Sugar Maple or Japanese Maple (full-size) Row of Dwarf Mountain Laurel (x5)
Shadbush (x5) with groundcover of Canada Windflower.
Oak Leaf Hydrangea, Viburnum
Mixed bed: Hostas, Wild Columbine, Bleeding Heart, False Indigo, Witch hazel
Hay-scented Fern Hostas
Solomon Seal Viburnum sp.
Black Cohosh, in the basin of the swale Hay-scented Fern Viburnum sp.
Mixed Creeping Junipers (clumped)
Lilies of the Valley Hostas
Swale to divert water away from the house
Holly Bush
Black Huckleberry patch
Shelf for potted plants along the edge of the deck.
Crabapple Tree
Viburnums (x2)
Mixed perennial flower beds: Carolina Rose, Baptisia, Coreopsis, Catmint, Peonies.
Daylilies Virginia Creeper along the chainlink fence
Azaleas (x2)
Cooking Herbs
Creeping Thyme, Seedum
Dwarf Reblooming Daylilies on either side of the front stairs
Andromedas (x2)
Creeping Juniper Dwarf Japanese Maple Winterberry Iris, bulbs and annuals at the entrance Astilbe Holly
February 4, 2017
Clematis, Annuals
Creeping Thyme, Seedum
Phlox Daylilies
Holly or Chokeberry Mixed Perennial bed: Black(evergreen) to block eyed Susans, Asters, Peothe views of the neigh- nies, Daisies bor’s basketball hoop in the winter.