Night club on

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The Mingles night bar

LEWi & ME The Only Mission. We'd had to many Laughs by far LEWi didn't like peoples approach like me so we struck out together

A new life Of books & Worship for One-another

Sharing interests seeing the same Solutions to peace and harmony Causes like caohs Cream cake factory routines that slow growth in ones Inner mind > jogi


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Little Play

BASS PLAYiNG Future Loves

Hope & Desires

Sight for sore eyes

Needing MAC puzzel Now and again we got To newcastle stores finding time to brows Lew pulled eez punch And it took a pair of Sunglasses to set Hugh off in tour season We were steamin in Luxury fur coats struck Clare & the 4, Of us in Black shockers Helped a modify the World with a tour here Off to mingles we'd go But next after mac's Coz of glasses I took The errond on LEWi Chose to be leader or Crys and wouldn't Play being that skinny misfit and needed his kept for a scene plus macs steamin might of Helped if ad blew it but blind like hitler of hill stole a show 2. and got back with mac knacker To see george your hero. The boodhwah is pasted up Clare might pull yeh linen.

Clare Dancing like Clare kept the same costume Then once a seen a with it on During a prison break threw Him havin heroin which left Me in tears for her to see showed it of with a photo Albums I waited for it to show But never seen it although I never said nowt its narked uz Till today so a show you a Photograph here


Ahv got yeh telephone Number hear Biggus In a yellow book Why don't we You know get it on like For old Romainia

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