RYA Brand Guidelines

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brand identity guidelines F O R i n t erna l u se on ly




RYA logo > positive


RYA logo > negative


RYA logo > mono


RYA approved fonts


RYA approved core logos


RYA approved core logos


RYA approved core logos


RYA approved department logos


RYA approved racing programme logos


RYA approved partnership logos


RYA logo and backgrounds


RYA logo and backgrounds


RYA logo - clear zones/minimum size


RYA approved logos - clear zones/minimum size


Sizing the logo


Sizing the logo


Positioning the logo

19 Notes 20

Contacts for usage


‘Brand Identity’ is the total proposal or promise that an organisation makes to consumers. The brand can be perceived as a product, a trademark, a personality, a set of values, and a position it occupies in consumer’s minds. Brand identity is all that an organisation wants the brand to be considered as. It is a feature linked with a specific company, product, service or individual. It is a way of externally expressing a brand to the world.

This guide has been produced

other third parties feel they

to explain our corporate identity

are dealing with just one

and to help you use the RYA

organisation, rather than a mix

logo properly. It should be used

of departments, programmes,

by you, and any suppliers you

divisions, etc. Great care

use, at all times.

should be given to every item we produce, from leaflets and

The RYA offers a wide range

brochures to clothing.

of services and activities and it is important that these

The more the RYA identity

are easily and immediately

is recognised, the more the

identified as being delivered

RYA’s work and services will be

by us. Consistency and style

identified. The RYA logo is a

of message are fundamental to

strong and recognisable logo,

establishing our image.

unique to us, and we should

It is also important that

use it correctly across all our

members, partners and


© Royal Yachting Association | 01

Positive logo

This is the RYA primary logo. It

applied. The ‘CMYK’ breakdown

should be used on all colour

is the most accurate way of

communications. The choice of

ensuring the closest match to

the positive or negative version

the Pantone colour. Millions

is at your discretion.

of colours can be printed from these four inks, which comprise

The Pantone colours (also

cyan, magenta, yellow and black

referred to as the ‘spot’ colour)

– known as the key colour in the

will give you most accurate

print industry – hence the 'k'.

reproduction and will appear

For best results always compare

as a consistent colour when

colours visually with official

specified, but is charged for

Pantone® swatches when

as an extra process.

checking proofs.

When using the four-colour process, for either digital or

Always use master artwork

litho printing, care should be

supplied by the RYA, which can

taken to match the colours

be found at https://intranet.

visually. Colours will vary in

rya.org.uk/staffresources/ in all

tone and density depending on

commonly used formats.

the substrate to which they are

Pantone® 2757

■ PMS2757 (spot colour) ■ CMYK breakdown: C 100 M 82 Y 0 K 30

■ PMS1935 (spot colour) ■ CMYK breakdown: C 0 M 100 Y 57 K 5 Pantone® 1935 02 | © Royal Yachting Association

This white or 'reversed' version

logo should be considered.

of the primary logo can be used

(See pages 12 and 13 for

with both colour or black and


Negative logo

white applications. Wherever possible, try to use There will be instances when

the primary logo in its positive

the positive version of the logo


does not work on a dark or complex background and this is when the reversed or white

■ Background is for visual purposes only. For full guidance on usage with backgrounds, please refer to pages 12 and 13. ■ White is not a printable colour – indicated right is the unprinted paper stock of the document. © Royal Yachting Association | 03

Mono logo

The positive version of the

that the job is printed either

logo can also be reproduced

‘mono’ or ‘black and white’.

in its entirity in black. This is

If a publication is to be digitally

particularly useful for producing

printed professionally in mono,

internal documents or if

it is advisable to contact the

photocopying is required.

printer and request the optimum CMYK breakdown possible for

Black is not a listed Pantone®

their particular system as it can

colour and does not appear in

differ between printers and the

any of their swatches. If talking

equipment they use.

to a printer it is sufficient to say

■ CMYK breakdown: C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 100 Black

04 | © Royal Yachting Association

Arial is our primary font and

for printed brochures/leaflets/

should be used in all instances

material where Arial doesn’t sit

for internal and external

artistically with the artwork. This

documents – it comes in the

must be signed off by a contact

various weights as show below.

listed on page 20 of this

A secondary font may be used


Primary font

Arial Regular

RYA approved fonts

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789!?&£ Arial Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789!?&£ Arial Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

123456789!?&£ Arial Bold Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


© Royal Yachting Association | 05

RYA approved core logos

If your logo is not on the approved list, do not make one up. These are the four principal logos, and should be used whenever possible.

Northern Ireland

06 | Š Royal Yachting Association


The RYA Training Centre logo is a

Any use off or enquiry relating

registered Trade Mark in the UK

to this logo must in all cases go

and in other selected marketing

through to Richard Falk, Training

territories. Details of Trade Mark

Manager, in the first instance.

registrations and Territories can

023 8060 4180

be obtained from the RYA Legal


Department. Use of the Logo

Details of the Licence and

is restricted to training centres

conditions of use can be

recognised by the RYA Training

located at: https://intranet.rya.

Department and in accordance


with this Licence and Conditions


of Use.


