No. 2
March-April 1995
ne of the least discussed aspects of overseas employment is the human resource development (HRD) aspect.
This article focuses on the skills dimension of labor migration in relation to the growing demand by Japan, East Asia and Southeast Asia for skilled overseas contract workers (OCWs). It touches on the following issues: p p
Skills gain and drain from overseas employment; Growing demand for skilled OCWs in East and Southeast Asia; Evolving traineeship programs in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other newlyindustrialized countries (NICs); Major HRD problems and issues in the maritime industry; Issues involved in the utilization of skills of returning OCWs; and
The government has every reason to heap accolade to the overseas contract workers (OCWs) and honor them as the “new heroes” of this country. With their immense contribution (US$18 billion remittances since 1975) to the country’s steady growth toward economic recovery, they do deserve to be honored by a grateful citizenry. Yet, their phenomenal growth and staggering number (seven million since 1975), raise a corresponding government responsibility. For one, their welfare poses a major challenge to the government: Are there enough safeguards for their protection? What do they really need? What are the real issues in labor migration? These are some of the points raised in this issue. In a study done by the Center for Research and Special Studies for TESDA, (p. 1), the authors argue for the
ISSN 0115-9097
policy directions in relation to overseas employment.
I 5
The Tasks and Realities of Science and Technology Development
Philippines's Initiative and HRD Program in APEC
Labor Migration Issues: Government Seeks Means to Protect Workers
What previous studies say A survey on the socioeconomic consequences of contract labor migration, conducted by the Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies (ILMS)
n s i d e
The HRD Challenges of Overseas Employment* in 1982-83, dealt with the issue of skills acquisition. The study showed that (1) the overseas labor market is highly selective, favoring migrant workers with higher education and work experience, (2) the selective character of the recruitment process for overseas employment is reflected, to a certain extent (majority of the worker-
need to emphasize the HRD aspect in the government's overseas employment program. This argument neatly coincides with the growing international consensus that HRD is a critical component of economic development. This is why the Philippines intends to pursue it as a major agenda item in next year’s APEC Leaders Summit which will be hosted by the Philippine government in Subic. Other Philippine initiatives in APEC are outlined in the article on p. 8. S&T, a major pillar in the country’s quest to become a member of the newlyindustrializing economies, is the focus of the paper on p. 5. Among others, it discusses STAND Philippines 2000 which was designed to enable us to employ superior technology to gain competitive advantage for the country.
E d i t o r ' N s o t e s
respondents declared a match between their skills and jobs), in the matching of skills and jobs, (3) majority of the worker-respondents said they did not acquire new skills overseas although among the seamen respondents, more than half claimed that they acquired new skills while on overseas work, and (4) majority also claimed that their former employers in the local industry did not have difficulty looking for replacements. While the ILMS study took a look at various skills categories, they did not, however, cover the matter of scarce skills outflow. The study of the *
Condensed from the paper prepared by the Center
for Research and Special Studies led by Dr. Rene Ofreneo for the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), formerly National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC).
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