

Cletus End rl,



Fe r d \\, rcfc



m ) t<

I r vin Strccpey I

" ' l ...

Jennie Joseph JI•


l a r fK"

It was one of those dark w incly days, when one dreamily watches the e\'er mo, ing clouds, aud wonders what lies behind them, or where they arC; going A little Hindu fakir was giYing a lecture on the chapel platform. I scartely heard him, for I was thinking, thinking of the approaching day when I should le,l\'e my school and classmates foreYer. But suddenly the clear, liquid tones reached 111) ears and I began to listen. \\'hen he had finished, the whole auditorium rang with applau.,e, but I was bewildered and numb. The next moment I found myself in the hall, and looking into the most ,,on<lerful eyes I ha,·e e\'cr seen. They were full of a weird fire, yet behind them lurked 111ud1 sweetness. "Son," he asked gently, "what truth are you seeking)'' "Can you tell me," I inquired, "what \\ill become of the class of r910)" "Come to my room tonight and I will show you. ' With these word~ he rnnished clown the stairs. Midnight found me slipping into his dimly lighted room at the hotel. The little fakir was multenng and rubbing his hands back and forth O\'er a large gazing crystal. "Look'" he said simply. I dropped into a chair and gazed into the crystal. It was so weird and strange my heart almost stopped beating, yet here was something familiar. I saw the curtain of a 1110,·ing picture show, and the pictures passing quickly across the screen. A tall man with a yellow mustache passed. He was holding up a paper and I could see the words, "Sunday School Advocate, edited by Poucher Coleman." He was followed by a pale man in an invalid c-hair. Ou the back of the chair was printed, "If lost, return lo the Heazlitt residence.'· The man looked like a dyspeptic. Pictures followed each other in rapid succession. A young man was eagerly proposing to a little brown eyed woman ,, ho looked like Jean Millican. The lady shook her head, held up three fingers and the young man promptly retired. A band wagon with "\'ote for Minton for Senator and Miss ~feloy for mayor of Sellersburg," dro\'e past. Then I sa,y a butcher, Ferd Wrege, dodge the wagon and run across the street, where he began to talk to Alan Hoover, who was trying in min to get a snapshot of the beautiful scenery. When he saw Dave Brubeck and a light-haired lady pass, bound for the "Cattle Show," he made a desperate effort to get a picture. Jesse Crim passed, drh·ing a small wagon which contained a bottle of red acid. The wagon bore the sign, "Prof. Crim has moved into his new chemistry laboratory. " At irregular iuten·als, ladies passed, accompanied by their husba11ds. Four of these proved to be :N'ettie Pierle, Shirley Dundon, Francis Hollowell and Hazel Dieckman. I recognized in two sweet-faced deaconesses, in whose faces lurked a trace of merriment, my clas!>mates, Steele Kreutzer and Lida Kremer. The scene changed. Horrors! a good nussiouary lady was being pursued by a lot of cannibals. As she rushed past, I saw the counteuauce of Esther Kahl. Some advertisements were flashed upon the screen. First, ''Seven Sutherland Sisters Hair Tonic" was being demonstrated by Bess Ruthenburg. I also saw "Cecil Yernia, Comic Supplement Illustrator," "Cain and Stoy School of Elocution and Music, " and "Gohmann 's Malted Milk." And there was the !iweetest picture of "Cupid " dressed jn a little white cap, frilled with blue ribbons. Next I saw the picture of a church. The organist, Ruth Oarrbon, was practicin~, IS

