Philippine Institute for Development Studies Surian sa mga Pag-aaral Pangkaunlaran ng Pilipinas March 2004
Economic Issue of the Day
Volume IV Number 1
Budget deficit
t is a common, albeit rebuked, knowledge that the Philippine government has, for quite sometime, been spending more than what it has been earning. This deficit can be viewed in two ways: one, a case where the government is not earning enough, and two, one where it is spending too much. Whichever way it is regarded, it points to the same outcome—the deficit has to be financed. Deficit per se, however, is not bad. The problem starts when the deficit continues or is sustained at an increasing pace.
Overview of the Philippine deficit In 2002, the budget deficit of the Philippine government reached P211 billion from a low of P16 billion ten years ago. Various factors accounted for the surge such as increasing salaries and wages of government employees, building-up of infrastructure and modernization programs, continuing interest payments and wavering revenue effort. The more than ten-fold increase in the deficit emits fear that the economy would not be able to prosper since the deficit is too large. But how does one assess the size of the deficit and decide that it is detrimental to the economy? An appropriate way to assess the fiscal health of the government is to get the ratio of the deficit to output (proxied by gross national product, GNP).1 When viewed as such, the picture does not look as depressing but still alarming. The deficit/GNP picture (Figure 1) shows that the government was able to keep the deficit within a managed range of 2-3 percent of GNP with a few episodes of going over board such as in 1986 when it registered at 5.31 percent. A major government activity is tax collection. Over 80 percent of government revenue come from collecting taxes. Revenues from tax collection reached P490 million in 2001 and P500 million in 2002. As impressive as these figures might convey, though, tax collection effort 2 has been decreasing since 1995 suggesting that revenue collection should be strengthened and improved. Increasing tax effort, however, does not necessarily mean increasing tax rates as revenue efforts could be improved through administrative and monitoring efforts. Government spending increases total expenditure of the economy and stimulates output growth through its multiplier effect. This means that for every P1 increase in _____________________ 1 2
The GNP approximates the paying capacity of the country. Tax effort is calculated as tax revenue over gross national product.
Budget deficit Budget deficit is defined simply as the difference between what the government spends and what it collects in taxes in a given period. If one is interested in the government's spending and taxing behavior, this is academically referred to as the fiscal policy (also known as budget policy). Budget deficits have to be financed either through local or foreign borrowing. Either way, government borrowing has its consequences, foremost of which is the increase in interest rates. This in turn acts as disincentives for private firms to borrow and invest in profitable ventures, thereby slowing down the economy's growth.