Vol. Xll _o.3
Regional CrossBorder Cooperation II
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n innovative
ISSN 0115-9097
to regional development
planning is
called regional cross-border cooperation, adopts outward-lookbehlg pioneered in this of theconcerns globe. The approach, big, transnational solutions to part domestic like depressed ripheryrelationshipproblems. It wasbrought to forewhen China, regions, inequitable distribution of growth, and urban core-pethrough economic relations with neighboring countries, attained when Sh_gapore h_itiated cooperative ties with Johore, a southern state of Malaysia, and the islands of Riau h_ Indonesia to form the high econon_ic growfl_ ra tes. I ts underlyb_g con cep ts crystallized Shlgapore-Johore-Riau (SIJORI) Growth Trimlgle. Since then,Asian countries have increasingly tried to replicate regional cross-border cooperation, also known as the growth area or growth triangle approach. Regional cross-border cooperation hasspread throughout Asia. Economic cooperation between Hong Kong, Taipei and Southern China has intensified h_ what is known as the Soutl_ern China Growth Triangle. Eco1_omic cooperation h_ the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Jilhl in China and Siberia i.n Russia is known as the Tureen Delta growth area. There is the Yellow Sea Economic Zone (the coast of Bohai in China, and western and north-eastern Kyushu and Yamaguichi in Japan), and the North ASEAN Growth Triangle (northern Malaysia, northern Sumatra in Indonesia, and southern Thailand). In the mainstream ofgrowth area developments, the Philippi.nes isnow activelyinvolvedh_ thepromotion of the BruneiDaruss_mn•h_donesia-Malaysia-Philippin es East ASEANGrowth Area (BIMPEAGA). 2
Building supportive _uctures and maximizing financial, Institutional, dataandhumanamtherecurring themes ofthis DRN issue, resources, "Noqo_Cyisanisland" istie message re_c.d irlour, sped.teatime 'Regior_al Cross-Border Cooperation: ANew,_i_eneion in Regional Planning." Written byDeputy Director-General Aniceto M,Sobrepeha ofthe National E_nornic,and Development Authority (NEDA), thearticleshows howcounthes inAsiaexplore ways andrne_l!ofresolving domestic development problems viamutually agreed-upon andbeneficial schemes of crossing_6d linking boundaries. Ingeneral, Soloreper_a writes abouttherationale, framework andstrategies of thenewE6ncept and.inparticular, presents thePhilippines' involvement Inbuilding supportive structures forsaid corcept_'v_ugh theBIMP-EAGA.
Give¢l government's limited resources, whatprojects should thePolicy, Training andTechnical Assistance Facility (PTTAF) support, through funding, inordertostrengthen thecapabilities ofvarious government agencies Inman_llng thedevelopment process? $otheparttdpants Ina recent prioritizat_on workshop mulled...see page 11. 'Raising Funds forBasic Human Needs" echoes theneedforgovernment tosetpriorities andmaximize its rescurces tobeabletoserve thebasic human needs ofit_population muchbetter. Ina related vein,thearticle on'Government Information Oflicers aSPartners inDevelopment" points outtheneedtomaximize therolethat thiskey_lFnentofgovernment human resource should playintheprocess ofdevelopment, 'Meadwl_lle, IOoldng athowa shiftinthe!reports valuation system would affect public revenues istackled on ,< roo_ a closer andaninternational level,a network nowprovides easya_.sess todataresources _d throughout other countries aswell,,Linking upresources, countries andinstitutions, .... Networks Within Reach."
PHI L NET: L o cal an d Internofionol Networks Within
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