s\\ aying back and forth to tlw rhythm of the mu,ic-. The d ")r opu1ed ~oftly, tht> Janitor stok m, and after h,1-,til) du-.,ting the :iltm. rt-tirul. "Bill Ridley got a posit10n hy 1tlcncl111g Trinil\ chmrh,' I thought. In a slu:d scene thn.t· big clll'slcd men \\He -,!town abon.- the iu..,cription, '' \\'or~t.:y, Rodgers 'lnd 1-lemmg, Amt nc t' ,, greatest foot hall coach\:, \ gn.-al cnmd of scilllti~tc; pa!->'-td Ro\ J>amt'l and Carl Ikst \\'C'IC bowing humbh to I!Jrry Inman, who seemed to han d1""ow1cd the l:l\\ of p<:rpetual motion. Thtse mu1 \\'C'lt: suc-cu·<kd by :: \'ast cro\\(l ot \\ omC'n floating banners that hore ..uc-h in,;cript ions as, ' \ otes for Women," and " Lt't S:tr:ih .\no Perkin!-> Ildp lhL ,at1011." In thre<' of thdr ,pcaker-. I rC'cognucd former da.;,; matt:... Bc,s Brndtord Orpha Hilt and Jc...sie Blunk. Thl next pktun· \\ ·1-., hmn), as 1t shom:d au old gentleman tr)·ing to l -;cape from Inin Stn:q>ev book agt:nt, \\ho \,a-. detamined to ~di, " The Endrb Trcati.;e 011 Real Jt\\dry, and "Jo~·ph., Gcomtlr) " Tiu, old gentleman narrowly escaped being run down ))\' a \Hgon \\ btch bore till ,ign ' Harold Dads, Gr()('(;r." T\\O ,-.rndt•\"illl' adors were shown, one singing, the other walking a tight-rope , ' Coodne,~, Tucku and \\·otpert I I cxclainu.:d A tragic picture w:.b about i\l'\\ Alban}. The ~th·er Hill cnr whiaed a1ound the corner and knO<'ked on-r a little scl100!-tt·achN. 111ss Cirnl' Smith. Two nurse:. from a neighboring hospital attended her, and the)' pto\·ed lo be Pearl Hardin and Frances Ifartle) I fdt ~tr) for ).lotorman Bmcoc and wondt·ted \\ hat Grnc-e would say when ht got hOllll Tlwn came a familiar pictmt', the Public J,ibran- Carm Ill't'k sat at the librarian s dc..,k and nry dcmun· she lookcd, m, she pointul a \\arning fini,:er at so111e noi,y hoy,; A little man who looked ltkc hc might Ix: li\·ing off of an mhcritld fortune, got a book and pa,,,ed out It \\3-. R ussdl \Itckin, and the btNnc...s mut "ho at-compa111e<l him \\ere Harn· ).Idnhart and Cl)dt· Iltckman. To rd1c\'l: the monotony, a colored pie-Lure was thro\\11 upon the ,;creen, -,bowing ).Iargan•t Holman chaperonmg a party on its way to ).Ia.dam Brown s concert T,\o country school tc-acher:., ).[isses ).IcConnell and ).fomsou were shown in the IO\\er hranchesof a sprcad111g ttcc Then I saw a farmer c-oming lo n.scuc them from a row. He carried a pitch-fork very gracefully, but it was by the mau) medals and hlue nbhons on his coal that I rt-cognized Bruce Hmcr) Later Bruce was shown accompanying Hckn Pht111mcr, a pa-,toral poetess, and Btll \\'cissinger, the , illagc ~torckec•pcr, to church. The Iarg~ man in the pulpit wa~ no oth1.r titan John Swc·ene) He pullt·d his hair and drunnm:d 011 the pulpit in such a lifelike manner that I lau~hcd aloud, :ind struck my llrlh against the ga,ing crystal. 'rhth I awoke and about the lilllc room, 110\\ dim \\ ith the early light of mornin~ Thl little fakir harl \·anishe<I with the shadows of night and I crept home, too bcwilderrd to think. - '.\I \R\" ) I ORRISO!'\,

~enior ~ <alass

CLASS ROLL Hon) \lrlnch

\\ 111 St: ,ck

]•1Ul Ho,er l'ciry Clapp Roh, rt Colt 111.111 Harth ( rccd111,

I~arl \\ 1lh~11i-. L'ha, , ·011,;ht Gl:uh· B11-.cnl>.·11 k

Prank '<[01 r i , ;\I re ::-.1111lc1,011 Gu, ::',colt

Elt>auor Conner \nnalx I llrapc: r \!hut.a hmcry l,l rtrmlt· G11rt1.

