The Revised Philippine System of National Accounts

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Number34, VolumeXIX, No. 1, FirstSemester1992 Journal of Philippine Development



V. Domingo _

INTRODUCTION The historyof the PhilippineSystem of National Accounts (PSNA), whichhasbeen continuouslycompiledformorethan37 yearsnow, began at the initiativeof theCentralBank ofthe Philippinessometimein themid50s, In 1956,thethenNationalAccountsStaffoftheStatisticalCoordination Officeof the NationalEconomicand DevelopmentAuthority(NEDA) took overthe compilation.Since 1987, its successor,the Economicand Social StatisticsOffice of the National StatisticalCoordinationBoard (NSCB), haspursuedthework.Asa coherentframeworkfor recordingandpresenting economictransactionsin the country,the PSNA has providedplanners and decisionmakerswithvital informationfor nationaldevelopment.As a statisticalframework, it has helped the PhilippineStatistical System formulateprogramsto improveeconomicstatistics. A need for its revision has long been expressed in interagency workshopson nationalaccountsin 1971, 1976, and 1982. In a workshop held on December 12, 1985, the proposalfor a comprehensiveapproach to the PSNA revisionwas presented.The programof revisionconsidered recommendationsof the previous PSNA workshops and 1968 United Nations System of National Accounts(UNSNA). Moreover, the program includedchangingthe base year in responseto a resolutionby the then StatisticalAdvisory Board, the forerunnerof the NSCB, prescribingthe shiftfrom 1972 to 1985 of the NationalAccountsand otherdata series. The NationalAccountshasundergoneseveralchangesovertheyears in linewithan increasingdemandof usersfor new information.However, economicevents duringthe early 1980s effected complexitiesin various transactionsin the economy.This-- alongwith statisticalimprovements in thecountry -- has promptedthe NationalAccountsStaffto undertake an overallprogramof revision.

Theauthor,ChiefStatisticalCoordination SpecialistoftheNationalStatisticalCoordination Board,acknowledgesthe technicalassistanceof Ms. LoidaCruzand Ms.CatherineCruz.

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