Vol. XVIII No. 1
January - February 2000
ISSN 0115-9097
The Philippine economy in 2000:
Prospects and key issues by Josef T. Yap*
conomic recovery in the Philippines in 1999 was anemic. While gross domestic product (GDP) posted a moderate growth rate of 3.1 percent (see Table 1), the disaggregation of economic activity indicates weak fundamentals. Only the performance of the agricul-
ture sector was remarkable but given the better weather conditions, this was largely expected. The industry sector was virtually flat while services grew only at
Editor's Notes Chinese astrologers predict that the year 2000 will be a prosperous one as it is the year of the dragon, the most fortunate among the 12 animal signs in the Chinese zodiac. Thus, predictions were rife at the start of the Chinese New Year that “money and business in 2000 will be good”1 and financial activities will be very successful because the dargon leaves wealth and money in its wake. But the Chinese also note that there is a downside to these achievements: disaster will come in waves alongside with fortune. Such ironic equilibrium of bad and good is a reflection of the dragon’s character: “ambitious for power, righteous and willing to fight
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What's Inside 6
Is there a credit crunch in the Philippines?
Monetary tools: A choice between traditional and nontraditional
What is wrong with the 1997 GSIS Act?
Corporate news: 1999 PIDS sportsfest
Mission 1999 and beyond: Opening a direct channel with legislators and local executives
a modest rate. The manufacturing sector, however, after three consecutive years (1996-1998) of slower growth or decline, finally posted a higher growth rate compared to the previous year. The discouraging performance of the Philippine economy becomes even more pronounced when compared to the recent performance and prospects of other East Asian economies. Table 2 reports the estimates and forecasts of Consensus Economics, Inc. for the years 1999 and 2000 for China, Singapore and the five economies most severely affected by the recent financial crisis.1 Only Indonesia is estimated to have a lower GDP growth than the Philippines in 1999 but by 2000, both economies would have the same to page 2
*Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS). The usual disclaimer applies. 1 The estimates and forecasts are as of December 1999. The data, along with the Malaysia and Thailand manufacturing sector data (later cited), were obtained from the Asia Recovery Information Center (ARIC) website.