,\l ice R,1111,-clell J;thd Rolierbon Ilunll'l C.:ru,11:r

I· l) Ke1111c,

Fr.11\Cl>s Kmft J.1!,1 Krakcl


Li~cttc KorOrnge !rum \Jnctschke

Helen ::lkck ,\gnc, Pedigo l~clna Schricl11:r :'.\ ~her lock .\1111,1 ~wccue,

]unior at Qllass

CLASS ROLL \'irgil Cunn hun K,·lh:v Bernd Lc1,t l hlionl ::'l!tller Rue R1ch,~rcb B0\11 R11li11gEilmmul Stov I ' rhan Ilaml Robert II ,uss R1cbanl Henclri:.:

c;,,org, !lunlm1 \\'1lh.1111 Kruv Juhu, ,roscr 1I 110111 Ulmc1 \ 1r i. Jlulfor<l I· JI,, ( ,,1nln<r \ 10!,1 In1111 hhn l,<"lli, Rachd ::'lkB1icle Rose :\l ulloy

:'\far) '>h1rlc1· Irma ~Its llld Theodora Saui,1 :\Jartin \"t·n:iMe Ju1111c \\'IH'eler

.-\ml.a D1dc11bach Edith Enu.:r) J.1du Fawcdt ~el'1c Jacques Kuasel

.\l111tl:i \\ 11111.111

\ 1eto1me l..<?i,l I th•.I I h:Wl llyu l.ena P,1} n,· l,e11.1 l>trallon

Kathcnn, \\'111, l \Ima \\"orrill .\,<·n,• Collman

:\Iarcia Va, 1>


lunior mffilass

CLASS ROLL Mrnor \ll~n llennetl:1 ltc,l Jnuit, Hulhn.i;:ton

Horen cc Hurns \lht rt lramlall J~ll1el l>n\ ,,. I.,hth 1'1c-cl..111:111 ;\!!tr) }1u111) II Jena ,;~1rn,ou Cha,,

John l lnnln,, JJc,-_,ie Jc-nl.:111, RoLcrt Jcul.:ms J.,hth Joh mtg, n J{uth J•"eph l\!uht-1 J.:: 1hl \\.'alh un h.ahcr l lar I l.t.: l\1 rtlm :\Int tm lie•• :lhlhcan

John 'lofTat I >o) le Mon tgo111try Paul :'llorns \ i\inu ~untmach<r (.'utht nnc Xe\\hou,c 1 llhe I h\c11-; I.du l'cnmu~ton J• rd111l Rohllh<m l ltto Rol,111 -011 l\J irgard Ro,,e


\I.111;.ird Ro\\dl l.hnl1 S.·\et1ni.:haus {;ffirgc Stq1hc11s Ru\ 111011<1 f.lo\ Clarc nee "-tru.k I \ 1 ~tr.-cpc~ IS.'.11,db Trehcr

Cora \\ 1lh mi-. :'11:u~uuilc \\ 11li,1111 ... .!\13mmn Hanger

CLASS ROLL 1:mmN Bulhngtou )lllton Jlrae111lg.1m \'mco :l!oon: )ltmll \\'1lhnms )I irran 01H11 1:<1,,nnl Rulky StanIt) S< olt Robut \\'e1ssi11~1: r I· Ufil'llt \\"m,ldl GU) Wolfe \'an !',(oil )!cm1, lit: t )Inn Sein lier :\la!')!arct \\'cis<.111gcr Ruth Bro1111 l,i111an Goldmg Clarence n.1kcr

l'l 1rl \ustln :So, 1 l .111,lnll Ruth I ,tuer r 1,chcr J.uc1le llackell M1ldrecl IIlckd \h,·e Kmnz

l.'O\ert Dc,1ch :--'om11111 Rc.:kr :-;:ocI lhnl )11-rlin ('ore-or 111 John J>.1111d <. h1:,kr llierl..mis l ru,k II uul(c Ruth Boohe1 '.\labd P,rO\,u \"told(.' 1m 1lnn l'r),tJI Clapp Ill 111: 1;r.1) brook Hannah Hartin· Rnlh Johnson Cleo ,1t.-,1111ethcr \"trgmia ~m1tl1

Irma )lcClure / llnrm•t :--'cal

ll 11d I',1\11111 l 1111111 Sd1ll'Hhcr :\I 1n Moh~ulinrg :\hrgnt nlt h rguson lcla Sloon On 1lle llaunllou \hm Jhukd


:\l11ur1c1. Horn Joe KdlC\' Ralph Schnebc r l'rankhn Stork Ch ,rks Turner \\'11!.·) l t, llt-ntnu, 11l.ic-k15\011 J=ic ht.1dford \nna (um111111, :'II ,rth 1 1 c<.~ hdna <;cnung \Ima 11< --111)1: \111(,rt I Holst )131y Mcl>onough .Ruth Plummer

