Health Project Seminar Series Continues

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V01,Xl No.3




The country's continuous grip on land reform as the ordy way to develop is not doing the country any good. How much attention, resources, time and energy have been spent on the land reform program? Have we ever met even the minimum target of land distribution? Of the tillers who were able to acquire land, how many of them experienced a better life?


.......Inside -.,

LookingBeyondtheLandIssue T

hese questions should be directed to those who continue to regard land reform as the panacea to all our economic problems. Understandably, becausethetigersof East Asia-Japan, Korea and Taiwan-had genuine land reform program as one of the most impor tent prerequisites to development, we also assume the same pattern for our country. But given the present political set-up in the country, genuinelandreformwouldbeverydifficultifnot impossible. So, is there any other way to develop? This has been one of the issues discussed in the Symposium on Structures and Reforms for Rural Development in the Philippines held on 17 March 1993 at the Asian Institute of Tourism (AIT)Hotel. SponsoredbythelnstituteofDeveloping Economies fiDE-Japan), in cooperation with the University of the Philippines' School of Economics (UPSE) and PIDS, the Symposium tackled the final reports of the members of the study group on the IDE project in the Philippines."

*For the past two years, three projects have been commissioned by the IDE with UPSE and PIDS. These are on: (1) privatization and deregulation; (2) decentralization; and (c) rural industrializa tion, the subject of this symposium, photo credit: Philippine Development (NEDA) ILl





This symposium was divided into three sessions. Session I focused on the present rural development as well as agricultural credit policy with Dr. Arsenio Balisacan (UPSE) and Dr. Gilberto Llanto (PIDS) as speakers. Session Ii discussed about migration issues and agrarian reforrn withDr.CynthiaRoseBautista(UPDepartment of Sociology) and Mr. Katsumi Nozawa (IDE). The third and last session centeredonenvironmentalissuesasweUas the role of non-government organizations (NGOs) in rural development with Dr. Marian S. Delos Angeles (PIDS) and Dr. Alex Brillantes, Jr. (UP College of Public AdministraUon). Moderators for the three sessions were Dr. AnicetoOrbeta,Jr.(PIDS),Dr.JosephLim(UPSE) and Dr. Epictetus Patalinghug (UP College of Business Administration). _ To page 2

4 HealthProjectSeminar Series Continues 6 PIDSto Start its Economic DatabaseSystem _UNCTADIntroduces MICAS _ EO8: BoonorBaneto theCorn-Livestock Industry?

While most of us continue to regard land reform as the panacea to all our economic ills, experts

have awakened

to the reality that the coun try has to veer away from this politically-impossible


Rural Industrialization: Looking Beyond the Land Issue this. Recent Trade Liberalization looks Are tariffs and quantitative restrictions really expounds necessary?on RP's into tl_e im pact of EO 470 and other quantitative restrictions, Meanwhile, four stud ies under the PIDSDOH Health Care Financing Project are included in this issue. Good news for researchers! PIDS is about to begin with its economic database system. In addition, a new commodity analysis and information system is being introduced by UNCTAD to the Philippines. PIDS, together with the National Security Council (NSC) and National Security Training Center (NS'I'C), spearheaded a seminar and workshop to familiarize the users With the MICAS, the project's name. Finally, this is,sue features the controversy behind EO 8 and the corn-livestock industry. Our guestwriter, Dr. Crlstina C. David, said that the "proposed higher tariffs and longer adiustment period against the short- and long-term more. II III IIII I

interests of the corn and livestock sector itself." Read on for I






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