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Ryan Broughman

About me is a clutter of things. Currently within reach and in order of proximity: most of my physical body, this laptop, Lewis Yablonsky's Robopaths, the bed sheets, a half drunk glass of water (left there by someone else)... a stack consisting of: Bukoski's Women, Bear's Blood Music, Salinger's Raise High the Roofbeam Carpenters, a postage receipt, a yellow envelope from Portland, a cut-out of a Barnum & Bailey poster from a USPS stamp magazine... next to the stack: a pocket sized OSU sketchbook a double cassette tape case with "Odds & Ends - Volume 2" in it ("sides 1-4 of 2,00,069 and/or 2,00,070") and a not so up-to-date smart phone. That's what's most immediately about me as I sit here in "my" room nude listening to the fan drown out the sound of "the fat one" eating sunflower seeds in the living room.