:'lfa lgc lh ggm~

~opbomore ~ <!!-lass

CLASS ROLL F ml.: Bt:clfor<l Hndfonl I r:111k U11 p


Hu llut ...,,~ t><: ne, Ir.1 "'tkox ,\cltll', Roh<:rl>'Oll R11li,h H111l,eck Frank ll)rn Hem,. Ikkcrt Jlcn11elt Ikazlitt I.dim 5t,1gk

Sp, me Ilegewnl<I

\\ altu J.:acg1 Jaml'> Kenne, Atlhur 1':lerm:r Robut J.c,1 Ra} montl I.opp

\,Id,~ Xe-Bl )Iichael J>ont11ch Jmnt, Rid) John Ru:I) Ro,e 11.tnar«.-<c

Acl,hson Rue \lf1c1l Young \<I 1 1\orkt:nlu,im Ent1I) llrc11cr 1:111111:e Brook~

'\Inmk C'ox no1cme b-.(:11.' ;',Jary H\1111,

I· ,ther Goetl Ann,1 Conlon Slcha 'lkllricle

Ruth H1fTc11 (,r tCt \Ialhets

Jc11111e :'llu~11tJ.1 l.t1h 'kCullom Rt.e, f:'>

Bt1 lh,1 Rou11rso11 l'c 1rl "-.11111110,ts (.'1 0151111th ;\lnrg:net Trinln

1I.11t I \\ 1lso11

,frrsbman a C!I:Iass

CLASS ROLL llor,ll'C RlllO I krhcrl Rich.t11!, John Rile\' Claud1· Ro,,1 r c "-lulcr John 5lmu1,k) I, 1rl 5ulli, 111 lln 1l1c: \\'olfc \I ir)!'atd Tru1s;k II

Clara Wnk Florcnn· \\\ 1,1:r }candle· K1 mp llclen Kume•ly I 111111.1 Kirn R1g111.1 l,1c R gt l,<K-'SCh lll:uio11 I,) 011 Patti Mel nlloch .!\ ornra :\lrH r l omhn M1lllr G3, le l'ullaul

Juh.1 I'<:) Zdl,1 Th111111a11 Ir 1m: Turner hcln:1 \\'right lnrn Scha1£ \\ !ta ,\pplq( Ill! l 1rl ll,1l'r -.1111ud ll,1xler lr\111 J:1ncc Kharl llrc,,er l' 1rl Bro,, 11 \\' 1ltcr ('C)(lp1 r \lbcrt Du1 q111cr \\ 111 1>111hin l'rnllc 1:rn1 Chas. F 1111 ctt I re,I Fix lhc,t rl,mm JUI JlltT, II I 1r 1\

Ruhert I h 1,lltt \1111.1 lla,ktl Loui,c 1:111l,lis l'lnra Rulle, \ i~._'11111 ~1uer I 1111.111 S( hmadt:l Cr.Kl' T1 1111 \ 'Ian \'e1111a ;,.; 1di11e \\ c1,,i11~er Ben Jacl..,on Frul h.,1h1 s 111rolcl Kdl, y \ 1c-tor Kelln F lnmml Kn hl1 Pad K11011h lht"-llf \ld'hnttr ThL'Ollore 'llc1ulrnrt Jc,hn M11lcr :',:ol,lc \hller \•hh) ~lrlhc 111

ll.l\id ::-.1 fuq I ,or.Ion 1'11·1son I krhert Thurn ;\l11~arcl ll;mdt Ruth llluh \cldaule HI 1da~ton .!lhlhcrnt lluuk Gcrtru,lc llp11 M ) Caison \lar) Cotter lll.111rh1• C10,hy .\1111,1 ) I \ Bonna llctnck \Imme 110,,11s JI m1et l•a,,cclt \far) I ell Ruth l uni. "\111) nn-eue l' une II 1111mcr 1'.l,1c 11<-dd

£rrsb1nan ~ <!rlass

CLASS ROLL 1 laroltl Bro" nc Ed"arJ Brubccl-. Ru '---ell D.:>dd, Don Id Gonlon Kenneth Gonlon J IC'Jbert Gray l)!OOI..

