Mangosteen Juice & Bladder Cancer

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Mangosteen Juice Testimonials This is a compilation of personal testimonials* regarding bladder cancer which are freely submitted by numerous individuals sharing both their personal challenges and experiences drinking the mangosteen juice from the whole fruit found only in XanGo™

*Testimonials are anecdotal evidence and are for educational purposes only. Personal experiences are not meant for treating or diagnosing illnesses and it is assumed that only XanGo™ distributors are accessing this page to learn more about the product they are already consuming. This compilation is for educational purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an endorsement for any commercial product and/or company. It merely shares personal stories from numerous contributing parties. Any relevant information about the Mangosteen Fruit and Xanthone research herein can also be found in the public domain. Mangosteen Juice is not a medicine, miracle cure, or drug; it is a food in the form of a fruit juice and no claim in this report is meant to guarantee or imply that anyone will receive benefits from its consumption. Regarding XanGo™ we simply say: "Try it - we think you'll like the results." We do advise that not all mangosteen products are alike. Please be smart, do your homework and, if you have a health challenge, discuss it with a trained medical practitioner prior to implementing any remedy.

2/5/2008 -- Jim For approximately 40 years, I have had bladder cancer. I have gone in on a quarterly basis to be checked, and within a year there was always a recurrence needing removal through cystoscopy. In February 2004 I had the cancer removed. In March 2004, I underwent chemotherapy, which severely burned my bladder and urethra and I was in constant pain. I had met Dr Sam Walters who had initially recommended I try Mangosteen juice 6 - 8 oz. / day, Within one week, the burning had stopped and I began to have relief. Then in Sept with the severe inflammation he recommended I increase the juice to 1 bottle / day, with a large amount of distilled water to flush out the toxins. My immune system came back into the normal and the CRP decreased from 87 to 5 in 2 months ! I went in for my check-up May 10, 2005 and the Dr. said that my bladder was “as clear as a bell”. You can imagine my relief, the first time I have heard that in 40 years! (I am still taking at least ½ bottle a day). ________________________________________________________________________ 11/25/2006 -- Sharon from Iowa In 2004 I had a heart attack and had a stent in my RCA. In October of 2005 I had my gallbladder removed and as a results of the pictures taken during that surgery it was discovered I have liver problems. After being put on 14 different medications for heart, liver, depression, anxiety attacks acid reflux and nausea I was a basket case. I contemplated suicide but for the grace of God and the wonderful support of my husband and my family I never accomplished the task. Then my friend Dianne called and said I have something you need to look into. Needless to say it was the mangosteen juice. I take 1 ounce three times a day and I am elated to say I now take one and a half pills a day and I am no longer in need to leave this world. This juice is a miracle to me and I will never be without it. Ryan Ang * XanGo™ Independent Distributor * website:

7/21/2006 -- Mary Jo from Missouri Been ill for 25 months, had three back surgeries and open heart surgery. Heart surgery lead to complications with gall bladder, liver and thyroid all stopped functioning at the same time. Was in hospital for two months, because vein harvest incision became infected, nearly lost leg. Wish I had mangosteen juice 25 months ago! Started drinking mangosteen juice mid-June 2006, now feel wonderful. Arthritic hands and legs are much better with increased flexibility. Now no longer have spine pain since drinking mangosteen juice! ________________________________________________________________________ 5/24/2006 -- Marilyn from Colorado This is what I have noticed after 4 months on Mangosteen Juice. Some things I noticed with the first bottle, others came during the past 4 months. 6 years ago at age 59 I had back fusion surgery of my lumbar 1-5 & have lived with constant pain. Now I have less pain & was able to cut out 1 of my 3 narcotic pain pills. I have more strength, more energy, a feeling of well-being, my mind is clearer, no more allergies, no more Asthma symptoms, I can lift my arms over my head for the first time in 3 years because of both torn Rotator Cuffs, the strength is back in my hands & they are not bent anymore from arthritis, no more flare-ups from Diverticulitis, no more gall-bladder attacks, my hair has quit falling out & is getting thicker, I am walking straighter, not bent over anymore, & walking faster. _______________________________________________________________________ 8/16/2005 -- Jo-Anne from British Columbia I've been in 3 car accidents, have had multiple surgeries, including 2 on my lower spine and 1 on my left ankle . At the age of 33, I was knocked down with a heart attack which resulted in an angioplasty to open my 90% blocked artery and 2 stents were inserted. Since then I have had another angioplasty performed, gall bladder removed and various ongoing problems. I was tired most of the time, and could not even do the everyday small jobs around the house without experiencing major pain. On top of everything else, my stomach was toast due to all the meds I was on! The pain was so severe through an attack that all I could do was walk the floor crying and praying for it to subside. At times I would awaken from a dead sleep gasping for air and sputtering with the taste of acid in my nose, throat and mouth. I was sure there would come a day that I'd aspirate the acid into my lungs and die. I began drinking mangosteen juice April 29/05. Since that time, this is what has become of what I call “my walking drugstore”... * M-Eslon-CUT DOWN to 15mg/day (soon to be totally weaned!); MS-IR-previous prescription lasted 3mos. Nexium-STOPPED; Lipitor-STOPPED (LDL's dwn-HDL's up; w/total cholesterol down); Metoprolol-CUT DOWN to 25mg/day; Topomax-STOPPED; Ogen-CUT DOWN to .625mg/day; coated Aspirin-STOPPED; Cyclobenzaprine-STOPPED; Nitrostat- NO ANGINA! It's absolutely AMAZING to me that I can even function without them, let alone be doing more, and feeling better than I have in years! I'm even loosing weight and my skin seems to be reversing back to a more youthful “glow”. I realize this may sound ridiculous, but it's just one of the many wonderful side effects I've recently noticed myself. You've given me back my love and zest for life and saved it in the process!

Ryan Ang * XanGo™ Independent Distributor * website:

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