An Empirical Analysis on the Tradeoff between Schooling and Child Labor in the Philippines

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Philippine Journal of Development Number 58, Second Semester 2004, Volume XXXI, No. 2

An Empirical Analysis on the Trade-off between Schooling and Child Labor in the Philippines* FERNANDO T. ALDABA, LEONARDO A. LANZONA AND



n 1996, an award-winning documentary about child labor in the Philippines was shown on national television. The documentary, entitled Minsan lang sila bata, featured movingly how a semblance of childhood could be lost because of child labor.1 It aimed to present the sad plight of child laborers, grim realities of child labor, and to stir up the sensibilities of the viewing public, who, perhaps, were largely unmindful of this distressing reality. Economic theory emphasizes the important role of human capital, among others, in furthering and sustaining economic growth or economic development. It is not without basis to say that Philippine economic development will be anchored, in part, on the quality of the economy’s current and future human infrastructures. The operational word is quality, which presupposes and necessitates an educated, well-trained or highly skilled human resource. The absence of this quality will definitely have a detrimental impact on future productivity. In light of these positions, therefore, this question then begs to be asked: Does the prevalence of child work or child labor encumber on the country’s economic growth and development? This paper looks into the reality that is child labor and tries to understand its existence in light of education realities and schooling issues in the Philippines. It attempts to answer the aforesaid question through the investigation on the * The authors are faculty members of the Economics Department, Ateneo de Manila University. ** Copyright © 2005 International Labour Organization. This study is originally titled “A national policy study on child labour and development in the Philippines” and is a collaboration between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Phillipine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS). 1 Literal translation of Minsan lang sila bata – “children only once” (you can be a child only once in your lifetime.)

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