\\'ilham llou-..c \\ lie, Kiel I.dam! Kurfc.,,_, \\' 1llace Lead1 rmn'k :'.\larlowe John l'lulhps

Rn) moud Reul Geo ,re Rile)


, Ruh

\\'alter • ml,.. Turrcns suuth

Chutes ::,tone Herbert l:Pl Im •

Thoma, \\ .il,h 1nm \\ llrhon"<.' h II n~er l'auhnc Jhd..c.:, l'auhnt Huffm n l\fary J cl.~n l\hnmc John,;on \ 1, bn Jack"On J:ine Km.: Gamel J.c:-ach :'tlnn 'lleck Helen :M1llt:r :--o, a l\lo,tcr Bcn11cc l'mnirc

h,-tcllc R nkm ~I rg rel ~ lum It Helen "'mtth I,) d1 -.trout Jc11111c Thompson

I l,1e \\'1lha111, :\"elson Dn ol

Joe Ila, \\ 11lnr,I llau,\\ 1ld Che:-tcr Jolm,.ton

Iforr) 1.cH \\' nc-n .:\!crandn Hou,ton ;.\htchcll Rolx-rt Pro""' J,1ck Robert,., :'tlrrnrice Ro, nl ar1,:;c.:r E,h, nl RutL-r I r«l \\ ~:ithu Mntlc R<:nnctt

l., ngck't:u D d M 1111,• Lu.:hol Gncr Grae, II nl.) Phoebe Jad..sou

II 1AI Keane ::-.:cllie ;\IJlkr E,thcr ;\foorc.: \1111.,l~l 1'1ckkr I.u111,-e l'o\\.-11 llennctl4 RuhS\!nlK"rgcr 1:..thcr :--rott l'lorn Scott

hd1th :--tcphcns J.eoL1 \\" ..:ner 01.)nc \\'cncr I Jn \\ 1!-...,11 1'I 1l~c Wright Hazel Bml '.\!audc Br dcu

Rulh lhrn \luu I> 1111 ~kr 1:11 ;ilk: th •· lh )l 1~·k \\ n,._ht

T\\O hhw C)l'" blinked unsecingly nt the 1!1111 gra:, ,ky, and a ucy red tongue made 11cautiful curly cm-s ·rn<l J~r:tl'l fut initials 011 tht \\'llldO\\ pane ".\1othcr, mothcr, mother, I 111st kno\\ I iu-,t lrnrm r "on't get a date for Commencunrnt" gro:mecl P·1tt), gi\'ing one la-.t, spitctul dob to the smeary gl:i!">-. ;\[r,.,. Dou~la-, ga,.,pc:d, "Kathome Pat11cia Dou~l.1-.. the 1clea of )OU, a Htgh School graduate, licking the \\llldo\\" pane \\tth ,our tongue' You are n fine oue to be talking about a dnte, or pate, or \,hak,·c1 )OU ,all 1t. Get the \\a-..h-rng and clean that \\tnclow this minute' Patt) 1mchanically brought the TaK ancl ,lo\\l) began to name O\cT the bo:,s of her das.., a-. -,he ruhhtd. "Thc.:te., Jack, ..,hl' thought and ga,e the ~la-:, a quick, heart) rub,• an<l Tomm,· Atkins, uh'-· and !-he ban~cd the pane \\Ith all her might. "P.1tricia 1" calk·d hu mother,' I hc.hc,c )OU .:ire 111-..t ll\mg to gel on my ncn·es. No,, )Oil ,.,<·ltle do\\n, young lady. Patt) hear<! her mothcr ., word:.. llllf 1111ron~c1ouslr .md the, mingled half bitter, half ..,,,eel \\ilh her thought-., o:o !-.he 1hca111c1l on ".\ml \t.111 Bcautiford · At tlw, 11,1111c ..,he rubbed -.oftly gent!), t:\ en cnrc.-...,111gl), and l1emhng 0\ er, she -.o(tly touchcd her lip-. to the rnhlx:d -.pol. ll ,rn.., so 1O111n11t1c 111<I s11dde11lv Patty fell that -.he "a:. -;ad, ju... t so wry, \cry ...ail Ju'>t thtn n tiny sp:1.rkling- ra) of sunliglrl pecked throu~h the c-lo11d,., nnd r._isted ".trmly on Patty'-. ehtck. And IO\dy, -.l<m h il crept do,\ n unlit -.uddcnl) it '-quceze<l into IH·r heart Iler hl'art hnhble<l o,·cr \,ith hop~, mul -.he \\a-. glad. "\\'hat 1£ }Ott don't go to Commcnccmrnt ,,ith srnne little up-.tart of .1 hu}> I am sure )Our fatha mid I c:an gct a hnck for our only d wghtcr s Commencement," siid ~lrs. Douglas, rnmly trying to keep b:irk the prick a11<I loH ,he fell for Pattr. · 'I am sure I \\ould rat hu have you go with n nice, '-1:n~ihlc girl lrkt· )lnmk tong. · "\I:unic Long, ~Iamic Long, Is 11e,cr wrong, is 11c\·cr ,,rong," laughed Patty. Yet she gated half re,l·utfull) at 111.;r mother for pulling the thought of :\fomic Long into her bend. To he -.urc, \l.unic Long hacl no mother, and !-.he was the \'altdictor i lll but it ~cmcd n-, if her eye!'> wonld never lighten, her dull monotonous tone~ \\Ottld ne,·cr change, and-and -..lw did drl"-., with such an utter lnck of taste. P.1ltr \\orkcd hard tlrnt S:tturdny, nml by the time that the hl.,t hnir-doth chair was <lm,ted, hc1 hra\·L httk heart had come to her rescue. She had decided to try to brighten ~Inmic I,ong s Commcncc111e11l. Anti ,1-. ,.,he thru-.t thi: old dtbt cloth ,· behind the sto,·e, so she rcsolutdy thru'>l the thought of .\Ian out of her memory, for the time, al least. At <;Choo! ~Ion<lay, 110 one was more joyou!', than P.1tty She Llu~hed, ~he jeskd, ..,he tca!-.Cd the boy!, u11merc1fully. To cap the climax she rolled her eyes at the Ph) sics teachc1 aud was promptly sent from the room. As shL pa..,secl the Hi~tor) room on he1 \\ay <lownstnir-., she heard hcr name