RYA approved core logos

Š Royal Yachting Association | 07

RYA approved core logos

CE 1681 logo

Racing Charter logo

The CE logo identifies the RYA

Through the Racing Charter the

as a Notified body. All enquiries

RYA seeks to promote fair and

relating to CE 1681 must be

enjoyable racing for all. Clubs will

directed to Bas Edmonds,

display a copy of the Charter in

Technical Manager.

their clubs. The RYA encourages

023 8060 4202

the adoption and implementation


of this Charter, and provides guidance and support to

RYA tick logo

individuals and organizations

The RYA tick logo was originally

to assist implementation. All

used as accreditation for stability

enquiries relating to RYA racing

testing but has in recent times

charter must be directed to

included structure testing. All

John Derbyshire, Racing Manager.

enquiries relating to the RYA tick

023 8060 4160

mark must be directed to the


Technical Manager.

08 | Š Royal Yachting Association

The positive version of the logo

These logos are available at

is also used in conjunction with


RYA departments and its various

staffresources/ in all commonly

schemes and projects, such as

used formats.

Active Marina and Onboard. This

RYA approved department logos

page illustrates how the brands should appear.

They have undergone a new branding exercise to bring them all in line and to ensure that they have a uniformed appearance.






Powerboat Racing



Volunteer Awards

Club of the Year


Active Marina

Š Royal Yachting Association | 09

RYA approved racing programme logos

10 | Š Royal Yachting Association

These logos apply to the racing department only and must not be used by any other department.

These logos are only relevant

These companies include Musto,

to the department working in

Gill, Henry Lloyd etc.

partnership with one of these companies and must not be

The use of these logos in

used by other departments.

printed/stitched form is not

RYA approved partnership logos

generally the norm so the Partner logos:

use of such logos must be

From time to time RYA

approved by the membership

departments work in partnership

development manager in all

with external companies.


Š Royal Yachting Association | 11

RYA logo & backgrounds

How the RYA logo is used

All usage is to be approved

when placed on a photographic

by the membership

background is imperitive


for maintaining its clarity and impact. It is also vital to the appearance and the communication of RYA brand values.

Wherever possible, show the logo in its positive, two colour version. However, when deciding whether to use the positive or negative

■ Preferred versions (Boxed for visual purposes only)

version, always consider whether or not the choice you make will impair the legibility of the logo or dilute its impact.

Here are some examples that don't work because of the close match of the logo to the background. It is in these cases that the opposite version of the logo might be more effective.

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✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗

RYA logo & backgrounds

Keylines/frames The logo must never appear with a frame around it, with a drop shadow or any other special effect applied to it or be stretched or distorted in any way.

✗ 1


Photographic designed backgrounds

1. On full colour backgrounds, show the logo in its preferred positive or the negative version, whichever is the more legible.


The background image

should be light enough to make the logo legible.

3. The logo must not be used

✗ ✗

over a busy colour background such that it becomes illegible.

4. The logo must not be placed over a similar colour background such that it becomes illegible.



© Royal Yachting Association | 13

RYA logoclear zones/ minimum size

Clear Zones

crowded by other typography

The RYA logo must not be

or images and appears to its

used in conjunction with other

best advantage. The clear zone

symbols or logos within the

around the logo is measured by

clear zone. The clear zone

the half the width of the letters

ensures that the logo is not

‘RYA’ as shown below.

0.5 x

0.5 x

0.5 x

0.5 x


For example: Whatever the 'x' measurement is, the clear zone required on all sides is always half of that value.

14 | © Royal Yachting Association

0.5 x

RYA approved logos-clear zones & minimum size

The positive version of the logo is also used in conjunction with RYA department and programme logos, such as Active Marina and Onboard. The same rules apply.

0.5 x

0.5 x

Active Marina 0.5 x


0.5 x

Š Royal Yachting Association | 15

Sizing the logo

Minimum size

Maximum size

To maintain quality of definition

The logo wil be used in a

and legibility, it is recommended

variety of different formats

that the logo is not printed

and sizes.

smaller than 25mm wide and 180 pixels wide on-screen

The examples opposite show

unless otherwise approved

maximum logo sizes based on

by RYA Publications.

the most common paper sizes.


A2 65mm A3 55mm A4 45mm A5 35mm A6 25mm 16 | Š Royal Yachting Association



45mm 55mm

A4 25mm




A3 Š Royal Yachting Association | 17

Positioning the logo

For maximum impact, the logo

Below is a positional guide

should be placed in the top

showing the minimum amount

left or right hand corners of the

of space which should be left

document and not at

between the logo and the edge

the bottom.

of the page. This is calculated by using the clear zones described on pages 14 and 15.

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Š Royal Yachting Association | 19

Contacts for usage For further information, approval of usage and to download logos, please contact: Leaflets / Brochures, etc Deb Cornick – 023 8060 4217 e deborah.cornick@rya.org.uk Website/Online Chris Whatley – 023 8060 4226 e chris.whatley@rya.org.uk Racing Sponsorship Events Co-ordinator – 023 8060 4108 This document and all RYA affiliated logos are available on https://intranet.rya.org.uk/staffresources/ in all formats. Username and password will be made available to authorised users contacting the RYA. Please provide a full description of the proposed usage (including layout and medium).

20 | © Royal Yachting Association

Design & Production by CARBON DESiGN Company // www.carbon.uk.com

Royal Yachting Association RYA House Ensign Way Hamble Southampton Hampshire . SO31 4YA t 023 8060 4100 f 023 8060 4299 RYA1/1012


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