· • L"' lookino l'att, called, .111<1 l 11111111).{, -. n\· Lho-.~ 1110-.l \\ 011 det f uI I iro,,· n L) ,., into hers h:id;:ed up ,tgaiu-..t the,, 111 to -,t.rncl the -..hock. She thou!,!ht she prcparul to, th is occa-..i,w h·tl .1) 1:-. ~,,oh! ~irl, ho,\ nhout go111~ to l••lllt11C11r~mc11t ,,ith me? -..tammei~d .\lnll. Iler hL.ltl ·t·t·led the cruc1.1l 1110111c11t \\" 1· .-.(. 11 t t l) •s I1u11 t 1lt 1l not Jllllll' 111(0 hcr mouth, 110, it Jll'-t -.tood -.till, o\'ercome \\1th pme jo,·. . Bttt the tll':\l minute ,he \\ ,1, l'.1l111h tcll111g A Inn t h.,t -.he had dcl'idl•cl to go \\_1 th · I,ong, )t ..., ,lte \\,), ...OIT), but SIC I Jl,ll J I )C'CH·] l'u. ·' l'•ot· ,l· SC'c o n 1I ' \I ' 111 stood hl'\\·tlcl)l:11111c 1 • • " h' <.'1ccl. then 11n1tlc1111g -.omdl1111g nhout -.onw penpIe t>erng " ...( tl'""• c 1111 IIC.'d •'l\\"a\' •. · l',tll) '-. fret ·draggc,I hut ,he went h1,t\'dy. nncl n-..kul ~Inmit· Lnng if ~he \\OU~d not ~o "ith hl r, nnd when ,he nlmosl fancinl that· ,aw n glt•am of plc:i-..urc 111 \I 1111ie"-.. c,c-., l'.1tl) hrightl'nl'<i up a i::reat ck.ti, :111cl Sll~,!'d tlt:11 l\[:uni<.' l 11 in~ her l OlllllllllCt:111C'1tl cln,s m·c,, :111<1 let \lrs l)o11gla, 11111ke them hoth alike. The ln-.t l\\ o ,wtk, p:i-.-.ul -.wiitly for P,ttl\. ~I.1111iL had d1•,·doped into n 11cw gi, I 1111dt•r her jolly k·a1lcr,,Jtip. ( lnt· t \·en111g- l'.tll r ru-.hcd up onto thl· pon h in n gn:at f111rr\' of CM'llClllClll. I'm1.:k.1' ' -.he cried, '',\t last I h,1n: zwr,,11.i1krl :\lamit· lo thlO\\ out hn arm-. ,11 1d cry, Cl1-.-.matl'", frilll(i-., 111c11 ntHI \\omen, for tnclh-,,.., ng-1,., h.1,1' t'Ollle to this encl. n1hgl·nc my f11u1,l-., i-. the mother of good luck' · 1'.1lt\" 1lioppecl \\t:tkh on l11t• po1ch aft1:r this \"iolent o,;p1:ech. "(>It' 111otltcr," sill~ said, "I nm ju-,t surl! :.\Inmic ,,ill rcdk her ,·.11<.'dicto1y fine• aft1•r lite t1nining I hmc gin•n her. It took us nltno-.t all nftcrnoon lo gc.t n i.:ral'dnl s\\ 111g- to her aims as slw sa11I that " The •criou-.. Jo,,k 011 :.\I:rn1k·', fact' ,,-.1, too much for l'.1tty, all(I :-.he \\'ent off into }I(. 1ls ,,f merry lnughtl r. • l'<>llll', gi,J..., try en) our drc-...,c-. and stop thi-. fooli-..ltne,5 for a whik,'' saicl .i\I rs. ])011gJ.1,., -.mding 111 :-.pile of lll', ...llf. (.'omnH.1H'une11l 111ghl had <'••IIK. ,111cl a hcwilden.•cl and rl<.'lighted .Mamie I,ongg:in<l at her rdltction in the miuor. i\•> othu dn-.s Ji 1d l'HI felt so beautiful and ta-.ty. l'all\ her-.clf, wa, ,,di, no:; -.It,· prt·-.scd hn fluffy )dlow !wad against :Mamie'!-> smooth hro\\11 one. P,1tty g~vcd .1pptm·i11i.:I) at the :u t i-.ticall) c1 u,lt<.'d ho\\' 011 :\Jamie'-, hnir. Tht c:lcai ,, lute , ihhon t1ul so hcautilully, SlL·mccl to -.oftcn and hrightcm:<l :\Ia1111t -. lace. a-. :-,he -..nuggkal a lmnd1 of cn·am ro,chucls ag,1i11-.t lwr check. Patty'!> own rihbo11:, \\CH full of he,\1tchi11g <:ttr\'l·s ancl ctu,ltc-.. The t·mls of her ~fl :-.atin :-.a..,h patkd her i.:u1th a-. ,ht' \\,llkul. ,\ncl thl•1c \\as IIC\"cr a star that :-hone with more 1,nlhnnc, than Path•.., l'\C:!:> • .As tlwy Jllmped out of the l1ack a11Cl tripped lightly up the: h,oad sto11c steps, the n\\ kw:ud couplc,, m front ancl bt•h111d, ..,t,11e<l ad111iri11glr. The program \\a-.. on. !'atty -.·1t upright Tl wno.; almo,;t time for :\lnmie's ,·nledictory. A, :\l:nnil''-. unme "n" l'allul, thl! audie111.:1· setlh-cl hack III thdr sc·ats. ~he \\rtS to ht• dull, they knn,·. Patty's \\holt' IJOd) qmn:rcd. She prTs..,l'd :'lfatuit:'s hand a, -..hc: pa, her 011 ht•, \\·ay to tlw fwnt of the stage Chn·red by the \\arm hand cln-.p nn<l the JOY of the c,·ening, :\Iamic pluugecl i11to h1:r p11:c1: \\"llh :-,pint Soon people hc~an to sit up and -.taJc:. The inlt•rest g1ew more mleno,;l' C\cl\ minnlt•, all(! whc.:n the dull .:\Inmie J,011g threw out her arm.., and declaimed tlw muc-h-ptacti<:nl pa..-.nge in a clear ,·oin•, the nudtcncl' ga-..pccl. Thl· prml 1pal, looking up in asto111..,h111cnt, caught sight of Pall) 's t•agcr, inl~n:-,c little fat'l' Then he undl·rstood ancl -.n11ll'rl. .Aud Pall, c::tug-ht the smile and \\rts warmed clo\,11 to lll·r nry !Ol:~. It seuned as if site had lll'\·c1 h1..·u1 happil'r, a .... :\Tamie canll" had: to hn ,l'nt, amid a ~torm of applau-.e. . It \~·as all o.,·e1. !'all) had not gom· \dth Alan, ) l't hc:r wholt• being wa-. thrilling,, 1th }inpp11a,-.. ~he_ h td made one: girl h~ppy, slw had ht.lpcd an a11d1cnt·c to cnjo) a valt:dtt·tory, th1• prlllc1pal had called her a g1rl of lrlll' blue. :-,he hncl pleased hl'I motht:r and ht:r own heart \\ n-. full of the joy of gi\"ing. Had shl' not a rig-ht to he happy: ' - :.\I \R\" :\l o1rn1sn:-..


Jack. lcan~l hack in hi-. St'3t in Room 10, and d~painngl,> bit the end off b·, pennl. Thrn l11s C)c~ -.tra)l'<l to lhe hlackhoard ngain. The la.<;t c1u~llon stared at him t:iumph :rnll) IL d,111,Nl 111:lht'lou,)y befo1e 1nm. Each klltr of the 'I\Ord, '\\ ho \Hole The As;:e of Rca'iOn ' • ch:ui!{ed mlo au u~ly face ,, Inch Jeered at him and s«med to sir. I ,c got )OU Your team can't ,,111 the pennant 110\\. I have to be conquered fir,t For Jack ,u-. optain and pitcher of the L:mc High ~hoot ba-.eb:111 trom, 'l\htd1 w:is to batlk agnim,t Danon High School for the ,tate champiorulup. Jack had nc,cr ,tulttL'(l much, but he had gotten throu~b ,·ery cred. tably. Rot thi:- Ja-.t 111011th he h:ul btl 11 ~ <hli~rnlly training hi, team for the comin:: fra, tlut he hacl scan:ely or~ncd a book He made .JO on the other Histor,> te-t, bnt Mr. Campbell Jud promised bun another tn:il nftcr school, and if be made 100 on tbi.-, he t.onld be all right. If not, he would Annk'-Jack ,ltuddered at the word and could not pl:n in the biK game on thl• follcm i11K day lk pu,hl-d hi" bro\\ n hair back from h1:, throbbing head and an adul fttling of gloom ,;c.ttlcd upon htm. Why didn't thl, e,·er a,k him an)lhm;; he knew? ~ow, tf the} had only a:,ked him who the Detroit uasemrn were or \\ho was the ::realest football player that I.'\ a lived, or an, sens,hk que:,tion of that nature, he could ba,e an,~-ere<l without a thought hut oh, to be barred from thi, game ..,,mpl} beou....e somebody he d1dn l know wrote :tn 'A~t of Rt':lson I It was di g11.,ti11g Tht, C'f'rt:nnh \\"i'.l.'- not ''age of reason." Ile leaned hi~ head on hi-, hand-, and ~roant"d a-. he looked :it hi,.. po,\~ r - ~ht nrm, aml thought that it mm,t be idle tomorrow He ,,ould ue,·er li,·e o,-er th .,-,~r re-. \\'ho could take ht:, place a-. pitcher? '.\laybc that ,uiter w:i., Sophocle; :,; Daniel \\'tbskr. Hut it couldn't ban~ lxco either of thf"S<'. He ~aH· 1t up in desp:m. Per hap:. it but the SC'hoolroom had faded aw :t). The ext·ited fam, from hoth :,,ehool, \\ere cheerini:!' "ildh·. jack never felt --o b:tdl} in all hi, lik lb\\ hrn the tte\\ man \\~ put in h1-. 11lace 35 pitcher. For jacl;: b d failed to makl' perfect in the Ht,tory le:,t. But be )!TitlL'd hi, !('(th nnd ~t lo work uith a grim determination to do hi, best to makl• up for hi, ov. 11 lo". He \\ ould cooch the ll'3tu to ,·1clory. The I>arton le-nm pla) erl a.-; 11 ne,·er b:i.d before id the I.:ine te:im, ex~pt lhal the} ft:ll kL'<'Dl) Jad,: s alN·ttce from the pttche , Ii ,.;:. But the ne-i~ m n did -..plend1d work. It was the eighth imun~. The ::-con• ,tl)od I to 1, "llh the l.aue t~m at thl' hat Jack', tc.1111 put forth all 1t-. ,t:\;n;:th :md 1t, l~t oottt:-, \\'1th a mi~ht:> dTort, made :1 home run \\luch brought e,·er) Lan~ roolt ~ , f~t The -.rore v. ... 2 to t Ncn:r wn, thc1c ,urh )dlmg. The Lane hool t c; 1re of ,;cton no" and Jack ""' wild "ith joy 'l'he I.ant rooter, had :iln:ad) l~1. 1 · l < ir march of tnumpb \\llh their gn-at n:d and "hite banuer \\adn:: their ,·1cton. But Darton', be~t baller al the bat for the muinb nun in the




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